Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Apr 1901, p. 1

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BUIV ll Mxlc Juuvvuauuo - er. MARY'S CHURCH. During holy week, the usual ceremonies were most impressively conducted in St. Marv s church, Dean Egan oiciatinsz as` celebrant, with Rev. Father McEachern as master of -ceremonies The exercises were `largely attended. giving evidence of the zeal anti` devotion of the Catholics of Barrie. ~n-_1_ n1|._____.1__. 1.1.- ..._....:4....... am. uuu UUVUDIUU Ul. uuu Uuuuusluu us llllnslvc On Holy Thursday the repository was richly and tastefully decorated. AO- Mafia Mun-nu nu manta! Qlinavnv nnnn . YIUIIIJ Iilllal IIHULUILIIIJ LlUUUl'lIIUuo At both Masses on Easter Sunday. Dean Egan preached on The Resurrection, and at Vespers delivered a moat instructive and interestingesermon, taking as his text the words of the creed, 1 believe in the resur- | rection' of the bndv and life everlasting. A.. 2..L..---A.3..... feueauuun 4` `Iran Ann inn: fine: W IIUUDIULI Ul. uuu uuuv uuu nu: UVUI IDDUII-I60 An interesting feature of the day was the singing by the children s choir at early Mass, the fresh, young voices under the excellent training of the Sisters, producing a charm- ing effect The music at the High Mass. under the irection of Mr. _Thomas 0 \lleara and Miss Lizzie Ryan, was specially bril- liant and attractive this year and consisted of the following :-Mass in F-Loesch; Oertory, Haec Dies-chorns. Vespers, grand chorus, Tautum Ergo-Lambilo.tte. Soloists-Sopranos, Misses Powell. Graham and Logue; altos. Mrs. Daly and Miss Scully; tenors, `Messrs. Powell and Clayton and Charley Powell; basses, Messrs. Ward and 0 Meara; organist, Miss L. Ryan; conductor, '1`. F. 0 Meara. BAPTIST CHURCH. The church was beautifully decorated by thecornmittee of the Young People's So- ciety. Speoial music was rendered by the choir under the leadership of Mr. Landon. fnl... .......-.... [Fond-on ILL Ann n-sun-Aumnnn I-A Barrie, April 6th, 2901. Mr. Editor.-_-Is it true that report No. 3 of the Board of Works was a surprise to all the committee but the chairman? Is it true that the present teamster does not do his. work and do it well? Ask those who know him best. Is it true that the team to cost. $300 can be bought for 3250? Is it true _that a Waggon would cost $50? Could not one be bought for less? In it true that J. R. s outt would be worth as much as new `I [Is it true that the re underwriters require :9!!! 808.`? . l visas? Pk! 9 =s9a!m that four horses be kept at the re 11:!-1.1 ? a Is . it true that if the `town o`wned theteamiitp `would always be` able to Work. 01` ii if true ~that there _isa |!i8r on the fence `I: A good. man y of the ratepayers would '_1ik0Iia'vs erifrom ll) of= the-~Beg :d;" UIIUIIE uuuul: uuu Icnuutuusp UL Lung uuuuuu. The pastor chose appropriate Easter themes, in the morning speaking from The Resurrection, as a well established fact, and at the evening service his subject was The Resurreotion-its far reaching signi- cance to men. The services in Trinity church on Easter Sunday were both largely attended. Canon Reiner occupied the pulpit, taking for his text `.But now is Christ risen from the dead and is become the first fruits of Himthat slept, upon which he preached in his usual impressive manner. Special Easter anthems were sung by the choir, Mr. Boys singing the solo in I Am He That Liveth, and Dr. Arnall and Mr. Stewart the duct in Very Earlyin the Morning. - . T CHRIST CHURCH. `Good congregations were present at the Sunday services. Mr. Witten spoke atgthe morning service from Colossians iii., lst verse, and in the evening from I. Corin- thians xv., 20th verse, . Appropriate music,- chants. hymns and anthems were well ren- dered by the choir. " TRINITY CHURCH. I I". RAtl:m?.ufnn. HUI PGIVUU ln J. Millaf; Varsity student. was in WWII over Sunday. ~ 4 jnkn rl`nv1`nm =1: nv\nna`:nn hil l1n`;I`.VI in Pursuant to the Revised_ Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 12-4. Section 38. nouce is hereb iven that zhc creditors of lohn Shorfreed. lat; o t e Town- ship of Mcdunte, in the County of Suncoe. Lumber- man. who died on or about-the 2.-oth dav of'FAebruAary, UVUII Dlllllluy. . `John Taylor is spending his holidays In Csmpbellford. . A Ernest Cole: is visitinghis grandmother at Shantv Bay. man M:nn:A Dhtinanu A` 'l`nI-nnfn `I Mr. Isaac Milsap is visiting an Wm. Mc- Iarty a. Ilia- Ta).-- 'I \-n.......& 4-sf Tnrnnfn 3n viainn I "'i"B: '1-I.`-we Dyment_ of Toronto, is visiting her parents. .1 `M:ll..i.~ "711:-5:1-n afnrinnl`. Ilill `ll tnwn Social and Personal. ' Miss Msfggie Duff is home for the holidsys. Miss E. Blskely spent Easter in Graven- hurst; ' III) Dlllbllbv Dllyu Miss Minnie Rodgers, of Toronto, is visit ing her parents. `lulu no.2 ma `K7 F`, 'I'-`maul-an annnh Qnnnv lllg HUI.` FIITUHEU. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Hunter spent Sunday in Newmarket. T `ll! 1 1 -n .1 , 2- LL- ..._._L .I III... ia`i'".?eLi;V'l\i}.nieiiii is visiting with` friends in Midhurat. - III J-VU\`VIll5I'KUDo Miss Maud Boothe is the guest of Miss Phoebe Lawson. -Iilii; is visiting with Miss M. ` Robertson, of Knock.` --vs T Prof. Hume. of Toronto University, was in town on Saturday. T an. `I . -In . ,4 I,_.,' of Mcdonte, tn the bounty or altncue. uumuer- man. of February, .-\.I). lt)0l. are on or before Monday. lllo 6"! dav uI'IVlay. 21.0. 1901, to send by post. pre- paid. In Hewson 6: Creswtcl_ the Town of.Ba:'rie, II`. the County of Simcoe. ~\`oli_cttors for Robert Short- rt-ed. of the Township of Guelph, in the County of \Vt-llington. farmer, and` Caroline Shortreed of the Township of Medonte.'in the County of Simcoe. V.idou-, executcr and executrtx of the deceased. their Christian and surnames. addresses and description. the tull particulars of their claims. a. statement ofthe st-cttrtties and the nature of the securities (if any) Eat-ld by them ; and further that after the said 6th day of May, the saidexecutcrs will be at liberty to dietrilmu-, the assets of the sa'd Testator amongst lht` parties entitled thereto, having regard to the .2;.uns of which they shall then have notice. and that they will not be liable for the assets or any art thereof so distributed, to any person of whose c aim thcv have not notice at the time of distribution. llnted at Barrie the 6th day of Aprtl. 1901. HEWSON & CRESWICKE. Solicitors for said Executor and Exeentrix. x;- its` Barrie O." m1sI';st -($3111-.11" Q;-5'171_i'ss Nellie Goodall are vi siting in Georgetown. . - int 11 1- 0 o c u,g __ ____g,_1_ L __ ___ - -- -4`: `av: Iv ugvnau ies" Urlin. of Whitby Ladies College, is visiting in town. . . ` 1 any 0 an . 0.] u ,_!_,!L!__.. __2-L -- -v u .- up -V-o-.-- ...-. ' Miss Louis Clark spent Easter at her" home on Marv street. .-v...` .... _--.-- , _. . . v v -. Mr. Wm. Curtis. of Toronto, was home for the Easter holidayg. a up: 11- 11- I`! , 1,1! __,- "M'i-s-s i:1avV-I:-aw'i;'-i's"\risAiting with her par- ents during the holidays. _' ` 1 II `I\ AL_._ -_._1_._,!I_ Miss Maggie Abernethvis returning with her sister Mary to the city. T `DO I! I `ll . 'I'T_`._, 1`-.. -~.--- _.-..__, -- -_.- ---'_ .-viVI_iss Clara Hayden and Miss Helen Sar- jeant are visiting in Toronto. 11 cu. . you a -o,9,,, L... v----_ --- v--_---,.. -- _-- v-~- Miss Arnold,` ot Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. street. -- oo - -up ul . `T I (liar an; Mrs. A `Batten and familyl were in town ouer Sunday. T -----, --~---. V --_r-_.--- -~- > Horace KTerfoot, of Haniilton Normal College, was in town last week. an: us In rs. u - nu ; , , "$-21. _ "ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. comprising }` North half of L91 2,_ of thegoth Con. of lnnisl ; mo acres under culuvatnon. `wxgh good frame build- ings on said premises. For particulars apply to WM. ARMSTRONG. Allandale. ' 7:5-:5-pr -v---Bv, -v -- -- -- v--- ---v- -- -v v Miss Sadie Gordon, of Tororito, was visit- ing friends in town over Sunday. '19 1- an 1- n l'\ n , 0,, ,____,J -- _ . .._- ._-.v- ~---~-`, _ &lcLar`t;y, of Queensville, is spend- ing the Easter vacation at home. 1- -_.-. 1w . c,` --..` ---- _.._--- ...v.._.` -. Mrs. Keven, ;)f Paislney. s1;-a1"17l;*Easter with her daughter, Mrs Chas. Howard. n I\ -110, 2_ _2_!L Mrs_.'-V\_7Vt;1- itsigtiering from an attack of inammatory rheumatism. -1- van`: 1-\ p 1'? ,,I_ __.. LL- WVi/l;;sT4;li;;,1;1;;1;m:>;';i:o?V()1;illfa. is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. J as. Ball. "BESS VI-4ii)-l)-{J-1`?:;s'y:1'1:);<. is-.:)}-E;1;<;: was the guest of Miss Lillie Collins last week. __._ 'Il_....__ -.._.. --'-_ `r'-..--,, V..- .. __--_ Tom M`;-Kee. barrister, of Stur-g1a; Falls, spent; the Easter holidays at his home. III `I\ no 5 AI ,,, 1'12 2. --!_2L2_... "xii; "b1I..L{1'i{.sLI?Je{.};};a from Parry Sound after spending the winter there. up: us 1- A n. , l71_II_ Miss Mary? Abernathy. If f~[`};l;($ili}O, is spending her Easter vacation at home. If `I ! , ,,___ _....__2_... .. -1. - -..v ...-~-~- .-v......J.. ..- ___ __- iii; Jean Du',._ of Clover Hill, is} risiting Mrs. James McBride, Mulcaster street. I\rvw.- _ Brick Clad House and lotsi on Cumberland street, .\ll:1nda.le House has 8 rooms. cellar. [good water- Tcrms easy. Apph" to J. H. CAMPBELL. Midland P.0., Or A. COW.`\N. Barrie. )5.;8.p, "H. F. Brackegridge. of Penetag. w:a.s the guest of Mr. Fred. Mckee over Sunday. Mr. Thomas Bowman was [renewing ac- ` qnaintances on Blake street on Sunday. .11 in r; -1 :11 ,._.,_ ____11__ t.,.._._., nvuwnrw v- .---. ..-..... _._-.__-- - V -_ ._ .` ,, Mrs A. S. Bennett and children aie vis- iting friends in Toronto for a. few weeks. ' --9 c p .1 . 1- 1,,, I___-;-L -2 |nunn.-5 nnuv-any nu. ..v-v-o - - _- _ V_ Jimmv Woods, of H10 Eondoo inroncin of the Bank T of Toronto, is home for a. few days. ;1-d"M_r's' llrdford, hgve 3e_en visiting Governor Sissons for a few ave. ' __ -- ---- ' .ru u11~|,,_ \aI-ynlj Mr. Sinclair, of King, spent Good Friday with his brother. A. Sinclair. Mulcaster street.` ~ Miss Curran,-oi Orillia, was the guest over Sunday of Miss Urquhart, Charlotte street. ,,,__, _ - - - __' .-.- Mich Millie Rainey. of the B.C.I., is spending her Easter holidays at her home in Thornton. .- . . - . - . v - . ` ~Miss May Morris. of Toronto, spent Sun- day last with her sister, Mrs. Parker Pene- tang street. K 1 `no `I! .1 `II _4!- -2 W319i;-.-l;(;`(>th and Miss Bertha Boyth, of Bayeld street, are spending a week s holi- day in 'I`oron1;o. `up: we I 1\ 1 p n`_,,,,__ 11__|_|g_ Nfmcs T0 cneunons aw. .- ..~.- v--qu Miss Heleha. .Dodaon, of Stayner Public school staff, is visiting her friend, Mrs. Ashford "W. Warnica. 1 -"E1-i's-s'1`I'.' -Collingwood. was the Quest of her sister, Mrs. John Flaherty, during Easter holidays. II n E ,_.___1,_-L-.. -2 or `II. u_.-. w. -_ _.._.._-. Mrs. B. W. and Mias.Birdie Rhinehart have returned from a. visit with friends in I Toronto and Newmarket. -I.Ill\rI.nU\I uvuu vvvu .----.-v-- Mr. and Mrs. `Geo Ready and family- from Toronto, have been spending a few days at their parental home. I 1' :1: I (`II ,,, _L_ I.-- .'.--I. Angus I uwyu my -..-... I.-......-... ..v... Mr. Charles Siasons, who has just com- pleted his fourth year at Toronto Univer- sity, -is home for his holidays. in . I rm. 1' , I __,J `I3-.. \nIAn Ion Lauuuvn uv-guw. --. ~ We notice among the list of graduates of Knox College the names of R. W. Uraw and F. 0, Harper, of Barrie. - `no 15- 1: I'|I,!__L___L "r?" Ii3;'."~Eei' .1? Eiora, and Mm. Lily Firth, of Hamilton. spent the Easterl ` holidays under the parental roof. `to -I IIIO `I\ I I `ll , _,, _n________ _`____,__ ZLi1Ziier1Z%e;ed,-of Magnetawan, accom- panied bv her cousin. Miss Best, spent Easter at her home on Clapperton street. \JIlIl| nvvvv was vvvu ' Alfred Nave. of Toronto, and formerly of l MonEman s drug store. passed through town last v'veek to spend a. couple of weeks at his home` in Dalston. --u`. I` . ET?! ----u-'- -. ..--- -.---- v.- '_--._`.----> , Richard Ward. who has been nohrina in the United States with the band of the 48th Highlands, is visiting his parents in town. -1-; Han 1 '1': A ru---2_-I '|l--4..._ .. 1ENER`AL SERVANT: WANTED-.-Applv to ` T M RS. GEO. RAIKEB. Bame P. 0. 15-15.`) {__j I,.._ ._ -- __ _'C'aI`lTU'T`iV II! V -a - V - . `Mr. Wm. Elder, B. ., Classical Master of M Arthur `Highechool, is spending the Easter ` vacation with his parents on Charlotte st. _ I`1___EL-.. -._J ` ..........,.. ...-.. -__.__,,__ , Mrs. Grafton, Miss Grace Graftop and Mr. Wilson. from Brampton, were the guests over Sunday of Mr. F. T. Grafton, Malena- ter street. M . r --.a r-- v_._ ._ Ina. uunvvv Missee'Ste!le and Given Washington. of Toronto. spent Easter at the home ot their uncle. Rev. W. C. Washington, M.A., 43 Charlotte street. . __.. -on . up I 1 wvuga vats v-vu-. v.. -.- .... Mrs. T. R. Parker entertained a number of her lady friends Saturday` afternoon in honor of her sister, Miss May Morris, who" is visiting from the city. ., 2-.. u._ L-I-j-_._ _ I3 Vlhilvluch havoc- -upw -w_' _ Teachers out of town for the holidays :- ` Mr. and M1-s.`T. H. Redditt, Mr. and Mrs. ` Foster, C., V. Bennett, the Misses Meir, i `Shelia, Bonis. Dickson, Sing and Boys. V 1 I-IUIIIV nu .11:-up vvn-III, Rev. John McPherson, president of Uni- vereity College Y-M.C.A., preached on Sun- day last. both morning and evening, in the A Congregational church. III is I`\_..L-.. -._"A.-..L..:_..A .. ...`.......1.-nu. Iuuvaau, .,`---~.., ...-__..__. - , We are pleased to iaoteathat Mr: Frank 0. Harper has passed his graduation exam- ination with first-class honors, having ob- tained third place in the class lists and al lilggnei-al.prqeienoy icholarahip of 540. V ` Many Readable Paragraphs 0! Local Interest. News of Town 1 and Country Side. ] )\\'ELI.lNG TO RENT, centrally situated. south wcslvcorncr of Mulcaster and McDonald Sts. House. 2 smrev. 9 rooms and balls, garden and lawn. Apply on the premises. ` ' 45-tf ` -EA good Buggy `fbr sale at a. `bargain. Apply to J. R. Hambly. 11-1.. _IZ __.4I _.__.L_- A-_I____.: _-_ l`Vl:37v:v(e'ldz#I1Z(il7 Wa(r:17en seeds now ar- nvlng at BOTH nuns .4--1\ I`I'\ I n 11 C --Mr. E. A. Lyon is canvassing for the Barrie Steam Laundry. - l m'Ladies 'laund;'y work` ;zirt31f;1'll-v"_;._!1'(.I neatlvdone. Barrie Steam Laundry, phone 55. 'Barred R0;-is. choicevstook-Eggs and Birds for sale, cheap-W. D. Airth. Bahia. -Wanted-A smart intelligent boy to, learn the printing business. Apply at this oice. ---For the proposed enlargement of the Agricultural grounds over $2100 have al- ready been subscribed. ' -it is gratifying to know that our town band has succeeded in retaining the services of Mr. Henderson as bandmaster. -The Barrie Tannery Co. expect to have their new establishment in active operation in the course of a week or ten days. fl: (*1 A `II I r\|r1 0|: 1 -His Grace ArchbishopT()7 ZCe;n'er will be 9. guesbat the Deanery on Thursday, and will preside at a Theological Conference. u v 1 I `AKE NOTICE that the Partnership heretofore ' c.\i:tm;z of Scott & Scott Egg Merchants has seen klis-solved. All adjustments of Accmnts with .~;4id firm to be made with ROBERT SCOTT , Allis- Inn. - 14-I5 . E':Catnats 7C1a7anedi.( nIaaidv 1 entted. Prompt attention, low prices. and satisfac- tion guaranteed. S. H. May, 210 Dunlap street. _ m'We have now up-to-date machinery and rst-class workmen and are prepared to do any class of laundry work. Barrie Steam Laundry, phone 55. I II . I III'\ -Proba.bly the people of Barrie will have the opportunity of heanmz Madame Albani and her splendid company on their return from the Pacic Coast about May 131:. 5 `I1-.. t`II--.l.... -l___4I_ '-II .... A...` _II For Choice Family Flour and all kinds of Feed go to Wllklnsonh. All orders delivered promptly In any uantlty. Please leave your orders at I. e Mnll 0111430 or Telephone No. 23. a'W e guarantee satisfaction to all of our customers. A trial parcel is all we want to convince you of the superiority of our work. Barrie Steam Laundrv, phone 55. III 1' n ma 1 I I A -Miss Jessie Alexaoaer, has so fre~ quently delighted Barrie audiences with her clever recitals, was married on Tuesday `of last week to an elocution professor of New York City. ' 7'T'he` Robin is here-So are we, with a. full assortment of Parlor and Bed Room Suites, Tables. Sideboards, Desks, Blinds." Curtain poles and Mouldings. Pictures framed promptly. At the New Furniture house. Five Points.- Ford & Palk. I'Mr. J. F. Craig. our popular and pro- gressive tailor, has just returned from the city where he has been making extensive purchases by way of replenishing his new and up-to-date stock.` Spring orders are respect fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. I ._-' . _ _ . . __ _ ___ ___.,___ ,__-__,_-- -Knox College, Toronto, has conferred the honor of Doctor of Divinity on the Rev. Mr. McLeod. THE ADVANCE desires to ex- tend its hearty congratulations to the rev, gentleman, whose work and worth in the community make the distinction an eminent- ly tting one. rv I I: pp: can I -Under the heading of General Remarks, Inspector Hodgson has the following to say of the Bradford High School: Since mv last visit of inspection, Mr. Foucar has assumed the principalship and I am glad to` be in a position to_ say that under his man- agement the school promises to make such progress as to raise it to the popularity which it enjoyed in former years." 1-nu.` -i._-__.... __I_..- .l_ o-__._ `A I.._- The vnIuab'~e propcrtyof-the Royal `Victoria HoDi` mm. .~`uit.':ML' for good residence, central location.- Offers recon-ed by the Secretary. VV. SARJEANT' 11-:-v The cheapest place in town to buy hard and soft wood is A. W.VWilkin- son s. Delivered promptly in any uantity to any part oi the town and llandule. Leave orders at mill ofuce or phone. 23. `lo .o rrvu 0 oil 11 In vn .'nnv--`vv -w-- -Miss Lottie Wiggins will addressa Mass Meeting for children and others in the Town Hall at 4 15, on Sunday afternoon 14th, inst. Each Sabbath school teacher is asked to urge the scholars to] attend as Miss Wig- gins will give a very interesting talk to the children. The Congregational church has been secured for Monday evening the 15th, inst. when Miss Wiggins will give her lec- ture on Humanitie s Battles. at x p.m. All are cordially invited to the lecture. -I-D l|`I'\ I11 1' 71 "L NH _-,,_,,,, _ t -VIf_is.rry,vthe little son of liev. E. I. Hart. North Bav, met with a very painful accident` while in the Despatch olce with his father. The little fellow went over to the press and began putting slips of paper between the cogs, when the machine caught his mit and pulled his hand in, smashing two of his n- gers almost to a jellv. He was taken to a. surgeon and had his ngers dressed, every possible effort being made to save them, and it remains to be seen whether they are suc- cessful or not. The injured hand was for- I tunately the left. I'II--.-..'l1I..-.l _ ..-..4'....o ..ol_.-I..-u 6`;-nu v-.._...._ ...v _v__, Flower Food, :1 perfect stimulant for window plants at BOTlIWELL S.. K` I,,-!,._ __.___A wu ---v -- r--._.--. --v _-v ..__ -- -_- -_ --The services at the Salvation Army Barracks on Good Friday were attended by good crowds and very successful in every way. Adjt. Burrows enrolled 8 soldiers, commissioned two local officers and pro- moted Gone Sargeant: to the rank of. Sergtn Major. Ensign Perry assisted in the Easter services and on Monday night conducted a beautiful illustrated service entitled The S.A. in the Klondyke which was much appreciated. During the special services just closed. over 50 persons sought pardon. Public meetings will now be held at 8 p,m. on Wed. Thur. Fri.- Sat.,. and on Sunday at 7 and 11 a m. and 3 and 7 30 p. In. meet- in s for the children on Fri. 7 p. m. and and of Love on Mon. 7 p.m. $1.00" PER ANNUM IN ADVANC3 smau: corms nvs CENTS. Our schoolclosed, Mr. M'cGvuire is off on his holidays. T - I 1 I , ,,,,,S.,__ Some of our farmers have been securing new binders and other machinery. Others will`-be doing so. Our advice to all is sup- port home industries. ? 1\I,,,.L__..1 |,_- _.__._J` 1.2.. _L:_..I- Jno. started his shingle mill. In a short time he will be com- mencing his lumber mill. Mr. Blanchard has been making many improvements in his property, and will do good work. ynnk n_4.---__-.. -_--I_ _: __LL__.:.... .1... r-'-r-'--.n --- ----- -- ca--- ~ '- - Our Orangemen speak of celebrating the coming July 12th In Everett. Celebrations in Everett are generally successful and it is [hoped that this may be the meet Iucoeufnl eelebratiprl ever. held in Everett. `vol. L. No. :5 SAMUBI EV61'6tt. Advance Correspondence. Say boys! what about reorganizing the I 12- n _ Rooms for offices. in Rosslilock, No. 97. DUMOP Street. Fireproof vault; lately occupned bv Dr. Wells. Alsouvo rooms with vault, latelyroccexgned M Hood. jacks & Fraser. Barristers; xmm possession). Apply` to C. H. ROSS . - Rnrn Innnnrvv |nnI_ I'tfo iate. Nor: I1-west half of Lot 3, Con. 8. Va ra; 60 acres Crarcd. lmlnncc standin timber: sci . heavy .013) Zuzana; tirst-class wheat gum. Where necessary It j< tile drained. Frame House. frame barn and log "Mn: `good waier etc. App! on` the` remise8_ or W `pita-r to EC-ERTON H. JO NSTO , Minesmg I`. U, ' - FOR SALE--That valuable Town Lot .N. 5 of Lot :4. South side of VVorsley street. BarI'ie~0n qtgayxcr of an n.crc-The property of theplate R. \\ hxtclJrcad. Apply to - ' - G. A. RADENHURST. v CAI :n:6nu an Fl': , _ E.\'l`RA MATCHED Span of young` -Brown Colts. two wars old. Chunks. about x400 lbs. in \"ti;:l`.Y. at Smo each. this span is hard to beat. Also a govd DRIVER 3 years old. Bay. will drive single -r dthlllt.` Apply to E. H. IOHNSTON, Minesmg ' T`. 0, 14.1_ On John street-Ten roomed house. stable and mtf an acre ground. Enquire of DR. MCCARTHY. "?owN PROPERTY FOR` SALE.. <:. EXCELSIOR Business Gollogo. NEVER in its history has the. EX- I _m"_CI_L_SIOR BUSINESS COL: In the Town of Barrie. In the County 0ftv';`;n and being comprised of parts of Lots One. th.` `said three, on the east side of Bradford street`. is ken lot Town of Barrie, as` laid out 09 P3"? ,lwnshiP t` .n- six, in the Fifth Concessxqn of the hph id L espra, in the Co_unty of ,,Samcoe,dW 1 .' .18 are described by metes and boy?! %- Andrew ueing the property formerlv OCCUPW 5' Miscampbell, deceased. _ V For terms and particulars apply to . , WN I3.}3lI:hQX, ARDAGH. cowagoffdlglrg Barge has ` `CELSIOR COL- - L_1`4G had such an attendance. 'or` given so much satisfaction to its pa--I hree times has it been necessary`. to extend its seating aceommodatio'n,'a.n'd-; as fast as tbev can be .g_ot- l'e8dy,:.'_:ub:E` O E : flfons as during the present sessi'on.F' the pupils go to situations. OFFICES TO RENT on LEASE pu.~.\u:~'.~il0Il. !_1pp|V [0 Lu J Barrie. lanuarv 1, I901. March 23rd. 190 I . HOUSE AND LQT FOR sAL1-:._ 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. ._ -r "V via wuuuuvsvuwu Ah-complete equipment, a.vt!or_o.u,Rh' 1} up-to-date establishment, . In every_, line thorough, practical. npiufaotorY_- `____A _ _ _ _ _ _.__- ' ' ' "'5"! 1-H Ilvulvcug anyausuuuvay o 1` Pave to attend the E. B. U. _ Gab, 8 Circular free for a post chat}!-. ,. "s"13R1N~G '"N_E \ Ri DVERTISEMENT8. ' FOR SALE OR TOLET. -TOWN LOT FOR SALE; into liueon April rat. and Ipen f ' . ` . that date in put: of the departments 3:030:33 from prepare for a better `position in life Edzociltaind " on thus way to success. Try it our '. , School with opens the asta` of Ten Teachers and 6;; ' A t qiPmentriu is worthy of your conlidem - . hon. Wm, fa`, Canada No Vacations 3 - - ' 9"" T07"!!! from Catalogue. Apr. rst. to I! _,_'_..A... III . g..__.L_ ' waous No. 3'};-_ L I SAMUEL Wusuzli Proprietor. FOR SALE. MARRIED WFORSALE. umo. Jl!4lVl.1Ul.(D.l..' Solicitor. Barrie.. :3-16 Ax-tf. A s ecial meeting of the Presbyterian Christ an Endeavor was held on Friday eveninv last to bid God-speed to their Presi- dent, Mr. Norman `Black, on the eve `of his departure for Winnipeg. Mr. Black has been prominently identied with the work of the church- both as President of the Christian Endeavor and" as See -Treasurer of the Bible - Ulass. A farewell address was read from each organization. while a fountain pen and travelling companion were present- ed as slight tokens of the esteem in which Mr. Black was held by his triends and co-1 workers in the church`. ADDRESS mom mam cuss. It havin come to our knowledge that Mr. Norman 13` ack is leaving town. I desire on behalf of the Bible class to express our re- zret at `losing so valuable a member, and one who has so closely identied himself with the work of the church izenerall . We pray for his success and wish him al the he. pi- ness possible in his new home. We a all always `remember with aeotionate regard, his unfailing courtesy and exemplary Christ-T iau character. 1 (V I`! 15 II _I P___ While wishing, formallv, to express our regret at the thought of your departure from our midst. we nevertheless feel our inability to fully convey the feeling of loss which is -felt by this society. VIFIIIVQIU Ill\l1I|.`E QIUIIQ Business college, Toronto. o-IV TW.. H. SHAW Pnmcumn. IIUIJ VIIIII [IV VIII 0 S. G. E MOKEE, Teacher of Bible Class Theaddress from -the -Christian Endeavor. was in substance, as follows :- cnn-vn-nI In nu-ununnn J\Iu- '19!!! UV IIIIIB BUUIUUJI 'Having_nroved yourself a_ true Christian endeavorer, always faithful. cheerful` and enthusiaetic you have etriven with a strength obtainedirom our Divine Leader to "Bear much fruit for his sake. `I7- -____. _._L1_- ______ LL_L A`. - `I'II-___!_, .. J III MUII II HIV IUI IIII GURU: We earnestly pray that the Biesing of God be ever present with you._ . (Signed)' Jnssm E; ELDER. Rec. Sets, ANNIE L. MCCONKEY, Vice-Pres. 39 pl IIII-C\l Ell`) VIIUBIIUMUUKI, VICE IIVIUVUUUI . Resolutions were passed expressing regret. at the death of Messrs. Pepler, McKeggie and McVictie. ' A V ` The following oieers were elected :. Reo- tor s warden, Mr. F. A. Lett; people s war- den. Mr. Hubbert; reotor s sidesmen. Messrs. Webb, Viokers and Rogers; people's sides- men, Messrs. McLean, Joyner and Thomas Bell; clerk. H. E. Giles: auditors, Messrs. Barwick a._nd Crease. ' "IL; _ . L _ _ _ _ L __ `E-.. LL- -.._..-..L --..-.. ....._.. The anual rporg of thiev hurch wardens, as primed and distributed, was adgpted; Dana.`-|t::n-nun uwuannn -`nanny: nun nnnnnnnnnn unl- -IJIII W IUD WI-Ill \.Il URUG- The estimates `for the current vear were given as $2000. The salary of Mr. Wnllere, as sexton, was increased to $100, in recog- nition of__hia faithful services. _____ __.__.__.`I __.._2_.LE.__ LL- I-IIIIIUIJ UL IIIH IGIVIIIIJI DUE Vl\iUs A resolution was carried apnointing the church wardensand Messrs Atkinson, Bar- wick and Hewson to make such an arrange- ment with outstanding liabilities as they may think wise: that a new subscription list be started "for the various church ob- jects, and this list printed with the state- ment next Easter; with a column showing also the amount paid. and that allsubscribers be notied that such lists will be printed. IA._ T--I. L...-:-:u dun`-nun nurnao\O-:Av\ in flat`: DU uuuuuu nuuu auuu IIBUID Wu: uu lllluuuuu Mr. Lett: having taken exception to this resolution, resigned his position as warden. whereupon Mr. C. E. Hswson was appointed in his stead. ' - mu, 44 :.-_n._:.... ..-..4.I-....... ......... ..I....s..A Ln. ID [118 BCBEU. V The following gentlemen were elected lav delegates to the Synod: J. 01 Morgan. G. A. Radenhuretvand R. L; Barwick; * L Dr. R. J. Sprotu. of Barrie. has rented the rooms formerly occupied by` Mr. C. A. Terry, in the Sexton block.-land will open up his dentist parlor next. week. Dr. Sprott- is a young man of good address and no doubt is well up in his profession.-Newmu.rket Express, ' LT..............I...o- . nnnl-n:n`I1 Ian he nnnarntlilslt. WL'RS I`ER--At Toronto, "on A '1 th. ' A Charles Anton. only son of Selinfgnd 4Charl:ag_i Wurster. ' MOLLAN-On Saturday. A ril 6th. t ' street. Toronto. the resi ence of 'l?e!"7d7l!S;:::ll': Mr , Colonel McKenzie. M I . 'd nan: T. s. Mollan. Esq.. in h:r sa.`:'y2;,, t1r3.'.3 : eral private to Barrie on Tuesday. qth. isxpress, e . N ewmarket is certainly to be congratulat- ed on being able to count among its citizens a young man of such sterling worth as Dr. Sprott. He has been well known in Barrie for some years, both as a student in the Collegiate Institute and in the practise of his profession in partnership with Dr. Richardson. He carries with him to his new home the best wishes of his many friends in IIUIIIU UOIV II this town. sion of the IJEVVJI-\l I Is: Tenders will be received by the undersigned Solici- tor for the Exccutorsof the late William McLarty- up to the 15th April, 1901, for the purchase of the East so acres of Lot No. 2:, on the 7th Conces- Township of 0ro-save the North East 5 acres thereof. A p The Sale will be subject to the approval of the Oichl` Guardian of Infants. . Thehighest or any tender will not necessarilv be accepted. . _ Of Sale--Ten per cent. down and the Terms in one month-the purchaser to pav the purchase money into the Canadian Bank of Commerce to the 'oint credit of the Oicial Guardian and of the xecutors of the said late William McLa t Dated this 23rd March. A.D.. tgor. ` ' ` ` ~ G.,A. RADENHURST - Solicitor for the Vendors, n-:5 s C Barrie P. . balance I o I LADS] YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN ` Shingles, lath, Agricultural Tile land Plaster, lime A and cement ---jn iven_ pursuant to R.S.O. Chap. . . .n. ag estate of Rxchnrd Whitebread. late of ame, ed, who died on or about the Wag onmaker. deceaa ted to deliver or send x9th ebruary, 190:. aI_`e_reques to the undersigned Sohcttor for'R. E. Fletcher, Esq. ' - Whitebn-ead' full pargglllars of .:x:cuTons' once T0A__CBEDlT0RS. FARMERS! BY TENDER. WY LIE--WOOLSEY--In Barrie. April. 10th. bv the Rev. D. T|._ McLeod._ 'D.D.. Mr. Wm. Wye, of Holly. to Mxss Maggne T. Woolsey. ofAng u. Vestry`Meet1ng of 'Ifr1_n1tv Church. can be ftillv met at lowest prices if you call on 22-ly 13-I5 . '3'?_5`-. Johnston & Sarieani. An "En'dea_\irorers" Farewell. 'rowNsHIP or one Dr. Sprott for l_I;ITewu_1a.z_-ket. TI-IE INTERESTS OF` BARBIE. THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. :FOR SALE-,-Horse, 8 wars old; Harness and Buggy. 3 new Milan Cows. ve "and 6 years old. Applv to A. LONGHURST. Bradford, street, Bar- rie ' A ' *S'5'P BARBIE. COUNTY 01? SIMCOE. ONTARIO. APRIL 11, 1901. ;. rgo; gave away the bri The "Bird-Foster iVI7uptia1s Attended with , Much Brllllancy. Notwithstanding the inclernency ' of the weather,`ful|y seven hundred people assem~ bled in Trinity Church on Monday after- noon to witness the union of Mr`. Eustace ' Godfrey Bird, formerly of Barrie, now of New York, to Miss Isalen Ardagh Foster. I Mr. Henry Strathg. K.C , her. stepfather, e, whose appearance was most dainty and attractive in her gown of ' soft ivorv satin, the exquisite veil of . Limer- ick lace, held by a spray of orange `blossoms (which was the wedding veil of her aunt, Mrs. Gowan) falling over it in graceful folds. The yoke of the bridal dress was of silk chif- fon, applique and a chu of crepe-do-chine was fastened on the left shoulder and caught up on the skirt by sprays of orange-blossoms. The bride's shower bouquet, given by the groom, was of lily of the valley, -freesia` and T asparagus fern. Her only iewel, the gift of the groom, was a sunburst of pearls with diamond_ centre, suspended by a slender ` KUIU. Ulllllw V _ n ' The arrangement ,of the attire of the i ve bridesmaids was unique and most e`ec- I tive. The costume of Miss Mabel Foster, whoswaa rst bridesmaid, being of maize- ` tinted gauze, while the same colour was carried out in the shimmering satin ribbons which. girdled the white organdie frocks and nestled in the billoway white chiffon hats of the two younger bridesmaids, Miss Queenie Strathy and Miss Gladys Ardagh. These carried great bunches ot da odile's tied with ribbon to match, and wore gold crescent | brooches with four-leaved shamrock, also ` theggift of the bridegroom. The intermedi- ate bridesmaids'.-MissiAlice Foster and Miss Ruth Bird-w_ere dressed exactly like the maid of honour but in varying tints-the' former being attired in pale green, the lat- ter in an exquisite shade of heliotrope. The three gauze dresses. accordion-pleated, were worn over silk of the same shade, and had leective graduated satin stripes._ The bats were of black tuekedchibn with snrays of foliage and steel buckles, and they wore black chion sashes with long jet buckles at the back and clasped in front by smaller ones. Their owers were lilies of the valley \ and asparagus fern-the gift of the groom, as were also their brooches of eur-de-lis. with bars of pearls. ` TL- ;.n-an-uanoaus Inna !\nI|`Al|lV|nt` I117 fh F. wun wars on pui_sua. The ceremony was performed by the reo- A tor, the Rev. Canon Reiner, assisted by the Rev. Vivian Morgan (cousin offthe bride), of Holy Trinity church, Toronto. Tkn hm-at` than um: Ml`- Jack Hand. Of OI noly Lfllllfy Uuuruu, LUI. The best` man was Mr. u:Il;.;i: Hood, of -Ottawa; the ushers. Mr. Gerald Strathy (brother of the bride). Mr. Holford Ardagh (her cousin), Mr. Walter Morton, Mr. Charlie Crease, Dr. W. A. Rose, of Barrie, and Dr. Ross. of Clavton, N.Y. l'l\l.- I_......_ uln. Dnnfnni T.nnvn nun: nnnn uuu U1`. INUEE. In Univ uuu, 1.`. Lo The hymn, Oh, Perfect Love was sung ` by the choir as the bride entered, and the ` weddingmnrch from Lohengrin and Men- delsaohn s familiar strains. were ably render- ed on the `organ by Mn Morgan while the wedding party were in the vestry and as they left the church. rm... nuu1:Inn nnnal-.n lmnnv hf hlld may win Due Uuuruu. , The wedding guests (many of whom had come from a distance-Montreal, Ottawa, and even England being represented, as well as several places in Ontario, and quite a number having come from Toronto) assem-~ bled after the ceremony at Ovenden, where they greeted the bride and groom, who stood "beneath a festoon of smilax, from the centre of which depended two magni- cent calla-lilies The presents, numbering nearly two hundred. and particularly charm- ing and appropriate, were on view, and testiedto the generosity or the doners./as well as to the popularity of the recipients. H1]... I....:A.J- -ant-has nun-A n hnnnnrvin anwn Well H3 50 III? pUP|.llIl.'||I VI. uuu Luvlyuvuvuo The bride s mother wore a handsome gown .of black satin, with touches of rose pink, the groom's mother being iublack silk with cerise. Mrs. George Morton, the bride s. eldest sister, wore a blouse of rose-pink satin, trimmed with cream coloured silk maltese lace, and` her young son was in a charming sailor frock of white and paleblue. , Nlrs. Gowan was- tastefully dressed in a dark ' `blue and white striped silk; Mrs. John Ardagh in black lace draped over coloured silk. Miss Ardagh, of Blythe, wore a beautiful dress of silk grenadine, trimmed with satin and chiffon, the colour being best described as peach.-heliotrope, Miss Clery, from England; Miss May Strathy. from Montreal: Mrs. Philip Strathy and Miss O Brien, trom Toronto-all house guests at Ovenden --were each attired in grey, as the prevailing "colour, but the diversity of style. laces and touches of colour struck one with a sense of contrast rather than oi `simi- larity. ' . M... ' .....I Mm. `Rh-A nnnnmnnninrl as far as OFFI nanny. Mr.` and Mrs. Bird, accompanied as far as Toronto. by a number of departing guests, left" on the evening train, the bride being attired in .a travelling suit of soft grey tweed, bodice of grey satin, caught in front by threeantique silver hearts, a touch of _ turquoise under the lace at the throat, a grey chiffon ru' with long ends and a broad hat of black tulle with pale grey. roses nest-T ling within the brim. mu- `idlnnlanrr nnnnl-.n warn nrnnnni-. z.-T-Ton. Garthy. Miss -Mrs_..Plummer`, Miss Plummer, Caven; the `Frances Ard_agh,,_I,h`. ind MP8. .Ai`*3'9ViA`9?8..9'i9?.` . . ling Wlnln UHU Ulllllh The following guests were present :-Hon. Senator and Mrs Gowan, Mrs. S. B. Ar-. dagh, Judge and Mrs. Ardaqh, Mrs. W. D. Ardagh, Miss Kate Ardagh, and Miss Ar- dagh, `Mr. Arthur Ardagh, Mr. Ernest Bird, brother of the groom, Belleville; Captain and Mrs. Bird, Miss Margaret Ulery, England; Miss Mav Strathy, Montreal; Mr. H. A. O'Brien`, Ottawa ; C01. and Mrs. O Brien and Miss O'Brien. Shanty Bay; Rev. and Mrs. Shortt, Mr. rnd Mrs. Morti- mer Atkinson, Mrs. Jas. Strathy, Mr. Ar- thur Strathy, Mr. Robertassels, Toronto ; Dr. and Mrs. Philip Strathv, Toronto ; Capt and the Misses Whish, the Misses Morgan, Miss Zoe Shortt, Miss Louie Strathy, Miss Strathv, Mr. and Mrs. Giles,` Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. Moberley, Miss L. O'Brien, Col- lingwood; Mrs. Lally, Miss Lallv, Miss Maude Lally, Mr. Rex Ardagh, Mr. and Mrs. Henry O'Brien, Miss O'Brien, Mrs. J. A. Strathy. Messrs. George" -and Harry Strathv, Miss Elizabeth Strathy. Toronto; Misses Morton, Australia; _Dr. and Mrs. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Morton,`the Misses Morton, Mr. and Mrs- Hauqhton Lennox, Jud e and Mrs. Boys, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Mr. gDouglas Stewart, Mr. `and , Mrs. Dickin- son. Mr. .Hu h,DioljIinson, Mrs. Jerev Mc- _ rgdon. Mr.` and Mrs.` Pember- n; Mrs. Radenhurst. Miss ton-,,_, Mayor *6 Ardagh, _ Dr. _ l -On Sunday morning betvreen two and I three o?olock re was discovered on Penet ng retreat: in an vacant house owned by re. Crookahenks. and formerly occupied by J ack Jones; endffamilv. The brigade was not ._AIo'n'g in getting the re under control. but- - t"'i1in1l;&l2V9u`t' 1 a badly L oend $?"3*eVK!-reidn-. A TFAASHIONABLE WEDDING. I Eas ter Sunday Services. "COLLIER ST. METHODIST cannon. The Sunday services were well attended. both morning and evening. The pulpit was ttingly decorated with owers, while the singing and preaching were of a special na- ' ture to suit the Easter occasion. In the morning Mr. Bartley spoke from Luke 24, l '46 47 verses, and in the evening he took as { Ihis text But now is Christ risen from the ` dead, and` become the rst fruits of them I that slept. ' Tn O-kn run-nvninn I414: Aha`! Inh `I! A VAT`? I uunu nape. V , In the morning the choir sang in a very acceptable manner Who shall roll away- the stone. by Torrance ; while during the o'ertory Mr. Will. Ring sang a solo, Hail to the Risen King. At the evenimz service See now the altar garlanded with owers, by Faure, was rendered as an anthem, the solo of which was taken by Mr. Charles King, whose singing is always much ap- i preciated by Collier street audiences. A ; quartette entitled` "Magdalene, was sung E while the oering was being taken. Than unsna A` uouurnnvua (III I-Inn {`.hnrhh f I VVIIIIU DUE, UIJUICIIIS W55 UUILIK lannuuu { The series of sermons on the Church of ' the`20th Century" will be resumed and con-. lcluded next Sunday evening. Mr. Bartley `will then speak -in a general way. just as he has done throughout the series, on the Con- gregationof the 20th Century. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The Congregational church was beautifully decorated with owers on Easter Sunday, and the choir rendered suitable music. The service was conducted. by Mr. McPherson, of Toronto University, who preached in the morning from Luke 24: 34 The Lord is risen indeed. The sermon showed careful land thoughtful preparation. the speaker citing convincing proof of the great fact of the resurrection of Christ. and pointed out many practical lessons to be learned there- from. In th evening he spoke from the text. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ. to a large and attentive congrega- tion The sermon was intensely practical and helpful. and could not fail to be produc- tive of good Mr. McPherson shows mark- ed ability and earnestness, and gives promise of great usefulness in the Master s service in the years to come. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. In the morning Rev. Dr. McLeod spoke ' from the twenty third Psalm. In the even- ing a large congregation listened with inter- est to a talk on the Boers by Mr. _H. M. `Irwin of the Strathcona Horse and formerly a student in the Manitoba Presbyterian Col- lege. He spoke of the Boers as kind and hospitable but also wily, hypocritical, narrow and conceited, the last being due to their ignorance and isolation. He described their disgraceful treatment of the natives, their bitter hatred of the British which with the scheming of Leyds and his following of Hol- landers to get control of all South Africa was the real cause of the war. He believed that lthe suerinz [the war entailed would bring the British `nation nearer God and the out- I come of the war would be an amelioration of | the condition of both Boers and natives. rnn- _____2- ___ :._ l-......:..... ...:al.. I... Anna, um uuuuluul. UL UULIJ uuvna uuu uuuvvu. The music was in keeping with the_occa- siou. The morning anthem was Now is Christ Risen (West) and the evening one I am He that Liveth (King) with baritone solo by Mr. Edwards. on! u ADV G nunnnn ~ ANTI? ll)---..'A *s_11e`1rt."infellighlt boy to learn the rinting buginess. Apply at ADVANCE AFB`! 1?,

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