3! liivilu Services in St. Paul e and the Preebyterian churches on Sunday were `well attended in spite of the bad roads. -.r A -__ ..._-._L -5. I-`At\ uuu;:l'nIunn Dtrnuv vn vnav we-cu. .v----. A pleasant time was spent at the residence of Mr. J. Wattie on Monday evening where the young people were treated to a dance which was greatly enjoyed. Vuie. Advance Corresoondence. Robert Wright has returned to Midlimd. Mr. Bert Reynolds, of Midland, is spend- ing the holidays at home. ' on 1-1 ,_ _L A]`I_..J..I- In n.-nu-`Jinn; 15:: Ills Ullv slvlnuu-Jw vow --w---_ '1`, Hamilton. ot Alland-a1e,~ is spending his vacation with Mr. Bowman. -I-son I _ __ ___]_` Vlbulaulvnl vvnvnu avQ.u nwu -. ---.._- Master Norman Reid has gone to work for Mr. C. Carr, of Painswick. I 'I,_L A..- Av: can \I `I-u-- -_ _..__... .._ Mr. .Mi.lls and sister. of (islsdon East, are the guests of Mrs. Wm. Robertson, Knock. Miss Libbie Reynolds has returned home after a pleasant stay with friends in Barrie; -n ,,; -2 1'~p_._..:- _._.1 I `D-.. Mia; `.'e{.wI-z:iL:'ot ' '1;ri,T Qd J. Roy- nolds, ot Knock, visited the_Misses Reynolds l_ast`week. ` , -- an a gag r. '1 nvuav vv v_-v--u 1 Mrs. Albert Megill and Miss Rbecca Megill. of Barrie, visited Mrs. Joshua Reid and other friends here on Good Friday. Min6B1DC.. Advance Corrosoondence. Mr. A.-F. Johns is visiting in Clinton. Rev. Mr. Robertson preached in the; Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon. 1 up. . 5,, __'I LL. "1... l'..k\ A IVIYIIJ uvnnvunn vs.--- vac -- -v--_...' V.- Miss Primrose entertained the iee Club` as her homeon Thursday evening. Apleas- ant time was spent in practise and games. -._. _g-_ _..... ___ at _.... .-..-.t ll-n-I_nInnn British Olcer Denied That inner` I Were Carrying` Munitions of War. New Orleans. La. April 9.--Su1t for an injunction. l)1'0ug'11t by Boer representa- tives giguiiist tho agents of the .s'beam- -ship Anglo-Aiistrtiian, seeking to prevent i iho Sl1ip1Ii(`nt of mules and -horses thru Now 0if'Io:ms to South Africa, `for the us of the British army. was taken up for trial in the United States Circuit Court to-day-. `mn. Pea:-son of _the Boer army, and `at numhm` of Brigisih army `officers were prosmt. .D(=posit!i0ns were ied. on .the part ofitho doofudnnts, in which they d'e- nivd ih.-it i'1w_\* were carryiing mrunltionsot w;ir.ennd mnintninori that they were -simply vng:1;.:vr1 in pvuneful transportation pur- suits. . DLIII Iullllv vviuw Inlay:-v nan tr--v--~v ---f 5"" Neighbors nay If you want tint-clan Flour totako your wheat to Wilkin- son : mm. Barrio. to be exchanged or grlued. .1 , , _ _l__ _-_- ..2_2d-3.... Ian:-n Ann- | grnluauo Among those who were visiting here dur- I in: Easter holidays were Mr. Thos. Hindle,_ Toronto; Miss McLean. Elmvale; Dr. W. C. P. Bremner, Stur eon Falls; Dr. W; A.- Kerfoot, Toronto ;' orace Kerfoot, B.A., Hamilton, and Walter Johnston, Barrie. ` n In 1,, LL- nfff LLGIIIIIIULI, Gnu vv Gllllpb uvu-uvv-, The oyster supper held -in the AD. U. W. hslllsst Thursday evening,` under the ens- pices of the Literary Society. was well at- tended. It was, in fact, the supper of the season. and reflected great credit on the en- terprising young people who took part in gettinu it up. v n,, n_i_1-_ 1n,.__|_ nnarl. - nnnnf. in ha- SUUUIUK `U Ill-In On Friday, March 29th, a. concert, in be- half of the new Victoria: Hospital, Barrie, was held in the A.0.U.W. ball. A large audience listened with greet eetiefection to.` the program, both literary and musical, furnished by` home `and outeide talent, and excellently curried out. - The chair -wee taken by Mr. A Ingram. Three gentlemen from Orc. Meeere.- Robinson, Klrlr trick and Crawford, lnrniehed inatrnme music of e high order and were stem? 9PP1,'9Mo.d. '. hf '|.~,222gLe%%s2z2.eLe9z9_m9 . c a gu9_gggg9ggg;2gt2912ek2m2_<.L29129L9;22&.e numbers were good, special mention should be made of the singing of Miss Maud Tracy, Melville Richardson, of Apto. Geo. Tracy Joseph Orchard, sr, also of an excellent recitation by Miss Alice Graham. Mr. Or- chard, for a gentleman ol his age. sang a solo with splendid effect. The very oppo- site. in age, Melville Richardson, brought down the house by his song in uniform. "For I want to be a soldier. He evidently receiving frequent encores. While I all the ` has a future as a vocalist. The net proceeds `of the concert, together with a donation I from an old friend of the hospital, amounted to$40. The Literary Society has also voted $5 to the hospital fund. The claims of the hospital are not ignored, here. The com- mittee in charge of the undertaking were Mr, Joseph Orchard, sr , Mr. J. Young, Mr. J. B. Johnston and Rev. A T. Ingram ` . Anten Mills. _ Advanc ;-.,Conespondcnce. Mrs. Carr is visiting wlth Mrs. Grant, of Minesing. -_T -u u . `I\ ,.,,__ _n"I:!I.....-I- I.....1uu..-. KLIIITIIJBI I Mrs. Robert. Barnes, or'Elmva1e, has been visiting friend; here. 1 I IE!I_-__ AC `Tau... V--l. nrlnflif Wannr V Illllllla II Ivnouu saw. v. . John Wilson, of New York..spei1b Eater -with his parents here. ; 1-`... 1n..:.. ...... I...-m... unm- Britain Settles With Germany. Bm-rlin. AprI1T9.-lr is Of(*1a.ll_v 1'opor_ted thun\\'hil- Ilr. .\`ln0h0'] rvf tn-0 (,'0l0h`h1l De- pamm-nt of tho (:-rman l<`_orv1g'n Ofce was in Lnlululi. :1 mut.u-ad agrememt was rem-hm] In-1\\'m`n "Gm-many -and Great Britain. x'.:~'::I1" (`.m'mnn,v s`cla'1n1s to in-'. d(*Il1l1i!y for (:m'man.'~1_evIl-_cvted from the T1'nn.~2v-ag], puuguug uuv Vilulvvn ... .....--_.- I Jon. Dickson. of Hamilton, has been re- 1 newing old acquaintances in Hendrie. |.. Miss Louie Hex-r`xn%a.nd Miss Honeisa. of Toronto, spent the aster vacation with Mrs. Herring. _ - 7 W: Lu 1-nn..-.. ..:..:...1 WITH: J-I-U5`-55"! _ . . J 11 ` d Ed. Wilson visited thg.-`u:ter.lEr:nH. Knapp, of Elliot : pco;-gags, on Saturday. Mrs. Knapp s many frindd here will be` pleased to learn that: her 1. - , ha." 1.. --....`.._I..--, imnrnvn IJVI uvnw vnn -9-.-- friends wlllfoieued I , health is somewhat improved. `Wluu Iun yusvuaw lavnvu James and John Muir are home aftexj Ipengling the winter in N aim. -r,., 1\2-I__-.. -8 llnunl-.nn End hnnn rA.i Enters more largely into the determine- tien of the value of Men sG1eth1'ng. when you make your purchases, we have care- fully taken into" account all the fine pomts likely to make our Clothing popular, and the demand for our goods, shows that our efforts to sell honest reliable garments are appreciated. _ Our linesfo: spring and summer,` axe the largest, and the best we have ever shown. ll unsu ALLJIIJII, uns. I.~\Juv nnnn `ti \l\ro.\/`av We can demohstrate to your entire satisfaction, `that we can sell you up-to date Clothing at one-third less than the made-to Ineasure kind, it you will but afford us the opportunity. HUNTER anus We have selected mu" fabrics from the best houses in the country. The cut and style, the t and msh, are absolutely` correct 4- I .. .... ARE YOU CONSIDERING The Ready-to-wear Clothing Men, Barrie. "hlmspnrt Wngxons For r. Ottmvn, . April 9.--'I`he Ottawa CI!` AWm-k.<. which is building 30 transaport was-m.= for Hm Ixnpori-nl G In- tennis .l1imi1w.: mm of the Wng'0n~9_th1Sv \\'n\nL' 1,. \\'..,.1.:..1. vrm}. mm-A-~ --- A- Element Of Style The Angus is sorry to have to parts with one who has been in our midst for 9. number of 'yeara, in the person of Mr. Geo Farrel, who purposes making his home in Uollingwood. George will be greatly missed around here, especially by the young ladies. There was a farewell party given at the home of Mr. Pearson, and a very enjoyable time spent. `Angus. Advance Correspondence. . ` Our snow banks are just about gone for ` another while. _ _-- -- . up up u-.-~.---.. . . . . . . _v. V Miss Bella Shaw and Miss Kate McKeaVer _are visiting friends in Mimico. _ `no 1| 1 ul:__,_ AI!-- -_..l Miss M. Migss Alice and * Maggie Walker spent Easter at their homes here. ' - School is closed, and" our teachers are `spending their ho-lid-ays as. their homes. We all wish them a. very enjoyable time. Allr .- _--. ---v~_- -~ I A The party tent was at. the home of Mr. nDuckworth was the event. of the season, \ Miss Annie McKeaver being the belle of the 1....n' \ AILIEO . ` ball. Advance Correspondence. Mr, Alex. McQuaig who has boon at Ottawa is home. Messrs L. A. Ma.rli_n and. A. Carson are visiting gt. Toronto. an 1- n, ,'2...I- L-_ L . . . _ -_ - -- -> - ---1-`nu... Inn` I11 _ l-1.1!: WIlUH'S L11!-WV` \\"`<`1\_' In \\'ml\\'i(:h. The wagons ar'eu-7 riroly diI`l'or~nt from :'mythingAeve1- maaef in (":1nnr1n_ both in I'(`)ZaL1`(1 to st1'uvctureT ind as-mil. 'lhr=y :m~ 1m!=lr on dmwlxngs and Rpm-i<-ntiuns' .<.ulnniH:e(1 by the B1'itls'h' `VHF Hfr-(-. If the wagon shipped" this \\'v+\k is nmn'nv(>(1 of. the ()1`l1(`l'S will be ro:x to `forward at a moment's: notice. -..v _..--v-- --v---- J- V`- _ - ___ The Presbyterian Vconce;'t has been postponed to the 25th inst. on account of the bad roads. ' ` ..--w.-a -. ._---..--. 1, Mr. Roe, of Suunidale has become. a I citizen of our village. :11 -1` D I mfi-Qsi. ormoncaod Fred Qrawford apeoc the Easter holidays at Toronto. I (\l1 ,- l,_I__-__ The Easter heliday passenger traic on the 1G.T.R. was heavy. ? H . V0170 THIS FULLY GAT HOWARD MURDERED. -Boers Captured the Gallant Omcor and ms Orderly, and Shot Them _in ' Cold Blood. ` ` (mawa, April 10.--Ca.pt. .Ch,a.r1ie` loss, the famous Canadian. scout W110-suc-c:oo(1<- Gat. Howardin % Command of the Canadian Scouts. in a lettor to C01. Sherwood, tells how Howard was killed-. It is as follows: (Ah 1 . --uvvu,n \L \v(Ln 1\11u.:u`. L1; 19 cm: :.un;u www- Derby; South Africa, Feb. 18. -- Yes_terda_v_, While the "corps were out reconnoitcring, Major Howard, a.c-' compmlirld by his orderly, was `a; couple of miles in advance, of the Corps, and was ambushed by about 50 BOOTS, who immediately deprived Ihom of nrlus, ammunition andva1u- .;1hl<-s`, and then hru1;ally shot the two of thorn in cold blood. This ha-PPVGT1" M1 on the borders` of Swaziland; 'l`hoir rmnains were brought! into "mll to-da_'V and buried with due honor." - l`w0nt,_v Gold Watches Prouentod. ' nmlph. Aprrll 9.`--'l`he presentation to mix`; South Afrimm soldiers took place In U18" (`ity Hal-I .m.m;.vnt,' both halls being packed tn fhn Ann...-. 1.-VA`.-.1. -vsn-1 nnnnlivn II Hl ` J Hum -10-1II;.'ul. Uotu uuua ucunn 1"-""' m the doors. Each man received a sold w:m-11, suitably an-gmved. `Th? 1"'13 are thy nmmss: LaIeu't.| McC'nae G01 ?-. \V:l11{Ol`,'B0mb. Dvrnyes, '1`rooper '1`8`"- fh1I1ne1`s Ahhs. Ba1'hen', Colrmaclto Crtlidlleo I Hows`. Thomas; Lott, Miller, S*t`3'Dhen$"mv` Mmihbnrn. D1<.i\`(-1's` Cokey, Wennell, `MC- Donald, Bardgott. l'artl`ld[e, 1.'h1|P- . - -yup a4$vvf\--u Roma. April 9;-l)lIe`trlch Weuand. t`l`! """`=|nf of l'}111`pe1'o1' Wlulznn a.t,Bre-men. `"10 `is now in an insane asylum. 118'! 5'3! - ferod sew-ml severe eplnleptuc Iltnzacksw. 1'1 one of these `he almost kt :-lecvthe counse!-V mlined for his defence. -[ms Places the >VNoi~th erh R&(V|| ;7_ way in British I-lands, ' "" -W var-Iuuu vuuguauvn rJ'wIvwI-v_- Ottawa. April 9.~-'1`he an-chbxahops . nu `Sh0I>s at the Roman Catholic 'cu ur`ch- or. (7`1d8 have signed a Joint letter` ed to Cardinal Vaughn 01"`Eugland. con T '""WH!!.' mm upon his protest 18543 731;; statements in. the coronation oath ,9 ' `"9 o?en-s1ve. to Cathoucs. '.l`he.1e,I-' fir Ra the v(.`ardll3x1"TN't9.9t W08 /W915". m":d.and thart the ca-naa1o.n u1suops asp?! "ad Anotiier Flt and.Ne'u1-ly K1110!` His Lawyer. 'D.._.n . . ._ - ;..._ EMPEROR WILLIAM S ' ASSAILANW? .--u-cu. at With it. Nicholas May Abdicate.` ' ~ : _ _ London. April 9.--"The health: of EH17. Dl'I'0r Nicholas has been shaken by HD0113} "mmot1ons," says the t. -Peteriblu_'(Ie01',' " 9D0'nadent of The Dally E89303! "!ild,..h. '1 urobably ahdlcate. mue_ xn1xt,~.lI1ldot % me-s mum, {b`I'I;- C MULE SHIP IINJUNCTION CASE. Endorse : A`. CLAIMS Eon DAMAGES. Cardnlal Vaughanl Protol u,- -.,u..___ `an Lord Kitchener `neporti - cg], success-Mot With no -topp'i`b';;`_:;,._ Sixteen Prisoners ind 's_|'x`y` Capturod-Booro Also Make Q .. ..co1-ruled a Party of 0tug~gm.dd- Whom Only Twenty-F133. E._. .5__' Z London, ADP 9.-L0:;d Klt0hBIer .r . mg to the War Oftice under` date 01}:-rt to;-Ia, April 8, says: = ' "Piumor has occupied Pietersbu ~ T8 with slight Opposition. He captur d t V motives and 39 trucks." 8 W0 Co'- The capture of Pietersburg 13 re - d. T hereas important. The place ,1, t;:rt::- minus of the railway, and hastbeeniheb capitai our the Boer Governmem sqnce the evacuation of Pcretoria. the whole northern [railway is now in the hands of the British . According to Lord Kitchener` (1 only one ofcer and one man :e1_:5kIm:'h.. The Boers evacuated the b0wn_du1-|n"th',_; night prior to P1u.mer's arrival, after mom in: '9 W0 truck laden with ammunition Kitchener further reports the` cap: I ture of 16 prisoners, 50 horse. and the do ot of war stores at . Orange River Colony. Ronmanskw As an oiisotythe commander-lmchjeg re; ports that a (1eta.(-lunen-t of a hundred men of the Fifth. Lancers and Imperial '1'-A-nnnrv were attacked by 400 Boers may qohic Mt rim. yearn. i Ottawa,` `Api-u 9.--(Spec!al.):-Further. cur . rplementary estimates for the current as- 9 ca! ymr wefe fnhlnd -Ira Aw--- I__ 4.|._ .----.-v-_-v-H1 euumues tor `the `year were tabled to-day by the Finance Minister. They amount to 83,729.- 710,- of which $2,788,440 is chargeable to ` consolidated fund and $941,276 to capital. ; The sum voted-Just session was $66,611.- 085, making, wlthfthe above and a sum or $120,000 recently voted, 1, total or 860,480.- 801 Of exnenditnl-A fnr H. ..........n. am-I rear." uullle O! the ItIIIl. some orfthe -important Items In vtheI9 further supplementarlea are: ` For the Glasgow Exmbltlon $13,000. ` ` Public health and quarantine $20,000. Manhood surage voters lists, In On- Atarlov $13,000. Mnan- a--_u, yuan AU QJOQUIIU. Mill-tla, turt mmtary proprtles (including s2",ooo~ for ties and rallglor tramway to Bocklitfe range). $74,000; clothing and stores, $136,000; gmtufty to Lleut.-Col. Mc- Glll. R.M.C.s $3188. - A 1 For the Boulanges Canal $200,000. _ ` For -the new military store at ,0tt9-W3 ` $10M: For the Paris. Ont. pixbuc buiidtng, $10,- 000 hr amount tow annal drills.` vvv. 3 '1' nt- Postotnce. Unuon "8 mm -etc. $12,000 Exnnnaan ` 1... ....--_ _ z'. . displays on 4 _, ----`-y .uu.'.p 1J..lJ\I\f- - Expenses `In connection wlth funeral V publ1c.bu-l'Id'lngs thruout Can- ada on the occalon of the Queen's death, `25.000. 7 ' Cha-udiere slides. brldgs, reconstruction. $43,100. V 1'n..... L, '- - non of the Gover line In the, Yukon, `Qucsnelle and Atlln, B,C. nus. .uvuuI.eu 011.09. The additional Yukon-vote Is. la_rze,$170,- 000. Included In contractor for tra nsportatlon of men and supplies in conne nment telegraph" 'lne;' re- vate or1'$29,000 in connection with same and $125,000 for con- struction of that part of th-e ne between Thp mum nf e1nm-m . thds 21.8` $11,176 to the ctlon with the cconstruc-` V aI.I.d.J\l_O Illumination of Pa: return of. Canadian 1 Africa, An addltlonal sum 1 the Mounted Police. 'l"hn nAld>-l......| 1!, - clerks on duty in South gkfrdcavz J. A. L:_Ll_llor $184, '1'. B. Bede-ll 247, K. A, Mur_ray $160, R. Johnson $324.. - : stray. Jdhn Johnson, 'J.'|l1'K, now lies an 'u precarious condition suffering from bruises and is wound from a knife thrusts i between the shoulders. "The atriray tock i place in. the vicinity of the County Court !`Ilouse, where Judge Ohipman has been 5 listening since yesterday to certain legal ' arguments over. disputed `accounts between L 1 number oil Armenians on one side and . several Syrians and Turks one the other. -Father-in-Law of Prince Tuan Saul to Be an Important Factor. `Pekin, April 9.-- 1`he Russian Minister to China, M. De Giers, responding .to the letter from Prince Ching and LI Hung Chan-g regarding 1\Ianc-hurla, merely` re- fuses to hold further communication with them upon the subject. 'I`hn Nfnnmnllan D;.:..n.- nI..._u-_._ ._.-1, ,, - ....\.... uyvu use EUUJBCL. . The Mongolian Prince Olz1skau,vfather-in luw of Prince Tuan, proves to be an Im- portant factor in t'hev1'ebelllon now in pro- gress. He urges the rebellious troopg to uuu'c!h on Slun Fu. V (`~I..a....-... __I.- I--. N -- -` " C`-hinese who know Gen. Tuug Fu Siam say the Emperor brought the rebellion up- on his own head when he published the edict threatening the general with_fut'u1-e` punishment. On account of his present ` power and influence, General Tung F11 Sianv would not permit this and naturally desired to prove that power. He has the entire lloulmmedvnn population with him: Prince '1`uun has a large following, while Prince. Olaskun controls the entire Pi'0vin'ce 01 Mongolia. I`l'\I..\ n,............ 1n..:..;.... n.. \.t;...-_. 17,... AIJ.\IIlb\J'lllI.o The German Minister. ._ Dr. Mumm Von Schvvartzensteln, entertained all the nd!nls- ters at a dinner to-day in honor of the an- nlvel-s-ary of the, birth of Count Von Wal- dersee. ` - - .. uu. -. u.`.--tn...- "As Japan View: It. Yokohama, April 9.-'l`l1e dissatisfaction of Japan w:ithiRussia's action islnot in regard to the Manchurian agreenient, the leading pzivpers Tm-.1'e` :-ifiirm, but with Rus- 'slu s action in Mnnchuriu, Hence, Japan declines, according to an important section of the press, to c0n.s'ider the abandonment of the agreement as :1 finial settlement of the Mancihuri-an qu-ezstion. It is urged that this question should be. brought before a -conference of the Mi'nister s,_ilike the other Chinese `questions. - Russia Has Secured Herself. St. Petersburg, April 9.--'1`he Novoe Vreymb, avers; that Russia has now` no cause for uneasiness regardlng`Manchuria. Slhe possesses separa.'t.e ngreemlcnts wiiitil the Qovernor of each of the three prov-`V inces,_ which-remain in force. In the tug turc, if China desiresher former position restored at any time, she can sign the treaty in her possession. In the meantime, The St. Petersbuurger. Zeiitung says, Russia is free to act in Mnnchurla for the preser- ` vation of order as her judgment directs. Memorial Asks for Reforms. Shanghai, April 9.--The Yang Tse Vice- roys and Governors. have forwarded a me- morial to the throne suggesting certain reforms. These reforms suggest, among other things, that the royal Princes and students of good ramriiyjshould travel and study in foreign countries: that the entire army be drilled bywestern methods;'that colleges and schools be extended, and that a standard dollar currency be `adopted-. ~l`8llwu,v In .. off Boers e prior t Anchor Liner Reached ulallifax After Much '.l`rouble-PiIton Bod Broke. .Haiit'ax, April 9.--'1`he Anchor Liner Bri- tannia, with a full `general `cargo and six rst-class passengers, arrived in part this afternoon, disabled. The steamer left New York on April 2 for Mediterranean ports. On Aprivi 4, when 250 miles out, the high piston [rod brokeand cracked the cylinder- head. `After 52 hours work the engineers disconnected the triple expansion engines and the steamer started for Halifax. After running 22 hours another break occurred and the steamer started to leak. Tempor- ary repairs were again eifected; and the t steamer -reached Halifax unassisted. She ; will be detained here about a week. . ' Arnonlalfstabbod 'l"`ux-k. .- Truro, N.S., April 9.-A `small-sized` In- surrection In the Armenian colony this afternoon resulted ln :1 serlous vstab-blng Jdhn Johnson Turk, now lies Jn .. .............:....'. mmml nn muttering from I.-IFDIID CI: Iluuuuurur -_ VFW I St. Stephen, N. B., `April 9.-Wllliam Doyle, a young man of Calais, went. to a saloon -"to-duty, asked forva glass of water nnd -retired to a side room. He retunrned immediately and tell screaming to the loot, . dying In a. few seconds. He swuliowed an !`ounce of catholic acid. He had been drink- ` Ins andtrled suxclde earlier in the day. Tine . m;_mu Theatre Loss. Ottawa, Ajpr 9.--'1`he loss on the Rusell 1`heutre,'.destro,ved hy .i"e' this _'Xn'0_!'V nhl"-, In $100,000, and whhe ctlll amount at Mtv.rm.#J?`%3~ _ .. % nuvu recently voted, $00,400.- expenditure .tor the current scal rl . ` Drak uh 0'uno of Cnrbbilo Add.- -. U` - A ....II IIYIIIIQ .cnINA's NEW REBELLION. SS. BRITANNIAA DISABLED. Some` 01 the Items. 3f if-ha h-uuu....A---.A- It---- Orange Rlver Uolvuy, offset the command ` ` 91'-11.1-chief . (leta.-1 . .. r the 1rtttn(1::zI;1ecr1at;'sof1n:l h"d" S Vlvlere by 40I0m%erlal rt ward of Aberdeen 09!`: ' Cape Col- 0 Yeomanr to the no `may, and the British were sur1'0un(1.e . ed, that after several 1, ' P8 aming with the exception of 25 9 Who Sllccged-ed .In~maklng their 0SlCa-pe tlon Parliament Bu.'lldlI.ngs_ on .Canadlam soldiers from = South. 600. Russell fluktfo J __' '_ _-a.- I--- -_ Lt- ,t., p11blIc"bu1ljdlng , Statlon, sort- clfinnt sun Rana. Ofd_arod by the Gqvernment_ Igor Next YeaI s'Consumpti,`3n. _ "rho sun: sto. Ila:-lo stun Cainpaly-Wlllv Supply 25.ooo.1fon; at 332.50 Per `Ion Next You-- rhou For This `Year Wore Boughtjn the sat at I32-60- !-`he T fruit Ilsrks Bill - The House in Supply. V } { Ottnwny April 9.-(Speo_i'al'.)-~The Com- mons began business after the Easter `holi- days with n heartening incident for the" Opposition, the .introduction or the Con- servative member for `North Bruce. Mr. James Halliday was introduced by Mr. Borden, and Dr. Sproule, and took his seat amid Opposition applause, V A Paper: Asked For. Mr. Haggart asked that the pipers on the claim of the Nova Scotla Government against the Dominion, in connection with; the Eastern Extension Railway, be print- ed; also that the evidence taken before the arbitration be printed. This was agreed` to, . ` ` i ll nA_.=I.... .:....... ..a.L-...H.... 4.. I-kn cone "l`dc1'?` Btrden drew attention to the `fact that the Premier had not yet produced the 1 Papers in regard to Mackenzie and `Mann's M Yukon Railway claim, promised a month ago`. i ' III`. A `I'l\..-.IJ. Il g-I-- -I `ne, of Commissioners Announc- -A.d..st1-nthcona` Olcers Pronloted. 4 London, April 9.-T'he Gazette today an nouncos the 11311103 of the members of the Foreign Office Commission appointed. to investigate the claims .1501` damages to go,-gigners deported from Soutvhn Africa, Foreign governments may be represented` _A. u... .~4n&nag nf Hm nnmmlsualnn :11 niv U`oV' The Minister of Agx-lculture contended that this would not be advisable, inasmuch as flux` hill nmlu nnnlln 1-A fl-11H nnl in `ll-{CD lalll WUUIU I-IUD `LR: UUVIDGUIC ilLlIlD'AuI.I\.A.L as the bin only applied to rniit sold in closed packages. but while omly ` certain classes were so sold to-day, in the near future other kinds might be sold in closm packages. Mr. Fisher, however. conceded to -the demand to the extent of adding 9. dening clause, as follows: V The -term fruit, as used in this bill, shall not include wild fruit. 11.. 111-..-.. ..........;a A... ...........A #1.... -uunnll-:1 pears, to which the bill was intended to ` -div n'nIuaI. awnuvo-new nan--. , `The House then went into committee on the Fruit Marks bill, which underwent considerable further tinkering. Dr. Sproule, Mr. Lancaster and others pressed for at denition of the fruits besides apples and am>ly- 1 mp... \n..:=.4..... no A -..Im.I+..m -m+onan.d ` Wllll Ll'lll|-c ` Mr. Clancy moved to amend the penalty `claue by striking out the words which allow to the imforman-t. one-half the penalty imposed for, infraction of the-act. "Visa ntnnnvnnnf IIYCIE nfnnfu nn f\T| The amendment was defeated, and on the suggestion of Dr. Spwoule the third read- ing was postponed. ' The House in Supply. The House having gone Into Committee` of Supply, the estimates for the Inter- colonlal Railway were taken up. . n... n... `1.n..... Ar ermn nnn fnr u+ool rnila IIIJDOSGU UH`, Iuurucuuu UL Luc-act. I cuiuuuu nuuwuy wen: wuscu up. On the item of $500,000 for steel rails, Mr. Blair explained that the rails pur- chased this year were bought trom the Illinois Company, and the Cambria .Com- _.pany at $32.60,. the purchase being made by tender. For next year -the Govern- ment had contracted with the Sault Ste. Marie Company at the" same price. The ._compamy asked that they be given the contract to ensure the establishment of permanent steel rail works in Canada, with its attendant advantages. The rails would contain a percentage of nickel which would add to their V;alu.e, but not to their cost; The company first proposed to turn- V lsh `the rails.a~t current - prices, and the Government, having ascertained that rails could not. be had for next faii s delivery at less -than the price named, (!l!11'.el`8d`1I.'l.t0 a contract with the Soo Company for 25,000 tons of 80-pound" steel `rails , -to-be delivered at Montreal at $32.50 per ton. Mr. Clergue had informed him that the machinery was now in place," and that, commencing in August, the company would supply 500 tons per week,- so that the whole _25,000 tons would be delivered in time to be-laid,before' the snow files, More Rails to Be Asked'For. Mr. Blair intimated that an additional sum for rails would be asked in the sup- plemeptary estimates. The Government had promised, it the rails were up to stand- ard, to give the company further contracts at current English prices. ` Dnnlwinn .4-A `Kn Tlnnnrnlif M1` Rlnlr Ill. l.'ll1`l`B1ll. mugusu prxccs. Replying `to Mr. Haggart, Mr. Blair said that the contract with Mr. Clergue did not call for any specied percentage of nickel, but `he believml all the ores-of the company contajned 2 to 3 per cent; of nickel. At the rate of 25,000 tons per year, which it was projiostgd to put down. the entire Itntercoloninl systc-1n would be relald in 6 or 7 years. ' 0 Juatice Estfnmtea. After dinner the Justice Department esti- mates were taken up. \t_..I- ....`l-...l .uk.n4- uvnn knina nnn IIluI.l'.` wen: uuuzu up. T Mr, M`onk.asked what was bean; done about Increasing the salaries of the Que- bec judges. nu... uAIn.Mnn,l1nnnrnI 1-anlndu fhnf ht!` Ll: Juucs. - V The Solicitor-General replied that he was convinced that the salaries of the judges in all of the provinces-were too low_. and the Government. he hoped, `in the near future, would see its way dear to, give the matter of an increase consid- eration. - ' `l"\..-dung I-`an :`IInnnmu`.l\v1 A fhn Ifnm Of era uuu. During the discussion or the item of $20,000 for-consolidation of the Dominion statutes, the Solicitor-General said V an Order-`in-Council would be -passed without delay appolnting commissioners to do the work, They would be assisted, he said, by officials of the Justice Department. ' M1-.0 Sittonm `Tree Planting Item. Mr. -Sifton s item of $15,000 to promote "tree" planting in the Northwest Territories `raised a stormy protest from Mr. Wilson of Lennox, Mr. Clancy and other Oppo- sition members, who potlnted out that the appointment of two or; mone specialists, as proposed, to einstructp `farmers in planting trees fort wind-bi`-eaks,. was a scheme simply designed to give employment to needy 1-lends, and to plant trees for other friends at the publlic expense, 1": UL; ' `A91:-can Al I---Ulunn. allnnuunnlnn I4 1q'01'(.|gu 5u\\nuuu.uu.u A4:-ya .4- -..t.-...:v..u.-a at the simngs of the_ commission. it they so desire. ` nu... a,\IIn.~nlnn`n1-n.mnHnn.n nf nfnnmalnnf a.a.u\.n|IA\`.I uh Ia-L1: yuuuay ualruuou In the `course or further `discussion, 11 came out that a large proportion of the 315,000 would go to pay salaries and travel. ing expenses of Mr. slrtoars seat! 01! om - llllll r1'*.tea' some half dozen` other items 01 Mr. Sl1'ton's estimates wen passed, the House closed at 12.10 mm. V . Ottawa; .--(S`pecl`al.A)--AT. deputa- tion of Ontario `and Quebec newspaper publishers will wait upon the Government" to-morrow tq ask a reduction of the post- age on newspapers. In `E... (Mann A. flag mliii 17 -`mo nh Manila, April 9.--Altho the, officials are nncommunlcatlve, it is, nevertheless, said `that A;nd.naldo_ signed the peace manl- festo this morning. Chief Justice Arellano `drafted the docu ent. Azulnaldo strongly objected to two lansea therein, and cons!- derable argument was" required to overcome his objections. ` ' G`: VA: ucvvwyupvswu In the case or the Crown v. the British American Bank Note Company, Judge` Burbidge. in the Exchequer Court to-day, gave decision, holding that the_ Crown is entitled to recover from the defendant the dierence in cost, with p'roiit, between stamps supplied ant, or made by, litho- graphic proeeas, and the amount charged `for them at steel engraving prices." . &YlJI.Il.'l._-I:nn \"u-`-: _..-.__.._ ._,.___ llontemy. CAL, April 9V.--Apoqtfl-e Can-nvon of the Mormon Church is rapidly stnklng, and death '!s.hourly expected. - FIve;More Cues of Flnsne; Cape Znbwn, April 9.--F1ve fresh cases or bu`bo'n.lc `plague have `occurred here. `we at which 10 tuoldier. A V " - Mormon -opotle dunno: Dying`; A._._lI II 1...- VAL 11----` The Ffui: Mark: Bill. Dy .1 LIL` ufluvl up . (`aptziins D. M. .H.owa1'dT and G, .w_ '`,aIn(-run. to he_majm-s, and IA~euts. R. M: C'ou1-tny and J, J. 'M'acDona1d, to be cap. tains. ` ` V "Newspaper Men on hock. A in 1` tan , 1',` \ A _A3'ulna.ldo signed 0 ,-,,n A AuL1.- 41.- -1; Midhurst. Advance Correspondence. Watch out for the census taker. V Miss Bertha Orrock, (.." L'ne B.C.1., is home for the .holid_a.ys,. ` . :1 on ,..#L T.1-..4.-.. _.2a.L ] AUI. UIJV ..... ..._..,..,. A Mrs. Robert McGowan spent Easter with friends in Toronto. - ' . - - cw .u 1. Junntus uu u v n v uy ruin ._ -..- Mrs. J. and Mrs. W. Matjyvf-i-e'Id, of Buffalo, are visiting their father, Mr. J. Cousins. `I 1. 11 , -1. r\--I__;.___ 3... Llinuu nu. l\JIl\|h! nu .-.v-v--'- Mr; A. T. Wattie, of North Bay, spent Easter under the parental roof. It 1 _,, .1 II... II? \l-_-.cn`J A`1-lngnln vnvnnuaa yum.-- .----v ...__V _ . ....- 5 _, _ Mr. G. Leadley, of Cooksbown, is holiday- .ing with his uncle, Mr. Robert: McGowan. I il'-AA__2LL _E 0---}- can an-go.-.1: ..., ...... ..-- .._,--, .__- _. ,_ , Miss Jennie Monteith, of Barrie, is spend- ing Easter holidays with friends in .Mid- burst. - ~ '-- , ,.4 n_.._4 -I___ IJIJIIJUI Neighbors say if you want first-class Flour to take your wheat to Wilkin- son s Mill. Barrie. to be exchanged or grl-ted. ' T (:1. 15- _I)_ __..`I LI... 1)--n`u.ubnn:nn S0 [H5111 I The f0Al'l0W1ng`pr0m0tions of ofoersfot Snut11conu's Horse were also `announced by The Gazette: nnnhiino T} K` `Hnwnvd and G, V,