Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Jan 1901, p. 1

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"BEST QUALITY 2nd Llne'L.rks. Ohurcmll. ..3ABJElNT- ran xnrsgnsrs on 342213; was count: on. smcon "a'i'1u_r-:. i3ARRIE, COUNTY or SIMCOE, ONTARIO, JA1~,IUA131% 10, 1901/. ._.._....._.__..._._......._._..._.._...._.._._..__ DWELLIN 3 TO RENT, centrally situated. south west Corner of Mulcastcr and McDonald Sts. House, 2 storev, 9 rooms and halli, garden and la_wn._ Apply on the premises. ` 45-tf The rat hocke match in the Northern Division of the 0 .A. was played at News market, Ont., Thursday evening` between] Barrie and Newmarket, resulting in a vie tory for the latter by 7 goal: to 6. At the end of the ret half the score was 3 to 2 in favor of the home team. Barrie scored the rut font in the second half. Newmarket qt_xiokly_ scored three goals, that tieing the .ae.o're, when time was up. The teams ageing `t'o_o|t.ther ice, `ahd not until sixteen rninutgqv -Wit been i`:IlL-M*did;Newmurkor :;!.".`.- th. "winh1_ zggmie Iol1owVihg are' thefteani -. QIIIIUII cl. I753` II. L` 'N:5Wm3Pk*-GOELV FOX zpbiu, Kennedy ; V'i Qmbl "1 (la, ' A ` . *? ""P'*'- "' I!-W5!) ~+-"'!'.' - , ' . T .y.U_n1_['5ir,c;'a,L_'.K.e1nev _a.nd Somerville. . Mr, `f3F!*Y.'.59'9?9.` To`.r>n%'4?`.V--a?V`jV':`:.`:`,` *.1t=- follnmafnrne. The popular firm of Myers and Uo., open- ed up in the Bosanko Block, opposite the Barrie House, on Saturday, 5th January, 1901, wherean auction sale took place. The store was jammed to the doors all day and night. The stock is a $,5000 stock, consist in of watches, silverware, `jewelry. fancy goods, dry goods, notions, cutlery, boots and shoes, rubber goods, musical instru- ments, harness, single and double. etc. The saleywill continue until` the whole stock is disposed of. -The sale is being conducted by the lightning auctioneer, H. M. Byam, and thesale is positively without reserve. a chance of a. lifetime; Come early and avoid `the rush before. the best goods are gone. Auction sale every afternoon and evening 2 30 and 7:30 p. In.` Private sale all day, also durigg auction hours. 1:: u Inna` . .._`I-..--- :" - ` ` Iuuu uuuug uuuuon noun. EM. Hymn. auconeer. Myers and 00., proprietors. Sign pf the red ag. . _x \JUl IIUII \II`QW I rg_fer'e je. " ;;ga: KIWI! In the eirening the happy young` coupleh drove to Thornton and took the 8.33 train for Orillia. VIVEUL nuu H11`. 0. 1. Uoroenb. The very extensive dieplav of useful and valuable presents furmehedample testimony lefltgxe universal esteem in which the bride is 9 _ vv uul1JDDBu The various tenets were honored in neat epeechee from` Rev. J. J Cochrane, Rev. J. J. Sparlin `. Mr. W. D. Henry, Dr. J.A. Mc- Gregor an Mr. J. A. Corbett. ho unmet an-I-A--3.-- .'l:-._I-_ _E P ' ` -ca-saga-nu, UF|l`\Il"TII 65, IUUI at the Council Chamber, Court House. Barrie. at 2 o'clock p.m. All parties having any pa ers or docu- ments to lay before the Council must 0 so during the first three days of the session. V uuuwu vuuululllllo After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served, which in variety abundance and artisticarrangement it would be difficult to surpass. 'l|1n Ivn-:Au- L--QA_._ .__.- - I ` ` us uuullvu Vvllall Ullllllllil Ella lace of beautiful pink ohrvaanthemuma. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. J. A. Corbett. _' While Mrs. (Dr.) Bailey. of Thornton, played the wedding march as the wedding party entered the drawing room, the bride being escorted by her brother. Mr. J amen Cunningham. FLA nannA.u-A-- - ---- 5 " ' ' " V! J.` VI-ILIUII The bri e lookmi very handsome in an exquisite gown of cream. cashmere, trimmed with white silk pearl trimming end lace, and she carried 3 beautiful bouquet of white oernationa. The bridesmaids were Miss Minnie Simpson and Miss Alice Smith, both of whom looked charming in white organdie trimmed with ehiifon and lace with bouquets Ohfvlnnfhnlnialnn Tho An exceedingly pretty wedding took place on Wednesday afternoon, January 2nd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs;Robert Cunning- ham, ot Killyleazh, when their eldest daugh- ter.- Miss Annie Cunningham, was married to Mr. D. H. Corbett. of Thornton, in the presence of a number of relatives aud friends. The marriage ceremony was peformed by the Rev. J. J. Cochrane; M A.. of Barrie, assisted by the Rev. J. `J. Sparling, B.A.,s of Fennell s. . _\_ ' NIL- L.,!-n I ovvun IIUIII um uwuuu. ` The Ladies werenot forgotten in'_the list, and (after a. very enjoyable evening the meeting broke up with Auld Lang Sync and God Save` the Queen. wuunuu uunwu Luz uuv uuuung 00115935, Prior to Mr. _Bennett s address he was presented with a. magnicent gold headed ebony walkinglstick as a slight token of es- teem from his friends. VIM... `I ....I:__ _.._.__ --L l'--- `KIWI having read letters of regret from Dr. Sprouts, M. 1 ., John McCosh, H. H. Strathy and R. McCormick, the toast list of the even- ing was "proceeded with. The first on the listwas Her Majesty the Queen." Follow-C ing this came "The House of Commons and thelegislature, which was proposed by Dr. Heaslip in a happy speech and responded to by H. Lennox, M.P.. E, A. Little, M. l-`.P., and A. B. Thompson, M. P. P., all" of whom made` ringing party s eechss ; Canada was responded to by ev. J. H. Teney in an eloquent speech. Mr. Thos. Devitt pro- posed Agriculture, which was responded to by Mr. W. Campbell; "Municipal Insti- 31:50:15," baouighg to their Sect Mez:rs.kD. uin an. . . tewart an V Geo. ai es. aspirantfs [gr Itghe.CountvMCoulx31cil. To 'J1.`he uesto t e vening r. ennettorepied in a rolusing address his wll-tltnown tak- ing an vigorous sty e in w ic he princi- pally referred to the deep obligations the felt to his legion of friends in the East, who had stood by him in his five hard fought contests, and urged-his party friends to stand united for the coming contest, Prior In Mr Rnnnnl-t- a ...m....... 1... ....... V The _Sec. of the Committee, Dr. Heaslip, unuu euuu gvvu Iltlrullli llll.'8BI'al.0ll. ' - In the absence of John MeCosh, Esq. _President of the East Simone` Conservative Association,-who had, been invited to preside but was unavoidably absent, the chair was taken by "R. H. Ju p, Esq., of Orillia, who discharged thedut es of-the chair in a most acceptable manner. Among those present -from a distance were :-Haughton Lennox, M.P., E. A. Little, M.P.P., A. B. Thomp- son, M. P.P.`. Dr. Palling, Dr. Murphy, Dr. Raikes. D. Quinlan. Geo. Raikes, W. Stew-k `art. A. E. B. Creswioke, John Brokoveki; local workers present were Joshua Swan. M. Leith, W. Campbell. Dr. Reaslip, S. Irwin, John Stewart,` F. J. Fitzgerald, Wm. Lang, Thos. Craig, Arthur Craig, P. J. Frawlev, Ben Bertram, David Beath, Geo. Raikes, Geo. Healey, M. Caton and many others,_ while the ladies were out also in full force, the assembly numbering upwards of 150. _ n, as .| 1-: ... A -- ` [The 7C_oneerveti'yee, of V the westerly por- tion: of Me`don'te'and.e0ro turned out in force last `Friday night at Crnighuret to do honor to their `member in,the Commons, Mr. W. H. Bennett, and to celebrate his recent election. The Conservative ladies had in charge thepreperntion of the dinner which was a -most excellent spread, reecting upon them the highest `possible credit for their ekill and good taste inthet direction. * [II Clkn nknnnnn A` Tp.L_ \l-l'I-._L `I-1..- The %1='pu1ar M'e1n'be1(*`forVEas`_1; Simcoe Banquetted bygxs Friends at .-.,. - -' D1_'a.1ghur_st. . January Session pf the Com rcounc. ~ W. H. BENETT HONORED. A Big Inducements. .Wedding `Bells. Hockev. r Venue. 9 . I5. Jennings. } , '.l`ottenham-Reeve--eLevi Metcalf. `Coun- ~cil;-J; 8. Brooks, J. A.__Browp; W.D.VGVgld4 iu_g" Jon, ` 11-hes_box1_._. - A nun..- `n . rn u;._.___-, ' .n`- --I --5, uuun IKUHDUII. ` , "Beecon...Rgevg_G., T Samara. Council ` -H. "B. Hm, Robb.` sqott. John sprouleg 4. .Greemorp~1%eva-5-4_John?MA&0KIy.=5%Onn xE?`- my T J- -1\r\4 auuaaqnso ,Reeve-R.obert Culham. I ~ Councillors---Jamea Banting, `R. Ellison, Geo. Heyea,.J_os. Pierson. COUNTY AND DISTRI01`. ' Collingwood-V-Mayor--Iaaec Silver. Coun- cillore-Jemea Guilfoyle, Chae.|E. Stephens. Daniel Wilaon,.Henry Foreman, Wm. Car- michael, Robero Burdett. {School Trustees -D. G. Cooper, E. S. Brown, W. J. Mo- Lasn- ' 1'rusteea-rotvin. F. Cook, 0. Bush. Stayner-Mayor,. W.[B. Sanders, (aool.) Councillors--Bethune,, Henderson, Watson. Sullivan,` Wilson, Stewart. School True-' ;beea--Briggs, Bale. Cross. ~ 1"AllnI>.nnn n3nIun\-.. II."..... T 13 `'3 -`-` For Sale or to trade for Cattle or Sheep. One horse is 7 years Old and the other 11 years old. in good condition and splendid workers Suitable for lumbering or other heavy work. Apply [1 I`I\A -run" 119130 Midland--Mavor-F. Jeffrey. Coun- [cillou-Milligsn, Panchell, D. L. White, ii"!-1 HOITOU`. Osborne,` Rsikea. School ATrnsteea--Potvin. `goolgo. Bast. `Roan-an Il-.._.. n n-_;.!_..- L, , ,1 \ -Plvtte. J. B. Jennings; uaea--brlggs, liule. Cross. Plletanguishene--Ma'yor--J`. F. Beolnl C0|llcill.ora--G_.` E. Copeland, C: 'MoGibbon,T 11- '1essne. Dr. P. A. MoDanalbdq, Thoma.a . '.rO*tBnhAIn_'Rn`ad__.T.nu3'I: nfnnIf v`f!.-`nu- 6(;|;l`1('!ill0l'l--DZIBXWOH, Shaw, Cnl'ha._m,3 Matthayys. V . A I Reeve-Richard V Councillora-J. S. `Duff, M.P.P.,` Job Coxworth, J as. Dundas, Wm. Irwin. All by acolamation. V - ruven, 132; J. Genre, 119. t The by-law toprovide for the oommuta.- ` tion of Statute Labor was defeated by 147 for. to 517 against. - R.eeve-John Shaw'(acclamation). _ ` Councillora--G. Malcolm, 294; S. Pear- `aall. 264 ; D. Cameron, 234; P. McLeod, 172. Defeated--D. Beath, 170; N. , Mo. Niven, 132; J. Gears, 119. mks Inn `nut: in. .a._-..3.1_ 1-.. LL- -_.__-4.r-A- '"C33`3c1i}a:fe::"i`:f:Zy. 323. A. Prim- rose, 315. Jan. Coutta, 278, H. Cameron, 251. Defeated,--'Wm. Webb, 200, W. A. Heron, 139 and Wm. Chappell, 79. And.` 53 There was no contest: in 1`iny', the follow- ing members being chosen by acclamation: Reeve-John Anderson. Councillora-H. G. Todd, Napoleon Bel- court, John Brown and Jules C. Piootte. '- ~vEs1>B.A. Reeve--Joe. Caldwell, 266;'W. 0. Rich- i ardeon, 179, D." Wood, 152. ~ ()nnnnlln.u._AI.... 'lN...I.... one A 'n_:... Juylvuv all vnvuuo Division 9, Orilli-5 town and townebip and Mat'chedaah,+R. H. J upp, D.v M. Harvey. TOSSORONTIO. All the members were elected by aoclama tion, as follows: Reeve-Jemea Moore. V Counoi1lors-Jos. Murphy, Joe. Croebie, ` Wm. Campbell and T. MoMulkin. -.unuvuv,*vo In-_ VVLISUIJ, .n.1umn'u UTEIIBIII. Division 8, Tay, Madonna and Midland, incomptete-'-Ruby, W. J. Leatherdale and Eplett all close. n:(7=n:nn 0 l\..:Il:.. 4.-...- -...`l 1.-_._._L!._ __J OR SALE--Four voung Shorthorn Bulls gndv - two Heifers.sire ibv Royal Clan." and bred from one of the bent millzirm gr-nine, FRED M --uqs._ gvnuesnaea, `Hobs. Murphy, (acc.) Dnvnaxon 5, Colllngwood and Notta.wa- saga.-G. W. Bruce, J. A. Breckenridge. Hivininn H grlnninln vnannn Q0-nu-nu. I`lW5W.-`V-In '1. L)l.'uUU U. 1. l.)l'UUKllK'IUge. - Division 6, Sunnidale, Veapra, Stayner, Creemore and part of,-D. "Quinlan, Jno. A. Bell. V Division 7, F103, Tiny and Peneta.hg- j uishene,--0. E. Wright, Richard Graham. n:Iy:n:nn Q VD... Kndnns- ....J ll:_`II__J wuu uAIIunvIu,-"u. U. LLIDIUV, 1% U. .LUUl'pU. Division 3. Tecumseth, Adjala, Beeton and Tottenham,--Thins. Hammell, James Frizerz ' A _!,o 1 14 an .. - .-.- , The following are the numas ot the com- * missioners elected .to represent the various divisions in the County Council for the eu- ` suing biiennial term :-- V l n:..`:.:.... 1 D.....:.. n__ 'n-::_-_. l uunua ulnwul-Ilul lulu; 8*` Division 1, Barrie and Oro,-Geo. Raikea, Geo. Campbell. n:I1;n;nn 0 TnnIn:n`-:` II7....L lV...2I12_.L_-.__.: "'1'3'iv`i1'i}}{'","' Innisl, West Gwillimbury a I and Bra.diord,--J. J. Kitlev, R. J. Thorpe. niv3ninn 2 'I`nr-nrnunirln AA-Eula `D...-.a..... The people `havespoben, The municipal adminstrators have been chosen for another year. As usual their have been many surprises in the contests. One of the great- est of these was the very large majority by: which Mr. Radenhurst won the Mayoralty contest. as everybody expected a very close contest. All the old school trustees are re- turned, the only new man being Mr. Alex. Clark, to ll out Mr. Whalev s term ward 5. fI1L- 13-11 -5' IIICJWIO Division 4, Essa, Tossorontih and Alliiton. i --Jon. Whiteaides, Robb. Murphy, acc.) ` niviih 5 ass:-I Haifa nun _ 7-, -- ..-- V.-u -nan vv uwlvy U VVIIII vvnnu Us Elbe following are the results for Barrie and Simcoe County: ' 0 Rade 1}`.};c.. .. 9:1 11-4 1'i1 13397 73--59 Boys . . . . . . . . .. 29 29 51 45 56 28-238 ` c_:oUNc1LLoI ; ` 1... ._ _- __ .L' Heifers.sired from one of the best milking strains? FRED. M. WARNICA, Painswik Ont. _ ' 3-5-p W. U. McLenu.. . . . . . . .. .H. E. Jory. R. Powell. . . . . E. T-. Tvrer . . L. Brennan. . . . Wm.5Ta.ylor . . . H. B. Joyner.. W. Hubbert. . . W. B. Taylor. . Geo. Cooper... `at R nInnI-at` TRUSTEES. Ward 1-Ja'm ieson (acciamation), n 2-P. Love . . . . . A 11:1, , Reeve--Schell:` Radenhurst is Mayo1L-1d Sohooli L -Board.a;1l %Back-'l.'hraa New ` T Alderman ---- Raikes and Gampba Go. Gouncil. % Municipalofficers J % For the Yearl90l. |vvJ \.IVVllUL a lab 6 electe<.i.. mp '1'm`: ndnxmau or c.u'upA om; clujrnmox. Ward. E L J-IVY? I u Q I I O U I I I O O 0: AI Milne ................. .. 3-Dr. J. F, Pallinq (acclamation). 4-W. C. Andrews . . . . . . . . . . . .. \T rlr Tn 172, ,, 6.4;. 'Y'oZ1ingM(z`>. xV1V).`V 2 Rooms for offices. in Rqss Block, No. 97. Dunlop Street. Fire ptoofyault ; lately occupied bv Dr. Wells. Also two rooms with vault. lately occupied bv Hood. Jacks 8: Fraser. Barristers; iiumediate possession. Apply to C. H. ROSS. ~ Barrie. lanunrv 1, 190:. . I-tf. T" `V c 1uUI'UW- a N..V/`SJ . E. King 5--B. W. Rhineharu. .. C. Horseheld . . . . . . . Alex. Clark, 1 vea.r.. C. Swinnertou . . . . . . COUNTY COUNCLL. mcbnsnm. sUNN}nALm. ..59 ...624 ..62 ..38 ..58 .. 44 .30 '. 16 34 33 71 61' 66 46 51 41 45 89' 87 79 56 58 60 52 18 715 6 71 59 62 62 38 58 86 110 89 51 '93 101 1106 90 91 50-540 5115 84 45-511 ' 86 72 54-431 98 67 23-398 67 54 36-364 52100 58-350 41 58 37-303 AH CD In BAA` BARBIE. MAYOR. . 1:. us) 5 --'uuu 47 38 l0--240 47 39 17-230 32 39 60-214 4 15 2- 60 qua.`-`aga- BEARDSLEY--At Harrie. on 5lhJau.,`x9oo. Sarah, Arclict of the late_]ohn Beardsley, aged 78 vearl. HUTCHESON--On Jan.`-1? 7_th, 190:, at Ardagh Manse. Shuntv Bay. Rev. Smith Hutcheson tn the 81st year of his age. Deceased was a native of Renfrewshire, Scotland. ` Alliaton papers please copy. 'WALLACE-At Barrie. on Jan. ;. Sarah. the be- loved wife of Rev. W. E. VVallace, aged 36 years 114_ 55 >79 ` 88- T74 55` 70` Midhurst. ' b - `Advance Correspondence, Miss Annie Gill, of Detroit, Mich., is the guest of Mrs; Alex Finlay. A I - 11.. nu.-- nu, ._ u . . Mr. H Z1:a qzguofugiinesing, spent uA.few days with friends in Midhurst last wek.. ~ ` ` nnnuvo - `was quite an exciting day hereon account of the municipal elections. There was `I largmvote polled` here on account of ,.th'-Irn-a we~thr- ` . ._; la`aI: yeur;:l_)v Mr. .W.' 0. Rich-. Mr. Joe. Coasts, after 5591* at Realm.' a _IiIrx9 :'NVXa317Fi .. wa'&7alo`olcotc --~ ------- -----in F TMT1Z'.L'i`hoaT.--`Black `left last week for Stub 1 qeon Falls. where hevwill spend the winter. Mill business is booming here. Mr. J. W. Gracie intends putting in a large mill in the spring and Mr. Alex. Finlay is also cutting alarge stock for his mill in_ Midhurst. Thompson-Bros. willcnt, the largest stock ~cni;?in Midhnrsi; for a long `while. 3-..'...':...-'.. -." 9AA A '- ..w puuvvl In no uuuuuu uuu 801811111 a manner. The Association recognized in Mr. Botterill a. brother of excellent mental ability, of great zeal in his Master s work, of a kindly nature, and one who was at all times desirous to osrrv out his duties in a. sympathetic spirit. They would recognize. in his very sudden 'dea.t~ha.n emphatic `call from our Lord to all hisservsnts to be faithful. rat 1 nnauu - \-u 5` LV LLVUDAM -- At "Mn le Hall. North Orillia, the residence of the bri e's father. by Rev. W. J. Hewitt. on December 26. 1900, Oliver B. Patterson. of Barrie. to Mary 1., only daughter of George Cunningham. ~ C ROSSLAND -- FARRELL -- At St. Patrick's church. Lucan. on Wednesday. Januarv 9th. by Rev. Father Noonan, Mr. Robert Crossland. of the staff of THE Norrrmcnn ADVANCE. to Muss Henrietta`!-Ielen Farrell, of Lucan. . lOHNSTON~-WALTON--At Minesinz. Jan. 1st. max. by Rev. A. T. In ram. Mabel, eldest daugh- . ter of Mr. and Mrs. V H. Walton. to Egerton Heywood Johnston, both of Minesing. CORBETT--CUNNINGHAM-At the residence of the bride's pavents, Killyleagh. on Jan. and, by Rev. I. l. Cnchrane. Rn:-n aEn:nfnrl.|\v Rm: IJ\ IIUWI III 0 The Barrie Ministerial Association desires tonlace on record its deep sorrow at the death of the Rev. E. M. C. Botterill on Tuesday evening, the first day of January, 1901. God was pleased to call him away very suddenly. so that his death came to his wife and family when they had no reason to expect such an event and was a very severe afietion to them. The Association would assure them of its sincere sympathy and its prayer to God that He may sustain and guide them in this hour of trial. The Association also expresses its sympathy with the congregation which has been deprived of its pastor in so sudden and solemn a manner. TEA Annhfdnn nnnnn _2......l I. ll. `l')_AL,_SII At a. recent meeting, the Barrie Minister- ial Association passed the following resolu- tion, touching the death of ttge late Mr. `Botteriil: _ 11...--- -- - Lu auuu, um vvuunlv uuulllll we POBHSIOD. The funeral took place on Monday to St. Mary : cemetery, Dean Egan oiciatinq. The Dean said that though it was not usual to preach funeral sermons", he could not re- frain from making a slight defarture in this case, as he desired. to pay deceased, and also to commend the way in which she had educated her children to take part in church work etc. 'm....... ..1.:I.:...... _--__:_- -in `n - a tribute to the` kind and Godly life and peaceful death of Bun u an vuuusu wuns 6(0- . Three children survive her, Detective Beardsley and two daughters, two sons having pro-deceased her. usuuulu UL um UUUUIY UOUDCII. Deceased was the daughter of Patrick McKernan, who came to Uanada from Ire- land in 1832. The daughters married Charles and Patrick McBride. Jos. Kane, of Suunidale, and John Beardsley, at that time Deputy Sheriff of Simcoe. About 1843 Mr. Beardsley was appointed to look after the Court-House, and upon his death in 1856, his widow assumed the position. The fnmsral tnnlz nlnnn An Ll.....-1.... 4... as _ _.-__..--VJ n This week Mrs. Beardsley, another old resident of Barrie. was removed by the hand of death. For 44 years Mrs. Beardsley had occupied the position of housekeeper at the Court House, till her growing inrmity caused her to vacate the position at the last: meeting of the County Council. nnnpnnnrl wan flan Ann.-..I.a...a -1 `n_;_.:_L A Mr; W. L. Morton, of Fort William, has been spending a few-weeks with his parents in town. Ailan F ix;i'l'ay, of Sault Ste Marie is home for vacation. Mr. W.1I. Freek is home from the North West after an absence of more than eight years. | ' Mr; William` Spiker, ,of Sunnidale was] viaitgng with his sister Mrs. A. Naylor last I wee . P.x'1""'1'*i.12Ts'<')'izm- CUNNINGHAM At M Apge I-12", Nnrfk (`rung DEA rnahlannn A` ll: Lu: . . R. S.` 0.. 1897. Chapter ic . of his estate credits and" LOWHSDIP or uro, has made an assignment untle; effects to Do_nald Ross` 9 the Town of~Barrie. in the Countv of _Snmcoe, Sohcntor. for-the general benet of his credxtors. A meetlpg of the creditors will be held in the ojce of the sand Ava: nee in the Town of Barrie on Fruda the: nth dav o januery, I901. at the hour of n.o'c ock in the afternoon, to receive `ex ietstemeut of nffaimand appoint ieepectorljindfdr the ordering of theelfiire of the estate genefellvr, . ...;. V l _ V heljorethe aay.__mu'm ether f add Mr. Rob), Henderson left last Saturday for Chicago. V Miss M. Ellis, of Exeter. is spending her holidays at home. M7i;a;owe-1]s,m<')f Toronto, is the guest; of I Miss, Maude Lally. Miss 1\.dcGee,Z;;')ex'1't`t:.'l;.e New Year : holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. Nay- lor. ` The attendan_ce_ at the Union on Monday ` was fairly road. The new president. Mrs. 3 -Gibsolconducted the devotional exercises. `The secretaryqwas unavoidably "absent on account of sickness in the family, but her i ghee` was ablysupplied by Miss Della Mc- ee. A letter` was read from the secretary of the School Board. stating that they are in hearty sympathy with. the Anti Cigarette 1.eagues.iaud asked that the superintendent interview the principals of the different schools _and arrange for- regular meetings. The meeting of the league in the Central school will be held the second Thursday in each month . Mrs. McKee and Mrs. Ross will look after them. Mrs. Scott has had a lot of literature sent in and has sent two very large parcels to Huntsville and Nairu Centre. The union has sent ve dollars to Mr. Fitzpatrick of Nairn Centre for his work. _He has started two reading rooms at his own expense for the use of the lumber- men. A number of Magazines and other literature was also sent. Mrs. Stevenson being out of town, Mrs. Ross was asked to attend ti) the iail work during her absence, Miss Rogerson was voted a sum of money for her ower mission. There will be a par- lor meeting at the-home of Mrs. Scott, Peel street. on Thursday, J anuarv 21st. Subject, Lumber work". Complaint was made of young men and boys, who descrate the Lord's day by playing hockey on the bay. There is` work here for the Lord s Day Alliance. ` - - . vauvutlt LIUVVB I MiasNa_ne Grass is visiting at the Rectory , vyl --u-'-- -V I Mr. F; `of Penetang, is attending the Business Collega here. T Mr. Mrs Eioh. `(hose are visiting their son, N. Grose, John bt. _.-'-_`- `rhub- ZMr. 7.I`bo(nV1Vas Kenneay, of Winnipeg, spent the New Yea.r e holidays in town. `ll__ YYYOII I`! I I 5 Mdfd.(Wi;l';ds;l;::l-;;t;::dd his brotber s 4 wedding at Lucan on Wednesday. `I1- 1'\-__ -' TA-..` In-In -- J ._ ..._.......-J - Dr. ];ean,i`_ort Wvilliam, was a. caller in town _on Monday. on his way West. `.2-_ `Il',l'I,, Pl`! " ROBERTSON-HUBBER l`-At Allanddle. on . New Year's Day. by the Rev. 8. S. Craig. To-T ronto. assiated b the Rev. Mr. Westne . Alien- dale. Mr. \Vm.] : Robertann. to Miss nnie S. Hubbert, Allandale. V WRIGHT-COULTER--At Orillin. on December 27th. nqco. bv Rev. L. M. Weeks. B.D.. Fred- eriek W. Wright, of Sault Ste. Marie. to~Rachel Lulu May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Coulter. of Orillia. A . . - - uuq .. .. n.. .u ,. Miss'Rii;s,"i)f Cookstown, is visiting Mrs. ` Beecrofb, Ross Sn. ` - _-_v, _ -__. -V Miss Thompson, of Georgetown, is visiting Mrs. Geprsze Johnston. Resolution of Sympathy. The Late Mrs. Beardsley. Personal N ewe. nu ` Wu Cc`T U- 5-0 V.- CULVER-'-NEWTON-ATt the residence of the bride's parents. on January 1st, 1901. by Rev. R. N. Grant. D.D.. James Donalva Culver". to~M:ss Julia A. Newton. daughter of Mr. T. B. Newton ` all of Orillia. - v-w--- -` wul u---av: 1). Jacobs are apendin I few weeks with relatives here. - Wdkater and daughter, Florence, and Mr. Maclntosh. of Toronto. spent New Y ea.r s`with Mr. J. Lougheed. Anten Mills. _ Advance Coneipondence. A Mrs. M. Legace is veryV1ow at present. Her deathqmay occur at _any time; V 11.. __.._1. 11,1-` 1` -r` u -- . _- .-v-nu Tm.{ E{1.- T_Vi7i1Lnmviaiced at. Mr. w.'= 0. Riehard8on. s,'. of the ,5bh Con. , on Sunday. . ` ' ;_.. .. rm... ....-..'..l n.-..:.--__ u-u__`_I i1>9~99t __ _- ..-- wvv--, v-- -uv--nu-mu : The annual Sunday School concert. in the Methodist Church hqlie ` will be ' held on Thursday evghing.A Jun. 31kt", A; `g0od`-pro- gram is.-being hprepgtqd` t9dh*8i%1i1l?!9I%av A n..;.s;;';.'s9..;.;;,` }.e'J..fJIpZ.}Z' .312... sub evening `at Mr. K. Gibson : on New Year : eve. ` ` _ Mri 7t;l;;l-l":."&0-l`l`!~J' '.i`.y*'1;<;:-xle are happy over the arrival of a. young son. V 'I\I._ T3,, ,.I I I I Th(eZ ZEv:v"orI:h League intend having a Literary gntettainment in the near future. Adyanoe Correspondence. V Mr. `A. Gibson, of Saulr. Ste. Marie, is home on a. visit. _. _. --_ -- Frank Craig, of Markham, is renew- ing acquaintances here. 11 `-11 yr A In 7- - 'rue:s:'>'}'=\V,".i A'I\"I"t'J"Ai{ FW W1 9:31 at the Cnnml Chnmhpr, (`.n|n-fl Hanan -...'..!.. ..a. iti .Edit.h Jones or'X11anda1e, visited Miss Bertha Szigley last week. , ,1 `I T 3&1`. 1.);-I`)-_ap<> Tt Harbor. is visit- ing Mr. Herbert Lougheed. ` IfS__ TBJQAL A . The cheapeu place in town to buy hard and son. wood is A. W. Wilkin- son!-. Delivered promptly In aux xnantlty to any part of the town an llandalo. Leave orders at mu! ofllco or phone. 23. ' -The concert given by the Mozart Sym- phony Club. of New York. at the Opera House on Monday evening. was largely at- tended. 1`he Club consisted of but four members, Miss Stori. and Messrs. Hocb, Stoezler and Blodeck, but all were thorough musicians enough to give a varied and very enjoyable program. The only disappoint- ment was in the vocal soloist, whose singing was not on a level with her excellent work as a violinist. The feature of the concert was the number of old andobsolete instru- ments used. Mr. Stoezler s. solo on the viola d amour was by many considered the gem of the evening. Mr. Blodeck s work on the da gamba and cello was much appreciat- ed, as was also Mr. Hoch s on the comet and Alpine echo horn`. . A sonata quartette from Mozartwas beautiful. Altogether the second . ocxncert of the course was a very successful a air. __..-- --an-v-u nvu vu- --Chief Justice Falconbridge has handed out judgment in the Stater case of Beetnn. This was the action brought by the deceased: daughter to recover damages for her mother s death. owing to an alleged defect in the road, triedat Barrie at the fall aseizea. in which judgment was reserved. The Judge new rules that the plaintif failed to make good the charge, and has dismissed the case without costs. ` ____., __ :-._-- ---a--I'D)! EA novel entertainment will be given in the lecture room of the Collier street Method- ist church on Friday evening. J an. 18th, when the youngladies of the Mission Circle, will present 3 "Mock Conference. Re- freshments will be served by the Men's Aid Society, to add to the unique nature of the programme. Admission l5cts. I110:-r For Choice Family Flour and all Kinds ot Feed go to WllkIneon9e. All orders delivered promptly In any quantity. Please leave your order: at the Mill Olce or Telephone No. 23. --Mr. Robb. Croseland, of the ADVANCE staff, was yesterday united in marriage with Miss Farrell, daughter of John Farrell, Esq. , druggist. of Lucan. --On- Sunday evenlilng residence of Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Milne, two widows, who l reside on Clapperioh s'treei:,_ was entered and ransacked by burglars while the ladies were at church. The thieves succeeded in securing two gold watches, a gold guard chain, gold brooch. and $7 in money. Oysters, Haddiesi Clscoes, et_c.. lush daily, at BOTH. LIBS . ......, uuu 13 nemg placed in position. -The North Bay Express, from Toronto (tit; orth Bay, has been discontinued on Sua- vs. _ -The Newmarket hockey team was de- feated by Collingwoad at. the latter place on Monday night by a score of 3 to 2. _,ll'.. `l'aVJ---- `I V" ' ,4 _._ -In uvnuw I.U ull.ll.lCl'c --Rev. A. P. Addison, of Collingwood, will occupy the pulpit _of Collier street Methodist; church on Sunday next. _'PI.... r:I.....-1_ -2 `n - -Excelsior Btgsjnass` Uollagp, ._Bq.rrie, ,_-- -....-.... vu -uuuuuy uwu. --Tiie Liberals of Barrie. will tender a banquet to Premier Ross, at the Queen's Hotel, here, on *he evening of Jan. 17th. -Messrs. Alex. Brownlee, Neil Hat-kin-1 and John Lummis have been reappointed License Commissioners for Centre Simcoe. -Mr. Henry Stone has resigned the Clerk- ship of Tecumseth Township, after thirty- eight years service. Mr. Wm. Lilly suc- ceeds him. . -.._- V, - uvvlu U1 0 I10 1- --Mr. Edward Blain had the misfortune. to fall on the ice. breaking his right arm, while on his way home to dinner. ~D___ ` 1` . .-. av-.. --vv\v.l\JIIll\t A In uuulbllvlvn -On Monday Parry Sound carried two money by-laws, one for $29,500 for the purchase of the electric light plant and ex- tension of the waterworks and the other for $2,500 for building 9. steel bridge across the Seguin River. --M:. Aixiiailllla P. Hinds many friends will be glad to learn that he recently won the prize offered by the Ottawa Hockey Club for the best thousand word article on hockey, against a dozen competitors. The article I will be published in book-form. -The regular annual meeting of the Public Library, Board will be held in the Library Hall on Monday night next at eight o'clock. A good attendance is desirable. n, In 1 1\ -. - - -_ .- `nu. was 1 VIII]. I Pei-I: `of the machinery for the new vcvennery has arrived, and is being placed in position. _'l`hn Nnrfh 12.... v ---- -- -~- ' - Sweet 01-anigen, 1 5c. 3 dozen at BOTH` WEIJRS. -Barrie has entered a. junior team in the O. H. A. --The bay was frozen over on Wednesday night of last wee -The Ontario VLegisla.tnre has been called to meet: on February 6th. . `D__;_ ._E .1 ' Many B.-aaable` Paragraphs of Local Interest. fThe Latest News , {$.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCI SINGLE COPIES FIVE GENTS. `j ' V f 133 COIITSOC 3'8 IHOTOUBH any PTBCUCKI 3130 III Illllli and graduates are tn strong demand. . ` WInter Term from Jan. 2nd. -Enter 1 any time afterthat data. - - A We also give spkndid courses by My 11 for those who cannot attend our School, ' v ' Allparticulars cheerfully given. Addtess` L o-ly X w. H, SHAW` PRINCUPAL. Holly- Briefly Told. raii""'f r'nii7'"igi'si's"'7"day, Septembefgmmh, I900. I "antral i3i%:fi*f513%5L'Em :5 employs :1 regular Tenhers. {wins 60 Tvpev.Ir'|jlti'hg Machmcs and uses so splendid rooms in Ill work. Its courses are thorough and practical and its: ntudentp and aradnsltml sing in strong demand. DON T _NE_GL*'-Ci OFFICESTO RENT on Lens; In the matter of And:-aw Kluock; or` the Township of on-_o, In A the County oi simcoe, Farmer, lnaolvem. ` .. NOTICE a. -herebyugiven am the said And:-bw,` Kissock. carrying on business as a farmerfat -laid Townshipof Oro, has made un`de|'- RLS.` 1897. Chapter in. his aunt. m-.a:...--...a. -V Team ofaavy. Draught Horses. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. TheN lint .n 2.. 41... ...u. I`..- r--. nm-In ..-.._..-.a--.__..:-- Notice to Creditors. me once :5 pavents, muyleagn. Jan. and, by Rev. J. J. Cochrane. Barrio. asisted by Rev. J. J. Spnrling, of Fennells. D. H. Corbett. of Thornton. 10 Annie. eldest daugnter of Mr`. and Mrs. Robert `Cunningham, Killyleagh. -'_-"_"_ - ""'W"""' ' V 7"v'I In every detail` is an u -to-date institution. Capa.ble.instructor's, vet ectcquipment. satis- factory results. Send for our descriptive and interesting catalogue. It will convince ypu. . NEW Anvlm'1'1sE1vu;N'rs. The County Council will lneet on E~l\n\1 Innis:--nu: gs`. 4 ;NC3TlCE'.'. No. a I T ' WHOLE 7N0 . 3453 {' Saxon. Wxaut`. Proprietor. ' 9 NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Shareholders of Tjue Barrie Tannin Company. {Limited will take place at the `oice o ` Messrs. Strath & sten. Barristers. Owen Street. -in the Town of arrie, on TUESDAY. the 'r5th.' day- of JANUARY, rgoz, at 3.oo deloclr; `p.m.. for the purpose of receiving the report of the Directors for the past year, electing Directors of the said Com- n_y for the ensuing year, and tmuenctingsuch other ` "``?.`a`3 .'}`.i.`.ia'Z,`.r .':. ""i" "'`"`" (Signed) _ G. H. ESTEN; 1.3. . Rnonbd an . n.'r.aAN1'mc., Cnvnu-rv Dr I MARRIED pimp. :6-lv "H."53K'rEs.' Edgar P.O. Oro. Couu-nr CLERK-_ ID 1 Di` g Secretary. - 1 M LEASE UK FOR SALE, at a moderate price. that very comfortable cotta e owned and for- ` merly occupied bv Mr. H. T. W aley. cor. Francis and Henry Sts., Barrie. _6 rooms. stone foundation. good cellar and out h-.uldmgs,,lawn and garden. hard and aoft water. Possession at once. Apply to ;C. W. PLAXTON. Solicitor, Barrie. . ' 1-4= ' - ._a.uoUl aIL_wI.;\J.-nyuu ruuuynewnome user-on`, ,xfv.!;dd _Vi_ait_ with friends in 1`oron`to .,a_cl6" :L;_,_,g_,vg:;F. !?.\ = V _ . :~ 3 Private h;nd;tolop.n at 5 per cent. on farm grp-V pcrtV.' Terms to aunt` boln-owera. No connectxon with any`lo'an- company. Apply personally or by letgerto - 4 V ; : 1 ..,~:HARVpsMARRy ~ p ' ggiir `~ ~-.nA1ngg I " ru mm cI.sn_pnee Ema tor yndowmont Inuurpnoe Poli es, in rehab): ompamea or money T loaned `thereon. Apply . o H` LYON I ..-I. n-_, -. . . `Farmers .A.tta:ntion.; . Anwnnc:- Gooa ` L ' ` 1 W was. 3. :G,';_spO'.*3"i`f?5 B1y'K:13's`;e:_,gt.. ' The Annual Meeting `of the A * West Bidini: Simone Electoral Dis- trict Agriculturaltsnciety, WI" beheld in the TOWN HALL. BARRIE. on Wednesday, igmry I51-|I,i I 90! 51 _ o _ Q ENDOWM'ENT_ ` IN-SURANQ_E__ POLICIES [JOHNSTON & - 22-Iv T Yards, fobt of Mary St. Head Oice 23 Elizabeth St` 1 oo ACRE FAEM I-`OR. SALE; North-west half of Lot 3, Con. 8."Ves 60 acres ra; cleared balance standing timber: soi heavy clay loam; first-class wheat arm. Where necessary it is tile drained. Frame "House. frame barn and log` barn; good water etc. App! orrthe remisei or gay getter to EGERTON H. )0 NSTO , Miuesing 16-tf A Hard and sort.` 0 OD... A `Cut; as you want it: dry as` coal, and split wood is under roof. _ Given: a call. -..._.______*_ A nurnbeiz-woof our young people enentda pleaaanttime at Mr. Jae. Hamilton : on Wednesday evening last. Mr. A. H. Preston returned to Owen Sound on Monday after spending his holi- days under the parental `roof. - _-.- '--- juuvvuu -vvn Abnigvrgnlations to Mt. a.n.d Mr: Donald McKay on the arrival of a daughter, also to I Mr. and Mrs. W. Jamieson, a daughter. Fifhut cash prion Enid for Endowment In'Iu|-_unc`e PO 0.. ln:An . nan nun:-u ` In--_.I 1 C79 1-"E14-=`= Mrs.` Eopeland [and R. J. Swan are spending some time with friends in Toronto and Whitby. T . Advance Corresoondencs. -Miss Edith Turner is visiting friends in Barrie and Midhurst. . } fBig -i'!._t'I:"h6m;i;i{' Saturday night. : Mr. Lennox intends holding a carnival on; Jan. 15 Everybody welcome. - j ` `Mine -R.'<)fc:l-:;rell returned to the eity" on Saturday, after spending two weeks with` her parents`, of this place. 'll',. 1'.` Frah'k Z(!'<(>zl`o!r|1:;:v<'>f Oookatdwn. and Mr. Hector McLelland, of t.he,Hol_lows, spent Sunday in our midst. n. . - T0 LEASE OR FOR SALE, prnce. cott_ge_ agd for-T v\1An`n: ........_.'..,l L_. II, II In ,- A large number from here attnded the Anniversary Services at the 6th line on Sunday. V AChu;'t\:hill was `well represented at Beth? eada. on Mondav evening and allvreport hav- ing had a. good time. V i $;%`?:.%Zz?.1%%:?E;33`;.:*P:.2st21: _-___=. ` ' We undezV'stanci1tZlT1(a`. Miss B. Rosa and Miss [ M. Holmes are invited to attend a wedding . party in Alliston in the near futuae. ` w -.w-- ------1 Advance Gorrespondonce.` T ` - Tea. meeting tonight.` Big time expeoted. Mr. H. C. Wilson spent a. day in Toronto t last week. The(MiVsseaV Ferguson, of Bradford. spent % Sunday with Mrs, Dr. Little. 3 V Tia} 'x&{Q; Ha; h;1}i I-1-6:2;-:1-:1 the 3rd Jan. T; was a. grand success. Evervbody had a good ` time. ` i It seemsthat those that are yours are not yours truly. While Mr. D. Jeunett, of Ivy; 1 and a; lady friend, were attending `divine service here last: Sunday evening he had 9. handsome string of bells cut to pieces. _ * AuuuAL A number iiiitiiyle from here rind vicinity attended a social hop at Miss Lizzie Muir a on New Year : evening. T It - ___._`__,_,;,,_ SA'I,,; II`, `\ 'I'\ CCU` writ-\IrIlJI-E TFIIWIVI r,U5HLl.. ' The N. 2; lot IO, in the 12th Con. West GWillim- bury`--about 90 acres cleared ; never failing Asgirbg creek, good grain and stock farm. Somers on farm, daily mail. 2 dwelling houses and 2 barns.` For further particulars a ply J. H. Garbutt. Box 1 39 Bradford, or to W. Au t. Barrister, `Barrie. A2-2 T iv}; 13;}; i{4{ 'n1"3:"Ee}I1.$3T E1333; ` teacher, has an instrumental class of young pupils on the 12th line. j , . T1iiia`*i3ii Wriiio-1;:}ige and Miss Aggie o Davidson, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. Jno. Hockridge_,' 12th line._ ` ` .iVe_1'1`1,1oI:.I':._~o_f -I-tvy, was the guest of Mr. John I-Iockridge last; Sunday. In___ 1- *|nL1\, - ,___....`_'- _-.-_ y.----v.--, . 15/Ira. v.Ii. V14<;]_)ermobt. _ofBa.rrie, is the quest. of her son, Mr. J. MoDermott, of-this place. I I`7_.I , _I . FerBi1sizi$vale.'- A V ' `J ' gumbo Corujondone; V _ ' Mr. A. `Hogs of Wyevalc'dalled on-friends here last wee . A '. . ' ~ - Gro -nrel. Advance Correspondence. Our candidate, Mr. H. Cameron; polled a V large vote at this division. V ' . 1 Mi}; 1>Ia isaEI."1}2?.':65$;;remn. ed to Toronto after spending: Christmas at home.` ' . ' ' H Charles Cumming,"uf Utho} has re-` turned home after spending a few weeks with friends hm`. ` ` H T1i&`r.}{{ci71&}};' William Huddleston, Tot Flo: Centre. I out Christmas week with ` their daughter,'. rs; Hy. Thtu-low. __ O Ar VB"dmi;a';v11'x;ieTK.err ;a.s .th gueqe of Miss J. A. Elricklast wo;ek.. VVIDII IIIVIIWD ll-I LIIIQHIAQIU ICIKIJI Mrs`. L. Jones, of "E1um1e, visited her mother, Mrs. Cumming. lately. . _ ` .1 . "S-.. Y` , ll II" `E! I I: ,,, I I . I "1\is.7.i}l{ j'iii$%uL&$i. mm a my am with friend`: in Ora" last week ' \ M iii':.}'ii}:;'ia{.ri3} 35313.: few- week. A with friends in Hillsdale latnly. ' '11.... `I 7-.-- .1 rn_;, _- . I 9 `(') E;1;;- fo_f' Nepawo, .Man , is _visitmg'frIenda here. ' _ ' V- ~ `II, I ! nu I 3-\'nnu -III `wiial-fcir. Gallagher. "of" suiraio, .u.a; on`! `friends have recently. . 1. 7'vL7[.:Kizix:1o\:::` spent a few weeks with Mr, Jno. Kelly. ; ` vIl__ 1 not-i n 11 it ..s_.~1s r . 1 xi-13"` MONEY TO-TURN.` "17 ___.__-___j._._ " v w'rite`for our'NeW Catelogucie if yet: hreeinferestad in the selection of the Beat haul in which train for businesa;pu_ruuits.'_ The - .

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