Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 Feb 1901, p. 1

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Borz- Lble on~ Hard and Soft w.o.'1f.U. IN THE [J3W5]|NT- THE INTERESTS OF` BARRIE. THE COUNTY OF ISIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. EARRIE, COUNTY 01-` SIMCOE, ONTARIE FEBRUARY 97,1901; ,,, . ENQUIRIES. Aid. Tyrer asked if the Electric Light Committee had taken any steps to ascertain and regwate the voltage in the lighting ser- vice. ' He had seven lights burn out quite recently, and he thought the voltage too high, as others had also complained. M(|r.nAn thnnnnl-. I-`Hahn urns: anvnnrkunn WATERWORKS. ` On recommendation of the Committee, in `accord with the engineer s report, the pony pump condensers Vand big pumps at the waterworks are to be reparied et en estim- ated cost of between $75 and $100. - I BY-LAWS. A By-law was passed a pointing the assessors and dening their ntiea and one authorizing the borrowing of 820,000 for working expenses till the taxes are collected; A b'.l3AN_NVERY :.o.'m. " In compliance with the request from the Tannery. the Mayor and Treasurer were empowered to pay over $20,000 to the Bank of Commerce nponndiag the declarations satisfactory. ` II A1511- ' nun A van luau uuu I|lGUlII|.|UIJo 1 The Secretary` of the Canadian Fire Underwriters Aeeocia.tion wrote, asking that ` the requirements of the re departmentbe \ not overlooked in striking the estimates for the coming year. The last report of the in spector shows the reqniregxente and decienv ` cies to be electric re alarms and a chief on i constant duty. V } `lI\\Vt\IY`I'!'I I5I DITCCKA TITC PIODI VHUICE lately OCCUPICQV 01 Ill . Wellw. Also two rooms with vault, lately occupied bv Hood. Jacks 8; F raser.- Barristers; immediate pot~sesinn. Apply to C. H. ROSS. Rnrr-In Lrannnv-vu unnu 1-!" ;;:;e|;;;`:s?>methlug in what Ald. Tyrer had said. They were `thinking of procuring a. voltage meter to `regulate the current. Alt` Ttvmnn Lao` olnn tnllvnmrl ll...` .._ 3-:-`-2-.. LVEIIIGUU IIIIU VIII IUIIII. Ald. Tvrer had also heard that an inferior quality of lamp was being purohssed. THOSE ASSESSORS. Report No '2 on Finance was rend and adopted, providing for current salaries and other expenses. fphn (`.ns-no-n:|-ban -nn:unhnJ oL..|. AL A - . . .-I..'l V \III:IIB ' A motion to have one assessor for the town was lost. The ballots elected Mr.` Fletcher for the east wards and Mr. Van-- sickle for the west When the committee rose and reported. amendments were pro- posed that Mr Fletcher be appointed for all the town, and that the name of Col. Ward be substituted for that of Mr. Van- sicxle. These were voted down, the vote being :- Yeas_- -'Tv-rer, Powell; the Mayor. N ave - Vair, McLean,- Brennan and Jory. _ The reportof the committee was then adopt- ed on. the same division a Mr. Fletcher gets $140 and Mr. Vansiokle $110, the same `as lastvear. i A . Ill UIIV IVQDUIWUI BU UyHlUlIIo `Engineer Johnson recommended that the condenser: on the old enaineat the electric work: be replaced by independent conden- sers, as they are constantly getting out of repair. A Fanning`, A` I Inlen-an Cur :-115* an--; n:.. vvu VVI USIl4IVllUo \JlCll UV- G. H. Eaten, secnetarv of the Barrie Tan- ning Co, wrote that the company hav,e handed the townsolicitor, Mr. Creswicke, declarations proving that $40 000 capital stock of the company has been subscribed and $30,000 actually paid thereon; alsoj proving the value of the building site, build- ing and machinery in new tannery and am- 1 aunt actually paid thereon to Dec. 31st last. and asking that $20,000 be-placed to their credit in the Bank of Commerce, that being- lsss than 75% of the value of the site, build- ings and machinery. Tho .QnnIInrnIvIt- 1;` {Jun {`Ani'|n(`:nIn `li`:.... vuucn VA Iauuouuo The Committee reported that they could not agree on the choice of assessors and ask- _ed the Council to go into committee of the whole to adjust the matter. This was done, with A|d..Jory in the chair. There were four names under consideration-Messrs. Fletcher, Ward, Waters and Vansickle. It was proposed to elect them bv ballot. Mayor Radenhurstdeclared this to be con- trury to the statute, but the members per- sisted snd on motion of Vair-McLesn. pro- , cseded toballot, the Mayor refraining from voting A nnn6:nn .5: Ln--A g..- ______ -.. 2... LL. Chairman Vair e report asking that the I market`room in the market building be en- lerged and furnace connections and other repairs be made, was laid over till the estim- ates are brought down. COMMUNICATIONS; Lennox, Ardnah, Cowan &. Brown wrote threatening to take action to recover, unless a sum of $5.20 and costs be paid to their client, Dr. Little, for expert evidence in the Police Court case of Neebitl: vs. Graham on Aug. 20th, 1897; also to recover certain witness fees for their client, Donne, in Jam- ` ieson vs. Donne in July of the same year. A (1 Warn!-n nnlrn tn I-un nnnninbn ` I VIJQIIC A. A. Farewell, of Oshawa, wiote explain- I in the merits of his automatic voting machine. In..- A___-_-____-_.-_-__1V_ _,__.12, .9 1' .1 uwlvuluwu ' Wm. Armstrong made application for the position of road overeer for wards 5 o.i1d_ 6 ~ at $l.5O per day. for the time his services , might be required. ` ` Jnhn ;nnn ant` _Tnnn1':n .QIn:l~`\ nnn`:nJ- `nun 1 In the Town of Barrie. In the County of Simcoe. d being comprised of parts of Lots one. two and rec, on the east ride of Bradford street. in the said Town of Barrie, as laid out on part of broken lot twenty Six, in the Fifth Concession of the Township Vesora. in the Countv of Simone- which nid j Tl.le(mSvavoraitarymol"the `(Sick Childrens Hospital acknowledged the receipt of a donation of $l_0 from the Council. Inks. 1\...l............ .............n...) .I..... GO] .1--- IAIIIJQUIIILI Ul WLV ll.`-II-ll IILIU uuuuuu. John Dickinson requested that $21. due the Rose estate for rent of lot on Bradford St., where the engine and stone crunher are located, be paid. ' fl`..- mv...,I..:.... n...:........ n..n....... ......u:...: :....A unanuzu, uu pnlu. V Tue Excelsior Business College applied for the use of the Town Hall for tneirennual 1 conversazione. Granted. ` (`I I1 I.V__-_. _-_ _L,_.4_ ,1 _Lv, n,.,,,! III On Thnradav night Mrs. George Bell passed away` Mrs -Bell had been in poor health for a long time. and` her death we: | not unexpected. The funeral took place on . Monday to t.he Union Cemeteav, Revs: '1` E Bnruley and M L Pearson ocieting. l`.nI.hnl-'nn'-l'`nr.nn wnci known on `I090 ae- ca um: sun uuu Lu. JJ Lvnsuvu Uu.IUlDI.ll.IK 0a.mharine'Johnst.on was born In 1839, at Robhkeale, near Limerick, Ireland, about 5 miles from the -birthplace of Mr. Ball. After coming to this country they met and were married in Barrie, where .they. have since resided. l ll..- II,II I-______ A L.__L__,,| Q n uswvl-I VD: IIVIIIID All UIIIJ VI lull`? IIIIIIU JOHN- A. G. Waters asked to be appointed aagesspr. ,1 ' _ In .u _ . GUDVDDUS . Engineer Keensn wrote asking that certain repairs be done to the pumping machinery of the waterworks system. ` ' ' " l3....:........ 1..l.......`...` --...._...--.1.;.2 4.1.... 4.1.- IIIIKIIII UV IIililIIIU\l- John Hines and James Smith applied. for the poaitieu of road overseer. nu nu . an .. . ' DIIIUU IUDIIIUVII Mrs. Ball leaves a husband and four sur- vivim? children, Walker Ball, manager of the Ontario Permanent B. and L. Associ- ation. Woodstock ; Keppel Ball, accountant in Bank of Toronto, at London : Mrs. D. O. Murchison. Barrie. and Arthur Ball, dental surgeon. of Columbia City. Penn. Deceased was -ofa quiet. retiring disposition. taking` _no promim -nu: parhin nblio matters, but. i-Iwiy-et~kins= !'.-mi '. . .9r.! no i-.ll*ohurit-. -`ibii inch? e'inYGl3IILIItI`.7 ` B. J. Flether and W1. D. Vanaickle are ` nu-my SIX, m we rum uoncesslop or me `township Vespra. County of S:m_coe, which said prceh are described by metes and bounds. {Being the properh formerlv occupied by Andrew iscampbell. deceased. ' For terms and particulars apply to I Duxxnv AnnAr1u r-nxxrgnv o. l3I'II\Il!\7 " ".&;3I3IZE'2ssi 3533153 r'oT1-53,1_.' W All the members were present et the} Council meeting on. Mondayvnight. There was not much important business betore the meeting. ` - IIIIIIII YT\YYl'\ A lIII`!\\TB Mrs. George Bell Dead. Mmxnr REPAIRS. TOWN c_:otmcIL. w\;V-he'reaa God in His Providence thought` well to remove suddenly from our midst the Rev. E. M `C. Botterill. a man of broad sympathies. pure in heart `and noble in life, and whereas, in his decesse this Society has lost an active member and faithful and ca.peble,oioer, and neglected children every- where : true and self-sacricing friend, 12.AIn|I1nt` O`-nut-_ 515:: Qhllgaii i|nnan an lillnli IT IIVI Q Appointments were made to the Boards of the Collegiate Institutes as foliows,-- Barrie, Col. Ward; Collingwood, W. J. Davidson; Orillia,_ Dr. Beaten ` On Wednesday morning Clerk Banting was suffering from a severe cold, and `Mes- senger Beardsley took his place The following resolution was passed: That whereas death has taken from our midst since this Council last met Mrs. Sarah Beardsley,_ who for upwards of 57 years Housekeeper and caretaker of ,the Court House, a woman most reliable. faithful and upright in the discharge of her onerous duties, and that this Council desire to ex-. press its doe regret for the cause of such a faithful an trustworthy servant," and that the clerk `convey the sympathy of this Conn `oil _to her children in this sad hour of loss and bereavement of afond mother. ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES` At the first meeting of the ChiIdren e Aid Societv held since the regretted death of the Society's late Secretary. Rev. E. M. C. Botterill, the fo'1owin resolution\ee- ed :- ||1L_'._--_ I\_ 1 9 11-: 1. on `.u ,,j,-. IJUIV C III UV Glultl UII'lDUI'ILIUII.Ig IIIUIIUQ Resolved that this Society place on record our appreciation of his painstaking services and of his willingness to do all in his power to advance the welfare of those in whose behalf this organization exists, and also that we exoressto his widow anddaughter our sincere sympathy with` them in their sudden and grievous bereavement and pm? 0583 to them may be given a consciousness of the spiritual presence of Him with whom the spirit of our. friend" now dwells, having al- ready tasted the bleuedness of the assur-" slices-.-`-f`Iia as` much asye phavsdone itnnto A. 3'9` Lot: the less; pf these` my brethren, aye UIIVI WI IJIFG J The lsishop of Winchester read the lesson from the 15th Corinthians. Man that is Born of Woman was chanted by the choir, to AWeslev s music, followed .by "Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts. The Dean of Windsor read "I Hear a Voice and the choir sang the Lord s Prayer to the music composed specially for the dead Queen by Gounod. _Once more the strains of the choir welled up through the ancient chapel with the singing of How Blessed AreThey That Died, by Tchaikowsky. The Arnhhdnhnn A` nnnfawknn ma:-:1` Glynn Adjourned Session Under Way. This Week at the Court House. The Uounty Council reassembled on Mon- day last, in accordance with the adjournment the first session being at 7. 30 p.m. A great `many bills and documents were led. (U A Q........I.. .....l D II 'I'......_ _.....- -_ | tlvnuuvu uv Iluulv IIIU unnuuuul OUUUIILIDII A great many applications were made for grants to roads and bridges, to be dealt with. ` later. 4 A___2_-.__-_.L_ ___,_.- __-__1_ A- -I, .1 1 I Windsor, Feb. 4.-V-Underneath-. the in- scription chosen by Her Majesty for her late [husband--;Vict ria-Albert. Here at last I 'shall rest with thee; with thee in Christ shallrise a.gain--Victoria_ the Good now rests, Amid impressive and never-to-be- forgotten ceremonies, the remains of Queen Victoria. were at 3 30 this af_ternoon- laid to rest in the mausoleum at Frogmore, about two miles fromwwindsor, and within the park grounds; beside those of the late Prince Consort. Prior to the interment King Ed- ward V1I., Queen A`lexandra, the Emperor William, ayl other members of the Royal family, attended services beside the coin at an early hour this morning. Du nun-`nu A` Winn uranium)` Ohm: vu-manna.-I:-\.-an II WEI I, LIIIIII IIIIIB IIIIJIIIIIIKI By order of King Edward the proceedings to-day were public. The coffin, preceded by the Bishop of Winchester and the Dean of Windsor. was` borne by non-commissioned oicers of the Guards from the Albert Mam-t orial Chapel and placed on the gun carriage. A guard of honor of the Queen s Company of the Grenadier Guards, with the hand of the regiment, was drawn up facing` the chapel, and presented arms. The procession moved off in the following order from Windsor" to Fropzmore: The Queen s Com- pany with arms reversed, the Governor and ,Constable of Windsor Castle, the Duke of Argyle, Highlanders and; Pipers, Royal Servants. Band of Grenadier Guards, Bishop of Winchester and Dean of Windsor. Lord Chamber am and the Lord Steward, the gun carriage, supported by the late Queen's Equerries and household, anked by; the same oicers as appeared in Saturday s cere~ many in London. Following the. coin walked: King Edward, the Dukeof Con- navuzht, Emperor William, the King of the Belgians, Prince Henry of Prussia, and all the Royal personages, including Queen Alexandra and the Princesses, with the ex- ception of a few who left England. ma fl-In nnnnnn II Dawns` vnnsunnnnn IvoL:n`\ .|.llUllI IJIDU, U] .LUIlGIDI.I.VVDIIJ- The Archbishop of Canterbury reed the collect, and with qmwering voice pronounced the benediction. \l\i"IlI`lI-I U1 3 I077 V` III IV!" l.'lI-"lI-I\lI Togthe company of Royal mourners which had passed through the streets of London was added a group of Ambassadors and En- voys. who had arrived by an earlier train, and were waiting tor the nal ceremonies. Among these were the Ambassadors and Envovs from France, Turkey, Spain, Japan, the United States, and twenty other States. IN ST. eEoRGn s. T It was a short circuit from the station to St. George s, while bellsgwere tolling and minute guns were booming, and at the en- trance to that grand Tudor chapel the desn, prebendaries and choir waited for the her- lalds to pass throuah, then led the way through the nave into the choir, where the coffin was set down by its bearers in the centre.` The King took 'his' place at the head of the coin, with Lord Pembroke and the Duke of Norfolk on eithertside. and Lord Clarendon at the loot. The German Emperor, Queen Alexandra. and eighty royal personages were assigned to their proper places, with the inexible, rigidity of court etiquette as ordered since the reign of Henry VIII. The foreign Ambassadors and -Envovs were in the gallery. The services were remarkable for their grandeur and choral beauty I Thu :nt\4\'n -3 l`I72....L....L-.. ..-...I LL- 1----.. nanny IJAIIU null IJVUUIIICLIDD VVUIU LIIUI-|u W. A. Sueath and R. H Jupp were up pointed to audit the criminal accounts I A nuunuf nan-fn l|U\O\`:l|n-10:55-nan -1...)- -n...1- I-.. A nearlv new Gladstone Cdttcr. only used a few imcs. Owner having no further use for it. V Apply n `Laid Toest Queen iViete1'ia. Beets Beside the Prince Uensert in the Tomb. nvv uuuu ua unto mug Barrie. 2901:, 1901; .._;-`f:'.\ The Late Rev. E M. O. Bottell` " COUNTY COUNCIL. At`Frugmore. DWUUV I Iulvug \l\3IIe unvyvuunu, Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 3 3 Cherry J . R. A. Stephens, Barrie. 4 4 4 4 V Time-`-244; 2.50; 246% ; 248}. Mr. R. A. Dutton, of Peterboro. acted as starter The Judges were Messrs. E. Cuff, W. R. Proctor and` John Smith. UU SGILI C.lI.Ul-ILITUIJUGO ` _ The service was appropria consisting of suitable music, hymns, oiceeior the burial of the dead, state prayers, cbllects, and a short sermon, concluding with the Prayer for the King. Tn mnunufn (.I-..-....-.1. n unvuy :lU|i\Ivt\nn:uvp\ .-.....I i I'll VIIC l.L.lUsa In Trinity Churcha. very impressive and beautiful service was held, the choir singing God Shall Wipe Away All Tears The service in the Presbyterian Church was well attended. Rev. Mr. McLeod delivered an eloquent and touching eulogy or : the death "of thegreaceet and best loved of sovereigns and suitable hymns were_sung. _._.-_.- . . _ amt. William `Lount, K. 0.. Elevated to the Bench. ' William Lount, K.C., is new a judge in the Court of Common Pleas, having been appointed successor to the late Mr. Justice Rose. Mr. Lount was born at Holland Landing on March 3. "1840, moving to Barrier 6 years later. His father was George Lount and was registrar for the Home District and later for the County of Simcoe. The son was educated at Barrie Grammar school, where D Alton McCarthy. B. B Osler. Justice Oslcr, and other prominent men were educated. After completing his course at the Grammar school Mr. Lount went to Toronto to study law, first in the oice of the late Sir Adam Wilson, and subsequently in the office of Sir Oliver Mowat. Having passed his examination as a barrister, he entered into practice as a lawyar in Barrie, where for many years he had as an opponent Mr. D Alton McCarthy. M In 1867, when he was twentyve years of-age, Mr. Lount stood as candidat-e for Parliament in the North Riding of Simcoe, his opponent being the late Mr. Angus Morrison, whom he de feated. At the next general election he was opposed by H H Cook and the late W. D Ardagh. In the ensuing three-cornered fight he was defeated. Mr Lount then re- tired from public life and devoted himself closely to his profession. . rm 199: Ian I-nun-uynrl in rpnv-nnl-A `L18. TRAYED--Onto the premisen ofthe undersigned. Lot 24, Con. 10. Inn sl. about thebrginning of Nov:-mb r, nnc ewe, with a piece 0E and of car. and wo`ewe lambs, owner can have same by proving operty and paying expenses. ' THOS. SPROUL. o...n Cu-2 hrvala L 13.0.1. Notes. Our hockey team played the Elmvale team last. Friday but lost the game. the score being 1 1:04. Bed light is the boys excuse . - A large sleigh load from the B and the 4th forms enioyed 5 drive `to Ivy lean Thurs- Iday night. - nun ,,- j_I2,.I_L_',1 LL-.. LL- ____ 1.,._I2_l. Clllnl LUUJCI UIIK PIC The officers, band, and resident companies of the 35th Regiment, with the cadets ot the Collegiate Inst. and Public schools, with most of the Societies of the town marched. to the strains of funeral music, to Christ church, where the centre of the church had been reserved for them. Long before the time the church was crowded to. overowing not over halt of those assembled being able to gain anentrance. rlllma canning nun: .nnnnnvuu:non .u.-u.-L:..... .. l \JI\3l-I 4.l"I&\, II. VI IIIIKDIIIITVII` IqJUl\3UU9' ville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Dorothy Drew, A.E.H. Creswicke, Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . Whitiie H , J. Staples, Midland . 2 Grocery Maid, T. Turner. Barrie. 5 6 4 2 * 3 8 Prizewiune, Pagebte, Penetang. Re elected, M E (Gray. Barrie. . . Dale, J. Mokt, Elmvale. . . . . . . 3 T Time-2.442; ;'2 41 ; 2 36% ; 2.381. 2.25 Trot. Jet. J. Waite, Aurora. . . . . . . . -. . .- Decorator, O. Donnellv, Alliston. . Duke Nottingham, H. Wilkins, . Owen. Sound . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ' . '1`ime--2.31 ; 2.29;; 2.26. SECOND DAY. 4 7 6 d d 250 Class. ' - ' Nouo V\ ilkea, Geo. Powell Ori_llia. 3 1 1 1 Birdie Hayes, H. Leadlay, Cooks- Onnyn 1 " 0 0 """'iE:3'.'.'.' . .`.`I.'.' Lady` Aberdeen, B. _Falla . . . . . . . . . . n` A AA 1.'._ -_-J v-.' -_- --....-.." v-v_.. `wn. ................... . . i Tootsie, H. Wilkins, Owen Sound. 1 Dorothy Draw, A. E. H. Creawicke, D-.._:n .Ti1Z':'if;' i {.'_ E. 31'. Slow Named Race. Bendigo, A. D. Simon, Barrie .. `Rattlebones, J. Edwards, Edgar. . Sweet Violet, Geo. McDonald, Ln...-in -.-J ._.a.. -- All are delighted that the new English master; has arrived and that the regular leuens are taken up again. a . 1-5.11 , 2. __ i-.'1.__ A.._I_,I' 1 Dr. Hunt, df New ;I}ell,;;.I: in town on T-d*V- S. E. }of Lot No. 30. in the zst. Concession 'ol' the. wnship of Vespra. Countv of Simcoe. containing acres, more or less. in a good state of cultixation. n the premises are a good trame house goxzo, stone llar. all good outbuildings needful. good orchard of bout 2{; acres; :1 never failing stream ofspring water ns thrmigh the premises. Distant one mile North 1' Dalston village where there are churches. school end post Clllcr. and 10 miles l\orth ofthe town of arrie. Terms easy. Possession can be gveu mediate-ly. App y to D. H. KERR or D. GAR- IN Rlnsusalp P(3 Ont, 60-13 _........v--- ----wyv-an-vsa van uasuuusully (EMU I General Sorrowing. _ Barrie paid her_ last tribute of respect to the mortal remains of our beloved Queen on Saturday morning ' All business was sus- pended, and the town _was perva.ded_witb an air of quiet sadness. Many of the store windows were beautifully draped with black and Royal purple. ' VIN...` ..4:......... I.......I .....: ..-..:.a....a. ..-_...-_.-A BIIIUUIJ I-\l IIID tllvllulvllo In_ 1885 he removed to Toronto. His grandfather, Gabriel Lount, was a United Empire Loyalist, having been "an English man by birth who had settled in the state of Pennsylvania, where he resided until the struggles which arose between England and America. in consequence of which he left the United States and settled in the County of York His uncle was Samuel Lount, who was 9. member of Parliament prior to 1337, but was executed in that year in consequence of the struggle he made with William Lyon Mackenzie for the principle of responsible government Mr! T nu-16,3 no-\r\t\:ou5u\\an\ :5 an v\nnn1nn A-an Good Racmg and Fair Crowds on Kem- penfeldt Bay. - The ice races on the buy on Wednesday and Thursday of last. week did not draw as large crowds as on some previous occasions There were some good horses, however, and several exciting tmishes Two races were held each afternoon, the results being as follows : -- ' AU vlav 11!-IVOI `Ir -"-v--- List Friday afternoon Judge Ardagh ad dreaaed the school briev. but very feelingly, on the death of our late sovereign, and then -dismissed the, Ichool for the rent of the (law an a mark ohympanhy. avvvluuauuv Mr. LouuI; s appointment is a popular one and Tm; V ADVANCE joins with his many Barrie friends in congratulating him, another old Barrie boy. on his success Maud K... Glen Fox, . ..:ll.. Busipess Suspended on Saturday and (Joanna! Gnu...-.I....`. Fast N>nned Race. BA.RRIE"S LAST TRIBUTE. , J. Duly. Orillia. . . . . . . . . , J. Wiliiamsom Streets- Highest caa`h price id for Endowment Inaurince Policnes, in reliable ompanies or money loaned le .Al_ A ' P" O.H.LYON _....-u... JUDGE LOUNT.` BARRIE RACES. - o - o o o u n o O O no Agar . Burk : DAY. 555dr 4444 0110 --Mr. R. J. Fletcher has been appointed secretary for the West Simcoe Agricultunl Society. o-o--- -`-- ~-` EXTRA MATCHED. Span of young Brown Bolts. two years old, chunks. about 1400 lbs in weight. at Smo each. this span is hard to beat. Also 3 good DRIVER 3 years nld.` Bav, will drive single grodouble. Apply to E. H. JOHNS ION. Minewiing. . . < t. . -316 50 contributed in Barrie in aid of the Colportage Mission of Algoma. and the Northwest is gratefully acknowledged by Geo. Buskin, Missionary. -On next Sunday nvening Rev. T. E. Ba.rt.lev will commence a. series of sermon: in Collier street Methodist church on The Church for the Twentieth Century. T 1i:;.}n'..i;;i{ 6r;.{; ; v;r}'7i.o:e. heavy Iran, in bum bllter and sweet varieties. at BOTH WEI.I1 S. -B;.rrie junior hockeyiais defeated Pene- tang at the latter place on Tuesday night by 11 to 5. -Just: as we go to press we learn` of the death of Mr. T. McVmie, one of Barrie I oldest inhabitants. For some time Mr. Mo- Vittie has lived with his dauzhter, Mrs. 1.0. Morgan. m'Very considerable interest is being .manifested in the coming concert on behalf of Miss Franziska Heinrich, and the best people of Barrie are showing their appreci- ation of the eort of Miss Heinrich to com- plete her musical education. This young artist is one of the most brilliant graduates and gold medalists of the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music. Some time since a recital wan given in Toronto under very distin uished patronage as a compliment to Miss` einrich land with the purpose of securing a fund to enable her to spend some few years in Europe. The same purpose is behind the Barrie entertainment which will take place Feb. 12 The patronesses will include ea- dames (Judge) Ardagb, McLeod, Ross. 0):.) McCarthy, -Plummet, Grasett. Patterson. `Devine, Hinds, Burton and Shanacy, "Ina town as fond of the best in music as i n'Bar-_ rie there is reason to believe that the_`H'eia- [Rich entertainment yill rank am` :the most important of `the fprese _"I'_h jTyonng'artIat ls;ta|eni rt'~tlia't Many Readable Paragraphs of Local Interest. Ground Oyster shell: for Poultry at BOTliWELL s. ._._ ___ -- -.:a- on 3Du.ring February every mantle at,Vtil' Vickera & 00., is to go at half price. --Mr Myers, who ran a. temporary auction room in the Bosauko block, closed out lull: week. ` Private funds to hip at 5 per cent. on farm p_ro- pertv. Terms to sun borrowers. No cnnuectaon with any loan company. Apply penonally _or by Hatter to ' - in --The County of Simcoe Medica! Society will hold their twenty third annual meeting at the Council Chamber. Barrie. on Tuesday. Feb. 12th, when papers will be read on sub- jecls of interest: to the profession. I @'The Famous Canadian Jubilee Singerl and Imperial Orchestra will give an enter- tainment in Collier street Methodist church next Thursday evening, F eh. 14th. The combination is very highly recommended by the pulpit and press of England, the United States and Canada. where they have suc- cessfully toured for a number of years. __-.._. _-.-n_, The cheapest place in town to but hard and soft wood is A. W. Wilkin- son -. `D:-llvered promptly In an quantity to any pan-ol the town an Allundnle. Leave orders at mlll ofllco or phone. 23. -Mr. A. W. Campbell`, Provincial Over- seer of roads will be present at the postponed Conference in the Council Chamber this agternoon. and deliver an address on the proposal for the County to maintain the main roads. M ` --On Sunday Miss Dickson, of the Central School staff. received a. telegram from Sea- forth than her mothe'r- was dangerously ill. Miss Dickson left on Monday morning but her mother had passed away before she reached home. -Messrs. G R Ford and U. W. Pall: haye formed a partnership and will open 3 general furniture store in the Rose Block. Fwe Points The firm will be known as the Barrie Furniture Co and will be in shape for business in the course of a couple of weeks. --Young Whan, who was arrested on the charge of breaking into Meyers store and stealing several watches came rp for trial on Fridav morning. It was learned that he came from Orillia, instead of Belle Ewart, as he claimed when arrested. He was (and guilty and the Judge allowed him to` go on suspended sentence. -On Friday last a benighted resident of Simcoe County struck town. Hearing some one speak of the closing of the stprea on Snturdav. he enquired the cause. Upon. being told. he exclaimed in great astonish- ment, "ls I:hevQueen Dead ?" m'R.emember the entertainment in aid of the Hospital, at the Grand to morrbw night by Miss.Olaf Krarer, the little Esquimau Lady. It promises to he very interesting as well as instructive. Pupils of the Public schools and Collegiate Institute will be ad- mitted for 15c.-10c. extra for reserved seats Plan at Wismer s. ` For C oic Famnly Flour and all klndsof F-ml go I0 WllkI|nson u. All orders delivered promptly In any quantity. Please leave your orders at the Mill om.-e or Telephone No. 23. Married Man to w_urk onzfarm. -On F ridav George Lawson, of Elmvale, ha.d Daniel Lamont, of the same place, ar- raigned in the Barrie police court on a. charge of assault. The asaauin complained of was an attempt on the part of Lamont to push Lawson down 9. stairway. The case was dismissed. a?Tot-onto Mail and Empire :-Misa F ranziska Heinrich is one of the moat bril- liant and promising young pianists who have- ever appeared on the Canadian horizon. Miss Heinrich. assisted by some of the but vocal talents in the province, isto give u benet concert in Barrie on Feb. 12th. --At a. meeting of the Quarterly Board of Burton Avenue Methodisn church, Allan- dale, the Rev. Joseph Young received a unanimous invitation to return for a fourth year. He signied his willingness to do no subject to_ the action of the Stutioning Com- minsee. News ofTown A _ and Country Side. 8:.oo PER Anntm m ADVANCI SINGLE oomns nva cmrrs. OFFICES TO RENT OR LEASE ALL- In Bertie, be January. 31st Catharine, wife of Mr. Geo. Ball. aged 61 vears - ICKSON--At' Seaforth, on Sxmday, Feb rd. Dickson. of "Gladswood" aged 64 years. AIG--At "Homestead". Craighurst. on Jan. zqth. 190:. Sarah B., beloved wife of Thos. Craig. aged years, xx months. .?cLEAN-AtJ.1rratt'slCorners. an the township 07 McPhie, relict [of the late Alexander cLea.n. aged ql V vears. ' v Mary Sloan. relict of the late John Tum ull Oro. on Tut-s.lny mnrniruz, Jan. 29th. 1 01. Ann_ FARM ?oR.sAL:-: on T0 at-:N'_r.. mcalau-IV. npp y to 11 lm . VIN. Elmvale, P.O.. Ont. DWELLING T0 RENT, centrally situated. south west corner of Mulcastcrnnd McDonald Sts. Iiouse, 2 storev, 9 rooms and halls, garden and lawn. Kpply. on the premises. _ . 45-tf Doasessmn. Apply to v. 1 Barrie. Ianuarv 1, 1901. -"ARM HAND WANTED. VEBB-At Stroud. on Feb. and. a son to Mr. and `Mrs. Webb. ' . ' HON-0n Monday. Feb. 4. at xo'PeelvSt-. a son to L" Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Lyon. . HOUSE AND LOT roa SALE. ive1y.} ,` ;r`Eb`LfBI;i?x$Es.7c;?7eIr"EYZ good Sizv. any cnlor but grav. Apply at once u'J. SHEPARD, 74 Owen St. Barrie. _ 6-6-p sma;t, intelligent boy to learn the Fmagnting business. Apply at ADVANCE. ..... `pun. rs-up nun-uunlrrul our ` x'.'1a:`r::'Nox, ARDXGH. cowzm & BROWN. 1.; g Sn":-itnra Rn no-In courses are thorough any practical am! as Muucnsa and graduates are In strong demand. Inter Term from Jan. 2nd`. Enter uny time after that date. . 1: also give splendid courses by Moll for those cannot attend our School. ll particulars cheerfully given. Address ' _ ly W. H. SHAW PRINCIPAL. Va-Urn uuv---rvww v-----' ._ , , , :Ioys :1 regular Teachers. owns 60 Tvewritinf chines and u-res 20 splendid rooms in its work. thorough and practical and its students ant` at-ndnlnfnn are `ll strong demand. i918ir.B11sin%8 !19%.9A..B%rPi pvw--vu-- .-v-w----...- _ -__-_ ' In every detail is an u -to-date instituti-n. Capable instructors, pet act equipment. satis-' facto`ry results. Send for our descriptive and interesting catalogue. It WI convince you. 100 ACRAE-I FARM FOR SALE. 'arm.ers Attentibn. :ii'fEr"r}i'""Egi}i`"'Ti'day%, Septemhearfmmh, I900. [ANTED--Good general servant. Apply. to ' MRS. J. G. SCOTT. 75 Bayeld St. . 51-tf hf - --w-7-----~.___ rite for our New Catalo ue if yeu are interested selection uf the Best `choc! in which to train for business pursuits. The up 1 n 3 1| `1_.____-L_ t_1tral v:"i}`1r"iI"6i_i}ig,"'% Tnromgo. 5 , IF; __.._, ___ 5-ly VOL`, L. No. 6 Suum N E) T A uv-Im'r|.~.'EmEN'rs. TENDERS ; ADVERTISE m 1 1-lv MONEY 'roToAN. WHOLE -No. 3457 i_ o Snwm. Wusun , Pmprietor. For; SALE. For: SALE. HARRY -MARR BARRIE. BORN. Vmmn. 26-IV onfarm. Applv R. E. MOORE, Allandale. A. VV. BEAR DSLEY. mill` unuuna Box '10 ; Bar tie (`LIV I! DIKUVVLV} Solicitors. Barrie vl\l\ V 733143} I 3 Court House. wrong KL U I4. Craigvale. uuesxug 16-tf x-tf. \Jl'lI\` 60-P ' Another of those delightful surprise parties, that show the great respect in which Rev. Mr. Westnev and his family are held by his country congregations. this time from Christ's church Vespra, consisting of thirty persons representing most of the families attending this church, took place to St. George s Parsonage, Allandale last week. This party like the Midhurst one of a short time ago, evidently visited their own cup boards, cellars, and granaries before setting iorth from their homes tosurprise the in- habitants of the Parsonage. The evening was most pleasantly spent in gamesand various kinds of amusements and sing- ing, the party being very musical. Towards lhe end of the evening choice refreshments, abundantly provided by the visitorswere served. An evening that was a sort of to- union among those present and afforded the pastor and his family an opportunity of be- coming intimately acquainted with the per- sons living in the neighborhood of Christ s church, was brought to a close by Rev. Mr Westney thanking for himself and family his many kind friends for their `presence and thoughtful presents, to which Mr. Charles Hickling replied. expressing the pleasure they had experienced in being present at the parsonage, stating in conclusion how much. he had enjoyed Mr. 0. Walton s_selection on the gramophone. The duxology beinz sung by the company and the benediction being pronounced by the pastor, a most pleasant evening came to an end-all too soon. At the last meeting of the Children's Aid Society. held Jan` 29th, 1901, a resolution to the following effect wasimoved by the Vice-Pres , Hon. Sheriff Drury, seconded by Rev. Mr. Wittene and carried--Resolved that the thanks of the C A. Society be ex- pressed to :---Mr. Wm. Pae, for two over~ coats; Mr. J. C. Irwin, for two pairs of trousers ; Mr. M.J. Frawley. for two pairs of stockings; Mr D. Powell. for one pair of stockings ;, Mr H. B Myers, for one pair of girl's boots; Mr. C `Hunter, for one pair of 'boy s boots ; and also touthe individuals who contributed from their private_stores various stocks of clothing. all of which were pro- vided for wards of the Society recently sent to Toronto. D. B. Harkuess. Secretary. Cut as you want. it: dry as coal, and split wood is under roof. Give us a call. Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale con- tained in two certain Mortgages (which will be ro- duced at the time of sale) `there will be o'e for sale by Public Auction at the Queen : Hotel, in the Town of Barrieron . - Saturday, the 9th day of February, 1901, ' a_t n.3o o'clock am., the following valuable proper- ties: V . The devotional exercises at the Union` on Monday afternoon were conducted by Mrs. McKee. after which the usual routine busi- ness was proceeded with. Miss Wiggins says of the plebiscite that the women voted. 6 to I for prohibition while the men only vo_ted 2 to l. 1'he Corresponding Secretary was requested to write Premier Ross and the M'.P.P. s for Simcoe. asking them to favor the Franchise petition when it is pre- sented. It was decided to have the program on Legislation and Petitions at our next meeting. Mrs. Rogerson reada leaflet on juvenile work. showing the neoessitv` of be- ginning all -temperance work" in earlv child-,' hood. Mrs. Smith read a paper on scientic temperance. Mrs." McKee spoke" on the subject about the Provincial Teacher's As- sociation wan ting temperance taken 03 the public school curriculum at-the next con- vention to be held in Toronto. Mrs Mary Hunt," of Boston, is being brought over by the W.C.T U. .to speak on the question with the hope of beingable toshow the teachers the great and urgent necessity of having this subject taught in all our schools. A "resolution will be sent to the Secretary of the Provincial Association asking that this subiect still be retained. {JOHNSTON & Rooms for oice-s. in Ross Block, No. 97. D;lt;l7bpv Street. Fire proof vault; lately occupied` I). Dr. Wellc. Also two rooms with vauit. Ialelv nncnnipd 22-Iv l|"I|III` I n Yards. foot of Mary st. Head Office 23 Elizabeth Sr IVALIIABLE mrzntvi ' "ifs. 54 bfLot 5 in rat Gbn..' Innial. zoo acyesg. more or less. 2. Lot 4 on E. S. Elizabeth Street (registered Ian No. 90) in the Village of Cookstown. 26 pen: es. more or less. . --. .1 no. ,. A g- , _. `_ --. ._ : I 1 nuvn no vu nova- 3 W. 54 of South part of Lot 4. E; `S. King` Street: l (plin No 76).t ookstown. V4 acre. more or less. . 15- II -1` _-2_1u_...|_ _-_. -1: I _L , n :3 n9,__,` v `rm-u cw... `nu, ` vv-nu--yvu , 4. E. 54 of said South 'pIIJI.'r'i.2{'I. 7'i;."I"xa..g 1 Stfel. _ . ' I` n._ 1.. .n_.` -_ 5. Village Lof 6 on the comer of `John. and. Centre I Streets in said Village (Du"u Plan No. 359). ` l!.....I_ I -L L I? _I II}... L_._A ll)______I_ III-.. .<'=el wi saw.` ya -u ---- .-..-3' \- uuu - - --- -`Ive JV! 6. Park Lot 6. E. S. of King Street Perrv'e Plan No. 76)-except 54 acre conveyed fora rill shed site Nd. 47.732, and 56 acre conveyed to George T._ Fish- er by No. 70.304 -3 acres. more or less. M There are said to be the following improvement: on above prooertiee :'- On parcel 1. small frame stable and shantv. On parcel a. frame dwellinghouee `with outbuildings On Ha:-czlq, blacksmith uhon. stable. rte: thin `par- be e_re_| subject to t e agreement for pur- chase made wnth Charles G,j-Clute. ' V ' UIII-our IIIu~-Iv no... u on v---vuv TERMS--l0_peI' _cent. on dav of`eale. balance nithin one month With Interest at Gper eent.; other terms and conditions will be made known at the tilne of sale, and, in the meantime, on [application to ' V STRATHY & ESTENV ; 1_L';';1 n_e_.* _ 441.. .1- ` C ..'_--.'.`._. :_`_-._ S, 1 ' T A parlor meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J K Rose on Feb. 213:." Subject, Uuferuiented eWine. and "`Su'rage." Both ladies and gentlemen cordially invited to attend. UVQVI U`.vI lhted utll Iaugw. I901.- Will be received by the undersigned up to FEB- RUARY a3rd. 190:, for the ourchase of the We-t half of Lot 18. Con. 7. Township of Oro. xooacres. About 90 acres are cleared and fenced and free of stump: and stones. The farm is well watered by a creek andvwells and is` conveniently situated near Guthrie Post Ofce. There is a good frame dwelling house in good repair and a erood frame barn wit stable below. The soil is a clay loam and in a good state of cultivation. For particulars and conditions apply to DONALD ROSS. Assignec. A. Kissocki Est. Barrie January 28th. moo. 5.7 A program on Hygiene and Heredity" was then given; several ladies taking part with the Superintendent, Mrs. Stephens. A new member joined the Union` and we hope to have more bv the uext meeting. `:CO%A.I.-.515 "rowivsI-up or INNISFIL AND VILLAGE or cooxsrown. A 0 OD... MORTGAGE sue Children's Ald Society. ass? QUALITY Surprise Partir. North-west half of Lot 3, Can. 8. Vespra; 60 acres cleared, balance standing limbev ; soil. heavy `clay Vm; r.-at-cla~s~ wheat farm. Nherc nece~sary it tile drained. Frame House. frame barn and log rn; good waver etc. Apply on the remisei or ` v letter to EGERTON H. JOHNSTO , Minesiug P, O, ' '

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