Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Dec 1900, p. 8

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whom id Ber. or; If iiof }5aid. \\`h_,\ d by said inot and general ob . ustnce. dsrvatiuns. it am. I xglv ' MONEY 1'oToAN. MAnaR1 O. H. LYON I)-.. an 1:/` `V . County of. Sxmcoc. VVithdrawn Committed lsettled out at court Dismissed . . . . . . .. 2 months in gaol -4.-On 1 sci-v VUIIUB UHUVNDCU TJohuaton s farm. Andrew : Sunday school will be re- `(med on Sunday. 23_rd inst. ;;);lr.vTodd wilt have 9. sale of his farm s-Vl'atnenx; etc., on the 28th inst.` hdlvninnnr, n9 ulm T.....A9.. ........-.. ._:n I,, R. "l;lz;ckmoro tins purchased Mr.` e Iuvu l costs Dismissed Paid Box 303 whose names an F '24; Sec. 4. Con. aura. W. Lam` and C. Hamlin, of the `a. _of Pharmacy. are spending thgir nmaa holidays with their parents in the A `Ward. ` - .;R .411.) _ from Collingwood. He has been work- `g on the steamer Majestic during the put summer. - IV: II (M: I: `(full 1 u ... Mr.` Geo. Campbell arrived home on Thurs a as. v uuuv `run I uuuvuu ' No In WI - Flour lo lake ion : Mill. Barrio, to be ~ ITIQIGII. AlIll\I. n ..... _.- wv -up-sn `an uuvvo Recently the_fo1lowing G.T.H. remen `ypassed a very successful examination for `;:z;omotion to engineers :--Messrs.T Thomas adford. Lem. Lime, Archy Wilkinson, "Geo. Dodson uqd `Walter Precious. Some , of the above-named are running on specials L_ at present ' .....-_....... .-.g--_-...--... The Xmas ante:-raxinment of Sn. George s [Church Sunday School will b held in the old Methodist Church on Wednesday, Dec .26. .. An excellent programme will be render- -[iedby the S. 8 children and Rav. H. C. r -fDi`okson. Also a Uhristmaa Tree and prizes. 'D_--_..1__ .L, r_n,,_,_-,,_, l`1 In .. n ,. _.v _._-_.. __...v .. _-.-.v..v--w -ugwvauvc The exitertaiumenn given by J. W. Beu- ." ough in the old Methodist Church, on `Fi'i- J `Tgay evening last. was fairly well attended.` I [and the Ladies. Aid of the Presbyterian I .:%`5Church will realize a. nice little sum for: the ` building fund. T J ' _ | \- L Your c0I`respnndeI.t: extends his congratu- lations to Mr. W. Luur on having success- : fully paasedvhis primary examination at the 33' opto College of Hmrmacy. suns. . T ;\ orders delivers I) ,, uanuty. Plea:-e leuv _ [I Q Will! Cllnn or 'I`t-lnnhau 1;: any A n_le`n2-s at '~ :7 m1Iy Flour and All ' " , nkhlsowa. All- . IIIIIIIIII CIIJIIVUTUU I e M111 011100 or Tclonhom :.lz1A~gs..Vof`Brach`in, `is the ghost 9`? ' V ' r >` % kiv Reccraror itsfD1n88- > ' llips epent_afew days "in ".l.`oro_ntoA __ ray Heels. `of Depot Harbor, is "Vil. - _ `V ` K ; V ' nie Graham is ill with a severe ueltrelgiu. '_ ` - `P. STU E held a praise service he gueet of liie urshnll is spending an extended holi- Qlne neighborhood of Sougog. V ` ; W. Canine, organizer of the C.O.C.F.., A`lIlVIlhIIn .n-nun nu tho I Itln :nnI- = S. Brennan, our genial townsman, is talk V gipg of running a rink this winter on Cam berlaud asreuc. . Go ahead, Steve, and the "bow will help you through. ` Rev. Mr. Skene, of Hillsdale, will preach ;-in the Presbyterian church next Sunday. ggliev. H. D. Uameron will preach anniversary yervices for Mr. Skene. AM jwarica haa.rer.ui'ned from Man`itbba- l gulspeqding 9. few days" the guesv of his 5?" r'-{Mrs.` W.__b`uir,e, Essa street. , ' 1 w -. nu _ Iauullu, Ulilllllavl` UL lulu! \J.Uo\/.1? ,', lvuudale Council on the Ilthiiusc. the Sixth Ward from Parry Sound. iller returned to town on Monday of ._: eek. after having apent the summer in ftyliarbor. ` ' g _. 7 . , hr correspondent wishes the many sub- 1-` hjdrs of THE ADVANCE in the 6th ward, try Uhristmus. _ - V`. Mr. Campbell, of Sbavner, preached aouud gospel sermons in the Presbyter- _ ; `hlirch on Sunday last. IIY o 1 deward Dixon has returned to his `,V[tU_|.HV'll. UL uzprquiw. Ii! %'9`Q`kI at their home here. '|..'...`.._.. L). ...:n .._,_ wow navuvvovuuo T Ad va rice Correspondence. III- `L44* , I ` Dalston Advance Correspondence. __nn_,,_ Qro _Stacion. aenevuvug uvyvn 0|-us, VII IIIIU ECU" IIIIIC. oramenb of the Lord : supper will be rpand Mrs-. Ferguson. of Barrie, were eats `of. Mr. A. W. Bell on Sundey Merlin, our -tesoher wili be ghsd to W ._ of `the ratepayers visit the school dsy`aIteruoou.. 21st; inst. - m. Bell is home from Saul: Sr. cold weather. The rest `of the pea. colony consisting of Messrs. wtherr, D. and A. MeQueig, Geo. onion and D. -G. French were `left. ' L'- need the first Sunday in the new year.` e reports over three feet of `snow, E; want rst-clans In II7lIIrln_ ll'II'UIII.lI Wilkin- hnnrnal nu ,__ __-`.-_.-- Toronto, Dec. "19.-o--'I`he report ~01 the Earmrf i- `Institutes in Ontario has: ibqxy Viusjsuedo. ;It` is gratifying, and ` hows?`-vtha4tf.,.a: large oi_n;cxfease_.>` ` % `gmbrahjp and act % has qlgg W, v Not `Quito 80 liopeful. On the other hand, the British Foreign Oice is not quite so hope- ful. Oicials there profess to be ra- ther at sea as to whether the condi- tions are to be irrevocable or .other- wise. Indications point to their be-| ing irrevocable. British officials ad- mit that they gave in under protest, and witha distinct reservation-tha_t, although the demands are irrevoca- `ble, this in no way constitutes en- forcement of demands by European troops.` To such a course, Great Britain cannot,, and will not, agree. Britain's Alterations `Accepted. London, Dec. 19.--Great Britain s proposed alterations, in the preamble of the joint note have been practical- ly accepted by all the powers, says the 'Pekin correspondent of The Daily Mail, wiring Monday. "Both Russia and Japan, whose support. was regarded as doubtful, have agreed._ Only the attitude, of the United States remains as yet not clearly defined: but the `acq'u'iescence_ of.America' is anticipated, and it is probable that the joint note will `be isigned and, deliveredto the Chinese plenipotentiaries _ within three _, or 1.four days. The "German Minister has , w-armyly supported the British` pro-_ posal'."7_. ` 0ota;io, ; lL Toronto, Dec, 19._--Hon. .John Dryden has received a. letter from J. G. Jardine,`ssioner to the Parig Exposition, saying that] Canadians! have been awarded an ad- < ded 2 gold, 15 silver a,nd 5 bronze! medals for fruit, and,.Awith .a,.toLn.11 of more than 20. awards for" agricul- ture and horticulture, has beaten ev- I cry` country the__w;orfld. ---v-rg, cos v--onulvt Alli uuuuntuuwip/OIIU nu.- est misunderstanding to be an error in forw'arding instructions, an error which occurred, presumably, through \ -the .cable conlpany, and which caus-V ed Mr. Conger and Sir Ernest. Sutow, the British VMinister in Pekin; to ta.ko'opposite?views, although their home Governments were perfectly agreed. ` L VH1... 1T...:L'...! L\_;_, 13..-! '. n -- $1-"l`;;m1.Tnited States Enlbassy, Vvhile noncommittal, hopes that to-day's conference will clear up the muddle and bring about _ a signing of the joint note in Pekin within .a few days. \v_L't\,,n4, n C: an - _ T A Mlsunderstuudlng Arose. Once more the joint note seemed on the verge` of signature, when a. misunderstanding arose in Pekiu. This confused the Governments, and formed the subject of the 'despatch from Secretary Hay, which _Mr. Choate transmitted to the Marquis of Lansdowne yesterday. As the re- sult of the interview, Mr. Choate has sent a. long_ ca.bleg'ra.m to S cretary Hay, in which he uttribu he luv n` I~\nu.~p'ln...,.4.-....A:...... L- L, =-. `All of Dalston and the surrounding coun- _ -vftry have shown verv great sympathy toward :;Mr .Chas. Hart and Atamily in the loss of `their son Draper, who died under rather sad ciroumstauces._ He went to California for `the benet of his health -and arrived there a*iu- apparently good form on -Sundav 2nd inst. ` On Mondav he suffered from a slight hemm- ors e_ but was out in the town on Tuesday. on uesdey night pneumonia seized him and eaoeful and happy. and that is a grout sol- toe to his relatives. Dr. Herbert A. John- ,. ~ ton, son of James Johnston, merchant of . inesing, -whose guest he was, did all that ` , `liarother or friend could do under the cir ,u'mItances,- and not onlv the father, Mr. harles Hart, but Drs V. A. and F. J. Hart Mjault Ste. Marie are fully satised that all ' `.;.,u,id do ' His nurse and 0 her friends could wthave been more kind andvhelplulat such Wltrying time for Dr. and Mrs. H A. J obn- " ,"t`o_n. His coin arrived, covered with `reaths etc. made of California foliage. and jet. At the funeral on Tuesdayllth the Tllowing helped to decoratethe casket. the A __art'.family, a beautiful pillow; Epworth ' ` ": us, a wreath; Misses Gross, Byrnes. and -right of . Barrie, a crescent; Miss M. ` _Jhite and Mrs W T Richardson,asickle;' and Mrs Swinnerton, a cross; Miss M e passed away in a few days. His and was- ` jaljdono for the sufferer that human aid" i A = hits and Miss W. White,an'anchor`, and a uquet from Mrs. Taylor. `It appears that over a week ago thepowers came to an agreement to eliminate the word irrevocable" from the joint note. Then, when it was believed-V that everything had been Settled, objections were raised, and Greatliritain, for` the sake of `harmony , although much against her will, agreed to reinsert the ix-`re-L vocable clause. In` this, it is be- lieved, -soho. was supported by the United States.` V ` . I st \Ovv\4AIJtlAllE. ` 4* ` V , . . . \ Some explanation, however, was `gutllered of `the extraordinary tangle in +110 (`.h";nocn Innrrnl-n4:......' =\auvAIu1v\A ux uxu: UAyl'uUI'ullluI'y tangle in which the Chinese negotiations have recently been mixed up, _and some reconciliation of the. contradic-' tory telegrams that have emanated from" Pekin ;and vaious European capitals. - c ' ---..._-,._, .1 . ` London, `Dec. 19.-Mr. Choate, the United States i Ambassador, had a. long conference `yesterday afternoon regarding the Chinese si'tua.tio]n `with the Secretary of State for Foreign AA'airs, the Marquis of Lansdowne, and subsequently Mr. Henry White, secretary of the United States Em- bassy, paid a visit to the Foreign ` O;"i`ice.' What couldbe learned from iBri_tish and American sources varied considerably, the former expressing t annoyance "and anxiety, the latter maintaining [that nothing` serious was developing. Qnvnn nu.-`n1......- a.:..`_ LA--- -- 'E:I{:31t Von Waldersee says he knovvs V that there isa considerable force of Chinese` under General Ma in` the _`northern part. of the Province of Shah 'Si, and another. south of Tshang Tsang, but during the severe winter, that "has now set in, -he does 1 not expect an aggressive Chinese \ Government. v On the other hand, wherever the` allies leave a. district for any length of time, bands of rob- bers and Boxers will congregate. For this reason, the Field`. Marshal desires the co-operation of all the allies to cover the various districts with ` strong" patrols. . It is now understood thatta meet- ing` of the .foreign envoys will be held to-morrow. - ` `Pekin, Dec, 18.--Cot1nt`_Von Wal- Vdersee has issued an order assign-. ing. various districts in the. neighbor- ' hood of Pekih for supervision to the military representatives of the vari- ous `powers; The 0 der `says that .the extent to which t e co-operation, of the French and American troops can be depended._upon is a. matter to `be determined .by agreementsm'ade iwith the generals commanding these forces. . -rv cur . - Lord Lansdowno` and U} S.` I AlnblI!l(i0l` Choato Had a Long Conference Regard- Jug cmneso An_ram--'rho' Word "1ri-ovo- ` cable" Cats 3 Prolhinont Figaro II Regards Joint Nto - Yuribur Mis- underitandiugs. Vdf: V\Iaflde;s`_ee AsAsigf_r%\s . Each of the Allies'.a District Farmers Instltgntel Report. ,,; -\ `_... ___. Had a Long Conference. lVlI I LIIIJ ldo -' - Minesmc. ` Advance Correspondence. ~~ I Mr. William Addison is able to be around i again. " ' Mien F, Kerfoot, of Grenfel, wan ljonne on , Sundav. . . _ .. A . . . Mr. C. W..Wari is getting in:-a. stock` of A bqeketomnteriol-. _ . _ . _ . , ` Mr. Walter Johnston, of B. C. L. is holi- dn ingnnder thefpju-e_ntalroof.~=. V .. ~ ;_g s _hea;- the fIlnu`.linle of wedding bo1_la`:' ' T -'-` 9 `M I I 1 1 e ,5 I Sara"h Porter;........ Hugh W1-ight . .... . . Fred Thnmpson. . .. . . H hW' ht ...... .. J55 Ro$f....;;.... Capt. Zealand. ..... . . Chief Hollern ...... - . VIP In 063 land . Hollem . unn uoner. . . . . . . Tm. Latnmer.......... if. i'.'i."'v ?1`:.'5.ff`f::::::::; John"Englisl;........... UBO. l'00Ieu nu . Geo. Coombs. . . `nhn ham-.. lohn Wilson....... Douglas Turner. . . . } Iohn"Wilso:;: ` nnuunlua 'I"u-... W. D. Denton . Geo. Poole. . nan l\l\nu-n L- SOEIEDULE OF} RETURNS OF CONVICTI tat. Uppcr Canada; also Statutes of Canada. 186:). Can. 1:. Sec.` 81. and Statutg nf U50: \/U_OInUUo a ohn Doner. n`. I -c.....-.. . - . hon say It yoin want nut-clac- ` our -when-to Wilkin- Name of Prosecugor 1. "9 egh B'.v'eI-0.3: . ' v 1-` :~.-.-....-...._ __ , , ..xAn:}(" _ ,n__-`.9 enumpm and tenoingxt. ` _f eo,w'n. of enetang, and Mr.` 'wn. of Marquette. are spend- ihh` their hnmn ham: Name of `Defendant. Thornton. Advance Correspondence. Thornwn L.0.L. No. 16 held its Annual, Meeting in the Orange Hell on `Wednendpy Eva-wins :D6 1909-when the; e V "nr.9... evening. ting forth every effort to make it the. event of the eeason. A | The Literary Society is making excellent progress. Some of the members of the fair- er sex are going to make a variation in the I next evening s programme by debatin . Mr. R. J. Mullen was Critic last ridsy evening. - ` e. as returned to my oce fdr the Quarter ending` the 1 nauus. as raw rerry. '1` Eiesbytuian S.S. Xmas. Tree Friday 0.V:llVi|l8l\'lnI)i9I1,p1V looked forum,-d to by Y ,0" -w ' ` V av nsva; uma up - ..-,v -.-um vvn I cayuuuuncc. Another wedding. Partioulere next week. . Mr. Farr will occupy the house vacated Vhv Mrs. Hollieter. ` Mrs. A`. Lummia has returned from a visit `to. her rentaleat Port Perry. i`:.`;_Th'g"..rnghurm-hn`Q L! Y--- m..--Ann_2_1-- via . - Mn is Iuwi hi i . V `atumpingnand ;en?:ri::: $9 `n`w'n- hf Anntnna mm! Al`... NI untp, In uuwuxu, II 5113 gllBSU Arohibald Kirk; Committeemen, William J. Sdroggie, Alex Stewart, `H- Hicks, A. Green`. C. Blaeketock. The of_cere elected -_-..-S..._;_II,,I .I 31-- vs -uvuuaalw, anon bD|.UW3I'I?g 11.. nlok, A. officers were installed by the P.D.M.., Innial, John A. Stewart, Thornton. . F .1 nn:A AI ... Q--____A '1" " Wjrebridce. Advance Con-espondence. ,__._.|_1g rs --- - J. R. COTTER, Clrkol] , khii -, v- ---v'_..--., -...,. . J` R` COTTER Clerk of the Pea'ce. County of Simcoe. : 18th day of December,` A.D. 1900. D I`l\'Ell\I!w run a an | . . * P|'iV%te funds to 10: t c at. on farm P."" L.:B"[V-' .1-`rm.8 poi? No connecuon fiiiinaesmm -5 .Apply personally by arm-91? -Attlention. ' Hliulest cdshi? 'd for Endowment Insurance Policies in mpanies or money l`d `thereon: Apply n I-I IVON ENDOWMENT VIQISURANGE POLICIES igned ' ' ' " 'cii};Z:i.T={r',g?l-l;a2{i! 2 Town Treasurer Treasurer County Treasurer H N Applied to over costs . H N N Village Treasurer Village Treasurer. : and half to Co. Treasur 1 Xillafc Treasurer non pupa- 1 -. -wcnobllhl Co. re-asurer........ Treasurer of Innisl. Treasurer Alliston

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