AMONEY -r LOAN. 5 and 5% per cent. on Mortgage. LOUNT & LUUNT ' Barristers. Barrie. 32-ti. Opposite R. R. Station` MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUE-R. ENNo_x, ARDQGH. COWAN_ _& BRUWs:;_ Ban-1.t_era , _5olu:uon t_ox; obtannmg pnbatcml wuh. guardunshm und admnmstrauon. and #39 .\nlnm'tnn:. Nannies. L.onve.a.nccr>. etc. Noun-ies,'~g,onv. yanccrs, etc. Oises Bank `Io:-onto Building. Barne. Branch Uioe. F30 nun:-p Ilasnnv tn l-ua. at BRoKOVaK1. Barriuera, soxacizon-. QTRATHY & ESTEN. ` Rn Barrie. Money in sums of $3,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 mt rant- H. H. STRATHY. Q.C. - )R.H]; 0. SMITH, L.L-.P.S., 0nt., (late of Drs. rvic & Stmth, Orillia.) Omce and residence rnrner nf (`won and lfnllu-r an-not: Hnrrh! aa-lv W}; ext.end"onr sympathy to Mr.` nnd Ifu. John Johnston, "The Balsaml, In the loan `of .their infant son, James Idgar, on Monday. Jan. 14th, aged 4 uonbhu._. ` ` ._.-- T. i3ANTING; Clark County of Simeoe, w.iil I be at his oice. at the Court I-ln..=.. n....:- EWSON & CRESWICKE. barristers, Solici- f Judicature of Conveyancqrs, etc. ._'_'._________..__..__._.__.________' ' ___ _ ICCARTHY, bOYS 8; MURCHISON. Barris- ..... Q.>.m~ir..ra Czuwevancers. etc. SUCCESS- KM. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister Solicitor, \T)sbaou A00 MA-Inll tn lnnn- T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs Block. Allandale. 011 the premises at night. |Q-|II `.`&"$.'::=.'.:~e-..--A-.-.-I 'Xu1' Soliitor._P actor. I?onr'.-,.. I `anions Q nab! ftt Rn. C18` ` m :_-:_-+4 A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. Solicitor in Chanefyn Conveyance: etc. . J3... 3....-'nwa-_n street. over Bank of! Com- MONEY To LoAI_~n. n_........s ..l. __S.._.. L. MONEY TO LOAN. _ _ g_____ _______- _1` I1}, . nunmurvnns. .__:_:.:-.._._.-__._.-.--j 1srm.|._ANnot1s. MONEY TO LOAN. FINANCIAL. D. C. _ Muxcmsox. Pu! SILIANS. 0FFlClAIn. .. .. nuuavunn 1 I UFISAKKIE tion. in good Homes. a number nnadian children. boys and girls ~_m_g.re7u|u-d to Oomlmmicntn um. DIM` I 45-13!- Maire. John and Fred. Richardson ltbynded the bpnqut in Barrie on the '_17h, in honey of Premier Rona. In '6 ti utl . 11':'1oc7:."53.3L' 2115, U: \lll 43-1) wt. nitric. 1* "o Geo. Ball. lI'$I . W. MACPHERSON. san. Unwcs--Da.rnc_ -Bank of Toronto 543' J. C. Bnoxovsxx. Iuy pit- street. V` Mines` Annie Richardson "and J. A. Ilriok, of the B.0.I., spent Sunday at their homes hore._n l\IIaI4 1-ly 35-lv IUCIIIJI: 33-I |menise%iia"mt Anuucz" IBBIUT notice. Canad' B ch .03; M"5'N'r'AL_ ' I r,nMrIu-`(gird 95355; A vauaqun nrancn Head Office. MONTREAL. LONDON, ENGLAND M. C. HINSHAW, SAM. J. PIPKIN. Branch Manager * Manager. on ATLAS.. . - ASSURANCE COMPANY. CI-1501!. $,ooo. Founded I303 Application form: furnished and rates quotcd 59 GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. N-IV A Barrio Ont. Office in Bothwelfs Bloci .\ _ We have unchued and reopcned_ the B3|""` S I . Io Dunlo street. vmh the lam` adorn I58 all 6 of work. P3T' ADCCC 01' 83883 nouns IN uws'rnY. and W` at hour door. l-PEOUA lo 0139335 `(EBA D THE SAME DAY- Roan new Block. south side Dunlop meet out of the Post umoe. 8-Iv The security todepobitors in a Loan Co'y is un- doubted. There is no instance on record Where! devoaitior has ever made a loss bv a Loan Co ! Mien Belle Firth, of Barrie, was the `heat of Miss Jennie Richardson for e few deye last week. ' L J. GU13 V/ER WELL S_ Lanjcutting and Shaving % arlor rOPPD81'l`E_ mumm no-rn:L. SUBSCRIBE? CAPITAL, 4 Per Cent. Intel-on Paul on Doponu The Security for Depositora in 3. Lou: Company is undoubted. um . STEAM LAUNDRY v W h \ s...... :.::...I ..`:'"_ .....i`...:.'.`.`_ .'.3r3s:`1.:*:*:_`::.': UK` I` l\aI5.--I` Street. Barrie. BARBIE `HJAN & SAVINGS CU; w V V INCORPORATED 1881. `Agent stnndurd Life. London Gnu n- teo and Accident 00.. Provincial Building and Loan Association, etc. wvate fuhds to loan on first mortgages. An co ts collected. &c. Oice over Henderson_s Hardware Store, Barn: Out. A SCROGGIE 6. SMITH. And the Sun Load and Savings Company of Ontario. Ernuvmcuu auumm; AND min % ASSOCIATION. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.ooo_ooo. % liiea_ Lizzie Thurlow is" visiting -Lirendn at. Flo: Centre. Rnrnxsanr `rm: FOLLOWING `Fuzz Insuxu.-ca Commmzs: The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- ity, $1 5,ooo,ooo. The Waterloo Muftual, of Waterloo, Om. Tothl assets, $334,083. |The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. 012:. Total axsu-re- S1na,n-R 1.uu muunouucal naubual. 01 berun. Uni. Total assets. $3o3.o78. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, $25:.~ O00. Condensedadvernsements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found. property for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc., etc., must be accumpanied with the cash, and will be inserted-- hrsl: insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but '9. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for advrtlsc.-menus must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. SCROGGIE 8:. SMITH, W111 UU U116-I 5CUo \ Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside their own regular business Should they do so t.ra.nsient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. lUWllJb'c 12 changes of Advertlsements allowed per year. It more are required, composition rates will be charged. " Ar`:-rail!-`units: mill nnf Ln nnntnolri fn nan fhm`. V t . -V , x I __x/ A ` tilt of my lathe: - nigh in Bums. ' mm mm ucr.'E| ,r'.13t1i_na>g.,1m1sgamake1 inch. ` invnnrxsnuzzzzrs. , I Fimt insertion `I0 cents pe_r line, each Bilbao qnent insertion '4 cents pct 11:16. _ Rnndino notices. 10 cents per lme for em _W1Iu 1.1.1 IJVI. ucum uuuvuu _ 'Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. oo2'rnAc'r cnmens. V Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements mustbe handed into the oice not later than Satm day at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: ADVANCE olce not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. I0 nhonuna nf Avorhnompntn allnwprl x..~.. `For n month-- the three monthly rate ', with 15 per cent. added- ln... 0...... -nnnrhn..f.hp H11-An mnnthlv 1-go.` '/A number frat; here vatteded the purtynt Mi. Wilson : and reported a good time. ` 'T\II I -at _ OFFICE.-Ncxt door to Bank of Toronto, Owen meet. Barrie. .._|., qllellf lllllruvu T uuuu: Inn IIIIVQ Reqdinginoiices, per for amt insertion ; 6 cents per line for each subuqunt insertions! the same` matter. All ltcm un_""g den 5 lines, of this chanacter, charged ,8 5 .. xinch .-.................` 2% inches ............ .. 5in_chea, K oolumn...... no mches, M column.... an-sin:-hog. rcnlumn... .mcnes, )3 cunuuu no Inches, x-column. . [W150 10 PCT DUI-llvo 3!"-5 .*Fu|' two months-the three monthly me _Wilh 10 per cent. added. nzD....r.n-ml nnaitinnn in the nmwr will kn `John pgerson, Inna. lines. `I V7 dune- . _ A . . Legal,` Oicial and.Government edvertim. menu will be `charged at above rates. oomucr ADVERTISING. V Contract advertisements '11 b the following rates, which ar:lam::e rect commercial principles and will be smear. adhered to. There will` be only one price ;,,5; all. Number of inches * canon succnssoxs To 1:. s. LALLY. rergusazife. T Advance Correspondence. , T `Mr. James Tuner visited friends in `Tiny lent week. Fire and Lifmissurance. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. BARRIE r'm$W.- V. r 5 . . . .. , amm1_s:,; .30 501 125 Q!!! in ..o.;: .41.. .. ..;...1 .._- 5|`: 2|*T_~_|i 1 `Mrs. John Ken-has roiturnd to her home after viaieing f'rieuds,here. T zla-E ingn Inser- 1 03-... 52...... 1600 n`... I UUIII [6 mos. 1500 2500 Ann 1 PW Gm _ plied to eccnomicnretorm this implies, . of wealth. This will be a necessity as .0 of raw, materials), there. would soon be til the next great political creed to oc- 7 Professor Henry Davis, Yale Uni- versity, says :--`-Following this bar- - many (establishment ct universal peace) and conditioned upon it will some the cc-operative state. "As ap- of course, the removal of all restric-' tious of individual freedom and the equality of opportunityjn all the means of production, and of` the distribution "far as the United States is concerned. For the population of this country will, at the present rate of increase, be 500,- 000,000 in 1999. It the wealth in-V creases at the same ratio (which is not likely on the account of the depletion anarchy under the competitive system. The universality of education will V make the competitive principle` in any department of human affairs an insult to enlightened intelligence. Socialism ` `copy our attention, and. the central problem in this creed -is the question of the distribution of wealth. . Hopeful signs. are abroad that the `problem will 1' be solved peaceably, in the slow evoluo ` tlcn of things. _ Ihere is an interesting story attached f to the-cheques i'or.$25 apiece presented ` by":Orillia on Peas. William Reid and. "Tom Thompeen, on their leaving for `South Africa 15 months ago, which remained out. for over a year. The cheques did not reach the recipientsin "Quebec untilit was too late toget them V cashed before sailing for the Cape. '.~l'_be boys turned them over to Capt. Alfaold for safe keeping. When that- `allant cicer was killed at Paardeberg, hie. eects were taken change of by Iaieut. Richard. When this oicer was -also `killed on hie way up `the line while gallantly taking part in the de- fence at a derailed train, the Orillians . looked upon the cheques as lost, and Ice. Reid came home with that impres- lion. But before leaving South Africa the cheques were handed to Pie. Thom- son, who cashed his own. in London, and found the proceeds usful in doing" the Imperial metropolis and brought his comrade s home with him. _ y rptea against th pmfaidtipl i. in its etleot oh their bnninesu V Wi:);6In.:'nnufaotntai;q.0a:hd:_ .1 . `writer. `in tha Ton'oxioNews says` "aids in murder in blsck eyes. Excess __jIv_o}Lurdor, T it may be Vremdrked, in in often the cause of black eyes. .*'1`otl sbstinenoe nu. At least it: in the one of Alex. MoLesn, inst _;-returned from South Africa. As has "bees "said, he was wounded in three places. so seriously that his life wss deepsimd of. - He recovered, a_ miracle, ' Ilia doctor _told~him, due entirely to the -hot that he had never used either elooholor. tobsooo.- Galt Reformer. (Too me for last week : tune.) I have resolved to be known by the name` of Edward, which has been borne by six of my -ancestors. In doing. on I do notnndervnlne the name of Albert, (vhioh I inherit from my ever lamented ' great i Ind` wise *t'nBher,. who, hy nniveuol oonaeng 1.; I j`h`!'*ied6r'ed|iil bv cue In nndertaking the heavy load which now devolves upon me, I am fully `determined to` be e oonetitntionnl Slvereign in the strictest sense of the word, and, no long as there `is breath in Inyvhody, to workfor the good and olnelloretion of my people. _ 7 Your Royal Highnesses, My Lords and Gentlemen :-'l`hia' is the most painful occasion on which I shall ever be called upon to address you. My rst and melancholy duty is to announce to you the death of my beloved mother, the Queen; and I_ know how deeply you and the whole nation, and, I think I may say, _the whole world, sympath- ize with me in the irrepable loss we have all sustained. I need hardly `say that my constant `endeavour will be alwaysto walk in her toctateps. - Then follows tlle proclamation of Edward VII, -the acknowledgement of ullegisnoe by the `Privy Council, and the King'espeol1_- at his accession. as follows : - The King was not present, but the members of his household witnessed. the ceremony from _ Marlborough house. On the balcony, overlooking the Friary court, from which the proclamation was read, were the Duke of Norfolk and other oicers of State. The balcony was draped in crimson cloth. -Beside the ofcials in resplendent uniforms, were 'stationed the State trumpeters, and here were seen many prominent persons, among them Sir Henry Arthur White, Private Solicitor to. the Queen. ms mlJnsrY`s srsscn. . London. Jan. 24-An extraordinary issue ot the Gazette this morning, which appears with black borders, an- nounces the death of Queen Victoria, adding :-"1`he event has caused one universal feeling of regret and sorrow to her late Majesty's faithful subjects, to whom she was endeared byithe deep interest in their welfare which she _in- variably manifested, `as well asby many signal virtues which marked and adorn- ed hercharacter. _ ` i _, The proclamation read as follows:---j iwheeeee. it has pleased Almighty. God, to call to His mercy our late` ' 8overeign"'Iaady, Queen Victqria, of . blessed and glorlc us memory, by _ de-` V cease the Imperial Crown of the United -Kingdom of Great Britainiand Ireland is solely and rightfully come to the high and mighty Prince Albert Edward, we, therefore, the Lords, spiritual and tens _poral ofthisrealm, being assisted by those, of A her late Majesty's Privy Council, with numbers of other prinei- 4 pal gentlemen oflquality, with the Lmii Mayor, the alderman, and the citizens` of London, do now hereby with one voice, consent of tongue and heart, publish and proclaim that the high and mighty, Prince Albert Edward is now by the death of our late Sovereign of happy memory become our own lawful andrightful liege lord Edward VII, by w the grace of God, King of the United . Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Emperor lot ' India, to whom we do acknowledge all faith and constant obedience, with all hearty and humble affection, beseeching God, by whom all kings and queens do reign, to bless the Royal Prince Edward VII. with long and happy years to reign over us. `I10 V cilnuoonoluiion, `I go P4_rli;n?I_::_o'zt A jBbrguunsand1v%Impms1va cm-% mony-+Tha %King s [8`noach.% and was greeted by _a.-fanfare of triumph- o"h.w`I-n;9Edwrd`VII-Wu? :pi_'0l|_ll|lOd 1mgrjrnoe.e enema I:-n.`ua; null Innpemlr of Iuiia at` 8:. James palace at 9_`o elock.this morning. The proclamation was read by ~William Henry Weldon,-A King-at-Arms `since 1894, and formerly 'Wind_sorf Herald, ant cheers_ and cries of God Save the King. There was a large assemblage of oiclals and college heralds. Among those inattendence were Earl Roberts and members of the headquarters sta' and other army ocers, and` there was present a great oonoourseof` people from the -oommeneement to the close. At the conclusionof the ceremony the band belonging `to the Foot Guards in the Friary Court played God Save the King. '. KING. enwanneaucumm. 1 0nn.1.m-Mr. J. H. Pearce, M.B., ; began his duties as musical instructor to the public schools on Monday mom- | ing. Hus salary is $250 per annum . .-...Mr. P. M.cSweeney while knuck- ing the ice 03 the verandah roof at Mr. T. _Main's house 'on'1`hursday last, met , with a rather nsaty accident. The foot of the ladder onvwhich Mcsweeney was standing was on the ice, and sud- denly shotout from under him, causing him to drop `about ten feet. The-tall rendered. him unconscious {or some time," but fortunatelv no bones` were broken". . . .Tue Y. M.0. A. have elected the followingc`1crra {or the year :- `Honorary Pr_eside`n_t, Willi-um Thomson, Esq. 5 Honorary Vice Presidents, 1:...-u Canon Greene, Rev. Dr. Grant, Rev. E. N. Burns, AB.A., Rev. L. M. Weeks. B D-; i,DIre9fn-W9- 3-T Frost. W-` . ;Grm"t,_ J._~F.' .Mcrris,T Church, T. ' G.` Kiu`g,_.T.`,H.l Grant, Joel Qolllns, W. - -A. lldyeif-ui'.l`.AH.-_Wiluiott. A'._.8tron_g,l_ ' :1). . I;_':] A .p...*`T:1:rome;'. ... .... CoLL1NewooD+-While `Dr. A.` R. Stephen was leaving his surgery to start on morning rounds on Saturday, he slipped on the steps, and, in falling, gave his knee a severe wrench, which necessitates his remaining in his room for a time .4 . . C. The Council of the.Mont real Board ot Trade have approved of the project to render the French River "navigable between Georgian` Bay and Lake Nipissing, The Council will held a, conference with the Minister of Public Works on the matter....A meeting of the "Council was held on Tuesday morning, to consider a letter from the Cramp Ontario Steel C.-;., asking for the smelter site. A reso-' lution was passed, asking the Meat Co. tor a price on 800 feet of their property, and the meeting adjourned. President Cramp expsotsto be in town in about ten days. and wishes to com- mence et-ectingthe docks this winter; -Enterprise. ' A Cnn:nuonn- E. F. Flackisoid a lot of i live hogs the other day and drew $473 ._...Wm. Andrew, Mulmur, had a vervtroublesome tumor removed from his foot by Dr: Niddrie last week . . . , Rev. Mr. Murdock, of Clinton, has been called tothe pastorate of the Stay- ner and Creemore Baptist-churches. . . . A sad state of affairs prevails at the home of Thoa. Madill, near -Glencairn. A couple of weeks ago the son, Wesley, about 15 years of age, was taken ill wi`th,,_sy_m'pto`ins of typhoid fever, and in a day or two afterwards the father and mother were also laid up. On Wednesday morning last `Mrs. Madill , quietly passed away, and the funeral I took place on Thursday without either . of the sick ones knowing anything about `it. At the time of writing Mr. Madill is still very low, and butslight hopes are entertained of his recovery, though the boy is gradually recovering. -f-Star. `B3_Ali.oRD--`The annual meeting of the Public Library Board was _held on Wednesday night of last week in the oice of Mr. '1`. W.W. Evens. An e_'ort {will mode to haven couple of lec- A turee delivered during the winter months by the University Exvenaion Lecturers. The following Directors were `elected:-T. W. W. Evans, E. Garrett, J. Elliot, E. _P. Snow, Good Coomba , W. R. Strong. A. McLean, A- Orton. "The following otioera were efterwerds elected byvthe Directors :- Cbairman, E. P. Snow; Sec.Treae., W. R. Strong; Auditors, J. Elliott, G. Coombe.-Wicneae. im`det'ermined) to devotg | ny whole ajgongth dgu-in; the remainder of` my iife." - - tnmiinki-vkhih *bv6ive 9 inheritance. `a nil[ togvihich I if , C_Q_I,gD}v7_A;'lfE>B.J-5-Alty the annual meeting `of the Goldwater, anti Mntchedneh. Agri- cultural Society the fclzlowingi cloera were elected: A Dr. Howie, Pteeident; A. Peterson, lat vicepteexdent; J. `A. Levering, -2nd vice president; Dirac-` tcra--H. _-L. Levering, Job Russell, 0. Bou-o_v_v, W. _Br_m-ow, J. C. zspenee, E. W. JKitchen, J. L..Rosa, W. J._ Beattj, J . Swan. Honorary" Director. -Mesare. -`Wells, Deuieon, Lawson, Martin, (Jolley and Manning. Sec.. _1`reas.,.J:-. H. Sheppard. . Donut: noted. ..o-.....a. .7,--.....,... Lord Strethconwe Tribute. It is not. the more respect end.-regard that we Canadians heve felt for the Queen. but the affection amongst an all, Euglneh and French ; whilst, as for the Indnane of Canada, I know well how? fish "them the feeling -towards the Queen was one of reverential devotion. ne free` to V them 3 `great, -beneoiene. was `n"o~>p,.b,i,,-".qf_'.;&uin,g`:`V"'W"' ml. Four New Senators. Hon. Lyuian J ones`, of Toronto, Mr. A. 1`. Wood, of -Hamilton, Mr. George Mongh, of Victoria County, 0nt., and Mr. Robert MacKay, of Montreal, -have been appointed to the Senate Mr. Jones takes the place of Senator Reeaor who resigned his aeatin the Upper Chamber recently on accmnt of ill-health. Mr. Mough obtains the seat vacated by the death of Sir Frank Sniith. Mr. 7 Wood iancceedu the late Senator Maclnnoa. Mr. .M.acKax ia` gayen the `neat which Senator relinquished. ' M _._.. :.-a--cw ovv I 811` Hector Lsugevin, retired from the the position of Minister of Public Works and the aeoeaeed succeeded him in the portfolio. which he retained until Jun., 1892. On May 24-, 1894, he re oeived the honor of Kuighthood. He served in the rebellion of 1837 as I a volunteer and eubeequently became a captain of militia. 191864 he was a. delegate from the London Board of Trade to the Detroit Trude Conven- tion. He served the city of London as Aldermen and in 1866 became isB_ Mayor. *He woe is prominent member of the Roman Catholic" Church, and was one of the originatore ot the On turio Catholic League, which was form- ed in 1871. In iheeame year he was summoned to the Senate of Canada by Lord Laagar. In July, C 1882, he was sworn in an a member of the Privy Council,` and was a member of the Con- eervntve Cabinets led by Sir John Mucdonnld, Sir John Abbott, Sir John Thompson. Sir Mackenzie Bowell and Sir Charles Topper. In August, 189 I, 0... `III --, He was for some mime President of the Norxhem Rsilwuy. _For many years he was President. and "principal owner of the Toronto Streenaxlwayi Corupany. I 1-`- Hon. Sir F rank Smith, ScllBt0I', was born at Rtchtll, Armagh, Ireland, on March 13, 1822. When" but allad of ten years ot age he came to Canada with his father and secured employ- ment on at farm near Yurk,the present Toronto. "After a couple of years of this work he got at situation us a clerk in as general store in the vicinity, the salary attached to the office being but :55 a month._ The Late Sir Frank smith. A brief` manual: was made lest week" of the death of this celebrated man.` The tollowing is a short: sketch of his career :- With a View or increasing the domestic water supply. an arteaian well has been sunk at the Asylum. V A ow of haven gallons per minute was struck at a depth of 2001665, but lhia is not suf- ficient for the institution's needs.- Newa Letter. y Because tbeyinducesomd, healthy sleep, and restore VIM, VIGOUR. and VITALITY to the body. V Because their use enables the system to -sucoessfuIly resist attacks of colds and the inseparable me- sults, viz., lung and kidney troubles, afact of.especia1~imporla.nce atthis Ieason of the year. A oenu per box. nbaau. An audit. Clnnwmhnntdmfounto. Ont Because theypositiveiy cure all dis- eases brought on by impoverished blood, such as heart trouble. nerv- ousness, rheumatism. dyspepsia, etc. Dr. War`d s*---- `Blood and Nerve Pills No remedy ever introduced in` Canada has gained so many` words of praisefrom sufferers all over the coun- tryas these thoroughly eective pills. _ Srnnaooxu. raiser. Valuator, etc. ; H task and Implements orqmptly attended to:4Fatn1s wk! and bou M on miuion. GET MY TERMS AND RA 8. - ---- --noun`). [M031 `:3? `rd LOAN. Mlli , II A na--_._ .. _ W, .1. of 1: Parties desiring. them are asked communicate with the . Bltrig. gave tor ado tion. in {min young Secretary. REV. E. nadian In good ya and girls M. C. BOTTERILL. a.Iu THE CHIVLDREN_'S A_lD SOCIETY OF BARRIE T c L !3_v.e_f_'3!-__za:lo2tTIon._.nn number THE-BALL PLANING MILL M Carpeuterin,`_`B_uilng_:_a.nd man an Gggl. D HE BALL MILL COMPANY-- T Cu-peuteting. Building a_nd manufacturing. of Doors. Sash. Blinds. Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done `pnomptly_ and sa ' rily. 01: Blast Drying Kiln. Distinct agency for rained lum- ber Factory-Bayeld Street. Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors co Geo. Ball. cu un\JEI"|o Contractors. Builders, Manufacturers. &c. Doors, Sash. Blinds. Mouldinii &c. Planing and Dressing of eve des. ription. at Air Drying Kiln. hen mates urnished free of charge on all kind of wood work and buildin mgtterial. Handle all kinds of work promptly an satisfactorily Seeour work and t our prices. Factory, Bayeld street, north of the oundrv. :4-lv ' Estfmxgggaas and specications EARRII. Om. F. I.` ROBINSON. j pro--is thwelfs Block, Dunlop C. MACPHE JAS. EDWARDS A CONVEYANCEJ-'I.. At 'I;I ninn uni - n -- - -- `-3- ~~-'- racI:ory-uayneld 5| 1|" |& uvnv s l O'|l`Dl'-I"I- At his oioe until 5 p.m.: at his private residence. 68 Mary street. after that hour. u-Iv Barrio Planing. Mill. :. nun uuu. work county of Simooe, will e. oiee._ at the Court House. Barrie. every Saturdav. Residence and R0. Cookmown. ___._._.__________._.._._.__._.___._._.__.___ Robinson 8. Macpherson. CIVIL ENGINEERS. DOMINION --Ann-4 ONTARIO LAND sunvzvons. III\IIII-I I\I I-\Il'|I`n We have a, large amount of Private Funds to lend" at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BUYS & MURCHL SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. I H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any art of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing, in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Oice-Ross Bluclk. Dunlop street Barrie. , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nolfrincipal money required until end of the term. ' Barrie. H. STRALHY. Solicitor. Eta,` cuvlvhl I\I I-\JP|I`o A large amoupt of private funds for investment on Mortgage secunty at lowest current rates. 4o-:3 - W. AUL1`, Barrister, Barrie. R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L R.C.P. & S . Edin- burgh; M.F.P. & 5., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological Society. specialty.- lhseaseu of E) e, Ear, Throat. and Nose. 0FFlCE.-78 Uunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar: rie. opposite Post Ottlcc and Railway station. Phone 54. P. 0. 80x96. . 7-lyT DR. W. A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. R.C.S. Edin,, L.R C.P.. London. Offices and night resiuence-1$rown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tenephonc 77. -`J I'I'd.I'VIU X DIIIII-ll, \Jl'll3.] UIIICC anu_ TU -corner of Owen and Lollner streets, Barne. S. BROAD. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C.. L. C. . P. 5., 0., late resident Physician and burgeun ox Loronto General l_|0Bpll'1l. with spacial attention to DABBHSBH of Women, ana Nose and Throat. Worx, also tor some time sur eon In charge of hmergencv Hospital, lor-unto. U `cc and night residence upstairs in McC..nhv Buck, 31 Duulup bt., Barrie, second dour east of Dougall Bros. turmtun: wa.:erooms-near Five Pains. Phone 105. . V V 39.1}: Us. ,3. r. raunng. uraquate oi Lnnuy uunvcnmy Toronto; Fellow of Trinity Medical bollcge, Member of the Co.legc of Physicians and Surgeons nf Ontario. Ofme and Reddenae- 18 Owen strnet. Lucmoer 01 rue voaegc OI rnyxsluana stun gun guvu of Ontario. Oiee and Residence, 18 Owen street. J)`,'. M nrruknn . VV Notary, etc. Mon and Stayner. Barne Building, Owen stree R. E. L. BRFZRETON. Dental Surgeon. Ofce over Hambly's hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town :3: and 1rd Mondays [of each. V mdnth. V 5;-ly AU LIV`? II'I'3Wfo 0EIl0I'. frllaur, Afvwglq 9,, _:*.- Canveguccr, etc. Special auenuou-1 dtqwinz nu. probauna wils, obtaining latte?!` or. ainihtration ad rdianship, col ecningacoumhtl. etc. Ucej. Rosa Block. Barrie. Money tu Loan. D Baxristcts, Solicitors in High Court ofjusticcs, Notaries Public, %:nv_cyancers. uioeo oven the Bank of Toronto, ' ffI_ IOIOIICO Dllmllng. Dunn water. Money to Loan. Donn. Ross. u..a. Will!`-`|EI'$dllIlllU lull luluuuuu-uw-g --- -----v-- c_:|Iators. Nouuie, Lonvc; ancer, ' Haudm-on Lxnsox, Aux. cowau. B. Vouronn Annual, 6. E. I. Bnowu, L.L.B I `I . 1 I'\._._I,-.. _n-..-I- nan. D. _nul.l'UIuJ nauuuugu, v. u. .. ........., _.._... v_Oicea_: Hindff Blodx, No. 6. Dunlap attest, Ban- giimnch Ovlues-v-Lennox & Ardagh. Gravcnhurat : Lennox. Atdagh, Cowan & Brown, Creemore and 61-11! CCARTHY, BOYS 8: MU1(UruaU.N. barns- tere. Sbucitors, Conveyancers. Success- ors to`McCarthy. Pepler & McCarthy. 0ice-McLJanthy Block, Uumop Street, Barrie. _J. A. Mocuu-av, . - W. A. Boys, I"\ I` Mnlnrulenu. `U . -Szlicitor Chanciyn Conveyance: do9r 0wen street, over Bank C`gm- CCKIQ 391. w . ?..*.a..g -"' f> .oc.o`'.;"&om.e.'"'- ~',' Moncyto loan. Oces---Ross Block, ` _C. E. Hxwsox. A. E. H. * Seventy-Eight Below zero. j T eattle, Wash., Jan. 24.-Advices from. Dawson and the Yukon Valley `._;rep_or't that that section of Alaska has ._-jest passed threugh the coldest weather "needed since the white man inhabited country; The climax was" reaohed._ 11. J6, when the thermometer at W,aon`ffell to=68 degrees belojr -zero. `_ Fox-ty_1 Mile the. ~ td"a.h*P~ it vs-W8 W-T 3` 4 .in