You `are respectfully; invited toVe.ttend.our GRAND DISPLAY of Pattern % V HATS AND BONNETS, ADVERTISE IAN ` OurOpening` will be of unusual interest andtbrilliancy this season as MISS FRASER, our most successful Milliner, has spent some time in New -York , selecting novelties, viewing and noting the nest Pattern Hats of the world, many of which have been reproduced for your_inspec- tioli next Wednesday. $ARJ EANT %& SMITH, WE|INE8DAYNEXT,MARBH 27m, won, - AND FOLLQWING DAYS. DIRECT IIVI PORTERS. ||||l* A CALL SOLICITED. 9L%_2..b`9%3&L%,%%% L%`2L% &x% _, _ Talkiug of Dress Fabrics, let us say that in placing orders for our English, French, and German importations for the spring and summer ,'of 11901, we were more than usually fortunate, both as to choices that gave us, ' EXCLUSIVE LINES, and as to prices that make selling N18) - The result is that to day our Dress Goods Department" is especiallf attractive in variety and values, a vicinity._ _Could we say more? not to be paralleled anywhere in this : THE NORTHERN Anwmc: A chat over materials and styles or prices may interest you, and though they are already rushed in V; MISS LIGHTFOOT, is never too busy to talk Just at this time of year when most every one is planning a new spring costume, it is only just to remind you of our First-class Dressmaking Depart- ment.--where. the best of modistes look after the tone and nish of every garment and give unfailing satisfaction in every detail of the Work. awn. e, too have a ready answer for those who c.\' I now personally of the extent and variety of our -ur fault. Thisnstome is ever full ovpen" to ing or Vonly" looking around. Our Mr.` Said Pat to the joker : Bt`g0I`l`;i, jump onto the scales an I ll soon tell you ! Said a Joker to Pat: If two small pigs weigh -100 lbs. apiece, how much would a big hog weigh '9" IAMUEL WESLEY, PROPRIETOR What s Your Dress Goods trade of this town : We shall accept} the verdict cheer- CI-[E_APEsT IN V BARRIE- [Jua.Ii1;y combined with easy-to-pay prices. discounts are the rule. If you want-to save 2c to 5 I/`N make comparisons; .`No new name will be added to the Subscription lallt until the money is paid. Pouo Juss aft;-`I Orig Ruse. ed on rl dgt rnn Iiri; fh}; El [JD [0 Published from the Office, :23 Dunlop Street V Barrie. in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario`. Canada. every Thursday Mrning, by ` VOTE FOR THE BY-LAW. If you feel ceitain the appointment of Commissioners will result in anim- provement on the present management then vote for the by-law. " If you `think there is just cause for doubt as to the outcome of the proposed change, still vote for the by-law. . The experiment will certainly cost you noth- ing, while even the least enthusiastic advocates of the proposal do not pretend to `argue that any less satisfactory state .0! affairs is likely to result therefrom. The worst thet can be said against the proposition is that it maynot re- suit in an improvement. But surely _I.ny suggestion carrying -with it the pos- sibility of gain on our present condi- tion, without the usual accompanying! possibility of loss, should at once oom- mend itself ' to the good sense of the} people. `\ I What is wanted is .a. management -that will look closely into every detail of the service. Whether there be a surplus or e decit; or whether the surplus or decit, as the. case may be, be large or small, depends very largely upon the care exercised by those in charge. --~-v;~ Does it not stand to reason theft this close scrutiny necessary for the best at- teinsble results is more likely to be given by men wrth but one duty to perform, then by men with numerous obligations go engage their attention? A defective management of these departments means more to the aver- age ratepayer than one would at drst suppose. If there should he a decit that would mean an increase of taxation upon all, in order to meet the expense of an advantage enjoyed by only a part 3 while a surplus would necessarily result either in "a reduction ct taxation, or gwhat is more lik'ely,in a reduction of- the cost of water and light until per-4 V chance they might be brought within! the rea'ch. of "every citizen of the to_wn.! Tnlhnluvo Ban-in for and arrive from the Illonlontionod 9110:! 0.: follows: :p`un4unvoI|;\ - #_, -__ S`rUDIo,= 32,_DUNLOP STREET.-_ `of `IT , EX l`UIIo I09. POI- IL55 pan *Atlnntic 8: Pacific Ex. 3.68 pan. The evening Expreujeavee Totonto at 5.20 LI A III? fl`f\`Y '"Eo"}'rE;v'i93o'n"aT'n}iXi=b':i3i `omo Ml. _ Pom. ' I.0Ovp.m. ` Ex ran. - 7.55 mm. PEN TANG. ` 11.15 mm. Accommodation. - 5.98 pan. I. p.m. Accommodation. `(.55 mm. ALLANDALE. & BARRIE SECTION. BARRII TO ALLANDALI. . 1.8` n. .\., 8.01.. 13.15 .|,, 11,57 p.u., 5.17 p.m., 5.23 p.m.. 8.09 p.m. ALLANDALB `to BABRII. 7.508.!!! ILIO agm0' `x'a5 I.lI`Iu, Dgmu 5-I0 mm-. 7-55 mm" 9-o9 P-W FIJILVILI4 8 UL`- 7.81 tan. 3: rest. 9.09 pan. I88 pun. ail. 11.88 mm. GRAVENHURST 8: NORTH BAY. 11.84 I..m. Mail. 5.15 pan. 8.50 pan. *Atlantic & Pacic Ex. 11.54 pan." U. 0 " North Bay Maxed. 7.30 I.'llI.' xavenhunt mixed (south only) 9.35 - " an: 1 I\irIII1r\r|l\ n. IlDAI)f\BI\ '0`- 'l.5O um; I II - - . A 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. IARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. kmin or PORTRAITS. Tznus op Sunscmnxbn. Rah\\,'\`\i\\I'V In , --v-'- u-- ..-- HAMIL'I`0.- "x76iio"i1o; Ex rang E'Fe's's." 7.!-5'l;:m. 3. ' `am: 634- lv Dntn [6 Q R` n in 133:: :3: `theme ~ I ` ' ` ~.` ` ftwo H, ;_ v of . .'- * r . .*`: Old -'i`I' , _ ,, F`. the oversight of is concern" is "nuts fgood thingunless the change is always for the better. fEioiency__', once injury to the service, and the people . would be; likely to hesitate before as` - suming any such responsibility, One those incharge to become thoroughly conversant with all the details of `the service, to detect the weaknesses, if any exist, in the management, and to insti- tute the necessary reforms. Under the present system a man may not be able the duties of his department to enable him to perform his obligations with satisfaction even tohimself, ere he nds that the public, because of some disfavor into` which he may have fallen in the performance of his numerous aldermanic duties, have decided to replace him by another. This danger, it is contended, does not exist to the same extent with Commissioners. management Continued smgmg in , having been established. a change would carry with it the grave possibility of an V year is scarcely suicient to enable to become suiciently acquainted with The Electric Light and Water Works departments are, outside of direct taxa- tion,` the only sources of revenue in the public service, and hence are deserving of special attention. We do not mean, by sources of revenue, toadvocate that extravagant prices are to be charged for the output ct `these departments in order that surpluses may be obtained to swell the treasury of the town. On the contrary, water and light-should be made as cheap to the consumer as the necessary ' costs of production will allow. But we do `mean that by a judicious andcareful supervision, the. possibility of unnecessary expenditure might be entirelyeliminated, and in that way the regularrecurrence of decits` might be avoided, and. even the cost of pro- duction so reduced as to bring these necessary commoditiespquite within the means of every ratepayer of the cor- poration. Here then is plenty of scope for the ability of the best of our bnsi-T ness men without their being unneces- sarily embroiled in the performance of` other public duties. These departments should be made self-sustaining. Not only that they should pay their own necessary running expenses, but they should, in addition, he made to meet their own debentures as they fall due. No citizen, of the town should be asked, much less `cgm-; pelled through the medium of taxation, to help bear the expense of is system from which he derives no immediate benet. But this is certainly the case. under present conditions, with a regular annual decit from these departments, of several hundred dollars, and which must be met out of the general taxes of _the town. We therefore commend this by-law to the favorable consideration of the ratepayers. While much can be said about the- excellent` service rendered the town by our aldermen in the past, and while no one will pretend to argue that the appointment of a commission will prove ,a panacea for all our munici- pal illl for the future, yet there are many considerations to recommend it an likely to prove a decided" step in advance. T T. - mn1'romAL NOTES. A o - The `Duke and .Duoheas of Cornwall and York set sail on Saturday last from Portsmouth, for Australia and the other colonies. ` A bill has 7been introduced in the Provincial Legislature to enable muni- -.o.ipalities, which have abandoned the :ward system, to resdopt it. Hon. J. T. Gerrow a appeal has been nnenim_ouely_ dismissed and on e reenlt West Enron is without 1 repre- sentative in the Local Legislature. The seat will likely remain ieonnt.t`or_ some time. ohe Government `upper ently does not believe in -tekivng any chances in no clone a oonotitnenoy. V Sir Wilfred Loorior does not ohoyr to on good an `advantage in discussing important mutton of state, so when he in roplyng to one of his own resolu- tion:-introduooglfby Bolmllmi ' Hi: tntmh in wt Bnd'* V-0 or-that so t`o:adop% his resdluti . f`t.-:pi -n t ~,. {\- `culturefan;d as one of the ~ .standing 'committees 3of _House, Mr. Little introduced the `same reso- lution last" session, but like most. sug? gestions coming from the Opposition, it was at jrst. rejected. All qu`es_tions vaecting the agricultural interests of the country will rst/come before this committee, composed as it willvhe, no doubt, of the former members of the House, and wiser legislation may reasonably be expected to result there- from. Concerning the passing of the resolution the {Mail and Empire says: Pressure, from the Opposition at last forced the "Government to capitulate. In the "course of a year, in ever, we shall have aspeech, by Prezier Ross declaring that he had always wanted this committee, and that but for the senseless obstruction of the Tories he would have instituted it years "and years ago." Geo. Money was in Utopia on Sun- day. ` . Mina Met}. Tracey gave her }oung friends a. birthday party on Monday evening. Every one spent. a pleasant time. T Mr. G. L. Thompson spent Sunday -with friends at New Lowell. T new arrival. in town last week, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ta:-bush were pre- sented with a. ne big boy. Miis Olive Hobaon apmit Sunday in Oolwell. _ ` . W. A. `Herron spent Sunday in Shanty Bay. T Mr: and-Mrs. Wm. Parr speht Sun- day in Colwell. T A `Ha:-tford Lennox is attending High School in Barrie. T A number `of-young people enjoyed a pleasant time at W. VScot|_s s on Friday evening. ' '\ ` M_r.vJoseph_\ McBride and Wm. Hirons have put in their summers nup- ply of ice. ` ` '- A Mr. I-Ierrington s -1-nill,'which has re- cently been moved ` over to the N obta- waa'aga river, has commenced cutting a. very large stock of logs. -\ - T Misauluiknny Btennhn, who has been conned to the house since Xmas with. In grippe, is able to be out again. She is viaicing as Allandale this week. ` ` Any defect in oversight by e Oom- miulon could be, and in all probability, '/Iohld be, remedied atoms by the re- moval of the Commissioners, . while under the present system 11 defective; -msnsgement might be condoned by the? - puhllo , beosnse: of en. nldetmIn s~ no-_ ; kseyvledgedvstness for'lookln g_nftsrf-the gonsrsllnterestsj o,`t"the., town. Ifanf fur, thiovn . Geo. Quanta`. of J oaephine, was home last week with In grippe. I\ -r-r ' c -1- er. . bi D. Heiron and-gs. W. A. Hen-onT attended Utopia. church on Sunday. Rev." Mr. Madden, of Meatord, gave at phonograph concert: In the Methodist church here last Friday evening, It was attended with fairly good success. AMasterHa.rry Clark. _who has for some time been an employee of the G.N,W. Tel.: 00. in the telegraphing department, has been promoted from the Hamilton to the Toronto branch. Uuopla, A _ Advance Correspondence. A nutnberof people here are recov- ering from In. grippe. 1 Rev. T. G. Scott, of Angus, preached ` here" on Sunday morning. ` ' . Aunumber gt` Ermera are putting in ice for summer use. - L A number from her; attended Ivy church on Sunday evening. - Miss Lulu Donne, of New `Ldvvell, was the guest `of Miss Foster on Sun- day. ' Mr. Darcy Gauley has` moved to Ivy, where he intends farming. ;f]AWARD PARIS 1900. Miss Abigail liempstei has returned homefrom visiting her many friends in O00k8('o0Wn.` I V Mr. Sanford Dempster has returned from Theaaelon, owing to the prevalence of small pox. QM;-. Wm. H, Hewion in sun con- ned to bed. Men are scarce and wages high in this vicinity. g ' II` on an -- - .._- Born--(')n Sunday. March 17t.h,.s daughter to Mr. and -Mrs. S. Black-1 W. J. Coulter, `of Painewiok mills, has dierent grades of Manitoba our direct from one of _ the largest mills in the west. ' V ` . -General News Notes. . Hon. Mr. Dryden, Minister of Auri- culture, has received 3 letter from John Dyke, `of London, England. formerly Immigration Agent at Liverpool`. T The letter states:--`You will be glad to to heir th'_et one goodreuult of the war in South Africa will be that Canada Andrew Carnegie. the Ameriosn7i_nil- Am r mmum the m1: of 31?!-are twat?! -`?9 in ye-rm to so i Advance Correspondence. -up-cg wou- Advance Correspondence. uuuoou vv swans _ Correspondence. L 01 per Ammm in Advmwa 1=a1nw1ck. THE ADvANcE.*'i 2 Rooms for ofces. in Ross Block. No. 97. Dunlop Street. Fire proof v'ault; lately occupied bv Dr. . Wells. Also two rooms with vault, lately occupied bv Hood. Jacks 8: Fraser. Barristers; immediate; possession. Apply to C. H. ROSS. Ran-19,. Ianuarv r. lnnr. 1.95. ed New York City $5,200,000 to es-ii tahliah 65 libraries, while. his latest. offer to Canada iavone of $20,000 to Windsor. It. is contingent upon the council agreeing to furnish $2,000}: year for maintenance. 1 V The Provincial Board of Health has established a disinfection station at Sudbury. It will be used tor the in- spection and `vaccination of all men coming fromthe lumber camps, and the fumigation of clothing and baggage. Three new cases have developed, one in Tay township, one in Nottawasaga and a third at Brechin. The case in Tay has been traced to the Sudbury district. A young man from Sudbury came home to Ta . ` His brother took the disease, and before it was diagnosed as small- pox he had travelled round the coun- try. `A lumber camp the visited has been quarantined. ` _--..._._-- `V --v---- v- -v-I-DUI]. . 1 President London`. of Toronto University, and Dr. J. 0. McLennan were in town on Tuesday organizing an Alumni Association. ' Mine Mno Mnrohy, who ha been on an extended vieit with M rgenrned her holnein Toronto on 'form9rly of Barrie, was in town on Sunday. III I I 0 van V 1 lgoebe Lawson was in Elmvale, on Wednesday. ', . ' Miss Maowntb, of Sarah`, is th; guest of the Mines Roget-son, High street. 'I',__,_ 54.4; -1 lI'|__,.,,;, Subleriberl now in alrreare for three months and our will be charged $!. per annum `h`:I:ez':; iiLi}._o?i5u_n}i;1i;'v: heme ` yesterday attending her niece:- e wedding. u-.'. 1':r-....-... m'...-..4. 1.... .....____g . .. %ma.,..:..;` wh .. .. the Excbluior Bualnou :3ol?:ge?a:x:at`i:ng;i;i:1E going to the .Soo next week. Mun Hattie Goatea, who ha been vmgim `her parents at Edgar for a. ooupl of weeks, - rejzurnod to Barrie on Saturday I 0 nnnnnt` T.:uuvIA.`. g! In..." . ow . . Social and Personal. ` Rf Milbed apent Sunday in town; Mr. -Berthol Lewis left on Mohday for crisp I,D`I\ " :;.....; sea; 3? ii$'.};..}'}L' in town visiting his parents` on Bayeld street. * Il!__ T ___- I'I___I_2_. ,E`I\,, , I II .' Mt. Har{r;y`i`gart ht; retur home in Sohombe rg after `a shot frienda hex}. nod to his tntpy. with -"]'.?"t'ahk G1`-ay, who has "been visiting his parents on Mary an-out t ed to N.Y., on Saturday, re um Rom , <|l'_I_-I_L_ nn`_f ,,,4,, OFFICES TO RENT `OR LEASE )OhSC85.l0o [0 Lu 1'. Barne. lanuarv 1, 190:. Springgmlillinery >14 Opening SARdEANT&SMlTH S '1fw1ir;J{b5o.idTTQLI=.:;d.ii&Li~tan RAn}A~ `VHO and Hand Book-iiuued monthlv. `Dlilv. All other train: Daily except Sunday. - I