Hdmoeonathist. [:56 Dunlop St. Residence and Office. 8-lv I.ooo and upwards, to loan at 5 t lowest current rates. \V. AULT, Bgrrister, Barrie. Ca Kllil 43-ly -av`-.- Barristers, Barrie. Opposite R. R. Station` |.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs 9n the premises at night. lusttces, notarnes x uuu.., the Bank of Toronto, `W33. 9; pnu vv u o_ obtaanmg probate of ..p.aoinn , and General c. w. MACPHERSON. I Banister, aoucnwr, nan. Ofces-Barrie -Ba.nk of Toronto 5-ly G. H. Esrn. us run, -_- - - w. A. Bo`\-rs, _ 35-Iv KUIIIIE zq-ly Irln at I I4-Iv V RN. Aovx RATES. ' jiiffn c1ncuLA. ,.h.=` -or n:o'Uu{r_ _ nil :lllINl)llElIAyD*. . . .1ro1&'l'Y -corms. - Almost," if uot,quite..jdoub}e that of any on ` V paper pubhshed In Bame. _ 'ADVER'I`]8ERS snouu) NOTE nus 1r4c-L. 13 lines solid agate make 1 inch, TRANSIENT ADVEIUIISEMENTS. First insertion 10 cents per line, each uh! quenr insertion 4 cents per line. R:-ndino notices. 10 cents Der lino. rm. 4 ueun. Iuava uvu -a; vvlluu tau. uuu. Reading notices, 10 cents_per line for {M insertion ; 5 cents per line for each subgeqm insertion of the same matter. All items der 5 lines, of this chaxacter, charged `E; lines- \A\4o 1' lines. I 111195 ` `e-`gal, O"1cia.'1 and Government adverm `meme will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken u the followingfatest wnlch are draftted on W, rect couxmercxal prmcyples and W111 be string, adhered to. There wxll be only one prim for ..n \ er on earth than faith, and here we t have a sublime faith in the univer- 1 ' sal prevalence 01 _right. He hide his 1 people take no thought for the marrow, 1 to lay up anything for it. It is for 1 them to divide the fruit of their labor a freely with those who do not work, `feeling certain that neither they nor theirs will ever lack. They must own nothing and they will have nothing to 4 `defend, and consequently no call for ' violence. There seems to be a gap here in the. Oount s reasoning . It is, no i doubt, true that the desire of having and of keeping. is one of the most prolic sources of violence, and one of the prin- cipal causes for the need of Itovernmento a thing for which Tolstoi has no use ; but `-it is not the. only _. one. No doubt the philosophy of the Count, if we had it all, extends to all other conditions, but with our present knowledge we . seem to see cases where `even a Donk- _ hobor without an atom of personal pro-' party would be pretty certainto ght 5 and would be pretty vigorous about it. in--Montrsal Witness. HULL `all. ` xlncn ounce--anonoonuon a}_ inches....`......... 5 u1_ches, % column..... |o mches, )6 column... .... In,-Inn y nnlumn. . . . . xinch -11 :uIn no , , _ . -- _mcnes, )9 column. so mchcs, 1 column. . . `For due month-the thre , with 15 per cent. added. I I-IE... I-n-vn mnnrha...f.lw. three mnnv m. WISH. 10 P81` ecu. uuucu. *For two months-tl1e three monthly mg, with 10 per cent. added. ac:-Dmrm-m nnsdfinns-1 in the nanor will L. Wlfn 1U per ctzuu. uuucu. . . ` 'Preferred positions in the _paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on aboy. rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. ,- Acoxrimor CHANGES. `Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements must. be handed into the oice not later than Satuldav at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change inust be in Tm: ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the a(1vertise1: s announcement ; may not be made public unul the week fol. lowing. 10 nkonudu nf Arlverhsenients allowed my lowmg. ` 12 changes of Advertlsements a1_1qwed per year. It more are required, composmon rates will be charged. ' A .1.......:m...u mm nnf 1. smnwod to use thc-iv W111 De Cnalgcu. ` Advertisers will not be allowed to use their ` space for advortisme; anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient mtes will be charged for such ad. vertisemems. vw.v..,.-....,.... ___ Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found. property for sale-or to rent, specic` articles, etc.. etc., must be acc(_mp anied with the cash, and will be inserted--first insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent. insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and figures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word willbe made when the number of insertions of `the same matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements rising! in every case be mounted on solid metal base. ` Wanted-`-In Canada, anew indepen- gv dent parliamentary organization, to re- place the late McCarthy faction, the ~ pnembera of which are being an rapidly ;paid 01!` by government patronage, for `aervioen duly rendered. Mr. Bennett in the House of Commons obtained from Aptlgefniniater of Agriculture the.infor- A anation that Mr. .Wm. Stubby, ex-M,P.-7. ` 'Oa_rdyell had been appointed govern-. "1 l inapeotor SCROGGIE & SMITH, w-._-- . V . _ ,, REPRESENT `rm: Fouowxxc Fun: Ixsmascn v COMPANIES: The Mercantile, now ,a`i1ia:ed wi:h The Lon- _don & Lancashire of England. Secur- .-Annr\nn Icy, .;u5.uuu,uuu. The Waterloo Mutual, of \Va.ter1oo, Oz: Tolhlassets, $_;34.083. `The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. Ont. Total assets. $303,078 . - - . . , 1'nI_4.`_ rv1......... 1'-..-......n..v.nn f`n-._ UUU And the Sup Loan and Savings Company of Ontarlo. ' Private funds to loan on rst mortgages. Ac ' 0 counts collected. &c. A nm-.. ,....... unminpcnn q Hsn-Aware Sitar:-_ Barrie 1 Utdl ABBCLB9 w_,u`,,u,-. - Also L1ovd s Plate Glass Insurancs Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, $..-c.- nnn [ collected. eszc. ~ ' _ Ofceover Henderson_s Hardware gxorc, Barne ! Ont. ....-g;snun-- . pg-.3-pg. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND man ASSOCIATION. 1 Agent Stahdard Life. London Gum ' u- 1 me and Accident 00., Provincial Building and Loan Association, etc. OFFICE.-Next door to Bank of, Toronto. Owen Street. Barrie. xx-ly mm: mm & savmus cu. INCORPORATED 1881. zeta-outiv i`.taapxa p efm nent ` rte-M 1*lPil!iI!n-1tvs',it-semi is tive that; some `stepsgbej taken` at onfcefto, V` supply the vacancies; But in passing, 1 _perha_ps it may not-be V-regarded impero 1 ' tinentto `inquire the cause of the decided- . ly unusual popularity of the members I of our ``independent ' party -_ with` the I present Grit government, Is it because 1 the present Reform government is so 1 enamored not Independent men, that it must hasten to bestow its favors upon -. them to the utter neglect of itsstraight. party adherents ! If this be the correct ` , explanation will somebody please ac` , count for the complete turning down of . Mr. ltichardson, of Lisgar, who chose not to break` away from his party, it is. true, but simply to exercise his own judgement with regard to some of our national affairs ! _Oh, no. let us not be deceived. The McCarthy party was _ never Independent even from its incep- tion: much loss was it Independent at the time of the recent general election. -No doubt many honest people support` ed McCarthy in the election of last year really believing him to be what he claimed to be, but in that they were shamefully deceived : while others` supported him, through motives best known to themselves, knowing him to be what in reality he was, and . thus they became a party to the fraud prac- tised upon the electorate. Mr. Mc- Carthy is and always has been a sup- 'porter cf the government: votes for the government through thick and thin: has control of the government patronage for the riding and is not nor has he ever been an Independent. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Deposit! The Security "for Depositors in a Loan - Company is undoubted. .Ross new Block. south side Dunlop street east of the Post Uice. &lv - Ii n -, ..-, doubtgg. There Is no Instance on record wraw deposmor has ever made a loss bv a. Loan Co v A vuuwv Va unnv . vvu v--v-.v v The security to depositors in a Loan Co y is U0` doubted. There is instance record Wile? .1......._ .. 1...- ....-- .......x.. .. 1...... 1... .. 1' N... ("AM Canadian Branch dce. Head Ofce. _ MONTREAL. LONDON, ENGLA_l\D M. C. HINSHAVV, SAM. J. PIPKIIN. nrannk Manamnr I':|n27PI'. l'|33\Jl'IF|I`\IB \J\IlVIl'ru1 I - Capital! $6vuxo Founded 1808 Application forms furnished and rates quoted b) GEORGE PT.A3(TON. AGENT. Appucauon IOPIIIB turmsnea and rates quusua -1 GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. 29-IV Barrie Ont. Uicc in McCarthy Block 4.. }GEo. MCDONALD Licensed Auctioneer. Ap raiser. Valuator. etc-3 Credit Saleevof Farm toe]: and Implements vrompgly attended to; Farms sold and bou ht 0 Commission. GET MY TERMS AND RATgES- MoN19Y TO `LOAN- Number of inches anann _ The Legislature; he, BEET Roor suoan BOUNTY. ha. "Hon. John Dryden, in moving the `fa second reading of `his Beet Root Sugar uh. Bounty bill, pointed out that tests had in been made at Welland, Newmarket and I Aly met, and that most satisfactory re suits were obtained both as to tonnage in, per acre and as to the quality of the dr, produce. In fact no point in Michigan bu could show so favorable a record. All ey. that was now required to develop the W beet sugar industry-in.this country was W, a plant to manufacture the beets into no, sugar, and which would require an out- he lay of $500,000 or $600,000. sonar IRON CLAUSE KILLED. The Premier s bill to strike out the clause in the supplementary revenue act which authorizes the scrap iron as w sessment was read a second time with E the concurrence of the`Oppcsition. The h` I bill also contains a provision exempting farmer s mutual insurance , companies m from taxation under the Act. f ` P` . ELECTION rnauns. ' B Hon. .1. M. Gibson's bill to penalize It those who fraudulently obtain appoint- - ments as deputy returning oicers and P` I poll clerks, and those who wilfully I miscount ballots, was concurred in .~ Mr. Whitney, and passed its second t1 P reading. , A _ ` l , MESSRB. LITTLE AND l)UFF ON AGRI~ r __ oUI.'rU1tE s Iwrnaesrs. . i I 1 In considering` the Minister of Avgri V o r ya ti cultu re s`es_timates, Messrs. Little and t- Duff and other members of the Oppo- pl` 8 sition who followed agriculture as a 3 0 pursuit,.urged on- the Government the 1* Ii necessity of making the education at 0 the Guelph College more practical. _. t- MR.l'1"H.0l.EP8d'N._0Nl eAsi._QUs,s'sr1oN. it C Mr. Thompson (Centre Simcoe) mov- ed -for a return of copies of ccrrespou- it dance rel-sting `to the exportation of na-; *1; turalf gas. -j_He' said` he j_.undel-stood that I by? a f decision of the` [Privy Council, '9. ,o0ntl`Ol_0f `thebeds of rivers was.vest- k- ed in the,__proVinc6I{ The Minister of` o-0 Justice had also stated that the province; it in consequence` had the righttof prohibit 1 '10. the_export+_.ot`gas., 151:-wasps hi ghlyvim- * fportant matter.) _ ,_ . _ . . ' .co_us'r.ir-_: cofu,a"q_1'_1'. ..is,-.'13,1x.x_.','co1tn map. L n-. , M`u1`uoke: ,.movaa his7billto`.ichan` ge_ ': s. "the present representations in..T0ounty', 0 he Ooiinoilv 9ed.II1l|7`i*l1t6thiiort{s can-` ' Mei John Eogerson, `J. 0 UL VER WELL 8 Haurcutting and shaving M N ` Parlor ts:-nu-nosnn-vnnun In . Is!-`win 11(\l|'|'`T. `THE 4`ADvANcE." nv.:.7L_7.-q 1- 1 V.r OFFICE 34`BAYFlELD STREET. BARR 8-1 %___ __// OPPOSITI-I2 HOTEL. V BARBIE- r Rumors and soisqora ground and set on ah! ` nntlnn- _ V1. D. l'I.l.lVDl1IlVVg Dluo Jo I II n Branch Manager ` Manager. QQOATLASIOO Aaannanunr 4-r\nnnAluV `AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.ooo,ooo. QQOKL L. .I.4'1ZIOO ASSURANCE COMPANZ-A L_I OI , , CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCER$, &.C. Fire and Life Kssurance. SCROGGIE &. SMITH. ADVERTISE IN 4, A1961`? _...._._..-_-....._ PRICE FOR _j.%--*-:- ;a....aa. m of Vhisbill to extenii Amsnhood; snrsgo `registration "to towns other then oonnty towns, and` to rnrol municipalities. Dr. Barr showed T that many oonnty. towns were smaller thsn other towns in the some counties. is not IVIL 1` The hazin hazin versit most cers. Vora rgv han bee gar and the haz The Attorney`-General . `thought there was. no demand` for such a measure; but Mr. Whitney thought there was and -suggested that the judge might nit afew hours in each munioipaluty to put those on the rolls who had been left of, perhaps through no fault of their `own. was declared lost on iv di- vision. ` ' ; nornna msrncmox. Mr. Oat-scal|en s bill for the proper inspection` of stationary boilers and en- gines and the licensing of persons in charge of of them, was referred to the special committee. which considered it last year. Mr. 0_arscallen_ -objected to imposing upon owners of boilers insur- ance premiums such as was suggested in Mr. Dryden s amendments -to the Factory Act. It would be sucient, he said, to. have a proper inspection. ALIEN LABOUR LAW. Mr. Wardell moved the second `read- ing of his alien labour `bill which re- quires that citizens of a country which excludes Canadian labour should not be employed in this province on works authorized by statute. It also applies to those who have been resident in any such country for one month. ' The Attorney-General opposed the bill, and said the question of foreign labour should be dealt with by the Par- liament of, Canada as a national ques- tion. The bill would have the e'ect of hampering newenterprises in this pro- vince ; it would . prevent American capital from establishing new industries here, and also prevent Canadians who had lived for long years across the line from returning to Canada, now that there was a spirit of enterprise abroad _in this country-. HABITUAL DRUNKARDS. 1" - of ca bl se W as Mr. Lumsden moved the second read- ing of his bill which declares habitual drunlsards incapable of transacting businessand makes them juniors in the eye of the law. The Premier, Mr. Whitney, and the Provincial Secretary were not in favor of the. bill being 6 made law at present. Mr. Crawford b` believed that it was a good measure. M` It was nally withdrawn. h HOTELKEEPERS' BILL. An important bill to hotelkeepers it was yesterday introduced` by Mr. gl Ilolmes, of Haldimand. At present by hotelkeepers in the cities are permitted d to pay their fees in half-yearly instal- 0: meme, but in `II other places are com- pelled tc make annual payments. Mr. Holmes proposes to extend the half- yearly principle to every hotelkeeper in the province, a privilege that has long been demanded. The Government has in the past objected on the ground of the vast amount of extra bookkeeping 3 that would be entailed. PURCHASE OF ROADS . to gradually acquire possession of a rcad`within its `borders by purchase of stock from time to time ;` the taxes col- lected from road companies to be set apart as apurchase fund, and additions thereto from other revenue being permissible. The bill also provides that after twenty-one years the -value of a road held by a company shall con- sist solely of the sums which have - been expended for its construction and that no value shall attach to. the fran- chise as such. a l _ V "covnannsmr's Umvaasrrr BILL. .Mr. Harcourt moved the second reads a ing of. his.`_Torcuto University bill, which provides for the taking o`ve_r of .i the departments `of chemistry, miner- .1gy and (geology.- Hejalsc, pointed "out that last year there wssgexpended in '_ mineralogy,` geology`, chemistry and bhysios.i0bP'I 325.s Id `"9 9*: .pansea` caaveoyeraraeaus` would new j? " scim'e: 1' The__ Government. would.` also ert` h..*5`- -.=_b|1.i'1liil.i . '.359ll9I!. .l .:A_,` ' Mr. Whitney thought _tho Mme had oome when the just demands of the Univelh-pity of Toronto should . be met in no ni_gg`nrdly_,upiri`l:." and the ovary- thing..t,he7`._vUni?eraitv nuke in. `xenon `ht by some other`-;b.ody,fhe did notca're`eo~ much byfwhotn composed, and let the the appointment, if necessary, he |!)d0'80b- .9- ? jeot to the Lieutenant Governor in- Oouncil. He pleaded for more gener- ous treatment of the University and offered the'Government every support \ if they wouid even now remoddle the t the bill and put the University in the position it should occupy. I ,,_| 41.- .`I-`L..k.. Ln r'- -~-~- .. . The Premiexf closed the debate by stating frankly that the Government could do no more than "what was in- plied in the bill. ` EUCCEBSIQN DUES. ` 'lI'he Premier introduced a bill to amend the Succession Dues, Act. It denes what classes of debts shall ' be. deducted in ascertaining the value of an estate. Only bona-de debts incur- red for a valuable consideration are to be deducted. No debts for which there is a right of re-imbursement are to be so deducted. It also adds to -the pre- ferred class of beneciaries, grandchil- dren, and other _lineal descendants, adopted children, and children to whom the deceased has stood for ten years in the acknowledged position of parent.` , Siege at Pekin. Miss Rutherford, a returned mis- sionary from China who was in ' Pekin during the siege, gave a veryinterestv ing account on her experience, in the Presbyterian church on Thursday eve-- ning. After describing the causes that led up to the siege she declared that the foreign ministers were quite unaware of the extent of the movement and as a result were not able to give more than 400 soldiers into the city to defend the legations. After the foreigners had taken refuge in the British legation the Chinese endeavored to destroy them by re by burning the surrounding build- ings in the hope that the legation would catch re. It wasvnecessary to put these res out to preserve their lives and to do so the foreigners had often to form bucket brigades and carry water to extinguish the ames; bnt the burning of these buildings served a useful purpose, for the Chinese were never able to again retake the space that was left exposed. A Chinese gun mounted on a rampart twenty-ve feetahigh wrought considerable damage by throwing shells into the enlosuree and but for a `fortunate discovery would have destroyed the besieged. It was necessary to knock down the barricade in front of this gun so as to expose the gunner to the-riere of the soldiers, : but there was no gun strong enough to L do it. The soldier set about to make - one but fortunately discovered in a - machineshop in the space gained from . the Chinese an old British dannon - which had been used in the war of 1860 I_ and which had been sold for old iron. 3 This was dragged in and called the B ,International Gun. It was mounted f on an Italian carriage, threw Russian 3 shells, with. German powder and Jap- anese fuse and was operated by an American gunner, but it was succesful 0 -and blew ` down the barricade and the y- Chinese were not ablesto operate their ,1 gun again. ' ' Sand bags were required, and to make them everything was used even curtains and silks worth twelve dollars a yard. The soldiers were worn out with incessant watching and a pathetic incident was told of a British oicer so exhausted that he remarked as he was making his way to his post of duty. It would ` almost", be a pleasure to re- _ceive a wound if it would give a little rest, and in less than a hour he `had been killed. Of the 400 soldiers about 150 were killed or `wounded. The British soldiers were the first to arrive and entered the city without ring a shot, Their reception by the besieged is more easily imagined than described. House of Refuge Notes. Orillia has sent another representa- tive to take the_ place of the one who departed this life as stated below. "The new eomer is George Jones, a bachelor, 79 years of age. He is` quite helpless, and is now.'in the invalid : ward. He lived in: Orillia nearly all his life. A Once more death has invaded the Hones of Refuge, This time the victim is Malcolm -MoMnllen, who vine com Initted to the Refuge by the Mayor of Orillio on the 8th of March. MoMnl- len was a resident of `Ore township, 54 yearn as age and weighed over 200 Apoplexy` was the ounce of death; His remninl;/iayete%teken, to 0:-ion '9": - f " _ , , _ V W AULT-Bar1iItcr. Solicitor, Proctor, Notary. ._ Convgyanoer, etc. Special attention in dravgmg up pwbating wills, obtaining lettets ox adlmnistrahon and guardiannhip, collectingaccounts, .... nan...-Ran Block. Barrie. Monevto Loan. etc. dnumstranon uuu guuuuu Oices; Ross Block. I Barristers, Solicitors for pro LENNUX, AKUAUH, Lav vv nu w U-.- .. - ,,_ bate wills. guardianship and administration, anu General .So|icitors. Notaries. Conveyancers, etc. Hwaarou Lnxxox, Aux. Comm, n u...m.n AnnAGl-L G. E. I.BRowu, L.L.B .3'lCI`0|'5p L` UI'dKII7'g \4Uuv\-;nuvv- ., -._. B. Houonn Annex, G. I. Brown, I _ Ocesz Hinds Block, No. 6,,Dunlop street, Bar- 110- . Branch Oces--Lennox & Ardagh, Gravenhurat; Lennox, Ardagh, Cowan & Brown, Creemore and T JV . CCARTHY, BOYS & MURCHISON. 1 Barris- ters."Sollcitors, Conveyancers, etc. Success- ors to McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. Oice:-McCarthy Block, Dunlop Street, Barrie. ` ` " T`-m - W. A. Boys. J. X.--1'VII'c\CAnr;iv, . ` n ______________________._________ G A. RADENHURST; Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyance: etc. O.ee-First door Owen street, over Bank 0 Com- ` ""- 49-43- HEWSON 8; CRESWICK tors of the Sn reme_ otanes, Ontario, Proctors, Ross Money to loan. C. E. Huwsox. E, barristers. Solici- Court of Judicature of oers, etc. Conve _ arne. Block, A. E. H. Cnnswxcxs. ovovunwl -' -- I-Ixws"o-z-. S-TRATHY; & ESTEN. _ ( Barnsters, _ _ Solicitors in High Court of Justices, Notanes Pubhc, t~........m nears. Oims over Bank SOllltOl'8 an rugn uoun. one | Conveyancers.' Oices over ` Ran-in-.- Barrie. Money in sums of $2.000 per cgnt. ' H. H. Suurrnv, Q.C. WM. M. VCAMPBELL. Banister, Notary, etc. Mone to-loan. Oic and Stayner. Barrie (ice-Ba.nk of Building, Owen street. _._____._________________________.____. DR. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S.. Ont., (late of Drs. arvie 8: Smith, Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen and Colher streets, Barrie. :3-ly R. W. A. ROSS, Physician. Surgeon, etc., l R.C.S. Edin,. L.R C.P.. London. 0 ces and night residence-Brown's Block, Dunlo street, Barrie. Telephone 77. R. J. F. Pallin .l Graduate of Trinity Umversity Toronto,nFe ow of Trinity Medical College, Memberof the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, :8 Owen street. R. J. ARTHUR ROSS;_L.R.C.P. & S., Edin- bur h; M.F.P. 8; S., Glasgow, member of British pthalmological Society. Specialty.- Dlseaues of Eye, Ear, Throat and N030. OFF ICE.--78 Dunlap Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Ppst Otce and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 96. . 7-ly ________..___..______.__.__________ ~ S. BROAD. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C.. L. C. . P. _S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General Hospital. with s ecial attention to Diseases of Women, an Nose and Throat Work, also for sometime surgeon 1:: charge of Emergencv Hospital. Toronto. Oice and night residence- upstairs in McC.arthv Bnock. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros., furmture Awa.rero0ms--near Five Points. nu--- w... `_h. - DFUS. . JUIIJ Phone I05. I-Iou?rs--z_x to 1. V 7_ to 8. ___.? ,, R. E. L. B_RERETON. Eental Surgeon. Oice `ovcr Ha.n_1bly's hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Ou_t oi town 1st and 1rd Mondays of each month. V 5 1-Iv _ _ _ _ ree 0 security at lowest rate 0 fox:-gxvasratnxr on goo? Interest . Nodanncipal money required until end of lhe term. . 1'1. ST RA .L.H.Y. Solicitor. Etc., Barrie. 37 {ass & BROKOVSKI. Barristers, Solicitors; . .u..r..`.:..- tionvcvancers. etc. 0"1c_e_s Ban`k _o _.._.',_.___.__...____I_______.__________ ENNOX, ARDAGH, cow: 8; Bnuwml n nartinfarl. Solicitors of | on_ Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dxssounted. Collections made in any part of the County. Real estate bought and sold. Convey- 0 `H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TU LUAJN O am-hm in all hshranches. Marriage Licenses _ the _Uounty. Real estate bougnt ana som. \;.uuvcy- anclng 1:: all us branches. Marnage Lxcenses issued. Oicc-Ross Block. Dunlop street Barrie. A r-I\- lV|_LIIIl'.I- I V L.\ll'I|\- We have a. large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4; and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. Buis 8.: M URCHI-_ SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. muur. I n V .....n... A large amount of private funds for investment on Mortgage security at lowest current rat_es. A .m-m Bgrnster, T. BANTING, Clerk County of Simcoe, will be at his oice,_ at the Court -House, Barrie. a_verv. Saturdav. Resndence and P.0. Cookstown. JAS. EDWARD s ` CONVEYANCER. At his oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street. after tha.t'ho_ur. u-Iv A ' ' . HE PLANING MILL COMPANY~- Cargenterin _, Building and manufacturing of `Doors. bash. B (is; Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dxstrict agency for grained lum- ber Fa.ctory--Bayeld Street, Barrie. RODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. T _ -- ~}~- - . __ W. PLAXTON, Buuinar, bolicitot, Natty `V "33 I 1 W . c'h'&a_Mcctf'mu%i3:z.t:o;I&?a:ia:`l.nf:; `Ba:-rlo Planing Mill. Contractors, Builders, Manufacturers. &c. Doors, Sash. Blinds, Mouldin . &c. _ Planing and Dressing of eve Adescn tion. at Arr Dryinii Kiln. Est!- mates rnich of char e on all ads of wood work and buil ' - mpteria .` Handle all kinds of workpromotly an an nsfactorily. See our work and get our prices". Factory, Bhyeld street, north of the nnn(Irv_ 1 g.]v 9P.'"_9.9_H|!'JEF.9.'1- R'OBINSON. HE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE `have for tion. in good Homes. a number _`of bright young nadian children. boys and git-is Pa.|_-tic: desiring them an asked to communicate with mnv. D. 3. muucnass. `- I ,. > ' . ' V . - -ry \ V IVIVIIII-I IV! -`-- 5 and 5% per cent. on Mortgage. ` LOUNT & LQUNT 32-tf. MARRIAGE LICENSE. ISSUER. cwu; ENGINEERS. -DOMINION Eel . our pr oundrv. %na.......,A:.%. a pec1'cat' :1 . omc_%.3.1| . smf"6fL'3 s ..`2`i, Bums. Om. u-tf _ o -..uuo-u-au- A was nnnnnvvwnnnrsn-r T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, : . Block. Allandale. On the 41.lv tcident that occurred in` his` own early _ i the result of `iiimoulse, but owe their origins to an~iu:" 1 career. When he was a `poorhoy, a` lentleman who_ had `a collection of shoot ' `four `hundred books, turned `them into a landing library fcrthe boyaiu his _ neighborhood. Young Carnegie was one of the boys to take advantage of the offer and it was here that he the- oame acquainted` with those -principles that have done so much to make him famous as .a money king. That he should decide V to spend so much of his V. immense wealth in order to place with- in the reach of all classes. the literary and scientific treasures of the world will entitle him to be regarded as the most municient friend of intellectual culture that ever lived. '--AND-- ONTARIO LAND sunvavons. H. LYON PRIVATE F*UNDS T0 LOAN .... 13...: `gm... nf Imuaer rates. Farmers 135` nnamnnns AND svnvmrons. DR. R, P. V|_V.lAAN noel-zasa. nocsans. MONEY. To LOAN. , -,,;- -1. ..'_....... F.'..~..4e F.-ur :n1'5 MONEY TO LOAN . - ,_ . .... Ml.-..L.--. ~- MONEY TO LOAN. ~made known its policywith regard to Toronto University. Twenty thousand - Geology and Chemistry, while a promise Inadequate to the present` needs of the `$50,000 per year will meet the urgent requirements. The Opposition` stood `so poverty stricken, possibly an appeal ' have not heard whether the Govern . The Ontario Government hasiat last - dollars is to be applied to the mainten- ance of the departments of Mineralogy, is given to erect, in connection with the school of Practical. Science, as building to cost about $200,000. The Univer' aity Authorities regard this as quite institution, claiming that not less than loyally by_ the Government in the mat ter, and even went further in urging the Government to adopt a more liberal policy and make such a grant as would place the institution on a sound nan- cial basis. The Mail and Empire in commenting on what-it regarded as the parsimonious policy of the Government, suggested that as the Province seemed might be successfully made to Mr. Andrew Carnegie fora donation. We meet intends to act on the suggestion ornot. ` ;Ivi_oNEv.To LOAN. - A~4 _ ..-.._. J D-:1vnfn'P|` D. C. Muacmson. MANUFACTURES. . PHYSICIANS . A7NE7rTT otxs. guardianship, oouecungawouuu, ' Money to - i.l%:a.n.'. FINANCIAL. IDENT.-KL. OFFIGIAL. Apropos of certain detractions or the Doukhobors and Dr. Reid s vigorous de- fence of them, Mr. `Moritz Boas has kindly made us a translation from the Russian of an apostolic letter recently addressed to the Canadian colony by Count Leo _Tolstoi with theohject of conrming them in the faith and prac- 'tices for which they and their people have su'ered.. It "would be hard to `print a more interesting piece of liter- ature. He adopts unreservedly the ex. pressions of the Sermon on the Mount. and the other teachings of our Saviour which are usually treated as hyperboles,` and adjures his brethren not to depart from themin one jot, ;for, as `he seeks to show, he that surrenders one point surrenders all. There is nothing grand`