Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Dec 1900, p. 6

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" Wdtaiworks System for mama. A 9. `rem-"ms meaning of the` Mgdland ':hm_it'__a.t the coming municipal eleo-. ` ' by-l_aw providing for the nfaising TANkf' and Repairs. go to OHEMIST AND I)1II'(;{I.<'l', - 1:.xm:n:. 6:. CO. Wholsale and Retail Manufacturers. w.H.'BuNm. BRADFORD STREET. 23-1) BARRIE. L1m0NBURG,`ONT. mg C0 Y, LIMITlh with ur goods and prim-<. need of am` 01 th- n 'sf\' voursclf. _ Ls.d`1es"I-Ionme Journal. , _ a superabuudance'of literary `and 4 A features in most attractive form. Kong" its hourly twoscore.con'tributors Lew `Wallace, Elizabeth Stuart . Charles Major, William Per 1 J1_lIl,00llI Gould, while A. B. Frost, W. Il,jl.|.`uyler, _Regin'ald B. Birch, Henry Hutt, George Gibbs and as many other l`fli3llustrst.ors supply its pictorial features. Apart frum the articles having specisl 1 l`Clll'l8tmB8.L2tdle8' Home J ourna} V Cli'urd Howard and Elizabeth u.-holiday timeliness of interest, the no-' `table features of the Christmas Journal include "The Innkeeper s Dmghter Who Dissolved 1; President's Cabinet-, What May Happen in the Next Hun- dred Years, Jerusalem as We See it To Day, Two Women's G:fts of Twenty-five Millions, and many others, ` making is very superior Christmas num- ber. By The Curtis Publishing Com- pany, Philadelphia. One dollar 0. year; ten cents 9. copy. HOCKEY PIAYERS F I . ls. Horse Blankets. Sleigh Spice and all general hard- fr:-N3 BEST 1900. 4'2 tf ' Train Plunged into River. Beaver, P..., Nov. 28.- l.`he elm land nightlexpreee, leaving Pnctsburg - at midnight on the `Cleveland & Pitts- hurg ,road, ran into a washout half a mile west of Beaver, Ps., at one o clock `this morning, and the locomotive, mail,-T baggage and express Scars jumped from the tracks and plunged into the Ohio. River. The mhree day coaches sud: Pullman sleeper stayed onlland,` sl though derailed, and the 41 passengers escaped with slight. bruises. M. S. _0ssey, of Cleveland, the express mes- senger, was drowned in his car, which is below the surface of the river. Foon txfainmen were inj ured . .i II!--. end A ple- that Chi anl dai defg A New Use for Dogwood. ~ Ebony, which has long been used for the black keys of pianos. V has so ad- vanced in price that a substitute tor it is in ' demand. Dogwood has been found to serve the purpose excellently, as it can be stained a ne black and oiled and polished until it equals ebony both` in durability and appearance. The industry of cutting and marketing dog- wood, once a valueless tree, for this Vupnrpose is already giving employment 9 to a c'onsiderable number of people. A Two Haodeome Pictures. ` We-have received copies of .,the_ two Jmncisome premium pictures given this ._.year with the Family Hemld and :Weekly Star. Christ in the Temp*e is a ne 17 x24 reproduction of Huffman : Veelebrated painting. The other, Home from the War, is a `very beautiful and `V pathetic portrayal of I a. soldier's D return. Both are given free to an subscribers to fthe Montreal /Herald and Star. T Killed ate. Urosing, A Ss. Tnomaga, Nov. 29..-_-Unurle8'S_ub ton, biacksmith off-Dutwn, was killed by a M. . R train wbile_ crossing. the track in a: village 148% niglgg, De- ceasedwas seventv years of 6/ge, well connected and -well known. -During this century 400 human livka, $125,000,000 and 200 ships` we been lost in frunlu-s9 e`_ rts to find the North Pdle. ` ' ---We understand that. Dr. Hunt does not intend to seek I8-elPOtic-n io the County Counil,an'd that Mr.` J a- Mamn will he a candidate to aucc-ecld him. The docttir 3 -Vdgcisiiin to retire "will be very generally regretted, as he" has proven himself (0 be 9. most useful represent-9. ive. It is pleasing mknnw, however, that he will like-lv he succeed- ed. by so good 9; man as Mr. Mu:-zin.-" Ci-eemore Star. I i I my _ i anti];- vpattidulur1y iii: deprtm0__ L . arifbiography. Liand. Actgjbn. %Ma t`xy - traiosncf conc3m'poraa76i)i1 authbrhV"dd` `to t'n'e iutereat. of tl_nia= group of articles.` A qu-aint picmre of in old time` `book lover sarvtau `ns cove_r design.` ($331 y-ar. The Oatlo k ycompauy, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York.) A V I an reneisco in Horror. _ 1 `s.u. Franaaaco, Nov, 29.--By the oollopsjs of the roof of the San Fransisco and Pacic Glm Works, at Fitteeth uehd Byrunr. "streets, this afternoon, nine people were killed, and about 50 more or lees injured. A The victims were .watohing a foot--hall game between the Stahford /std `Univ:-rait_v' of California teams, when the rouf gave way, pre- cipitating th!-'m_t0 the oor of the fad`. tory. `Same of them fell upon the. furnaces, and one man of unknown identity was burned almost to a. crisp. SUlUSI`l(`S `V9119 cunt-rt ru. A man from Buffalo. if I remember *rightly. asked for samples of native } w -nds and sent specications as to the cxnct size and shape of the specimen Iblocks. [There are over 200 diffcrvnt woods in the country. and the job of col-' lecting the samples req.u9st't-d W0UldVF8Si.' ly have occupied me the entire balance of ..._. ...........In-n onnna AnnI"\L\l' l3I"IfDl'I'\liI'I9 some of the Amazing Reoneutl With Which He Hal to Wrestle. ` A United States consul in a "foreign port receives all sortsof amazing re.- quests from idiots in bi native land." `said a gentleman who was formerly in the service in South America. A good" `many cranks seem to believe that Uncle Sam employs his foreign.representatives for the particular purpose of catering to their hobbies. A woman in Iowa. for ex- ample. once wrote to request me to send ` her ten `typical examples of-the folklore of the people and cautioned me to have the stories `taken down in shorthand ex_- . actly as told.` otherwise they would lose their value. Another_ woman wanted sta- tistics of intemperance among the nu- tives for the preceding dozen years-that in a country where not even mortality statistics were collected. ALA -........ ....\vn D:1xn`n 3' I rnrnorn-hail 1 1y (HIV? ucvupiru nu` tur ruunc llulun-\\ `I3 my consular term. Another en'te-rprlsina fellow countryman of mine.` Iiying at Bat- tle Creek. Mich... ask9d Inc to put him into communication with some native` l:uly'of property~obje-ct. matrimony. He said he thought the lady would be moral apt to listen to his advances if he came lndorscd by [the `United. States consul. -.\Ie-anwhile I was in blissful ignorance as to 'wlwthor. he was a `horse thi9f.or jiust an ordinary hlamefool. so he didn't get the indorsement. HI 1...|:-...... |\1\nrnnnn that tho nlvmnlxlnat gm. luv Iuuln at-Luruu. I believe. howevenvthat the cheekiest type of idiot in the lot was the `pass it on letter end, whose epistles averaged about one a week. ' The scheme is nppur~ ently very simple. Some fellow in Osh- kosh. for `example. wants to make a col- lection of foreign stamps and postmarks. ` Accordingly he maps out a route. "consist- ing of _a string of cities reaching clear around the globe. and then writes a cir- cular letter to consuls at the points se- lected. requesting each in turn to read- dress the envelope to the next man. The letter is started on its journey. let us say. by way of Havana. The consul there is expected to send it on to Rio. the consul at Rio to dispatch it to the consul at Lima. and so on around the world. until at last the government representative at - Liverpool directs it vback-to the sender at Oshkosh. The consuls are-supposed. of course, to-furnish the postage. A few letters of that kind actually made the eir-~ cult at the outset. but the thing promptly became a craze. and at present the c lr~_ cular epistles are used as pipe lights` at the consulates. But think of the cold drawn. double riveted. hurveyized cheek of s,uch"a propo_sition-even trozna stamp ` ' collector. Ba:-Vrie in beautifully situated on a. picturesque clogs, overlooking Kempenveldt Bay. an arm of La Shanna. hing mils: Inns and Foam imam tn Oh:-an nope, ovenoplung nempenvem: Day. an arm or Lake Simcoe. nine miles long and from one to three rlnilee broad. bio!!! om`: ofdgilefprettifisb bays in neummer tsp 'ytoan 1' u` h ' summer resorts andaarke. The pggacf of ESE do in Streets and sidewalk: are first class and ::5`de:me reiaigenclfis are nu.n_-elzoug. _S}`re-ts, puhlic gs an we /ngsare In t wt aeoreec- tricitv. The waterwm-_ks and.geeverera`e egpetemn a_re very efcneng and d:rov1de_sprxng_ water. good drain. $u``a$.."-`mai J`.E5`3f$..?eI' `g`.`2`..`. nf.3.`.a Northern Thirteen" _ urge; triine arrive. rend` depart dauly Theposta e_er-we ya all thug. co-_n he deeu-ed; th|rteen_ maria a,ra_-we dauly; -there__. 13 : nrqmpt, etalrcollecgon agnd delivers thmrgghoug the ' . 5;; 9rej_are`eIght,e_(`:hoole-"one Seperaw). A A sh-rm-once te_av;hen.=\t.v;veve. churches .; . 9 9. =-`.`".`." `E3 .. pr-.mact-.meslI_s~hp-rs. . ~` u%9i:5bii' h A Garrison at Vancouver. 4 Vancouver, B. 0. Nov 28_.-Word has been received from the federal euth- oritieu atAO,c.tewa that e garrison is to `established at Vancouver as well as 1* vxetdrfia, In British Columbia-. The l ' Oice deems it edviaeble to have `t V heouver protected in a military sense {relies Victoria and Esquitnelt, and ; \ barrecke are `to be erected. - THE UNHAPPY CONSUL. THE TOWN or Bmmm n all pages near anu_ up: favour: rqot-..msh- -:+++ +++V4 REV. DR. FAWCETT SAYS: ``I re to-day that I owe_my ' T life` to Ozone. V Earldom fof Pauncefoto. .L vniiun, Nuv.28, Truth. no--ally well-informed ' as so diploznulo a's1re, says-in is probable Queen Vucuorm will offer A viscountoy or_ ad earldom to Lord Punnoef-tie, the British Am- bI8lI`d.ur at Wushingbomnn` hjn-retire mIt'_. from; the diulomqntio, aervio, ii: ,I'V6oiSginii:QnL'_of*.}hi`a aueasful em Hussy. U. . cett isipastor of one of largest churches Chicago.` .t I resign his pastora . Sometime ago threverend gentleman was suf- fering: so severely froi it stomach disorder that he `had- After a vain attempt to nd health in the leadinf cities of the UnitedStates, after spending rnoney?la shly for the best advice of dietetic. .s`peci;1list`s, after elling half the `world over to take in the noted healt resorts, he came back to his father s house, -103 Haze on avenue, Toronto, to die, But it was not ye_t his ime. He ha-d`heard about Powley s Liquied Ozor, and. began taking it.` In a few- months he ha recovered perfect health and resumed hicago. `Now he permits his testimon- shed, that it may do good to thosewho ring; T _ - F I ` his duties in ial to be pub l11lV he "su W Pow!ey's Liquied Ozone Saves th Life '0? the `Rev. William Fawcett, D. ` I E % Pmvle sh I.}%i`( ]uied Ozone: kills thegerms of disease 3 the blood with the oxygen which forms V rpuscles. 01 health. `A great many people 1 J form the air they breathe. e h Now, P0wle v"s 1, 11-,,-, dherdifferent from any ever before `placed at ishposal. Ozone is not a patent medicine. The pro inentcglergyman and citizens of Canada who have` bee cured byit of long-standing diseases do not lend the r names to quack nostrums. You} would do well to consult then) and satisfy yourself as to its very g at value. W h n e ` V . Pow1ey s Ljquiedv Ozon is $1.00 large size bottle: 50c" small size. . At d ggists , or from the laboratories of THE OZONE COMPANY OF TORONTO, mited. 48 Colhorne Street, Toronto. ?;~"$.~$`!'~X`~F'l-"i'i'l?J'i"%"*$`~F~'4-4-i';4`4'+ AL:-.0 av w. 1:. WISMER. evening last. 3 hockey club was organ- iped wit the following ocera :--H6II. Pres..~ JTSL Dc`. M.L.A., Hon. lat -Vrce Pres-., IT. "McKnight; Hon. 2nd Vfe Pram, Ro-V, HnW0; PtB8,_ DI`. M cK.}? ; 1st,`V_uce'.-P`uos.', ->'.l`ed. Boys; 2 u .Vac'e-P'rea.,`_ H&l`i'_V\\].A0&'dl8y 4;, ,_F..rv1na DunneVl| ;f.;SVao;'-'l`r`eaa'., H. :8 {mornig ._;i`O- A .:a. _ G}E.vrhs,V' _a:3 Iliththn} n uxiil:)e|*f;`of 6 beh` patedpel, {ind there me rivalry. They will cost` Thl Rev. Wm. Fawcett, ., is one of the most liant sons "of whom T feinada can boast{ The i n. of the late Rex}. ichael Fawcett, one of` the pioneericlergymen of Canada, he early distin- guished himself in his caliling. To-day Dr.` Paw nnnnnnaoueac Stayner. on Sunda Novem- tcr asth, a. daughter to Mr. and Mn. {ivalter B. 33 OKSOII. ` !. BRADLEY-H0NEYWELL-At the Methodist Parsonage. Creemore. by Rev. F. L. Brown. on the ant mst.. Mr. George Bradlev. to Miss Ida, gauggger of Mr. and Mrs. Asa. Honeywell, all of III`! III- DRAPER-In West Gwillimbufy, on Monday. Nov. 26, Charles Draper. aged 15 years and 6 months. bH'EVATON-At Tee-umset-h on-I;1ov. 29th., Lucy,Tbe- loved wife of Mr. W. Heston, in her 72nd. nwa Licensed Auctioneer. Ap raiser. Valuator, etc.; Credit Sales of Farm to.l: and Implements nromptly attended to; Farms sold and bogignt on Cnrnrniann CRT MV TED MC AND `DA Q attended 6; Farf n1d`};3d 'i{.T."i;i'"c Commission. GET MY TERMS AND RA S. 1v1oN1:;Y*1*o LOAN. 10.50. MCDONALD Advertise in THE ADVANCE. BUSY MAN-i Saves J4me, ' Facilitates Business, Secures Trade. While the other man Waites on slower methods. Have you a Long Distance Telephone in your A I9-ly . Oices. No !39THER~ MUCH FUN-| All tlinefwonders end Pleasures of o High-Priced Iallnim 2achine. When accompanied b a Recorder this Graphophone can be use to make R. ~ords. Price with Recorder $7 50, Reprodu.-er all the standard Records. 30nd order and money in nur nan:-on} ninn sv Vur uuvu was COLUMBIA Pocmru co. Dept. 30 NEW YORK, :43-145 Broadway. CHICAG , 88 Wabash Ave. ST. LOUIS, 10-J22 Olive St. WAS GT0N,C919 Pennsylvania AVI. PHILADELPHIA- xma hestnut St. |GRAPHOPHONEi LHC SIKLIUHJU RCCUIU: to our nearest oice. nan '-nun:-nu A Iullnnnn ;V1i::r`adyantageis `that. speed is` . Elly unlimited. The 'wgi-k Vis fashliu-the keys on he `touch- OFFICE 3:4 BAYFIELD STREET, BARRIE aaugnger 1 Dunedin. WABIILIVUIUN, I9 rennsylvanu I PHILADELPHIA, 1032 hestnut St. BALTIMORE, 10 E. Baltimore Sc BUFFALO 323 Main St. sAf mmncxsco :25 Geary sc. PARIS, 34 Boulevard des italnens. . BERLTN. It RI-nna-nutrzutae, , 34 nouxcvaru aes muxens. BERLIN, 55 Kronenstrasse. Is a. large part of a DISTANCE THEPHUNE -THE- A REAL MARRIED BORN DIED. 25-5o- ox '3 gAPrrAL These Tablets are the latest px-o of medern medical science. They are inlini`t(:l\' - superior to all pills and similar pr(:]m':lL1onS, for the cure of Indigestion and all (li.w:1~(*.s' 1.1` the Stomach. Bowels, Liver and Knlllt-_\'s, For. Nervous Prostration and gexivml \\'o-:11`-._ ness they have no equal. '1`o1m-\'u1x. and delicate women these T'abl<-ts will 1~1'u\'v`;x positive blessing. '_ _HAVE 1'01. '1`1:IIiI) ; s Perfect Headache Uure. Price," 50c. per box. Sold by 1). II. Mm Laren, Druggist, sole agent for Barriv. l _ A safe and instantaneous curv f0I'1{(-."uhu'he' I and Neuralgia. Guaranteed to cure.-. f 8-h NEW HAnq_wghE smne me our stock of Skates. nd Pucks. Call and we the It is used by the best playrrs. Bros. Stoves and Rarxgrs. . If land sue our stock and P"`9"~` ` you will do we! ` Straps, Hockev latest Hockey _Sk Sole agents for Co v0u want a sto ' befoqbu T? One D067`. East of the Barrie Ilotd. D. H. MacLAREN. TROUB1 tomera ask for the est: goods They appr our up_-to dateness in ING the best. None l ood~as Till- aon a is a. well wn motto Ti||i Pan-I ARE NOT A PATENT MEDICINE . . . TRY n: asoiiiies. MATRESSES. PUMPS, _,ot'ic tiritr is In ,-power "ope-ta.t_or sipnply iudicatoa the . "It looks like on ordinary tor," wind _the keyboard .is the The -printing is accomplished by ozita.cb- ofjthe nger. No pres I `oil. `lihe-work" of" the moving 4 2 don bv an electric motor,` in -required, `there is no fa-V

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