THE BELL TELEPHONE A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. 7 I . Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer etc. Eco-First door Owen street, over Bank *0 Com- '` `` - 49-48- COM PANY S __._...___._.____.________ ICCARTHY, BOYS 8; MURCHISON. . Barris- omoa Snllcitors. CODVBYZIICCYS, etc. SUCCESS- W. -P x7r'oN, Barriater, solicitor, Nu: ru--.-.-.m..-. ..... Mnndv to Loan. atlowest_ KEWSON 8: CRESWICKE. tors of the Sn reme Co ..-_-.. Don:-tnr. mm-ies. lvilvjl l& that-III- 5 am} 5% per cent. on Mortgage. LOUNT & LOUNT Barristers, Barrie. [n-tf. Opposite R. R. Station` MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. E ti tea, Ian ' d '5 t' tl - ..r.a' ;'"Bm_32:3eu 51o3:.' 1.'. .iL". $3. 3ARRIB. ONT. u-tf -u u u.;`-.--._._. - ---- ~- . MCCARTHY, "\ Rev. C. G. Gull, M.A., capt.-oom- ` mandant Fourth. `London Volunteer Rie Corps, an authority on training of the young, says :-Drill, which is essentially a matter of ' rigid obedience, of collective practise, and of mechanical precision, is generally deferred to an age when the practise necessary for the attainments of these habits either dis-V gusts or tends to cramp the intelligence. and destroy the faculty of individual "initiative. -In the navy they have sdopted a wiser method, - They catch. the recruits when young, and train them during boyhood to therequired. pitch of discipline. T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. Z 4343' 'j'- S. BROAD. M. D. C. M.. F. T. D Q n Ian: rpdent Phvsician TRY THE NIGHT SERVICE. T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe, wit Ian at his 11$:-sh, art]-us (`.nnv-f I-`numb. Rnrrio. on. R,_ P. V|JV_I`AN . F. Palling. Graduate of rinity Umversity ._-...... r.~-n..... ac T.-initv Medxcal College, BALL EANING' MILL COMPANY-- ' -1: nrnnnl-or-:1-Ia Rnu:lA3na and -ma.-...'....a..._._... _.____.._.________.___.__________ Barrister, Attorney. :.:...- :. Chancerv. Conveyancer, _et.c. and every night. until "nix a.m. MONEY TO LOAN. The physical training that would en- sue from the introduction of a thorough drill system in the public schools in Ontario should in itself warrant it. Our school system is weak in the de- velopment of healthy children, the chief object of it, seemingly, being to cram I. measure of knowledge into childr.en s heads so that they might pass examina- tions. MONEY TO LQAN. MONEY T0 LOAN. _'--"- " Long Distance Rates are approxi- inately One-Half the Day Rates. No charge for making appoint- moupo to talk at a specied time D. C. Muncmson. 1vif_som._|.ANnoUs. ____________% Pnvswmns. `FOR INVESTMENT on good I:-nahnlrl msnuritu 2} Innrpcf rats nf Luau. FINANCIAL. In a country like Canada it is neces- sary that all male children should re- ceive a training that would t them for taking up arms in defence of the ooun. try. We have a.` vulnerable boundary line of about 4000 miles with a small population. Should at any time in the future it become necessary 0 to defend thatwe would have` to draw on those who are now in the schools for volun-` tears. The spirit of war, perhaps, is unnecessary, but we should have, with- out doubt, a system of military training -in our public schools, that would be thorough and effective. OFFICIAL. DENTAL. Homoeopathist. ' _ :56 Dunlop St. Residence and Oice. 8-lv _______________.____ ESWICKE, barristers, Solici- Rireme Court of Judicature of ......:.. Cnnvevancers. etc. unuus, 45-1) - Iustices, notanes ruuu., the Bank of Toronto, C. W. MACPHERS:-O.I`:I. van gravy... ____ A. E. H. cxnv:cxn..'! 3811. UHICCS-Datxlu -Ba.nk of Toronto 543' , g I To our esteemed townsmen who is leaving town, Col. Ward, Barrie will Always be grateful for the inauguration of I drill system which we are sure will show good results. an Irvuy -3.- - --. W. A. Boy no --:1 27-53 as-lv EEC OI 6-I 1-ly T[:IEfTNoR1'HER~ ADVATE % ADVERTISING RATES .5 1, _ ' 7 ' if not uite double tha paperqpubfished in Baxt-rig any ht unvnlmszns SHOULD NOTE THIS mm 13 lines solid agate make 1 inch. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS, First insegtior 10 cents pe_r line, each sub quent insertlon 4 cents per hue. Rpndino notices. 10 cents Der `ling (An I -`I qucut lucxnnusf T vvuu) Pun uuc. Reading names, 10 cents per `line for gm insertion ; 5 cents per lune for each subseqm` insertion of the sagne matter. All items an der 5 lines, of thxs character, charged N; lines. a lines. _H'UMILIAT1NG mo CANADA. Canadians are indebted to Mr; Wm.` Robins, of Walkerville, for drawing their attention to the anti-British senti- ments of the steel king, Andrew Car- negie, who has been making gifts of ' libraries to Canadianoities. It might be pointed out in the rst place that Mr. Oat-negie s terms are that the towns _or'oities* guarantee maintenance, while In oonsiderationfof his grants they place his name as donator, and hand his name down to posterity. unes. Legal Ocial and Government ad - ments w;ill `be charged at above rates. Wm CONTRACT ADVERTISING. `T Contract advertisements will be taken the following fates! w}11ch are drqfted on W rectcommerclal pnncgples and W111 be strictly adhered to. There Will be only one price to, ..n It TULSA! all. IIHCII ucouuuocnuocoonou 2% inches.............. 5inches, M column...... to inches, column. . . . .. :~u-hon I 0\`lll1I1n. . . . . o -l/ Inning: A _ _ , _ _ _ _ __ _mcnca, so xnches, 1 .-_-:__.__ . `For one month-the three monthly mt, 'th 15 er cent. added. m*For tgvo months--the three monthly mg. with 10 per cent. a_dgied. _ . an-`o....o'.m-pa nnsnhnn 1n the naner ml] 3. WIN]. .lU PC!` can. nuucu. e #3 Preferred positions in the paper will bg sold at an advance of one-third on aim, rates, This rule will be strictly carried out, CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers `will please, bear in mind um` notice of intention to change advertisement; must be handed into the oice not later than Satmday at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in THE ADVANCE oice no; later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s almouncemenz may not be made public until the Week fol. lowing. ' no nr Advertisements allowed my lowmg. [12 changes of Advertxsements a1]qvs'ed per year. If more are required, composmon rates will be charged. A .:..,...s.'m... mm nnt he allowed to use th9ir W111 be cnargeu. Advertisers will not be allowed their space for advertismg anything outside thei; own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. . vertisements. vvsvyna-v~..~ --_ . >, Condensed adverusements on first [age such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, prnpeny for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc.. etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-t1rst insertion.2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. Mr. Carnegie in his contributions to American literature,` has produced one book containing many painful and un- jupt allusions to our form of 'govern- - lnent. Mr. Robina has drawn attention to thin fact inn pamphlet which the has published and distributed among neway ., pgporl. public m_en, St. George's Socie-V othere. _Oarnegie rualigne our . beloved Queen and our King.` and royal family, he say: :-+"`Theae Cuts for advertisements must In every case; be mounted on solid metal bases. REPRESENT THE FOLLOWING Fuu-: I.\'~".'RA.\'CE COMPANIES: The Mercantile-, now ailiated with The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. secur- Iouo e.. I\l\l\ Ann _uuu. 00 uuuuaouxxv vs a_uua......... .,--... xty, $15,000,000. A _ The Waterloo Mutual, of Water1oo.0n:. Tothl assets, $334.o83. ` The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. 1`.-ual -xncnfa Can-v n-R SCROGGIE & SMITH, 1119 .E.iUULlULU1U&u1 zuuuunx, UL JJULA.A.L- \./um Total assets. $303,078. Also L1ovd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capix.-,1, sags,- And time Su Loan and Savings Company V of Ontario. "Private funds to loan {an x-st mortgages. counts collected. &c. t'\2.... A"..- Ll.-.-.An.-gnu c Y-Uanhvnrp Srnrv H. -I I collected. &c. _ ' Ofce over Henderson_s Hardware Story. Barns Ont. ' SCROGGIE G. SMITH. Agent Standard Life. London Gum n- tee and Accident Co., Provincial Building and Loan Association. etc. OFFICE.-Next door to Bank of Toronto. Owen Street. Barrie. - x x-1_v Canadian Braxich Ofce. Head Office. MONTREAL. LONDON, ENGL.-\.\'D M. C. I-IINSHAW. KARI. J. PIPKIN. Ru-anph Mnhaapr Mnnnapr l'|3\JI"Il\I`\IE \I\JI'II"I|I`l - Capital. $6,000,000. v Founded x505 Application forms furnished and rates quoted b)` GEORGE PI.AYTnN AGENT no-Iv PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND [DAN i ASSOCIATION. For Broken-winded Horses. The only medicine in the world that will stop Heaves in three days. But for a. permanent clzrc It requires from one-half to one bottle used according ` directions. $1.00. Kidney and Acute Cough l 0'd' en 5oc. Dr. McGahey's Condition Powders dcslrC'.V5 worms, puries the blood, putting horses. came and calves in condition; 25c. Take no other. Sold by G. Monklnan. Barrie. and Cook & Co.. Orillia. 40") DH. MGGAHETS HEAVE CURE J. 0 UL VER WELL S Han-cutting and Shaving ` Parlor OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE. Razors and Scissors ground and set on shot` notice. j 7 . 4_{j_.- John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. Numbet of inches nnar, V1. Lu. IIIIVOIIJIVV, I Dlll. J. rxrn Branch Manager Manager. ...ATLAS... &&lI$RIE I'\IIl'lAkI\I AUTHORIZED "CAPITAL. $,ox CU.`-1 --- --44iOIO ASSURANCE COMPANY. L.` Q! , CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. INSURANCE AGENTS` CONVEYANCERS, &.C. ` ADVERTISING RATi'.:S:l I, 7: |:U1uuxn.... ,1 column...... I3-[IUD IOYIIII IUYIIISKICQ aua I'aIICS 1-{UULCU VJ GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. Barrie Ont. "Office in McCarthy Block ~_.` , 1901:: . . on of any lnero o`=Vo lony,.3-L Whnt _ V` whet invention, whet out-ne or `what anything, has a colony ever pro-' duoed, or what men has grown up. in any colony who has become known beyond his own local district`! None. Nor can a colony ever give to mankind anything oh value, beyondx wood, corn and beef. \ . - I3 , One Inset-',] Inscr- tions`, tion. 3mos.i( .,. $2 5031 00 WE; $050 :25 ll ! a_. mucx FOR - I 20 i 51/ V .';Igser-,In.|cp ;; tions; haul .i6mos-fly!!! -v-- -_--._ In speaking of the Queen he used _vulgar1t7`and coarseness, maliciously misrepresenting her, and in his writings spoke of Canada in such a wayfthat it is a humiliation indeed to accept charity from him. Let us be self-respecting individuals and not forfeit our indepen- dence of character, and refuse any prof- fered aifts of this American steel king. Mr. PruVn`roe'aDeath. A correspondent in Mmeaing oant us the following obituary last week, which was reoeived just as we were going to r_--- . . One of the most `sudden death: in the annular of Mineeing occurred on Saturday, April 20_th,h when John Ure Primrose, a young man in the twenty fth year of his age, departed this life. On Monday, April 15th, he was taken ill with pneumonia, both lungs affected. The best medical skill ivas procured,~but the disease overcame the the physical powersof the patient, and on Saturday, after daysof intense suf_- fering, God s nger touched him, and he slept." ` ' __'IiV`hie'ifi1neral, which was in the Macho` dist church, was well attended. the church was lled to overowing. The Rev. -A. T. Ingram and Mr. W. J. Sten- den conducted the funeral service. Mr. Sbanden speaking from Eph. ii., 7. The pall-bearers were Donald J aoobs, Robert Addison, `Dan. Campbell, Thea. McLean, Charles Wattle and John Parker. t He was an honorary member of the Minesing W.C.T.U., and the x-st re- moval by death from its circle. The white` ribbon was mingled with black on the costumes of the W.C.T.U s., who attended the funeral. . _ A The casket was covered with owers, sent by aympathizing friends and rela- tives.` Some of the school children gathered a quantity of fragrant wild owers, which were placed among the ` Wreaths of hot house owers. Seldom has a young` man of rare: promise or ner qualities been with us ` than Ute Primrose, and of him may be truly said that the rst heartache he caused his psrentawas on his death. > I saw the body lying in the casket, calm as though `sleeping, la gure of manly beauty, as _perfect as a Grecian statue. He possessed the most perfect- ly formed chin, and beautifully moulded features ever bestowed on man. In looking on his face, in life, are learned the secret of the attraction he possessed for little children, and understoodhcw it was that wee Jean, his little four- year old sister, found her big brother so fascinating a companion. He was one of those young men whose `sweet, chivalrous deferences to his mother, tender protecting care of his sisters and loyal respect for his father, were traits/which endeared him to all. He was, more especially in the home circle, a "gentleman? A We thank God for the. pleasant hepp y life," and we look. forward to meeting him, in 3 more perfect `existence than this`, when "will take place the knit- ting severed friendships up, where part- ings are no more. V Blessed are the deed. which die in -the Lord." . ,Scrlbner s for May. A new. short aerial by Kate Douglas Wiggin, to run `through three months, is the leading feature of the May `Scrib- ner. Mrs. Wigqin s delightful humor. revealed no eharminglyin the Penelope books, ~`appeare in every page of The Diary of a Goose Girl. "Saloona, an impartial study by R. A. 8teven- eon, a young "student of `social quea. um. With Iowa Farmers, by Walter A. Wyoko, and "St. Pierre-V Miquelon, by J. O, _' Hyde, are _promi4 nent features of `this .number. The eminent painter; John La Farce, will hallo ptiblleh in the next ,`feIr.nun_ibe_ra' `e" xt4r-aota -from hie diary of journey ialandaot _ C _ e . _' Husband-TI wondor Wk!` '9 55* you-"in bogey. A - _ - - Iji1:`;-W".if vou :66 there. John, Li '7" 7"` In:-A NIPIBBING EL__EO'1:ION_. The Government hoe iatly refused. on enquiry by oommittee of the House for the Nipieeing election case; either an to the a'heme.fnl`condnct of the return- ing ofoen or Hthie validity of the second writ` of election. ' ' On laat'Wedneeda.y. Mr. Northrup (Hastings) moved to refer the writ. of election` "of. the 10th of November to the Committee on Elections, in order to learn whether it waelvalid or not. ' He also moved to refer to the conduct at the returning ooer in order that all the oircumetaueee might. be enquired. into. This would of course test the validity of the election. ' The docunientary evidence showed that the returning oicer received his `writ and issued his notices in due form for the election. Then came, his dii- culty regarding the intention of the act as to the electoral lists to be used under the circumstances in Nipissing. To. settle the matter he came to Ottawa, "saw the Secretary of State and was by him instructed to use the lists for 1898. After an interview with Mr. Mc,Cool, the Liberal candidate, he was advised to get further legal advice, to be paid for by the Liberal candidate, and the result was an opinion contrary to that of the Secretary of State, namely that `he should use the lists for 1900, not then prepared.- He therefore decided to _postone the election to a later date and issued notice to that effect. nfrtnnruct nummsntn. When the regular nomination day 'structed his wife to say he had gone away, but `remained hidden in the house all day. He also instructed his deputy nomination. _ Subsequently a writ was issued by the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, authorizing an election in Nipissing on the 10th and 28th of N o- vember, after the general elections were held, -and as no other candidate pre- ' sented himself Mr. McOool, the Liberal - candidate, was declared elected. Mr. Northrup contended that there was no authority `for the issue of the second writ. The Premier and others on the Government side tried to prove that it , was pf a purely ` technical character. . But the debate was not simply a quar- rel among lawyers. It was one of vital importance to freedom, and the indepepdence of Parliament. Mr. North:-up s resolution was nevertheless voted` down on a straight party vote, , 94 to 51. came--0ct. ~-3ls.t, 1900'--he tookhis 3 election clerk to his own house and in- . to. tell the same story. All this Mr. ` Valin `admitted in evidence`. Mr. Klock was therefore unable to secure i iEngla.nd e Princely King. `Edward the Seventh-may he reign long and be prospered !-has that gift which is the most priceless possession of peer, prince and peasant-charm. He is said to have been a very dear little boy. - He was apt to be clean and courteous and ready for his mother's kiss, even after eating `gingerbread, while his next brother was always sour, unamiable, and from rst to nish unpopular. Every mother s heart warmed to that dear little Prince, who was apt to smooth down his hair and look boyishly frightened as he took o` his hat_to a crowd. He had no egot- ism, no bumptiousness 3 he was a sweet, cheerful, healthy boy. Not too know! in', as Lowell says. in his tribute to his two nephews who fell in the war. V A I 'I'\ n 1 E" The `real cleverness of the Prince of _ Wales has attracted the attention of everyone who has heard him make a speech. We must also accredit a man who has alwas shown such innite tact with very great cleverness. I heard him several times make -a speech rather c`-hand at the ealtheries, us `were called the assemblages-of colonists who came over. from Canada, from Austra- lia and from Africa, the year before the Jubilee. The happy and easy, way in which Albert Edward acquitted himself on these occasions was -much noticed. And one must remember that he was the servant ot servant!` during his mother's reign, sent on all such duties as the of every little princel- ingp who chosetc enter England, As hefdesoribed`himself,' I am simply `a little boy to be sent` tothe cars. ` 4 7'Donb'tleea to him in owingjnnoh of the nltered .p0nition of Americans in England.` The charge against hun _of having admired American beauty too much ha been donbtlees__exnggented, in the If tori:eI_`i_$fen"pI`inne?n- ing: me... n 9 V _ .-`:1 1: 11-1 n__~.__A M. W. S1n:nwoon_ busy sum; Set. 5. will a. wsy oo.. the plainti sued i the comp_`a nyi'fo.I" 3 $3,000 damages for bodily injuries sustained in: ""tr`6ngh"b%ing-`run .tss`usyuass`;ra:iaaaaiaa; t = d-nt~'w Mn D=='9v9~rdfo1=`-0,.` 'plsinti' and suooededg in getting a verdict of . $1,800: and costs for his folient. -The case ' was stubbornly fought by both partiesand. ': `occupied the attention of the court for three 4 ~ whole days. The suit of `Wilson vs. Im- perial Woollen Mills Co.` Ltd.. of Streets- ville was an action brought by the piainti, who is a commercial travellers", for damages for wrongful dismissal. Mr. Lennox was H fortunate insecuring. a judgment for his client for $900 and costs. Hill vs. Wells was an action for damages for malicious pro- secution and slander The defendant in_ this . suit waseMr. R. Wells. the proprietor of the` Queen s Hotel, Aurora. Mr. Lennox acted for Mr Wells and succeeded in having the _ action dismissed with costs to be paid by the plaintiff. The case of Pegg vs. Hamil- ton was an action brought by the plaintiff to recover the sum of $2,200 alleged to be due to a mortgage on the defendants farm. The mortgage was made in 1888. fhe defen- dants contended that the mortgage had been paid, but that the plaintiff had neglected to give them a discharge of it. The taking of the evidence lasted three days after which judgment was given dismissing the plaintiff s action with costs and directing Pegg to execute a discharge of the mortgage. Mr. Lennox was counsel for the defendants. . We join in congratulating Mr. Lennox on his suceess.-From Aurora Banner. ` No. I. From the man that did the banks at T0- ronto :- My Angelic Evangelina,- _L _,,_ _._-.--I-L_.... I-LL__ .........2.-...I .-.J __-a--_- _. . V-_,_,,,_,, Your sweet congratuldtory letter received. Really `deer, I m not so clever, its the bank- ers Wino are--well, not clever. If'VI had. played bridge whist and won that few thousand dollars at the card table no one would have known it.` If I had lowered myself to steal, and robbed a. poor man of it it `would be forgotten by now. But; you know`I just: ewindled arich `bank or two, and how wonderlul ! But I did it for you, and now don t think we're coming by the money dishonestly ; be- cause the banks get it-'-well you know. Let me know darling, as soon as the ice is out of the bay and I'll come up and spend the summer in Barrie. where Ican be beside you. I can also spend some money, in local improvements perhaps, as well as personal. Till we meet at Allandale. Your nancially, ` Gnonenz VVINTON. P. S.-Can t voti get THE ADVANCE to start a. series of cartoons on People we don t meet ;_ I ll send them my photo tor .5 starter. G. A. W. ' I No. II. T6 Joseph Markz, er; route,- J 1'_'_,,_\. 1.-.... .. . .n.v V vu-wt.-. _._.._ ._._, My beloved J o sepl1,--J use a. short note to ' ask you when youlwill be in Barrie, because I m dying to see you. When will it be '3 Eh `I ' - Ever since you told me. two years ago, about how I was the only one you ever loved With an intensely dramatic ardor, 1 have yearned more and more for you. ran .1 I, __`I2___ 2- ..-_J ._- --.. ..-_-__ A.-- i If the wheeling is good we can renew our little bicycling tours. but if the roads are bad wby-well, 1 atilllike driving. Anxiously waiting, yours, 15-- _ __ _____ ___ _ agvn-v ngogunvoong - -------'- _ _.- :_-____._ Exposition. People who expect to attend the Pan- American Exposition should remember: First that the number of lights and the quantity of light will exceed that of any other equal area ever articially illuminated, and it will be evenly dis tributed; second, that unusual specta- cular eifects will be produced by the many combinations of light and water, and these combinations are to be so graded as to` climax in keeping with the decorative lights at the Electric Tower; third, that the Electric Tower basin will be the stage of the display of a combination of 1,500,000 gallons of water per hour in fountains with the lights of 100 large-sized sea:-chlig'nts--a scene which -will certainly be impres- sive.` '0 0 V I Great Lighting Features-Pan-American `l-p-snnlinvn Realizing that this grand illumina- tion will be a leading feature ot the or position, the Grand `Trunk Railway -System are arranging for a series of popular price excursions to Buffalo, twice aweek, during May and June, by special trains so timed that passen- gers will reach the Exposition grounds about 10 a.m. of the day they leave home, and the special trains will leave Buffalo after `the illumination is over the same night. This will afford an opportunity of viewing the principal attractions during the day as well as the wonderful night diplay at the mini- mum and it is believeda great many_pe_i-sens residing _ within any 250 Love Letters of 9. Barrie Girl. EVANGELINA. . -PLAXTON, Barrintqr, boucuor, uouuy . -~Convo`yancer. etc Monv to Loan. at lowest I"l/8- 0500-'--McCatthy Block, south side Dun_l9p kbn-at II-Rh. '. -P '.. '- I A ` AULT-_Barster. Solicitor. Proctor, Notary, n._` Conveynncer, etc. Special attention In drawn; and probating wills, obtaining letters or administration nnd guardianship, collecting accounta, etc. Oices. Rona Block. Barrie. Monev to Loan.` 77 7. OSS & BROKOVSKI, Barristers, Solicitor! i ' `Notaries, Conveyahcn, etc" Oiccs Bank of Toronto Building. Barrie. Branch Oice, Cold` water. Money to Loan, Domw Ross. u..n. J. C. Bnoxovsxr. V ..__ LENNOX, ARDAGH, COWAN & BROWN. Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probateof willa._ guardianship and administration. and General. Solicntors. Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Hwamou Lmmox, Aux. Cowzm, B. Homroxn Axmon, G. E.- I. Bnown, L.L.B _-Oices: Hinds Block, No. 6, Dunlop street, Bar- rte. Branch 0ces-Lennox & Ardagh, Gravenhurst; Lennox, Ardagh, Cowan & Brown, Creemore and 1:-lv XI1:$i{. CCARTHY,_BOYs & MUKbl3ULV. D'dl'IlB' - tars. Solicitors, Conveyanccrs. ors to McCarthy, Pepler 8: McCarthy. Office-McCarthy Block, Dunlop Street, Barrie. ` ` """ - W. A. Bovs. .L..I. gm Ontano. M `-14:11 On Ontario, rroctors. nuuu Money to loan. Oices-R C. E. I-Iuwson. TRATHY & ESTEN. V Barristers, Solicitors in High Court of Justices, Notaries Public, r~........m...-on. oices over "!'5`'- P``'`-"`' """""" <-- "11 ~ ~ . 4, . ._ "I observe wit pleasure `that {the `Barrie Public School Board (Colonel `Ward, 35th Regiment, is chairman) re-` Gently passed this resolution :-In order to complete the system of drill already adopted in the sohool.'and to Inalre the riepractice absolutely safe, one of Mullineaux s Safety targets be procured at a cost not exceeding $40." At Barrie there are two companies in the Collegiate Institute, and tour in the Public schools (boys of twelve and over) organized, I understand. on the initia- tive of Colonel `Ward. If similiar sbrts were made in every Canadian town, the improvement in the militia would soon be very marked. But to . .I :_ 1... LL... -...-at Inn in Ann}: In rugn bull! I. III J L ! Conveyancers. Oices Ran-ha. M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister Notary, etc. Mone to loan. 1; o and Stayner. [Barns Ban OWBH Btret. and atayncr. ya: I my Building, Owen street. .-_.:__..-.:__:._.-_ DR. . C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., 0nt., (late of Drs. ie 8: Smith Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen anti Collier streets, Barrie. 23-ly .... N 7 R. w. A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. I R.C.S. Edin,-, L.R C.P.. London. Olces and 'night residence-Brown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. R. J. Graduate Trinity Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medxcal College, M-...1-...- nf tIm.ColleEe of Physicians and Surgeons U Tvoronto, Fellow ot Tnmty Meaxcai uoucgc, Member of the.College of Physicians of Ontario. Oce and Residence, 18 Owen street. DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. & S., Edin- bur h; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of British pthalmological Society. Specla.ll.v.- Dlsoales of Eye, Eur, Throat. and Nose. OF FICE.--78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite` Post Oice and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 96. 7-ly , ?{$'."`oE'5 "p3':"oEi'c` R S. BROAD, M. U. L. 1Vl., r. 1.. Lu. u., 1.. u. . P. S., 0. , late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General Hospital. with special attention to Diseases of Women, a.nc_1 Nose and Throat Work, also for some tune sur eon xn ..:...-.....,.c w.....-a-.m.~u H'nnn|taL Toronto. 0 ceand Bu-ifie in oom.xn_6n`le.din 3 reont ling; l oltlxe` Toroisto Mail and Empire, by th_- Vullitsry editor, for its drill syatemwin the public schools. He uyI:-- V`-----..- A.L-L LI... to U1uu3UU UL VV IJILIWLJ, can-sun gun. -aw --.. Throat for someme in charge of Emergencv Hospital, Toronto. cc and night residence-- upstairs in McCarthy Block. zx Dunlop St., Barrie. second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms-nea.r Five Points. Phone 105. zq-ly Z--:---: ENGINEERS AND SURVEYOBS. Hours-Tu to 1. 7 to 8. R_. E. L. BRERETON. Dental Surgeon. Office over Hambly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town 1st and 1rd Mondays of each month. - 5x-lv O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowestratos. Fa.rmers' Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any art of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all` its branches. Marriage Ligenses issued. Oice--Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. A :-Iv. `run Lu vno_1mr.n1 on gooa , freehold secunty at lowest rate of interest. Nodanncipal money required until end of H15: nu-m _ H. STRATI-IV- Snlicitnr. Etc.. ;Z9ta92.. IDICTCSI. LVOEHDGPHI HIODC) requlrea untu I the term. . H. STRAII-IY. Solicitor, Rood- IVl&I`1l I? rilvu We "have a large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BOYS 8: MURCHL SON. nuunln Strn-of Ran-in xuurtgilgcs. 1VlC\.Il\l\ 1. fl. 1 . I SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. WDHIU IUUIJ VD V95 uuunvu. .._. -- get this done, there `must be in each looality someone or more persons thor- oughly imbued, 'as Colonel Ward ia,_ with the importance ot preparing those on whom, in` all probability, will fall the duty of defending this country. Lu Dl\l`.I. .IlV\1g UICTK vounty OI DIIllCOCg Will 5.. be at his oce._ at the Court House. Barrie. every Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. JAS. % EDVVARD S ` convavnncen. At his oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary stteet, after that hour. ; u-Iv ` 1 Inn. Dhh r1..:uVuVu MILL UUM1 ANY-- 1 enter-in , Building and manufacturing of Doors, 1:. B ' ds, Mouldings, etc. Planin of :11 kinds done promptly_ and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dxstnct agency for rained lum- ber Factory-Ba.yeld Street. Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. Barrie". . . Money in sums of $2.000 and upwards. 1 nor rant . `Cr CCU In H. H. S'mA'mv.VQ.C. Robinson & Macpherson. ` CIVIL ENGINEERS. common `AND-- ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS. I :--1-.`-I_{'O;3-iSON. THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OFBARRIE have for ado tion. in good Homes. a number of bright young Indian children. boys and girls Parties degxring them are asked to communicate with the Secretary. |REV. D. B. I-IARKNESS. Bu-tie. `-- AerSixo c|ockTo-night] From the standpoint of discipline, military training should be introduced into our public school system. While it-may be a very good thing to. have discipline exercised at home, the fact remains that it is not, and that vrhen once the child of the average parent is V lent to school, he is leftto the tender mercies of the teacher. It is diicult to see how in any case home training could take the place of military discip- line as it should be exercised at the public schools.