Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Dec 1900, p. 6

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J. C . Mceggie &' C 0. Notice to creditors. Notice to Creditors. BANKE_R%S, F OR SALE. -. .uuv`-nus.-, nyvuo "izE)_s s5 & Bnoxovsxr n.;--:.. : 1 svccnssons To BARR-11;. j-kissing c-eremony over, the fam- . .. _,ucks" like a, hen and "cheeps.- f"/chicken. This is said certainly- .` Vure -a plentiful increase or the v V _s"d_u_'rin8 the coming year. A ' '3}-ta "T. BEECROFT; THE ADVANCE." u1 Barrie, Or t . Solicitors for Executors. SUCCESS I A_ULT, Raps-uatnnp Do. _ It I T`? i I Barrister, Barrie. * ` 39-51 ti I MANAGER. -....... ....-.. ..n..x.u uunu tual. UCIULC is lighted the iron shovel and ker are llidden away. The Christ- must be stirred only withaplece od. As soon as a piece falls from of the burning Yule log oneof \ s of the family picks the bit up 43 teeth and at the imminent dau- Pbeing burned carries it thus into rd and there drops -it. Now of ainty no witches can get in dur- eichrtstrrms festivities. D 1`. Executor. Barrie. , Advertise in THE ADVANCE. -... -uvunun-I U III-l'|lL UUIII-I Fur Broken-wind:-d Horses. The only` medicine in the world that will stop Heaves in thre-ezdays. But fora permanent cure st requires from one half ta one bottle u -ed according to directions $r.oo. Kidnev and Acute Cough Powd- ere 50c, Dr. McGa.hey's Condition Powders destroys worrrs, puries the blond, putting horsec, cattle and calves in condition; 25c. Take no other. Sold by G. Monkman. Barrie, and Cook & Co.. Orillia. 49-ly , I Licensed Auctioneer. Aggaraiser. Valuator, etc.; Credit Sales of Farm to k and Implements nromptly attended to; Farms suld and bought on Commission. GET MY TERMS AND RATES. |.l\/ION] :73? TO LoA1. OFFICE 34 BAYFIELD STREET, BARRIE I 8-! ~ nn. F!!c_'l}_HnEY'S. HEAVE guns in -II7 n4I..4I IIn--- V5, WE: fminute. ' 7!? words,_ _ minute. words. 3 minutes; You diille to wait for an answer. 19 IV j X GEO. MCDONALD 7 conversatiggs `of the -mofunthl'n`sof p tfe egro; (have `;'1;.f[ peculiar >"rlstn_u"z s eve eustgtn. After ' e. Yule, log has been lighted of, the house and theson who ' 1esh`cpherd or the sheep "ock e xsta-ble's with candles. and each corner of, the .luterior_` ` , .Tl1eu they return to the ,. as each holds his candle high als are driven in one by one. sehold wife then sprinkles a me over the oldest female of ' the _difl erent species of live nd. having done this. kisses the on the head. This is a unique as practice. and antiquarlans hen able to ndno reason for ave they been able to set the hen it began. ` Long Distance_Te|emg I I, .. .. . T 5"`: ' ` !i:' ` ` V ' ` --1"OR-- EUHRISIMHS GIHS E . All the Wonders imd Pleasures ol 0 High-Priced Talkin ~ ' Tuclline. When accompanied b a neco.-der this Graphophone can__be use to make R. -ords. Price with Recorder.$7 5o, Reprodu, e ` an the standardARecords. Send order to our nearest oice. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH co. Dept. 30 Moll? unnvr _.- _,, -n 9 . .N .`.?9T.HF-R MUCH FUN- A'otda`the cheapest and Insg means of communi '1 ` Bonversati IGRABHOPHOIW -rw--`guy---no - uI I`\'IIIII II \I\I NEW YORK, I43-.145 Bro`adway. CHICAGO, 88 Wabash Ave. ST. LOUIS, 2o-722 Olive St. WA` `NQTQN nvn Dnnnnnl wnanxnurun, 919 Pennsylvania 1 PHILADELPHIA, 1032 Chestnut St BALTIMORE, 10 E. Balumore SI. BUFFALO, 313 Main St. SAN FRANCISCO, I25 Geary St. PARIS, 34 Boulevard dcs Itahcns. Kl Rrnnnncovnnen I 34 l50l.lIV3l'(1 CICS ltancns. BERLIN, 55 Kronenstrasse. \4n||\afI\V\l u Iv nun) IIVUO JUIS, 2o-72'2v0live WAS INGTON, Pennsylvania AVI. LDELPHXA. Ion Chestnut St 95 U 19,1 thrdugh coming yen-| "at it _our glad sending V ' 0;, odr souls ' ChrI,'u&m!I;,dI&'! U` 4 1 '5 , clea and `no hurriedly siigken I occ L ~ bllowing time: I A REAI. 2 5- 50- o I ounu Dy 3. you will do well to exammc our stock of Skates. Straps, Hcckcv Sticks and Pm ks. latest Hockey Skate. It is used bv the best p1a_\cr.s. Sole agents for Copp Bros. Stoves and Rang:-s. If v0u want a. stove, call and see our stock and prices before you buy. Call and sec [hr Axes. Saws, Cow (Hains. Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells. Thorley's Cattle Spice and all general hard ware. T SKA]_ER$_AND HOCKEY PLAYERS You willbe plea=ed with our goods and prices. which are light. If you are in need of am of lhu ` following gzve us one trial and satisfv voursclf. HAVE YOU TRIED Ma.cLaren s Perfect Headache Cure. A safe and instantaneous cure for }io:zda(:he- rand Neuralgia. Guamntced to cure. NEW HARDWARE STORE These Tablets are the latest p_ml11'ti0n oi ; medern medical science. They are innitrelv ` sjnperior to all pills and similar }n'('p:)r:l[1ums, for the cure of Ind'g-stioll and all dist-rm-s(:! the Stomach. .Bo\vels, Liver and l{ulne-_\'. . For Nervous Prosjtration- aml g,`lH'l'(ll weak. nss they have no equal.. To nervous nud delicate women tl1ese Tabl(eLs will prove-. .. positive blessing. Price, 500. her box. Sold `by D: H. Mm Laren, Druggist, sole agent for Barri`-,- l ` science. pm Thev are pills pro Kr: `One Dbor East of the Barrie Hotel. V42-tf we HAVE THE BEST D. H. MacLAREM, r --. no.5. [gnu that of the pudding, is in the eating. If it fails to satisfy THERE in is a total failure. You may buy rolled oats that LOOK like "Til|sons but when you come to put them to the test you nd that looks are very de. cpptive and you discover the hulls you did not see and besidesvthat you alsomissed that sweet pop corn avor which distinguishes Tillson s Pan-ed ARE NOT A PATENT MEDICINE . . . &. CO. \Vholesale and Retail Manufacturers. 'rANi(."" ' and Repairs, go *0 THE mtsuu cow, W. H._B_U_NKER, .._,_.j_._____... _ aEpsi5ii cs. MATRESSES. pumps, Tllllla BRADFORD smear. my BARRIE. TRY THE CHEMISVT AND Dl{UC:( :IS l`, . n..xm:n;. TILSONBURG, om`. LIMITED. of the p.01-ridge, like IJ:._ -. 9 go tau`. .T-CnMro1!ue._A. Dunn. b ` . -u-snnuuuw uulv IJ\Te3Il-Il3- Ch.r`l s.tnlas eve everywhere was the heglnnlng.ol' Cbrlstmas joysg In Ger-' many the old cusgtoms?stlll_ prevail to. a great extent. The Christmas tree. with lts gifts. followed bya grand supper. ghnslong held `Its own onl~Chrls,:_tnnas ; eve. Cbrlstnms day bglng spent lti pay- Jug and recelvlng visits and talklng ovr the extent of sum; Gluus"al: ten-._ tl_o:_ls. ' . , , _ _ . . -- -vi vv-.\ av us. but; Dtul `LITI-II" er " A large star in which are everail lighted candles ail shining as one is _mounted on one .end_ oi a long pole. This star is symboiieal of the star that guided the three, kings to `Bethlehem. and the e'eet of its light in the dark and winding streets atthe head of the long procession of men slowly march- ing to the7musieoi the Glo_ria'ln Ex- `eelsis" sung in. chorus is deeply im-' ; pressive. A sum_pt1_io_us supper is sezrv-` ` ed after the devotions are ended, and thus_,Chri.stmas day begins. (`I\I1'nOn-iaun 'A-..' .`----'-----|----`- -- - >` `Ema Yuletide lcur. . L Yes whose husba ds smoke are ti of Christmas that the man who Jntelligently would rather re- an" cigar coating 25 cehts than a casting 50 cents. We sound g; jt.Warnlng.merely'1n the in- 9fzp e;uce and good will. _ T hremlndod` in view of the ap-' ` _ . __ . .-v-us 1 Among Christmas eve customs one in V Holland is oi exceeding interest. in all the towns and villages at the midnight _hour the "men in varied costumes meet in the principal squari-s.cha'nting the Gloria in Eseolsis. - Proud is the man selectedlby vote to be the 'star~hear A A 1-....- -4-.- `LA _--.- '- w.a\v Q/UO\u\al-l$OIl$IllI&ll B1650 Various were the early superstitions` .n dltferent countries. the most curious being in `Scandinavia. In the German Alps it was held that on Christmas eve cattle fell on their-knees in adoring` worship being" given the bower of l speech during that one night. Shut woe to the person who overheard or listen- ed to their converse. for the reaper; Death would surely nd. him. let him hide as he would. before seven days were passed. Maidens thought to find the key which wouldunlock thedoor to their future life. and especially" among the peasantry of Poland was full reliance placed upon the result of these mystic rites. ` . - ' ` A--,-._,_ 4- _ A cHms"mAs EVE cusrou IN HOLLAND. ' originally a hymn to Saturn. for one of the principal features of the saturnalia was the singing. of hymns of praise to the. gods Saturn and Bacchus. and the composers of odes in -their honor were richly rewarded. Even the family banquet. so dear to our hearts, is a_ relic of thebacchannllan era. I'7_._l_._., _, ` thesaturnalia all restraint was removed. and the stemming of the tide was so nearly impossiblethat it is not hard tolreaiize the ditculties the Christians had in weeding out the evils oi this festival before It became our festival of Christina. so called from the Christ mass. whichwas celebrated on Dec. 25. Our Christmas carol was This acceptance was made easier be- causelthe date was that of the great festival-of the winter solstice, the sat- urnalla. which was celebrated in all parts of the world from Dec. 2'5 to Jan. 6. At that seasonhouses. temples and shrines were profusely decorated with evergreens. holly. laurel and sometimes ivy. No mistletoe was used in the dec- orations on account of the Druidical superstitions regarding its peculiar and dangerous power. One of, these super- stitions, however. has become.the her- itage of all ages: ' ~ ' Those who kiss under the mistletoe. bough Together will walk to the altar. ' "The early Christians incorporated as many pagan customs as possible with their celebrations and_ festivals as a matter of expediency, and in the R0- man saturnalia, with its decorations, its Yule log. its candles and tinsel laden_trees and gifts. there was much that even today forms part" of our cere- monial. - - . wnen Old .ChrIstmas brought MI sports again, ffrwub Chriatmu broa-hedfthe mlghtieit go, .' y D ` 3'4 ":1 rchristian era. writes M. E, Munroe in 'HERE'ls something akin to- .sndnes_s in they fact that in `;,__.tracing` the origixriiof many of A _ our c.-hurch.i'es_tlvil_sl we nd it in pagan celebrations antedating the-' -the New York Home Journal: There is 1 nothingcertnin even about the birth- day of Christ. Some authorities assert that December was in therniny season. when no `shepherds could have been "watching their ocks by night. Oth- ers claim that It was in the dry season, when SllephCl'd_S wereon duty dayand night. In the controversy over the date. extending -from December to May. Pope Julius (337-352) had an_investiga- tion made by St. Cyril and was satis- ` tied that the 25th of December was cor- rect. It was so established in the R0- man church. and before the end of the fourth century the dictum. was univer- sally accepted. I - V fl`I.l_ -.-__A..`.g-._ .___- _,,_,1 ._J,,, 1,- `Emily cnrguuanu lncor`po;-need many 7 Pagan Cnnonnu In It: Celeb:-ntlMo'n._. Origin of the Sam of the "Festival. ` `CIA!!!-0ln_Ivll.nd Superiatltlona. ' A oas.~im ~ V Pope Jun,Ii`1f',; ` itirry A Christmas. j A . Roast Duck. Eat a small Christmas dinner a pair _VAf;_itender ducklings may be substituted 'to'tf`gthe regulation turkey. A very fgteful _dressing is made by mixing a. .g:and, thicken and season. A tart like cu:-rant. or plum or spiced =i " 8 should accompany it. u: 4. lilced onion that has been '1 :-led in my in the pan. add the stewediglb-A uuu)uIIalv|g'-, etc. ~ v - . The proprrtv will be offered for sale eubzect to a. mortgage and to a reserve bid to be "xed by. Vendor. Terme-Ten per cent at time of sale. balance `within 3o,da e-without interest. - urlhnr l|s'f:nnlnn- A...-I n__.|:e:_..- -1` ..I. L!!! L - w_Imm 30 an awvumout interest. . Further particuiarg and conditmns of sale "will be made known at the tune of sale or may be obtained 6 ip.*thje;m_eanumefrom V ,_ .2 . - - . f - STRATHY'ESTEN.'. ` lr`_..-'.I-_ 7.'Q_u_9;-.",;_ um - r 31075 RIC: . Then-is said to be on said` premises a large and valuable brick bui dinglately used as astore storehmse and residence and known as "Exchange Black," with outbuilding-, etc. - ` V Th nrhno-rub. knnmnnga` `mu gal- -..I.2_.A. A- _ ._-_, -v--' at the hour of one o'clock, in the afternoon. Water Lots Numbers 3; and zaron the south side of Dunlap stret t..i:u the saw Town of Barrie. except that part thrreofconveyed b_\'_ Deed No. 6908:; also that par- cel of lav d known as Broken L0ts Nos. 3: and 32 as pan-nted to one John Galbraith, and lying between said water lots and the south nude of Dunlap street hfore aid. - "l`I.-....:- ...2.l g- L- __ .`_!_I- .._',..,-,,, V `I - Und-rh the power of sale contained infa certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction at the ' Qu en : Hotel. in the Town of Barrie, on -A._'___.1-`_ A_`__ Ana 1 " n -- satu i~E1}'3'}"'hii'f1i"(ia3y7` B'i"'i5E5em- % ._-`!P?%..199P -4. AL- I..'.._ -1. VALUABLE rnorznrvl OBILLIA--Jnmea Green, an employee in `Van N urman's carriage shop, `had the misfortune to lose the thhmb pf his left hand `at Ecvon as planing million Tuesday. He was operating ouepoif the machines, when his foot slipped, and his hand came in contact with the i fknives. _' . Holland will not Act. The Hague, Dec.` ll.--The Dutch Government to-day nally and denite- ly refused to take-the initiative in be- half of arbitration between the Tram Great Britain. -_ The role of the etherlands must he passive. The initiative belonged to the great powers, they added. When they should have reached a decision the Dutch Govern- ment mighteee what it could do. George M. Wright of New York has ac? cepted the otce of treasureror Middle- bury college. Vermont. to succeed, L. D. Eldredge of Middlc-bury. Vwho retiresuft- er nearly 20 years of service. Mr. Wright is`a Middle-bury alumnus of the class Q1 '74. He was born in Orwell, Vt. LJTIJI J x)I'U IV IUD. Dr. Winthrop E. president of Purdue university as suc- cessor to Dr. `James H. Smart. who died last spring, , president `of the university for. several years. ' Stone has been chosen` Dr. Stone has been vice` .. was Va o.-yuunou. the well known writer on ethics. is a candidate for the chair of moral philosophy at Cambridge nniver-` sity. England. made vacant by the r`esig- \ nation of Professor Henry Sodgwick. h- nr:.....u.....`.. In cu--- LA - _v`,_, _-v\.- aunuuup lllu Professor E. C. Hills of Rollins college. Winter Park. Flu.. who has in change the generalteaching of English to the Cuban teachws in Cambridge.` has an ex- tensive ,kn_owle-dge of Spanish. ` 111 Q t:n_ .n, n - Dr. Carl Swensori, president or Bethnnycollege. at Lindsberg. 1113., has been Flt-?CLt9dA president of Augustana col- lege. Rock Island. Ills, ' `I'I.__n_,, , rx 1` co... - -- --- I r.,,.-. .......`..:. a4uulBVIlll`. LIILIPS. On the -morning of Sept. 16. 1893. there wasn't it legal white slttler in the Chero- kee strip. Today` that same region. now Oklahoma. knucking for admission as 8 state. has 300.000 inhabitants. and it yielded in the harvest $100,000,000 ini agxficultural products alone. ] _ . _ _ ~ . .. an... . nuu\.IaI.;U uuu. Isrhistory about td repeat itself in `China? One hundred yars ago the French raised a family disturbance which the ogher Europe-an powers undertook to pacify. with the result that the peace breakers got t0,'._.'9th0l' and thrashed ther peac9mak~rs.-Louisville Times. I'\.. .l._. ._- A . T V The Christmas Wishbone. e..!l`he wishbone oi the Christmas tur- key, is a favorite means of divination in Virginia. where it is called the fortune phone. i Two unmarried persons. each taking hoidof one end of the bone. pull The one who gets the `shorter Further divination is by placing the short end. of the bone overithe nor. The first unmarried person of 12* opposite sex who walks under the jojne is supposrod to be the future wife ib;1_'je_,; -husliand of the person to whom the ne belongs. against each other until the bone' Wndiwili be the first of the two to` mar- I _......-u v --av vvun I\i_| uIlu| uul. De-vkowes to the fashion of wearing high collars will perhaps be plvzlsed to learn "that a New York doctor says such collars have a tendency to causeytonsilitis and` that the disease is now regarded as fash- ionable.--San Franciscp Call. I... I.:_--__ I uuul II u\`l.l.L'I' I3 lUllUU.I50St0n Record. Chicago is complaining that cattle ranches have been _stnrted inisome of the residence -sections. If beef goes much `higher. we may expect to hear of cattle l`l1D(`h(`S' in `Chicago's roof gardens.- Louisvilie Courier-Journal. __:_`V__ ` ;I A I ' ` Kipling s characterization of the China- man as "this. oilskin tn_vstery" will do until a better is touud.-Boston Record. (`I131-nun :1: A.`-...._l._2__!., ' -0 ` h The-azhdwood ,' (England) meeting V the other day the Goodwood Plate hand`- icap of 800 sovereigns was won by Lbrd Beresford s Jiffy Il,`*ridde-n by J. Rei, J. Rei also had the mount" on Mr. Whit- ney's Faisandor. which ran second in the Fendon Stakes. for-2-year-olds, at three- quarters of a mile. _ _ _ _ _ . --.., .v sunny yluuc nu ucpLcIuU!:l.'. C. K. G. Billings, the Chicago road rid- er, has` purchased_ from C. F. Emery. Cleveland, the green pacer Texana for rond purposes- Texana "is a bay gelding 5 years old by Patron. During the recent races at Cleveland he nished a close sec- o_nd `in two races, making his miles in l 2:12'and 2:13. ..--- _- ---- --` wanna) vvvl uuyn. An"effort- is made by Cleveldnd /horsemen to arrange for a special race on the Glenville track between the three great horses` John Nolan; Cresceus and The Abbott, to take place in September. (I I ( (1 D:n:....- 41.- nL2A-i _..._ ...'-.. vvv -- -vv---av.) VA VVV `JV! LI`-`Gull. Dr. H. D. Gill is giving what. time he can spare to tting the gray pacer An- % heuser. 2:24%,, for a brush with Jack, % _2:121;. When ready for the brush. Mrs. Gill will hold the reins over Jack. L_ .Q!___ .-_- _- __-_.`,.__ __...- -_.-~ M--uvnau Two curlonds of range horses from the Bar-M, ranclf. in Wyoming. Were. recent- ly taken` into Virginia and eastern Ohio and sold at an-ave1nge,of $60 per head. I\_ [Y I`: fV:II 2. __z'__.__ UUUUI IIIC UI.I.lCI.' U31 : It is reported` that G1-yling, a green trotter and `brother to Carlyle Game, 2:11?;./;, now in training, Or., will be brought east this season. --y- --` 77' -- -up-`:--av: Jim Boden has been driving a fast black gelding` on the Brooklyn speedway lately. He gvent a- half in 1:07 or there- about the other day. 2.. -,,L_1' .1 1-: ' nu . Plum Pudding`. f Chop three-qun_rtcar s ot\a pound of "wet very fine and mix with the shot one-eighth of a pound of. b1`vud crumbs. powdered sugm-. Have tlnfee-quarters of a pound of drivd Currants and the same amount-qi r:1i. weighed after they are seeded. Sift over the fruit` one-quarter of a pound of flour and stir this Into the other ingred1ent_s. Add one-quarter of .11 dessertspoonful or s'Iffsalt. one-qumter of 11 pound of candied [;.orange and lemon peel nely chopped; 7 o!_Ie-sixteenth of a pound of blanc.-lwdf `and chopped almonds and one-quarter .01 . an ounce of pu!veriz'9d cloves and gcinnamou mixed. Add one glass of {brandy and one nutmeg grated. Beat .;the mixture very thoroughly before` ffputtlng it into a buttered mold or cloth and let" It "boil steadily eight hours. dServe with burning brandy? and two L_8l_l.l1ce8. . ' MORTGAGE SALE horesl` have been 'enterd torfthe English Derby `of 1902. (11- -`_ ` _.!II' A. -.__ -14- _, , pan 5-v- --V-',u_o-~.`uu- -.-- vs ovvco Slack Wvill.-" +`l.i'71;eattef`9 ride for the Hitchcocks. They pqid W. C. Daly $2,- 250 for the boy's release. TOWN or BARBIE.- THIE PEBAGOGUE. THE VERDICT. n-_, ujoo. ----cg at I 53 llnaqlilig Yonder : Solicitors. Barrie. 13 .`. .. ` .` ion-n TREE TREATMENT will be sent you promptly on receipt of marre- quest. This is the most generous oer over mule by any medical man in this country. Dr. Slocum "is `no positive of what his treatment will do that he make: this nnpr_ecedouted`on'e:. fully condent of T` :.l:a_t tlll1.o results will be to all thoeowhowontto 1 1|, , ' - ` ' when In-itinrtor always mention thin`. . u'uu 01 we mocum system or treatment. You are not asked to pay I cent. All you but , 1 to dots to wrltetho 'l`.TA. Snocmt Cannon. 00., ` ` Luau-tn. 179 King st. West. Tomato. chin: name. In gun. with post once `and express once Address. m . _ -_ _ -._`_-1 Dr. Slocum : success in curing all diseases or the lungs and bronchial tubes is beyond question. Scores of men and women who had believed their condition hopeless have been restored to health the th througgye Slocum system or treatment. Each of preparations comprseing the Slocum treatm t not together until perfect health-results. It `you suirermrom any form or lung trouble what- ever. yon should not lose a minute in applying to: a trial of the Slocum system or treatment. You split! in nnv 1 rant nu ...... n-._- NO MORE` Bio DOCTORS fees: no MORE Lona SUFFERING 1 0! the Marvelous Success of the Slocum 5 stem tor all Lung V - laeases. _ `Numbers of People in Canada Who are Being V Cured of Consumption o DR. SLO0UM S Iurret. oarne (urange Hall prupertv). ' Parts 0' lots 2 and` 3. West of Andrew street, Ori lia (Brick "Dwelling and Frame Woodshed and Stable). ' For terms and particulars apply to Dated 25th September. zqoo. ,,- _---- --vrvovovnl J-Vb HKLUI The N lot 22 in nth con. Innisl, The S lot 25 in 4th con. Essa. The W 4- lot 9 in 1st con. Sunnidalc. The S E 1 lothzz in xxt con. '1 my. ' The S W } lot no in 7th con. Tinv. The Northei-ly part of lot 66. Nu`:-th side Collier Iitreet. Barrie (Orange Hall pmpertv). and '2- Wext hf Ant`:-any nf-4:46 Farm and Tom} Propepyjes for Sale. TLQ K1 1 1-4. _- 3.. ,_.,..,,..,...,.V.....,.. ....,.......~.. . . farcass for the-Christmas feast, % p; pig or goat--ls roasted Wbole.. {Irving it no- rib of the creature `be broken. Otherwise a dire ca- ` Vmity is in store for the family. A :]a_ke' is baked on the lwarth. and as #0911 as the spot where it was cooked W ,_ cool `each momln~r of the fsunily puts. h_i__bare foot onllw place and is thus ii1su1'cd"against hlistered feet for a year. T . Q-1vI_< , on. .. )1: .._ '1`OW1\'|' I..o'rs1 Is Positive Evidence n1PCUIiIl ii notes and ; r`.._.....s . rt. ncaorf& co.. ALLANDALE. Lot: 2, 3 and 4, West Baldwin Street. North Cuumben-lahd Street. Lots :7 and 18. . Jacob ; Terrace, Lots 1. 2, 3, V4, 5 and 7; cu . ____ East Mary Street. Lot 54. Apply at . V" nuuce IS nereny given ursuant to R. S. Q. 1897. C. :29, that all per uns aving claims against the Estate of "the said ohn Hopkins who died on the 2 st day of Nova mher. 1900, are req .ired on or be- fore the sand day of December, 1900. to send to the uv clersigned. Solicitors for Joseph G\lf`dfCll|`w Wil- liam Hopkins and Iames A. Hopkins, the Executors of said ltstate. their names, addresses and full par-A iculars of their claims. And further take nntice.. that after the said last: menlioned date the said Execut-vrs will distribute the assets of said Estate among the partics entitled there- to; having regard only to the claims of which they shall then ha\e notice, and that they wi 1 not be liable for the said assets or anv part thereof to any person whose claim shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. ' Dated this 30th day uf November. 1900. Dncu D. nnnvrntrourb names. aaaresses and to l particulars of `heir `claima. And further take n nice that after su. h last. men- tinned da'e` the said Executor will distribute the as~ets ofuhe said deceased among the parties en- ti led thereto. hau ing regard only to the claims of which he shall then `haxe had notice, and he wil' not be liable vor the said a sets, or anv part thereof vo . any person - `fwhose c awn notice shall not have been received hv him at the timn .14` em-I. ,a:-...:....:.... 1 In the Estate of Jon_N nopxms. `or the Township of Innis.-l, Farmr, -Deceased any pr nsun `I wnuse shall I recenvedvhv at the time of Such distnbution. ` Dated this 29th day of Nave - her moo. ,_,-';y--.- - When writin;.: of Saxon Christmas I` egends and odd Christmas oeremonials gjone writes: in the past almost wholly. Inrthe BIIICK mounmin region the old Emma customs art the customs o1"to- S I F- fable to changetheir innite variety. P '1 I may. and time st-(--ms to have been un- Noticeis hereby given. pursuant to R. S. 0. 18/97. T Chapter :29. that all creditors having claims against the estate of the said Mauilda Dickie. who died on or about the and. day of November. 1900. are reques`:-d on or before the 27!}: da. ot Decemner. 1900, to send -bv post prepaid. to Geur e H. Esten, of the` Town of AB` rrie. the ex cutor o the_ said deceagecl. gheir In me Estate prmmlda meme, or the Town on Barrie, Widow. Deqgeased. ` unxvnuzs, AKUAUH. CUWAN & BROWN. Solicitors for the said Applicant. Dated at Barrie this xzxh day ot December, A. D. moo. '~ '* xaxerana Henry :3. Armstronz._ `Notice is hereby given that after the expiration _of twentx dam frum therst publication ol this notice, applicatlon will be made to the Surrogate Court of the County of Simeon for letters of guardianship of the persons and estates ofthe above named infants, Annie Budd -.l:leanor Robinson Effie H7 Armstrong. Fanny L.Armstron g,Chriatenawhmal:erand`George W. Arxnstrong. to Henry. Ba*l Arm-`trong; of the towmhip of Innlsl, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer. the uncle and father respectiu elv of the, said infants.` 7 I'\!\Yl'\Y A D`f\ A an tI\II1 A \1 1:, n--..\..... .111-I718 - nrrogato ; (If Simcua. uuunuu arm!-:rong'.\.nrIaIena W numxera nd George W." Armstrong - th:-." infant h-ldren respectively of Mars Buddv, `e -`eased ; Cassie Robinson. deceased; J- hn William Armstrong. deceazed; Annie Whit- takerand Henry B. Armstrong.` Notice is herein: grim-_n that gimp H... .....:...u._ ..r In (the `matTtie"r"n;' the gua.rd.i`an.shi of Annie Bnddy, Eleanor Robinson, Eie Heloise; rmstrong, Fanny Lucinda Arm>tron`g,ChriaIena Whittakernnd George W. Armstroniz. the. infant` chaldren resoemivelv of . Notice is hereby given R. 3. I20. that all nernnna 5..-:..... .-I-.:..... . - .......... ....... .-..u.- -caps-.3-cw us uw_ saw nnra "LENNQX, ARDAGH. COWAN 8: BROWN. Snrifnrn fur GI-an an:tl A ....I:--

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