que- Inch. eda,. BARRIE. COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO; MAY 2, 19101. Last week 1 junior club-was organized, __a.nd they will play ball at the Agricultural park. The club will be known as the Antes lope Baseball club and their oioere for the coming season will be the following :-Hon. President. George . Simmons; Hon. Vice- l ree., Jan. Bryeon: let Vice-Pree. Chas. Plexton ; 2nd Vice-Pree., S. B. Hinds; 3rd Vice-Pres., Harry J emieeon ; Treasurer, N. Johnson ; Secretary and Manager, Wm. Penstone; Captain, Duncan _Reid; Execu- tive Committt-e-bPercy Hill, J. Somerville, S. Fletcher, H. Smith and Gordon Plaxton. I don t wish to criticize the action of the Antelope Ba.seba.ll'Club in electing members toso many oicee, but I would offer the sug- gestion to any other clubs that are oraniz- ing might find it advisable to reduce the number `of oces, for too much `govern- ment often results in everybody s' business being nobody s business. In - -I- The Toronto Baseball Club started the season in the Eastern League with two losses in Rochester. ` This was hardly an auspici- V ous opening for Toronto, but President Mack and the oicials of the club are san-. guine of Toronto's success. The first game was lost by the Canadians on account of poor batting, and the second one on account of poor elding. The Torontos will doubt- less improve. and according to their,sup- porters will bring the pennant home at the end of the season._ The Barrie Baseball Club will re-organize this week. Four or ve new men, who I believe are crack ball players, will be in this year's team. and in a week or two a_ Barrie nine will be ready for buslnesa, as practice will be resumed immediately A good senior match "will probably be played here on the 24th. In 1 .3. A meeting was held in Allandale on Mon- day night last when a baseball club was or- ganized, the following oicers being elected: President. S. M. Lyon ; Vice-President, Geo. Vair; Sec.-Treas.`. Charles Poucher; Manaer, W. Lawr ; Captain. L. Heard. Committee- W. . Ballev, ' F. Soules. W. Greenfield and W. Scott. Mascot, Cur-lie Mack. It is hoped that the Allandale peo- ple will support the boys, as it is the only sport of the sixth ward this season. a- -I I- A new 5611101" UIEUURII. UILIU WIII UV UlK`lLIIl.l' ed in Barrie, Monday. A meeting will be held at the Wellington Hotel when arrange- ments will be made for the coming season. `Players and others interested in the game are invited to attend Monday evening at 8.30 ` iv * Iv The standing yesterday in the Eastern League w as as follows :- Won Lost P.C. Bgchester . . . . . . . . . .;. 5 A Is .833_ " ` IIIIII Rochester . Worceeter...;.. Providence. . . . . . . . '1`oronto.....` . . . . .. Buffalo . . . . . . . . . . Syracuse . . . . . . ; . . Hereford ., . . . . . . . . . Montreal . . . . . . . . . The Toronto Lacrosse Club will spend $1,? 000 on a. new stand for members and $500 for a club house for visiting teams. .11. co0k sis sgon as ossible. `` Apply to MRS. W. A. BOYS. Baye dstreet. l8'l8 - . OR SALE.-O_n Rodney Street. south_of the Col- F legiate Iusutute. a small cottage. In odd re. `pair-To be removed from lot-W1llbe 801 cheap. Annlv to T; H REDDITT. ;8.;8 '.l.`he laerosse boy of Penetang reorganized last week and elected the following oicera : -Hon. Prea., -Mr. C. E. Wri ht; Prea., Mr. D. J. Carmichael; Sec.- ream. Ed. Wright ; Ca.pt., Ed. McUonkey ; Committee. Messrs. Bowman. Breckenridge, and Hew- The National game is to be played in `New Ontario. A new association has been formed at Sudburv with three senior clubs, `Sudburv, Sault Ste. Marie and Copper Uli`. and the first game will be played on May 24 atsudbury between the home team and the Soo stick-handlers, .1 A The Toronto `Evening Telegram says :- 'And still the lacrosse revival goes on, Osha- wa is in line with a full list of ocers and the promise of-'a good team, Wallacebutg; ..... n... ...n:.a in .1 an that m-omises aood Siaj ' U118 promise OI` 8 3000. 685111. N nunuuuuL5, too, has rallied in 8 way that promises good sport for the class blowers, while Blenheim and Chathem are lining up their forces and hurlingdeanee at each other. From one end of the province to the other the first %ear `of the new- century. promises to be a ` anner one for the national game. I D:n 1: waste any time boys, bin; play till lilfhe boys of Barrie II `Lacrosse Slnb are g tting out to raotice now that the ground is in good con ition. The club has started out well, with agood executive and with,a a good subscription list. It is not likely that any league game will be arranged b May 24th, so an exhibition game will ryobably be played here that day. `The clu . 1 be- lieve, will make an effort to have a 24th of May celebration, and there is no reason why Barrie cannot shine as a lacrosse town by putting up a good game on the.24th. Uylllenli H5 -VISIIIIIVIJ ll Frazier asking for fourteen stalls. will be down this week. - . ' 6 A fast breeze was given to the horses at Brookda-le, teblee on Tuesday morning. The last trial will be given Friday. and on Saturday the string will be taken to To- -annual-A The reronto Evening News says : There are three platen at Brookdale Farm at; Bar- rie, Belloourt, Lady Berkley and Silverlocka. "Bertie people, however, have a great faith in Kulo, owned by A. D. Simon,v}n:d they have sent out 8 hot tip on his chanc . Mr. Simon hlmeelt thinlmhe will aural win the plate." I * . * `F V Mr D. ,1 Simon tendered n no pl_imen- tn banquet: t"o'the staff of` the rookdnie` 86- 1';"9'! .5':`?`;"1.':'VF'.it8l;' x<;e1Im , 7 i OFFICE" vs:-u--- -. new senior baseball club will be organiz- , `rL__2- |A-._J_.. A .......onn will I-an I-IJU a non Mr. Dyment has wriaen to Secretary v..- .--.. ..|.:.... en. fnm-man nmlla. His ho`:-sea spam as THE wm. IIV UJVVIVUKIJ .a.j His NFIJII I666" nl\I\ ovvv .500 EIIA ' IIUV 1250 .166 SiInon e hospitality was enjoyed by about fteen persona, among them Mr. N. Dvment who made a happy speech on the turf. ir-To be removea Iron] 13' to _Z___.__._..___________ ea App .--__ Boating. . Kempenfeldt Bay is -to Barrie a nature advantage possessed by few Ontario towns. There is no other place where one would think it more likely to see a canoe. rowing, or yacht club, or all three. Yet aquatic sports are scarcely more indulged in than in some inland towns with only a mill pond. Why don t some of Barrie s citizens organize a beating club? lib The Toronto Sunder World gives a clear exposition of the situation between . Jake Gandanr and his would-be challengers. 'Gaudaur claims he istired of challenges that are only talk, so he has issued a challenge to the world for the -championship and a side bet -of $2,500 a side. the race to be three miles with a turn, and to take place at Rat Portage between" August 16th and 20th. The date of the race must be xed before June 1st. and $500 has been deposited in the Imperial Bank as an evidence of good faith. June 1st is early. andthe limit to the time of the race is too strict. As to holding it at Rat Portage, that is an unfortunate condi- 'tion. If the race could be brought o at Orillia or Barrie, a Pan`-American crowd of spectators could be secured and its success assured. 6 iv * Why should Orillia be so much more pro- gressive than Barrie? Their canoe club was reorganized with a membership of 42 and they are enthusiastic about this season s prospects. The following oicers were elect- ed for the year :-Patrons and Patronesses, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pellatt, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jupp, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Madden; Hon. President, T. H. Sheppard '; Hon. Vice President, John Scott; Commodore. Mayor Tudhope; Vice-Commodore, Dr. J. C. Moore; Rear Commodore, R. Wade; Sec.-Treasurer. T. W. Robbins; Executive Committee. J. E. Curran, G. Miller, T. W. Robbins, G. Sinclair, W". Webster, P. Wade. F. Diggle and.C. Bow. The club will hold a seriesof races, similar to last year s pro- gram. throughout the summer, for which suitable prizes will be given. A bid will also be made for the holding of the A. C. A meet in Qrillia in 1902. The club intend to A --. _ A..- n... .. f\`..:l'i:..' 1... I'..lu I 111895 In Ufllll Ill LUUQ. Luv vnuu nuuuu have a big xegatta. at Orillid. on J my 1. Bradford Tennis Uiub has reorganized with W. K. Foucar` as president and Miss G. Thompson as secretary-treasurer. .u...|L Lest Sunday were seen around town a. `number of copies of the Toronto Sundav World, the welcome reporter of Saturday afternoon games throughout the Province. & * John Laery, champion `amateur long distance runner of the world, arrived at his home in Hamilton last week from Boston, where he had won the Marathon race. .K & The Dalston Fotgtball Club organized S9 Vturday mghu. and are now open for cha.lien- * gas from town or rural clubs, Communica.- ` tions can be addressed to Ike Jory, Score tary. 'l' E `I Creemore iootballiets "met on Thursday evening of last week and organized for the present season, with the following oicers : -S. Hisey, Hon. President; R. J. John- ston, President; ,Thom'es. Gowan, Secre- tery; C. W. Bradiey, Treasurer; Com- mittee, J. R. Lawrence, A. Dickinson, F. S. Smith, J. McCutcheon, I. Bullivent. Where are you going on the 24th? That will be a frequently~asked question for` the next few weeks. Already Barrie citizens are individually considering where to spend. this popular holiday. If Barrie citizens would collectively ask themselves this ques tion they would probably decide that the bestplace to spend the day would be Barrie. mu... :. nn rnmann whv we cannot have a Wse and lot f_q[_ Sale by Tender D855 PIECE CU BIJISLIU uuu uny wvuuu no LIGLLIVJ There is no reason whv we cannot have a celebration in town. The Lacrosse Club has enough enterprising members surely to see the thing through, and as a baseball match is desired here for that day we could have a. joint committee "to make arrange- ments. rrn._;'l')__..:- ..l.....`|.l AA :4: in :nnInnr`:nI'.n`l1 menus. . What'Barrie should do is to immediately promote a good boating club and arrange for a regatta on the bay on the morning of May 24th, so that with lacrosse and baseball games in the afternoon, the neople of Barrie should find enough to amuse themselves for the day and at the same time help make the town lively for a change. The stronger walked into the County, Court room where the case of Parks vs. Flos was being tried. Qutside the bar there were about twenty interested persons. Among these the stranger recognized Detec- tive Beardsley. Who is `the Chief Justice? Not here replied Mr. B. Well, who is the gentleman up there, like a Lord Chancellor. That's Mr. Stevenson Oh, and the others ? The detective pointed out that Mr. Steven- son was not a judge but clerk of the court and was taking the evidence for Chancellor Boyd, that the lawyer for defence was Mr. Avleeworth and the lawyer for the plaintiff was Mr. Boys. ` ` ma- 1.... 1...: ulna 1-Jun mama nnastion of Mr. noys. The latter had asked the same qnestion of a witness a dozen times, each time with an ambiguous answer. At last Mr. Boys was becoming angry, and the witness with a per- plexed look stammered :- ` Are you tryin to nzzle me? ml..- A-`I99 A6-`inn Etngnn th I.'.I'f|dr WIDE uuu Wuuus ass. lJ\I,I`l\IIUnn1r\- .. __ .. --- drunk on as certain night. No, said the witness. Had you taken a few drinks? No. . "Had you taken one drink? No. I suppose you never taken dri_n_k?? said Mr. Boys. Oh, yes 1 do, 10%! of thetn,--do you `I ,replied the witness, Mr. Boys smiled and sssented; ' ` H v V T "Are you trying. to puzzle me: The only other witness the stranger heard was one whom" Mr. Boys asked if he were .I_.._I- __ - --....-:.. ..a...I..+ I uuuu. nxuuuusn .n.vvn-v--- On Thursday evening, Mr. Bingham, the market -butcher was driving down Little : hill. when the wheels of his rig. sunk into a sandy place, causing his horse to become frightened. In the runaway that followed, `Mr; lBingha,m was thrown out and badly, Btniledo -_ Hews: sble,lhowe_veI'..to bait-`the -f!"`$lF, fttvt 9! 6-ix 9` S**u=ld~ev-V ; BARBIE run MAYMZ4. General `Sporting `News. _ John Bin r1a1ii a Acddent _ `IL 12:...-Ian Tenders will be received 'bv-the undersigned up to neon of MONDAY: MA\_ 6th. for the ux-chase of the House and Lot xrpmednately east of ld. Tyrei"s residence vPenetangu1sh_ene street. The lowest or anv tender not necessarily accepted. No reasonable offer refused. . . V :8-:8 J: H. BENNETT. - vTe'n Minutes in Court. The adjourned meeting of the License Commissioners was held on Tuesday, when licenses were granted to R. McDonnell and P.. McAvoy. The license of W. Hall, of Victoria. Hotel, was extended three months. and the license of H. Freeman was cut off entirely. In the case of the latter. the Rev. Mr. Eaddington had presented a petition against Mr. Freeman s renewal. The Com- missioners deemed it wise to out off the license, as the hotel was unnecessary.. M. 13.]! um. uh-nan I-hrnn mnnthn in an 11061138, as one uuuux was uI,|uUUUnuuI. .- ` Mr. Hall was given. three months to sell when his license will expire, thus making one "licensed hotel less in Barrie. ` H, _ Il2._2_A.-_2-1 A.._....:a.L:;.- cunning nuI- :n x one ncensuuv uuueu IUBB Ill Vunaaau. The Ministerial. Association were out in force. They repeated their charges of the hotel having a bad reputation and that Mr. McAvoy sold to minors. They claimed only sympathv prompted men to sign Mr Mc- Avoy s petition ` The latter, however had nearly 190 signers while there were only 140 on the petition against granting the license. The Commissioners. saw no reason why the. license should be refused and therefore re- newed it. ' ` 'l1__.__|-- _-2...A..uI nub `-`\n# O-Fancy 318 LICENSE GRANTED BUT TWO l\lIIl 173113 I'\7Tf'I f\'I neweuu. I Mr. Brownlee pointed out that they did not ask the Miniaterial'Association to shoul- der the responsibility of nding out who were proper persons to be granted licenses. i though they were glad of their aid. He drew attention to the fact that a temperance hotel cannot compete witha licensed one, and that temperance people themselves will not support temperance hotels. Marks Bros. Play to Crowded Houses at the Music Hall. The dramatic season - is over here, Marks Bros. having brought it to a close last night at the Music Hall, in the presentation of The Three Musketeers On Monday night the company made their bow to their Barrie audience, who listened appreciatively 3 to Jerrv, .the tramp. ; A- LI...` .`..:m:m\~.ln l`nm rnma'rked_ anv` IO "derrv, Inc (._1'uInp. As the Inimitable Tom remarked, any person is liable to get sick, and tha.t s what one of the leading ladies did Monday sothey had to postpone the presentation of 9' The Sultan s Daughter. Hence J errv, the Tramp was produced. and though it has been seen" here on various occasions, no dis- appointment was shown as its rendering was ` given in good style. cum... Q..1nm . Ttmmhhu-" is one of this I V ' * , ' . eceding April 26th we nut that In the t:lrl1tdtc1:I;_rom our bod ` . , ' ___.-. uanunlrt IIEKI given In gooa style. t . _ The Sultan's Daughter" is one of year s products, and a. very good farce com- edy it is. Like all plays, melodramatic or farcical, The Sultan s Daughter bears the same analysis which may be summarized thus :- Act 1-Getting everyone intoa. mess. Act 2--Gettiug everyone into a worsel mess. _ - Act 3-Getting everyone into the worst mess possible. \ ` Act 4--Getting everyone the best way. possible, probable or improbable, out of the worst mess possible. . ml... c......n nihanfinnn In-nnaht about bV worst poaslme. The funny situations brought about by J the miraculous coming-to-life of the wonder- u1_ picture, The Sulta.n s Daughter, were h enjoyed by all. rnnnn Rnnlyn :5 {Jun nnnnnrihan thh ` ODJOYCQ my 9.11. ` Tom Marks is the_ comedian that takes I with all,cand his monologues between acts * were enjoved as much as his Irish interpret- ations in the plays. Miss Esther Evans and Miss Shea supplemented their legitimate stage performance by some rst class vaude- ville work,,both being good singers. Other specialties were given by the male members of the company, and moving pictures were shown between the acts. v ILIIIBDUIL Mr. Jack Ellis. of Orillia, was in town Saturday. `I... `Dal-mm-. Qunxn rnl-.nu'-nod frnm Qtrntfnrd i ween. V _ _ _ _ _ i Mrs. Hoqg and children are vmtmg In [ Alliston. `I, -1. 1II2_ _l f\..2lI2.. ........ I... dunno; yuan: u av..- ' Dr. Sheath, of Toronto, was in town the tint of the week. A-nnuuu V. w... u vv-. Mrs. S. Kilgour has returned home after spending some time in Cookatown. In . 1 n I ,2 rI__I_.._..._._ :. up-.--.-a --...- -.--v __ _Y-____ _. ,, Mrs. George A. Jebb, of Coohtown, is M staying at Neha Hotel, for a. few days. % 171-: 3 \1',, . ,,, `l\_L:..___ ....-.:. ._-_-` __ .._ James WiV_l7a;:-n,Zof ZN'ewt6n Robinsbn, gave THE ADNANCE a. friendly call on Tuesday. .. . , an 2., mwuruuy. _Mr. Robert Swan returned from Stratford this week. . __ - - .__ _ - _ _ It will take all butter fat out of milk in_ from 40 t 60 minutes. No chemicals, no ice. Easnly cleaned- Bestqualitv of butter made from it. Free trial. For sale by THOS. HORN. H. H. OTTON 8: SON, r:nn D.\:l\'E Ran-r;n' 0l'0 ug-.... ..-.a-u---.v- V. ___.---J -..-_ ._ _ . Mrs. E. Leonard. who has been ill in Schomberg, has been brought back to Birrie. ` Mr, P. J. Healev went to Lindsay this i week to conduct. examination of conductors. Miss Ethel Brown has resigned her posi- tion as teacher, Excelsior Business College. C. ---u` 1 0 o 1` , _g___gj_A_ Miss X1i;'n'a;i5L'i;:;-ia'i;"1}Ac$1$ridZe, nursing her brother, Arthur, who is im- proving but slowly. ~|n:,'- 1-rt... `|l-1 fl_._'II-.... .....1I- ..:........ `M -.. Pvt-U-D - _--. Mr. Me-landless and` sister, Mrs. . Jno. Platt. formerly of Cookacown, came to Barrie last week to reside. Social and f3ersonal. Mr. Geo; Scott is hom_e.fron_1 '1`or_onto, Miss Weir has returned from Orangeville. I Mr. 0. TH. Lyon was _in Bradford last week. 1 rt--- -_._a -\.:I.:_-_ ...... ..:..:a.:..... 3.. Rev. M;-. eEadd`ington.A of Va_nVlsck was in town Tuesday attending the meeting of the License Commissioners. you`: -.-v-.--- V v_._.-_-__-__ -_ ._ Mi`. J amen Vair left on Monday for Mon- tree! to attend the great Mediterranean fruit sale, takind place tins week. ii In ,1 `l__-.___A.L_ ll:-I_ .....I ' , Mina Fu1l'j`;mea,`of` abending a ' tow days with Mr. and Mrs. A. .T. Cooper thiu,week.-Elmva.le Chronicle. -A... g, g av nu-nu, van...` r-u-vv -.-.-. .. Mr. Gibson, jr., of Marquet't;a:'Mich., and Mrs. Gibson with her two children are visit`.- ing in`town. guests at Nana Hotel. 1-3 113- ,,--_ _n n__..:. E... _..-...J:...... .. I 8'0;-Of` Gray, Mary street, graduated last week at the I New York College of Pharmacy, New York I pity. 'r. A. G. Ca`van;,v; rgisbered not the Barrie last week. He was here in [.:onnection with the case of Parks vs. Flos. Q--turn UHILEI` `WIT CC vuvuu-1`; , F0 inegs ofces in this city. This wogk as mt_o bus" awry month in the vent. No yacauons. going 0 ta, anv time and "prepare in. a short Y.`;c?on,e`; good situation. Catalogues free. tlm - Y."_"_i....1 nminm [`.n1lnon_ 'l'.nm'n1'.n .\IIUJ l `Among the guests at the Barrie Hotel during the last few days were B. J. Thorn- ton, Orillie; J. 0. Stewart, King; A. J. Sullivan, Stayner. * I IIIII ,_,L `.1 `l)-._'..3- _.-.l- 1.2....)-. LJIIIIJVWIJ, Ivvu-J u--cu Mr. Geo. Gilbert, of .Bn1-"tie, made friends a call here on Sunday prior to taking an ex- tended trip to U.S., and intends visiting. Uncle Sam 3 fair [on the way bae|:.-Elmvnle Chronicle. A - ` L - gun. a II. A,___, 11_L,___gA_ \JIII IIIIIUl\ln Mr. Train, of Flos, left town Saturday after havinz attended the taking of evidence in t.he'Parka vs. Flea case. Toan` ADVANCE reporter he said everything was favorable to bl... c>,m:mnhin n `mun, ` - IVUPUKUUI I19 Dual: 1: vvn the townIhip n cue. , -'l.`he regulor meeting of the W.C.T.U. ` will be held on Monday afternoon next at 8 _' o'clock in th_e;Union parlors. . - , ` 0 BA RRIE S DRAMATIC SEASON. McAVY S UBENSE. "8-i"Eme'"6`6E:"5r1v.' IIUII PUUUIIQ HLIU IDIJIIUIC IV UUIJIIB PUK UUKIIO Therewere only a few` loads of hay on the market. the price of which was a dollar more than the week before. that is $13 per ton. Potatoes were selling at 27 cents and 30 cents per bag. Vegetables are only com- ing in in small quantities as yet. though it is likely they will be plentiful in another week or two._ There was some maple syrup on the market which brought $1.25 per gallon. _ BARBIE MARKET. . Saturday s brightness brought a good number of people to market and Dunlop street had quite a busy appearance. There was not the number of farmers in town, of course, that there will be as soon as seeding isover. As on the previous market day, butter and eggs _were plentiful, the prices for the former being 17 cents and 18 cent! per pound. the latter 10 cents per dozen. rl`}IQI|n.II1nDo .un`n (1 fatty Inn;-In A` b-unto an `k `oi/"Joe:-'7 ` , . UonI;ra1Bus1noss Golloga, Toronto W. H. SHAW PRmu=)a.. . I _ THE HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK 1N TOWN AND VICINITY. --Yesterda.y was May dsv. --Division Court is in session. -Town Council meets Mondav next. --Douqa1l Bros. have put; in a. ne new" window front. Next ! _ - -- u 4 n__, nuvuv 1- gov-any guy--- Flower Food. a perfect stimulant for window plants at B0TlIWELL9s . , 2_L_=_._._L L... L. WUlJ:I\l-II vi `Inn---w -v -.-up .-_- -- .-__ --Wanted-A smart intelligent `hey to learn the printing business. Apply at this oice. i Va.ir s. vaanvvu WCheapest Pineapple: of the season for preserving-4-$1.50 to $2 50 per doz. at Jan; _- - _. .- g -\n.. q v u-nu -an @_Carpeta Cleaned. Laid and Retted. Prompt attention, low prices. and satisfac- tion guaranteed. S. H. May, 210 Dunlop street. - - - - , A, u_-`._ urn. vvvp The cheapest place in town to buy hard and soft wood is A. W. Wilkin- eon9n. Delivered promptly in any uantityto any part ol the town and llandale. Leave orders at mill. olce or phone. 23. I ;,1 M1,--- II: grnnvnnvu Av:-v -Sixteen sh poles were counted Tues- day night in the rain down at the Bayeld street. dock. The sh. of course, could not be counted. luv vvuuvvvuu w'Ka.rnak-A window full of these latest and best. cigarettes-See in at G. Ha.nmer a. He has just received 10,000, and he's sole l agent for Barrie. nu 1'\ , ,;__,__.;_ -E A._.2---Ia..-.... L.-can u-ve-v an-- ..-- - -v. --The Department of Agriculture have issued a circular trom their dzair-y division entitled The Improvement`. of Cheese Curing Rooms. ,_.. . 1 ,,,,_ 'r_.___:|___ -.... Patronize your home Laundry, our work deserves it. ' Call in when passing. we will be pleased to have you examine any of our work. Barrie Steam Laundry. _ -- rvuuun -At. the Police Court: yesterday Villiera Cripps, a. farmer near Hillsdale, was ned |$1 and costs on a charge of assault. He pleaded guilty to throwing a pitchfork at his son. New field and garden Seeds now ar- riving at BOTIIWELHS ,; ._ 7I1L.......I..-o IIIIIIE (DU 3103.55 tuna:-1 v --The Hospital Board met on Thursday and accepted the report or the committee as to the purchase of property. The Thomp- son property, opposite the Queen s Park, will be the site for the new hospital. t`1-IIS_ _ WILL LIV Ullv unsv gvn vb-V: --.. ._-_,.- ` --The first boat for the north from Calling- wood, the Atlantic, left on Saturday. Its freight; included large shipments from R. A. Thomas, J as. Vair, Barrie Foundry Co., and} number of other Barrie merchants and nuu II I-l\-IDIII. producers. ii'"-o$ Fridsy Mr. Guy Appelbe, an old gentleman living on Dunlop street: east, missed his footing in going down a. stairway and tell. He sustained rather serious in- ijuries, and at the present`. time is in A pre- ! carious condition. M _ --A stonemaaon named Craig came into town Saturday and while wheeling on the Allandale road, collided with a horse and rig which left him a broken nose and other minor injuries. He was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital. in... t1I__n-- *l'l_-_.II_ `Ill...._ _-.3 nil r - v - - v v - ~- ` -l|: The entire household effects and code tents of Ernecliffe, the residence of Mr. W. H. Myers. adjoining St. Vincent Park, will be sold by auction on Wednesday, May 8th, 1901. Sale commences at one o'clock p.m. See handbills, V nvvvnnuu 4-.-var:-us-u For Choice Family Flour and all kinds ot Feed go to Wilklnsonu. All orders delivered promptly In any quantity. Please leave your orders at the Mill Olee or Telephone No. 23. t Better than ever-Messrs. Ford & Pall: have received another large shipment of Chairs, better value than ever. Also Side- boards, Parlor Suites, Mattresses, Springs, Bedroom Suites, Single Beds, at prices that please the customers. Ford & Palk, Five Points, the Hub of Barrie. ':1'$:}e' ishe"cwom'ing~;1_u-i_te a distributing point. Every day large shipments are made of fruit and produce, plants and owers, bottled soft drinks, lager beer and other good things Barrie turns out. The express company report a large increase of business over last year. Complaints are, however, beinu made as to facilities for handling goods at the station. The company should provide more trucks. Station. _ Anchor Clamp Wire Fence, the Frost `Wire Fence, the Gem Wire Fence, Steel Pipe Gates for sale by IT)H0S.DHORN. H. H. OTTON & SO13`, _Five -: . . . . . . -:5 , ,6 Three days special meetings has been ar- ranged in connection with the visit of Major Pickering, Provincial Ofcer, and Sta'Caot. Stanyon,'his chancellor. of Toronto. Major Pickering has been actively engaged as of- cer in the army for the past 16 years, and has held important commands in England and Scotland. the program tor the three days is as follows :--Saturday, May 4-8 p.m., general welcome service to the Major. Sunday, May 5-11 a.m., subject, Two sides of a picture ; 3 p.m.. subject, "The greatest thing in the world : 7. 30 p.m , A Ahnmnn =-u adv ant-n _QnAn:n` nnrdnn 10' 5'1: gxuauvuu Ullllls Ill vuu vvvl. nu . 0 -uv '1 II-ID LL drama in six acts. Special offering at the door afternoon and ni ht; Monday--8 p.m. Major Pickering will eliver his famous leo- tnre, "Ten years in Modern Babylon. in the Preeb terian church. Chair to be taken at 8 pm. y Rev. Dr. McLeod There will be an enrollment of recruits on Sunday. All are welcome. $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANC' swam: corms ma clmrs. This excellent school, with a regular sta of ten experienced teachers and its ne equipment, will continue its practical work throughout the ring and summer months. To spend these _ nths in Toronto is a great treat. and when they can be used to `so great advantage, it is not surprising that this school , with its enviable reputation is well patronized not only by Canadians, but by r p _ _lly_spend he summer. iponths ineToronto, many from the'Southern States, who regu- ~ Central Business College, Toronto. AROUND BARBIE. Salvation Army, Barrie. I 1 UUO. r.l\ll\ Pomts. Barrie. DWEl;LlNG TO RENT, centrally situated. south` west corner of Mulcastcr and McDonald Sts. House. 2 slurev, 9 rooms and halls, garden and lawn. Apply on the prcmises. ' _45-tf ' Brick Clad House and 2 lots on Cumbez-la nd street, Allandalc. House has 8 rooms. cellar. good` Walter'- T ....... .. A.....!.. .,. 1 u {`A.\/|DRF`.l.I._M1dland Allandalc. House has 8 rooms. cellar. gooa water-- Terms easy. Apply to J. H. CAMPBELL. Midland P.O., or A. COWAN, Barrie. 3 15-18`?- DV Hood. 2 Rooms for ofces. ih Ross Block, No. 97. Dunlop Street. I-`ire proof vault: lately occupied bv l_)r. Wells. Also two rooms with-vault, lately occupxed ]acks_& Fraser. Barristers; immediate possession. Apply to C. H. ROSS, Barrie. January 1, 190:. ` I-tf. North-west half of Lot 3, Con. 3. Vespra; 60 acres cleared. balance standin timber: soil. heavy clay loam; rst-class wheat Farm. Where necessary It is tile drained. Frame House. frame barn and log barn; good water etc. Apply on the remisei_ or by ls-mar m FGFRTON H IOHNSTO . .Minesmlr A: LIIC uramcu. rrame DOUSC. lralnl: uaru min: -1.15 rem_xsei_ ll; lgtter to EGERTON H. JOHNSTO , ,M1n:f:*x_:g .(_ ' 1 I: V Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 129, Section 38. notice is hereb given that the creditors of Iohn Shortreed, late 0 the Town- Sillp of Mcdonte, in the County of Simcoe Lumber- mnt who died on or about the aoth dav of i7ebrua. , A-11 1001. are on or before Monday, the 6! din` 0l'.VIay. 21.". 1901, to send by post, pre- paid. to Hewson c Creswicke. of the Town of Barrie, tn the County of Simcoe. Solicitors for Robert Short- reed.` `of the Township of Guelgh, in the County of `Wellington. farmer, and Caroline Shortreed of -the _0\vnship of Vedanta." in the County of Simcoe. 'ldt)\\'_. cxccutcr and cxecutrtx of the deceased. their 'h"_Stl-').n and surnames, addresses and description; the hill particulars of their claims, a. statement of the Securities and the nature of the securities (it any) ` he by them : and further that after the said 6th 3.33 0f May. the said executcrs will be at liberty to lstrihute the assets of the said Testator amongst. '9 Darties entitled thereto, having re ard to the. iknnts of which they shall then have not1ce.'and that thereof 013' have not notice at the time of distribution. ated at Barrie the 6th day of April, 190:. HEWSON & CRESWICKEo Snliritnra Fl... 'I:A l4`..--..e.\.- and `Ilfwu-ni-pix- 8)` will net be liable for the assets or any art. so distributed, to any person of whose c aim ' NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS. V VOL out uucu. nu . SIXTEEN vo-uYiiE'"rGi:n FOURTEEN vounc. woman ` --3-mu nices City WO|'k ii uNT--D_OLLERY --By `Rev. Joseph Young._at theresldence` Mr. Henry Dollery, h_e bade`; father. Allauuale, on Wednesdav evemng. April 24th, 1991. Mr. Thomas A1-cvhdale Hunt and Miss Ada. Doll:-ry, both of Allandale. - . ` DIED. In the Estate ol Eliza Doduoli late , gm 'l`own ofnarrie, In the County of ""0089 widow, deceased. Notice is herebv given ursuant` to the 'ReviIed :nam?5 Of Ontario 1897 C apter :29 eection 18. {Ind dan we _acts that all creditors "and [others having. who aaaxnst the estate of the said Eliza Dodson. `ed on or about the 3rd day of March. AV-Du lm ` 1 al 1:; y. i 9 6.`:f::`.,3: :r.:=9:_.&E=.3'.8:P;.`.::!.2:. NOT on-loves 'lP'3v; ENT on" LEASE mm: 0883 TO;._\ZIiJ-l;lT7(ZTOTPERTY FOR SALE. 7; vi ' H tellignt boy to learn the . ME.Eal3g blT?:ss.'"App1y at ADVANCE -In I.` JNSURANCE PoLI o|E}$ [ISS FA\\'CE'1`T, graduate Nurse, 54 Mary 6-`- ch-npv Rnr-; [ 1oo ACRE FARM I-`BR SAL-E. --- &NTED-A good nurse girl at once. Apply AD\ ERTIbER. ADVANCE OFFICE. 18.18 Thel THUS. HUKIV. 11.. 11. U1 IULV on sun, ` Points, Barrie; \V.\l. CRAVVFORD. ls-13 --__,_ .DD l'.'\\\ L131 street. Barrie." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. V '._ All d I . Monday. Tgipriluand solnnto aang E1":-s. Jafxxes $tlnson. _ _. . _.-`own-In icm $6-9.0. rll`.Wb'UN GE CKESWIUKIS. Solicitors for said Executor and Executtix. Bafrie 2 Farm. r's Friend--A New Invention. . ruin/\ll A rI'\Ir\ N. s T WHOLEHN .' ' S:M:JEL Wnsnnv .Proprietor.; 0 $69} I-IV IJAII ---.-.._-- .AUT`6l:IATIC.. .. MARRIED` BORN. o. H. Ly_p__I{{ Laid for Enddmant Ihshiqol vompaniep. or. money` - ...-r un, u.-. 1 8-26' Lleslll 36-tf `"35; | ' The 82nd anniversary of the establishment of the I.O 0.1. on this continent was cele- brated in Barrie by a church parade on Sun- dav, and an As Home on Monday evening. Sunday morning thev attended Diving ....., uuu an no name on Monday evening. ` Sunday morning they attended Dmne o service at the Baptist church, where Rev. ` Mr. Herknees preached an impressive ser- 3 mm: on "Brotherhood. ' ` -_ -_wv-w---vvunu On Monday evening an At Home was held in the lodge room, which "proved a very successful entertainment. An excellent pro- gramme was rendered by Misses Sibbald. Bingham, Lower. Graham and Campbell and Mr._J. B. Edwards. A feature of the even- ing was the presentation to Mr. John Payne of a beautiful Veteran's Jewel. The ac- companyinq address expressed thethanks of the Oddtellows for his many years devo- tion to the order, and also their heartfelt wish that he might long be spared to them as a fellow-member and be in the future, as ` in the past, a true and ardent exponent of the cardinal principles of their order. I!!! in - If II ToTJohnV Payne, P.G.:Barrie Lodge No. 63, `|l\l\Ta` Dear Sir and Brother,--It is now more than thirty years since Oddfellowship was established in.our midst by the chartering of Barrie Lodge N o. `63. . Of this Lodge you have been a member for the past thirty years. The records showing that you were initiated on Sept. 27th, 1870. During this period you have seen the Lodge pass through manv vicissitudes; shortly after you were iditiated it had a trying struggle. for exis~ tence, and almost became defunct, but through the energy and zeal of a few of its members, not the east conspicuous amongst whom, you yourself were prominent, the Lodge arose with renewed `vigor and life,` 1 and progressed steadily forward, taking a \ foremost place amongst the benevolent so- i eieties of this localitv. ` 17-.- L____ _.-__-.1 ..|..._--..L -11 :5- ........l..... ..l- UIUIIIUB U]. lilll IUUDIIIAV. You have passed through all its grades of _oice,in the gift of the members of the. Lodge, and also have frequently. with mark- ed abilities, been `its representative at the \ ?rrTa.nd Lodge of Ontario. ' 1 :3 nnn:I\1Iv Ola:-nun}: In`I'IAIV:`l'l.'. ant` av-I5 f '.Tl'lII.|U. uuugu Ul \JLIlllIl.'|Un It is. mainly through thepersistent and asslduous attention to the duties pertaining to the various oices and the regular attend- ance at its meetings that the success of the Lodge depends. No one has been more oonspicuous in these respects than yourself. n in nnumiuna in ma hv rim rnlan nf the UUIIUPIUUUHB Ill LIIUBU IJUBPUUDB Iaunu JUHI nona- ' It is permitted to us bv the rules of the Sovereign Grand "Lodge to recognize long connection with the Order by the presenta- tion of a jewel, `but it is not alone on that account that we take this opportunity of 'l marking our_ appreciation of vour. services, 1 but also our wish to emphasize the reasons j as set forth above. , _-_-__.1-_.-_ ...3LL LL:n -unnnnn:an:nn :4-. :u 8:3 355 IOITD HUUVU. in accordance with this permission it is now our pleasing duty to present to you this Veteran : Jewel and to express our heartfelt wish that you may long:be spared to us as a fellow member and be in the future as in the past. a true and ardent exponent `of the cardinal principles of our beloved Order. I III 1| AI, - ___-.._I_-._... -C 13....-:4. T;-`Ann 1 Uillululln rvn`nuun nv-1 v- v... ..v.. . -.. -- , , , Un behalfoflghe members of Barrie Lodge N No 63 1.0.0 F. . _ ` W. Hunnmngr, N.G. A. BBOWNLEE, Sec j. At the Baptist church on Tuesday evening the Mission Circle gave a farewell social to their president, Mrs. -Nash, who is leaving Barrie for Toronto. She was made the re- cipient of a beautiful book of poems, the presentation being made after the fol- lowing program had been rendered :-Ad- dress, Mrs. Sibbald ; instrumental solo, Mrs. Patterson; selection by the choir; reading, Mr. Kikhre; solo. Miss Nash; song, Roy Bennett; reading, Fred `Foster; solo, Miss Ball ; duet, R. and I. Stephens ; solo, Mrs. Hoinan; cornet solo, Mr. San- don; quartette, Misses Ball and Sibbald, Messrs. Judson and Johnston. Then re- freshments were served after the presen- tation was made to Mrs. Nash, accompanied by the following address :-- ' - : Dear Mas. NASH,- 1 1:1... - 1-..- 4.:...... .m.. Lama lnnnm nnnnniatnd . Dear MRS. NASH,- For a long time you have been associated with us in Christian service and fellowship, and nowthat you have decided to go from us we feel more than ever what your presence has meant to us. Constitnted as we are we always feel that farewell words are tinged with sadness, -and this is especially true` when they, are spoken to one who has long been our associate andfriend. We would much rather then look upon these words as an expression of our good will and apprecia- tion than` as a message of farewell. As `members of the Woman's Mission Circle, we loss with great regret one who has shown -7 .__.u.- ......1.1.. -4: .m.m am-vine demanded of here and wortny 01 any uuwv uu ......... ....- could be `appointed. And we `wish to say as an inspiration to you in other elds that your example and womanly Christian life have not been without avail as you have dwelt among us. And we feel sure that we "speak not only for the Mission Circle but for all the church when we say our best wishes and Christian love will follow you and yours through all the days and all the ways that lie before you. - In evidence of our feeling and as a seal to what we ` have said, we ask you to accept this simple -token in rememberance of those who give it, knowing that every suchtoken is hallowed not by its commercial value, but by ,the good will and love which inspired it. And now we `pray that the God of ' all peace and love may make straight your path and smooth you until the dawning of the morn ing. where we shall see Him` as He is and even his likeness. Signed on hehalt of the Mission Circle ` . Mas. Sgnnann, with great regret one wno nun auuwu & herself capable of every service demanded lhere and worthy of any ofce to which she N , , ..1_1 L- '........-:-.0-a:I Ant` wa `wish E0 DEV . -.-_'..._--o-o-o------__ A--Cbl. Ward states thitt in all probability the regiment from Bgrrie will go into camp about J__une llbh. .. V * 4 `YOUR B.EQUIB.EMEN'1`V$ ;F 1 ; Shing|es,_ lath, Agricultural Tile ~landPIas1e'r,ilime1 A `"%9'B"`T% ` ` In Barrie, April zqth. at the residence of Mr. `John Clavton, Penetang meet, Dennis Kenna, aged 78 years. unnnsuuws arms. uvuu, J. uyu 1.0.0 3. (San be"fu11y met at lo_wait prices if you ' V -3 _ Voa1l~on ` 3 3 _ 22.-I Jol'|"'" *4V3'i'i"~' Baptiste Say Good-,by.e-. B Lululuvu vn. ...- Mas. SIBBALD, MR8. HOFFMAN, Mas. PATTERSON. in-m_ INTERESTS or nzumm. run counnr op` smcon AND ran nommox or CANADA oun CRITERION. "2,-Iv ________________.__ `VANTED-A good ADVERTISER. .