Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Dec 1900, p. 2

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` `Rev .Dr. Ryersou, thelearned found - ofthe educational system of Ontario i pace said :-A boy's leaving the farm because he has, or is acquiring, a good icducation, is an assumption or ad mission "by all consenting parties that a farmer not need such an education ; and ,ga_'this error is admitted, bytfarmers |ct.being educated, agriculture will be lucked down upon, instead of being ]ocke_d`up to, as in pursuit lord educated nan. Ed ucated farmers. educated mer- aoliahte aud"'educate'i_ manufacturers and jhechanics will not only develop and npdfvance the material interests` of the country, butits civil and social interests .euab_ling the people to select chiey lligent and well-to-do men from so classes` as their representatives,- BNNOX, ARDAGH. COWAN & BRUWA. _ .Barru.tera, solicitors for obtaining probate of V1118.` guardianship and administrauon. and General bohcntors. Notaries, Uonvc; ancera, etc. HAUGHTON Lxunzox, Aux; Cownt, B. Huuroaa _ARDAGH,, G, E. I Bnowx, L.L.B _ Offices: Hinds` Blo.k, No. 6, Dunlop street, Bar- ne. Branch Ocea--Lennox 8: Ardagh. Gravenhurst; Legmox. Ardagh, Cowan &. Brown, Creemore and A |l.'ns... " W AUUI`-`e-Barrister. Solicitor. Proctor, Notary. ._ .Conve`= oer, etc. Spxcial attention In nrawmg anu giiiuobaung wils, obtaining letters or `qdminiuttation nd guurdiamhip, col ecningaccuunte, etc. Ocea. Ross Block. BBITIB. Money to Loan. us: a BKUKUVBKI. Barristers, Solicitors- I I ' Notaries, xunmyanccrs, etc. Oiues Bank 0` , tomato Building. Bame. Btanch Uice, Cold` ; water. Mongy to Loan. In.`...--_ n--- __ _ -' A - k .--u -. avnvuv Iv no u Dommn Ross. :.L.s. R. j. ARTHUR R035, L R.C.P. & S Edin- burgh: M.F_P_ xx S x;In......... ........ .... Mr R. W. A. ROSS, Physician. Surgeon, etc., L. R.C.S. Edin,, L.R 0.1 . Londun. Utces and I zht rusi.u-,nne_nu-awn ; RI...-I. l'\....I.... ...-...,. 1 l`RA1`HY 8; ESTEN. H ` ' R5 T. BANTING. Clerk County ` be at his 0iCe. "at the Cnsllrf l T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M., oice in Bothwelfs . Block. Allandale. Un the premises at night. +3-ly H. LYON. PRIVATX: nmns To LOAN on. Real Estate at `(sinner rnln r.`..-..._.._..- U . ---. --, -v--- vu luv `4 .-with more oor spaoe and_ toe `than usual, the result no doubt of 1-agent avtt-one anti-Chinese feeling._ ARE mm EVERY DAY Iccanrav, sovs 3; MURCHISON, Barris- ters. Snllostnrn l`.nnvs-vanm-re :-In .\`au-nuns- 5S BROKOVBKI. Barristers, Solicitors- h' .N;-|l.nI'Inu . nnu. unnn..u-n nun (\a:..... I2....l. At A. 'RADb.NHURST, `Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in Chance:-v. Convevancer, an-.. Mlsl`ELl.ANEOUS. MONEY TO LOAN. n a lunar... a........._n. -1` ":7 . `MANUFA CTUBES. V _ FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold security at lowest an no` FINAN UIAL. `X %n7s booth for the coming winter. owing vonea,tell_ us, will be prd ...m. .......`- A - - - ~ ~ - 0I`FI(I'lAIu ` MONEY TO LOAN. ` Pnltslumvs. 13." C. Muxcmson. specications prom tl 11': Block. Dunlonp .~.y..'. ..."3.' VTON. Dental Surgeon. Oice ' are. Entrance, Owen ndays {at each . 5:-lv I I'll C. W. MACPHERSON. _-..-_.__-.____.,.__..____ I.nan..7 :5. E. Cnnsvjvxcxn. `; ma prompuy pl-e. Dunlop , btreer, I .44` J; C. BROKOVSKI. : residence, 68 1 ply ux I 14-IV Mme 35-lv J. CUL vim WELL S_ Halrcutting and Shaving 4 . . V . Parlor . ~, _. opposrrn mumm noun. , * BARBIE- ground and ueton IN" 4__-u-J JHJI. Hughes &Bro. We have urchased and reopened the 337755 Steam L . D l t u, with the lam` modern aaml`ia'I'1:esw or fzasssgeof wor!. PAT RONIZ A HOME INIIIJSTIII, and _h3V; ourri callat outdoor. -`PRC -AL IDIIDI!-B DE]: VEB D 'l`liE SAME DAY. LSTEAM LAUNDRY o_Qo`.'1`.l4As... _T ASSURANCE COMPANY. C9-D|t8!o $,ooo. Founded I803 APP1Ication forms furnished and rates quoted by GEORGE PLAXTON. AG+ NT. no-Iv n......:.. n... nn:__.. :_ n...L....,n'.. mm-k 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid en Deposm The Security for Deposirora in a Loan company is undoubted. Rosa new Block. south side Dunlop street ens; of the Post office. 8-lv The security to depositors in a Loan Co y is un~ douhtecj. There is no "instance on record Whom depoimor has ever made a loss bv a Loan C 0'7. Canadian Branch Office, Head Oice. `MONTREAL. LONDON, ENGLAND M. C HINSHAW, SAM.J PIPKIN, Branch Manager Manager. A QIOATLASOOQ Acnu'.'.1nur~:- hnnnnn luv SUBSCRIBE? CAPITAL, $250,000. ream mm & savmcs cu. INCORPORATED 1881. 0FFICE.-Ncxf door to Bak of Toronto. Owa Street. Barrie. V H-3)` Agent Standard Life. London Gum 1)- ice and Accident Co . Provincial Building and Loan Association. cu-. And the Sun Loan and bavings Company` of Ontario. - Private funds to loan on rst mortgages. Ac bounts collected. &c. Ofce over Hcnden-son,s Hardware Store, Barrie Ont. ~ PROVINCIAL sunmms ANNE ___-__l_\SSU8lATlUN. _ V--.. s-uuuna, Q,-_5_q.UUJ'. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Om. Total assets. $303,078. ' Also Llovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- ` pany, Of New York. Cash capital, $230,- 00.0 vum VAN Inn: The Mercantile, now affiliated wi:h The Lob- don & Lancashire of England. bcuxr ity. $15,000,000. ' The Waterloo Murual. of Vvaterloo, Ont. Tothl assets, $334,083. "Tina 'm..-._-.._:__~. In . - -- , ,,_*.-..-w-u--s4, REPRESENT THE; Fouowma Fu COMPANIES: `mu- ~ur-_--__-,. - Cuts for ad verllsu-Vments must in every case be mounted on solid nlelul bum-n. -__,___........ ..uvu;\.A -VJ'1'.lAl`a.\IU. Condensed advertise-ment.s on first 1 age such as wants of all kinds, lr St and found, |n-~]-rrty for sale or to rent, sDeci_c articles, etc., etc" must be acc mpanied with the cash, and will be inserted- hrst insertion 2 cents per vmnl, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures ccumwl as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insex-tiona of [the same matter exceed four. John Rogerson, Fire and Life_Assurance. u an wt: uual SCH; Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for adv:-rtismg anything outside their own regulr: business Should they du so transient zztes wi1l`be' charged for such ad. vertisements. Lvvvlln -. 12 changes of Advertlsements allowed per year. . It more are required com ;o.iti will be charged. I ~ 0 mes` Arlvm-n'......-.. mu] ....L 1 - -11-- 1 . ua.-u ;v yon ucuv. auucu. 3" Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on bovg rates. This rule will be strictly canned out, CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisenn-vta must, be handed into the oice not later am Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: Anvaxcrz office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announmnu~nz may not be made public until the week ml. lowing. I0 nknvnonn Al` A J......L.-_-__, I lllc nnuuounuoooco-on 2% inches......-..... 5 inches, 51 column.... no inches, ;4 column.. 20 inches, 1 column. . . . , __ `For one munth- the three with 15 per cent. added. I *I`..u- ftnn 0-nnntkn `L- L`, | vvuau u: [nu ccub. uuueu. *Fur two months-- the three with 10 per cent. added. `I'D-u-..6'm-mu! w..`..:s..._.. 3,7 A` nyvv VVIIILLICIUIIII llflnclples W adhered to. There W111 be, only all. -der. 5 lines, of this character 9 uuuu snvu V1. D110 Bllle matter. 1` Legal Oicial d G ments w;ill be chafgrcd at(:1`{i>rx?.:`nr?::8 2 CONTRACT ADVERTISING Contract advertisements will b the following rates, which are dF'lf:e( rect commercial princi les ' adhered to- Tharp uni}: l...a?:j1,wl b` 1- `I13 I. I I ` if notlquite. `double that of A$'ADVEB1'ISER8 snovu) NOTE '1' paper published in Berna. "" "'` ms M01-,1. 13 lines solid agate make 1 inch, TRAN BIEN T ADVERTISEM ENT8. - First inseytion 10 cents pe_r line, each subse. quent mseruon 4 cents per hne. Reading nnnm-sz In .-.L...... -_-. -- xiuvui mac: uuu -2 cents ding notices, 10 < insertion ; 5 cents per 1 insertion of the same I der on huge. |I\nr|.- - succsjsoas T0 E. s. LALLY. `NORTHERN Aovmc i % ADVERTISING nuns. E ADVAN I: ~ , _~ . on F0UR';`EBl1:lslJAN`;D`Ill`T,L`T'l xrownr com AM` Almnt- nnf nnifn `.l..--LI, Ans. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5` T 1 the The Persecuted Chinese Christians. ntres Dear Mr. E iitor :i- i ' ' se of Your readers will `rejoice to know and` that the Chinese Christians, now pas-N and sing through theres of persecution, - are showing a fortitude worthy of the A Christians of olded times. The trials of gap the disciples of. Christ in the Roman i an, amphitheatre were not more cruel, nor 1 -at were they more heroically endured than` mud thetrials of native disciples in China 9 f to day. Whatever doubts may have pee existed as to the quality of the work` ,1 if being done by missionaries in China is way forever silenced. China is now writing ,eat her book. of martyrs, and they are do` ,9 ing for the nineteenth century` church 3, what` `the early martyrs did for the by church of the first century. The. work progress/ed so rapidly in China during ` the recent years,iso many converts were | gathered in, that naturally doubts were ' excited as to the genuineness of the work, andlas to_ whether if persecutions came,`they would stand thetest. The persecution did come and they do stand. E Grace is given in their time-of need. , This is good news to many Who have ` been giving and praying for missions in I China, and whose gifts andprayers have C helped to develops the church in that 3 country. _ . _ A , ] No. ` aid cut ih y era di- ves bla Number of inches Qua 1-A INSURANCE AGENTS CONVIEYANCERS, ac. BARRIEZ suuuls 1-L.A2u'uN. Au N1. _ Barrie Ont. Oice in Bothwells Block SCROGGIE &. SMITH. CONDENSED ADVER'I"SEM ENTS. 3 1 s Anvmf-" $so 125 21?! "One Inser- tion. ; A. ndtive pasta:-, `Rev. Ting Ti Mai, was seized by the magistrate. He was a tonne Iovale and adm.rg_ble man. With some `others he was arrested. ohrown into a foul jail and beaten ~ mo huudued blows _-um. 9 bamboo club on the naked thighs, not}! his ghighs nd legs were beaten into jelly. In open court the magistrate" asked _ "him, #439 `you Va Obtiltllln 37 sYea,Mr. 'li_nuz`re7r - plied,` f.`1CVu'sm,-" ' The gag` `crate ugsin`_ `. Ortilergdjjiui so 99 ,'f.sor _}h Ijqb, Wm .00` ' ' = `, __ _.uv. Dcents per line 1- line for each an matter. All 3h8l8Ctel'- 61'-n---~- i*f20,% 1900. ) $250 lnse'r- l tions . gmos. E - be taken at re dralted on cor. and will be strictly one price to`: Fuzz I.~'sL'R/mce $ -----:- -'3: PR 1 CB FOR r.__..._...__ _ _._. -__ --w-cello Mine 0. E. Hnwes, as faithful mis- sionary, who narrowly escaped `death, writes :--I want to tell everybody about our faithful, true Christians in China, some of them sulferinq horrible torture, and some killed for Christ's sake." "Myyfaithful oook", she adds was beaten almost to death by a mob. 'They"tore his clothes all -` him, took _ his money and "beat him with a. -club haying nails in It. To-day. vthat,good~i_ men bears inshis body the marks of the Lord Jesus. . V y ,_ . e I monihlg} rate monthly rate 5 --tiona . 6mos. act I advertise- There were enrolled in the different Protestant Mis in China, at the beginning or these troubles 9928l com- muntcants, and about one qusrter of a million adherents. There were, besides ~ 2745 foreign missionaries , 5206 native laborers, and the number were ever in- creasing. The almost universal testi- mony of missionaries before the out- break was that never before were the prospects so bright. Now instead of the expected increase,` comes the great testing time with the-encouraging testi- J many that the church is able to stand I in the evilday. In some cases in `the 1 provinces of Shantung and "Chili, the I mangled-bodies of these lowly followers 1 of Christ, have been thrown into the i smoking ruins of their humble homes. C '19`-cctivity in the home market of I "`,A"I`dl-y seems to warrant the.ful- fcin the Electrical Review :- I'of`.'ual who are accuatcmell to "lice; lake Philadelphia because rant `the of The result, Conservatives say, was a 1 snatch verdict, won largely -by the cry that a Conservative Government could hope for no nancial aid from the pres-` ent Liberal regime at Ottawa. The majority at the dissolution of the last i House was three. mil ti ' cal h his fro ,2)` aol The Provinoial.'e|eotione for Prince i Edwax-d`Islo_nd resulted in a [victory for . the Farqxrherson `Government, which has been sustained by a good majority. There was _a small vote poll- eil. All the old leaders of both parties were returned. - ` . ~ 94 xhj P 0| sbl The Province Gives a; Liberal Maaority of Ten. _ C . 5 `p1emm..naTwe, s Twobn 1: see (it? x we live long enough) come considerable- lowering of his the me track; but` iuvthe-`ci`ti`ee he will he as extinct an the dodo.'. Our treic and plessui-e vehicles will run, doubtless,._ upon pneumatic tires, niede with some substitute for the then forgotten India `rubber, and in place of the white-clad street cleaner, we willeee the conduct- ors of automobile mowing machines trimming the grsss stintervals in our busy thoroughfares." PnINcnf,mDvEr:nn LIBERAL. i . A Ohatham Seance. 3 On Tuesday nughs V s can-year old . crippled son of James Matthews,` of , Chuthanj, A0nt.,'di.-d in the Sack Chi] v dnsn's Hospital in Toronto The body . thrived home, and on Th rsdsy even- \ evening a wsko was held. One of the ottondsnts went into the kitchen vghsro . 1 was-_sts.rtlod to .po_reoavo a luminous Jg1oi- oomidg4 kftoqn. s L q..mar of pork- Everything is quiet in Division No. 3 I of the County Council, but it is said there is a dark horse to be trotted out `A on nomination day. Messrs. Morphy ilnd Whiteslde, the present members 101- this division, are the only candi- gdntes who have announced themselves up to the present time. Considerable `pressure has been brought to bear on ./Mr; Richard Bell, reeve of Essa, to {intend for a seat at the C'ountye`Conn- 9611,` but he is not likely to accept a .V-`nom1nation.-Alliston Herald. That no person should remove from 3 his village without permission. Adul- 3 emery and fornication were punishable with the withdrawal of presents and land grunts. Drunkenness-wasstriczly 1 _prohibit.ed underaiike penelsy. The ' chiefs and young men were so discon I/i-tinue the practice of their going into '|debt.. ' The duty of the good of the_ tribes men to assist them. After taking into consideration their present prosperous state and being de- sirous of continued improvements, reso- lutions were agreed upon setting forth, the great} grutitude due. the Great Father and the missionaries for bring ing them from heathenism to Christian civilization. ` V hi `-Perhaps no one has supplied more interesting relics and documents to Victoria Museum than has Mr. "John. ' ston Puudash, of Hiawatha. On Sat- ' ui-day. Johnston brought to town a very intereresting document that will ' prove a valuable addition to the many ' other such relics he has assigned for safekeeping with the Pet-erborough Historical Society. .- It is as list of `laws _ drawn up on the 28th of January, 1836, at Indian Village, Narrows of Lake Simcoe. . The provisions of the docu- ment were agreed to on that dste at a council of the principal chiefs from A Grapelslaod, Rice Lake, .R|V6l' Credit, Balsam Lake, St hgeeng, and Goldwater, all of whom had assembled at the re- quest of Yellow Head and KuVing- nshkung,- twochiets of the Narrow Village. . ' A " 3 _ Old Indmn Document. _The Peterborough Exmunuer gives the following concerning a pow-wow of `Indiana at the N arrows, Lake Simcoe, many years ago : H" I am no stranger to Canada nor to her troops. . I always remember with pleasure` that I shared with her militia in the defence of her frontier during the Fenian invasion of 1870, end. for which service I wear 4.he- o;.n..dn..n medal. ` Wishing the Canadians a -good time in England and a happy return home, believe me,lyoura _very sincerely, ARTHUR. Royal Hospital, Dublin, Nov. 27. pMy Dear Ahercorn,'--[ write to you as the'_Chairman of the Reception Com ' mittee of the colonial contingents visit- ing England on their return from the Boer war, to ask you` to express my welcome to the Canadian contingent. I wish I had been able to on me over to see them personally. I have read with pride and pleasure the accounts of the splendid services rendered by the Can- adian troops to the Empire in the num- erous engagements in which they took- part in South Africa, I also share with all Englishmen the feelings of sorrow for those brave Canadians who fell in this war. ' A Gonnaught on can The following letter fnomh the Duke of Oonnnught was read In the Canadian contingent by 001. Outer. while in Lon don: ' . V ` A . ` R. P. MACKAY Confederation Life Bl dg., '1`qronto_. A `_Such grabut s;;;cih1eha'of the ex-4 "patience: in China to-day and heChu1-ch will be puried by this baptism of re. The 'loving'sympqchy of all who desire thefevangelization of the world is asked especially at this tune. ` Rev.; J. E. Shoemaker,` "of Kingpo, writes.` I cannot close wihont as "tribute of ptjaiae for who way our `Chrintiannnro "facing the niaia; They know their live}; are in the balance; and it is driv-` ing them close to God. Amed6I"0ohuul,1.`M A chef yore" relbasod, but `aring `thede 4 ..`,,...L_ ;7jj-b , yielding or denying thou: Lord and Master. ` sgna 9a;1;i+.7 te1-ribl.e weeks they - gave 5no sign of b ohi_efa to seek the and of the young Ther will "be anuppeal against the` mulihg of. the loonl judge in the North ~Bruoo/dfogiaon raodnnf, which oonyrm-H A .az~ 5 bf , , -._- ._ ._-..-.. no-uavvva S`l Sir,-I see a notice in your last paper stating that the Reformers are going to hold a meeting in Ailiston 3_ shortly. I supposeithey are going to prepare for the next local election. It would be useless to think of bringing a Reform candidate out, as my nomina- tion is secured. I wouldspoil the eleo - tion` for either a Reform or a Conser- vative candidate. Look at my reasons: Firstly, I was raised in the centre of Nottawasaga _ and lived in Stayne, twelve (I2) years. That is where the bulk Retorm vote Is, and I -will take the majority in Alliston. 'Andl I .besides there are eight churches in N 013. I tawasaga, Stayner and Collingwood that believe in baptism by immersion. They will not vote fora man unless he has their baptism. That would `] spoil the election for a `Reformer ! 1 l "Just see the shape I havethe Uonser. : vatives in: I have done business with about oneihundred business men in -Oollingwood. and now Ipam living in Tossorontio andihave secured the Toe-i sorontio vote and will take Angus pol]. ing division; Itwas not the Conserva- tives alone that gave Do his , ma] orit'y`; '- both `parties `went `together. They,-.said_. was the e msni that should eh;vsao1isggaeson my ballet grid} they wanna y "pot-.hupport'jag. ennui rob 5-A Johnston 9. Winner. Independent J ehn `Johnston, of:Lisle takes this optimistic view of his chances for the Loop! House in South vsimcoe. A - ` Any one eull or ask for me by tele 1 ,phone while I was out, Katie '1 asked the mistress. ` if The apathy which Canada and . nadians have shown toward the Pan- `ij-`A.merican Exposition, to be "held `at Builalo, is not hard to understand T" When one remembers that the name of _Bu'4lo at once suggests that of Inspec to!` De Barry. It is very doubtful A Canada contributes much either by way j_"oif exhibit or attendance. These great exhibitions are undoubtedly of great pommercial value, but lll{6 almost every- ithing else they are being overdone our enterprising neighbors. Indade they did, mum. The box jingled, and at lady wid a voice like a c-lffce mile says `Hello, and I says `Hello yerself,' aud.she aays, `Who is this '1' and I says, `None of yet bhusi-V `ness. _ And she says, `Is _Aunt Mary there `I And Ihtold her she d betbher ask a policeman. and she fnired some thin in my ear, and I dared her so snow `the ugiy mug of her back of our burn, and she said nmhin , 1'11 lgplk in that machine no more, mum.- Detroit Free i Press; Khtie is having 9. hard time at mas- tering the telephone.` She has had many lessons and long, but there is a mystery about the whle thing that in- ames her superstition. Katie at the Phone. Katie is jusc over, and she in em ploved as a domestic in a big house surrounded by. shade trees on the Cars mm. She is as willing as a hungry mosquito, but there are thinge she has not yet. learned, _-recess I50 phosphorus in some form. There is another peculiar incident con- nected with the death of the boy. It is said that his stepmother saw the boy lying in the house just a_ short time before the telegram arrived an nouncing `his deatr we hear about-were real, the ceme- teries would be lled in a month. A n wrong constructionis put upon co - man ailments in order to humbug the people into the belief that heart `disease is prevalent, whereas real heart trouble. which is so sadly and suddenly fatal when it does occur, is a rare disease. Lopsided arguments cannot convince an intelligent people. Iron is" the vital element of the `blood. Too little iron means weakness, lack of spirit. pallid cheeks, shortness of breath. sleeplessness, nervousness; loss of vital force, ending in general break-down. The iron in Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills is in the solu- ble form you need, in combination with other curative agents in such `a manner that disease can't resist their action. You feel yourself getting IIIQI` uonkgg --A-A LA`-- "- `i,` " J ` -- vvu -CCU J $3538} SVUUCI-Is when _ you take Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills. L - `Ion. ho a be too. on. A111):-u '& Bu:. wYnm1 0o.`oronao. 015" vv ----ow? 1 lfffg,,wl,,rf?** every 5 e ` 24 : _h`o'ur_I.;1 The oommonest symptoms of dys-V ` pepsia or nerve trouble, such as pal- pitation, weal: spells, loss of appe-_ tite, and poor circulation, are magni- ed and distorted into serious signs of heart trouble, with the object of -f_rZghtening the public into taking this or that heart remedy. If a hundredth part of the heart trouble .... L---'_ -I_- A ` report of the British Board of shows that there` has been a ::ioi:lVtursl laborers in Great Britain . dur- "ing the past ten years. It is also observed that wages are highest in aountries lying nearest the large centres ` of population. This is both because the competition of other industries and nlso because of the more important more protable crops raised. rsdoal increase in_ the wages of agri- THE CHILDREN S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE ~ V have for ado lion. in good Homes. a number of bright young nadian child;-en. boys and gir-'3 Parties desiring them are askcd to communicate with `the: Secretary. REV. E. M. C. BUTTERILL, Barrie. , , 1-ly -_---.. ' urn`:- { fr. 1. fzonmson. B;mIn% `Robinson & Macpherson, \ CIVIL ENGINEERS. DOMINION -AND-- ONTARIO LAND su|3v+:vons.' The" inset STO 9? them .. v--- V- to . Th o_then'. poop 9. out val ' Gill: t d ' t DR UG. ` a 5:112 r':t8'kn';w: ;ore about VANILLA. for ice cream. fer instance: Buuua Pqwmnz. for cakes. One is a druk. of count ; the ether a "chemical; ayd there are etill othere-SRICES of all ~ * kinds. cream of tattar, etc. -n..- L... 4-4 -- - - ` , - _._-.- cu uuv\iE-rlc Contractors, Builders, Manufacturers. &c. Doors, Sash. Blinds, Moulding. &c Planing and Dressing of ever demription. Hot Air Drymg.Kiln. Ian mates urnished free ofcharge on all kind of wood work and buildin material. Handle all kinds of work promotl, an satisfactorily Seebour work and get our prices. Factory, Ba) eld street, north of the oundry. ' ' In the Kitchen. THE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY-- Carpenterin, Buddingzand manufacturing of Doors. Sash. 5 `ads. Mouldings. etc. Plauin of all kinds done" promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Ulhtfict agency for grained lum- ber Factory--Baye_ld Street, Barrie. RODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. pogxnplaint about the fast and gn5* ior % Lindsay bav'e_. baa; T oer rac:ory-uayne_ld SI GALLIE sucesaors Barrie Planing Mlll QALL PLANING Carpe sterigg, uili_ing_4_s_nd man I'\.\.-.... C--L Drugs and Chemicals- 77 jJJ V (CdEv;}ANCR. At his oice until 5 p.m.; at hxs private I Mary gtregt. after that hour. 1 -2--- Estiniagtes, plans and specicatia pared. Oice-Bothwell`s Block, Buuua. Om-. n u -..._.__-,- a. nun unu. blerk Llounty of Simcoe. will ` . office. "at the Court House. Barrie. gvery Saturdanv. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. lIl\ll`E I I U LUHIV. We have a large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4* and 5 per cent. "on the security of goud farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BUYS & MURCHL SUN. Uunlo btrcet Bane. I :.'\.IL\ uVvDo1;Vu`.l\.l good_ I 351 `freehold security at lowest rate 01 interest. No nncnpal money required until end of the term. . H. STRALHY. `boliciwr, Etc., I Barrie. -- ' $70,000 N o m u. uxul . nuvzur. rUN1)5 TO LOAN U; Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes l)is.:ounte_d. Collections mad- in any rt of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches.- Marriage Licenses issued. O'Ice-Ross block. Dunlop street Barrie. 45-bu K. J. ARTHUR R035, . burgh; M.F.P. & 5, Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological $06181). Specialty.- Diseases of Is) e, Eur, 'l'nl'0ut and Noise. UFF1Cb;.-78 Dunlap Street, Sanders Black, Hat- rie. Opposite POSI. Uthce and Railway station. Phone 54. P.` O. ax 96. 7-ly y L\.u.a. mun" 1...1( b.1 .. Londun. Uthces and mght resi.:euce-uruwn's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. .Teaephone 77. R. J. L. SMITH, L.L.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. Harvie & S1_mth', Urillia.) Omce anu residence -corner of Owen and Llollner streets, Barrie. :3-ly -a` beat lace get drug. is at a DRUG` STOP . The drug `at knows more about than poops. ' keep` ` ood d t Co I k mbbuigcl!`Dnft`g`_n..oreI: mean u go R. J. F. Falling. Graduate of Trinity Umversity Toronto, Feilow of Trinity Medical uollege, Member ot the Colege of Physunans and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. 3. BROAD. M. 1). c. M., F. T. M. C., 1.. C. . P. 3., U , late resndcnt Ph) sician and burgeun or Lurunto uencral uuapllal. wuh ap.c1al aucnuon to uxaeascs 01 women, and nose and mroau. wuus. also tor some ume beun nu cnarge at bmcrgcncv nos- pxtal. tor.-uto. ice and mght rcaldcx-cc upstairs xu McC..rlhy B ock. 21 Dunlap bu, Barrie, Ss.COHd of Ddugall Bros. lurmturc \Va.leI'U0lnS-- ne4r Five 1 ui..ts. aq-ly eeg On! month. a` splendid thing Ch:-iatmas _&_I1_i:ld.hbe. with all its glad cheer, if it `_= not for the brain-racking ordeal of WM. M. CAMPBELL, Banister Solicitor. Notary, etc. Mone toloan. O -Barrie and Stayner. .. Barne ice-Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street, . . 5-ly slvlllullkll Ill Ills \IUUl'Iu UK JUHIIUCB, LVUIJIIUU KUUIJIS, Lonvpyancers. Ulces over the Bag! of Toronto, ` Barrie- I73!-TIC. V ~ Money in sums of $3,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. . H. H; Suurruv, Q.C. G. H. Es'n:N. lLI\l \LI'Il X IND. _ `_ Barristers, Sohcntors in High Court of J usticcs, Notaries Public, Lonvevammrn- lM'l'u-pa nxuu than Rank` 65 Tn:-nntn, '.'E.'ziLw"s3".J. EWSON & CRESWICKE. barristers. Solici- tors of the Sn reme Court of Judicature of Untario. Proctora. otaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. 0ccs-Ross Block, Barrie. wfliatl. A I II: l..\lIIJ.LVI'I`lJ l\I., IDKITIUICI, Attorney) . Solicitor an Lhancery, Conveyance: etc. OIce-Fix-st door Owen street, over Bank of Com- rnnroa` I-Karo-in .n..R _ uunn 1 n I , DU I D G Au URUHIDULV, `D8l'l'l8~ `A ters. Soucsturs, Conveyance:-s. etc. buccesso one to Mccarthy, Peplcr 8; McCarthy. thy Block, Uumop Street. Barrie. J. A. MCCARTHY, - W. A. Boys, I'\. 1` Il..__..._ __- W. PLAXTON, Banister, bohcitor, Notary U Conveya\ncer,' .Mon.. v to Loan. Private sumpany. 3} lowest mus. Uice In Bothwelfs Block, opposue Ranlway Depot. 27-53 _e_reAore;nine newspaper men in the House of Commons. They are : `Moolean, Walter Scott, C. H. ":jnjulee, Cbqys.` Muroil. Robt. Holmes. . ARioh_nrdson,_E. F. C!az-ke, Frank I`, and Alex. Johnston.

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