Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 Mar 1901, p. 1

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uul. Vs E rts have been made for over a. year to provi e an adequate and eioient hospital building. and the Board have now subscrip- tions snd assets worth $6.500. The County Council have made a. conditional grant of $1000. If the by-law for. $2000 from the town is` passed by the people on March 29th, the Board will thenget the. $1000 from the County Council and will have $9,500 out of the $12,000 required. They will then bejn a position to go on and build` as soon as the spring opens up. The amount of $2,000 will be spread over ten years. so that the sum raised over the whole towneaeh year will be only $246 V T}: Inna!-_ kn "iA!\SAI'I'I"slIlVAf` ninn I-I-en!-, :` O-Inn vu I vatlv It must be `remembered also that if the by-law passes the whole amount of $12,000 will be spent in the town during the coming summer. and will give employment to a large number of our working men. `At the same time a creditable building will be erected, which will be an attraction to our town and a tuture source ot prot, asit will undoubt-_ edly bring many people to our town. `It may be interesting to knowtthat over fifty per cent. of the people treated in thehospi- tn` henna knnn Knnasnh n hn I-nmn `warn plan The Hos'p1ta.l. ` To the Ediubr gt Tun VA1`>yAN` : A vV15o;;r-9ll-':-i;d:1-Til:-`ll? `allow a for can under, in which I`3ea{-e to. exmn some facts about the hospital L which are not generally knqwn. T T.nnr. unnn Qhn Inn`-n3onI a-....o,..I `QR nnbfn-ruin >` cannula, IllV_VVl.|e . . Laet year the hospital treated 133 patients The average stay of each ` patient was about thirty dye. The money expended by the Board in that year for nurses. aervante, fuel, light. and the general expenses of mainten- ance amounte to $3460. 69. The average cost to the hospital for each patient wael therefore $6 53 per week. The Board nd that this cost is much the name an in all other hospitals in Ontario. An nu.-a wean-aln rung nnnnaeg I-`Ian hnnndl-n` Sn FBI CHIC 5| V WU DI-Ill InIC|' '1 If the amount contributed as charitable; donationa were greater, or it the hpeirital were endowed (as the Board hopes it wi 1 be some day) to the extent of, say, ten or twenty thousand dollars. the`intereet on this endowment would give a xed revenue of $500 or $1000. and a-considerable amount of free hoegital attendance could be given. "FLA noun` n A m n n ant` `An 0111: nnndnl-Ara. IIVU Ilvllul IIDUVIIUIIHUU VUul\l U9 BIVWIII The oard now spend for the mainten- ance of each patient $6. 53 per week, while they charge in the public wards only $3 00 per week--as you see, less than half the cost-and for private wards, from $4 to $8 per week, the average rate being $6, which is still less than cost. These rates are as low as they can possibly be made with the. present revenue, and are less than in almost every other -town` in Ontario. The Board would be glad to make the institution abso- lutely free if` they could. but this would re- quire a much greater endowment than they ever expect to receive. V v mL. .1....._. -5 -|.- 4.-.... -3.-- .......a..:L-.... UVUII UBPUUU DU lUUUIVVs The doctors of the town give gratuitous attendance to all patients who come to the hospital and are unable to pay for their medical treatment. All` others pay their physician the same as they do when treated in their own homes. No doctor receives any pay or consideration . from the hospital authorities. In the large citv hospitals they have a resident doctor who is medical super- intendent, and who receives a salary, but in all small hospitals there are no paid oicers. TI- :11 In-unnnnnnniulv I-as n" 1-kn nnnnln 1:` Rain. III UIIIGII IIUHHIIIDIH LIIUIU RIO LIV POI ULILUUIBI It is unnecessary to tell the people of Bar- rie how much the hospital has been appre- ciated and patronized since it was opened. Thelsoard have been unable to meet many of the applications for admission for the past year. and the kitchen, the laundry, and the nurses and servants quarters are all in the basement and have never been satisfac- torv. _._A_ L_._- L_-._ ..--_1- R-.. ___-._ _ ..--_ L- IlU\Jo On behalfof the Board, Q-ATITIIAI` .00. k 60 Complimentary Supper. UIIV Q3`-FCI II, V W. SAnJEAN'i', Secretary ._._.}__._____ . THE INTERESTS OE BARBIE, $1-IE OF OSIMCOE AND_ `THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. TBARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, MARCH E1901. IJUAIIAI-III!` UL IIIIU IIUAU CHIVIIIIQBU JUCI-'0 The Chairman of the Management Com- mittee, A. Cowan',ca1l_ed the attention of the Board to the fact that this morning a large number of pupils were at school with wet feet; "in the `West Ward School there being 77. As the request of the principal as to what should be done with the pupils, he advised that that they be sent home. The Board concurred in the wisdom of his action.` Y'IIl._.__ I_-2_... __ E.__A.I_ ._ L___2____ LL- ...--A_ ' About twenty of the immediate relatives of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sarjeant met at their home, Owen.street, on Monday evening last to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their marriage. A most enjoyable evening was spent, while the congratulations of the guests were expressedtin a rather profuse display of tinware. No less than four gen- erations were represented at the gathering. Mr. and Mrs. R. King, sr.. the senior repre- sentatives of the family shared in the con- gratulations oi their friends. Mrs. King hav- ing only recently recovered from agsomewhat protracted illness. ` Collier : Weekly of Feb. 23 contains same interesting illustrations. The soeneat the moment whenthe announcement was made by the doctor that Her Majesty is no more is vividly portrayed. There is also a num- ber of _.repro_duotions ot photographs taken during` the funeral of the Queen and the pro- clamation -of ` y KJUIIUUII .L IIU IIIUIIUII URI` ICU! The Chairman informed the Board that he had asked the Treasurer not to pay the in- creases granted at the last meeting of the Board to the caretakers until the expiration of the present estimate year, as the Property and Supply Committee had oyerdrawn its estimate. The increases will date from the beginning of the next estimate year. . Thu nhngnnann fl` fhn Mnnnnnrnnnh nnvn_ VVIIUIIIIVII III UIJU VVIIIIIIIIII VI IIIH CUIIUIIO There being no further business the tneet- 7 ing then adjourned. _ ' quft:a'u17=i>"1he?,Vliigln mnrk Va eh_b'y"i|7.smut->_-A liahers. The garticle on Richard . Harding` -nus. .I..l1\n..i..- ma tn. I..I....a ...m' 1... llllluttla .I.uI: as VII-EIV vu Lvluuuliu lilhlillllg Davin, also Mnier and His Island. will be found gI1oat_i_nbqreIting. The engravingtare Lve_1_y*,;nq {sgadi u grgdjb to the number. IIUIJQ On recommendation of the Finance Com- mittee the following accounts were ordered to be paid : . i J. G. Scott. supplies. . . . . . . . . . 9.42 Barkley & Malev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 R. Kin , ir., inspecting wood. . . . . . A 50 J. H. leelonds. repairs . . . . . . . . . . . .. f4 50 Jas. Breend, . us, . . . . . .. ' 25 U. A. Perkins. supplies . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 75 A. W. Wilkinson, wood . . . . . . . . . .. 408 70 Barrie Gas ()0 . . . . . . . . . 5 60 S. Fletcher, teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Miss C.`King, u . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 50 A. Murray, 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ll 00 C. P. White. supplies. . .. . . . . . . . . 3 70 P. McIntosh, repairs ...... . . . . . . . . . 3 50 O. W. Plaxton. error in auditing`. . . 2 00 T. Beeoroft, n n . . . 2 00 S. MoMorran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 Barriewater Works . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 92 That six cords of tamarac be purchased for the South Ward School, there being a shortage of dry wood this season at the school. 1'he report was adopted. E -B. Reid--Alex. Milne--That the Chair- man of this Board be requested to draft the rules recommended in the report of the Pro- perty and Supplvommittee, and that he consult with Mr. J. Otton in reference" thereto. ' ' llII.2_ __._.9_-, _,__l_,,1 -1 II Io VIIVIVIIIIQ This motion evoked considerable discus- sion. Trustee Andrews maintained that the teachers and caretakers know as much about the workings of the system as those who were not experts on such matters. Trustee Reid claimed that the systems were neither understood nor worked properly, and that there was a loss sustained by burning too much fuel. The chairman declared that fully one-third more fuel was burned than should have been necessary. The principle trouble seemed to exist in the West Ward School. The motion carried. ' fI'1l._I`Il__2________ 2__E__._____I;I,, 'I\,_:,1;I .`I VIIKIIIIITII \.IUIo VI IIVIQ III VII? UIICIIO A communication was read from Donald vRoIe, Es .. Chairman of the Board of Health, in orming the School Board that at the last meeting of the Board of Health it weeidecided to ask the School Boards of the Town to enforce Sec. 16, c. 249 R. S.O.,t .1897, which reeds-ea follows: an .1..-" 1... |.....c..I c-.. .1... 4............. -4: ....... IOU` VVIIIUI-I IUCIII ff IUIIVWU 5 , . . " t shall be lawful for the trustees of any public, separate or high school to provide that no children shallbe permitted to attend anv school without producing a certificate of successful vaccination when demanded of him or her by'.the teacher." . 'l`I-unlllsnirvnnn on` tho Rnnnnnnnnni nnvn- lclllll VI IIUI U .UI-IV VVUIIUln The Chair an of the Management Com- mittee; Mr. A. Cowen, reported as fellows : YY-____ --.___2LL__ __-,_Ij _____ , --~ v--~ vv ~-~~--. --`---vw --- ----v -v-- Your committee would recommend that owing to the prevalence of smallpox in dif- ferent parts of the province, and complying with the request of the Local and- Provincial Boards of Health. each child attending school he required to furnish a doctor's certicate or other evidence satisfactory to the rinci- pals of their having been successful v vac- cinated within the last 7 veers, by Mondav. March 18th. and that in the absence of such. certicate or evidence they be denied ad- mittance to the school. _.-._ A_ AI__ 3230.-.--- _ IIIUWUIII V\l $IJ\ VIIIIVIICW-I .L\'lI That with a view to the better understand- ing of the heating systems in the Centre and West Ward Schools, rules be devised and hung up for the guidance of teachers and caretakers in the pro or regulation of radiators, ventilators and uots. rm...a. ..`:.. ....-.l- -8 4. .... .. 1.... ..._.....L..--.`I The Public School Board of Barrie met in the Board Room on `Monday-evening, March 11th. All members present except Meeere. Brunton, Rhinehort and Jamieaon. The chairman, Col. Ward. in the chair. ' A non-unnnu-nvn:nn&:au-n nu-inn nnnol `u--g .I\A_n`.I 0,00 IIIIBIIDIIUU UV IIIU IUIIUUIO That owing to the dierence of o inion as to the western limit of the Contra School district. your committee dene the same as follows_-Oommenoing at the water s edge at the foot of Bayeld street. thence up the centre line of Bayheld s_treet to Wellington street. thence west along the centre line of ' ~Wellington street to Toronto street, thence north along the said Toionto street to the -northerly limit of the corporation. This limit to be strictly enforced after the mid- summer holiday of this year. EIIIJI` tied. I\.. - E. B. Reid. Chairman of the Property and Supply Committee, reported that 122 cords ot wood had been delivered by A. W. Wilkinson. and thafit, had been inspected, "measured {and v_ouched for. rn`L_L_su. , _ ._ ._ .L- 14...," 1 . 1 CIIIIUIIIUI IIIIIIQCJ III UIIIU '01 Moved by A. Uowen, aecended by W. `C. Andrews. that the report be adopted.--Car-L tint` All Pupils to be Veooinated-Weetern Limit of Central School District Dened. The Ainslie : Magazine for Febrndry is. nice up to the high` not b 7 Inhnuun Thh nrl-inlh nn Rfnhnny hlnli" UOMPULSORY vAoc1NA'rI ON. Ffam1ly'Gathe_r{ng. , A_1n91 a Maggzing; Coniefs Weekly. acting wood.;.... upaira .... #4 'q-... ....`..- _>plies............ 1 . 40! ;75?4| IIIIU 70 - --- uauuunucuuc ' v----v- Fraser, M.A.. has lately `been called tothe bar of Colorado.` ._At the final examination `there were some forty `candi- dates, but heiheaded the lint, _m'ak_i_ng the highest vmarkv rnede imrecenb yearn. ` III` I... V I * "`7:'a3 tiZ'.};i'3?ZZii}"}.`}$Z2`L'2"3$ e=-R. w. Bro. W. J. Halletb. Kerrvhodge; W. Bro. S. Oldham. W.M., Simcoe No. 79. Brad- ford ; W. Bro. R.G. McUr&w, P.M. Minerva ` No. 304 Stroud ;.W. Bro. Fred. Mart, I P. T M., Kerr ; W. Bro. W. J. Sutherland, P. M., Kerr; W. Bro. James Ward, P.M., Kerr. Bros.-F. T. Allen, D. V. Bennett, R. M. Butler, D. Lewis, 'A. Thurston, J. Thurs- ton. J. H. Neelanda, M. Webb, W. J. Mer- rick, G. Hammer, A. E. Stapleton, J. J. Jemieaon, of Kerr Lodge; Bros. Anson Black, S. Maneer, Arthur Green, of Min-J erva 304. Strand; Bros. A. E. Scanlon and fW.d J. Stewart, of Simcoe Lodge.79 Brad- or . ` 1 ,, A` I I, , ,` E AI,_ ._,_,,S._ __ LI__ I__._AI_ R. M. am}, 3% er`o;.;.;t;,o:oo,;.;.;.;.yo..f Bank `of Toronto here, was in town on Saturday. Mr. James Thompson, of Toronto, was renewing olduacquaintances in town last Friday. Klan: Masha` WM`!-.n has rnlanulnn flinfn A ee`m;;e`;.e.m;.; a... Mom, -Mulcaeber street, were in Oooketown last week attend- ing the funeral of Mr. John Du. I C\ -I-rail an is .---- - --.... -.--- --_ ._ ` ______ _- Mr. Cl:`hos. Lowe moved to Elmvale on Wednesday ot last week His many friends in Barrie wish him success in his new busi- nose. \I__ 1': L` 15, .1. l ,,__.,_ _-___. _.!A.I. `L- of 12 Mr. R. S. Booth, for many years with the E. B. Crompton Go. here, has taken the position of head salesman in the J. C. Irwin u_esta.bliahment. .I.IIU LUIIUVI III A resenl::-W. `Dre. J. H. Willis, W.M.; W. Bro. G.` Monkmen. P. D.D.G.M. ; R.W. Bro. R E. Fletcher, P. D.D.G.M. ;_ R. W. Bro. R. King, sr., P. M. ; V. W. Bro. S. Wesley, P.M. ; ,W. Bro. Alex. Guwan, P.-M. ; W. Bro. -F. M. Montgomery, P.M. ; W. Bro. G. G. Smith, `P.M. ; W. Bro. I.- Willmob, P.M. ; W. Bro. `F. N. Warren, P. M. ; W. Bro. J. B. McPhee, P.M. ; Bros. Dr. J. C. Smith, S. W. ; Alf Wilkes,.J. W. ; D. Ross, Secretary; S. Ship, S D. ; J. C._ Irwin, J.D. ; J. A. McLaren, J. S. ; J. Shrubsole, .I,G. ; C. A. Wilson, H.L Ter- bush, R. King, jr.. Geo. Livingstone, Thos. A. Stone, Alex. C.vBrown, G. R. Ford, E. Williams, B. H. Ocnon, W. Urry. W. Scot.t'.,V P. Love. J. A.`McLea.n, W. A. Andertzon. Alex. Milne, J. Frank Jackson, H. B-.. Myers, F. Sneabh. John Stephens. TT:..:4-:..... math n A n n u n n Al\.' II-inIInoT'D `A!- UIIIUWIQ 3|-I\l IIIWUIILUII VVUIV LUI III After the abors` of the evening the breth- ren retired t_p the banquet room where an excellent supper was served. The following `toasts were proposed-:- The Kim: and Craft-The Grand Lodge of Canada, responded to by R. W. Bro. R. King. 8l`., R. W. Bro. R. E Fletcher and R. W. Bro. W. J. Hallett. The Guest, R. W. Bro. Orton, in replving to this toast gave an eloquent address on the l Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. - ` "igniting Brethren, was" responded to by W. Bro. S. Oldham, W.M.., Simcoe Lodge 79 Bradford; Bros. A. E. Scanlon and W. J. Stewart, of simcoe Lodge; W. Bro. R W. Crew, P.M., Minerva Lodge No. -304, Shroud ; Bros. Arthur Green, A. Black and 1 3. Man r, of Minerva Lodge, and W. Bro. Fred. rr, I. P.M.. Kerr Lodge. 1) `X7 Dun (`nut n n n n A n)-.3131` okn fnnnf in UIIVVII ll-VIII -IVUW .LI Io I Miss Annie Palk. of Shanty Bay, is the guest of Mrs. I. Grant. Mun MAT. Q!-nuvn-nnnn Ran unlnnnnnr` frnrnl suuul. UL JlI.I- Le KWICUUQ Mrs. MeL Stevenson has returned from an extended visit in Manitoba. ` (`-1 Il\L______._-,, ,1 (I; :,_L___. I.-- L___ Mia: v'iVlfl`&-(`7;I-.rl:,"t:f'viilgitioii, is `visiting at Mrs. Irwin Neelv s for a week. `Il2..`_ `ll A_._I-L_. L__ L__._ _-2_2L_.. L-.. .1 Secs; V7\*r`isitin9' her aunt, Mrs..Pa:tridge, of Elmsdale. ` II ; D -----. ------_--'..-, V- -----------~ - Farrier, for many `years A 1`-esident of Barrie, moved to Lefroy last week. 11, , ,,, (1 `I . .1 `I ! I,, ,1 I l_L. --(;`:.eorge Smith, late of-ti:-a"l3:anl'x of Com- merce here, was in town on Saturday. Haughton Lennox, VM,P., registered on Mondav at the Iroquois Hotel, Toronto. L '1 If I`I,,_,, ,1 ,_,,_,I__ .E II_.._I_ Mid ith f u -I: -Nllllln ` Miss Mabel White has returned from a pleasant visit; of nine weeks with friends in Creem`ore_. gllgn Ferguson was tiahsferred last `week from the Stsayner branch of the Bank at Toronto to Barrie. " "A.JTo-l;xV1-S'1;1i'b_}x,veZft;eevn, received word last week that-his son. Robert, had been accept- ed to serve in South Africa. "ni:.".'i>;}. Wt:n;1VWh:l i7s_eww[amie Paton, of New Lowell, are the guests of their cousin. Mina Annie Paton, this week.` ` -to 1` up 4-: in r` vi?.B:"11'c6}i.r,* een hr. McCanhv, has been avarded a commission as lieutenant in Baden-Powell : police force. V . " ELI a.;;g,;;; 13.1.] i; T.}.omea with the Deputy Minister of Labor and is assist- ant editor of 119 Labor Gazette. . 77iai&.}I{i5."ai1{ i.....'.;{ G30} Hm. crown Hill, left on Tuesday last for Nanaimo, B. C., where he has accepted a. position. 1: III 1-31 I." J, Mine Wright, ' head. of the Millinery Department of Messrs. Frawle & Devlin, returned last week `from New .ork where she has been inspectingthe latest deeigxks in the Arnerieenj millinery centre. 11 I 1-: -is in :1 s -I_L-I_.|_-._. Richard Drnry of vi;E;;:1I `I315-I formerly ' "of Barrie, was in town on Monday. on his way went. Mr. Drn'ry[ has been I?-Dpointed Conan: Commissioner for British Columbia, He contested the new at Victoria _in. the R.W. Bro. A. Orton, D.D.G M.. Georgianh District No 9. paid his ocial visit to] Corinthian Lodge No. 96, -A. F. and A.M. 1 on Thuredsv evening,AMarch 7. -A large N number of brethren were present and the 1 work wee exemplied by W. Bro. .J. H. Willie W.M.. W. Bros. A. Cowen. F. N. Warruevn and F. Montgomery. ` p. Rein (`ed-an nnnnniivnnnl-ma 1-11`: I id jdaui: frown V_V CIIUIJ Dllll L`: JllUI.IIIKIJllIUIJn R. W. Bro, Orton complimented the 3 brethren on the excellence of the work, and particularly Bros. J. C. Irwin, J.D., and 3 J. Shrubeole, I.G.. on the moat satifactory ; manner in which their duties were perform- at! `the officers of Corinthian Lodge, which was ; L'IC\.I- lull, LILALVIIQ I-LUII IJVIASIJI R. W. Bro. Orton proposed the toast to ; responded to by W. Bro. J. H. -Willis and j Bro. Alf Wilkes. The toast of the Junior 1 Warden brought a most enjoyable evening to a close. - . J Wr. J. W. `Bald, ot Penetang, was in town ` last wee'l':`. I11.-- I,, I` I,',j,, E,.,l `TV " VUIIQ Wm. Thompson is home from London for a few days. ` `IS..- ",A;!, I`! , .I 9, 9,9.` ,, I ,_, I ,,__ ,_, IJT IICI\I 5 U` GOV. Mrs. and Miss Arthur has returned t. town from New York. `.2... A, , S, 1` II ,1 (VI, _,, Illl VA EUI.I\lU\.l VIUIII III ULIIIIIUUIJCI Col. Thompson. of Stewartown, has been { visiting with Mr. J amen Johnson. 3 I10 1'? II II! UV II? HO Miss Hattie Booth is visiting her home on ` Bayeld street. ` 1 Man noun` ll}-.. A-nL`nn- Lap nnbn-`gap. on ` [The following oicers and brethren were II? I)..- `I II` I'I72lI2_ \ll 11 _ Irwin Neely is away on his holidays. Mr. N. Dyment was in Toronto on Tues-_ Ltiong. Social and Personal. Masonic Banquet." -..-nu `r... .v The Outlook for March 2nd contains a number of very interesting articles. Jacob A._ Riis begins the romantic story of his life. entitled The Making of an American. The second of three_- articles on the Philli- .pines,_ by George Kernan`,_ deals with. me etistinggmilitary. and political situation of the islands. .Boyhood_ Reminiscences of the V xqcggengf by ,eh'e,nq_r1, of Ab,erdeen",* is particn-. A Novelty a.tvA11ieton. The Heriald announces the decided success of a novel entertainment recently given in _that town, the proceeds of which `amounted to over thirt six dollars. `The waiting rooms of the alace rink were comfortably tted up and refreshments served to over two hundred people. A prize for fast skat- ing; given by two private citizens who wish to encourage skating as a `healthful and in- nocsntsport, was won by Mr. R. McKnight. Subscriptions to building fund R. V, Hos- pital :---Mr. Kissock, Uro Station, $2 ; Rev. J. E. Smith, Cooketcwn, $1; George Mc- (lluskey, Alliston. $1 ; J. R. Hi well, Allis- ton, 30c ; AFr|end,$5; Uapt. ohn Munro, I Tiverton, $5 ; Mr. David O Connell, $20; Miss Ardagh, $5 ; Hospital Club, proceeds of hockey match, 345; George Campbell, Edgar, $5; David Brown, Gilchrist, $5;l Robert Robertson, Shanty Bay, $10; Wil- liam Duncan, Gilchrist, $5 ; James Morrow, 85; Proceeds oflhockev match, benedicta vs. bachelors. $15 ; V-Ladies Aid Methodist Church, Oro - Station, $7.` To the general `fund-'-Me`thod'ist,Churoh,' Crowns Iliil and 1\..`l-L-.. GA A: After a. curling match in Montreal last week the losers entered a. protest on account` of the last bonnet: worn by their opp onenta preventing the tie being clearly seen. ThefBa.rrie Lime Kiln. Hockey Club. although not a. serious aggregation, is still in the ring, and has challenged our Paardebnrg hero, Tommy Thomson to bring down his Bohemians. and play before a Barrie audi- ence. Needlesa to say, the challenge has , been accepted, and the game will likely be played next week. Tommyvbaa a strong ag- gregation to ;_back him up.-1`he Orillia Times. ' N Dalston, 84.65 I l-III`-Ijulllc IllIIJ\IIl A I [A buleaque hockey match between the Nigger Wenchea and the Coons of Orillia. was played in the West street rink on Fri- day night. Fsbig -:j. I The Peterboro Colts are nishing up the season in a way that indicates" they were not all-out during any part of the trip. They took the Toronto Exoelsiors into camp last night, making a neat little score of forty goals. If the spring doesn t; happen along Peterboro way, pretty soon there will be a paper and pencil famine in the Canoe Town. I'-Telegram. The O.H.A. season an end. The St. George s of Toronto defeated the On- tario s of Port Hope in the Mutual street rink on Thursday last by a score of 5 to 2. Port Hope had a lead of one goal from the match played at Cobourg so that St. George's won out by two goals. The two principal championships:--senior:and inter- mediate are held by Toronto clubs while the junior-is held by Peterboro. LUV u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Grocery Maid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nottingham .' . . . . . . . . . . . . _ Re Elected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sweet Violet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time-2 4%. 2.46, 2.4321, 2.45. Slow Named Race-$30. Bob Cody . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mack ` . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . Brennan a Pacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harry Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pooseller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maud M . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. Time -`3. 02%, 3.01:}, 2.571}. 2.35 Class--$40. `I):..A:.. I'.'I'...... I Mr. N. Dyment has` three entries forthe Queen : Plate, two three year olds and the four,yea.r old Bellcourt, third in last year's FREQ nvuu vvuauunnwu sun ulvuwly uuuuvahcu. UVUULB. The Judges were Henry Thurlow. Fergu- `aonvale; R. A. Stephens and W. Proctor, Barrie. Starter, John Dyment.- Fast Ruce-$30. Brownie . . . . . . . 1141 T The following ate the winners of the O.H. A. championships since their inauguration : I Senior Series. 1891 Ottawa-Queen s Univ . . . . . . .. 1892 Obtawa--Osgoode Hall" . . . . . . .. 1893 0ttawa.-Queen s Univ . . . . . . 1894 Osgoode I-iall-- Queen s Univ. . . 1895 Queen's Univ-Toronto Univ. . 1896 Queen e Univ. -Stra.tford . . . . . .. 1897 Queen's Univ. -Toronto Univ. . 1898 Osqoode Hall-Queen s Univ. .. 1899 Queen s Univ.- 1`oronto Univ. . I 1900 weluu-gc?ms--Queen's Univ. . .. 1901 Wellingtona--Queen : Univ. . . . Intermediate Series. 1897 Berlin--Frontenac . . . . . . . . . . . . 1898 Listowel--Wo.terloo . . . . . . . . . . . 1899' Front.enac-Netiona.1 . . . . . . . . . . 1900 London-Belleville . . . . . . . . . . . . 1901 St. George s-Port. Hope . . . . . .. Junior Series. 1893 Kingston Llmesbonea-Gall:.. . . . 1894 Pet._erboro --Toronto Gran . . . . . . 1895 Peterb'oro-Toronto Gran . . . . . . 1896 Toronto Gra.n.-Peterboro. . . . . 1897 Wellingtone-Gnelph Vice. . . . . 1898. U. C. U.-SI:ra.tford Junior. . . . . 1899 St. George s--U. C. C . . . . . . . . . . 1900 Stratford-Peterboro . . . . . . . . .. 1901 Peterboro-Stratford. . . . . . . . .. ALLANDALE '1'R0 1"I'ING ASSOCIATION RACES I The Allandale Trotting Association held its first annual races on Tuesday, March 5'. The day was very cold, but still the attend- ance was very good, over five hundred per- sons witnessed the closely contested events. "PI... cd\-4:n-n- ......... IJ'........- "l1I._-_`l-_ l7-_.._ The Peterboro Colts seem to he possessed with q. mania. for scoring. Barrie Juniors how in this? ~ Thornburyf Hocky Cln Beaten 7 to" 1 on Thursday by Stgayner. Io IIU \IlWB""vXUI - a o o o n 4 Birdie Have Dale . . . ..- . . . . . . . . . Benpigo' . . . . . . . . . .. Dorothy Drew. . . .. Ma.ud Stewart; . . . .. 'Time--2.37%, 2.40, 1 R. V. Hospital Fund. Sports of the Week. The Outlook. , 2.33;, 2. 432. 33215:; .'.I17- ...12_3 .12-_7 louxuuf Hr ..19-11 1.10/5| -10 I T --Abont ten o'clock Saturday night as a gentleman was driving along Dunlop street from the west his horse undertook to show him how fast it could go ; but it evi- dently does not believe in a straight road and no favors as it seemed to desire to run on both sides of the road at once judging from the number of times it changed from one side of the street to the other. Near the Queen's Hotel! it collided with I; cntgr in ivhichiwere Mr. Pearce and cough " , or , '9gitv.-Bcy;.:_%j : he entte rJyu;oy_egtged, -\ `:1: ( `A ,. 1 -The sleet storm of Sundav turned the sidewalks into a" veritable skating rink. Those who went to church in the evening were constantly reminded of the uncertain- ty of all things here below. It was rather amusing to see young men who pride them- selves on being sure-footed having to stop and try and pursnade their feet to take them I round a corner, for just this once A small bov who attempted to show how easy it was to wall: on ice, _by ' walking backwards. found himself sitting in a puddle of water after taking three or four steps. AI__._L 4__ -)-I_-L u_4_,_.1__ fo 1. __ -Curran Bros. of Orillia. are contem- plating atarting a. third paper in Calling- wood. -J. B. McPbee has been appointed Grand Pursuivant by the Grand First Principal of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada. L -A Backward Move-Mr. A. F Garrett ` has handled horses for a long time and they usually obey him, but something failed on Mondav afternoon, when the team were being backed up" to receive an instrument from his music'- store with the result that the sleigh went through the plate glass window. _. --Special revival meetings are now being held in the Salvation Armv Barracks,` on` Collier street, which are being conducted by Adjt. Burrows and Captain Meeks. The Indian songaters have been assisting for one week in the same. All are welcome to at- tend the special campaign. Adit. Burrows will review the J. S. Companies next Sun- day, March 17th, at 3 p. m. Offering at the- door Sunday afternoon and night. All ser- vices during the week will commence at 8 p. m. Song service nightly at 7.45 p.m. III 1!- ' W9`gh5r 3n1yer$`off.4 -Lieut.-Col. Steele, of Strathconafa Home has been appointed to the fourth class ofthe V iotorian Order. ' -2-Woodstock is applying for incorporation as a city and the bill passed the Private | Bills Committee on Thursday. 11-1 1- in as l'\ undo u .-T. VVC Jebb. of 7()rilZlZi.:vVvho was purse!` on the steamer Islay last summer. has been _ accepted for service in South Africa. V In 1' -run I t\- C """5 I"""""* ' ' "' For Choice Famllv Flour and all kind: ot Feed 20 to WllkInqon9a. All. orders delivered promptly in any qnantltv; Plea-e leave Your order: at the Mill oce or Telephone No. 23. --Frank Browne has returned from his trip to Texas and is having his greenhouse. which was recentlv damaged bv re, repair- ed and replenished for business again. _.._v~n A 1: __ `A j -Mr.q_Ei. I.eonaT::d has pxirchaaed the bakery and confectionery business of Bryaon Bron. -AWn1Zn;br of Stra.thcona. s Horse passed through town on Tuesday afternoon on their I way to the West. -John Broderick, of Elmvale. pleaded guilty in the police court; of selling liquor after hours and was fined $20 and costs, in } all $31 --Messrs. Tweed and Bolan. hotelkeepers. of Elmvale, were each ned $20 and costs at Elmvale on Monday for selling liquor during prohibited hours. - i1____lI_.- ~n:I__._ ___a _*II -Meaars. M. E. Gray. E. B. Reid. W.v T. Dodds, Jae. G. Keenan have issued a challenge to any four hona de checker players in the County of Simcoe. to a friend- ly game of checkers to he played in Barrie or any convenient place that mav he agreed upon the match to be played within one month. at no' " "I." " U . & Fra.wIev & Moore, successors to Fraw- lev s Shoe oring the biggest Shoe values ever before offered--see adver- tisement on page 8 for full particulars. --- uI.I VI` A? I` ,_ --..`.------ ...._ r--_..- V .-_ __-_ -The annual meeting of the Trent Valley Canal Association is to he held in Peter- bornugh on Monday, March 18th, when matters of much importance will be dis- cussed. --Rev. Father Sheridan, of T Phelnston, win celebrate Mass and preach in St. MM-y a church next Suudav. March 17th. and Verv Rev. Dean Egan will take Father Sheridan's work in Phelpston. KJIIU5 KJUVI U0 --Owing to the continued illness of the pastor, the Rev. _Mr. Thorniev aaain took the services in Collier street: Methodist church on Sunday last both morning and evening. Mr. Bartley hopes to be his pui- pit next Sunday. ` ,_,A___; _E LL, l`l1-__. l1__.,.-!I Many B.eadab1a Paragraph of gqcal Interest. ! us-_.__ pa -Arthur Little. 9. woodman, was driven nut of camp by his foreman near Goulaia River. .0nt.. and was found frozen to death in asnow drift. Lite was married and leaves a wife and one child at Gravenhurst: VI-J nu--mu` u.` _.v ._.__ -- _-._ _- 316 See advertisement on nage 8 for full narticulars of snecia1Shoe'Sa.le commencing Friday, March 15th. Everv pair of Shoes in the Store is greatly reduced in price. Frawlev & Moore successors to Frawley I Shoe Store. `-.-_ - .r -In the report of the Town Council meeting in last week : ADVANCE Mr Powell was mentioned as voting for the bye-law to appoint. Electric Light commissioners and Mr. Tvrer against it. but the names should have been reversed. --The University of Toronto Monthly for February is before us, and we notice that 1 the Countv of Simone has its full share of graduates from the Universit_:v._ There are at present reaidimz in the cnuntv 44 gradu- i ates in arts and 57 in medicine. The cheapest place in town to buy hard and soft wood in A. W. Wilkin- son :-. Delivered promptlv In any quantity to any part of the town and Allandnle. Leave orders at mill oico or phone. 23. 11! II I Fifi Marmalade (in-ans .- very cholef heavy fruit. In both bitter and sweet varieties. at B0TllWELL9S. News of Town and Country Side. use PER ANNOM IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES FIV3 CENTU- an-IA` antibiill ILV IIIJV stpck Cut. as you want. it :.dry as coal, andjplit wood is under roof. Give us 0. call; . l;`;1`'N. in reliable ~oq\p|ui'en `or_v:_:xot_:.ay;4__l Hjghest casii price? aid for Enaowmcut u-ctr--u It -trIuu- Private funds to loan at 5 pet: cent. on tartn`-p_ro-3 Pe_rtv. Trms to suit borrowers. No oonnectxon; wuth any loan company. ftpply personally or by letter to HARRY M'ARR`=. p_I.. - IEIABDTD` ~ , In the matter of the Estate or J ARIES HERBERT McKEG-GIE, late or the Town of Barrie, In the County of slmcoe. Banker, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 129 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1 , to all persons having claims against the Estate 0 the late James Herbert Mcliegzle. who died on or about the 4th dav of December. 1900. that they are re- quired on or before Monday the 18th day of Ma:'ch,x9ox, to send to the Toronto General Trust Corporation ' Exccutors and Trustees of the Estate of said de- ceased. at Toronto their Christian and surnames. addresses and descriptions. and full statement of their; claims pro erly.veried. and the nature of the securities. i anv, held bv them. ' And that immnriinrplv nfhar than nairi {Rt}: (lav n SCCLIFIIICS. If any, FIEIG DV tnem. . ~ _ . And that immediatelv after the sam 18th dav of` March xgox, the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the persons enti1led~ thereto having regard to those claimsonly of which they shall have notice, and the said Execu- tors will not be liable for the said assets, or any rt thereof, so distributed to anv person or persons ,w ose claim or claims notice has not been received by the Sa)d_Executors at the time of such distnbution. ` - v aziei t boculi r if is [Q also 1; atiafaog Farmers .A.ttentian. A teacher wanted for S. S. No.5." Vea H. Duties to commence April xst. Apply to C. M. ICKLING, _ Rnv QR Rnrn [1.[2_ Brick `Clad House, 2: Mc.Donaldl St. oontinin Parlor. Dining room. Kitchen and 5 Bedrooms, goo cellar with cement oor, Coal furnace, Bath room. closets. etc..- House is warmly built and is well heatedthroughout, with 5 tons coal. Also good frame stable 182424. Apply H. H. OTTON 8: SON. ll-IA. - 2 Rooms for ofces. in Ross Block. No. q7. Duulop Street. Fire proof vault: lately occupied bv Dr. Vvells. Also two rooms with vault. lately occupied ov Hood, Jacks 8; Fraser. Barristers; immediate nn:cn::c:'r\n, Annlv tn H. North-west half of Lot 3, Con. 8.Ves ra; 60 acres cleared, balance standing timber: soi. heavy clay loam; first-class wheat arm. Where necessary it `.5 tile drained. Frame House. frame barnand log barn; go'od wafer etc. App} on the rernisei or uy letter to EGERTON H. J0 NSTO . Minesing P. O. , 16-tf "n"ia7"1~"6"1iE>"1~iT "6 '&L}'s7r~z":i{iL"q7ii':3's"T" con. PORATION. EXECULOIS and Trustees Estate, James Herbert McKeggie, Deceased. 59' Young street, Toronto. ' - _ _ JOHN DICKINSON, 7-1 x; { Solicitor for the Executors. Dated at Barrie thiq 6th dayof February, 2901. JOHNSTON & 0-v\r.|-vat 0 HoR=F1ELD-Iu Barrie, on February agrd. to Mr. and Mrs. C, Horseld, a. daughter. I \TfII1\ HORSFIELD--In Batrie. on February 26th. ihfant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Horseld. : `UK DAL I`. \Jl'1l`4!\l""`L_1O0(1 YCSIGGNCB OH naynelu 1` street. Barrie; stable and one acre containin prime apple and pear irees. wraps vines and sma fruits. Part cash. JAMES WARD. IO-I3-p , d 3% lo 10","; 50 acres more or less. comprising` south west quarter of Lot 6, in the Icth Concession of Innisl : brick dwellingnnd good outbuildin s and good water. Apply personally to MICHAE STEWART or by letter to Thornton P.O. lo-129p ' EXTRA MATCHED Span of `young Brown Colts. two years old, chunks. about 1400 lbs in weight. at $100 each. this span is hard to beat. Also .1 good DRIVER 3 years old, Bav. will drive single or double. Apply to E. H. JOHNSTON. Mineslng, D 0 :-12 In the Town of Barrie. m the County of Simcoe; and being comprised of parts of Lots one. two and three, on the east side of Bradford street. in the said P,._... Al Rn.--3.. no `n:r` nut not nan-5 nf In-nluan Int lnree, OD U13 C35`. 5101: OK DTHQIOTC (l'CC|'p H1 (H5 BRIG Town of Barrie, as laid out on part of broken lot twentv six. in the` Fifth Concession of the Township of Vespra. in the County of Simcoe, which said parcels are described by metes and bounds. Raina the nrnnertv fnrmerlv ncnlnnil-.d hv Andrew ventral B1iiii6"E6i16}'""idi~ontu. crlv W. H. SHAW. PRINCIPAL. A strong school with 12 regpldr teachers, splendid equipment. and well lgatromzed by students from every province of the ominiou. W918ir.3118in88!`}1939a4B?'m~ raiif`rE"'Egi'ui' ""iE'day, Septembear,_lv4th, I900. % to commence up Box 88. Barne. ANTED-A smart, intgigent boy to learn the FFI gating business. Apply at ADVANCE. 0 - . OR SALE CHEAP---Good residence on Bayeld -r:Inn annln and nnnr human, an-nan vine: nut` nmn `FARM roa SALE on T0 n+:N'r.! PKYCCIK RFC UCSCTIDCLI Dy KTICICS anu DOUI1CIu Being the property formerlv occupied by Andrew Miscampbell. deceased. For terms and particulars apply to I I'.`\Y\VI\\7 A V\`\ A I` II f`I\`IY A `Y D. l3fIl\`I"' ap liedlto our S ecial Couuessiveu BY MAIL in` B OKKEEPI G and L BU NESS FORMS. ARITH METIC. PENMANSHIP. `SHORT!-IAND, TYPEWR ITING and CORRESPONDENCE . will produce good results for any ambitious ' o I man or woman who wishes to qualify for-a vtter position in life. _ _ The cost us but a true. and our circulars will give WELLING T0 RFNT. centrally situated. south west corner of Mulcastcr and McDonald Sta. House, 2 storev. 9_rooms and halls, garden and lawn. Apply on ;he prcmnsea. A. 45-tf ENDOWMENT V _ INSURANCE POLICIES} DV 11000, JIICKS X FY3591". DHTTISKCI possesgion. Apply to C. H. ROSS. Barrie. Ianuarv 2, root. BEST QUALITY '1C`OA.L,` Hard and Soft ...w 0 on... poeiuon an me. ' The cost but trifle. circulate will give -you full particulars. Write for them. E - Con-eepondence Department. #1. I I II ,I,, ,,,,, lI-II-_ _ @__--_._A.-` NOTICE TO CREDITOBSJ, `32-1v l|IiI|IIlI I u Yards. foot of Mary sc. `Head Oice 23 Elizabeth St` `til. The-5 V `mi OFFICESTO RENT OR LEASE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. VVCJL L. No. It Suunlu .. ...... run! -..._---u. .. .. ' .'r:`r'~:ox, ARDAGH. CBWABI & BROWN. -2. u c Snlioh-nrnj Ran-in HOUSE ANDTOT FOR SALE. In `every detail is an u -to-date mstntutxen. Capable instructors, per act equipment; satis- factory results. Send for our descriptive and interesting catalogue. It will convince you. 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE; "HOME- 5T.U!?Y.. )f p t'oduf wry them? hem. U; are are I NE_W Aiiv.EnT1sE1v1ENT'rs. I I-lv TEACHER wAN-:'|:T[ MONEY iro"EoAN. {.u T ' WHOLE No$T3{6;$_' Sauuuxx. Wusuv Prop_r_i_etmf.'. Lo I-`on SALE. 73:c$Tv.: nu--w. - -- n DIED. 26-lv h -~ ---. tllcnj` on ,c and in 3WE|NI- II` 3? W P-"`V'.~:1 11` Pl\UVVLV,. Sohcntors; Barne "I I I I I BARRIE. V nav- u-14. !'tfn UIIU IJDI-I3 LIUUBVJ IUD!- About thirty sat down to an excellent spread. Donald Ross B.A.. was chairman and the supper was a most successful one in every way. . A `The following toasts were then taken up :- Our guest, Mr. Gray in a few words quite-characteristic of himself, thanked his friends for the honor th_ey`had- done him.` 'l`I-us nnnlrnin (`Ink tuna nhnnnnnn-I Bu flan II IUI-ICIU LU` UIIU IIUIIUI IIIJU LID!` IIUIIU llllllo J The Hockey Club was proposed by Cecil Irwin and responded to by J. Seeley. T. Beecroft proposed the toast to the Curling Club which was responded to by Dr. Smith. TheGolf_ Club proposed H. Dickinson was responded to by Dr. Arno land F. McCarthy. S. Binds in 'a. speech. only he could make, proposed the meat .to the `Bachelors and Benediots Broom-Hocke Club. which was responded to by J, A. and Aid.- E. E. Jory. "Geo. Smiuh responded to the toast of the Ladies. - Victoria Day. The Government: hoe made the announce- ment that May 2413!: would be made e mm- atory halide. by an amendment to the exist-' mg not. he` suggestion has been -{mode they the bo1idey._eI;_onld elweye be kept; on` ihe "nearest Mondev t`o;M6v 24tb...,An_u.--/- r-ieamm of thivnd would give thdiiiindlo 9* v99n19;:!;!9n2 *0 L -Mud three ed-no-fnb= d-g: At the Queen's, on Seturdesr evening, a._ `complimentary supper was tendered to Mr. R. M. Gray, formerlv of the Bank of Toronto here, but now of the Bank of Toronto, Tor- onto, bsv 9. number of his friends. ' Mn {litany inn`! nnnnln. dnrnnnn dn nnnnl-n ant` UIIUVI II I I:I|IIIIIJK7I III III IlIVIl\Il Mr. Gray took` great interest in sports and was a member ot the Hockey, the Curling andthe Golf clubs. His work on the Hon- key Club gladdened the hearts of its suppor- ters in Barrie, and it is whispered that he was transferred -to Toronto to strengthen the Bank Hockey `team. a r Aknno tlntn ant-. an-nun in an Avnnlhanl-.,. `JUL UVIIVI `II Illl tal have been grggglttito the town from th surrounding country. and the average stay is thirty days. With a new hospital this number would be materially increased. ` Wk- duuennn-all `\t\nv\:'1` nnnnda =n G-La `Anna 9 IV IIIWJTUWIJ III UIIV IIIIJUIII` IIIIIIIIIWI 'VUIII\I I-IV IIIQEWIIWII The present hospital spend: in the town about $300` per month, and the new hospital would probably spend $450 per month. I I` 11 Hanna on? Q0 DIV` uvnnn nulrn `nun ante ILIUL V357!!! l VVUUIDI PIUUCUIV BPUUIS VXUV POI ISIUIIUIII ' if a bonus of $2,000 were asked for any industry which would agree to spend $450. per month in thetown for all time to come, A the Board feel that it would receive the `unanimous support of the ratepayers. That: Iunvin than ah-inn:-us II; Rnrnh: 111: nhrn IIIIKEIJILIIUUD DQPPUI U VI UIIU LIIUUPGyVls ` They hope the citizens of Barrie will give this matter the careful consideration which its merits demand,` and assist them in their e.`orts to have this institution properly es- tablished. ~ I,,I ,II E.` T` ' I VUIIUI IIUUFIUQIU III \ InIDIIUo As most people are aware. the hospital in Barriehae no endowment -no money in- vested from which to get` anyr ev'enue-and is entirelyedependent formaintenance upon (1) money received from the patients them- ` eelvee, (2) a small per capita` grant from the \ Ontario Government, (3) a county and town ` grant for the treatment of indigente, amounting together to $450. (4) such chari- table contributione as are given by the peo- ple ct Barrie" and surrounding country, which last year amounted to $240.70. in- cluding the $100 which Hie Honor Judge Ardagh gives annually. i ' T5 rhn nnnnnnl-, nnnhilanl-.33 nu l\"III_lif.nh`A; }.u' r`-gI;1vB.r`] `.1. -..' -

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