Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Dec 1900, p. 2

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ns and specications prom tly pre- pa::c`l:mI0?!i"c:`:,-l-aBothwell's Block, Dunlopp Street. Buuun. Om`. u-tf Drugs and Chemicals Estiinateo, plans and specications gared. Oice--Bothwell's Block.` Dunlnnp so.-an Inthe Kitchen. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. R. J. . SMIT_l-1, L.g;._P.s., Opt (late of Drs. `-Inn-11:9: & Smith, nnl|Ia.` Olce and resxdence | cCAR'1`HY, uovs 8: MURCHISVON, Barris- .-... Q.-.||.~:o..n (`nnw-vanmu-n. etc- Sumesb ENGINEERS AND snnvnvons. RILL, "'?'."_'"' V % 1 M it-izSbu'thii 1;; am: W. PLAXTON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary {`1nnIlnl1I'It`l'. urn. Nlnnav tn Loan- Private '1`. VARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. 42-Iv A. RADENHURST. 38'i3t|'s Al'Yo c..|:..:o.... :.. Channnrv- (`.nmmmmcer_ etc. ARE Nnnmsn EVERY DAY ROGERS 8 13:36:35. MONEY 'ro'L . nnnvnncrvnns. - RIISUELLAN E0138. MONEY TO LOAN. --, D. C. Muncmsox. _. org, ABM the quAe;tion-aI.|d poi*th_t 9n'e_ it `iaV--than he Vhga % tad[ia the Il_I "t:t_eg'-; _;`fv _Pl:lIslulAN8. FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold npnurihr at lnwpnr rare nf FINANCIAL. OFFICIAL. LEGAL. DIUIJKp J 45-ly-T co Wu 43-ly C._W. MACPHERSON. i J. C. Bxoxovsxx. il ` to aizg m'emb.e1-a ind t. l`I39 . (the ward aystgm. and have for 3 return to the old ordai- l\lI4l-4 1-ly >vH,E` NORTHERN ADVANCE ` ._ _ '- ADVSRTISING RATES. '1`:jI`;n1nvAN,cn ans = or mounrnm nu}`N(;;l::`";F A nownr corms. A`I_.....L` 21' ..-.. ._._:L_ J 1 1 if not qnit, double that of - '-.r'.-,-- vv` nanny paper published in Burma, any mm invnnnsnns snoum NOTE nus FAGT -Q 18 lines-solid agate make 1 inch, TRANSIENT ADVERTI8EMENT3_ First insertion 10 cents per line, e h quent insertion 4 cents per line. ac sub . Rnndina nnlinun l aunts. ...... 1:-, .. qiieni nisenion '1 cents line. i - Reading notices, 10 cents per line for rm insertion ; 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. All items un. der 5 lines, of this chauacter, charged as 5 lines. V V Legal, Oicial and Government adve1-ti59_ mentswill be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the following rates! which are drafted on cor. rect commercial principles and will be strictl adhered to. There will be only one price to; all. ' IVIIUIT `notice. . cool.-1 J. 1.4.:-153.00 p ASSUHANCE COMPANY. Cagital, $6,ooo,ooo_ Founded I305 pplimtion forms furnished and rates quoted 13)` annnar: tn nrrnn Ar;rNT. IIIICII -u-nocoouo-concou- 2% inches . . . . . . . . . . .. 5inches,}(colu`mn .... .. no inches, )4 column.... aoinches, 1 column .... .. `For one month--the three with 15 per cent. added.` ' `For two months--the three with 10 per cent. added. E.DItnfnv-`BAA nnn-:1-`nun :11 LL- VVLIIJ `V HUI DUI-IVI B\L\LC\Jo H Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance ,of one-third on aboyg rates. This rule will be strictly carried out CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements must be handed into the office not later than Satin day at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm`. ADVANCE office no; later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in an`; week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. ' ` 10 AI-nnlnuna A` Ar`:-1nr#usnnnnv.6-z. -H.......,`l _ Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. I IV AAA Liv \J.l.IIlI avuo jlnbr` at prominent MoUarthy- but after -the Oepaua Commis- tihip; whiohwill net. the winner a 5': little (mm. A. pronneot Nowe- ` _'(lid livorl: during the recent`onm- is almost sure to be recognized in `me tangible form.-T-Collingwood-I En- oarmer, it is said, may secure- om, although Mr. Hy. Fore'man a: i Condensed advernsements on first page such as wants of an kinds, lost and found, property for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc., etc., must be accnmpanied with the cash, and win` be inserted-t1rst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per won .- (names,` addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. 4 Per Cent. Intorest;'ald on Deposit! The Security for Depository in a Low Company is undoubted. Ross new Block. south side Dumop stre eastof the Post Office. 817 The security to depositors in a Loan Co'y is un- doubt_e There is no instance on record where: debosmor has ever made a loss bv a Loan Co'v. Canadian Branch Oice, Head Ofce. MONTREAL. LONDON, 1~:.\'G,LA_ND :M. C. HINSHAVV, SAM._]. PIPKHV. Bmqch Manager_ Manager- o..ATLAS.oo Aepnannune :~r\nnnl|I\lV ed the Band: th the lateSY PAT` I We have urchared and reopen _ Steam Laun ry. 10 Dunlop street. '1 nlodcrn up liances or all classes of worlnand have v If noun A noun: 1_1:_I:l`{_s_ff0.BDER, nut is an as q..._.. A...- RoNiii'Z'ii'o'1iiIE'1i~T6iJs'rnY. and "3" our ri call at our door. .\PEC|A L OBDEBS DEL VH3 D THE SAME DAY. lH.N. Hughes &Bro. -KWIVVLIJEU 12 changes of Advertlaements allowed pg; year. It more are required, composition rates will be charged. Atlvrnnluicnwu u-nu` run? `.1: n11n!I'vn:J 4,` ....... L1 .3 .REPRESENT THE Fouowmc FIRE 1.N'SL'RASCZ COMPA:\'IES : The Mercantile, nogv ailiatcd wi:h The Lon- don & Lancashlre of England. sec-.: ity. $15,000,000. A The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. On: Tothl assets, $334.oS3. ' The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. Ont Total assets, $303,078. Also Llovd's Plate Glass Insurance Com: pany, of NGW York. Cash capital, 525:. l'\(\(\ ' J. (JUL VER WELL S_ Halrcutting and Shaving ` ` Parlor it oPPoarrx muuzm HOTEL. ' .E_AEBIE_ `ha. - mm "*6 '` Cut for advertisements mnsl. in every case be mouuled on solid metal buses. k has decided by a ngajoriey y'the clean`-io `light plant'- _ treat lighting Vunder mgni- Private funds to loan on first mortgages. .\. counts collected. &c. nan-.. ,.....- Llrl-Ilallil`/Q!` - u....:........ Q.-. n....:.. Scnocen-: & SMITH, And the Sun Loan and bavings Compzm: of Ontario. U1`! lkalla.--1` Street, Barrie. 'SUBS(3R]BED4 CAPITAL, SIEAM LAUNDRY | CUUIIIS COHCCICCI. NC. ` Ofce over Henderson's Hardware Store, Barn: Ont. Agent. Standard Life. London Gum n- teo and Accident C0,, Provincial Building and Loan Association, etc. mmnz {mm & snvmcs co. INCORPORATED 1881. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LUAN ASSOCIATION. John Rogerson, OFFICE.--Next dogtfto Bank of Toronto, Owen huge} `lupus..- -u-]u Number of inches AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.0oo,ooo. SUCCESSORS TO E. S. LALLY. 7{_________,. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &C. Fire and Lifejssurance. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. canon torms lurmshed and rate quvtw '1 GEORGE PLAXTON. AGh1\T.' I k Ban-ie Ont. Office in Bothwell fs 13 OC SCROGGIE &. SMITH. BARRIE: aspm' 6, 1900; Anvaucf-" ,,.;._. ._.; monthly rife A monthly rate IIU, Uw u-ly The immediate leader of the Con- servative party must be the Hon. Mr. Foster, for whom a seat will be found. It would be an incalculable loss to the party, to the country, should this man disappear from public life. As a nancier, as a (lobster, he is without a peer in Parliament. As a critic he reaches the breadth and seriousness of the leaders of the Opposition in the Imperial Parliament, for while he pours ridicule upon his opponents, he also deals with the issue with the sense of dignity and responsibility. He is thoroughly "informed, notmerely upon political questions, but upon subjects whxch have a literary and philosophncal interest, and while he can manipulate gures and `make them eloquent, he is : equally at `home with the academic sub- ject, treated at leisure, with polished periods, with'classic diction. `He has, moreover, made himself felt in a remark- able manner, both _in oice and in op- position. He was also the ablest exponent of the Conservative policy. He insisted upon the traditions, upon the dignity and nationalimportance of the Con_servatives. He had eloquence and invective, but chiey he presented an orderly argument in so lively and attractive a manner that he -was always` listened to throughout his longest speeches with the utmost interest. A. man like this must be given the supreme place. lOthe'rmen may advise, maybe trained for eminent service, but , Mr. `Foster is the man who will give the. party value and prestige in the House and before the country. other wcrcla 60` per cent. of Canadian: pigs grade as No.9 or lower. which ie ' 40 per cent. more than might be ex pected if breedingwere. carefully done. Canadian farmers lose at leaet 20 cents per honored `on all pigs sold be- cause of this. condition; packer; xing their bnyingprioee according to their average receipts from sales. -The inan- whol_in_aiete on breeding the lvrong typef: not `onlv _20'cen_ta per_`hnndrcu_i, cancer hie nei'ghb`olr-_, apes. we-ug;o not'..only':tlii`-"hit #333" points "rfroui Toronto, V -Ro1lway~Notee. _ The Grand Trunk will issue special rates -for the International Live Stock Exposition at . Chicago. The Fair ex- tends from December 1 to 8, -and the tickets will he good going on December 1, 2.and 3, and returning on Dec. 9. The rate Awilligbe aingle fare pine $2; The excursion rates will include` all M _ \ North Bav. Bni aloand Went. 1 V` -' ii59irc`mpl!;-irimuiedi-tel a *' _?I_~'ho "Ville i Inii'ornie Mr. Hodson, -`Dominion `Live Stock Commissioner, after summing. up -the whole bacon situation at present says :-``'I he Oanadain market demands a long, lean singer, _thei;efore it is in the interest of Canadian farmers to `supply the best pigs "for that pnrpose._ First class goods mean a growing market at home and abroad; anything el_se means a stationary or receding market. At the present time 25 per cent. of-the pigs marketed in Canada are what is known as `scfts , 25 per cent. are ats and at least 10 percent. unsizables. _i `Or in , vrcrds cent. \_ Oanadiani grade No.` 2 lovwergwhich is per cent. more might "be ex if were. carefully done._ V !l.`heBa.oon.-Bog. V V ` A `lengthy oirotular, giving -pointers on the bacon trade totthe farmers of the province, _ has been issued by the Ontario Department of Agrioulture. I ` ~ m4 _. ._ -twin" -by` In ilih iyountry for - the .lg:f%$h-im'tis dfpop-Z5` nlstidn. \ Hence the dionteht ao`ooe'n ' evidenced%bv_th'e deairf-L of the young people fromthe country to ock` to the Oltle. . war-uuwv . " The TU united States heelreeognined the A claims of rural diatri_c'te, nnd for yearn "have been giving the fen-mere free daily delivery of mails in certain sections of the country. The "plan has been very successful and will in time`ebecome uni- veraal. ' A_ Mr. Mulock has recently been im- portingia i'ew.~ head of `purebred cattle I for thebenet of the farmers" of York `County. If the Postmaster General wishes to help the farmers, .here is a chance for him to show a little enter ? prise in his Department which would` be a really great benet and source of satisfaction to the farmers of Canada` and their families. - It is a step _which would go a long way to mitigate the necessary deprivations of country life by bringing the people more fu-l=l y in touch with the outside world. Andonly when it comes to share to a much larger degree the inventive progress of the age, will rural life with all its splendid natu- ral advantagea, become in reality what it has so long been theory-.-the ideal Fosmn as LEADER. A Byatander," in the St. J olf.n a, Que. News, advocates the claims of Mr. `Foster to the Conservative leadership w in the following terms: I . ,.a! L.."~`?7-'""`."'," " ' I ,'.1`hVe. Instant _ time ever made byya psa- aehgor locomotive attached to 3 regular ggr` 'Vi|Aqtdied,itcV`agine 670, on the 3.1 c :6! Who Le-high ~ Mr JiiT`n9'6 Vxto They- ;_ .. gdosi ; gain- - tnusiaalsic Welcome. Found Dead in her Cabin. The village of Mono Mills was thrown into a state of excitement on Friday morning when itwas announced that Mrs. Alice Ferns, who resided ahshort distance from the village, had been found dead in her cabin. . Mrs. Ferns was a widow. and had lived alone since .the death of her husband several vears ago. She was 82 years of age and quite feeble. On Friday morning lher grandchild, a daughter, of Mrs. Rose McGovern of Mono Mills went to visit her grandmother and found her lying dead beside the stove. ` The old "lady had evidently `arisen during A the night to lie down beside the stoveto keep warm, and death` had overtaken her while asleep. V The village physicians was called, but an inquest was deemed uni ` ,-necessary.--`Alliaton Herald. ' "London,Nov,j'29.--X'detaohment or d.`60A Ineu.'belonging to the Royal Ca- `nadian.1?t,egiment;;: Golonel eggs`: oom- mending, `which have just reached Eng land "from" South Africa by the\Hg- ivarden Castle, arrived in `London to- day and proceeded .to. the Kenemgton Barracks.-\ `Since their -arrival. at Southampton, where they were. wel- comed by Maj.-Gen. Bobt.` .MacGregor Stewart, the Canadians have been greeted `everywhere with tumultuous applause. to Know Good Beef. Let us imagine ourselves, says a writer in Wuman s Home Companion, before a butcher's -block having" on it four pieces of beef presenting faces fromthe roundof sirloin. One is dull red, the lean 5 being close grained and the fat very white; the next is dark red, the lean loose-grained and sinewy and thefat white -and shining; the third is dull red, the lean loose-grained and. sinewy and the fat yellow ;'the fourth is brightcherry red, the lean !smooth and `medium-grained, with ecks of white through it, and the fat creamy-'-neither white nor yellow_ The first of these is cow beef, the second bull beef, the third beef from an old or" ill~conditioned animal, and the last is iox~bee-f. Ox-beef---that from _a steer -is the juciest, oest avored, I eweeteet and most economical to buy of all beef. It is called prnme" when the lean is very much mottled` with the A whitefatecks and when it is from a heavy young animal, about four years old, stallied on corn. Beef from a young cots} that has been well fed and fattened is next in merit to 0:: beef. Beef from any unmatured animal is never satisfactory, being tough and _ juiceless. It may be `easily recognized, V as its color is pale and itsnbones small. Stewart made a,brief speech to the 'Censdis.ns,A during which he said . Englishmen rejoiced at their bravery and deeds just as much asthey rejoiced -over the honors achieved byvthe home 7 troo s and their kinsmen from all` the col ies brought together by the war. II A-\ The contingent consistsof Companies A, B, and_I. The composite. regiment of the Household cavalry also returned -onthe Hawarden Castle. The troop- ers arrival in London was marked by- the . scenes of enthusiasm which have so often been rehearsed in the -metro- polis during the past" year. Great crowdsawaited the cavalrymen, and the cheering was lusty and long through- out their march to their quarters. Pad- dington, where they` detrained, was ablaze with color, as were the streets along the route. Several regimental bands added to the general gaiety, and the throngs sang God Save the Queen in chorus. . I 061; Otter-exprgaaed his . thanks` for the sympathetic utterqncea and the Canadiansttook the train for Londoh. ocL>`1_.{o1-rm an } Reports are coming in from the eur-, e yroundingedistrict of the organization for it the season of the village literary society. -' This is an institution that well deserves word of encouragement... In many cases the word literary is a very `great . misnomer. - In fact in most cases the . `social side predominates. The majority `of the young men are attracted by the gqating vision ofsome sylvan nymph whose sidelong glances area thousand "times more potent than the wooingiof y the muses. Even so. But while they `pay make their "lit a stepping stone [to 'Oupid s bower they also serve as an gndience for some young fellow with "great latent ability only waiting the .-`development . How many men occupy- ing high positions in pulpit, platform or : egislative halls to-day have traced their. fatart in life to the night they first stood ._opcn the platform of that little country `jehoolhouse, with their knees smiting jgaehother aimlessly, as they held their brief to demonstrate the horse ihyine cousin! Each of his score of "listeners developed into another twenty be; the ` schoclma'am" i society in to _be repaid tor. useful to mankind than his" isttaiiayrqtyg: team;-'.` e l '.k._i_.O:. w`~H'l|_11ii`i1`l).l.'.f1l:'.f|i: _ "eV'rz-a.aew1tnu.s. _ Ottawa, Nov. 29.--The September report of the Department of Trade and Commerce, just ieeeed, shows that while American uepoi-is frmnv Caneda for the mejnthev 'of`J_I1_lsj `gee August ieoreeeed ma. *s6,71`o,19;m s7e1,s5-9:1, or by cm-714 eexpamee %omeeshe Oolllngwood Hockey Club. The Colhngwood Hockey Club has been re-organized with the following oioere:---Patron, `J Birnie, `Q.C.; Hon.-Prea., Dr. 1.` H._;Irwin; Hon. Vice-Pres... "P. Paton _; Hon. Vxoe-Pr'es., J. M. Hopkins; Press. 1). L. Darroch ; First. Vice-Pres}, S. H`. `Lindsay; Sec- *ond Vioe'Prea., H.'G.lderwood; See- retary 'l reaa., F. Rule 5 Manager, H. D. Arnold ; Captain, Andrews. 1`he delegates reported on the con- vention held in. Barrie, `when the Nor- thern Hockey Association was formed. Their report weeiadopted "and it was decided to become 3 member of the new league- `I V ' tuohnan 1`he oiciala of the department are busy oo acting information regarding the industry in the United States and Canada. It in not likely that a bonus will be put on the production of beet sugar, but it is altogether probable that the Government will agree to assist in the construction of beetaugar taotoriea. IUII 1'? I 1% The Hon. John Dryden 33 ....,..;.;a E; the bonus system. He points out that in the State of Michigan the system, once in vogue, has been sbolished. and the industries are on their own fencing. Montreal, Nov. 29.--A movement is on foot among the railway employee of the two great Canadian systems, the Grand Trunk and the Canadian Pacic, which may lead to united representations among different classes of workers, with a view to the establishment of a fort- nightly instead of a monthly pay day throughout the systems. Call to Rev. Dr. Smith. . i _ After a vacancy extending over ten months the Presbyterians of Bradford and the Scotch Settlement have decided to extend a cellto the Rev. Dr.` J. Fraser Smith, returned Missionary from India, to become their pastor. The decisive step was taken by these con gregetions at meetings held lately and the call will be prosecuted before Pres. hytery at its next sitting, Dec. 11th. Dr. Smith is a man who stands high in the church. is also a manof many ne prime,` and should he decide to accept the call, the Presbyterian people here will he exceedingly fortunate.-Brad- ford Witness. _ The Beet Si1ga.rInduetry. - The best sugar industry is a topic that is atpreeentengaging the atten-. tion of the Depertment of Agriculture. A bill relating to it will be introduced at the next session of the Legislature. _ed` not to diaband Strathcona'a with gfrica, but to maintain the regi- ant as the neuleua of a mounted in- '.Northwest Territories. If this plan be ,, `harried out i-n all probability the pres- -Vont name of the regiment` vrill be re- _ shined as a mark of appreciation of the patriotic services of Lord Strathcona to j`Canada and the Empire. t is stated that the government has" onenpon its return from service in: gantry force for Manitoba and the an hour-. `One section` 01 5 1-10 miles wee run in 3 minutes 41 seconds. ' The train was a heavy one mode up of four 70-foot Phullmans, a. safe can"-, two oom-. bination coaches, and an observation _ 1fe Ahc % -cqjixe from school `heavy-eyed. ` `languid, andusuess. f . 5 IN ORDER That 1hey may be cheerful. happy, and contented, growing stronger and sturdier day by i `B00. per box, an boxes for 82,00. To have the tensibilities keen, the ' wits sharp, perceptions clear, and the ability to .make ' affairs run smoothly, take ` Dr. .Ward s t Blood and Nerve Pills Systematically, and you will be delighted with the result. Why? Because they will en- able you to sleep soundly, `eat - heartily, and digest what you do eat, thereby keeping mind 3 and body in proper condition. (N1 Dlzclsts. or son William: Q Co. Toronto. Ont IN ORDERA To have trength `for pleasure after the duties of the day are `accomplished; IN ORDER V ` Not to have the boy soj tired that '_che mind. cannot bg culti- IN onnnn mm -; ._. - . A Louie Bm=let t, of Culling- gmd.> ;hs~fnl1n. h9,il' %_ to a to:-cu_ne .of_ 1 ' J 53 % 091e}iI!. `--- *:_ _,_ T, , _ ,.- - ._._... . _..___....:g_._._._ ..._.. ` VAULT-Bu-ristet. Solicitor, Proctor. Notary, . ' Oonveyaneer, etc. Spccial attention - tn drawing and prohating wls, obtaining letters of adminintrationand gun rdianship, ool ecningancounu, etc. Occs. Ron Block. Barrie. Monev to Loan. OSS & BROKOVSKI. Barristers, Solicitciriv. V Notaries, uonvcyanccrs, etc. Offices Bank 0* Toronto Building. Barrie. Branch Oice, Cold` wavterg Money to-Loan. u\_.A,___ II--- __ _ `I I` I)-`Ann-vamp. ENNOX, ARDAGH; COWAN & BRUWIM Barmteis, Solicitors for obtaining probate of ewule. guardianship and administration, ann General Solicitors. Notaries. Cnnveg anceru, etc. HAUGHTON Lnxmox, Aux. Cowuv, B. Huuonn Amman, G. E. 1. BROWN, L.L.B ;Oices: Hinds Block, No. 6, Dunlop street, Bar- nemnch Oices-Lennox & Ardagh, Gravenhurat; Lennox, Ardagh, Gown 8; Brown, Creemore and -.._l.. Auiston. C W. 1 LAJkl.'U1V, barrister, DOIICIIDT, notary . Conveyancer. etc. Moncv to Loan, Private company. 3} lowgst rates. Oce in Bothwelfs Block, opposxtevlianlway Depot; 27-53 CCAl<'1't1X,_bU!b at m Ununxaun, carna- ~ tars, Solicitors, Conveyancers. etc. Success- ors to McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. Oia.-.-McCa.rthy Block, Uumop Street, Barrie. J. A._ MCCARTHY, . - W. A. Boys, THE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY-- entering, Building and manufacturing of Doors, hash. Blinds. Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for grained lum- bet Factory-Bayeld Street. Barrie. RODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OFBARRIE haive` for adoktion. in good Homes. a number A` Luigi.` .... ._- ----19- - ' " ` ' ` ` A. KAUISlVtI.Ul\D1, Darruwr, nbwrucyg G Soli . 0 citor in Chancery, Conveyancer etc. Oco-Fit-at door Owen street. over Bank" of Com- --A-an Ra 'r:Q , 4n.`8_ `EwsoN & CRESWICKE. barristers. Solici- ton of the Sn tome Court of Judicature of Ontario, Procton. otaries, Conve ancqrs, etc. .Money to loan. Oces-Ross Block. arne. `C. E. I-Iuwsox. A. E. H. Cnnswxcxn. D . .ba.rnstors, Solicitors in High Court of J ustices, Notaries Public, Convgyaneers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Rarna. 1:. w. A. nuns, rnystcxan, aurgeou, ecc., z... R.C.S. Edin,, L.R C.P.. London. Otces and night residence--Brown ; Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. ` R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C;P. & S , Edin- burgh; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological Society. Specially.- Humane: of E) 19, Ear, Throat and None. _OF F lCE.--78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Olce and Railway btation. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 96. _ 7-ly H. LYoNl.vPlR1vA'm FUNDS T0 LOA~N . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any art of the County. Real estate bought and sold. onvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0ice--Ross Block. Dunlap street Baxtie. A:-Iv. JAs.- EDVVARDS CONVEYANCER. At his oce until 5 p.:_n.; at his private residence. 68 Mary street, after that hour. xx-ly Robinson & Macphe_rgp_, y Inn LaruLUll}.1V. 3 11.11) SOCIETY OFBARRIE 1 ado non. :11 number "of bright young anadian children, boys and girls Parties desiring -them are asked to communicate with the Secretarv. REV. E. M. C. R01"? FD '7 " FBKIICS I Se: Barrie. Barrie. . Money in sums of 82,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per ce_nt. ' _' H. H. S'x-nu-raw, Q.C. G. H. Esnx. M. M. CAMPBELL, oBan-inter, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Mone toloan. 0ces-Bau-tie and Stayner. Barne Bank of Toronto Building, Owen atree 5-ly A story comes from Orangeville connection with a bet on the result at the election. The Editor 01 The Post A `and Mr. Booth made a wager of $15; `$3 : +o_ven, on the result. -(Where Orange fills newspaper men get such a sum as ;;'f`~"fteen dollars is a mystery,) but let S_`._.,. V that pass. The $30 was placed in the Jiands of a young gentlemen whose spirit of enterprise is greater thanihisi %_ `i resources. "Where there's a. will there's Jlwayss way. He too `bad faith in T-f',i`;._ -Johnston as a winner.` - That faith led him to put up the $30 belonging to Mun. and Booth. The morning after the election he got_ the $60, paid the Post man 330 and had: $30 to the good. " '--Such an enterprising citizen should - . leave Orsngeville and locate in a place . where opportunities arise oftener than once-in four years.--Conservator. i S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C.. L. C.` . P. 8., 0., late resxdent Physician and Surgeon on lforonto General `hospital, with special attention to diseases of women, and nose and throat work. also for some time surgeon 1n charge of Emergencv os- niral Inrnntn; Hfr-A and mrzht residence upstairs K. J. Lo. muun, 1...\;.r.a., Una, uau: ox urn. I-larvie & Smith Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen Collxer streets, Barrie. 23-ly DR. W. A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. nialnt onn:.lnnnn__h-`pawn : Rlnnk nIIn|nn ah-91-1 ' I'\Jl\ II` V E43 cl AVIIIILV L on good $ I freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nolfrincipal money required until end of the torn: H. QTIIA I I-IV .\`nl3nt-nr Ron Iil&II1l I? rilil We have a large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the aecurity of good farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BUYS 8; MURCHL SON. Ilnnlnn St:-Mat R.u-rip ' Luurlgages. LVlC\JI\l\ 1 II I , I SON. Dunlon Street Barrie. T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simwe,\wE1l be at his oice, at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. I Contractors, Builders, Manufacturers. &c. Doors, Sash. Blinds, Mouldm . &c. _ Planing and Dressing of eveI"_y dessnption. ot An` Drying` Kiln. hau- mates urnished free of charge on all kind of wood work anclbuildin material. Handle all kinds of work pmmvtly an satisfactorily ` Seeour work and get our prices. Factory, Bayeld street, north of the oundry. - :4-lv ---`-___' v .~ --C I`. 1. ROBINSON. Ator tune surgeon In cnargc on nnncngcuuv nua- pital. loronto; Uice and mght` residence upstaits n McC.srthv Book, an Dunlap St., Barrie. second door`e4st of Dougall Btos. turmture warerooms- near F iv Points. 29-ly 11 Toronto, reuow or u-may memcau wucgc, Member of the Codego of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oce and Residence, 18 Owen street. ILllCI'UI.c _LVU nnupax IHUIICY I" `me term. . H. STRvA1H'(t Solicitor, Et., Ran-in. HITCH HUI CHO OK R. J. F. Pallin . Graduatoof Trinity Umversity Toronto, F w of Trinity Medxcal college, Mncnhnr nf than Fault-torn (if Phvsicinns and SUIECODB Barrle Planing Mill. .,_.---_'-- vu --.-vICr`IICIII' CIVIL ENGINEERS. DOMINION ~ ONTARJO LAND SURVELYORS. _ \ VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance: } BAKING Pownxn. for cakes. ` A Oce is -1 drug. of course ; the other a chemical"; and there are still others--SPICES of all kinds. cream of tartar, etc. vI_- L. I ,.- -_..-..- .7- .---us-9 Irlhul The lace to get drugs is at a DRUG STORE. The drug `at knows more about them than other poop e. We keep _a. good drug store. Comeand ask us about Kitchen Drugs. munxmms onus smm 1 9.` DUNLOPV-ST; `BARRIE. QTRATHY 8: ESTENn * Ra " 7 J Evan. MAIL pmmvmmr. w..e_n__I..y-four boxes for the mailing of ipen are to he placed bu. the hsahhosiromnco. non. Wm. Mnlook M!" `V uni'iden_b1e progtdn `tn ` the A hil: DQpnrtnen,- though n*'9=*'`ns -h

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