F 51'.ANn PKIN, A Quentton, of Deneent. H Alexandre Dumas pere, the author of Monte-Christa. was an octoroon; hence the point to the following story `(it the fa.- mons Frenchman : encounter with an in- ` terviewer: .lIP___ ___- _`_ _.;.-_-.... -.... _.... _.A. `ll . |.t'l'VlC\VI.'i ` V "You are an octoroon. are you not, Mr. Dumas? 1 Certainly. - - And your father? . 3 , ` V He was a quadroon." .'w_;g;f` A`; .And his father? I .'."'- T? 3 "A -mulatto. air, a mulatto! " And his tather?~ A negro, sir, a negro! Might I presume so far as to ask what his'father was? T Ill" - -2..- _.-_' `I\!.... -- an-uni` 'Il' V Among the `funny things women-.do. is to spread an old red shawl over the sofa add put a candle with a red shade on a A table near by" and call it an oriental` c,or- r net.`--'-,Atchison_ Globe; ' ~ A .`Vb!`a`c_k diamcnd is the only subsiancq -that will x_1ot_'.be' grond away by contact t`l1eVeII_|.ery surface; WHY HE_ IS SO VERY TIRED. LIIII IUICVUI WI: (Ill: UNC- -Arthur nunby in London specutor. jizngaiviiliisailk.-x-,.e'r;;- wusuaos led` `to Enter Ilaslsxiton; H `.`As soon as possible after reaching the grounds of the Hampton institute," said - Booker '1`. Washington, I presented my- self` before the head teacher for assign-' ment to a class. Having been so long i 1 . without proper food, a bath and change of clothing, I did not, of course, make a 1 I could see at once that there were doubts -very favorable impression upon her, and ; lnher mind about the wisdom of admit- ` ting me as a student. I felt that I could hardly blame her if she got the idea that I was a worthless loafer or tramp. For some time she did not refuse to admit me, neither did she decide in my favor, and I continued to linger about her and to impres her in all the ways I could with my worthiness. In the meantime I saw her admitting other students, and that added greatly to my discomfort, for I felt deep down in my heart that I could do as well as they `if I could only get a chance to show what was in me. (Clam-.. .___-_ I.-.__._. L_J _-__-J LL- 1.--] CIJCIIIUC LU LI\J'V IT M '7 (IE All ll-IUD f`After some hours had passed the head teacher said to me: -`The. adjoining reci- tation `room needs sweeping. Take this broom and sweep it. nu. .......-.......:I 4-- .....- .. -...... a.l..'..L 1... ... IIVCLI VVILLI LIVI- I swept; the recitation room three times. Then I got a dusting cloth and dusted it four times. _A.ll the woodwork `around the walls, every bench,_ tableand desk I went over four` times with my dusting cloth. . Besides, every piece of tu1\1iture had been moved and every closet and corner in the room had been thoroughly cleaned. I had the feeling that, in a large measure, my future de-- pended upon the impression I made upon "the teacher in the cleaning of that room. When I was through, I reported to the head teacher. She was a Yankee wo- ` man who knew where to look, for dirt. She went into the room and inspected the oor and closets. Then she took her handkerchief. and rubbed it on the wood- work about the walls and over the table and benches. When she was unable to nd one bit of dirt on the oor or a par- ticle of dust on any 01 the furniture, she "quietly remarked: 3` `T nnunnu urns-I an fn nnfor in- I.\J\II-IL (LI.I\.I 5" CC? Ill! It occurred to me at once that here was my chance. Never .did`I receive an order with. more delight. I knew that I could sweep, for Mrs. -Ruffner had thor- oughly taught me how to do that when I lived with her. 11 ____-__A_ LL- ___-!A.-A.-_ ..--__ 41.....- Bl..lI.LlLlUI.lo , I(was one or the happiest souls on earth. `The sweeping of that room was ; my college examination, and never did 3 any youth pass an examination for en- trance into Harvard or Y_al'e that gave him more genuine satisfaction. I have passed several examinations since then, but I have always felt that this was the best one I ever passed. ?-OutIook. - quxeuy 1:c1un1'ncu. _ `I guess you will do to enter this I}:- stitution. ' uv , - ____ _A LI..- I..........2.u.A- an-nia An wsnwvu --v-__- . ->, If it is a novelty it must sometimes be a convenience to be able to have one s garments mended on the street while one `waits. In nearly all the principal cities of China native sewing women are to be seen seated on low stools or perhaps on the sidewalk mending articles of mascu- line wearing apparel. A rm... ...............1:..1........4-=4 AI Hanan afrnnf uue weuuug uppuun. . The accomplishments of these street seamstresses are somewhat limited, their efforts with the needle being conned, as A. u_._______._ I! f\LI..... `\uun'\l|`\ll-,l\. 811.0113 wuu. tut uccuu: ucaug uvuuuvug u..- a rule, to running. Other branchesot needlework are practically unknown to them. As a consequence, their eiforts are better appreciated by natives than by American or English travelers. rn1___ ...... ........... ...l...u.4- A4 no!-rnna nvnnnn Ql.l.lUl'l\.'l1l..I UL Luuxnnu 1.1. u v yaw. nan They are never short of patrons among the Chinese tradesmen, for these are often natives of other districts and, hav- ing come to the city to engage in busi- ness, have no one to mend a rent for them. Their wives being left at home, they are glad to employ the street needle- a women. For this elass of customers the skill or the itinerant sewing woman an- r SWEPS every purpose; mu. 1'...:....._ 1,r....u.I.. L..- A ......;A .ao.u...1 Lllc .IJC\-IECL LUJVJIJLLIIJ `I35 (5 6\I\l\I 'V\IL\I to say for these Chinese sewing women. J As a rule, they hear an excellent reputa- 1 tion. They are usually the wives of boat- } men and` laborers who live in the house- i boats which line the creeks, and their} needles are a great help in solving the problem or maintenance in a crowdedi city. . ' . I Charles Sumner in most matters was quick enough of apprehension, yet even he lacked the sense of humor. It i said that one day after tidings had arrived from Washington of the suicide of Prov- ost Paradol, the brilliant Fr_ench embas- sador, Sumner was giving his theories as to the cause or the act when Lowell ask- ed, Did you see the embassador often before his death?" llT'_., II _,_-, L-.- _1___ I11 _.-___ I_E__ __ y re, Barrie To a friend who had expressed his sym- 5 pathy for Sumner when taken ill he re- plied, I am not afraid to die, for I have ; read through Calvin": `fnntittifas in the original Latin. ` Episcopal jokes, says a London paper. are usually as cryptic as the jests of Aristophanes over which Mr. Verdant Green's studious neighbor used to chuckle when made painfully apparent by the help of Liddell and Scott. At Bristol Dr. -Browne has sadly bewildered his assem- bled clergy and faithful laity" by com- plaining that he is only a monocular bishop. 111:- "4--4`;-n`n \ uuvnn AC nnanan C!!! umuup. His lordship was, of course, making sly % reference to the fact that an archdeacon was formerly termed .oculus episcopl," and the diocese of Bristol contains only one archdeaconry. D... a_ 4.1.`- .....:.:.an.. ........ 4.1.- -....l.a.:m.m`.-.' I medieval schoolman seriously propound- UIIC CI-'ULl.\lCll-|.'Ul.ll. J o But in the middle ages the archdeacon was" not only the bishop's eye," but a. spy, who ued to blackmail the clergy and perpetrate such terrible enormities that 3 ed the question, Can an urchdeacon be : saved? ' . ' 1 IJCLVLC I-LID CHILL O ?`1'es,"was the reply; I saw hi in CV` Cl: uagu V Did you converse with him in English or in French? V Oh, I talked nothing but French. V `3Gentl'emen, said Lowell, we do not need to seek any further reason for his death. This fully explains the suicide." The explosion which ' followed, we are i told, Sumner was never able to under- stand.` ' _ _ n_.2__.S XL- I._.1 ______ .__J 1.2.. _.._... wuxv A 1 : Mr. Meddergrass-Hi` Slocum sent $10 to a relier in New York to nd out how to win at roulette. \ V Mr. Feddershack--What did the teller any 5 Mr. Meddergras-Sui" _,,to rvn the game yourself." say? 1] - ave t you.got through Wt? asked" the impatient customer.- un....;_ _....- H ......u-uauontl I-ho hnni-Ixlnnlf Ll: IIULJIILIUUC UUBLUIHUL 0` Purty near, answered the bootblqck; polishing away with all his might. "1 kin we mxnish-* - 0hcas . . ,wers purpose; - , g The Ledger Monthly has a good word .. .._- J-.. 4-L.....\ L:C`l|lit\ authuu-V-:Uua. u-on-acne: HIS ` ENTRANCEo EXAMINATION. The Medlwvdl Archdeacon. Sumner : hack of Humor. Street Needlewomen. sure Tip. 97 (HI His `Goal. ` Cofflns and Ghsketslnof all kinds in stock or made to order. Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Ordersby Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. G. `O. DOLMAGE, Mwnager, Stroud. ' 1 jsloam Works and Showyoomg Bbllier-31., Barrio UNDERTAKER, Work received from the Country` receives the .same attention as work received from the Town. ' Parcel brought Monday will be ready Thursday. Parcels brought on Thursday will be ready on Saturday. We solicita} trial parcel. Phone 55. 'E. A. LYON, Manager- .TEl TOWN Olil iBARRIE. l Barrie is beautifully situated on a. picturesque slope. overlooking Kempenfeldt Bay, an arm of Lake Simcoe, nine miles long and from one to three I miles broad. and one of the prettiest bays in Canada. In summer boats ply daily to and from neighboring summer resorts and parks. The population of Bar. tie is 7.000. Streets and sidewalks are rst class and handsome residences are numerous. Streets, public buildings and dwellings are lighted with gas or elec- tricitv. The waterworks and sewerage systems are .very ecient and provide spring water. good drain` | age and reliable iire protection in every part of the A---4 ' 13.4.2. 2. our oannsnu nnnfrn `Ar rnffnl and [IKE auu lcuauu; auv lllvvuvuevnn ._.. w--., r... .. .... town; Barrie is a. railwav centre for Central and Northern Ontario. Thirteen passenger trains arrive and depart daily. The postal service is all that caii be desired ; thirteen mails arrive daily; there is prompt poetalcollection and delivery throughout the ' town. There are eight school: `one Separate), em- playing thirty-one teachers; twe ve churches, three weekly oewepapere, on_e commercial college, every is market day. machine shops. planing mills. riet .. 1.. mar milln. marble cuttere. bicycle works. t | |nuaus`nnos., mp.] n. day it market day. machine snops. planing mms. nu ; mills. saw mills, marble gutters. bicycle builders. ta.nnery,brewenes. ten butcher shops, sever- alnt-clus l_1otels with reasonable rates, threeliveriea, three laundnee. one creamery and all other modern `conveniences. Stores are numerous and carry full lineeof all kinds-of first-class goods. com etitxon is I 1.... ...a ...-a.-.. nrg an Iowa: in a. citv. elezraoh | I108 Of In K'i!Id8 0! Ilfst-C1383 goons . com cuuuu In I koenandprwesgnro aslowas In acity. elegra h and do and mght telephone systems connect e town th all places near and distant. Barrie is fast I . becoming a favorite resort with summer tourists. T gents` vvanted. Adlergising in The Advance BRINGS. You FACE TO _FACE WITH A BUYING CIRCULATION. TELEPHONE 53. TH E NORTHERN ADVANCE, BARRIE AND STROU D. Can you mi anything more crtain than advertising in a. _ local paper. fires. Ac The sworn circulation of a Local Newspaper is a guarantee that your money is well and properly spent. It is the very best medium by which you can reach your custom- ers, being a welcome visitor in every home. No experi- ment,_in this kind of advertising. lenge comparison. We have the largest circulation in the district, and chal- 123 Dunlap Street, Barrie. TOWN LOTS [Elli IIIUUIVIII-I II ----uu- ww- For Broken-winded Bones. The only medicine in the world that will stop Heaves in three days. But for a permanent cure it require: from one half to one bottle used awarding to directions. $x.oo. `Kidnaand Acute Cough Powd- ers 5oc. Dr. McGahey's ndition Powders destroys worn: a, puries the blood, putting horses. cattle and calves in condition; 25c. Take no other. ld by _, G. Monkman. Barrie. and Cool: & Co.. ' ` 4q-ly ikdvertise in nu: ADVANCE." nn._{qc_g_wEvs mam punt ---. .. _.I-.4I..4I "Am-A will ` DLUKD. Lne uruggxst Kuuwa Inulccuuus them than other people. We ' keep a. good drug store. Come and ask us . about Kitchen Drugs. ` VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance: BAKING Powmm, for cakes. One is a drug. of course ; the other a chemica "; and there are still` others-SPICES of all kinds, cream of tartar, etc. The best lace to get drugs is at a. DRUG STOR . The druggist knows more about them flnan nuw npnnlp. Drugs and Chemicals MONKMAN 8 onus smut 92 DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. ' ALLANDALE. ' Lots 2, 3 and 4, VVest Baldwin Street. North Cumberland Street. Lots x7and 18. Jacob's Terrace, Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. East Mary Street, Lot 54. Apply at Ct"I"L`l In the Kitchen. CI! 7&- I have a consignment of 3oo ten Ellen Galvanized Iron C urns, made on the p n of the barrel churn. and cost to manufacture $5.40 and rctailed at $10.06. These must be sold at once to pay storage charges. and to dispos_e of same will ship. express charges nu-enmd_ on receint of $1.00. or on approval dtspose or Will smp. express cnarges E:-said, on receipt of $3.00, or approval 0 0D. $`mo . This is the best offer ever made in this line. Write at once. 300 |R0N__C]-AIURNS use th eir . `.1 .. LL -=~ :4-17 ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY YOUNG, n 170 B. 117. FOR SALE. rs .wu`--, 28 King St. West. Toronto. BARRIE THE ADVANCE." Le Com- !) $2509" pt) Lggu y do so_ }uch ad. `plto. Owen b 1 ply it everf bases. . Nsuawcif Dmpany 00, Out. eponu : ge `such '_ roperty * c.. etc. Si nd wir [DAN whel |_l.a' H1111! I 8-IV he Lon-A Secur- I that, In IacL, ut: cuusu mum: tue uunu see, the deaf hear and the lame walk`. Bets were freely made that he could do. nothing of the kind, and thereupon the mayor had the gypsies arrested and, immediately brought before him and, after hearing their harrowin`"g tales, or-" dered them to be conned for the night in the lockup- .1__.-J. `In n nlnnI. Vnf `inirvncign WHICH Va..." ...-~. ----. g -IV, >CCVV VVW` had rigged themselve; ifp as. cgippleg-;;f and gathered at Brldgewater.,te.u-etoi plunder the junketers ctime off seeoi` best. When the mayor of Bridge1}ratet.; heard that this motley roup of crip-A ._p1es had arrived, he announced tosome of his friends that he was possessed of 8 power they perhaps little suspected-" that, in fact, he could make the blind LI`.-\ Anni honr Q11!` fhn Inn-an Ilvnll-` mu Luc I`J\-I-II-Cl" 1 About 10 o'clock at -night, however; the municipal surgeon entered with a. lantern and announced that he would` examine them all in the morning in or. der to report to the mayor whether or not they really suffered from deformity V of one kind or another, and he went on to say that those who were found to be ; impostors would be treated by the mayor with severity so extreme that, ` moved to pity. he would al_1ow any such misguided wretch to escape there and then from the lockup on condition that he immediately left the town. e 41,2- !.-L..1`I8;..nv\n- n Annnnlnln .'-......- ne ,1, the nu_na`~_;_s. _ > He". '"` 9" '`""': - `F? . From the many :tnecdot eAs*of7Barnp7 fvlde Moore Carew'.~r l'08li8l'les. _.in A1"; timr Monteore Brlce s_ essayon than Amazing Vagabond" we quote one in Wnich Carew and his gypsy crew who . ..:.mm1 rhmnnnlven rm nl,r|I`InnInn UC Iu.:x;.;\........- ,___ At this inE'i1{,,?x3ce a",<;}Eait comma; tion arose, and in less time than it takes to write it thewhole crowd surge ed out of the lockup, inging away their crutches and Wooden legs, patch. es and bandages. and made oif down the town at topmost speed, the blind leading the way -with unerrlng steps, the dumb crying aloud their fears, the deaf `replying to them, and the lame sprinting along at a rattling pace.` Now, just opposite the lockup. on thg farther side of tliestreet. stood the Wit. ty mayor and his friends. convulsed with laughter at the success of his scheme._ How Certain Malay: Obtain a 0:11. `on: Dellcacy. T T ` Certain natives of the Malay peninsu-` Ia catch cicadas and eat them and that as a coiisidcrable luxury. To eat aci- cada seems distinctly curious, says the London Dailyfmail, when we reflect that this insect is in reality a gloried member of that insect group which contains as its most prominent.1fepre- sentative the diminutive and swarthy creature which shall_be nameless here forevermore. V The way i11 which the Siamese pro- ceeds was related to the Zoological so- ciety the other day by a naturalist who has spent some time in the Malay pen- insula observing men as Well as in- sects. At night. when these insects fly. the native sallies forth armed with a torch and but little ralment. The torch` is deposited in a convenient place, and the" swarm of natives proceed to clap their hands in a perfectly regular fash- ion so as to produce arconslderablo sound. V served. cooked and `eaten. It is the combination of light and sound that allures the cicada from its haunts to its destruction. The insects come also In swarms and settle upon the bodies of the applauding natives, whence they are -easily detached. pre- `..~.. Ian-sa s...-u.-.--a sage re1narl':ed that happy" are the cicadas in that they have voice- less wives. It is apparently the lady cicadas who are attracted by W113`-' they fondly believe to be the love cry -of the male and are thus lured to their fate -by that most dangeI'0i18 Of P39` sions. V T Victoria and Dickens. Literary celebrities, as a rule, were not those who attained to any high degree of personal favor at the hands of Queen Victoria. but she paid Charles Dickensa delicate compliment. Dick- ens, Who.oby the way, in his youthful days was devoured by a grand D9-B81011 1'01` the youthful queen, was invited when at the climax of his.fame_.to dine at Windsor castle. He was after dinner presented by the queen With a" `@0133 or her book Tour In the High- ltlllds. and on the y leaf was in- scribed in her own hand this sentence: From the humblest to the most dis-V tinguisned author in England. The Queen afterward showed many `83701 ! to Lord Tennyson, but even in making him 11 peer of the realm she did 110,3 bestow as great a compliment. jrua: n-W wlnclal. , ion; Otco '1`:-7a.fa_lgAar Hutu. The year 1805 was a memorableone, `*8 on 0ct.V21 was fought and gained the battle of Trafalgar. and then, as fOuI\`nvu -_.....Il_.-_A.-J I.`-nnutunu ---- -\- un. .A.1a|.u.1at, auu ULlULI' aw OW. fashion complimented heroes bi dmshlg toilets "named in their honor.` S0 Nelson was commemorated by,8 hat-the "Trafalgar"-and, every wow U13 and ..l.1I.: _.1I-_.A_S 4.1.- _-..A...uun , V uu ""`Y W . .-3, . an J_;_uLl1`5 ndt'0 ` , ---v t d the W0 man and child 11509 e . do 9" um 00* - structure. Which W0 to!`- . resent day" the headgear ` the P . 1:11 5 wld . these hats Were . of 9i _' Of the size 3` and breadtll. 9mm11:agded with pmm round table. and 5 hat. . ked 3: _ t hM'. l. v that the wearer! 03` - Quentlon of Ownership. , ' ' mNeed of counsel? (.)otne.up and 10 9 introduce you to my lawyerl ` Y(jI` IOI'l'vvv1\no`) I\_ _--- --._`- Inulr. I ,_ ` 7 I ' - own;:e',YV"' "0. certainly not. E19: i The! - -, es. H3 Even the highest Pt'::;',:,gguP1`' key are not 619"`? tcbed 9- ' r movements iU'9- Wav > ported to ,3: .000 tonsgyeaij. Belgium holds the- world ! *. .9'd~'Vu!, canals. having 535 miles, Arm. 111`, 7 MAYOR'S L CATCHING LCICADAS. ------ gvu nu us; aavvgcsc lawyer? Do you wnvl lair- Ilsh is nna.;yno.;1.uni ro -PrbiperI `I|y'Wg.r.- ' , Few people know thatmore than half the banjo and drum heads sold initho United States are ~made on I`.ong*Is- land. Near the railroad station at Cold Spring is a little- red building sur- rounded by frames, in which skins are" stretched for drying, while near by ii, an articial pond, with wooden "side! and bottom, lled with a chemical mixe `G OI} can-nun----I---1- ~- -peace between it -has -.-- -v--v-.-v ---.-w_u vvnul ll cuexnicnl In1x_- ture... It is an unpretentious establiho ment, but in our two wars and in the! fathered a great deal of noise. The business was-estabi lished-in 1860, and success wasalmost immediate. Competition was strong after the rush of war-orders was over, but the business has advanced in im- portance untii now- there are but-three factories in this country whose opposi- tion can be felt. `Two of these`a're_ in groxoklyn and the other at High View, New York markets furnish the salt- ed raw skins from which the drum- heads are made; The hair is removed` from the skins by" a chemicalbath in thearticial pond. and the skins are then stretched on the racks and dried. A thorough scraping removes any par- ticles of fat or esh that may have adhered to the dried skin, which is then the thicknes of parchment. The skins are thoroughly bleached in the drying process and are then ready for cutting into heads. During the Span- ish-American war the factory was fair- ly swamped with orders for drum- heads, 500 dozen heads often being or- dered at one time. The principal_de- mand was for the tenor drum`, on which a loud accompaniment to the fe or bass instrument can be `pro- _ duced, \.\nV\a\OI 1 Kangaroo skins make ` the costliest drumheads. When dressed, they are; showy, but beyond their. appearance and name they are of no greater value i than heads made from calfskin. Sheep- skin is used for cheap toy drums.- `ml-:" DRL%nn HAb% BUSINESS. How the Ospring of Our First Colo- nist: Were christened. . It is an interesting study to trace the 1 `underlying reason for many of the cu- rious names which are given to the 011- 3 spring of the rsticolonists. Parents searched for names of _deep signi- cance-for names appropriate to con- ditions,- for those of profound inu- ence presumably on the child s_ life. ML-` '1-_ "I.I-I.._..J T'\__-I_ ___- -2 LL- The Rev. Richard Buck, one of the early parsons in Virginia, in days of deep depression, named-his first child Mara, This text indicates the` reason for his choice:_Call me Mara, for the _ Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. I went out full, and the Lord has brought me home empty." His second child was christened Gershom -for Moses wife bare `him a son and called .. his name Gershom, for he said I have been in` a strange land.~ ll _ _ _ _ _..._._ |.-_.- _ _-J.I.A... ......l _...I . Ivvwnn Ina up nivuvvn-as claw-vuu Many names have a pathos and sad- 1 ness which can be felt down through the centuries. Dame Dinely, widow of a doctor, or barber surgeon, who had died in the snow while striving to visit a distant patient, named her poorbabe Fathergone. V fI'!|I_- -1. lI.1___ _A 11-..-.. f`I_..- 1--..` VVQ U-n'O - iifhe children of Roger Clapp were named Experience, Waitstill, Preserv- Picus, Plersus, Prisemus, Polybius`,, ed, Hopestill, Walt, Thanks, Decide, Unite and Supply. Madam. Austin, an early settler of, old .Narragansett,_ had I 15 children. Their name were Parvis, ` Lois, Lettice, Avis, Anstice, Eunice, ` Mary, John, Elizabeth, Ruth, Freelove. ` All lived to be threescore and ten, one i to be 102 years old. Edward Bendal1 s children were named Truegrace, Re- form. Hoped For, More Mercy and Re- store. V Richard , Gridley s offspring, were Return, Believe and Tremble,- Child Life In Colonial Days." French Bake:s. akers in` France are subject to re-. strictions and regulations ` undreamed. of in England. In the fortied towns along the frontier they are bound "by law to have a certain stock of our al- ways on hand in case of emergencies. The bakery not only has to be kept clean, ` but the baker has to deposit with the local authorities 9,` certain sum of money~as a surety for the prop- er conductof his business. _ I-_I_..' -LA- Ialn err;-v'1u`\"n BE CUHLIUCL UL LIID uu uuuuu u. The law also looks` after his weights and measures, which circumstance places him in the same position as the British baker, but in addition the law regulates the price at which bread can be sold. , ._ rvv -_.1-.....I An Ann nnnnalnn UI: BUIUO 7 Napoleon III ordered on one occasion that a loaf about equal to our quartern should be sold for not more than six- pence, and `this at a time" when we were paying elghtpence andninepence. -London Tit-Bits. A Sympathetic Memory. In a western Massachusetts town lives a. young woman who is blessed with both discrimination and tact. V 4-4-; -4 n........ nwiiohi-I1l`f{R Wltn Dutu uwcruuaua. uuu ........ The first of these admirable` qualies she has displayed by her two mar-V riages. Her rst husband was a minis- ter, a most delightful man. He died, -and_ after a lapse of tlve or six years she was united tohis only brother, who was a successful lawyer in New York. A . I- -.. ul........ Anal: nfnnn H. nicture SUCCQSBLUI Ill-VVJUI. an own" -v._. on beriibrary desk stands a picture oi the first partner of her joys and sor- rows. and one day a curious caller ask- ed whom the photograph represented." -That." said the hostess, with evi- ` dent emotion, is a _ picture or my bus- band's brother. -who died` eight years ago and who was very dear to -new; both. - -Youth? s Companion. ~ Geaxerouu. * whats your tare? asked old F11nt- ? skin or his cabby the. other day and was meuwith the stereotyped reply: A Well. sir. I will leave that to you." Thank you; you'rke:very kind," said old F.. buttoning up his poclgets and qwalkingi oft, i"Ion r_e the first person w.h9_,._v"e`t.'Iett ma anything yei.'f-_Lo_n- `--. . 'a-O;* , QUAINT COLONIAL NAMES.- vvvugr nted as er word Asertions. an but the childhood of eternity; --u -u-;-.v "Kw-It II! -1- Wu! d _ ' wepepinto eubtlfef lile. _' Still .thou~ nrt mine. All this which now we see ' Lad. than `and I, thx-ouh"tria1n'and through teen. ! The joys and son-owe at our earthly yearn. Q Are growing up into 1 Ilpgle soul, . l God : workmanship, a clear completed whole . 7 Make out of twain; Our love is but begun. Forever and forever we are one. A_LL-__ c:___|__. .t_ 1' -__I__ a_-.L-J.-- mylthrlinganduyzwllvo, And whah -n nan: huh; nnhbluinn no. `Exploit: In Pedeltriunlun ot an Ex- pert Billiu-dist. It's a smart wife who falls upon the ways or her beloved, said the drummer of `a New York billiard house to a re- porter in one of the up town hotels the other evening. But I will give her a `pointer or two, so that when her lord andmaster, returns home from `business so very tired she may call him down hard ` it she knows he is a billiard player. IIYIVL- -3-.. "0 1.1.... gunman- L:`nun: J-n`nIA II. `BI-IV'QlI\-IVVB I-I3 ID C IVIILIGLU yllJULo The size `or the average billiard table is4% by. 9% feet. though the profes- sional size is 5 by 10 feet. For the sake of even numbers and the better to illus- trate` to the unsuspecting better halt I will take the professional size. H1IYI.:!.. lu=I`=nu-pl -\`n-uvnnn 11111111`!!! `II! -"VVIII \a3c l.l.l.U lIL\ILCDI\II-Dal unac- `.`While billiard players usually play by the hour a game is ordinarily of 50 points. The rapidity with which a game is n- ished depends upon the skill of the play- ers. It two players complete three games in an hour, they are doing good .work on an average, and, remember, it is onlythe average in this estimate. "7- --311` anon 4-`ma-nL 6`\:a' -\nou6:nu1InIe `I113- I VIII ` loll? CIVCLCISC III Iubll Iikilolld-llblaibo We will'- say that this particular hus- band, .on two hours play makes 150 % shots. We all know how some men will- walk two or three times around or half ; around a table before each shot. Others I - take_ in the situation and walk only to get in position` to cue their ball. On an aver- age we will say that this tman walks around the entire` table but once before each- shot. He walks, therefore, 30 feet at every shot. Hewill also walk 15 feet at every shot of his opponent, telling him how to make his play and dodging his cue. That makes 45 feet for every shot, or 7,050 feet for his afternoon walk. around the table, or about one and one- third miles. ,u~r__ _.1_1:a.2-__ L- I.-- 4---- ......1-L..:I.. .v.-"1 uuru uiuua. ` In addition he has four cocktails and `four more for his friend, since he lost the games. -V He paid for these also and the $5 side bet on himself. Altogetherhis pe- destrianism cost a tramp of one and one- third miles, $1 for drinks ind $2.40 for the two hours use of t e table, it the rate is $1.20 an hour, as it I in the first class places in New York-total, $8.40. `.`When he reaches home, he lies to. his ' poor, little, unsuspecting wife like this: H('VI....A.-.__`l'-u Rnnlinn T a1n,nn nn [JUUl', utuc, uuauapccuug vvu.c us: All . `.`Claudoe--My darling, I am so dead tired from working like a pack horse this afternoon at theloice that you must let me, off for the show tonight. (Aside: If I hadn't made that side bet on myself I'd have had the dough; now I'm broke for the night.) cnu.....:..':....'I........ .....-.44.. Inna In of nnnn uu: un5uI..; Maude (whose pretty face is` at once `drawn in lines ot sympathy and whose accents are tremulous with solicitude)-- Claude. dear. your head is just as hot as it can be! You are really feverish. Poor fellow`! I will put this wet towel on your forehead-so! um` , ,, ,1 Cr1__.I-2v__ .._' I:I-- J. ____ -.... an-- l.Ul.'B1lUl1u'U`. - ' Claude--Worki`ng like troopers now, Maude. I've walkved ve miles today it I ve walked a step. Sorry we can t go out-hut you don't mind staying in when I'm not well. do you, dear? (If she catch- es my cocktail, perfumed breath it will e take more than a new hat to square my- self this time.) l(II..--.I.. \TnL - LIL -Au -.;\A-':II onnn EVIL Llli I.ll1lCo] Maude--VN0t a bit. you poorill man. You must, go right to bed-no? Not until you have had your dinner? Are you hun- gry? As a bear? And sick too? i 'I`hat_ s a peculiarity ot the particular kind. of te- ver from which you are suffering. Poor old chap! Thirsty and hungry! All right. Now for dinner, then for the doc- tor and to bed. Poor man! . uA-,,1 ;1_-;l.. 41.- __-_ _.A 1...._. 4.. Ln, l.Ul' uuu LU Ucuo I. UUI. uuxua And that : the way wehave to talk when we men are in a hole and want to crawl out.nnd not agitate little tender heart too much. ~ ' According to Business Methods. Davy Burgess, one orythe oldest and best known negroes of Westmoreland county and noted for his strict integrity and love for all the formalities of busi- ness "life, once bought a cowntrom Cap- tain Jordari of Mount Pleasant.- He hadn't the money in hand to pay the price, but Captain Jordan knew that he would pay. He told him to take the "cow. That was an entirely too informal way of doing business for Burgess. He -.knew that notes and ' other papers of that sort passed'between white men, and he insisted on a note in this trans- action. Captain Jordan told `him to draw `up one to suit himself. When he-. pre- sented it, it read: I I ,,, 1 _- ____.__9__ 4.- ..-_. -.`v.---- --, __ ___. I. Davy Burgess, _do` hereby promise to pay Captain Jordan $35`for the spotted cow when I has the money to spare. DAV! Bananas. Now, he said, I ll jes keep dis en take de cow. ___. u._ _._L- 2- 1.2.. _.`_1--.n. .....: I (LDC UV UV He ,put the note in his pocket and drove the cow away. When he was ready to pay the $35, he went to Captain Jor- dan with it. . - u*I'v-_LI- _---_ ...-_-_ n L." -..:.a ........a., I115 IL Ullluo V An now, sah, he remarked, with considerable satisfaction, dat transac- tion mav be considered closed." L118 1ul.l.lI'.'l' WIIBI _ - An ape; sir; .mon Dieu, an ape`! My pedigree ends where your: commences! Sela:-eltn Noipto Be Kept. ' He-You know they say 1 woman can't f keep a secret. * .QI..._'l`lua4-94- n lihnl I wnmnn man seep u. nccxch `She-Thats a .lib_el. A. woman can keep` a secret as easily as a man can- 1; all but1two kinds. There; are .secrets ;`-that aren't worth keeping and others }that are too good to keep. uuu WILD all-0 Heah s your moneyf . h said, count- ing it out. 4` A as. walnut. -aim 7 Ln nnvnnnbna nr`f"\