Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 31 Jan 1901, p. 8

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A mo V We buy every.-.sticAh of our goods for spot cash. We certainly ought to own our goods at bottom figures. and wo only grow bigger by selling that way. Nothing too good for our trade; Suits this season are as ne as cloth can be woven11l* W U price to all, _,, -_----...-.. ... uuuu: can 0 un This is the only store in Barrie that `sells We -MUST have and sizes to fit you, beca order department to fall back on. his a % % ~ 9 3 3" better made and that he_sells at the lowest prices. Here are a few faktsjthiatj our brothsen,-clothiers in Barrie can't-dispute I i 1-lim (I111 n1-In-'n`n `D.......'- .1. , . , . , __.__J ---av There were a large number present at the social which `was held at the Methodist parsonage last Tuesday even- ing. The programme wasa good one`, and was listened to with marked atten- tion ; the best of order being maintain; ed throughout. Mr. Johnson and -Mine Campbell, of Barrie, the Misses Hamilton and Charlton and Mrs. Hum-_ Aphrey contributed soles; Miss Small and the Mesdames Jack and MoPher; nnn an-on .......J:_.... 11,- 11 Thevvonly Exclusive V. iday Moods In order to be prepared for the Xmas Trade, We have a large stock of Silverplated` Knives, Forks and Spoons, Pearl Handle Tea Sets, jllarving Sets, carpet Sweepers. Scissors and Pocket Cutlery, Nickle-Plated Sad Irons, skates, Bells, EIc., Etc.-.,._ Etc. At Prics to please` everybody. re `Dealers in Mm .. Wearables tsells Ieady to.-wear,Clothing exclusively. u, because we have no (big prot) made to- sAu:>... ..` --:vn- -U Pub G DUUP UV `"0 'and language used bythese notthe moat edifying. T II`\I_-._- W Last Sunday was Missionary day in Burton Ave. Methodist Church; In -. the morning the pastor gave an address on the work being done` by Canadian Methodism, taking us to Japan, China. s Provinces of Quebec, Manitoba, British Columbia and our home missions, giving an account of the-Missionaries and their sacrices in-the interest of perishiug During the winter nights a numbxzn- oiboys and young men make the wait- ing room at the station here a rendez vous to` pass the time away. They oc- cupy the seats, and there is no room for the travellingpublic to sit down and rest while waiting for trains. This is a bed state of affairs, and steps should _be taken to put a stop to it. The talk lllillinnn uunnpl `-~-- 4`-A-* __._.,...... --. -.uv awn-v {HUGH V IUOUl'IUg` `On Tuesday morning of last week brakaman` Wm. Hunt. got one'of his} `ngers severely jammed while unload- ing freight; an Stayuer station. He has been su`ring intensepain ever since. _. - now it VIIFI |JIJCIAfc . _ There will `be service l'1eldiu the `Etsbyterian church on Saturday morn- ingat 11 o'clock, the dav set for the ' funeral of the late Queen Victoria. n- m.--_:-_- -._- an-rwv pan Parker anti A. .M_orre'n have purchased part of the property "near the new tanpery and purpose e:ect- h A-ing new coal sheds. f'l\l._..A ` .-ugv 4.1.135: VIIIIISU Ill` 'I'BIOPIIone Noe Mr. John Whiteley, -formerly of this`: place, has been unanimously` elected ` I)istrict Master of ` the L. O. L. for Eusb Algoma. . ' `l.______ 1., 1.` , .. . - - _-won 3-AUDIO 7 :We are glad to notice that `Mr. 1 :..jMeMillen is able to be "out again afce_r7 'hiavlong illness.- Fof Choice Family Flour and all - kinds oi Feed go to Wllklnsonws. All orders delivered -promptly In any annuity. Please leave your order: at . elllll l lce or Telephone No. 23.; _ IL . I I_,- tfrn.-_ A_;j?.:V'"A-t;niversaty aervice will be held in .St_, George's church on Sunday, Febrn... f ary 24111. `I- _ A__-_ _"_ _ .'n .1 -n.- A. Baum .sgzg{;E.:%;;a Miss: V'.:_Beesie Yonngat the parsonage ~la_au ~_w.k'. ` _ ' -its -jP1ga _a a'.nt - Streets. its '1`aa`t'v Dwell- iis Pretty Churches. audits Go- _`u-hoad. People w1ll Entice Settlement .-;A.Weeklv Record` `at its Dpincs. T `_Rov'.*H; D. Cameron is in" Toronto -this week attending conference. `E0 Inn 1 9 f 1?`;S>>;b.fheVATestern. bivlsion.` ivifh" :._ .:i%(iLi1irA~5t `,_c:m!mIs or 1135: `FUTURE orr_:r_. ` youths is __ __ __u-_ _---~wovnn-i nulhber people from here at- ` ftended the parlor. eociul at the Metho- |diet. Parsonage, Allandale on Tuesday ' I evening and repbrcuavgood time; . ____..____ ' Mr. Joe. V Goulterlis home within -g.:`*ippe, but will be able to return;-to `work ink fe_w days. , ` .'-V1".l`he%anni\~rer cry services in connec- tion` with the P eahyterinn church here _wi1l..he `held next. Sundav. also on ._Mhndey evening .3 _1_ten and entertain-_ _ f.!|Lf0nI`3j. ` Miss A. J.` Alloofla-as retornod home afterlapanding a month` 'Awish friends in Toronto. .. 1 Mr. and Misa_,0h19isti, of Elmvale, spenta week with friends in the neigh- borhobd; ` [ 1 } . 1 r . 4 Th]}`armers Insiitute meeting which =wa`aI held; _bn ,Mo.t{duyT1nv the hull pare T Advance `Corrgspondence. _ 1 Miss Hill, of Ravehahoe, in visiting with Miss L. (,`oulter'. A . | Ovur pastor Rev. J 0;. Y<;u;1-gpt:each- ed 9. very appropriate sermon ldat Sup- day on Home gnd Foreign Misaionn. _ I ' Mr. a;:d Mrs. Jtneu Brown and Miss J ., Cameron waited Mr. and Mr_a.P_eter Ferguson of M_=idhm-at, on Sunday. I M:_s F..Gib3< 11 leaves shortly to take is course in music at the -Toronto Gon- servatory of Music. ' ` Hehry, John and Albert 'Reynol(ia of Knock, spent Sunayt with Mr. H. Loaghe"ed.. ` V '~ ` mJe"a 'a}'iI{ "7331" "{J{2i. %`}}:e`iT`I.`3l% last week. . ~- ? ' Mia; Mary Ral;ton,T ovf was the guest of Miss Ethel Edenlast Sun- day. 9 V ` ` - -v uollvu vvu I uuyvlulllvliu _ Mr. Alex.` Gubaon h_ left here` for Niagara Falls, N. Y. . ' M-`ins Minni'e Ede, `of Lefroy, Spmt Sunday under the parental roof. j "I -u-u F The members of the Hawkestone ; circuit of the Methodist church pre .A sented their` pastor, Rev. A. J. Paul 1 wit_h a handsome fur coat. , The presen- tation was made by Mr. Williams, of ;' Shanty Bay, and Mr. A. Carscadden i read the following address :-Dear`Su-, -'--The members -of the three appoint- ` ments of Hawkestone circuit` take ad- vantage of this opportunity to express ` our appreciation of your services among us. Since your coming to our circuit - your untiring energy, faithful pastoral visitation,vrightly dividing of the` word of truth has won a place in our-`hearts, and as a small token of our appreciation y we `ask youto accept this coat not for its intrinsic worth, but as a` slight ex- pression of our love. We hope and pray that during your stay among us, the bond of love which has been created may become stronger and that when our time has come to part it will be to -meet in the church triumphant above.- The parlor eocie(1V was well attehded at Mr. Todd's last Wednesday" evening," some being present from Edgar, Shanty Bay, Ore Station, Guthrie, and Mitchell Square. Mrs. Todd was presented with a rocking chair from the Ladies Aid Society. Mrs. Stanley read the address and Rev. A. J. Paul made the present tation. Mr. Todd made a verytouch ing replv. They leave for Tomato this week.` ' - __.__._.-. vw--u-3 nuuvi Mr. Carscudden sold one.` of his n`ey'oung'heavy mares to 'a man, at Bracken last week. ? Mr. Geo. M itchll, bf Toronto; spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitche. Thomaa_ acook, of Manitoba .n4vLa 1: -u:-. w-Avgood .nu;nb;;`;-lam here attended the putty at Mr. J amen Crawford's` on Tuesday evening last. `ll-n A1` f`_.__- JJ.,_ ,,\1 ' ni- .. -an-Va V Mr. J. Jonea au< i, Lue Jones, of` Vueey, were visiting with Mr. Alf. Carsoadden last WSPEK. ` ' asanuuvvln LIUUUU Bl! .l.'J'ls I" "V.-1;!-If:-Robt. Jognston, of Dultltuh, is visiting `his brother, Jon. Johnston',`of- Guthrie. _-u-vs o -unuuuu IGUII WU "R./Jr. an:ijI:a, Alf. Careccian spent. Sunday with friends at Edgar. `M . txr;II:...... D..I..:....-.. :_ __:_.g_ _v- ----u wv-uuv-JCIAIIIIQ Mr. and Mrs. Au Caraopddn called on friends in Orillia last week T I `lit min In -- waves as Ivuuq WU Juusux. m.D-'ZI_1;J William. Robinson in painting William Kissock a house at Edgar. M`. Ram 'r..1.n...... ..c n..I..n. :. I. Gutie. Advance Correspondence. j Miss Emma Perry was visiting Mrs. Joe. Johnston last. ' Mr. Geo. L; Parrot; is cutting woodwil for Alf. Car(:,u.ddeE._ A _ _ b _ V | Lists:-a-.ifheroI!=i ' , `T tirso "sovereign,;ii_:hie ~Iirse;Empitef;teV I ;w`o;z-Id. In everyibirlfctihie`'sst'_:Eme. Q `pire, the en richicgg fiu`u'e`nce;* of ` Queen s nersonnll 7ehsr`s_cter `has ~heen~ 3: felt, and her u:pr,ig`htnees,; ssgacity `end tender sympithy withlhe 'su'er_ings of V ` all classes hsvegbonnd the many mil- lious.of- her subjects in all parts of her tion to her person and her throne. T She is now mingling with the Heavenly ` courniers is becoming and loyal subject of the great King of Kings. The pulpit desk was heavily draped, as was also the choir railing, and in front. of the , pulpiI5_wse 9. beautiful picture of the- late Queen Victvria. The choir. under the leadership of Mr. Edward VWhite- bread, sung with good. effect the en- them God is the Refuge of His Peo- ple. . . ' dominions with `Strong reciprocsl'e'ec- ' Holly. Advance 7 `Con-espondence. > rairviw. 7 V. _ Adyanco 4. ;. -Mr. J. Foster in no" `pramit?'viait1ug ghisv bmchgjr_;ag;`Lindg;.V.-.f ` - . ' `.4- ' I Quarterly serviceiwill be held at Sur.herlnnd a appointmnt ne_xl: Sabbath morning. In the evening-/the pastor, Rev. 8. E, Wilson, .will-fggonduct. a memqrial service he:-e _jin4 of the ' 1'. '.'-fa ' '_ Miss L: "Mei-ric;1A::,'of VPal ni1e,rstoz.x, has. been spending .a; few wepks_ with her grand parent.a,. Mr. and Mrq. J. Merrick. VmlMi;a; Fldod`-rturned St. Vincent on Monds `her uncle, Mr. T.,S. G `u; to her home at v,'ft_er visiting rahgin. A number of our citizha have heen au`ering from- la gripp but are now to- covering. -_ . - i ` , 1.4.`-.. nn-_:`_.'..,.- - `I - " ' -..-.... .. ......,...uq ua-nv_ worn. ".Mr. jun. Ray, of London, spent a couple of days in cownthia week. `If. lV-- TIT--r - ` ` ` ` ` ""l"" "' V-vv -I-I vvvvu tgulu WCUL. Mr. Geo. Wvness has been visiting at Mr. A.'Hough wife for a. few days. Minn IT.-`It 'D__.L__. -__ __L ..- --.-u go: .4.-an II 0 l.Ul.' G IUW KY3. ` Miss -Mube1al]`Ivh'lt, of `Baxter, apentl Sunday with her brother, Mr. Jae. Ho_lb. . . V` T Rev. H. H. Castes, B.D, a` returned missionary from Japan, will deliver an sddress in the Methodist church, .on fhutsday ejening. ' vs I I7uyvl.IU`Ull|u'Uu {A Mr. L. i.I-."EI'_':I:alland, of Brampton, ppent Sunday as home. T c. p.. ...- Mr. M of chaIsI}'maae . business _trip to Toronto last week. ' - ` Mr. and-Mrs. WeaI;E]')ickey visited friends in Toronto last week. ml-_. 1' - 11' - * `- The Ladies Aid Kfhe English "church gave a 've1_-y.auocesufnl"`At Home last. Friday. evening at the home of Mr. Aconley. Mr. Robinson, who was visiting -his sister, Mrs. S. Ohappolle, returned to Toronto, last. week. .. I -`,-1-`l'1' of Mn. Edward Luck is, at time of writing yery much im- proved. V On Sunday evening the Rev. H.iD. Cameron preached a `memorial sermon ' on the death of the late beloved Queen Victoria. He` took for his text the fol- lowing. words ':--Fear God` and the King--xxiv, 21. He opened his dis- -course by a touching reference to Adam and the forbidden fruit in the garden of - Eden as his blissfulstate of innocence ; ~ `showing that God had `taught him a jaevere lesson, that he must obey, fear a and have respect to his God. The` pastor impreasedupon his hearers that A God teaches them that they `must {ear -`Him and have respect unto his com- mands.` ' The preacher then made a, if feeling reference to Gain when he slew I. amen he impressed srronglyvupon-_his Abel in the eld. All through his set oonaregation to "Fear-God and the King. He referred to rule. and au- M V thority as very essential for temporal . welfare,,anying that if ;there were no eifgiutncrity there "would be many a poor, j ihelpless A be] slain by the stronger and i `ii rcer `Cain, He said we have duties. I ;;nghjta;and'.`iiherties to discharge to our 1 ellowmen for the misty oi all the'se. rityf is yestedtvini a_el:`ing,'who,w're-ft ~ Crown Hm. Advance Lon-espondence. Neighbors any It you want nut-class our to lake your wheat. to Wilkin- son : Mill. Barrie, to be exchanged or rI.l0de ' ' JMm;V;_ta.,`o'f Cozj- was a success, but because there is no admission charged the people do not come out as well as they should. The `correspondent believes thstif 25 cents admission was charged the house would be crowded, as the addresses were well worth the money, either `in the after . noon or evening. Thefarmers in this locality will surely. reap abundantly as a result of being at this meeting. Scientifi; E);t;cian,V IInaeI.An:N-s onus. s1'oR, RARRIE v. H. M'ac LA_FalEN, ...- .- ,-w- ouvuuauvuu Advance Correspondence. `IT II` 1' uh I A -'> Newton Robmson: AJ_.-..__ l`- ` Midhurst. H I Advance Correspondence. M St. Paul : Church.--.VA, _memoria1ser- I vice will be held and a. special-sermon preaohedzat 3 p.m. in this ohv._u'ch:next Sunday. ` ` ......__ ---- quv-nv vv Iultvlo To-moi-row, (Friday) evening the Ev- erett Literary? and Musical Society will hold its` regular weekly meeting. A debate will take place, the subject being Resolved that money in more use than education. The leader. of the airm- etive is W. R. Alwey, M. D., while Il'..-.51.... -ugll -.-------L 4' euve 18 W. R. Alway, M. Fred Hartley will support the negative. .,' _-vvvv----`U ' _ Although we have had ne weather this winter, we-have had 3 cold snap" recently which has made some of our villagers hungry for wood. Some of them do not like e,"fermer e cord and. have resolved` to burn coelnext winter. Mr. Thos. Galleugher, who has `had a very severe attack of typhoid fever, ia,' we are pleased to say, recovering. A"ILI.-__-L' A--" Everett. _ _ Advano Con-asuondence. A number of our people` are on the hick `lino. ' ` Mr. D; Rowat,Z M133 M. . Dryadale and Miss J, Hamilton, of Hillsdale, spent a few days at` Fain-view farm recently. - A number from our neighborhood en- ` joyed a skate in the rink at Midland- Saturday evening. ' A V -Miss `May an: Maggie English, of eMndla.nd, spent Tuesday the guests of " Mass Bertha Clark. A ` 7 A nets, in spending a few days under the parental _roof.* The annual congregation meeting of the Presbyterian church was held on Tuesday evening of last week. There was a very good turn out of members and adherents, especially on `the ladies part. Rev. H. D. Cameron oiciated as chairman.` The reports of the com- mittees ot` the different departments of the church were read, and all were in . a very satisfactory condition. The new managers elected were Messrs. Edward. Shear, Thomas Anderson and Thomas Campbell. , Mr. George Cowie, `sr., was elected Treasurer. The [question ` of building a new church was freely discussed by the leading members; and_ the general feeling was in favor of a ` new edice. . A committee was appoint- y ed to canvass the congregation for funds. - for the new building. V The ladies of church then furnished excellent refresh- ments, which were very much enjoyed, ` after which all went to their homes 1 .w_ell'satised with their tst congrega ' tional meeting under the new pastor. l'\_ G._4_.'I--- --A - -` - ,_ _ v- --\-1 Joint 1W-cons . % `n A 1 AAA@? i _jj._.___..__.._ - A'n......L-.. - _ -__.L,____ __, 2 ' TRY THEM. E:9P}?__}3}`_9S- g for ion: 3.';z'..~.33t, and our prot. These 1 are the blends we are struck on. 25:13. 35 ch. F 40 ch. % And'5 `l'8. Aquarter of a. cnturv we have been blending corn-:5, 'n'M:ncHANTs, BARBIE. 'VVV'V`VV'VVV'V` ops, - ' Gnu. MQNKMAN. D.-~ H, Mchunn. V I-1] TEA ,,,_ .___..,_-.....u... vuun uuu u1uLuUr' son gave readings. Miss Watson, of Tollendal, also gave two recitations very (acceptably. Lunch was served at the _oloae, and all seemed` to enjoy` them- selves.

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