The French fashion of keeping 9. venillebean in the sugar box ii worth following because of the delicious avor the anger attains- ((?,newapapera torn in small. pieces on wetin water softened by _the addi- tion of a little ammonia are excellent to wash lump chimneys. L Warm bread and cake should be out with 9. knife, the blade of which has been heated by standing it in boiling water. V - Slater Shoes ;r`e-a;l-l7`;ood- - year Welted, perfectly smooth A inside, just as much care taken with the parts unseen as those seen. -av-r-nu - Any shape yotgr foot wants. Any leather or color zou want. TI ! . thy ::_;1;1;i;1;$;;`6o;_Tr' 3. CATALOGUE I-"nae -----w-J -vrv---- v-- u--- ---. Remember that a com is not` a cause but a consequence. (101-4.-- QI_,A_n ..__ -111`--_.I "J " '7 " . " 7 When the name and pnce ap- pear on the sole in a slate frame .1 ' I o A _ 1".'T\j'f' ; Would ,.... buy a pig in avbagf - mi ery depends on theixj t. So what about your shoes- that most important item of man's t dress, _as comfort or S `D-...-__.I_-_. 4.L-4. - --.... -- .._A.- L... kw l\II KN ow Y0U RE-BUYlNG. , We m I I I 1 T , Advertising In of BRINGS "` WITH A by- B, I 14 h- Can you nd anythir it local paper. H The Sworn" circulatio: guarantee that your me the very best medium I era, being a welcome A . ment in this kind of ad I we have the largest I lenge comparison. THENORTHEI 1: - You or your nick mend: canhnvo a. FREE course at Treatment. simply write to `run '1`. A. snocma Gunman. 00.,-Limited. 119 King St. West. Toron- to, giving pout otllcoand exgrclnotllco address. and '-the tree modgclno (Tho locum cure) will be promptly ant. - 2 . . ' when wt-mus %thm always mutton tnis ` Z. V udlnslognmin true one: In A ` pxuldlutd for` samples 06` .4 .._... Good advise you soy. but how can we do it when one remedy other another hss been tried without improvement or hope of a cure. Quite true. Scores of euersrs from sll kinds of lung troubles have been 5 mark for unscrupulous medical con- earns who never intended to cure you. Dxnslocum has made the cure of Consumption and Lung Troubles the stud! oi his lite. and thousands of men and women in slipurts otcensdssreresdy to testify to the mu-velous curative properties or the sioonxn system. Dr. Blooum is ready and willing to prove the etlcsoy or his tn-estment. end has no hesitation in oerinz it to you or your sick friends nssonurluv J-`shall. This. in order that - you my test the Slocum system and Judge tor `you:-seit - ' _ i 9 coffins and caskets of all kinds in stock or made to order. Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. "G. O. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. [Spam Works and Slmvkoom; Gollier-sl., Barrio Are Offered by Slocum to all Those Who Desire 1 Positive and Permanent Cure of Consump- tion In any Form. _ Get Rid of the Cough, the Hacking, the Spitting, the Wheezing. ----T____ 7`"GET-BETTER7 % ms DR. SLOGUM &.C. UN DERTAKER, Special Advantages FREE " TREATMENT vi.` 9.": . `di. . . ' I . U. .` .` . U Advertising in The Advance -f { You FACE TO FACE BUYING CIRGULATION. GT Gr.s1v_I:ITE: ;" The circulation of a Local Newspaper is 9. guararitee thst money is well and properly spent. It is by which youican reach your custom- `welcome visitor in every home. No experi- ment advertising. anything more crtain than advertising in 3. BAR-RI E AN D STROU D. Awehave largest. circulation if: the district, and chal- lth Thee] anti \g.`I!a 123 Dunlap Street, B'a/me. [Advertise l\G.v .1-`.`9".'.'!.".': .33"?~39`1?`.`-9*?-e A For Broken-winded House. The only medicine in the world that will stop I-leaves in three days. But for a. permanent care It requires from one bottle used according to directions. $z.oo. Kndney and Acute Cough Powd- ers soc. Dr. McGahey s Condition Powdcruieietroys worrra, pu_nes_ the blood, glnttxnglnnrsee. cattle and calves in condition; 25". . aIto1`nn'6th_er.- -Sddhy nn. McGAHEY S_ um: cums `AD In-.\lr-.._-. -ualnnl EIA__-_ All the Wonder: had Pleasures ol 0 lll-Ptieed Iallxir Incilae. When accompanied b a hecurder this Graphophone can be use to make R. -ords. Price with Recorder. $7 50, Reprodu.-e:_ all the standard Records. Send order and money to our nearest oioe. COLUMBIA PIIONOGRAPII C0. 000' 3 III\ VIXDIP .- -.. u..__;-.._._ - |N MUCH FUN-I IGRABHOPHONEI `VVASIIINUTUN, 919 Penny PHILKDELPHIA, 1032 Chestnut St`. -BALTIMORE. to R. Bnltimn rtgags. tnunuaurnw, chestnut St; BALTIMORE, to 3. Baltimon sc. wmuo ain sz. v 31 M _ sAfv F cxsco :2 Gearyst. PARIS,34 Boulevard dc: ha: ens. ERLIN. 55 Kronensttasse. UHIUA s'r. LOUIS, ` UT-nrlvuilli I II?I`?\'III"U II $ NEW YORK, 143-:45 Broadway. CHICAGO, 88 Wabash AVO- LOUIS. no--In Olive St. vnuv, no Iv uuuau VG 3i: o- 2: Olive sz. AWAS I GTON, 3.19 Pennsylnnll An. HJELPHIA, g_su_:_ut_t; II A 1 anvnnnnn _ia5-5o-'01 I\\`\ X: uonl mou. 4 kmthlvj i to use the tside they do 4 I such I M ITI taupe 1 apntal, Gnu rovlne non`. 1 laerun. c In` eve - I `gag: onthly `61100. ` '=' not] C H33` ISTE Store, 1 38 Cl PITA] ll` I I ounded I .- ......pul ID [01 adv: U4) From` Picton Gazette :_--No_Vt. outdone by Emperor.William, vrlni conferred -the German ,7 0l9de:__ ;, 1115?; Black Eagle on` Lord; nobem, L, Haycook, P` {B . Hon. Mr. Gibson introduced abill to amend the election. It in effect makes the laws applving to the impersonation. of voters extended to those who fraudu- lently impersonate a deputv returning oicer, as in the West.Elgin oase._ The penaltv is $200 ne and imprisonment. for not more than sixnmonths. ,'Il_5 ;3l59;__". imposes a penalty of $200 on deputies? who wilfully mlsconnt _-ballots `meanders a false statement with reference 1 Mr. Whitney introduced his bill to demand the Ontario Elections `Act, Clause 1 substitutes for section9 of the Ontario Act section 5 of the Dominion Act. This makes the time for petition ing 40 days after the holding of. the poll instead of 21 days after thereoeipt of the return from the returning officers. as at present; so that in the event of delay on the part of the returining o cer time may be allowed the party suf "faring by reason of such delay to get his petition in. A` second clause adds to the Ontario I Act section 19 of the Dominion Act. This provides that when no corrupt practice has been committed by the candidate personally, and the acts com- plained of were committed without his sanction or connivance ;' and where the candidate has taken all reasonable means to prevent corrupt practices, and where V the offences are of a trivial and limited character ;, and where in all other re- spects, so far as disclosed by the evi. dence. the election has been freeifrome corrupt practice bythe candidature and his agents, the election shall not be by reason thereof be held .iroid_. If there is bribery subaequezit to that time the petition can be led 30 days "from the time of such corrupt practice, "but if no the sitting member hue 15 days to le his petition against; hie op ponent. ' Mr. Hoyle considered it unfortunate that the Canadian farmer had to pay such high freight rates, considering that we had given more by way of railway subsides than any other people in the world. He closed by moving the fol- lowing amendment :--"That this House desires to express -its regret that the `Government has taken no steps to dis cover and brmg to trial the person or persouswho destroyed or removed from the vault in the Parliament buildings the box containing the ballots and other papers relating to the election in the "West Riding of the Cdunty of Elgin, held in J anuarv, 1899, and also regrets the declaration of the Government that no steps will be taken to discover and bring tohvtrial such person or persons. The budget debate was continued, Mr. Hovle leading of for the opposi tion. He comhatted the contention of Government that there was an excess of receipts. over expenditure, the /Ft; nance Commission's report showing that for 19 years the expenditure exceeded the receipts. He used gures to show the great weight of taxation on the people of this country, andpointed: out the duty of the Government to lighten that burden. T He advocated dealing generously" with Toronto University in order to relieve it. from its present nancial straits in order that it might have a chance to improve the.arts,' politics and social life of the country. ` pup forlseccnd l readied. - ` ~lW:'ith`_- nances the bill provides _s revenue for High 8chools,eshall erned by the salaries paid; the staff. the attendance; the equipment , including laboratory, gymnasium-,l et0-_ and the minimum grant. The schools are compelled to furnish Oonnty_.Coun ' oils with detailed accounts of revenue- and expenditures. Pupils living out` side the district, but in the same county containing the district, are called coun- ty pupils. In adjusting the liability of the municipal ocrporationcf the county for the maintenance of county pupils in attendance at any High School situate in any city or town separate from the county. the County Council shallydei :1 ct from the amount fof which such '7$`unty is liable for maintenance in such cases such amount as the municipality would have paid towards such grant had the municipality formed part of the OOIIIHZY. OiuLI'.IA-Mr. J. J. Hatley has pur-T chased the butchering business of A. Ingram, Midland, and Mr. Charlie Hatley is in charge. . . .A man named McDonald leased a water lot ,he owns at` Jaol:son s Point to the Lake Simooe Ice 00., who took ice of it. McDonald sought to prevent this, claiming the ice over his lot as his. The courts have |just decided against him . . . . Mr. A. 0" Buohner has purchased a crocery busi- ness in Alliatcn and removes there shortly. Mr. Buchner has been in the employ of Messrs. Perry Jr Alpert for eight yoars and has made many friends in Orillia. . . .Andrew Paine, while operating his pump boring machine on Friday last had his arm broken. Hie glove became caught in the revolving eheft, winding hie at-min it, and break- ing both bone: before the machine could be stopped . .. . . Mr_'Jack Ubrietie,G.'1`. R. operator, who went to his` home at Trenton tor two weeks holidays, has been quarantined there He boarded at the Victoria Hoteihere, and he wee q_narantined_ as soon _,ae he arrived .'at Trenton. Gnmmonn-One day last week. Mr. Thomas Kambar. sr., who was visiting at Mr. J. Hopper s, was up in the hay loft, when he fell through s hole to the stable oor below sud broke several of his `ribs. . . .8. J. Hisey Vshipped two car loads of for cattle on Monday indie oer load of hogs`... . QWm. Millssp, ivho flives least of Avening. one the farm for- merly oyned by` Thus. _ Morrison, met with `-3 very serious loss on Sunday evening: of hsving his bare and oohtehos Aides/b_r07.P.d~ by --Ton-N-neeeihbv sIdir;`7visi\.iiiif6iti19-66bninigh zhi 1:1 `fhhfl hnhf osoeowrssio #16 391 `-.-an.-1 r_.____ ,,, V. ...;_._.(}ao1-go $mit.h evdrol rib`: broken jbi 9%?`-~in H`mi1~n iii". 1: INSUR Bmu)rom)--The Marsh hay business has developed" greatly` within the last few seasons and is now an enterprise which employee is considerable number of men. The Collings Bros. have now about four hundred tons of hay stacked on their premises on Holland street. The hay is being twisted into ropes, and carloadsare being shipped continually. Upwards of eight hundred tons of hay were cut on the marsh here last summer_ . . . . Over four hundred cords of wood have already been purchased by Mr. Lukes, for use at the our mill. . The new residence on Holland-street belong ingto M.r. Geo. Stoddartis now being brick clad . . Mr. Tom Plant has en- listed with the contingent` now being formed in Toronto, for service in South Africa, and left for the city on Monday evening. . . . Mr. Bert Newman, who has been employed as bartender for Mr. Hulse for some time, has enlisted for South Africa. ` I Scanlon, of Aurora-, purchased about 200 doz. eggs here on Friday last a He also purchased about 200 lbs, of butter and a number of geese and turkeys. Turkeys, 11.0. _; geese, 7 0.; butter, 18c. . . . . Mr. C. O. Tinkley -has so tar re- covered from the results of his broken arm as to be able to ring the town bell again. . . .On Friday evening last a number of friends and relatives as- sembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hounsome to celebrate their silver wedding. _ Mr. and Mrs. Houn- some were the recipients of many use- full and handsome presents. .Games and variouslkinds of amusements were indulged in until a late hour, when a pleasant evening was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem`. ~lAAllun;lnle,"'in-Il`Ie" J.` , 5 brother 1: Bniei.-A'l:'jn_di ,hio l '~ -`broken thevocher dsy fzlniingfhookev. V While he is laid np jvish n frnomred limb his. parents are ill A with grij).. .`.The Hockey match between the Barrie juniors and the Eldnvnle jnniura, on. Friday evening in: o splendid affair. Th Bari-ie teem, however, was `defeated by 4 to 0'. COOKSTOWN-Mr. Geo. Duff left on Monday morning to attend the funeral at his brother-in-law, Mr. Alexander McKee, an Leckpott, N.Y. . . .Mr. E. ' Snvulm ;Mr. Ferguson, of`, the Bank of Toronto stall`. has been [trans- ferred to the Barrie branch; and left` tor the eennty town on `Tuesday morn- ing. . L .Mrs. W. 8.; Little bed the mis- fununeto fall in front C)! M. H. Doner s implement shop on Main street _on Saturday afternoon and bred: one of her arms, The sidewalks, particularly F5 grsnolithiopavement, have been so slippery for the past few weeks it is strange more accidents have not hep- pene. ' Albina Day, of Montreal, the 22- year-old wife of Edmond Legage, _a hotel runner , saw her husband walking with another woman. and in a n of jealousy went; to her room, at 447.8%. James street; and drank a quantity of Paris green. The police had toarrest her before she would consent to be re mnved to N otre Dame hospital, where she now lies sn`erin from the poison. _ It cost Oliver Goaeelin 812 in the police court at Ottawa recently for etealing 0 kiss from 3 young girl named Marie Leroux. A The girl. told Magic brute O Keefe that" she had gone Goaeeliu e shop to get a wood-new sharp- ened, end while,there ehehud been enh- mined so this iuaignicvu she and cam `Golselin hud put `hm arm` around her cum: and raged her in t_he,moet roving .muuuor.;:. _ Shehed resented the i 5 ` =a~a;-o:ennsie s-zv-rt-nfe:f%*9i-elin~ yj e A deputation of 1,870 veterans wait- ed on Mr. Latohford, Minister of Pub lie Works, and pressed 9. claim for grants of land similar to those given to the South African soldiers. O Wm. Smith, who 9. month ago un- mercifully beat his wife and children and when rebuked by a neighbor named Gilbert, made a vicious blow at him with an axe, has been convicted of mur- derous ssssult at the Owen Sound As- sizes, and sentenced to one year in the Central. A v ` Dr. Godbout, Liberal member for Beauoe,Quebec, hoeeent in his resig- nation to the Speaker of the House. The position of -registrar of the County of Beauoejhss been ewarded to Dr. Godbout. and he resigns in consequence of accepting an oice of emolument under the Crown. V ` l The police authoriti es of Toronto have received several complaints lately about hall thieves. These thieves make a_ practice of going to a door and trying it. If it is open their strip the hall rack. If they are caught they "say they have. made a mistake in the house and ask for some ctitious personage. The police wish residents to keep their doors locked. Fred Lee Rice, Frank Rutledge and Thou; J ones, conned in the county g-sol,- Chioaio, and who the United States Supreme Court has decided will have to go to" Canada for trial on 0 charge ofhrobblng 1 bank et Aurora , Ont., May 22nd,. 1900'. any thev heve not given up` the struggle. Their nt- turneyv will attempt to secure 5 rehear- lingiof the ease. . ` ` ' h .5 : an A..- - - VP:-ofeesor Mellon-,'of Kiel University, Berlin," the renowned expert in mental `diseases, made autopsies on 300 suicides in five vears, and new states that he found the brains of 43 per cent. show- ed distinct malformation ; 29 per -cent-. of the remainder were suffering at the time of their death from acute febrile. inammation; 143 of the aggregate had organs diseased by alcoholism. ` Major Thompson, M.P.- for Holdi- mand, has been `gazetted lieutenant- colonel to eommend the _He.ldimand Ries, vice Col. Nellee, transferred to reserve of oicers. "Mr. Peter Inglis, one of the pioneers of the County of Grey, and the first clerk of the County Court thereof, is dead at In\glia Falls at 87 years of age. vvvw-v- ft QZQIIX 1 III3 TV 8' JYTIII `II 159C Mien Mery McDonnell, of Rosamond, Glengarry county, who has been blind for a. number of_ years, regained -and lost her sight within a. few hours re- cently. V For injuries auibained while working 3 new in the Harrison Company : `fac- tory at Owen Sound, an employe named Allen has been awarded $500 damages by a `jury. .Noz-uh Mnddlejox has nominated Mr. D: F. Stewart to aha Oonaervatiwfe oas- didata `fol: the Legiellture. * ? I ' Geofg Abra, :n apprentice in John Wright's our mills, tn Owen Sound, fell into a series of oogwheels recently: and his arm was crushed off. v. v..- .-= oideuhlly stepped `ou her; leg with the W. G. Fisher, A. McDonald, hotel-' keeper, Alliston, admitted a violation "oi the license not, before magistrates Kiason sud Msokuy, here, on Thursday last, and was required to put up $95 ne and $10'o_ost.s. ',.aa:.,boy,.g.. result stoked . . . a'.|.`hroug,h his solioitor, ' Genera1N:ewsNoltes.s V L, `The Now Seotis Assembly will in- erodnoe a measure to abolish the Legis- lsmve Council. V . 4* -u-b.:.m.n u--mw'..` N0 e-' _ _. ~....-..,.`. 1 `D75 L The Popowas ninety one [Curr old?-V; 9~3W1?d-rs.-M-!rh 9%" . s ` ` Winston Churchill's Success. Winston Churchill, whose mother now Mrs. Cornwallis West, was an American girl, is supposed to have made more out oi` the _.Tronavaal war than any body else. Although only 26' years old, he drawn the largest. `lelary on record for a war` correspon- dent, hes earned `a. seat in P_a.rlinment,. nude in reputation thdt will sell his books, ivheuher they had, 5.. ppdq:=s5osoooe9ue\e hie ' f ., L sition llowed Clean copper vessels by rubbing them with halt ndlemon dipped in salt. They- should then be washed with pure water and dried and polished with aiaofs cloth. V Keep a. lir-tle package of_ absorbent cotton in one of the sideboard drawers. If oll, milk or cream is spilled on a woollen-dress or coat a bit of the cotton instantly epplled`wil1 remove all traces of the stains. T To remove grease from carpets cover` the spots with our or dry corn meal, and pin a `paper over it. Repeat the process every six hours until the grease is drawn out, brushing the old our 03' each time. T ' Broiled meats should. be served :88. soon as cooked. ` To remove scratches and bruises from furniture rub them gently with a fresh walnut, butternut, or hickorynut kernel, and they will disappear as if by magic- A Clever Retort. The Thornbury Herald is responsible for the following :-A good story was told by a travelling man last week that illustrates the speed ot mixed trains on the G.T.R. The train hadvbeen slower than usual that day and the passengers. were thoroughly disgusted. Among them a nervous woman and a boy. During the trip the conductor came around and the lady presented him a full ticket and a halt fare ticket for the bay. The conductor looked at the boy a moment and said: "Isn't that boy morethan twelve years old 2" Quick as a ash the lady replied : He wasn't when he. left Owen Sound. but I think hail `be a voter before we reach Har- irislion. "The conductor accepted the halffare-ticket and passed on. Many Everydaj Helps for V Everyday `LY;-nnnaln `M. J. Fiawney, SoIeLotj._a_1`|mAgent A housekeeper who knows recom- mends placing pieces of licorice around where ants run. ' Onions are great; absqrbents. They should not. be left. out for any length of time and than used. B COIIID