J. S` Whittaker, _of Toronto, was in town last week. ~ Some people think that the But the old geographies tell us Some neonle think that we can: g} DIRECT ||\/IPORTERS. s ` % IIIII e-yea;-T February Ladies Home Journal. 100 pairs Women s Woollen Hose, regular price 18c., during sale at l2c. per pair. 25 Mantles on sale now at Half Price. The entire stock of Flannel and`Lustre Blouses at Cost Price. 500 Remnants of all kinds, including Silks, Dress Goods, F lannels, Cottons, Sheet- Aings_,ePrints',_Flannelettes, Ginghams, in useful ends, of the Brightest and N ew- est Patterns, Prices will be cut at least a Third and in most cases the /Rem. nants will be marked forusmart selling at about Half the regular price. The January White Goods Sale vuuuwlunll rulcllng we address I . Horton made the. pruentntiom SARJ EANT &. SMITH, i ersonal N ews. This year has been the biggest. in our experience. We know that prots Were 'smaller,. but prots don t count this month.d Sales and low stocks must tell the story at the end of J anuary._ Meanvghile great Bargains will be continued throughout the month. Odd lines of Whitewear left from the sale are still sold at bargain prices. ~ i ` To all to whom these presents shall come :~--Greetings : Whereas it has pleas- ed Almighty God to call to His mercy our late `Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria of bles- led and glorious memory, by whose decease the ImperiaLCrown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and all other her late Majesty's dominions is solely -and rightfully come to, the high and mighty- l Prince Albert Edward of Wales I, the said Sir Gilbert John Elliot, Earl of Minto, Gov- ernor General of Canada. as aforesaid, aaaleted by Her Majesty s Privy Council for Canada, and with their hearty and zealous concurrence. do therefore publish and pro claim that the high and mighty Prince Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, is _now by the death of our late Sovereign of happyand glorious memory become our only lawful and- rightful liege Lord by the style and titleof , E ward the Seventh, by the `grace of God J king of" the United Kingdom of Great Britain Illidlreland, defender of the faith, to whom: ,`a r,e.due all faith and constant obedience. ~'__W`_Ih'I hearty and humble aection ; and It 'dcrherehy_i-equire andcommand -all `persons. {ihcmaoever to ;yield obedience and, ;govern:} `~".tlifsniaelves accordingly, heseeching; God,` by.` and Queen: do `reign, to} bless viv- -I` li?.rin9f``E`s1wsrn '.tIh. ietsmh W'i&.h? .3l!!veY ~9&t9ft9.`1'-i xovor _ der my.;? 1ha ;,:%`i,nd,ggeaf *1: " ti:-dd `lg_ Here are some of the Bargains for This Week : H aume Minto. Canada, ; By hiaExcellencv the Right Honorable Sir Gilbert John Elliot, Earl of Miuto and Viscount Melgund of Melund,Countv of Forfar, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. Baron Minto of Minto, County of Roxbnrvh, in'the Peerage of Great Britain, Baronet of Nova Scotia., inight Grand Cross of our most dietin juiuhed Order of Saint Michael and Saint I..1`:}$orge, etc , etc., Governor-General of Unn- ` n:- ' . mom QUEEN` TO KING. The great length of time whiohhas elapsed since the advent of a new sover- eign makes the attendant ceremonies "possess unusual interest. The oicial proclamation in the Canada. Gazette read as follows :-f By.nommand.nHa`nryr" (nnl;n;n;`jT_(}'nptnin And A.D.G , Acting Governor-General : Seo- rotary. Government House, Jan. 23, 19013, King Edward VII Proolaimed. His Majesty in proclaimed King in thnen {allowing t.erma:- . 111-0 . 9 15, , I 0 1-: Hie` Excellency. the -Governor-General, has received with the deepest regret the news of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. -communicated to His Excellency In the following cable from the Right Hon- - arable the Seoretarv of State for the colonies: !London, Januarv 22. l90l.--Deeply regret to inform you that the Queen passed away - It 6 30 this evening. (Signed) Chamberlain} Sllblcribera now in arrear for three months and our yvlll be charged $I.:o per annum A ` - ~'No new name will be added to the Subectiption. Inlet until the money is paid. A I1 perA1mum m . Advdmce. lvulpt `Bl COl|CC'Il0Il Ella QCIIVETY IIITOUEKIOIII INC win. here are eight schools `one Separate). em- _ ploylnj thirty-one teachers; twe ve churches, three Iokly newspapers, one commercial college. every gal ill market day. machine shops. planing nulls. grist ll. law mills. marble cutters. bicycle, works. [boat builders. tannery, breweries, ten butcher shops, sever- ll Int-class hotels with reasonable rates. threeliveries. thus laundries. one creamery and all other modern Goavenleuces. Stores are numerous and carry full OI of all lgmds of rstgclass goods. com etition is u and prices are as low as in acity. elegra h illld day and night telephone systems connect 1; e town with all places near and distant. Barrie is fast mmg a favorite resort with summer tourists. THE; `NORTHERN ADVANCE nuur:L wzsu-:v. PROPRIETOR Ina IIWUIIIUKB IITU IIKHIISCI WI! gas or elgc` trleity. '._l`he waterworks and_ sewerage systems are Very emcxeut and gn-ovxde spg-mg_ water. good drain- age and relnable re protection m every art of the town. Barrie is a ra.n_lwav centre for ntral and Northern Ontgno. Thirteen` assergger trains arrive and depart da.1ly.- The pests, servnce rs all that can be desired; th1rteen_ made an.-we daily; there is gotnpt foetal collectnon and delivery throughout the one nlnvln thh-hunnn tnnphnre 9 turn us nhnn-has ulu-pa . .3551. is beautifully situated on a. picturesque V n. overlooking Kempenteldt Bay. an arm of Siincoe, nine miles long and from one to three _r II broad. and one of the prettiest bays in Canada.` ` at summer boats ply daily to and irom neighboring Illlilnor resorts and parks. The population of Bar- do is 1.000. Streets and sidewalks are first class and hllidlome residences are nuirierous. `Streets, public juildingl and dwellings are lighted with gas or elec- The waterworks and .m.-:....+ arid nrnuidn Ans-inc water, annrl drain- A Brace 48 Column Newspaper.` I [I Publinhad from the Office, 123- Dunlop Stfeet Barrie. in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- T - vince of Ontario. Canada, every Thursday Morning, by 1`nvo11;sT ;h;uld aecugo a Rand-MN Guido Ind Hand Book--Issued monthlv. . AKJL, All ,.I,-,, A,,-',- I\_`I,, _, I iwuno PARIS 1900. . ~ . an;ui Annaunank. 1.3: 1.31., 7.56 mm.-, 9.37 a.m.. 11.15 mm! 80" poms, P-mu 8-O0 pom: ~ - ALLANDALB TO BARBIE. Ttdnuluvo Barrieior and strive hunt the Ilintulontioncd places as follows: . Ion. O TORONTO. non. ' - I` - _. neuron: 153 n_gn_ ` ` Tho cvoningxpreu lea.vcITo1-cutout 5.20. '03- IUKULV 1 U. "sun. 1 J8 an Ex ms. `(.58 pan. j l? Pomo `nu `om! I185 `pan *Atlantic 8: Pacic-Ex. 8.58 pan. 3 HAMILTON. 1Igv-no-cu, nu-v --u-on on. 5-0: mm-. 7-55 9-mu we p-m '76'.aL'.' '5.Y1'5aTeT{-ail; }5ai'.1Ze",S Sunday. ,S_'l'U DI(')-, 32 DUNLOP. STREET. Ilol mm. . mnu. 0 in pan 3.00 pan. - Ex ten. 4 7.55 am! A PEN TANG. .15 mm. Accommodation. 5.88 gun I 00 pan. Accommodation. Q 7.56 mm `ALLANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. .IAF|RlE RAILWAY `GUIDE. Amman: PORTRAITS. -u-uvv--up LcoLL (ism TOWN or BARBIE. Tums or Sunscrurrxox. %\iWi\\I ` Z. Ann: `:2. Inna-In .u.x5 a.m.'. 11.5 I-I1I. 9.09 pm. 11.38 mm. 50 p.30 mm. D57 Ghathum is to have a sugar factory. `A New York firm of bankers will take "half thoiatock which in to be about; $475,000. `The sugar will be mann- f:otured,fiom sugar heavy, which grow. -;3pall__ip` thy vicinity-`oi Ohathdmg. It in-- A > i j in '""b*= Amongst -the principal losers are: Board of Trade, estimated $500 000. insured for 8%-150.000; J amen" Uoriutine It 00., $400 000; Salvermsn & B,ou|t.e,r, $300,000; H. 8; A. Nelson,-`$150,000; Oqnuceln Suk 00., $60,000; B. Lgvin 000., $100,000. Propertv to the Amount of $3,000,000 . Destroyed in the Heart of the City. Montreal, Jan. 24.--Last night the whole block `bounded by lot. Peter, St. Sacrament, St. Nicholas. and: St. Paul etreeta waewiped out by the moat `diu- aetrous fire that has ever visited this city. The magnicent Board of Trade building, valuedlat half a million dol. lara, and over a dozen big warehouses, with their valuable stocks, are in ruins, and the total loss will be about $3 000, 000. 0 V ' ` ` vvv The re started shortly after eight o clock in the wholesale clothing estab- lishment of M. Saxe 5; 00., at the cor ner ot Lemoine and St. Peter streets, in the business heart of the city. The ames jumped across St. Peter street,` and by midnight had laid low the whole block. ' A . the rink. The west light nearest the .in a friendly, home and home contest. It is to be regretted that the sporting editor of the Examinershould see (it now_ that the Barrie Hockey Club is out of the game, to say unkind things of the Ontario `Hockey Association, that body whom we all agreed to place ourselves under, and who, "this year,` have governed with a just and fearless hand, and ought to receive the warmest support of all clubs playing under their jurisdiction. This is not the worst feature of his report of the Collingwood- Barrie game here, but the statement regarding the xing oi the lights is en- tirely untrue, as the following account will `prove. The Barrie club have play- ed in Collingwood for a number of years with incandescent lighting and no objec tion was raised, except to the size of the rink, but this year in addition to the old. lighting we had two are lights placed in Barrie goal was put out by a lift from the Collingwood defence, andthe game was stopped. It was ` satisfactorily agreed between Capt. Smith and the Collingwocd team to play out the bal- ance often minutes of first half, and that Collingwocd should have this goal for the whole of the second half. This arrangement gave the Barrie team any advantage there was in lighting by at least twenty minutes. The lights re- mained the same from this out, so the statement that the lights were xed when Collingwood defended this goal is untrue and in the interest of the preser- vation of that good feeling existing be- tween the two clubs, it should not have been made. Similar accidents ` have happened in_Barrie, when the rink was put in darkness, when perhaps at goal for Uollingwood might have been scored but not a- word was ever said. I trust 'hat our Barrie friends will accept the result as we ,,did in Barrie, with good grace that is characteristic of _ good sports andthat we may meet again this year In the meantime we ask their support and good wishes that the championship may come to the County of Simcoe and the Northern District. ' ' Iam yours truly, - H. D. `AnNor.n.` T Mgr. c..H.c. i _ , stanceivby :dnth9rttIei is~1hiu j itive-tigitiohs J ,I5'6'iis: '.glvjenel access to` the and ~'r`epoi rtal aided in_i_nI _yct_i#ng ths_vworkings of; the system.~ ' `Mr: `Ross visited.- Carroll. `County Maryland,whsre thssystem -is in full operation, and from the experience there he believes that rural free de- liveryof mail can be "successfully estab- lished in many sections of the Dominion. At the outset 63 of the 94 fourth-class pcstoices of the county were abolish- ed, being unnecessary under the free delivery system. Covered xvaggons, which were fully` equipped `postoices `on wheels were sent` over the country.` and these, besides doing the business of a money order postoice, collect and deliver mail at the houses of patrons. Carriers on horseback serve on an average 408, families, and the waggons over 800. Since the establishment of the system the postoice business has increased greatly, and the system is said to be more economical than the old service. Receipts rose in three .mcnthst_rom $6,327 to $7,930. 'vas`1gt: ff.` .'1`ha.t Gdllmgwood Game. Editor Barrie ADVANCE,-- BIG BLAZE AT MONTREAL. fliwtauzgrmrv announces tzhat Tatockhold-M` on on presenting thoircortioatol of Stock up his glqrq,--iTAwil1-lgoooiyq gllvidond --- ww n--3v|nv|w; The Shareholders expressed their grati- cation. at such a. prosperous state of affairs and foruhwnth passed the report. The same Board of. Directors was re elect ed. Mr. Radenhurar bemg chosen no 611 the place of the late F. E. `P. Pepl,:r._.. A`; A "`Innrnsn- n-.--A.L_ _. 'I\ rnuigv In mu: saw 1.`. In. L . replcel`. _ Subsequently at a. Directors mashing, Dr. Mgcnrthy was appointed President, ,Mr. Diok1nnon.rSAa,ore'.nry; Mr. George Haiku, [Treunrerp ` ' fl . ,'llI|.- u-~__---.'__ L, -~ -` he Treasurer : statement showed a bal- ance on hand of $663 06, and, the nancial affairs of the Uompuny being in such a. proa- .pci-cus condition. the Directors felt juatiud which being paid there would remain a small balance on hand for contingencies. in declaring B dividcndof 8 per cent.. on I The Shareholder: nn......| .i.4:.. ......m I uunu unusual. 5 not uuuuu. Dr. McCarthy, the President, read the Directors report, which `presents a very good showing indeed. He stated that dur- .ing-th_e last year the roof of the main build- ing was repaired. but there still remains to to, be repaired the roof of the curling rink. which the patrons of curling nd fault with, from its leaky condition which spoils the ice. The past tenant of the hockey rink, Mr.` Penstone, paid up all his rent in fuli, and the rent from the present tenant is as good aspaid. .. wean mama of stmeee Acrieultural Joint Stock Co y--Shareholdersf Meeting. The annual shareholders meeting of this `Society was held, pursuant to the statue. on Wednesday, the 23rd instant, at the Council Chamber .-at 2.30 p m., when a number of Shareholders attended. V 11.. ll-n--.I... -.- H -' - 9 The Conservatives of West York` have vohosen Mr. Henry Duncan to contest that riding in their interest at she z:exl:- Provinoml elections. ',The ietter carriers of Toionto have petitioned for an advance of 20 per cent `in their wages. _ % I Gu1seppiqVer.di, the oeleorated Italian composer, died at Rome on" Sunday morning in his eighty`-eighth year. ` -_x_-_I I, I . , _,__' __n,-w- Jvnnlu . Montreal had another re on Friday H morning which destroyed nearly $300.- 000 worth of cheese inD._ A. -Mc- Phereon & _ Oo. s warehouse. An enjoyable dancing partv was held at. the residence of Mr. J. Fennell on Friday night, 25th inst. `The vio- liniste were Mr. Jerry Sonic: and Mr. Frank Craig. The guests thorouizhly enjoyed themselveaas parties are not numerous around here this winter. , Fire destroyed `propZeV1V't;0y to th ex- tent of $40,000 in Berlin, Onc., on Saturday{ r_-~~---- We the glad tb hear of the recovery of Miss Annie Redfern who was sick with scarlet. fever. ' ` Big Bay Point. Advance Correspondence. Two of. Mr. W. Irvin's children` have the scar- et fever a9.-present. ' 111- 11.. - 56..` Eef 3? "die \7s7ooEe3c1'"c3$1 '53: Many others might be named who left the 5th class of our school and succeed ed well. Some of our girls of Class V, also hold good places here, end else where. I tell you it pays to keep a fth class in public schools where it is reasonable so to do. A very good example of it is found in Mr. Key, the present principal. who was not very long ago in the fth class of the school he now` presides over. i . . ' . I ` . n_. ' 'a.WellandL nan Wears Turkey Feathers _ for higueanneaa. Neighbor! say If you want tint-clan Flour totake your when to W1lk_In- uouiv: 1:111. Barrio. to be exclnnzqd or `I I` C u ' Mr. J. Albert KeyWis7'sncceeding_ad- mirablv as principal of our school, and so is Miss Dora Rich as the assistant. `It is a pity more do not take advantage of the work '.'of Class V of the public school course, for A `tne benets would` be great. inafter years. Your corres- pondent wculd like to see some in every home have ambition enough to go farther than the entrance examination for the result would be a more intelli-c gent and a better class of citizens. In addition to this a desire might be roused to go farther, and become such as Dr. V. A. Hart, Dr. F..J. Hart, Dr. J. E. Drury, Prin. John McLeod, of Grenfell; N.W.T., Prin. E. Newton Jory, of Renfrew Model school, H. E. Jory, in. anrance agent, Barrie, and John H. Neva, teacher, and new partner and non `QIVIIII A: `LA mA_.I_L--I_ l`-_.-_` I`- nut _Welh`na; yaata1;n name his home ..ngniht_las t _lwe_ek'.and treated to a coat-of tar and feathers `by the indignant .citis%_ens.l Hie treatment-of his orphan sister was the cause, Of this somewhat ancient and unco`mfcr'ta:ble'-..t usage. _ A` short timeago Peter and his wife quar- tered themselves onthe sister- e premises uninvited, and proceeded to make things unpleasant for her. It is said he had, by means of threats, induced her .to make over her propertv to him, and it was to prevent his getting her to sign the papers next day that he was called out of his house, decorated with feathers and invited to leave town instanter. Net!` _nnt_nnil_v enough took strong objection to these tokens of regard and left town vowing vengeance. - Some of the most prominent citizens participated in the affair and may be summoned to appear in court. .Msny are indisposed on account of a mild type of le gt-ippe. W. J. White was onev of the chief sufferers, and his daughter, Miss Willa. Rev. .01. Kelly gave us all some gtbod deae on Sunday evening -last. Heia holding special services` at Rugby this week`. __ T The VMet.hodist. Suziday school entr- tainment was 3 fair success. _,____ I J A_:.__'13_. Adunde Cdneupon deuce. General News. - .-_-. woo-n -v-nave III AIJUlIUI'llIolio The West. aidere held their oyster supper -in connection with school section No 13. on Wedneadry lest Jan. 23rd, at Messrs Rose l2ch line After an excellent supper a good programme was given, consisting of speeches from the chairman, 8 Hindu and" A. Prim- rose, A Creswicke. and F. M Montgomery, and songs from'J. Henderson and Geo. Hit- born of Barrio, A Primrose of Minesing and -100. Johnson.; GrenfeI..- Mr" A: Montgomery was chenpresenudi with-on aoId_ lockeynnd :ohein... Mr-' - CI`!Vik9%;f9 .',h.`.I./.V->, .,*-WY ` _ --- v-. ---- `an.-us uavlal IUUO i . Kerfoot. Miss Flouio Kerfoob and Miss Mary Kerfooc; of Minasing apenbjSun- davwith Mr. and Mrs. J. Molhrmot. A ' 'l`I-3. I11... _:.I.__ 1 I1 .- I Among` those drawimz logs to Campbell : saw mill are: W Hqwsrd, Geo. Saadon, W. -A. I-Ierronand Uhu. McBride. Mn` 3. wmie and Miss Maud Teaadaio, Josephine, spent Sunday with Miss Bells Young. V ' as ,. - -- T 1 _ I Misses Bertha and Mabel Dickey, of Shroud, paid Mrs. West` Scott a short visit last week. ___---- v---: `Inn KIWI-IKIK , , , ,. yo Miss Annie Gibbinp, ot lnnial, is spend- ing afew days with Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Bishop.` Grenfel.` Advance Correspondence. Mrs. John Cepeland is ill. 1 Mrs. Jno. Sheerd is on the sick list. Miss Mary Lennox is home from Graig- vale. V VA. Lewe will run Mark Web_b e engine I this winter. V Jno. Muir shipped a cu-load of pail vrood . to Newmerket last week. ' I Mr. 9. nd Mre; Thee. Parr, of Jdeeplnine , : visited friends here on Sunday; ' I 113... A.....:.. n:|.|.:._._ -1 n The Clock by Which We Set All Our Watches." The Buffaloes of Goodnight Ranch, A Woman to Whom Fame Game After Death, The Life of the English Girl, are features of interest in the February Journal. The last of The Blue River Stories, appears and "The Story of a Young Man is nearing its conclusion. while "The Successors of Mary the First increases in humorous interest. Is the Newspaper Oice the Place For a Girl 2" with opinions of editors and! newspaper women. The Problem of the Boy, The Trying Time Between Mother and Daughter, and many others make up an {excellent number. Bv The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadel- phia. One dollar a vear ; ten cents a copy. Miss'Reed of Barrie, has taken charge of primary department of the Masznetawan public school and is giving good satisfaction. --Burks Falls Beacon. Miss A. Spry has returned from visiting in Montreal and Toronto. Muss `Hattie has gone for a. visit with frifnds in Tomato and Hamilton. oo1;:`5o1.;;.;.;oo;i; iooooojoa .1, Toronto last i week after spending some time with her daughter. Mrs. McKeggie. cheques. By resolution of the Board, no dividend can be paid unless this certicate is produced. Mr. Artlftitzatten, of Collingwood, was in town on Monday. :3: . rs . 1!" _i1I'1'-.-i?..-A. Dutton, of Peterboro, was in town this week. _.-mp} gap 01. our .h0l'(1 one tnouaana nine ` ibiylfad-add -"one, andin the first you` of his` ' Winn; < ' ` - ' r" (smud): W. sew,