Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Dec 1900, p. 5

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VS H 00 DS, E, ....,.... 4--_. vu\4\{\I\nA1UD.l |1A\Al\JLloUU uu;:\u.uv`y ' Boer loss. ' ' Col. `['.e,qg'e exhibited splendid brav- I ery. He shot ve Boers with his revolver before he . fell, with three bullets in his body. 1 I All the \Vmmded Doing VV,ell. London, Dec. 1`.).--L0rd Kitchener, in 1!. despatch from Pretoria, dated Dec. 17, reports that all the British , wounded in the engagement at N0oit- gvducllt, have arrived there, and are doing well. i ` Hrnhauts and Cape Ries .l)efoal'.od. | A "Cape I`-own, Dec. 19.'--The Boers \\ ho crossed the Orange River into Cape Colony, west of Aliwal North,_ on .\`ziLurdn_v, encountered the Cape Ries and Br-abant s force, who Fre- tiired -with loss. uuu-V uuuonv "We," said. the Premier, "do not know exactly what has taken place. We earnestly hope the issue may be `better than the beginning. But, we have to push it through. Maybe there are matters which have not been ex- plained, and when explained it may be thesubject of scrutiny as to the steps whereby the present results have been reached. But we must" spare no efforts whereby the glory and the maintenance of our, Empire may be achieved. V ' Boer Plans were Splendldly Laid. Johannesburg, Monday, Dec. `17.--- Details of the defeat of the British at Nooitgedacht, indicate that Gen. C1ement s entire-force had a narrow escape from capture. The Beer plans were splendidly laid. If the British 1 column had tarried `a little longer there would have been a complete success for the Boers, who exposed themselves undauntedly, yelling` and M waving their arms. Their rushes were ` only stemmed by artillery. ` .lA'l;... AI\ T)..:A:-.I. ___L-_-._A. AI,_ 71,, ,, London, Dec. 19.--At the biannual . `conference of the National Union of- Conservative Associations yesterday, Lord Salisbury, commenting on the . remarkable change of London from a, Radical to a Tory stronghold, re- marked that the only Radicalism re- maining was found where the burn- . ing question wasthehousing of the poor.` The Conservatives, he added, could not more surely maintain their hold on the public than bydevoting their whole` power to removing this- scandal of civilization -- the su'er- hp ing many working people had to un- dergo from the pitiable accommoda- tions -- and providing adequate, healthful habitations for the `poor. War Must Be Fought but. ' Alluding to the war, Lord Salis- bury said that, if they wished to sustain the Empire and maintain the glory of- England untarnished, their efforts must not be slackened until this great enterprise should be car- ried out, for, on the issue thereof, depended the glory and perpetuity oi the Empire. It might require `a strenuous eort and great se1f-sa_cri- ce. The present was a period of seine anxiety. ' Hill- 1' .._: T1,. 1--. 14.`, AI._ i 4 1 1 - ........... .._, ...-...-.,. After the British retreat` the Boers held a. prayer meeting. Theirhymns could be heard by the retiring sol- diers. A1_1 accounts indicate` aheavy ` Decided Utierancog of tho Proaiojl.-V ptthd A" Conservative 'l`Jniun--H ouslng_ ot thy Poor the, Burning Question Locally II; London-Lord Sallslnu-y_ Counuls Ao- uon Looking Towards no1 1ot-wen Lald _ Boer Plans. Lord Sai'isbury Saynis This `|$'vvN_o"7 cessary for Imperial Stability. ' " VOLUNTEER OFFICERS RESIGN. nus mun on CAPE conomr. Montreal, Dec. 19.---0pne` of the leading business men of the Domin- ion passed away yesterday afternoon- in the person of Mr. James Robert- son, : president of th-e':Ja.`mes Robert- son Company, Limited. (For more than .a year Mr. Robertson had `been in"fai1ins' V h5.u"h~ 3'nd .._h'd ;.cQ!i1-1 .ne11`ed=vt ncivwp Joye actives '1`oronto,. 19.-After a tire. which destroyed her dwelling in the rear of 49 and 51 Elizabeth street, "had been extinguiehedg early yester- day morning, the` dead body of Cath- erine Wiggins, aged 68 years, was found by the remen. ' There was _ nothing to show `how the. fire`. had started, but `it is believed the wo- man met her death by setting re to her skirts while lighting '9. small _v house lamp. ; . . ', ' ` }' `Winnipeg , Dec. 19.-,--Ed.`Martin re- j ceived` a letter from his brother, Hon. Joseph eMartin, yesterday. in which it was stated that, the latter was suering from necrosis of the. bone of the knee, and that .it would be necessary to:-him. to go to the hospital there for two or three. weeks treatment. His case, al- though a. painful one, is not of a serious character, and Mr. Martin has no doubt that his brother will come- through` his trouble all right. Mr. Martin was troubled with the same upwards or 20 years ago. Washington, Dec. 19.---After going into Executive session yesterday, and before taking up the Hay-Pauncefote _treaty;_ the Senate ratified the minor treaties before it. Senator Foraker lthenpspoke on the Hay-Pauncefote `treaty, defending andsupporting it as a wise precaution for the protec- tion of American interests. He said that he hadbeen willing to support the treaty Vunamended, believing it to have been properly guarded, but that if there originally had been any doubt on that score there could now be none, in view of the amendments already adopted by the -Senate, and those recommended by the Commit- tee on Foreign Relations. ' Colombia's Attitude. New York, Dec. 19,---A despatch to The Herald from Panama says: The Colombian Government will do ev- erything -within its power to facili- tate and hasten the opening of the canal by the Panama route, whether it is effected .by the actual company holding `the eonqession, which ex- pires in 1906,_ or by whomsoever may represent their'rights.- . gov`: --vv..-o- \1\I- nnulmunn _ `. .0. S. 0.` Every Man Gets a Watch. Vancouver, B.` 11., Dec. .1V9.-Ela-i I boratenpreparations "are being made in the city for the reception of Brit- ish Columbia's returning members of the Transvaal` contingent. Each Vancouver man will be presented _with* a suitably engraved gold watch, and. a memorial will be raised to those who have found graves on the African ve1dt--Jackson and Awhitly, A banquet will be tendered the whole British Columbia contingent on its arrival `here. Halifax, Dec. 18.--FolloW1ng re- ceivd from War Office: Roslyn Cas- tle left Cape Town, Dec. 13, due Hal- ifax, A Jan. 5, with_45 ofcers and 793 men Canadian contingent. Pri- vate Hanbrook insane. ` I\ A an A St. Thomas, Dec. 19.--Monda.y night the City Council decided to pre`- i sent each of the five returning South African soldiers, representing the? city-, with $31.60 and a suitable me- dal. ` The money is ta,ken.from, they .Home-Coming Fund, raised in the city. A banquet will also be tender-. , ed them. > av- V-w-`I o--- (Signed), ' Milner. The C. S. O. `at Halifax wires as follows: - ' - V 71- 100,... -\ .4 ; -w-1 nu Mr. Ioruker Advocatod `Its Passage intlfo V U. 8. Senate. gerously ill. _ Ottawa,_ Dec. 19.- -Sir `Alfred Mil- ner cables as follows: Cape Town, Dec. 18.-380, Faull-' der; 639, Hermitage, ` Springfonteing '63, Corp. Callahan,v1`st Batt. Can-V adian Mounted.Ries, Pretoria, dan- 1cI___.. _.I\ `Ir,-1-- __, .Lorenzo Marquez, De. 18. -'-'-Herr Pott, the Netherland 3` Consul, sailed to-day for Europe. `There was no demonstration. V ' Cfdi-r. 031131135, 0. M. R., Dnngorotuly ` Sick at Pretoria. ; (Independence `o `v-beathi` '4 :'1`:he:+ i` sai_d" that in any or` '-`his. were. similar medals, all of whom." -had tal an oath;`-to :iig"ht to" T the;-`_ death in, $110 `calls! 91 the republics" 1` independence. _ .~ ..: ` I` i 5 ;; -The Thankoglylng Sorvloe, : ` ' London, Dec. 19.-`-The contempl'at- .3 edpthanksgiving service in St. Pam : ; Cathedral in connection with the `re,-_ ` turn of Lord Roberts from South Al-V rica has been abandoned, owing, as the Government announces, to its being considered desirable to defer general thanlazgiving until the close of operations; in `South Africa." The program now is for Lord Roberts to debark in the Solent, to visit the Queen at Osborne House Jan. 2. to re-embark, and. to land nally '- at Southampton, coming from that point to London. V V Demand Government Inquiry. Berlin, Dec. 19.--At a meeting yes- terday oi pan-Germans, protests were entered against the expulsion of Ger- mans from the Transvaal. Some of the speakers so expelled alleged they were brutally treated by the British. and a Government inquiry Was_ de- manded. - min: HAY-PAUNCEFOTE TREATY. 1f:-omlnont Ilontronlor Dead. T - Womnn Bu:-nod to Death. W ..A_. K__, 13 AlL`_,, ,- shin: oluunvuxs ILL. Hon. Joldph Mnrlln Ill. Money, Medal. Banquet. Pott Sails For Europe. v v V5351 UVULI ILJULI DUB I111`-'I'lB(. III-Klan.` and to pay a.-ne of-500._ Roux ; Was condemned toltwo `years and six i Wmth. imprisonment. Swqrt to. gun. War and six monthj`, Fo12VlAer]Jtof.'.op ._-v--- """`* Thomas Pratt, who has been dangerously ill with an affection of the liver, is making some improvement for the better. A con- eyltation of Drs Heaelip, of Orillia, and Morton, of Barrie. was required on the case. ' -Tbe excellent sleighing made business brisk in town on .Sat.urdo.v. The snow _ex- tends -only a. short dtstance south, there not being enough at Bradford and Beeton to bring out the sleighs, K Flour` l0ll I M111. J . grlltedo 3 Uraiirnurst. Advance Correspondence. b R. `Marshall is visiting friends at Wallace- urq. Wm. Hodson, Sr.." is spending Xmas. wegk yin}! friends at Toronto. .1 `l)_..__- _ _ .I,, . A- ulu uuluw, Uvvo 1116146111.], DUI! WEEK. The lowest temperature last week was on Tuesday night, 8 degrees below` zero. `VRMQF nB:I\lIn`II 3" nln:6L -I-Lana ;.uvnun_y ulsuu, o_ uc3l.'uuu UUIOW ZUl'0a Walter Watkins, seriously ill with pneu- Vmonia, is thought to be out of danger. ` R- Millfll Milli Mnna M:ntn nun` ,Tnv-nan usvulw, In uuuusuu DU DU UIIU OI Q3083?- R. Minty, Miss Maud Minty and James Gaston, of Allenwood visited friends here his week. JIIVIIIJD ulgu In Donot forget the'school concert on Friday evening, Dec. 2lst in S.A. Barracks. Grand program will be given consisting of choruses reoitations. dialogues and selections, by Mr. Montgomery new concert phonograph. Rev B. McKee will act as Chairman. Pro- ceeds devoted to charity. Come one, come all. ' T I\? t|A- u . - ,- IEIIIIUV 5 1) , DID. nuwuau MEUDOPB; Eben" Wm`. 'd`e.rtin; R.S., Wilson La.tim- I or; E8 , Wm. How'e; Trees, Robt. Black it ,`]).U 0., C. R. eaoock-; Lech, Anson Black; Committee. Bros. W. J. Leonard, Iich, Alex. Neely, W. J. Reid, R. ac s - '1'-a -- mu vases-on nae men con.v1(;t.- T1 _of treason are regarded as "very ; tiiment. Van Benaburg was sentenc- ..e to eighteen months imprisonment znd tn navy .. 4-; ..a.:n:.nn h n-.... L.O.L. 605 elected these oicera at their last meeting:--W.M., Bro. Wm. Latimer, Bremley ; .M., Bro. Mitchell Mathere ; Chum- Wm: Mn-min . 12. Q vmI..... l',..o-:.... vvwup vvuau 1| Lvuuu Illa .l.Ul'Ul.llIU. J. Jamieson, of'Barrie was the guest of his uncle, Gee. McLean, this week. Thn Incarnate 6-an-nan-magnum I-_I. .......l- _.-.. -.. II JIIURUYO "Eugene Division 329 S.0.'1'., "is at present I _'a very prosperous lodge, no less than 16 new me_mb_ere joining on last Monday night. At the last meeting they voted $15 toward the Sick Children s Hospital. The meet- ings are very interesting and through the winter good programmes will be given every Monday night. ~ Dunne 6-.......a. at...-...|.--1 ..-._..-._. -._ n..:.:-._ ~----v- vv -vu Inunuw ounldv vuvvvluo V L.0.L.. No. 234 have electd the follow-`i ing ocers for `the ensuing year :-W.M.. % Bro. J. W. Black ; VD.M.. Wm. Hunter ; ` Chaplain, Dr. Evans. 11.8., H. * Young ; FS., Rod. Mcconkey; Lect.. E. 1`. Mo- Conkey; D.0.C., A. McCauley; Treas., Wm. Dickey. Huang`. 1\:..:..:.._ non an n m '2- -L ....--- (L _______ ..-J .. vvv-nu -v a.-vvvu avvusvnuu The English church intend holding their annual Christmas Tree and concern in the S _A Barracks on Thursday. Dec. 27. Rev. Mr. Dixon. of_ .l`oronto,. will give a lecture illustrated withlime-light view ' `Int 11- an... '-- --- haul-sun lllll Us ' Miss McKee. of Toronto Conservatory of Music, is spending her Xmas. holidays with her parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McKee. The engagements are" announced at the following opulsrx young. people :-Miss Hortense emp and Mr. Gable McConkev and Miss Mary L Cowan to Robb. Redfern. "UL- `l'.V__ , no Rev. Mi: B`IlBd0ll,\Qf McMaaeer_.UnIver- aitv} _preached in the Baptist church on Sunday night. -mil nnngn -1. fI'I_._;_A- l`I__'--.__,,n ,7 D ` "`'`N'`" `-'` K` 35V; `A.U. U W. in 5Vi8 311 oyster supper on Friday night. A number from harsh ..+.o...a..: I... A. having oyater'iuppor"on Fritiayfxiight. - A number from here attended the Ann!- mrsgrylervioel held in Thornton on Sunday L . Boers Entered at Two Ifoinu and Gen. McDonald Is Engaging the Invaders. London, Dec. 19.---The Boers have. raided Cape Colony at two separate- Doints, 100 miles distant," says the Cape Town correspondent of The Daily Mail. "`One commando` ad-6 vanced upon Philipstown, between- -Colesbery and Kimberley. The other! Supposed to be Herzog's commantlo, crossed the Orange River between Odcndaal Stroom "and Bethulie,` northwest of Burghersdorp, its ob- . lective apparently being Cradock. - "General McDonald -is engaging the invaders, who have no guns, 20 miles west of Burghersdorp. The latest news is that they are being slowly {Greed `back to the Orange .RiV8I`.~ where a warm, reception is being.pre- - pared for them. _ Plague Quarantine Rolled. ` Cape Town, Dec. 18.-`--A` Womlanll has died from the plague in the King William's Town district. N0 fresh. cases have been reported, and the quarantine has beenraise . ' ` sentenced For Treason. . " scape Town, "Dec. '18. ?- -The"Asen` tences imposed by the court; atjlcolesii Bgrg in the cases 461-the men `con. :3 '=...-..-_'_;r,v_u "'__ `nan.---_ _'--- _ IV V VIUIIIII ; mvjch_ more comfort, 1Vovqt'tes in Ladde Satchels. Mr. Wm. n7u'd hesmeved -tb Toronto}; Georgian Lodge 280, A.0.U'.W. intend amino an (mums nnnn... .... 1a.:.a__ ..2-v_L \ uvvsy ucnuuu uuuu one nouaav purchaser cnoosxnggitts that are more `sensible, and useful as well as handsome, hence the popularity of Slippers for Christ_mas'Presents. Our Slipper stock `surpasses anything tobeseen in the point of style and variety in `comfortable, easv House Slippers or natty Evening Sli pets for Men, Women `and Children, in all sizes. The very moderate prices am as buying a pleasure. For instance . . uu yvu: uu. Luvu, VV umuu unu unuuren, buying pleasure. instance FRAWL E Y S, FRAWI.EY 8 SHBE SAME. `Mons German Felt House Slippers, solid comfort, extra. equality, sizes 6 to ll, special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Mens Fancy Black Velvet Slippers, patent leather back, sizes 6 to )0, special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 S Mens Fancy Plush Everett Slipper, kid lined, in tan shade, , price.ounooooo . . . o o. _r - - u o - s o o - . . - a o .;... Mens ViciKid Travelling Slipper, elastic sides, in tan and - black, hand turn sole, reg. price $2.50, special. . . . . . . . 2 00 Mens Dongola. Kid Slipper, elastic front, exible. sole, wide, easy shape. special value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 35`, GIRLS ANDBoYsj DEPAR'1`,_MENT.l Tweed Slippers, leather soles, sewed, sizes 8 "Q2, an excellent _ wearer, special price.... .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, Rep.|Oarpet Slippers, `leather: sole, sewed, in `sizes 8 to 2. specialprice, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 ' Girls Red Felt Slippers, very natty style, exible sole, ivlery new, special . . . . . . . . . .. 95 Ladies Fine English Felt Slippers, in black or red color, soft, exible sole, sizes 2% to 7, very natty `style, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies German Felt,vin dark gray or red, warm, easy slip- pers, sizes 2 to 7, special ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Ladies Fine Black]-Iouse Slippers, leather sole, seamed, sizes 3 to 8, special. . .' . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ladies Evening Strap Slippers, in Vici Kid, high heel, fancy trimmed, J and T.` Bell make, sold regular at $2.00 and $2.50, special. . . .c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Very Uhoicest Dong. Kid, hand turned sole, kid . lined, sizes 2% to 7, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..'.. MENS DEPARTMENT, -vuvnuuu DU a.1u llUl.' njuguxuru. ' _ '1`he foregoing are designed to quiet those? in the eld who are waiting tovgo home." ' ' - We ereehowing a most extensive renge in- these feehionebie leather Sec- chele. The display -in our window is sure to help you in choosing a hend- i come gift without paying eny Afeincyvpx-ice. - V ' .We ivould enggeeteerlv shopping, in will ensure you better choice and mail: nnmfnrt, J . Every season nds the holidav purchaser chooainggifta that are 1e, a`well_e.e haudsuge, Slippers ........ `I'\,.,, A Sensible Gifts. 1` % ,' ?yoi1, want first-class Eat to W113]!!- LADIES DEPARTMENT. bu l1UL1lUy Numerous volunteer officers resigna- stions were gazetted last night--la.w- Yers, physicians and business men, who have urgently represented that their aairs are going to ruin. The War Otce, on account of these re- presentations, has let them 06. $1 00 125 1 .50 50 25 ,@%&%9&&W22.&L%%%:s @)L>r,3aa< A oregoing list. well within the. pur- . . `..a_ II! . " Their Atfairs Golngto Rain, and War` ' Office Has Let Them 01!`. London`, Dec. 19.---The Government publicly requests employers who have kept open situations for yeo- manry, colonials and volunteers to continue their patriotic efforts to minimize-the sacrices of these men in the services of their country. rlwhn `n, 04:... |----- -'-..--_.I 41,, % ! 3 The Stu I` Big Values 1 ' and Smal ' es, % mother, sister, or sweetheart.-~. We `are pleased to invite you to our CHRISTMAS OPENING, now on. And the girls, too, bless them! The presents you want to give will be found here. We at to make this store the Mecca for Xmas shoppers of the tler sex, and convince you that we have the very articiey d like to give fathe{, ". ' 'B,: Related to the subject is the matter of a suitable Xmas present. L _; 1T?','-3" `NE SHOES, EAT SLIPPERS, _ COLLARS, ECUFFS, ETC, ETC., ETC. --. U..- .3-...v;uuu U1 uucu uuuuuy. .Thc War Oice has issued the Queen's thanks to the yeomanry, colonials and volunteers,: expressing their reliance ,tha.t those abroad will continue to aid her regulars. 'I`hn `I\V'(\lI'l`\:b\au A..- .l-..!..._-..I 4.- .__.,-L.

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