Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 31 Jan 1901, p. 6

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. -v-q -n- vansvvsw, LVVL "I-Tudor authority of I"nb. H. Act,| P. McLeod was appointed to complete` 2 year term instead of Geo. Campbell as member of local Boar_d. 1 1 `.1 III - -- -v-u-.v-wv-vu V. u.vvv uulllr Uulvvlo On motion of Pesrsall and Cameron the Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders for township printing for the pfesent year, from the Peterborough Times and` printing houses in Barrie and Orillie. ' w-v wry-- - - v . II II` Ivnav Invvvilllili II` .| - Moved by P. McLer d, seconded by D. Cameron, that W; E. Jarrett be the other auditor. On account of Mr. J om-ett not being a permanent resident of Oro the motion was lost. -Q-c c -A- -V -.510 n-vv-avg: v-t-u Ivwli l`w 60 motion of Malcolm and Cameron, Henry Palk was appointed the other !auli`itor. _ * -.. ---- UUI-Vnnvvl u ' On motionof Cameron and Malcolm, that John Harrison be Assessor for 1901, R. Bell. Collector, and Mrs. N. Bell caretaker of town hall. Phat they be notied of their appointment and that a by-law he introduced at next meeting of Council to provide for the 2-enumeration of Township oicere. nu cumin`-inn out `DA..--- A-J pl -----~-- at v Ulvvlvla Uullhvllp "~IE{-:.;<-)1-yu;;E;eared and made an offer for timber on original omaaroad between late 5 and 6, con. 11. - l`-_-__ _2`I__ I`I,__, - , , O . '. 1 puvu v vans V, --I QAI : Councillor Cameron was instructed to inspect timber and sell to the high- estAbidde:j._. ` " ..,- -a.----.. On mot-ioh of Pearsall and Cameron, Robert Robertson was appointed one of the auditors of the accounts of l90Q._ `TICE " i:".'i17if.{1Z;'sL2}2ZLryo'.?1i?5 Board of Trade, asking Council to anpoinc representations `to wait on County Council at `Barrie on Thursday, 24th inat., at 2 30, for the `purpose of con- sidering the maintenance of the leading roads of the County by the County Council, - lI'I'| II are " 8.mS-;;1-'_tz remnnicipal and `as- sessment guide. No action taken. 1) QA-__ -_..--..-J -_.J _-_J - N` vuu-v-- On tnotion of Peareall and Cameron, the Reeve and Councillor Malcolm were appointed. . 13 n C!__..;_. _. __..._:-2_._| _ ,, 1 _ Judge Ardagh. suggesting the in- advisability of making any change in the appointment of Clerk, nnlesa for some good and suioient reason-cer- tainly not on account of the question of salary. . I `D--- 'D-L....L--.. -_L!_.. _ -__;_n2 J. J Ross Robertson asking a contri- bution 'of $10 for Hospital for Sick Children, all the ratepayers of Oro having had the opportunity of giving to this monthly cause. ' Granted. [1 T1` l'I` I. (I. l'\ QIIO 1-: I (3oI1imunimtions- were read from Township of Vesprs sud Township of Flos, giving statement of amounts paid TOWD8hlp Oro in 1700. Also state- ment` from Bank of Tomato, _Bsrrie. showing bslanosin bank to credit of Townshipsion Dec. 31st loss. 2. -n__.n,____ A_____,.s_, u I-3.1:: vs. -rv-u vguv --.--- Ontario Beet Sugar Assoiation ask- ing an expression of opinion` as to the adoption of the industry of manufac- turing sugar beets. No action taken. 'I'-_.`I.._ ...1_._I. ........--L2._._ LL- 2.. County Councillor Campbell called with some, communications for the Reeve and after expressing his pleasure. at again meeting with his old colleagues. with the addition of Councillor Mo Lend, whom he had no doubt would be a. useful man in the Council. He thanked the Council for the help they had given him in his recent content for County Council. C .. ; l iineii "::i:l}tl I`e`. ehanao` _on'Jan... `Mch it`. 11` All the meiii here preeeot; After" edbncti.bin gto decleretion A of property qlue_licatlio'n and of oice, the Reeve tool: the chair end addressed the Council, followed by Councillors Malcolm, Peersall, Cameron and McLeod. `H `J. Tpnnopn Oleui taken as units of enumeration. There will be one commissioner__ for each elec- toral disbrict, and one additional com- missioner where local circumstances re- quire his services. There will also be one ennmerator for each polling snb division where the population is sparse. tint IIICZTIIICI U For Broken-winded Horses. The only medicine in the world that will sto Heaves in three dayi. But for a. permanent cure at require: from one-half to one bottle used according to `directions. $x.oo. Kidne and Acute Cough Powd-`, Dr. McGnhey'e (gndition Powder: destroys worn-e,_puniies the blood, putting horses. cattle and Gllreesn condition: asc. Tekerno other. Sold by 3.,=.M_ A " Ba:,r1o.jnndCook_& co..0ril1h.. (9,-Ry 2 London, Jan. 24.-His Excellency the Governor General, omw. :-Your telegram received of the 22nd January has been'before His Majesty the King, and I have received His Majes- ty s command to express through you and your Ministers hie grateful thanks for loving sympathy extended to him Hand to the royal family by the people .ofiCana_da in the great sorrow. The King is deeply moved by the many kind messages which have reached him from all parts of the Dominion. (Signed) (1L-.._L-..I .:__ What 11 Famous English Physician ha` Accomplished tor snirering . ' Humanity. ' Dr. Arnold's English Toxin'Pills are the only pills in the world prepared under the modern scientic theory of curing disease by destroying the germs which produce it; They act upon the diseased lung. the kidneys, the diseased stomach, the diseased blood. the diseased tissues and membrane. with ten-fold the corrective and curative energy of pills prepared from formulas of the old school of medicine. Dr. Arnold s English Toxin Pills urn n. nnnition nus-n 6.... `I7':.:_-.. Ash, It will be the duty of these officers to `instruct the commissioners concern- ing the work of the census, and the commissioners in turn will instruct. the ennmeratora. There age twelve ache- dules, as againsu nine in 1891. Klngs Message to Canada.` Ottawa, Jen. 24.-The following is 5 copy of a cable received by His Ex- cellency the, Governor-General from Right Hon. Mr; Chamberlain :- ohnberlain. fAMedic_e_1__|__T riuFp _-_ -- vvuvnvtv D]D|IUllI. D13. ,Ar;61&3u: Toxin Plus, the only medi- - cine made that Cures diseases bv kxnig the germs that cause 1t..`ax-e sold bv druggtets 3: '721c(.1a:ox..ea1tnplefb<)rf 253. oz-sen 3` orecenopce The Arnpgld. bphemical Co. Edmlted. Can}: Life Building. 42 R3112 St; West. To- ronto. Booklet sent tree. _ ...........u.-v. us. asuulu B nllll .l.0XIII FHIB are a positive cure for Kidney disease, Rheumatism, l;aGrippe, Asthma. Dyspepsia. Catarrh, Constipation. They eliminate all the poisons caused bv germs, make the blood pure and. increase the vitality by supplying new strength. If yonhave been accustomed to use the old time pills, make a change and after you have once experienced the benets that are sure to follow the use of these fum- ous English Pills, you wili never care to go back to the older and obsolete system. n Aususaddh. fII-_..I_ !\.II'1._ . The work of enuing-aration will `begin- on Monday, April I, and in a great majority of polling subdivisions it is expected thet the work will be through in a fortnight. Provision in also made for the appointment of four chief of- cera for the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and one for each of the other Provinces_ and the Northwest Terri- w- ,:a=.G,eE'*&-Ii?AVE i=FrE: ll :1 IIII nal II.`-.1.- Pow1ey s Liquied Ozone is $1.00 a large bot- tle, soc. small size. All druggists, or from the laboratories-of the Ozone Co., of Toronto, Limi- ted. 48 Colbome St., Toronto. I Ever the remarkable cures of Mr..W. ,G.`M ca_rthy and Mr.` Francis; attention has, obeenrdrawn to Powley s` Liquied Ozone.` The. marvellous` nature of therecovery of both these gentlemen stamped Ozone as being a treatment which was fairly ma`rve1lous in its health giving power. Hundreds cf testimonials have been received sice then; each testimonial can be veried. Read what R; E. Fleming says. Some fteen months ago a friend spoke to me about Ozone and I have truly thanked him ever since. I have suered all `my life from indi- gestion, weak stomach, bilious headaches, and poor, thin, watery blood. - Some years ago, in V fact when a young boy, I had bilious headaches once and twice.a week. and later on in life always had two. severe attacks twice a month. Idespaired of ever getting any relief or per- manent cure. . Fifteen months ago I had a severe attack of Kidney Trouble, suering with pains in, my back, my blood being ina miserable condition. I was weak, had a poor appetite and found it hard to get a good night s rest, hadno pleasure in attending to my daily busi- ness, in fact, getting up in the morning was no pleasure; always wanted to lie in bed, So I began taking Ozone four times and after using afew bottles I found a decided improvement, but always thought that I would suer with bilious headaches and weak stomach for the rest ofmynatural life. After using four bot- tles I found I,was entirely cured of Kidney '1`~roubles, and after using a few more bottlesl found my stomach strong and that my bilious headaches were leaving me, and my blood was pure. Ican faithfully say that at the present moment I am permanently cured and gaining solid esh and muscles rapidly. I take the liberty of presenting to you this, my testi- monial, that others may see and prot thereby if suffering asI was. Believe me, very truly yours. Signed, The Most Remarkable Preparation kndwn t_o Science Powley s Liquified Ozone mayjmwu TREAT DISEASE ~ 1 R. E. FLEMING, 227 George St., Toionto You will be pleased with our goods and prices. which are r_ig'ht. If you are in need of any of the following gave us one trial and satisfv vourself. -roll-1| ware. you will do well to examine our stock of Skates Straps, Hockev Sticks and Pucks. Call and sec th: latest Hockev Skate. It is used by the best players. Sole agents for Copp-`Bros. Stoves and Ranges. If .V0u want a. stove, call and see our stock and prices before you buy. uotcsauu accounts at lowest charges. Current depositors WI" be shown every accom- odatnon. . Four per cent will be allowcd on deposits in Sa\ - ings department. ` WA will I-lav anal-:n` noOAu\O:A- `In ......I.!_._ -t 1.`- _ A : Bells, '. urn I'll clearly 81;! not hurriedly SD03 occupy the following time= 30' Worjll, 1 minute. i - 70-:~:'?d 9 ;mi.t' HAVE YOU TRIED MaeLaren s Perfect Headache Gure. A safe `and instantaneous cure for Headauhe and Neuralgia. Guaranteed to cure. 8-l3 |T. aeaenon & cow In taking over the business of the late rm we re specttullv solicit the patronage of the people of this communit . We will carry on a general up-to-dale Banking usiness. Nntpc Il1;l'|n anchor! at `Auto ...- -l.....L 4.....- ... .1. namnng DUSHICSS. Notes will be cashed at long or short dates. at thr ` very lowest raves or interest. Drafts issued on any part of the world. Cheques on any bank in Canada or United States cashed. V Sterling exchange bought and sold at posted rates _ of exchange. Special attention will be given to the cgllection at notesand accounts at lowest charges. Current dennsitnrg will I-an eh.-um. A.-...... ............ mgs aepartment. We will pay special attention to cashing of farm- ers sale notes. and we are in a. position to handh- them at t e lowest rates obtainable. Mr-new t loan on mortgages. Fire. Life and Accident Insurance. Place of business--oice occupied by late rm. Office hours no to 4. T. BEECROFT, `A- `l'AIlA1`IJn Kq_1;ns_Aun HOCKEY mvms These Tablets are the latest irroduction of medern medical science. They are innitely superior to all pills and similar pljepamuotis, fo; the cure of Indigestion and an diseases of the Stom_ach. Bowels, Liver and K1dne_vs. `For Nervous Prostration and general weak. ness they have no equal. To nervous and delicate wdmn. these Tablets will prove 3 positiveblessing-. - NEW HARDWARE STORE Oonvorutlons ) March lat and '2ndv next. SIMMONS X 60. HATS AND F URS. :6-ly Price, 50c. per box. _Sold by D; H. Ma-' Laren, Druggist, sole agent for Barrie. Long DistanceTe|eghone SPRING HATS I VANILLA. for ice cream. for instance: Baum Powoxn. for cakes. One is a dmg`. of course ; the other a. "chemical"? and there are still otheu-a-SPICES of all kinds. cream of tartar, etc. "rm. best not to c drugs is at a DRUG STOR The ruggist knows more about them then ot_h_el- people. `twee keep 1 good drug` store. Come and ask us abouttliitchen Drugs. Drugs and Chemicals In the Kitchen. 1_Momum's onus STORE V g. DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. Aofda the inupeat and Inaltantaneou _ means of communication Onc`Door East cf the Barrie Hvotgl. 4'2-tf Arriving dnily from Europe. Look out for our Spring Opening, and'2nq J; 0. Mclieggie &' Co. WE HAVE THE BEST D. III. MacLAREN, ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY Mews, Born and Ladies , BANKERS, Iiivlulu-no`:-Ion-5;` _- ARE NOT A PATENT MEDICINE . . . TRY THE CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, % BA 1mm. succlcssons TO -Tl-IE-- MANAGER. Mr. pevnr ll-In hill]:-A east " ' of re viimsg prom `I19 m , 30! gooku run; All Freq iogra 813 In! more omco W88 Dhotc . piece aft: u '5 r0 w cap I! 3| A Tbr was had `tages renliz self, AL- I, a'pe<:c Vhos W88 ;.o;; `very All the is -tell dowl (381110 WOIIN `but I was. Yisinl a mu aervi of! b. A th; the Inn IT than wvnn St!` I ma llnlly satin Cbes made ra_no ervnt iher WON` -Itri v `upon -comp name lheb. `l te(? Strat `ner ( ~01 B ` some sort vb r.y to n" 1 hum n Th more IIIOPQ lug 1! ter b 117 nude IUD that It w nova him Chas bulle cant. ter l lacks bath but drup let h ted .C0u'n `mun . ~v..--I..- ~--- `..`. -av--. You may believe that-,wnen the rt --port spread about there was great ex- _citemnt.V It was generally believed 1;hat_ tho blind man would fall an easy ffvictlm. but even his best friunds said .'tha t he had better die with a knife on '%g_h'is,:-hand than to live In a helpla-as state he rest.of his life. Tn three or mar non: of a Of f. iii; frfn done the I mo} 05 day; Ofth `_n<$i;} 7`t` En; ,:%`* THE AMERICAN LEAFED roawaan LIKE A wuss. . cveniutz approached a re beside which Hines sat alone and threw a package of powder on the blaze. With a leap aside he escaped consequences. hut `Jack Hines `was blinded for life. It was a contemptlble. thing to do. and but for the civil authorities the -M`<~xi- can would have been lynched. As it "was, he was kicked and beaten and bounced out of camp. A day or two `-later. as the girl had gone back on him. be tried to carry her off by force." but I had to `let her go when she stabbed him; Hines depended on her pity in his misfortune. but she. calmly told him that a blind husband would he of no ue to hersnd laughed his tears to "scorn. He had a relative inethe city and was taken in and cared for, while the Mexican crossed the Rio Grande for a time. it was a year later and Jack's old outt and all his friends happened to be in Santa Fe again when Don re- turned. He had grown uglier and meaner in the 12 monthn. We would ` have picked _a fuss with-him and shot him down-, but Jar-k Hines had no soon- 'er heawi of his presence than he said: I111-.." __-- __--_4. -........_... I-.. .g A-gal VVIJVIIV 00 runnuauux . - -u---- -v When we found that he ;ro'u-|' have It so. we carried a challenge to Don : and also asked the authorities to let us ; have a public duel. Some weak objec- f--tions were made. but tbev yielded the point. A tight or some sovt was an .,ho`ur|y Incident. and duels came on` two or three times per week. The -?Mex!-an_`l9.ughed. In derislozr at the i:1d'ea.i but teadily accepted the chal-_ ; lame. 173.. (IS-un.`| nnnni 6`-nn Avnisnlnnnn II I... w. --vs. -. vu --nu by-s--w..-` s----.,- -w Boys, you must arrange for a duel. I shall never restcontent until I have kliled that Mevican." ` . But you are blind. we protested. .`-`Never mind that. 1 must fight him ("and "kill him. blind or not,` and the -A whole of Santa Fe shall look on. ' ,., ,1 AL,-A L- ______I.& l_--__ .:'=.-Av-W T "._h_,%_?{1_'-ales. I wm meet the Americana." he i:t!d. *and I will slice and cut and for m1e,hour by the watch before 1` . iflve him the - finish. The crowd that looks. on will en some of tho f3 j`1'1-st knife may ever shown on min` ffslde of the river. Tomorrow at noon. `eh? I will be as prompt as the sun." I9--- _.`.._ |._ll.__- Al...` _...|.__ `L. __ -1- ,-1 w--v.q---u `aw-`o-,` l'1`woA'men in a aos"L'i1":{:r outfit-e -tell in love with the same girl in` Santa `Fe. V. One was an American` -named `Jack `Hines. and `the other was a full blooded, Mexican who was simply known us~Do,n.v The. girl was alhalf breed. and none. of us outsidethe twolrivals thought. her worth ghting over. I do not think` she really cared for either man, but her gaine '_was"co- - qnette and keep them on the rugged ; edge and make the most she could out of "it. "She received many valuable presents from the rivals. and I know that ` Hines lent her father-v- money which was ne.'er returned. For :1 time the rivalry was :1 RUbj( (?t for joking among us. but When we saw that ei- ther man was ready to y at the oth-_ er s thront on the smallest provocation. the case become serious. They were not only goo men for the outt. each earning the highest wages paid. but they were gauze men. and if they came to,9;ethv-.r nothing was surer than that one wonlrl he killed. A ` `7-'4 vv ---an o nvw Incas: Inc The affair had gone on for seven or_ eigbtmonths before the outbreak came. We were In Santa Fe-." making ready for nistsu-t. east, when the Mexican, mm `A.t;;1l.1.!Sb-`D0031 of Lan%:A11su8t'dar mr p'_fox)f!L'a.~'s many, 9!` .-whom were " slow 3;-l1e5 13!vi`odtb 'tni?f` % %;>nibnt:%~,1.:irlu`s;i my jabs` sneer: 3 %Without doubt the most singular. duel that ever `took place in the United States `occurred at {Simte Fe.` N. M.. 35 yearsngo. It was several years pre- vvlbus to the first Pacicrailroad and while yet esiengv pound of goods going to the 1 a1"west had to be lmtiled across 1 the great plains by` freight wagon or sent around Cape Horn by sea. - 7--g an\n- In. _ fl _4_..._ 0 I1I..l.. _ --LI!L gvovovoiovovoovpvovovovovg ooooo Acuogogo oAoAoAoAoAoAo mm mm HGHLE O -C O . S H365 Hath" tlatv ks`6ws no :g.u.... ~ ;'I`1w joy umouchcd by palm. The light um lies in lov'!.. eyes will nnf .I-ntnru an-uKnv` :`W6rld}y T Aid` some .oH.eamix'1g s lore. "J`h,e lauu~l _tn the vi:-tor ` _ ` Or gold in shining store. ._\I,lV. nan} Quilt. "Co In l\`J\' laq I:.VBI Wlllwnot 'l'l'I.l'&l'l) again! . . _. ` .--`Ernest Neal Lyon in Harper`: Weekly. oonmxaur. 1900.161 9. n. ucwzs. ` , . By IW.-`-uvatd. V Tvvo Famous 0:-qtoxu-I. As was anticipated. a vast multitude assembled from` all quarters to hear the famous orator. `This was the only occasion on which I saw Dr.` Chalmers. The sight was an imposing one. The attitude of. the audience was deeply reverential. and as he gradually gath- ered force andre as he proceeded it was greatly impressed. The scene was ; one for the pencil of the artist--the old ' man eloquent. surrounded by hundreds. 5 of rustic admirers. awed to stillness ' by the magic of his genius. while he himself, energized with mighty pas- ' sion. his face ecked with foam. like ' E i a horse~which has been driven at its utmostspeed. And when amen" was .pronouneedia`deep sigh was heaved, andthe multitude silently stole away ? to ponder on their path and remark in their homes on the unwanted expe-. rlence of the day. ` l'l!L._ -..I_`. -A|.-__ ____-I_-_. 9 a.-__`_____. -v um. -- .~ 5- -...-..v But Biil" had slipped by the collar .-and. was racing down the hall; The ' next thing the cub recognized was that ho was being led out by the ear with a 200 pound menial grinning at him. .Of course he had gone to the wrong man. but he never thought of that and wanted to ght the `C'ity,ed'.0l" on his own terms.-Detroit_ Free Press". u... `C O. - The only other speaker I have seen under the same kind `of excitation was Professor Wilson (Christopher North). Some of his lectures were poor and dry enough. but in others he was eloquent and poetical i a high de- gree. He seemed to spea with, his `whole body. as well as with his whole lsoul. Hiseye. in a fine frenzv roll- ing. burned like 9. ball of fire. and the students sat spellbound under the pow- er of their great teacher. To have seen and heard such men as-Dr. Chal- mers _and Professor Wilson . at their best. and greatest Isa memory to he `cherished. There.were*giants in those days.-T-Scotsman. ' ' 4 The fencing `master had experienced rntherra hard Job in plalnmg to him the usingthe sword. . n\1-.`__ 11-4.10 n_- ;-ng the matter of ex- Avarlous ways ct" AIL ; -n . one sure '1`:-It. ' A An Irishman. more patriotic than clever. enlisted in a dragoon regiment with" the Intention of becoming a gal- lant soldier. ` --u--5 - -v ' Now.~.vP;1";fl`:'o said. how would you ue your sword if your` opponent taint- iedr . . * .. ,,, In --. ._` '.`w-:. . ..- `i-`F'l3Tegorr,1t.".sa1d `Pugh `with gleaming`. eyes. rd just tickle` Mm: with the pom: to, see if he was, :.ahI;uumlnzA!-Pear-I % .. _..';7`.:-g.-_.._.,.~`.---...`- >-.;+r:.I`.-2.4-'1. -'-_*-\-1.` 'fhe gillies and the Johnnies. I want you to give me some high toned hoes talk. understand: something thatfll put snarkles on the column and make the opposition reptiles wrlggle like they I was In a gridiron. n-_4 urunn I__J _u_.,_-_s LA -u_', -,un-,, I 7761?, B}'gEE}?.}:I Give that gut! to, _-i`, - "No," In avbewlldered sort of way, g! was seeing if I could lend some ' little assistance tn the recent attempts at constructing a sr_:ientlc'basls for aesthetics `out of the result of exactl- i mental psychometry." In. 41......` a. run ru_. es... ..__n- L- He Caught the Guy. A ' There are two men of the same name in the directory. One is a learned savant, the other a patron of the turf and'the `pool boxes. who spends very. little time inthe city. The cub re- ` porter. simply because there was noth- 'ing else to keep him from bothering `every one in theoice. was given the name of this man and told to get some good stories out of him about experl-' ences onethe racing circuits. `The cub whistled while he looked up the name- and address. and alrily served notice that he would want a couple of col- umns if he caught the guy at home. a ` He rang and was admitted to -a. fine library. where a_scholarly looking gen- tleman Imd a_ table covered with open `books. A ` V V Hello; old man! I'm from The Even- I mg Yawp.` Looking up. pedigrees, Ihey?" T T uvr- n n_ _ n-__n;_,,-; _;,_. ,1. '-'.'t"_i`{'at"d`i'a"=.T'x:a'1'y ;3aning\:to be ac. membered for all time. From the ` blind. man's `movements no one could` -'have toldfthat he wasfslghtless. For four ve-minute rounds they fought, with only a_ few -triingscratchess on either side, but if there was any ad- vantage It was on the side of the Amer: ican, who had the full sympathy of the a crowd. Mexicans and all.` came ontfor the -fifth round Don wink-_ `ed and chuckled and said it was time he began slicing` ears oif. yinesthad. [him located to, a hair's breadth, and as {they faced each other the American ] leaped forward like a ash, caught the ` knife on his and threw it to the left, ;and next instant. hisown blade had i found the\ heart of the man who had ' blinded him. We who were only five feet away could not follow the move- ment. so swiftly was it made, but it was a successful one and of course `ended the ght.- Hines told me that } during the ght he seemed to see every [move and motion made by the other and from the first felt sure of victory. A public purse amonntgig to over a {on the spot. and about five hundred When they . thousand dollars` was raised for him 1 {was subsequently added, andhe was 1 sent east to some institution and is to- ` 1 day a teacher of the blind -and a man f too tender hearted toklll a fly. i l \ i I *and;ail- chee1'ing`=or 'adv`i_si'ng* was for- hidden. `The blind man. was.-pale fac(;ed} `nnd nervous as the ghtibegan. but" his hard` shut teeth told of the de- tempination in his `heart. The Mexi- can was all bows`and-smiles and con- dence; and as he` was known to beam adept with the knife a.` groan went ,about the cir`cle as the two 3 .epped tor- ; ward to open the ght- I VI`!-ns A..-I --..... .........,a.I_:.._. A- I..- ...- _ Oom .P_a_ul might huge bgn another George Washington ifthings had gone. di"erent;ly.-- Philadelphia Ledger. ` ('\...... D-..I A.-3.. -_.__2_a-_-LI, _,,,n-7 uuncrcuuy.-I ulllllpl ueuger. Oom Paulnds considerable pertinence in the _familiar- innuir: whl-* ex-presi- ` dents shavll do.- Louisvill Gourior -}i;ournal. p _ -- um upnuonn unv- Kruger would have held amore honor- ed place in history it, after plunging his people into war; he had remained to share with them the fortunes of defeat.--_ II.` P ' a In ' n -> - ,Y_9ik Trihwnies --vs--u v anus; \l\IUILlI-l U Ilutlluln Mr. l'{ruger s first trek mzirked tho toiundatiou of the Transvaal. and his last marks its (all. More than any other rul er or statesmau`9f his time. he has been able tof say; ?`;`l`lge'_v .st._a.t_- _itf_is l. . -r-New Miss Mary E. Wilkins is to be married to a Metuchen (N. J.) physician after an engagement `of nearly ten years. Now we know why some of Miss Wilkins love stories were so long drawn out.-- Chicago News. g_.o. . 1.- sag.-vs-av - vs: II People who!-zhdught Count von Walder- 1 see was going to inaugurate a` crash or ; matter and a wreck of worlds as soon as ; he got to `China are beginning to crawl \ out from under the beds. ] Spain. has only 11.500 miles of railway. while France. or about the same area, has 36.000.- _ T -u-no vvyvvvv The street railway companies or Alle- % ghany, Pa.. are required by ordinance to ; equip their cars with jacks for use inw lifting the vehicles from the bodies of -persons. who may have` been run down and pinned under the wheels. _.__. r ..._v... _-.-v- --v 1- ans-van: A member of the board of general di- rectors ot the Royal Saxon railways has invented a new device for the consump- tion of smoke given off by locomotives. He claims_ that it is almost perfect. whether` the locomotive is moving or standing still. A locomotive using this `new invention and being worked to its utmost capacity saves in one month 28,- 600 pounds of coal, To equip a locomo- tive with the device costs about $25. -5-u--a - -yous.-uvv yuan The appointment of General Weyler as captain general ot'_ Madrid has caused a large number ofemineut officials to re- sign. The general pnsseisses all his old time populm-ity.- ' II'`!__ II _.._._ I'.I IYVII1 - v . u ' I n c vnauu During the trial trip of the__ warship Wisconsin an officer jocularly remarked that Irving M. Scott had Cramps." And Scott didn't feel very bad about it, either. -San Francisco Call. a 1 .--.._. _.w-. u.-., ..--u. `pint--.l\4u All queens" with de_fective wings, `so that they cannot y. should `be destroyed. as they will prove drone layers. In I-_'__ ___- 2.. Make a good entrance. to every colony of bees. A good plan to do this is to spread sawdust in front until it. is level with the entrance. V ' `It is" important to arrange the brood a nest in all the colonies before cold weath- er _sets in. The cluster of bees should oc- cupy the center or the hive, wlth the hon- ey around "them"; Now we will proceed to show Sir Thomas Lipton the difference between yacht racing and pork corners.-Was! ington Post`. I\.__.S__. LL- L_!_I ;._!_. _A .0 IO ..- ._.,, .. ...-... ...V._... ..._, ...... It bees are in proper condition in the fall when played in winter quarters, very little work during- the winter will be re- ` quired. . * `ILL, , 1 . . - wc--v Irv woo`; -up nu llunvo It is not protable to keep a colony that has a detective queen. T\ ..... _. 4.I._ ..___- _,a L1,- __-.. ." _ - :- _.__. -_.- ..v..~- `aw-rub:-I nu vvvno "i4'A.` _c-ll properly de;velopevd- and of full size is`sVu_re to_ produce a well developed % queen. . V T,_ .7` ,.a .1 -- - - u _.`. .. ...... -V--ye. ` More bees are lost on acount of bad ` food or none `at all during `the winter than from any other cause. ' All ,' , ` When honey grianulatesw. it is pretty; safe to say it is pure. 1.. .__L -. . , n u 1 .--.- now... an \A\aL\-\nblv\u uiuuuuo Decrease the size of the entrance to the hives when the honey season is over. . ` 1 1 u c a - `Q uuuu one In selecting the queen use one that is very prolic. The best looking is not al- ; ways the best. " \f,`,,, I, 4 Gardner. the Boston society woman, popularly known as Mrs. Jack `Gardner,. has denied the report that she `purchased on knew the whereaboutseot the Madonna of Botticelli. which belong- ed to Prince Chigi of Rome, and which that prince is said 'to have sold to a for- eigner, Italian lnwforbids the sale of any work of the old masters to persons living outside of Italy. __.. .-.--.-u v- \. vnnwuavuuwu |.I.I\iLIlo _ T Mme. Adelina Patti (Baroness Rolf 1 Cecierstrom), who recently received from the king of Sweden the order of Literis et Avtibus" for giving her services at :1 c`-harity concert which she `organized at the Royal Opera -House". Stockholm. was also the recipient before leaving the city of the king s and queen's photographs, hearing theautograph signatures of their majesties. ' 71- 1-: c .- -n I-`n;-w people have a good word to_say for a London tog. but among the" tew is Mme. Modjeska. Her rst acquaintance with the phenomenon so interested her that she ordered her carriage and went for :1 drive in the park that she might have the pleasure of seeing the weird ef~ `feet. of people andjcarriages emerging from the mist which enshrouded them. AIII vs v...-.. .3... any V- we-v vvunnuag Mrs. Ballington Booth ihasfundertaken :1 great work in the- care `or discharged pa-i.=.ouers.- `During six weeks the past mnnxor she addressed 26 Chautauqua :::1tlu.~rings.'- at one `of which 15,000 per-. mus were present. in seven di"erent estates. She has already 50 lectureen-A ::;2:rurne1)ts made for the winter up to n~xt'Mzn-ch. ' ' of the hdelheghtes. the representa-9 tivo -of Georgia. at the convention of` wholesale druggists at Chicago was a v.-uman-.\Irs.' Fannie Lomur Itahkiu. .`:`.h'. is the only woman member of the association and is largelf interested in .~'m"eml big wholesale drg rms in va- 3 rinus parts of the country". \_... r'b-n2___._., 1--_,.u, u - . - Rose..;4 .... gz-ontestjaid to her husband in his liter-` any work. V V `At `ti1ejantiu'al distrib`ut`i_on;ot awards at '1`:-iuity college; England, Miss 8. Alice I-`ishreceived the gold medal. It has not been awarded in two. years, as none of the musical compositions were considered suiiicientiy good to. merit it. Miss Fish also took the medal for harmony. tL.'............ tv..n.. --4: TTa._l. u.__ _--., ,- - - gnu---~ vvvwn so-Ir I-Iv`-ID` I-VI IIIBIIIIIIIIJU . Governor Wells `of Utah has appointed Mrs. Emma_-J. Mcvicker to ll the va- cancy" caused by the death o`tDr. John R. Park. state 'supe1'intendent of public in- struction.` The appointment lasts until next January.`when the candidate cho- son at the coming election will take pos- session` of the oflice, PERT PERSONALS. RA|LX\i/TAYT `rues. BEE BUZZES. 7 L'3`.`_U'-- The Dominion `Census I The next Dominion census will be taken on Monday, April 1 next. This is also the day xed for taking the census of Great Britain and Ireland. All persons who are living at midnight on Sunday willbe counted. .The cen- sus: will be taken by name, andaooord ing" to the dejnre system. 'l`he/country` gill be Vglivided `into: census "districts, i!i!;!i':~insat;-I far at li9ni51'th e 91?` `W":`9`?` I? ?h???;`,?T'?t`a"'f l The Clerk to notify Chas. Shaw to provide during the present winter sui cient timber for bridge on line between cons. 1 and 2, and to go on with the contract as soon in the spring as possible, as per agreement with Council last year The Clerk to notify Charles Moore, Con. 13, Oro, to lay down his fence north of Ridge Road so as to prevent snow drifts there, and that he will be allowed for his work on statute labor, 1901. ` ' -The following accounts ...;.e ordered naid 4: Exnenses of ~ municipal _ election 1901, $72.00 ; Geo. Campbell. `assisting with statement, 1900', $2.00 ;_Clerk_snd '1`reasur_er,. I postage account 1900, 822. K .I:__..... _J L: Adjo4ur'n`e-d co ndxt, at 1'03.-m, W ' .7`? `I Z ` _._ __...__vv- -- ovvv-u now I `On mbtion of McLe;&'a.and Cameron, Dr.W.H.Clutton was appointed M.H.0. and Gao. Malcolm,`Sonitary Inspector for 1901. . 1 On motion of `P6811811 and Cameron, the Clerk was further instructed to ask for tenders for 200 cedar logs for bridges and culverts, `to be received up to and on Feb. 2nd, next. nu, _ tn 1 -.-v-V .' The :v:;vlnstructe:l to order 8 copies of Municipal World for use of. Council andoioers, 1901. ' TT__I-.. -__LI_ ___2L__ ,5 '7

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