Sunnght Soap Toronto Farmers Markets. ` TORONTO. April 36, zoo-r. .,I L-.- A quarter of a.` centurv wTeT have been blending An advertisement may induce a per- son to.try an article a FIRST But an advertisement wont induce a.` person to use that article a SECGND time unless it gives satisfaction. has a. sale lqfger than the combined sales of any other three soaps. An advertienient may induct; pao-. pie to try SUNLIGHTL SOAP-_ COFFEE 'Knr:ncHANTs, WBARFIIE. rv[vvvvvvv`_vv* Ui-wlsom. - - ` The masons have commenced work on the foundation of Mr. D. Oochrane a new ham. 1 `II _ T... Innhnm mt `kn But it in quality and quality alone. that makes people use SUNLIGHT. SOAP eonanmwy , 3 ,L,',-_.- A ad always. irnmz, _ MABQKIEPBA A . "" 1 35 ch. T 40 ch. 1 v And soup Mgnuraemroru. oxninut. rnonucl. TEA TORONTO TRY THE M. Mrs. L. J ago. - IIUW Ullilulo - Mr. and Mia. Wm. Lockart, cf the_ fth line, spent Sunday with Mr. and A'nII 1 |_ ___4__:A_` .8-B on---ac :1 v-=-- Mr. Hawker, of Allandale, occupied the pulpit here on Sunday, owing to the illness of our pastor, Rev. Joseph Young. L For Several seasons the Double Stores Millinery receptions have been feature of general interestto ladies. Our display of this season has been aa exhibitioii of progressiveness in the millinery art. The most advanced ideas ix; New York and Parisian studies, cleverely adapted to Canadian requirements are here illustrated, together with many handsome special designs by Miss Wright. No show, Hats by foreign makers on view in our roomg,au manufactured -in our own rooms by our- own staff and can be repeated for our customers. e |CARF ET DEF ,/u\RT|VIEN'_T! New Brussels Carpets. A liberal range of New Brussels Carpets, new coloring, new designs, suitable for best clrawing or-`dining rooms. I Special i in price. 75 c'rs. {New Spring Brussels Carpets in large var- iety ot design, extra quality, fast colors English made-borders to 7Ii:t A few extra. ne 5'frame Brussels from Bear F1on:3E;1oth3 and Li,m,}eumS 1 15 I V makers at closest prices, 1 _25._ . 3 and 4 yards wide. Acomplete stock of New Carpets in all wools, unions. hemps, also (li1`c<:t portations of J apanese-mattings at I2 , to 509:, per yard. See Om $5100 Suits. About 50 Men s-Suits, sacque-coats, dark and -light" summer plaids. also dark, light: and medium plain English` and Canadian Tweeds. - Sold everywhere at 4 as co to $3.00 Our price $5.00. ` NEW SF`-`RING CLOTHING! Mon s Nawspring Hats, FRAWLEY & DEVLIN. $1.00. Dalstbn Advance" Correspondence. Mr. P. `H. Jory, of Barrie, spent Sunday visiting relatives here. ' _- - - ., -_,_ ___. .-4 _.-.. _.....g II--t-nInnn Seasonable ae Goods The largest of its kind in Norlihern `Ontario, where everyone can get. just what they require in floor coverings at prices not equalled in the Province ' Among the NEW CARPETS recently to hand are a few lines that win `catch the attention of close buyers. Money saved in buying clothing at this store. Thatfn what we claim can `be done here. i The quality of the garments claim it. The p1'iCe3 prove -it.` You ban easily observe it. in both Quality, style of Imxke and the price. ` -- - . Iv I\ 1r_,_ .0 dbl`! ~13 f1___I` The Finger 0! Time Points to the time when the same old question must be answered, Where shall I buy my boys clothes? - Going to trust to luck or trust us? We have, little boys: Natty Blouse and Brownie suits at from $1.90 to $5.90. We have in Stck a, Full and Complete Line of .We' have, Boys Nobby three piece suits in ` A strong Tweeds Worsteds and Serges, $3 00 to _ $8.00. T W 8- have, Boys dressy two piece suits in Serges ' and senficeable Tweeds 81.25 to $5.00. Yes, you can `trust this store for. we represent our ` goods just as we believe them to be, and QHEERFULLY make every wrong RIGHT. HUNTER BROS The young people of the Congrega- tionall church have organized a Mission `Band, which has in view the partial support of as teacher in Armenia..- I u `g A _ _W_______ AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES FRONT STREET. BARRIE. A Bargain "in l|1en s~Sh/1-ts.. Men s`ne colored Cambric Shirts, laundried bosoms, cuffs attached. wide and narrow stripes, chiey new blue ` vcolors, quite an up-to-date shirt at only 50c. .% R. HAM BLY, e V.......C0NSISTING OF.... . Spades, Shovels, Forks, Garden Tools, Granite and Tinw-are, Chums, Washing Machines and Wringers. House and. Carriage Paints in desirable colors. HARDWARE. We are headquarters for BUILDERS The up-to-dine Gloihlng Mon. BAR-RIE. Opposite trie Post Oice. l&&vIVvuJ v-----__- _- Neighbors say If you want rst-clans Flour to take your wheat to Wilkin- son : Mill. Barrie, to be exchanged or gfllted. ' ~ ~~---A`- _f LLA (`A-upunnoun u - V - - - -; Latest Styles, Lowest Prices. Fully seasoned, handsome oral, block and Brussels eects, 25. per yard and up wards. `F100: Oil Cloths and 1, 13., 1.13, 4' A consignment just to hand of 9. new 10; -Tapestry Carpets, which for quality and beauty of design are unequalled at much higher prices. Only 500. Tapestrv Carpets at 250., 30c., 35c., .44);_~_ 50c . 600., and 75c., per yard. Floor Oil Clotlm. About 40' Men sq buits, single breast sacquev coats. consisting of fine English, Scotch - and `Canadian Tweeds and Worsteds, dark and light colors, worth $9.00 to $11 00; fbr only $7.50. see Our Mans $7.50 Suits.- New Tapestry Carpefs. _mY% .2 196i. im. OnSaturda.y evening the young men ihof this burg met in the school house and organized their F. B. C. Jae. A. .Key was elected chairman and P. H. Jory ac`ed as recording secretary, after which the following oicera were elect- ed :-President, Henry Williams ; Vice- Preeident. Geo. T. Baldwin ; Capt;ein,? FRAWLEY & MOORE` Men s Fine Box Calf Balmoral, toe cap, medium heavy" sole, strictly up to date in every de- tail, better value never was shown at $2.25, sizes 6 to 10, special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l 85 Men s Fine Dongola. Balmoral toe cap, nailed sole, this is a dressy _ style and an `excellent wearer, . 6 to 10, special price.... . . . . .$1 35 Men's Fine Box Calf and Vici Kid Balmorals, toe cap, stylish dressy shoe, made from, the very choicest stock, Goodyear` . welt sewed, nobetter shoesold ` . .at $3.50 or $4.00, special value. 3 00 Men s Strong Lace Boots, plain V "' 7wide toe, bellows tongue, war in . ` ranted solid sole stock, three I rows -pegging, 6 to 11, special l .".'price..; With cheap, trashy footwear. It's never good velueat~ 1 anylprice. No need to, if you entrust your shoe wants to our care. With onlythe best grades, the newest styles, bigger variety represented inour immense shoe stock, which iseas- ily double the size of any, other store in Barrie, it s sure to give you- condence and pleasure buying-here, d The priceof 3-- _. LL- L..~L `QIAAA I\1'III 117017 `anti IVU J\l\.L vvaaaovuu--vv -.--V_ l._._._,._ our `boats and shoes is bringing thefbeslt trads our W-ay, ahd when you see the shoes in this list you will understand it more clearly- ' A ? LAWLEY. & MOORE, 1 % In boys and girlsshoes you will nd our stock most cpmplete and prices much? less than you_ areasked to pay giglsewhere. ~ -See foryourself; It will pay%you. % _ % ` 1. H. OTTON & SON MEN'S DEPT. WATC H '5 V ...FoR...' THOUGHT I-`IVE % POINTS ;Bqrr;q"s S|I0O.'LO`l,dOIfI; % Jae; A. Key; Secretary, Issac Jory`; Treasurer; Edgar Young ; Committee, Howard Bertram, Geo. T. Baldwin and W L--_. 1.1.1 .. ........ ...... 3`o"1{I.".T3{;7.Wi71" uZal}.7' E;a';'$ L15; cessful season laat_ year and are an- ticipating such this year also. The team `would like to arrange a few mat- ches with some of the surrounding places. Success to you, boys. Migs. Nico), of fottenham, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. Nicol, here. (`III V CHIEF SUI I UBr\IIA\nvn:uun Miss Josie Miller, of Torontoniaited in her parents here during last week. ` run `v I all`! .1 1,#, __,A L umlgiahing is quite a. popular pastime in % this village ; some good ;catches_ are being made. ' LI, _ Again spring has got the upper hand and the trees re-echo_the notes of the summer aongatera, and the merry wbia- do of the boy may be heard in_ the elds once more. ' - l Accordicg fl30A current rcports, the hotel in the village is to be closed and its license withdrawn. A ' Mr. ifiobet-`t _Atcheson has the sym-V pathy of the entire community in_'the sad death of his brother John, ofyWeet Essa. which -occurred almost instantly last Monday week. ' .-vI-a-UV v--wary- A bible meeting .....;':;;m at the church here last Tueadav. __- _ _.___L__ ._ VIIIJIUII llvlrll Auuv Auvwspwvu Mrs.~Averst, of Barrie, W88 visiting her sister, Mrs. Thou. Redfern lust we_e_k. _ ` IV C `II `I `I3 , ___.` W CV30 ' Next Sunday , M_r. McEwen will preach a farewell sermon in the church, .... L` can an-nu-ans in `until; tlli-Una In ouwnv-v vs- wv-:`.. as he is going" to leave. . s and nothing more handsome at A Ladies Fine -Kid `Strap.S,hoe li/and Ladies Dongola Lace and Con- gress Boots, sewed soles. solid comfort for old ladies, sizes 4: to 8, special value . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l- 25 Ladies Dongola. Kid Oxford shoe, kid tip, kid lined, sewed soles, round toe, very neat shape, sizes 2; to 7, regular value ' $1.20, special..-- . . . . . ; . . . . . `. . _ 95 Ladies Fine Vici Kid Lace" or Button Boots, ,kid tip, light or heavy sole,',new round toe,ethiq is thebest value ever shown, $8.00, sizes '2; to 7, special value ..... . . . . . . . . . . .. 200 -`turn sole, kid lined, excellent . `wearer, verydressy, sizes 2; to V 7, o:o`o.'o - n on own 0 /I ` Nicols;:on. Advance Lon-espondence. Advance Correspondence. B1gBa.y Point. LAD|Es'~DEET. {TLLANDALE mu 1nnmn$sIx.i 8a.n`-we sounth-Western Drleloo. with- lts Pleasant Streets. its Taetv Dwell- incs. its Pretty Churches. one its Go- a.-head People w1ll Entice Settlement -A Weeklv Record outs Dalns. Mr-. Lewis, reman, has moved to Graven- huxsb. - -- .-av. I 0" claw vole. ' The B. of R. LT. were trenseeting business Sunday afternoon. ` ` ' n , _l____ c_I_`--_,_ _`_. _..- I.-..3_.. .....p..I `an! ex!` . mill: :5...-F!-niil-i';:'s-'s`l1ipped hid furniture on Tuesday. to Mgntana. . . ` I l\, ;|A_L..__. _..-._- The S. 0.` E. meet: next Wednesday night, May 8th.V T ` ,3 `I\ ll`! __-.._ A....)..._-..L.'_;-. La.-3...... Ylliultl I-DUVO ICVIIZI Sucker ahormn are hving goud luck .&t. the Tollendal creek. --.-.._-,, -- Mr. L. A. of _Oro Station, spent Sunday with his parents. -I 9.- __ .1 m `l)..__1-_.1 .._.....L u --.- ..-- r.`-- 'WI:[;;fs. L. Little dddm T. Bradford spent Sunday with friendsin Meafotfd. _ . _._ Il_.__'l-_ I-.. I~J\-unnv Iv-Iv o-----w -.--'.._ Mr. VanAllen'ha; purcl;a'a;3a-Mr. Albert Phillips property on the townline. in -II- _ ..,,,_-,L__.__;_ 1.-- ._.----.1 -l.ocnnon'v- t--r-_vJ '_ -_- -- .. Mr.`Phillipa,, of Gravenhu1;;,m$as moved to Allandale tomn outof here as reman. "1i.}I"s7v".}.'. 'ii.1Ia,'1;i{';. 'i:.I;aa1{y" for Grey Falls, Montana, where he will reside. .44 ---_'-_A.. -__ ___--53-}-.. -.361` I-Ln vuuvl -uw-u- c--v-----., .. _-_- ._- Some of our sports are pIb'sctisVi'x:.gv7vitrlr1Ztl7:e` quoita on the gren plot `next to Meeking's snore. - man .R`A1LwAY_ cums: on ` - FUTURE crrr. ; JJ(:h-1.1" 'i.`-t;;n;l- for [ Sault; Ste Marie. Success, John. Holly. Advance Correspondence. Mr. D. Stewart and family, of Barrie, have moved into our burg. --- -- I III` `I170! , ]_;,_ -avvn vs Aidbteak in the water niain in front of Mr. M. J. Hamlin : residence was noticed on Thursday last. ` ,- _a1\_1_1_'II-_.. 2...... LI... .....-.----vi --_-. . A good turn out -_of Oddfellowa frcm the sixth ward was noticed in the church parade to the Baptist church on Sunday. ` up 2` u o_ __ ]_g__ M; "vv'iiii'a'.u'a_\i;i3.c'i:1.a` :11; ';Iisiting ,his parental -home in Woodbridge last week. He took in the horse show at 'I__`oront.o. ; 13:1;-Li-1-::o:t-l` Q 7Barrie ; Steam Laundry because their work in care- fully attended to. No extra charge made` for repairing. Phone 55." ,,5| ,, --___.,___ nI_.!____ .1---..L...... -V- -v -_--_.c. _.___.- On Saturday afternoon` Gladys, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A.` Patchell, gave a. birth-' day party to a number of her young friends. 'The little folk bed 9. very pleasant. time. Mr. Thoa. B1ai.V52{1'1a3ld$1; eame down to see his old friends on Wednesday. We regret to learn that Mrs Blair has not been enjoying good health lately.--Beebon World. For Choice Family Flour and all kinds of Feed go to Wilkinson -. ,All orders delivered promptly In any uanllty. Please leave your orders at t e Mnlllolllce or Telephone No. 23. ` Iruuv M535; v--uv v- nvavp-.v--V --V- ~..- Rev, Mr. Craw. who is leaving this week for British Columbia, preached a farewell sermon in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day morning. He gave an excellent aer- mon. Acongregation meeting will be held in the Presbyterian church to-night (Thursday) to consider the matter of building a. new church. _.All members are requested to be present. n -r , ,,|, tr,,,..__ L__ .__._ .-II... __.......... A Rev. -Joseph Young has not fully recover- ed from his recent illness. but he occupied the pulpit of the Burton Avenue Methodist church on` Sundav morning and gavean in-A structive discourse. Rev. Mr. Bartley, of the Collier street church, took Mr. Young's work in the evening. ' rs -an IOI ,_,|__|_'| The Experience Social" which was held in the Methodist church last Tuesday night, notwithstanding the unfavorable weather, wrs well attended. `The pastor being too ill `to be present. the chair was occupied by Mr . W. B. Taylor. Quite a number of the ladies had undertaken to earn a dollar in some unusual way, and each gave her ex! perience as to the way she had earned it in a few lines of poetry. The rhymes were ex- cellent and to the point, showing that the muse of the ancient bards had not left the world. The most noticeable feature was the absence of the criticising spirit. each one being intesested in, and pleased with the efforts of the other. The money was not earned without some aelf-saerihce, and the joy of giving it was depicted in every count- enance, illustrating the truth of the words of the Lord Jesus, It is more blessed to give than to receive. Mrs. Belton and Miss Charlton assisted in the musical part of the programme. at the close of which Mr. W. W. Humphrey moved a vote of thanks" to the ladies in a few very appropriate remarks. Light refreshments were then served, and all went away feeling that they had spent an very enjoyable evening. The proceeds amounted to about $48. Uyvuv ~---v---J ~----- _--- _ Mrs. R Beelby, of Thornton, visited henaiater, Mrs. '1`. Campbell, Isa; week. Canadians of Baden-Powell Po,l1ceDy1ng' . from the Beubonic Plague. Dr. Lewis Clement, of Bradford. has kind- ly informed us that he received a letter Monday night from his nephew, Herman F. Clement, who started from Halifax with the Baden-Powell mounted police Canadian re- cruits. The letter was mailed at Cape Verde Island and stated, that Beubonic plague had broken out on ship board. and that terror and dismay had seized upon all aboard ; that six of the boys were already dead and buried ; and two were in quaran- tine expected to die ; and that when the boat landed she was ordered at once to move out of port. a The balance of the evidence in the case of Parks vs. Flos was taken by Mr. Stevenson at the court which opened on Friday. The case as started before by. Chancellor Boyd. and as stated at that time, is one in which the widow` of the late Mr. Parks brought action against the township of Flos to recov- er damages` for the death of herhueband, alleged . to have been caused by a defective culvert between the third and fourth con- cessions of the township of Flos. Mr. W, A. Boys appeared for the plalnti` and Mr. A. B. Aylesworth for the defendants. The argument will be heard_by Chancellor Boyd at Toronto. . K1000. uuuupru au. sxuuutu nun. A largely attned concert was held at '1`oron'to Junction lately in which Mrs. Hodg- ' ' son gured most prominently. The program is said to have been well received by a pleased audience. `Those taking part were Mrs. Wilson Hod son, Scottish vocalist; Mrs. C. Mackey, isses Ruth` and Bella Mo- Kidd, Miss Hodgson, Miss Navety, and Messrs. R and T. R. Walker, and Picker- ing. Bugler Douglas Williams gave the ad- vance and charge calls sounded at Purdu- burg andother military calls. __ A dance was given by the three young ladies of the sixth ward on Friday evening in Bothwe1l e hall. They proved very OD! tertainina haateuee, seeing that everybody had a good time. Among their invited guests were about 20 young peo le from the {Barrie end of the town, who w th the name number of Allandale` folk; spent a pleasant. eveninge _aqoing to manic of `Kl|||.ll'I or-_ fb|I.9'Itta.:_.`? ~ `- T v - - - . Good Concert in Kilbuni Hall. PLAGUE ON BOARD. Parks vs. F103. ma paces} any `fin tn; 3: - Toronto Markets the wojem. oats ucocoaquoou""" '0"' "` D-uulgunhggf _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- IIFVU nngvvu... -._-- ___- A Messrs. W. Hurst naii'. Wivey left on Monday for Depot Harbor. -2 rI"u_-....L.... wit! 009010 Iiliuvvv Buckwhatcu-coon:-caution -c9--- 1: 53.22; ....................... : WOO. 811.. p_l'COI'CI. OICOCIIOIIIIIC Wood, 4tt.. pet-cord............... Anthracite coal.` per ton........ ....- HIDES. Cow Hides................ .- (`-.IC..I-:-n -uar| , A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wool. unwaanca. pcr|u............. Wood,aft.. percord. \Unn_ Aft- Iiercnl'd..........o..- UOWHICCS n o - o o noaoono - u c u o u - :- %`8kins pelV1`....... -o a :- allow perlb.....;.. Janna I-ln:o unit "In perlb...... Horse Hair per lb. . . ?sKlu8 PEI I00 sauce: 0 n Sheepskins...;....... Horse Hides . . . . . . . . . Wheat, white........ -..............J Woulau IOVOIOIIIIIOIIDOOII \Ul-mat, anmu-. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...,,,,__ Rimless Glasses Are Fashionable Not invisible but nearly. so. 1 The can be made up with either solid ! go] , old lled (warranted 10 years), I or ni el trimmings._ TI.g-- '4.-A n-A` A-gnnulull vu .-n..v----v-J -v- - -. Mr, Herb. Winggte, of Thornton, pent Sunday with fnends here. -D 15 1'1- .IL__ -` '1`.-nun-sinus We ad'ust them so that they are . perf y adapted to the features. A . n . . L 0- |:'-_ 'Y'_a9'-BRENJ REWARD $5,000 i for your benet, and our prot. These are the blends we are f`struck on. 25 gig. Scientic Optician, MIl..AREN's onus STORE. BARBIE. Hobley Bros., g1111 `A113 I I - Q I?E VLEVER BRUTHEBS, limiled. IJUI . unuvvo , ---- -- -- Mrs. Simon Gibou, 5 son and "daugh- V terjof Duluth, are visiting Miss Lizzie Gibson. . -.r_ L-_-- --...~nn-snap` vi-rnlulr.