Till`, `ice o 5( ' Reddibt who for many years his been in the employ of Atkirison.& Switzer, of Riohmnd Hill, has recently come to Barrie to war . . ' - Mr:I:iorace Kerfoot, of Mineeing, ie_ spend- ing a few days in town. He has Just nish- ed the examinations at the School of Bede-' gogy, Hamilton. ' Mr. Arthur Sanders, wife and child are in town for aitew days previous to their de- arture for the Northwest with C01, Ward, rs. Sander s father, _Mr. F. W. Williamson leaves to-day for Wisconsin, having we regret to say to resign on account of ill -health from his position on the Gazette, which he has held for the past `ten years. ' n , I I , I A`,_ ,.!-_.'I__ There were a large number of the friends of Mrs. A. "G. Waters at the station on Mon- day when she left Barrie, where she has re- sided for many years, to go to. Toronto, where herehomewill be in future. The many friends of Mr. Frank King. who has been express messenger on the line be- tween Beeton and Collingwood, will be pleased to learn of his romouion to a similar position on the Bellevi le-Toronto line. antennae. chug`-av -v -u-- :v-._.______. We `have pleasure in inserting the lac- Aknowledgment of the hospital of the follow- ing donoatins :--Ladiesi of Trinity church, one atretoher ; Ladies Auxilier , Methodist church, Uto is. $5. . For bui ding fund- Mre. John lummer. 3100; Mr. Joyner. $25 ; Mr. Allan Watt, Shanty Bay $3,; Mr. William V. Brown, Shanty Bey, $10. A YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN Shingles, lath,%,Agricuitural me land Plaster, lime - and cement IUIIIIDIB VVIII avv --_ ..-_,, , OFFER. P SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY ' PRICE 10 CENTS V The first iuueof Muiic is" being sent` oui; with this number. ' GOOD C0K AND A NURSE %WANTEl`). Apply to MRS, W. `A.-BOYS. Baveld street, Barrie an-24. Apieoe of up-to-date. Sheet Muai`o'evety. month and THE ADVANCE, inst-think of it. for one dollar a year, worth at -'the least cal- culation .$2.25. New and paid up aub- ncribers will get the benet of this GREAT I\ HIRED Ufflvsu I2`! Iiuupuu V..- __ 3 Rooms 0: offices. in RossLBlock. No. 97.7 Dialop Street. ` ire proof vault ;_ lately occupxed bv Dr. Wells. Abotwo rooms wxth vault,,lately `occu "ed Tbv Hood. Jack: 8: Fraae Bu-ristacn; imm ' to possession.` `Apply toC.__ . ROSS. ~` _ Barrie. lanuarv 1. max. _ ' I ' V` _ ,3-tf._,_ EZRMERSI }NORTHEFITN ADVANCE 1 DWELLING To RENT, centrally situated. south west comer of Mulcaster nd McD6nald Ste. House, a atorev. 9'rooma and halls, garden nntcfl lawn. Apply on the premises. T 45- ------------------------. . . I % B8o_.ti.ng. canios-;%$9* `Rica;-_ V=1:%s:; tof-{W 4%- Turist Hotel """'k7 % HA,sV'M,= Mvwvm. PNT I 2 .'fT`s`i.`?n'T.`. AND THE. 3OK8el8_l0n. flliyly iv V: g-- Bnme, Ianuayv x, V can be fully met at lowest prices if you I call on - 22-ly | OF-"I.-|c';5"|jo RENT OR Wl"*.E`ASE n-_-.nI....I. MA as. nnnninl DONATIONS TO THE HOSPITAL. Johnston &8arieani. 'soo1AL9AND PERSONAL. $1.00 om: Yam FOR. V53-Y1. GrH96AN- 1? -`TM USIB TI-IE1 x_N'r1;R`ns'rs qr BARRIE. nu: COUNTY or vsmcon AND THE DOMINION or CANADA ova cnmnuou. $2 BARBIE. COUNTYVOF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, JUNE " 6, 1961. THE COUNCIL HAVEWTEE ESTIMATES in .-THE DECUSBION AT LAST NIG.B'l_.".S MEETING. , _ The regular meetingof the town Council was held last night. The Queen s Park Fence, was again as subject of discussion, the Agricultural Pork question caused. some debate. and on the estimates being presented Ald. Powell and Tyrer found a bone of con- tention. ` From Geor e Vansittart, secretary of the Barrie High ` choollrickeb Club asking the monopoly of the Park crease. and if possible aeupply of water. ` whnnn (mun Janna and nrlrunta IIAI-,:::\|1:I\ln ""i"5: 3;'J.'5:ea_and others. petitioning for the extension of the water mains north- wards up Bayeld street to the top of the hill and east and west along North John street. - From Wm. Kidd V.$. and others petition- ; ing for a new sidewalk on the south side of * Elizabeth street. extending from Toronto ; 8Ii!"`et to John street. . ! _l_____ _-_.-...___,--_A____.__ __-__ .__,_._,,I CIIIUUII IV UUIIII GUIVUIII The above commuuicationelwere referred to their re: ective committee: with the ex- ception of t e first one. '.rn'n FENCE MAKES MORE TROUBLE. .Ald. Vair preeenteda report of the Parks Committee, recommending that the tender of John .Mainprize be `accepted for the Queen's Park fence; that he be allowed to take the fence upon payment of $5.00, and that Wm. Webb be charged with , the bal- ance of $11, the difference between John Mainprize e tender $5.00 and Wm. Webb a, which was $16. - A. `.53.. 4... t`-nun` I-L3- Ll... l'|l....I. ........ Vvuluu wan gnu. } On motion to adopt this the Clerk was I asked bv the Mayor it he had notied Mr. 1 Webb that he should take the` fence away. Mr. Donnell said that he had done so on the 22nd all`... and on June list, but had receiv- ed no reply to either letter. . ` ALI mutton 0-I-ununkt-, O-luau Ennis: inf. flan` Ull I-IU IUPIJ UV VIII!-IUI IVUUVIQ Ald. Tyzfer thought they should let the fence go at the $5 tender, but was of the opinion that it was a. foolish 7thing to let themselves into a law suit. ' Il1L_ I l _ _ . _ _ -23 -L-L L- L-.I' L--- A...II.2.... UIIUIIIBUIVCB IIIUV C luv! Dunn The Mayoreaid that he had` been talking to Mr. Webb that afternoon, and the latter had said that `he tendered for the whole fence but that it wasn't all there. The Mayor. thereupon told him to communicate the information to the Council,-which he had not done. m..- -n-__|__ l'1-......:e.4.-- _I_- __-;-L.4.-.I _ ..- The Parks Committee also presented a. re- port which caused some discussion. The gain to the town was not quite clear to all the alderman and for a few minutes there was a confusion of gures. Ald. Brennan called tor a division, but was the only op- ponent to the passage of the report, which read as follows :.- ` - tsTY-____ l'\__,_ ___S;L__ ..-__._____ ___>j _____;_2____ LI__ \ IUGLI K LUIIUWU L? "Your Committee recommend renting the two empty stalls in the market. one to Geo. Coles end one to John Bingham for the sum of $1.12; per week each, and that a sum not exceeding $50 be expended in putting new oors in the stalls and taking down the par- titions, the expense of said work to be taken out of the rent of the said two stalls." THE money For. SIDEWALKS. Aid. Powell presented a report of the Pub- lic Works Committee, recommending that a cement walk he laid on "Owen street be- tween Collier and" McDonald streets 630 feet - -6 feet wide. at an estimated cost of $378. A1E."n&1;;'a{ini{}Iv;"o$ E1}; would be suicient, and was willing to have six _feet width only" between Collier and Worsley street. The `report was amended by the Chairman sons to embody this and was carried. ` `ns_1___-1.__ -1..- -_..._ 2.. 1-.. .1:_-____:___ _|___. ` Sidewalks also came in for discussion when Ald. Powell moved, seconded by Ald. Bren- nan, that the estimates of the Fire and Po- lice extraordinarv expenditures be reduc- ed by $l000, and the sum `placed to the credit of the Board of Works for permanent sidewalks. _2_ L..'.__..L4. LL- 2..- `I__I.I _I_'__-__2-_. AIJ HIILU '7 I33. ' This brought the re-hall champion. Ald. Tyrer, to his feet. I'm surprised." said he, at Ald. Powel1-we' better give him all the money of the town. It would be a pretty thing if we let him pass such a mo- tion over the heads of the committees. Ald. McLean` explained that nothing would he proceeded with without coming before Council again. Talking. about side- walks.` the Mayor said he would liked` to have seen the money for the Agricultural Paul`: going .into the construction of side- wu s. e __ AI.` `I3 _ . _ _ -__'_____L-J L- I-_;-._ _I._ Then Ald. Brennan wanted to know why the Mayor was opposed to the bargain with the Joint Stock Company, and the Mayor was rather pained to think anyone should impute that he was `blocking the transao tion. 9 - - AIJ 'f'P-2_. _._-__-J __-__J_.`I I... AI.` `II- IlIUIln Ald Vair moved. seconded by Ald. Mc- Lean, that the town proceed to purchase the land necessary for the half-mile track. The proposer said there was no use wasting valuable time. He was sure all the money would be paid in,. and they should not delay the work._ Mr. McLean spoke also in sup- port of this. Ald. Tyrer and Jory were rather opposed-to it. and the Mayor deemed it unwise to go back on the former report ` He did not want to retard the work, but was . not sure that it would be_ legal to spend the money then. 'In.eons1deration of this Mr. Vair withdrew the motion. BACK-DOWN on BY-`LAW. Mr. Thos. Somers.` who was ned $5.00 and costs `for carting without a license was going to appeal the case on the ground the by-law was defective. Ald. McLean did not wish to venture costs of an appeal to the High Court and moved the following resolu- ticgiieaeconded by Ald. I'owell,whieh was oa :- . : ` - a run... A... 15-12.--`t1_....4 ---- __.2_-L `IA - uurnuu z-- ' - That the Police Court case `against Mr. Thee. Somere having been settled, it being a. doubtful case, the inspector be instructed to remit the {inc and costs. omen MOTIONS. Moved by Ald. MoLeen.- seconded by Ald. Powell that the Electric Light Department be authorized trim six trees on Collier street, "east of Owen etreet.-Oarried. n-.1 x1-r.-a_ ..___.--.: ..---...1...a I... .4 A1,! 1`... EDIE DI. UWUII IEIIUUU.-UII'l.'suuo Ald.`Vair moved, seconded by Ald. Jorv that the caretaker of the Queen's Park-be instructed to exclude horses and cattle from entering the Parkand that notices of"warn- ing be posted. Carried after some debates All .'V.~i- .'mm.`.a_~ Iannndad " hv Aid- U0 PUIIIIUU. \JlIl'l.'Iuu uuml. nvuac uuuuwu. K Ala. Visit moved, seconded by Ald. Powell that the High School Cricket; Club be given the acne of the crease on the Qneen e Park. Mr, Veir explained that the water there was not town water out had been hrought from Kidd : Greek. Adieeuesion followed `uh toewhether-3` `monopoly ehould. `wzezizenghutomtioeNmtoarried.: ;e t T1231 8'II*%"183 , `J r {spell wan wm THE RATE 3:? COMMUNICATIONS. Public School Board` asks $10,108.72. and the Separate School Board $1215, which is approximately 7 and 9 mills respectively. ` TBA Onn` nnl-3-unnbnrl uanA:nn anon} `lIl\I'!\` DPIIIVDJWIIGUVIJ I ll U IIIIIIB IDDIIUVIJIVVIYQ The total estimated receipts, apart from taxation, are $14,526 05, -and the total esti- mated expenditure $45,390.03. This would" leave a netamotint of $28,728.98, apart from school accounts to be raised by `taxation. '.[`his`included, Ald. `Jory explained, last vear s decit, ' and if we left a decit this %6&l` of $1142, the rate could be 25 mills. be general items of the estimates are as 1 follows : Special grants . . . . . . . 960 00 iannllnnnnna tnvnnl-.n Inn nn Parka". . . .3 LIIUWICQU `III Lcl-IIPUI I Y JJUGU u n Debentures. . . . Principal on Debentures . . . Electione....... . . . . Sela.ries...... .. Board of Health . . . . . . . . . . Law Costs. .~; . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sewers. new and ushing. . Streets and Sidewalks . . . . . County Rate about . . . . . . . . Decit from former years . . From the above the (Jommittee the 1 following deduction; : Fire Department. Extraordina.rv$ 885 00 Turn nnnn Inn n PGlL|lIUuVi JHAUIBULLIIUWIY Q1 UUIJ VV Costa.........;.............. 100,0 1).. 2.. 4.2.. .. 1. Bl BB*`.l. nluuus L DVIIIUIJ (II JJBUUL acc_ount.... . . . . . . . 150 00 Sewers, Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 00 DVV\IUUI-B u o o u c I n o c c I I 0-0-O J O U O0 i-IJ arks--Painting Pvilion & Lgbor nnnnnivl-, , GREAT [PRAISE OF OUR HIGH. ` SCHOOL BUYS. Major Galloway, who is acting Staff Adjutant at Toronto for this districtreviewed the High School Cadet Corps andwas most favorably impressed and had something special to say of Lieut. Finlay. There were two companies. 52 in No. 1 and 28 in No. 2. The boys certainly presented a ne appear- ance, their squad drill was excellent. their marching as neat as many a regiment s, and their rie work was also good. The Captain of the company Capt. Shaughnessy waxxrst put in. command , of company No 1. and Lieut. Finley and 2nd Lieut. McCuaig were l also given an examination. The only ones present besides the teaching faculty the pupils of the school were, Col. Ward and a representative of the ADVANCE, and Major Galloway said I am sorry all Barrie isn t out to see them ; they are doing very well. This was while the marching was being done by company No. 1. There has been great improvement since I was hear last he said. Try on =vuO-Aiuvdnstir ban uIrsAn:inIa'b\n:` tn` fban an`-n Ill. FLU ITEU IIC In an interview the writerhad at the sta- tion, Major Galloway repeated what he had told them at the Collegiate, namely, that he had been agreeably disappointed. He had been here last fall,vwhen he could not say much in their favor. Of course he expected some improvement but he had no idea it would be as good as it was So far, it was the best _he had examined. and that too in spite ofthe company being larger than any others. The corps will therefore receive the grant of $50 from the Ontario Govern- ment. The young men acting in the capacity of officers were the best he had yet seen and he mentioned Mr. Finley especially, who `he said gave details clearly for ring. which showed he had capacity V as well as interest. ` No. 2 company he thonght=worthy of praise also. The ries were rather cumg bersome, but their marching and squad drill. was good. VKILIIWLIU UIIJUV L '7? `I933 511: ` Q I An`9At: -1. L. 51.. .......I....LI.. --_._....a.:-.. -3: iv an guvu Asked as to the probable connection of the High School Cadet Corps with the dis- trict regiments, Msior Galloway expressed his opinion that they should attach them. They should be subject to the command of the district regimental oicer with the ex- ception for camp service. What he thought was a. matter of time only wasthe installa- tion ot Morris tubes and targets for rie practice. This recommendation was now before the Government and he thought if it were put into operation, it would double the interest among the Cadets. An Orillia Prisoner Gets away from J ailor Sissons. ... . .. About two weeks agoa man named James Bates was arrested by the Orillia police for stealing a watch and bicycle. He was con- victed and sentenced to Barrie jail for six months. Of course to send him to Barrie was _ light punishment, and he expressed a desire that they would not transfer him to Central Prison. __.. L-_-_.-_ ___L I,,,,,, I IV `I L I IDUI-|D J im, however, got home-sick and on Thursday morning when Jailor Sissons took him into the garden, he made his escape. Mr. Sissons has a nice garden in connection with the jail, and _he thought his prisoner would be a good man at it, so he gave him a rake and set him to work at some onions. Mr. Sissons for a moment turned his back.` and during` this short interval, Bates was over the tence and arond in front of the Court House. He was followed as far as Shanty Bay, which was `the last heard of him that day, and the police of the district Inning nnb:`:1a:` I-A La 4-. AL` `Anal. -.-L C-.. L=uan lulu I-unu um], null. DIIU [IUIIUU Ul D116 u1uu:u;n were notied. to be on the look out for him. "It is with much regret that we record the death of Mrs. Mary Ann Wilson. wife of Capt. C E. Wilson of Primrose Bank Ventnor which occurred at her residence on Tuesday. The deceased had been a sufferer for four years, and her death will be greatly deplored in the town, more especially among the poorer clssses, towards whom she had always shown a warm and generous synipsthy. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. Chas; Rose. of 0a.lontte`,- and was; a cousin `offthe lo,._te_ Lord Strathnain, K..G.B.v. formerly?" :..con;o-* sndetiielchiali o `M9h;:lW%n!hx 1 ~1isv,'folt`f~f9?-Q-pt {whit-wheres ' ` ' ventisnt The following obituary taken from the Advertiser, Isle of Wight, England relates to in sister .of Mrs. A. G. Waters of this town :- . * ` H1; 2- '_z;L .._.__L __,___,., L1,. __,- __-_.__1 MRS. WA'1`ER S sxstmn DEAD. BADET8 REVIEWED. ESCAPED FROM JAIL. . . .3 . . . 100 00 . '609 00 AA!` AA $4`53`9 $2135 00 The Woodbine Meet is over 611 the league season` in lacrosse is now started. I am in- deed glad to sea that sports in Barrie is on the up grade. and I am sure there is material enough here to make Barrie noted for ath- letic sports To-morrow the first league game of the season is played in lacrosse be- tween Barrie and Orillia. We all hope this rst ame will be won by the home team. That arrie is a good town for sports isn t the opinion of merely some Barrie people, can be seen from what the sporting editor of the Telegram says. Read what he says :- 9 .I ,1 Barrie is one of the sportiest towns in the northern country. It has a baseball. la- crosse and football team; and there is to be formedin that town this coming summer a yacht club. On the 24th Barrie was to have a big day of sports, in fact as large a day as Toronto, but as the weather man gave them the worst kind of weather be possibly could supply, most at the games had to be cancelled except the lacrosse match. The Duiferins of` this city arrived there by the morning train and tried their warriors out against the Barrie boys, but after the ball had been in play for about thirty minutes` the rain came down in torrents, so that the game. was called. the score standing 5-0 in "favor of Barrie. ,.- _'_`___.1 -1 'l--_____- '_`I-__ L V I-II. UL JJOI I IV. ` `,`Barrie has a ne ciowd of lacrosse play- ers, and with such oicers as D. W. LeRoy as president and Wm. Vair as secretary, in will give the other teams a hot race for the junior C.L ,A. championship. 55o. _ THE TURF. Lorne Thompson stands fourth in the list of Jockeys, having won. ve rats, three seconds and seven thirds. Kaslo gov second place in the seven fur- longs race on the opening day, Tuesday, at Hamilton, being beaten bv Barley Sugar by a. nose. Time, 1.38% . * I- The races at the Woodbine are over now and the fact that in spite ot continual rain it was a nancial success, speaks well for the high regard with which racing is held in Ontario and for. the management of the Ontario Jockey Club. From these famous contests, Mr. IV. Dyment of this town comes out with two rsts,'two seconds and two thirds, total "value $1 405. Mr. Simon s only prize is a first, valued at $350. The header of the list is Mr. J. E. Seagz-am who won eight rsts, three seconds and five thirds, total value $5 705. John Ruskin was the biggest individual winner of the meeting netting his owner $3,100. I. L J. Bellcourt won the Dominion Handicap on Saturday. The Globe sa`ys Opuntia was the best, and describes the race thus :-After the 50 to 1 shot Daddy had led the way for almost a mile Opuntia and Barley `Sugar drew up The former had a shade of ad- vantage as they turned into the stretch and made it more as they ran the last quarter. He had Barley Sugar sale, and little Jerry O Connor was busy looking over his right shoulder at her unavailing attempts to get up. All the while Lorne Thompson was riding hard with Bellcourt in the rear of both. She was only sixth when she reached the head of the stretch, but she is a resolute nisher and made up ground rapidly as the others tired. Slipping upon the rail while Opuncia s rider was watching Barley Sugar, the Dyment mare collared the leader betore 0 Connor knew she was there, and when he set to work again it_ was too late, for Bell- courtbeathim home by about a neck. The distance was 1} miles time. 2 171. This is the time given by the Mail, which is likely correct as the World and Globe must be I astray with 2.03 and 2 02 respectively. . Duncan Reid unfortunately received 3 cut `in the face the other night as practise; we | hope he'll soon be in" the game again. I -E Collingwood was defeated by Clarkaburg on Friday by a score of ve goals to three. The game was an exhibition one and was played at Thornbury. I- Barrie. expects every Lacrosse player to- morrow will do his duty. And the lacrosse club expects that Barrie to-marrow will do its duty by going to Otillia with the boys. \ Gib Webb and Lorne Clark were out to Cookstown on Tuesday to see the; lacrosse match `with Alliston, which the home team won by a score of 5 to 2.. The Cookstown boys aay"Barrie should have a snap to-mor- row. as some of UrilIia s best juniors have gone to Copper Cli`. & 8 The rst excursion of the season ought to be well patronized. This game at Orillia will be the first league match of the season and it is to be hoped Barrie will carry off the_ honors. The club deserves credit tor its enterprise and should receive the support of the citizens. Show your sympathy by buy- in tickets for to morrow s excursion. As has been announced. the steamer Enterprise will leave Bayeld street dock at 9.30 a.m. 1 The Boating Club will in all probability take ' possession to-day of the boat houses Jlecided upon, and as soon as electric light can be installed` another general meeting will {he called; Notice will be posted in the `oetoice Monday or Tuesday next. Watch or it. ' `- - ' tl II `I 350. l 'J.`he Allandale baseball team ionrneyed to ' Thornton on baturday afternoon, June 1, and succeeded in takmg into camo the team of that town by a score of 15 to 8. Allan- dale was represented as follows : Greeneld, o; Perie, p- and c` f; Levia, p and c f: Soules, 1 b ; Bailey. 2 b; L. Heard (Capt ) 3 b; Varty and Lawr. s s; Scott, 1 f; Howarth, r f. Every member of the team played brilliant ball. McLean. of Thornton, nmpired to the satisfaction of both teams. The boys speak highly of the treatment ten dered them by the Thornton team. The returmgame will be played in the near| future. a . ` I I Spring races for fours will be held on the Obtuwe` River course June 15. Lists are now posted.` and entries are being made ._1'fnp`idly."j_It is expected that at least six` _etewu;w_il}:-cumpete. The entries. hill clone` "J .8. _dra_tt jot -crews` will T take plage. SPORTS BE THE WEEK. LACROSSE. , BASEBALL. BOATING. The wetweather did not prevent a fairly large number of people coming to market last Saturday, and Dunlop street was busy [until sunset. The prices in dairy produce were about the same as they had been for . the past. few weeks. eggs selling at 10 cents per dozen, and butter still at 13 cents to 16 cents. The demand was good. 'l`ha nl-inn n6 1...... +....1.... :. ..:n 1.:,.i. eat me uvuvun Luv uuuunuu W65 SUULI. The price of hogs today is still high, $6.65 being the quotation for live selections. Beef is $8.00 per cwt. by the carcass, and good prices prevail in all meats. Grains were stationary, but hsv, which is beginning to get scarce, brought $10 per ton. 1n the usual position onpage 8 will be found tabu- lated prices ruling at Barrie and Toronto `markets. `THE HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK `IN ` TOWN AND VICIN ITY. | -La.cr6sse match at Orillia to-morrow. --Excursion on Star. Enterprise. Going? -The total assessment of Penetang stand! about $65,000 higher than last: year `-'Il_.A -;-l-_. f... _..._..__:l_._. -I_-..--.A 750, ~ v- -._v -v--wv_- -w -.v ..-- ww -an-u- -av -"--Read in the sporting column whit the lacrosse boys are going to do to-marrow. rs I1 . I,II .--Wa.nted-A smart intelligent boy to learn the `printing business. Apply at this | oice. Patronize your home Laundry, our work deserves in. Call in when passing. we will be pleased to have you examine any of our work. Barrie Steam Laundry. pscgnn c `A ""'-" "'.(" "" "I"o " "` " """" -Fa1-meta Institute meetings werenheld this week at Gookstown. Oril1ia' and Craig- burst, --Cli`erd Uarley; s dog is dleavci. It be- came too vicious for life in Barrie, and Wm. Stephens laid a complaint in the police court. Defendant settled and the dog was killed. " 7Plt71`aVAr 1>Z17)ie;:`;;1;;}a;-;lVn;:;:heapeIt oi the season at B0'l`IIWELL S. - cheapest place in town to buy hard and 301! Wood is A. W. Wilkin- son9s. Delivered promptlv In any xlltantlty to any part of the town and landnle. Leave orders at mill otllco or phone. 23. n.c I\ , a A n c. I v - .>.--r.--av -The results of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, have been issued. and we notice the name of Mr. A. W. Partridge, Crown Hill, at the head of the general list in the second year. .14-\ I I\ -I _ nu .. __,,L,_ _ __-__.J_..- -Only One Lost, is a pretty song we re sending with this issue Only to new and paid-up subscribers. We cannot a.'ord to send_ to those in arrears, as we give it free. See ad. on this page. ' --Next week we will be able to state what date a garden party in aid of the hospital will be held. It will be at the residence of Mr. Sam Louut, and it is understood` there will be a sale of work. " I 8ll'.-I`6- I --Three generations of the Smiths were represented in the parade on Sunday,-- Major Smith, with the Veterans, Capt. Chas. Smith of the 35th Regiment and the latter e son in the Public School Cadets. )- lliulovl 9 DUI! Ill Univ 1. uvlnv KJVAIVUA \lII\II4tIII Seeds-Mangel.. (`an-ot. Turnli, eld and garden come at BOTHWBL *8 I ,___Q I ' I'VE il WV ! `JV 5'`? UV! HOV C-CO IV C-IX-I vi -Crown Attorney Cotter was telephoned on Monday to go to Penetang, where he found a. woman arrested for larceny ; the case was unimportant and compromised by the person arrested promising to leave town. For Choice Family Flour and all lunds ot Feed go to Wilklnsoms. All orders delivered promptly in any uantlty. Please leave your orders at t e Ml]! Olce or Telephone No. 23. I --Hor:. Col. Gibson, Hon F. R. Latchford and Geo. P. Graham, VM.P.P, , accompanied by Mr. Paton, New Lowell, Mr. Davidson, Penetang, Mr. Marshall, Thornburv, and Countv Councillor John Bell were in town yesterday, previous to their going to Elm- vale, where Reform addresses were made. [into -I-r p scan! 1 -Chief Hanarahan, of Midland, was in town on Saturdav and was conspicious by his height of stature and size of` bat. He broughoto jail here a. man named John Murphy, hailing from Duluth, who had taken from M. Moses store in Midland 2 suits of cloths, 2 vests, 4 pairs boots and $3.22 cash. He will have six months to re- pent, to be spent in Central Prison. EVERYTHING IN IRISH STYLE. The Citizens Band to night isn't going to do evervthing in Irish style, but that s just one of the late peices of music that you will nd on the program below. It was to be regretted that last week the rain prevented a band concert at the ` post office square, and if the weather is as promising on Thursday as it is today (Tuesday), when this program is handed to us, there will surely be a large crowd out. The gore has been nicely sodded and electric lights placed there, so with these improvements everything ought toga Jalong nicer than they did at Reilly s. This is the complete program. Cake Walk. . . Impecunious Davis. . . . . . . A Kerry Mills. QnLnOl~3anlv. 011.11- Mn nah:-1 JLUI I J LULIIIHI Schettisohe....Hello, Mv Baby. ...... .. Overture . . . . ..-Primrose.... E. Brepsano Waltz. Love s Proposal...T. M. Tobani. Selection from The Chimes of Normandy. R. Plauquette. Po1ka....Everything at Reilly s must be done in Irish Stylef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valse . . . . . . . . Ble`ue.. . . . . . . . . A. Margie. March . . . . . A Frangesaf . . . .Mario Costa. Lancers. . .Hnnter s J oy.. .1`. M. Tobani. March. . . . . . . Veneoia. . . . . . . .G. Fabiani. 1\,j u'____ A..- I7:___ `J. Y. Egan, Rupture Specialist, of To- ronto, intends to make his next trip to Barrie. Barrie House, Saturday, Sunday (all day and evening!) two days only June 15th and 16th. Remember, this gentlemen has I been visiting our section of country for the past quarter of a century. He is to-day re- cognized use the leading and most suc- cessful authority in this special eld of practice. It you suffer from -Hernia (true rugkture). or Varicoule (false rupture), you cannot do better than consult this epeciellst when the opportunity presents itself. See e.dvertisementend note dates carefully. x In "the results of the Medical Faculty examinations we notice the following names : George Brown memorial scholarship. G. W. Smith; second year nus; J. V. Brown, F. A. v. Ross and W_. E. Ggllie. In the pale` lieu of fourth year arts in the name` of h ugnaniuehtnwend lhthexnagieegi `B; Simone `and W, Ault requiret mp-_ $1.90 PER ANNUM T IN WADVANCI SINGLE COPIES FIVB CENTS. RUPTURE SPECIALIST COMING. ` "UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS. -BAHHlI_MaARKET.% AROUND BARBIE. V UI.lGUI- .(;`uod Siwe the Ema St. onto, `ION; ah" BY TIEIIVDER. V V I I \ offers it s l d` ' to develog igcn`-g:0;'tunity for te am? Dow ah"0 ` ` ' hr at` `Md ugh. United `:3 .4-use Of time and . lone . ._ y, UUH l1E\l9-,-` "T. s right along fr ' `" _ eermg in June. or_'I`:1l?%l:,ti`:1,ta`:g::l:' stud. F311 when many are _)L|8t entering. ~we,hv .3 `he We do thorough wbrk every momagg 3?. - , O cations ygar and we constantly sending out young pgopje mm good positions. GEN RAL BUSINESS UULLEGE, . -.__.... and nmvrard Sta. Toronto continu wimmd I urate. loo,` 3 ua-;u5Iu.\.: -.y N... -_...- ------ - ------.-_ SToREY--In Allandale. on J urge" 3rd, a ton to - M.-_;md Mrs. Wm. Storey. T _S.-A Ed . on May 3oth.'19ox 9. son to ED%`;\'1:,)d Mrs`. W%a':'rEdwa|-do. . - L1)_At D `Ila. 0nt.. on Sunday. l\1A(]3lIl)n(g1: mo Mrs.?:\`VaI't C. Macdonald. nee Miss Cotter, ofa son. - . nvvnn 1.. nnnr:A an Tuna 1H1, FHA mun `n" 3ii"sIJMMEn+ SCHOOL mmitv for teachers and other: Muss Loucr. U: a. ....... 1. LAGHER--I . ` C Hf`; Gzillaehcru cgf l:aC i`:tlle8"1$t:I'.!un 4th an M f IPD-A G , ' ~ B `otinr. tc. ?'1`.1"3??d`:8t`,?s1:i.?.y Mb . `" "" -"`. A Black Cow strayed onto ghe premises of Mrs; George Quantz. 12 Con. of Inn!-l, on $undav. Mav ,5;h, Owner car} have s_ame by provmg property and paving for tlus advertisement. _ 23-J5-p. 3?g'1'.f A Ffame house containing 6 rooms. f acre.` vof ,m`,,,d_s;a1lc. hen house. _well vyater. a1t\_:atedonV lizabeth street. For further particulars apply to V n nIvDDT.h(`.l1', ` 5._1 d t d s Addressed to the Sccretgry will `Se recetiieed b:'nt}?e: Trustees of Schoo_l _Sectlon No. 8 migl, up' to J UNE zznd. for repamtmg and Kaise- . mining school room. Specications from nu A DY we \YnD'l`l-IGP` AVRR ` Ul;DUHl~, IIII- India: v: \a_vuv- tor the leasing of the Grand Opera House, Barrie. : o_r a term of '0 years. 7 'l\A\VIEI f\I'YY\TI"A\'|' The County Council of Simcoe~o*'er for sale by tender the properties known as the estate of_the late Countv Treasurer S. . Sanford: V Lot `No. 87--West- igh street, 1/5 acre. Lot No. 2: - South part. East Sanford street I/5 -'lC!'l`. ' ' Lot No. .2--South part East Sanford street :9/zoo 3LII'L`. . , Lot No. 3o-EaSt Bradford street acre. ,Lot No 50- East Alfred street } acre. _ fenders will be received by theundersngned up to ` 'l`uesuny, June 18th, atnoon; A- DANIEL QUINLAN Chairman Committee re 8anford,__ ` .Boxva61. Bame. 3: 23-24 `M`6 Farm 13;`cpeI-*1`-Y _ Under and b\' virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain mortgage and which will be pl'0_dUCd It 1b`g'__tir1\c vf sale, there will be (offered for 3318 by puoac auction by Mr. W. D. McConke .`Auqt1oneer, at the Simcoe Hotel,` m the Town 0 _BaI`f_l0u 011 I'LL, 1 .q no. -u -I -1! `I'--..- s;m;:;;`u1aa"2aaa `f1`."y7"B}"_51ie, I` .1?-D-~ 1991, -- .' _v-._ 2:; the hour of: O'clock. p.m. the following prbperty 1z:- . _ UJ.'lLI1.4.uu..... _ _ _' Yonge and Gerrard ' ~ ~ \\\ SUB. I`: 0 to. H SHAW` .PRlNc!l=1u,, v--' ' scu can u. lop mcrea. w dc f and money. Wsife us about it. Al I D R EG U North half of Lot number three_ in th ninth Concession of the Township of lnnislo "1 the C`"`ty 10f Simcoc, containing one hundred acres m0|'_ 0| ass. 7 - Tums or S.-u.E --Ten per cent. of purchase monpx 9 U"? 4415' of sale and the balance in thirty davs WI} Wrcst at 6 per cent. There will be a reserved bids` For furthnr Nu-n1c and an rnnulnrl. s-mnlv t0 mlercst at 6 be reserved Drug further terms and particAula.rs. apply t0 LENNOX, ARDAGH. COWAN 8: BRo%{N. Vendor : Solxcyom, 23-25 Barns. Ont- nnui .. D__,,-, .1,-, ..n, 1--- -1`? . . _ . . . -- :. -uqL7u1r:%---:y- Wxll be received by the undersi ned for the purch as_cV'_ of the following parce seof Land: PARCEL No. x.- I`he South East Quarter of N.'ber Twenty-one in the Ninth Concession of Inc `"551. containing Fifty acres. more or loan. ` ' ` NPARCEL No. 2.-The South West Quaneiof-Lpe.' n.g`b9|: Twenty-two in the Nincheconcessidn of In- l Fifty acres. more or less. - - pnnu.-..._!_, 1- A . nu - . , ,, |__ ._-n. 4.I.3.' 2'3,-23-P3 -~--- .-my acres. less. Possession of Parcels One and Twoca 5 3" 6' fallior loughing, etc., and absolute P." given " 18! _arcl1. 1902. V PARCEL N . . . Number Twcntov-f3our in the Eighth COIICGIIIOII of II}`_` l0` can be gaven at once. -The North East gmmr of Lot fty _acres. more or less. Polle|,II9_,f h0n_Parcel_ One` ghere i'a. C;l!mf0V`bl 'F." ."".9? ifid stable. . Parcel Number '. DaI'('F` " ' FKi=TVI? --- vs. snrcll it! 0HCC- `on Parcel One there omfortable F'""? Dwelling and good F tame Ban: 3535`? ft' `ad 305} ` yawcls are convenient to Uralgviue aunun and '0 Post Ofce and School. gzmately. and to deliver their tender: on of lllrda ` The h? .[une 29th. 190:. Tnderers will be required to tender 011 each mep..':c_::::::2yp%:.:`::: ah: ' l_`."Vd at hm nnm. 5.. 1.....- 4- ;... .. ...o- vnfolun din?-' Slmi. Insurance A805 B`"i or to " -. _.. .-....~- -- """" ""'."'w"l'l"br9J' Phe Plii-chaser of Pa.rcel9 Nos 1 :e`:!dt.`of 91 9" . . lowed his option to le8V P 1- cent. intBI`9g:? base money on morts'38' b3""` 5 .2 ` : balance to be cash. . 1 to. '1'-l. ?` For further terms and P3ml' app `V ' ` CHISW-9%? 'J ' W McCARTHY. BOYS__& M".3. ' 2 ,m_ A % Tenders will l.)e.rec.:iVed by Vthe undersigned u tillnoon of - ' v - a o - auvu urn TUESDAY, THE 18TH OF JUNE 4&1-.- ..L' LL.-. f`.-nu-I O-..-. "nu:-n Ran-3. 1oo AcR: r FL:5 North-west half of Lot 1, 900- 30v `F ; yr. 1, - `. '_ be M9 * ,*::.f`;%%=~.*..;.*':.4,ir:.... 4 ? VOL ` , Y WIIIIUI D $9 2 V25 Barr: Daied at Barrie this hth day of J une, max.- =Pa}}:elY`1' b Th ' swhm Jout. ` V. . V A Parcelll:1at:':3 cofaefeifieant to. rai8`V3 s.t."t-"?77 indto Oman and 9.-1..`m|, ` - - ` `- <%-:->;> fANTl?.D~-A su_1a.rt, intelligent boy to learn the 7' rinting busmess. Apply at ADVANCE `E! I? ovum nous: T0 mst. 23-24'P rvmv Anvlixiwgsnunuis; tug about Is. oun REGULAR wonK 4-1.. -nnnr fmm mohth to month. : .-I All d le..Aon Tuesday. Ma `a8th.` dagliteaftg Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ookor: u AII___J-|.. A... Y nnnn nun` urn-u n can In 3. auiui:?Bc;E.f"" -- p; Corner Elizabeth and William Streets.` TENDERS WANTED. -- -- - L. No- as A Wi33L= rvo.T'.~.m. ' 3 `vs Smum. Wxcsun Proprieeot.` ...__...j..- --.-.....---a T-{cuss roa SALE. TENDERS up: Avuuu my uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu .- CHARLES NORTI-IGRAAVES, Secretary-treasurer. .p Nantyr. Ont. L 'E6,W?s"a"KT' F63 sAL DANIEL QUINLAN. Chairman Committee re Satiford. BORN. THE SEMI-ANNUAL - MEETING OF Lo 'al Orange Lodge wil beheld in theOrange Hall L. O. L. No. 60:. CRAIGVALE, arra- turday, the 8th or June. commencing at- ` one o'clock p.m. 23-:3 Innisl District Mr. Geo. gas visiting in Betonh last week. V Mr. W. H. Beimest, M.P., was in town over Sunday. ` \n2__, is . .. A ` ' Miss -1-Besaio Smgemon is home fron nTArt School. Toronto. L Mrs.` Len1;c;x;,"Aurqra, in visiting heuiater, Mrs. J. H. Bennett. ' US: n.. --- Ed: Gallic :nd Mr. Jack Brown are home from college. - Mr. n(3o'lAl`et;.t,_of3 Aurora, was jviaitor at Il_.! ,, Collett, of 5 viuitop Major Smith : last week. Mr. Gerald Strathy has, been hme from Port Hope for the last week. - |;__ _ It: -v - - * , -_- __-r- - vol`! IZV VVWVEI Mr. and its J. G. Golec, of.Winduor, are the guests of` Mr. Geo _Co`leI. * ? oponmuu. pable than ` .- elsewhere.- experience cured now, `I VIVo Miss Ryan, of. agelbh, has been visiting Mrs. Moore, Bayfield street. _ ` 151-- l'lIL-._L'_.- Ir `m.;"a:;.;:.;;'1;;. I\I SUIVVU bash visiting hef'aun._ Mrs. W. J. Gowan, in Ureemoro. `I ... T1 1-` 1` - .. wvu , can \JDUVIlI\ILVl f;.S'I're.VH. E Gixgapin. of Newmarket visit- ed her parents Mr. and Mrs H. D. Stewart last week. V `v . LE}: Mrs. Patterson have returned from their outing; 1`hey have had a three weeks trip down east. ~ - `j__ , I an -.. _r -' vv -- vwvvg and Mrs... Hanmer left on LMondayV for Toronto.` They `intend to spend -the summer agar Munro Park: M}[w`a1sh Varlivhii;-('}reta VWalsh, who `have been visiting friends in town returned to Orangeville on Monday. 'Il__ til, I - T Sieaona was home on Saturday prior to his leaving for Europe, for which place he nailed on Tuesday. ..._.. ..-'-.---v vv-yawn uvovvv Hart. of-Saul: Ste. Merie, is visiting relatives in town. the guest of Mr. Charles _\;\l7hite, who has recovered from his recent 1 mm. A V . Mrs: and daughters Nellie and M adae, of Peterboro. arevvlsiting Mrs. McGuire. Collier street. - "Ald. Jory, Mr. Donald Ross and Mr. John Dickinson were among the Barrieitea who attended the Reform meeting at Elmvele yesterday. `rs III.` I D