Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Dec 1900, p. 1

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`Beet SA OF doife SUOOESSORS T0 0. Mceggie 4% 0'0. APP`? at TO asnrrj on` Leas: BANKERS, yiousv TO LOAN- -,, ,- -:'-4_A-.`-.'_ :._,__L 1."... 2-...` FOR SALE. *3 :s1' hiazfi A L*nT'Ti'TT Guthne. Advapce Conospondence. ' Hard and Sott T BARRIE. 3 .w oe first-class i 1A f-er several mon Y , V .. rev tion we are now able tio Book-ke-p-ng . V o Penmanship. Y Q Mail. eputatiop for bones} work you may Its. Wrue for particulars. - ool. with eleven Vreghlar teach- o 3:? "THE ADVANCE." SARJEANT. AULT, Barrister, Barrie. 39'51 - ' rm: nrrnnnsrs or smart. mu cotmfrv or smcon AND nu: nommox or cazanmx oun cm-rnmou. _,__. _...~. - Mamaun. BARRIE, CQUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 6, 1900-._ El USU `Theisupporters of a division petitioned the township Council, who refused to take ` action An appeal was then made under the Act to the County Council. ~ That body appointed His" Honor JudgepArdagh-. In- specter Morgan-a,nd|R. H. Jupp, Esq..Chair- man of the Committee on .Education, as a I Committee toarbitrate in the matter. 1111.. -|_:._.I __.I L.-- ..-_---.. -1 .L- L---) -t! I-l\II" Ill 6II\l\l \IIJI.I\lIIlI\IIJI Bovs--M Lean--'That the Mayor and Treasurer be instructed to make the neces- sary entries and cross entries for the proper adjustme -t of the accounts between the Electric Light and Waterworks Departments and theqeneral fund of the town. CIVIC ELECTIONS. A Bylaw was passed providing for the nomination andelection of" Mayor, Aldermen and Public School Trustees .lor Barrie for I901. Nominations will be made at` the Town Hall on Dec. 10 a. m The elections will be held on Jan 7th; 3901. l'I'\L- f\I-_I_ .;3lI L- `I'\,;.__..,.2_ _. .I cncuulvuu VVIII us: uwnu uu uuu avu. IUUL. The Clerk will be Returning Oicer, the deputies for Wards one to six being as fol- lows : Thou Lowe, Jos Rogers, 3 J. Flet- lc)her&Jno Powell, Thou Du, Ed. White- rea. . f` I II.` \I'\IO T \YLOR-At Morris. Manitoba, on Novemberauvsit-. moo. a son tu Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Taylor. pIERCE-At Shanty Bay, on Nov. 25th. ason to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pierce. The board of arbitrators in the Grenfel school disputes had their nal hearing at the Court House on Monday last. This dis- agreement arose out of an attempt on the l part of some of the ratepayers to have the c section, 8. S. No 7, Vespra. divided. The section is a very large and sparsely settled one The school is not situated in the centre ofthe district. "An {attempt was first made to have the site moved, but this fell through and the question of division` I":: i ___._-_..- __ .I__!_!___- _,..l42_._-J LL- I BIJVVVIJ `Ill UJGIIIIIUGJ BU WWII II V UIJII A E H Creswicke appeared as counsel for Trustee Lewis and the west eniers, who seek the division, and W A Boys for True- tees Hewson -and Wilson and the east pa :-t otthepsection, who oppose the proposed div- ision on theground that it wanna leave both the new sections too weak `to allow the schools to be successfully conductpd. wi'<`i"nI;\-lcl;'"i`;; ;was stated that up tb Nov; lat $40 49 had been spent. exclusive of oounts. . '- T Alj n,,_,_..., -I,,. ,. . 1.1` UUIIIJIDU Aid. Bennett then; stated that since they ` could not `tell him how much had been authorized by the Council he would tell them. There was $2500 on walks, $95 for watering Allandale street `and a small sum for stone on Dunlop up to June 18th. He asked. the Mayor if there was not a rule saying that in case of any unforseen neces- sary repair. the Uommittee should report to Council at next regular meeting But the Vlayor wouldn't bite and the matter drop- ped. ` III\lII`I Ii`? 5 u:i`uy|:a5z":-Bennett-LThat'this Council give ;l_`hns_ Stritch a. rebate of $20 re billiard table lcense. , ' __n 11,7- ,, rIu__. .I_r~n,,|, ,,a 1 7l.`t:e. question of burning all tlle old Police Court documents over ten years of age was mooted,` but abandoned. UUIIIIIIIUVGG I-`I KI IIIUIZIIW II-I VII? IIUVGUWIO ' The third and last session of the board of E arbitrators was held on Monday and the ` nding of the [Commission will be made known on Saturday at ten o'c'ock I A E` II non:-p=nl)n numrnnnunr` an Alan-nun` I From the standpoint of illustrations, the Canadian Magazine surpasses itself in its `Christmas Number This is an age of pic- tures. and the quality of those presented in this issue are sucient to engender enthus- iasm in the most slugaish of patriots. The reproductions of characteristic bits of "(`an- ada's Scenic Splendours are done in colours most effectivelv There are special -poems by Ethelwyn Wetherald, Eva Brodlique W. W. Campbell, Franklin Gadsby and Eliza- beth Roberts Macdonald. `There are bright short stories V by Virus` Sheard Arthur Stringer and Jane Fayrer Taylor. J. Mac dunald Oxlev writes a most interesting art- icle-un The.Bank of Montreal, Alfred Ed- monds of The Young Idea in:Japan.7 and `John A Ewan of Mrsf Kruger at Home " The .colou~u!d cover?` `represents "Johnny 0anuck s Christntasf '_ As apsouvenir.-to send abroad nothing could` surpass the special 1fiII_u.e-of GInIds s*i$i!i81 .Puh1i-%i- Ald. Bennett go: after Ald. Powell about the amount of money spent in his dept, without being phased by Council. He ask- ed how much had been spent and how much zxitlorized. Ald. Powell could not any of an `I IIZIJVU -The Mayor thought the information not necessary,.as it would come up in the report next meeting. 'Ii`a.....||.. :. ....... ..L..a....I a.\....a. .... ;- `L1 ... 1.. STRAYED on the premises of W. H.- Todd. Lot mi 25 C0}! 6. 0_ro, on or about the'a_.;th of Oct, '11 ab cow wnh whntu stripe down her back. appptgntly om four or ve year- old Owner 1'-cqucllold` t_o ."V Property. pay expense; and-take came away; `V " .A8oCioI~. , 4 `-v--. MOTIONS. o i The following motions were passed : } MoLean-Po'well--That the Clerk and Treasurer be instructed to issue cheque for ` $100 as opaym_euI:_ of grant made to the ~ u Agricuitural Society by this Council some bitpne ago n ' "I'll ;';II I\ ll I IV`? IIEYI Powell-McLenn- That the Clerk `refund `cheques deposited by several parties on account of opening up street, assume are now in good condition. noun nu-1 "I"!-...b `R15 11..."... n-:` vvlllv IUI. lulu yuvuuuv YURI - . Jno. Cheesman asked `that an alleged} overcharge of $1 25, charged as percentage on lot sold for taxes, be cancelled. T n...:..| n..:..I..... .......a... .. I....I....u: -r 44.- VII IVV `VIII IIII IICAUU" IIU UDIlh'UIIU|I' Daniel Quinlan wrote on behalf of the County Council, asking -that the Grand; Opera House, Barrie, be exempted from taxation. . sun vvvv yvvn uuuuuu uu unyuulu survey. | J. H. Neelande tendered to make neces- earv repairs to the furnace at the market buildings. for the sum of $13.75, which was accepted. - V mhnn _1nhnnA-u Aunnubpnn A` LL- -_A.-A.; nvvvy vwu. ` Thos. Johnson, executor of the estate, wrote to ask that the income assessment tax against the estate of the late Martin John- son be remitted, on the ground that neither ` be nor the estate has had any assessable in- ` come for the present year. 1 _1nn nhnnnrnnn nnkns-1 Gk:-L nun a-`I----:3 3 A well attended hockey meeting was held in Mr. B H. `Ardaoh e oiee, Grevenhursn far the purpose of prgenizinz a joint. . ecock jdonipany to build ameyv Up.-UO3d3t9 skating, :a1`:'r iug_-:`md`ghookey rink. . Subscription line` ."_I`_!O4-7b.V0i_ggeI.~I! 0lId-_7 this 4 }\_v_ggk.-;` A ` ` lerge L % `..';d~-the F-Lslm hie` COMMUNICATIONS The following communications were read: From T. -Stritch. applying for a license to- runtwo pool tables on Bsyeld street. .1 `II \T'....l..-.11. A-.....A.u.....l 5- .....|.- _---_ Short session Monday Niht-No Im- U\t\nO-n-J- ` Eu. .Ll---- .`___v- v -vv--- `anon-Ia; 4.`a;5III"da`V blul` _ ne;ta-nt `Business. H Alderman Candle missed the eloquence at. the Council Board on Monday night. Ald ' Bennett was in great form, and spurred vigoroualv with His W orahip, who played a defence game. i 5 W .B1!.8i.ns8 `?!1929~..B?:ITi New mm: t_Gravej1huret. A Christmas Number. Grnfel School Case. 'r'o'wN COUNCIL. PUBLIC} wonxs. -nu- -.p- `.-.--v- av- _ - v--v.v.--- l - .An unusually large attendance cheered D the heart of the president on Monday after- noon. in response to the com for the meeting lof the W.C.T.U 'lhe usual half hour de lvotions were conducted by the president. The Lumbermen s Department calls for more I literature. MGooc paper; olr marzazine: malt; e sent to re. cott, es street, an WI then be forwarded to the camps. There have not been any meetings of the Anti Cigarette League lately. in the Central school, on account om}: time being given In: drill The Board w e interviewe to as nermission to hold the meeting once each month. The other schools all held their meetings regularly. A circular letter was read from Mrs McAllister. of Watford, ask-A ing the union to devote half-an hour of each meeting to the reading of instructive matter in each department of work. - ' 'l`|...'lu.lI.`.o man than nnnr far din nlnrstinn IIUIKZIIIJII Iplllu wclvo Gore Mutual Fire Insurance G0. vs Geo Everall and A McKay was adjusted by McKay's agreeing to pay a portion of his band" to the Company, as surety for Everall. His claim was that he would not have signed the bond had not A.verall s name appeared on it, furged, as in is said, by Everall. `UH ll. LIIVHVIJ, an Iv In aunt, uy Lzvulwlig Moore va. Oppenheimer, a will case from I Orillia, was postponed- . ` `Il.._s..... nun II I...I.. (1 '1" D cu. 'D...-In- I MARRIED McGRUTHER-SPECK-At the residence 31' Mr. 14` Km:-lz. haw Lowell. on Nov. QRH1. hv Ram. Ulllluu, wan p-Iuupuucu-~ Morton vs Vkigla. G T. R. vs. Bridge- water, and Bounville vs. G T B. were. adjnurned to Toronto. to_ be heard to day. ; IN."-.-. `ya rnlvnn nynn an nni:nn `nit flit: ` HUJ"I.Il'I.ICll lU lUI'UlIIaU. IIU UU IIUIIIII LI) UH . Dunn vs, Lavalle wa an. action for the: construction of the will of the late Daniel Lavalle, to have is declared that restraints 'impoaed upon alienation are invalid, and i that certain legacies do not form a charge ` against the "estate. . Lounb for plaintiff, } Lennox and Mickle. each for two defendants. `named Tettal and Frame. UIUIJ VVIIIVII I-IVU IIIUII VVUIU IIIUUCIIIIIY Blllcuo "J T. W. Allan-. foreman of the section, ac-` companied by trackmen 0, Ellis and Neil McArthur, left Cheltenhsm early and pro- ceeded north ontthe hand our to their work. On the way they picked up two. farm hands No regular train was due. and they proceeded on their wnv all unconscious of e their danger. "Suddenly a ` light engine dashed down upon them from behind and in an instant. before they could leap from the car, swept the `whole ` I ve unfortunate men into eternity. The adjourned non jurv court was*re- sumed at the Court House on Thursday. The Slater vs. Beeton case was continued and lasted well on into Friday, over.forty witnesses wereexamined. The lineof de fence was an attempt to establish that the horse Mrs. Slater was driving at the time of the accident was addicted to running "away _and that a defective tug and old harness was also a fact of the accident. Judgment was reserved. Lennox and _Frazer appeared for plainti and E. B. Johnston and W. A Boys for the village of Beeton ` Ganley, the famous Patron case from Everett. was adjusted before it was reached by the J udge. The historvof the case is Briey as follows :-In 1892 the Patrons of Industry of Everett opened a store of their own. A committee of man agement `was appointed and the store was kept up till 1898, when `it was found there was a shortage of some $4 506. `The com- mittee then sought to. compel the members, to the number of 46. to contribute to make up this decit.` They objected, on the grounds that they did not appoint the com mittee, that there was a _protective guaran tee list signed. that most of them joined after the committee was made. and knew nothing of it, etc. ` nu `tho tnrrnn A` Ir`-an on-innrnnnb -\:v\n n` llvvlllll III III V00: 9 Bv the terms of the agreement. nine of the defendants go Scot free. while theother three dozen put up from $10 to $55 each, aboilt $1,000 in all, for the ripe experience they have gained in running a store on the most approved lines. W. T Fisher for the committee and_ W.v A. Boys for the defend ants. IDI1 `I ! . 0; uf'Frunkeld ire. Proctor was an interesting case. "The plaintiif was the executor of the estate of Neil McEachern . After deceased s. death the banking rm of B. Madill 8: Co , Beaverton-(knowing he was dead)tcashed a cheque for 3560. drawn by deceased in favor of Proctor Trunkeld sues to recover this sum. on the ground that the bank had no right to cash the cheque, knowing McEach- ern was dead. Judgment was reserved. Bovs for plaintiff, Gorieon for defendant. I`nuvn` Ila 1:.`-sugar.-n Inna nn nnt:n-s `\-ups-no-`ab IJUVB IUI lIlKlIllIa'lJ, \.I|V'IwIJl.l IUI \.IUIVl.l\4llIllUu Duval vs Johnson was an action brought: by Lucv Duval to recover some $700, being 6 years wages as housekeeper for Alfred. Johnson. of Little Lake. On account of the absence of a mateial witness the case was postponed Bove for plaintiff, Ross & Brokovski for defendant. ' ll `IX! ,,, . 1\ _, A.,__ .`I!-,,,!,, , 1 nl , III IIDIIVBCI IUI IICIUIIVICIIIII , McPherson vs Dow was dismissed on the ground that phinti s wife had previously. litigated the case. 7 l\..-.. ll..s....I I32... 1'_....'_......... IV- -.... IV-.. Will grucucu U unto uptupunv - An address was read hv Mrs. Smith to the retiring president, after which refresh ments were served, and all went home de- termined to help along the work in\every possible way. One new member was re- ceived at the meeting. . 4 X i . Ill UDUII IIURDIIIIIUMI un Wu; :1. The ballot. was than can for the eleotion of a new preu-ident. when Mrs. Gibson was made the unanimous choice of the meeting. On being introduced b.v Mrs McKee, the I Erna plruuag Iva Qmith fn MCUKU 1 nnx\-arnux\-21: me resnuence )1 mt. ' E. Speck, hew Lowell. on Nov. 28th, by Rev. Mr Balfuur, of Avening, Miss Ada. E. Speck to Mr. jas. McGruthcr. ' sHAW--ARMSTRONG--Ox} Nov.` 28th, I900. a nu. Rnntim nnrsnnacra Rnrrip, hv Rev. n. R. Rev. Jonathan Milner, who some fteen years ago was pastor of the Elizabeth street Methodist church, Barrie, died of heart. trouble as his residence in Toronto on Fri- day, aged 72 Years. " ` ` 'l`hn Jannnnnrl. nlnrnumnn. mum nun nf Jvhn `JG , DEV IQ '\"QI- The deceased clergyman was one of the old Primitive Methodist ministers, and was pastor of the old Agnes street Methodist church. now Carlton street church, in 1869 He was born atcarboro . Yorkshire. Eng . and came to this. country when 9 ly 14 years of sge.- He wee in business at _ nrora. for some years jbetore he entered ` th 2-minim tr.y.. ~A tIdi'erent tlmbe , held; ch`: gen in "Hem WUT5 uuu NOB llulnnuuuuuvvu nu suva H6 leavepba widow an:d.four_l_A1i|drb , two `_ao1V:va`ian gwoxipu hug;-gp. .ThoA-non: `e D: ' Shortly after seven yesterday morning an awful tragedy occurred on the Hamilton branch of the G. T R: near Inglewood J unc- tion by whichve men were instantly killed. 7|` W Anou `nnnmnnh 1:` Olga anal-:1.-n an - Run Down By a. Light Engine Near ` Inglewood Jnnotion Early Yootordoy Morning. ]Five Men were Mrs. Gibson for President. Rev. J. Mnnr Dead. Non-Jury Sittings. MAR RlN-At Severn Bridge, or Wednesday, Nov- .mbo:r '.-8th. xqxo, G-orge Alphosius Almsius Murrin, eldest {on of James man-in. aged 22 years. 9 months and 17 dax s. SU'l`TON---At the General Hospital. Toronto. Nov. 17th. Miss Elizabeth Sutton. daughter of Mr. S. Sutton, Pdgar. Deeplv regretted EDMONDS.--In Barrie, o'n Demmber _-(rd. Sarah. beloved wife of R-chard Edmonds, in her 72nd ya a:. _ ' BERNARD---At Anten Mills, on Nov. 28th, Rosa. Bernard. aged :6 Vears. McKE.G_GIE--ln Ba- tie. on Dec. 4th. James Herbert M: Keggie. late of J C McKcggie & _Co.. pri- vate bankers. aged 52 xears. - Instantly Killed. 4 Division Court was held at the Court House on Monday. The only interesting I case was an action bv real estate agent Arn- old, of Toronto. to recover a. commission of -$75 which he claimed was due him for secur- ing the sale of_th*er' Grose Hotel property. 1-lis contract, so the defencsclaimed, requir- ed that the sale be made within 30 davs It nowreads "30 days or more. The defence claims that the words `for more" have since ` been added,_and also that Arnold did no ; Athinato effect the sale. Lennox for plaimi and Creswioke for defendant. Judgment reserved. _ V I Rural Dean Teney haalreturned from his hunting tour, looking much better for his * his outing - I . . The people of this vicinity were shocked to hear of the death of Miss Lizzie Sutton, of 1`oronto. Miss Sutton lived with her brother here for several years, and during that time she won the esteem and respect of , all who_ made "her acquaintance. Sincere ` eympathv is extended to the bereaved family who reside near Edgar. T Dalston Public School Honor Roll for Nov- ember --5`th Form-Janet. Wilson, Edgar Young. 4th Form--Grace Young, ` Isaac Jory, John` Wilson; \7\ innfred Hort. ' 3rd 3-Ftyrmctnrgbcopnon, Permillu. V\ bite, Fred .~`Wik;r,.:?Erhoot Farrel. -2nd 1(`nrm--New- ~ .~;aIli]1g,.,rJQmag\.`Both. Cqiozd Hart, "Iii TF6!-m" BI: lav-av .Y:;; *;'!- I Misses Jo. and Al. Grose, of Lefroy. and `Miss Izena Clark. of Beeton, were the guests of Miss Nane'Grose last week. 1 2nd Line Larks. Advance Correspondence. Sorry to report the dangerous Illness of Mr. J JohnaLon s baby. ' on up 1- : 1 n Mr. nd Mrs. Neil 1:/IcKiunon have moved into Mr. W Johnston's house. Miss Minnie SW-an has gone to Barrie, where she will remain for _some time. Llllul ton I aw i A surprise party invaded the home of Mr 1 W. J Swan on Friday evening and spent a [ mostex-joy_nble time in tripping the light K fantastic. 7 ' 1 Th;-%y::l;:_';1;b-2;;-;i::{<;; 'Ior"}}I.; * sack Children : Hospital Toronto. is being taken uPo_ . ` . V . ` I llll L13 '1; IJ- IJTIIIIIIVV. \lI IJQIIIC T Though refusing municipal honors, de~ ceased took a warm interest in matters pre~ mining to the general interests of the town In politics he was a. life-lone Reformer He was a prominent Mason, being a. member of the di}-rent Masonic Orders in town. hav _ing attained the standing of 32 in Scottish" Rite Masonry. "nnnnnnt' IQAIIAII n cvnuntv LIRIIA nab:-no-A nan Mr, and'Mrs. W A. Boys took up their residence in their new home on Bayeld St. on Monday. ` Mr. Wickett, of Toronto, was up on Saul urday on business in connection with the new tamnerv. Mr. J. He'nderson and family left yester- day for Los Angles, Ua.l., where they will spend the winter - `no -r C -- .-.. -- - T. Christmas examinations begin Thursday, 13th, cpnsequently all the students are con- ning themselves to close study. The only excitement is that created by the committee of. the hockey olub. The boys have been quite -successful with their subscription list and in the sale of tickets. l"" " '"" '" " ""' \ \ A close tting board has been placed on ` each of the window sills, thus effectually I_utoppi_ng all draughts. It is not stated I I whether or! not the invention is patented. .0 ('1! I,, LU! vv u1|nuvu| Deceased leaves a. very large estate. con dieting of property in Barrie, Toronto and the West, He also carried a. heavy life in- surance run 0 I . I I .1: n. Uul uuwv The funeral takes place` this afternoon at 2o clock to the cemeterv an Shantv Bay, where the remains will be interred with Masonic honors. ' ..-.....-_- ivenv pursuant to R. S. 0,1897. `uns having claims against the :1 Hopkins who died on the , `are reqr ired on or be- ber. 1900. to send to the m-eph' Guodfelluw Wil- opkins. the Executor: eases and full par- Notice is here C. 129, that all Estate of the md 2 5! day of NOV: mhe {me thf: 22nd da_v_of D linm Hopkins and lanws A of sand rsmtc. their names, licu`ars of their claimS., And run-cl-L... s..l.._ ..._:.f-.. LL..A. ._ LL- .._!J-I_-A. Miss J. Aconlev, of Shanty Bay. has been spending the week with Miss A. Keenan. V Col. Banting was in town on Saturday, being quite recovgred from his recent indis- position " Mr Arthur Smith was called up from Toronto last week by the illness of his ` m'ot.her.A 'Miss Frankie Meilly, who has been visits- ing Miss Mina Grose. returned to -her" home on Tuesday. a In auv . 1-; The shootiez match at .Mr. Snider s on Wednesday last was very successful Ila `Al 1` 1L]II \J\JII|VV V` In 1888 he married the dauazhter of Rev. Dr Blackatock. of Toronto who survives him One child was born to them. which died in infancy. He leaves-one brother and one sister, Mr J C; McKe2gie, of Toronto, and Mrs J. D. Laidlaw, of Barrie TnL-.-...L __.--..._ ....-.._--:.__I L___-____ J- IJQI-IE II-I IJ\JI.IIJ`3I.i|lI"lI VVIUII UIJC PUHU ULLIUU. | In 1881 Mr McKeggie came to Barrie and` ' `opened up the private banking business of _ J C McKeggie& 00., which he managed verv ablv ever since till his retirement on Nov 1st, when the business was sold to T. Beecroft &. Co., the present firm. He also" superiutewnded the branch oices at Elmvale 9.11:1 Coldwater I(\(\r\I I `I .I 1 I. n'\ Passed Away Suddenly Tuesday Nisrht * 2 - After a. Brief Illness. ' Barrie has lost one of its most successful business men in the death of Mr. J. H. Mc- `Koggie, which occurred unexpectedly on Tuesday night. Mr. McKe2gie' had been unwell for nearly a week, but the physicians thought his case was not dangerous. On Tuesday afternoon shortly before ve o olock, however, he was seized with a convulsion which terminated in his death before medi- cal aid arrived The news came aswa great shock to everybody.` r__....... 1:r....I........ nn-fr---:_ __- 1_-.__ Q; uuuuu uv vvvny uuuy . James Herbert McKe2gie was born at Cornwall, iOnt., in 1848. He commenced his successful business career as clerk with Mr. J. D Laidlaw. at Stayner. Some time `after he was appointed postmaster at: that place. and subsequentgly opened the Stayner ` Bank in connection with the post office. 1.; `QQI Kn Mnwnnnin nnnnn I-A lln-u-J.` and.` date, of the Bank of Commerce, Waterloo. Beverley Milner, of Bloor street, and W. S. Milner-, lecturer. at Toronto Universitv. Both daughters are married. One is Mrs. Dr Simpson, of Napanee, and the other, Mrs. Saunders, wife of Mr. Edmund Saun- us,u'a1r.~ UI Inll` claums. _ Anfi furlhcr take notice. that menmuu-d\daxc the said Executnrs ass:-ts of said Estate among the part to. having rmrnrd nnlv tn than rlaimn ' l distribute the ntitled there- IlI`1;I`h 0 Han! J. .l:l.. MCKEGGIE DEAD. Division Court. -rersonal News. BIGIII : honor Ron. --A very large audience attended the ser- 'vice at Collier St. Methodist Church on Esunday night. Rev. Mr. Bartley delivered "an able and helpful discourse. The _cho1r, 5 under Will R King's leadership, Mn! 1 Harken Unto Me My People, and Tina Thy Face From Thy Sins. and M13 F K. ' Smith. sang The Loan Chord". The hymn! ; were Nos. 746. 138. and 141. all the music being from the works of the late Sir Arthur Sullivan." I-I-lCU'-"Ll IIIU KIIaI\.I lllIIICIIIO K4; 0 C James, Depuby. M'ii Aggiculturo, is` a_lreagly' V;lyook;i_z:3;i1%in;3 niIx1ng:Ar:ongcunnt`=or.t "x i `rtwo .lina--fruit;- The Ontario Government has exhiliit 913 5 the ,Pan- American .- ` The oioiia at Buffalo hlavev. than the province will exhjgo dqtn!n.I`I;.Ll - I'!'|`t;u. .F ll_` Miss Rosa Bernard died last Wednesday night at the early age of sixteen years. Do. ceased had been ailing for some time {comb lung trouble, and some ve weeks agoyuu fo- the Gravenhurst sanitarium. While there she took a severe cold which developeil into pneumonia and she lived `only {guy} days after being brought home. Benign 'a girl of bright, cheerful, kindly',d[gpod. tion beloved by all who knew` her .3;-,'._'I,"" remains were followed to their ` ` place in the R C. cemetervat; V Fridav by a large concourse of" ;friends and acquaintances. (M6 Bernard have the deepest syn: their sad bereavement. ' ' `I I":-`N plcpalu. (0 L1! nr 0 11. nszcn. 0! Inc IOWII (3! me. the ex cutor o the said deceased. their i'"""<`S. addresses and full particularsof their claimc. .'\nd furth--r take notice that after such last men- honed dave the said Executor will distribute the `P8 of the said deceased among` the parties en t1`iedthereto.ha\in regard only to the claims of high he shall then ave had notice, and he will not be ilabie :or the said a~sets, or anv art thereof to` 3".` Person s f whose c`avm notice sha I not have been_ l 6CelVed hv_him at the time of Suchdisttibution. ' Dated lhls 29th day of November 1900. I` II I-nnll\I!\1 --The regular Saturday morning runayay was attended with more than the usual '_ excitement last. Saturday. `A f5srmer s teem, i attached to a. heavy Waggon, dashed up out the post oice, and. careless of police regain.- tions, took a. slide `along the sidewalk in front of Hamhlv s store. A terried woman reeled into Wismer s doorway in the nick of time. The force of the Waggon striking the curbing threw the horses to the pavement and stopped their mad career. without doing any material damage. It is marvellous Iihnt a lot of danger a drunken man or a runaway ` team can dodge by a bsirsbreadth. oysters, lscoes, etc.. lrellh daily, at B0 . . - l KWIVI: inrended to rehuild the church shed! as soon as possible. A hall will be included over the sheds thus lling a long felt; want. Whgi Mrs A. Knapp and Miss Mary iKnepp` were returning from Barrie lest Saturday their horse became frightened by- . some parcels falling from =t.he buggy. `After runniug some distance the horse runegeinst & stump. smashing the rug and hsrnees;._und_ her side. ` L _ } throwing the occupants out. Mre received` 5 neinful but not serious injury` gg. Anten M1113. Advance Correspondence.- The Misses Brown left for their homein I Semervillelast week. "1s71}IgI.}i 1_\Es-s"():l'\vn"i'a:ie, of Barrie. mated Mr. Alex. Wilson on Sunday. -ReturnVing oicer McKay has made hi! 5 ocial declaration of the result of the poll` ing East Simcoe after two a.djournmentI,. _dec|aring Mr W. H Bennett, the Contact- vauive candidate, elected by 39. But for a ' mistake in the returns from the Lafontuin polling sub-division. Mr. Bennett/a majority I would have been 79 , -The regular monthly meeting of the Col- ` legiate Institute Board was held on Friday night The passing of accounts, and other routine` business occupied most of the meet- ing. The questions of ventilation and . ac- cnmoda.tinn' were informally discussed. It was decided to purchase two Underwood - typewriters for the Institute, with the`neo- cessary instruction cards for pupils. I I upelil. ha- son -. I)-li~ 4* 4..--_-`clam 1.. in-Li , -_ ---- - vv-- -'--v'-T --Word has been received that Mr. Dr_aper.Hart. of Dalston, died shortly after reaching Anaheim, Ca.l., _where he went "on ; account of ill health. ! -John Speers, of Vair u gradery atdro, will go to the Soo to take charge of a. grocery business that he and Mr. Jas. Vair have opened at that place.. 1'\ I\ -1 -Rev. Dr. Henderson, of Toronto, Ano- ciate Missionary Secretary of the Methodut lChurch, will occupy the pulpit of the Collier `Sc Meahodist Church next Sunday. oice Family Flour and Ill go to Wvilkm-son -. All romplly In all] ; quantity. Plea- e . your order: at the Mill lce or Tele `No. 28. -The latest in building operations is the extension of the second an over the millin- | . . lery department, at. Messrs. Valr. Vicker E I Uo s. The additional room is 36 x 28. , I Kvuds 0 30I`d9l dcl DWELLlN~.% TO RENT, centrally situated. south west cvrner of Mulcaster and McDonald Ste. "056. 2 storev, 9 rooms and hall, garden andluvn. `Pris on the premises. ` ~ 45-tf ' -Rev. Mr. Grant, of Oriliia, ablv hllad the pulpit; of the Presbyterian church on Sunday, in the absence of the pastor. who was preaching for Mr. Grant. in Orillia T u r.` C` 6 --i)0n2regt:Li0na.l Church--_-Pastor Batter- . ill speaks next. Lord s Dav, morning subject, An Intoxicated Sword; evening lecture, E Why the Whale Mus: Swallow Jonah. FIlIIf'c IJTII` WT |lIJ Xuanlily to auIy Hand le. Leave orders a or phone. 23. jfhe unusual (lowness',;f' the water this fall is causing a. scarcity of the supply in many wells in the town and surrounding country. I II7....'.l L..- L____ _,_ _.2,, ,1 .1 ' ll ,-.... uuuullu LLUVIUUIIII wmwr tau ;opens at Guelph on Dec. 11th, and clonal-on. ;the 14th. - . . | Ard agh s Groveia being despoiled of will I beautiful pines by the desecratingaxe ofvthe { woodman - ( A E -The continued advance in the V i'ioQ"'of hogs is the feature of the market. .chu week. Eggs also are looking up. . ------v-- av: --The Barrie Presbyterv will meaty`, next Tuesday, Dec 11th. - " -The school at Oro Station has been ed on account of the prevalence of diphthl Dan. C `LT 11,, 1- 1 \ n u Lu L .._-..-v v: vnsu `JIGVDIOIJUU UL `IllJIIUIIUII-I i v-'-Rev. R. N Burns. of Orillia. inns bw5$- ed a. call to the Methodist church at Bramp- ton. ' ` r Fx`3 ru1u in wells. ' ' ' --Dr Broad s ofce has been adde telephone exchapge. ' M ` "VL, fl "7IIiI`I &II $1l'1$_ F? 3 term. or for sale cheap. Spruce Cottage: -`""0rchard. etc. : grounds, corner of Ross, Wall-. Eton and Thomps- vn streets. Kidd ; Creek; Apply ' G` R- FOR". 63 Bayeld St.,_Barrie Ont; 47-ti `L 7 . . ` Many Readable Paragr Local Interest. . `The Latest ` Bey% -,The Ontario Provincial Winter` non: or (1....I..L. ._ `r\_. 11.1. - $1.00 PER ANNUM IN Asmom: corms` nvn Cl Ontario Wm Exhibit; ape:-t place in toxvn to but ' 00:! is A. W. Wilkin- ).-liun pllv in, any In nnw nnrl Int`!!! 33-1. Jlyi; Told. Fair"f;.'.a"`e;giag%"%`tae;a;.y, 8eptemhe2r6:`v41h,l900. 1 ursdgy. Nov. zqth. between R. P Ins. and east of F ergusonvale, will kindly return to JAS. 49149 OST--0' 1 Long'~;zn V a Catt e dehnruer. . SHEPPARD. Barrie. Barrie. 49-50 - 2 HOUSF `. LET On S. E. corner of Peel and Sophia 5 ts. For particulars apply to STEWART & STE RT. Solicitors, 13 Owen St. QTEER ESE tr very Ijglle u M J6..,,..P!'......*!E.YE,.eE"` 1n.ui"s.E.u.:e on'JonN H01-Kms, or uu-. `owlxnhip of Inmanl. Farmer, ' D6089 . ' - usm'l.*i UI SRICI ILSIRIC among the part nttuea there- which they ' I not be (0. having regard unly to the claims s_h:|| thtu hme U'i('C, and that the lxabic for the said assets or any part titer Dvrsnn whose claim shall not have been rec them at the time at such distribution. h Dated this 30th day -f November, 1900. ROSS & BROKOVSKI, h Barrie, Ont . - 40-.=A Solicitors for Executors. -1:?` wit to In the Estate oflalllda Dickie, of the Town 01 Barrie. wmow. Deceased- botncc is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. O. 1897. Chapter 129, that all creditors having claims against the estate-of the said Mauilda Dickie, who died on or about the zzndudav of November. 1900, are reques ed 0" or before the 27th da- of December. 1900, to send bl` P9--1 Prepaid. to Gmre' H. Esten. of the Town of U18. U19 FY nnlnr n fl-an unit` an-Anna!` Manh- `iiiitm"Ei*33 1"Lf!99F- I L'- V` A c`.`. l`: e.`.'&`.`.'.f5".:! ..':: .-"5.J best ung am} A VV--.`\ K ["3 I. IKLILV \J"" LII ! $V UV. ZOKII, IWO, at the Baptist parsonage. Barrie, by Rev. D. B. Harknew. Charles reduick Shaw. of the town- ship (f Oro. to M.`rgaretLA|icc Armstrong, of Barrie. BOO"`H--CARLE`\'--On Ndveber 28th, 1900. at the residence of the bride's parents, Barrie. by the Rev. D._ B. Harknes-, Ernest Booth, of Creighton. to Ethel Arnold Carlev, daughter bf Captain Carley T-'v<>UM QAN vaor vALuAaL : 4VrA3Mt4 4r/ca $A4L_a;. TL, `I . . ` __- T Samnu. Wnsut} Proprietor. 2 In every detail is an u -to-date institutivnp Capable instructors; pen ~ ct equipment. satis- factory results. Feud for our descriptive and . intereating catalogue. It wall convince you. PracIitT:iI |' 100:ACFlE I-`ARM .roH sAL':.' iitice to Creditors- `NE:3i?tB7:Tdiiib rT N Ew A nvicn 'l`I EN'I`s. TO RENT OR `LEASE. A1.-n._ A- I - _. W. H. SHAVNI` PIuNcn>4L. BORN. DIED. A year old. red and white; A piece out of under part of 17 C-vn.9. Essa, about ' s givinginformation and parties `de- ealt with ac- QN. Thorn- 49S "P ill be re 5 notice wnl HARD '1 HO K 26-IV I up ~ nu. ugwvu G. H. ESTEN. Executor. _ pr Term in our ! IIIO BOX` une away 48-st-P `V '*&IIIIO I UVITIVI I'_%I'I fitjl North-west half of Lot 3, cm. 8, Van "re. {'60 acrct I cared balance, standin aimbev 3 so` . -heavy; clay .< "|_I: rut_-class wheat arm. Nhere. neoeasgry It I! ma dramed. [Frame Houu.fr_ame bu'nJand..log. Par: Hood WA or an`, Aniuh} nn -I-Inn r'|I'n| nvhAIx5bQ`7" Out as you want. in dry as coal, and split wood is under roof. Give us a. call. laouusron & Farn1.%~!1 1oW!Pr09rEi8f0rSa1~ Ir: co AL, :4: . ` 3l|IlIII` I u Yards. foot pf Mary St. Head Office 23 Elizabeth St, Wou1d the Utopia scribe kindly inform us how the sudden change in the weather made news sdarce inhis vicinity. We have a great many sudden changes of weather in this town, but I am glad to be able to say` we are all as active as been in J une. `I `DUCK IJWCIIIIIE anu rrame V Sta le). _ V For terms and particulars` apply to Dated 25th Septenibelf, Vxqoo. |1. aeecaorta co.,| Rooms for oices. in Ron Block. No. 97. Dunlop Street. Fire; roof vault ; occupied at epyeeent by. Dr. Wells. _ ill be` vacant on 1st of April next. Also two rooms withovault, lately occupied bv Hood. Jacks & Fraser. Barristers; immediate possession. L . .__C. H.'_ROSS. `gm-:3 'nnnnuII unnn the world that will stop .1"-a permanent cure It le u~ed according to te Cough Powd- ders destroys , cattle and .. Sold by The only medicine Hcaves in (hr. c days. requir-.-S from one halft vone dircclium $1.06. Kidnev an er 50c, Dr. McGalw_\'s Condition worn s, puries the blond, putting ho calxcs in condition; 25c. Take no 0! G Munlcman. Barrie, and C -uk & Co.. On Ila. Mia Cla.rk,Z :;f 1T3 erkerley,isT'visiting with Mr. Thomas Clarke, of this place. V M;.."w;.e c1ag%m.;;a Mrs. Geo. Tufley are visiting friends at Holland Centre, the place of their birth. ' rn,utv provements on his store. Mr. D. Smith is the principal contractor. A 9 n .1 3' . 1- Mr. C.'Warner- is making extensive im-. A Extensive preparations are being made by the children and others for the coming Sab- bath echool _ anniverearv. The date is not denitely xed, but. due noticewill be given; DEHKIHK DIIIIIICBB. Notes will be can hed at loaf or short datee. att the vet lowest raves of interest. rafts issued on any part of theworld. . Cheq cashed. `Sterling exchang of exchange. San-in! nttgntinn uel on any bank in Canada or United States e bought and sold at posted gates- will be when to the collection nf` \ulI_l'l'Cll odatxon. DA..- .. Four, cenfu will be allowed bin" dcpoaifs in ' sav- in as department . - n will nnu nniu-in] nrtnntinn tn mnlno nf farm- In department A _ e will pay specta Intention to cashing of farm; ers sale notes. and we -are in 3. position to handle them at the lowest rates obtainable. - Monev to loan on mart gee. Fire.'Life and Accident oeurance. Place of business-4-oice occupied by lite rm. Oice hours lb to 4 T. BEECROFT, Mnuennn _ TArvTT`ra}.{e} bk}; taken advantage of- the| few days` of `fine weather to. house thezbalance of their room crop.` 1'! . 0 ' 1 I -::'oWN I..o'::'sJ h "-V utulllco l'I'3|'I'|C IIOUUG trame Dir Inn. IR` '0; wood wa eretc. Ap lon the ,lfeIn`IO|,_`Ol` R Sumo EGERTON 1.J'< ) pxsro Mguzzzt. or excnange. _ . . Special attentuon WI be given to the collection of notes and accounts at lowest charges . T ` MCu_n-rent depositors will be shown every acour nhnn, - . Brentwood. ` T ` Advance Correspondence. _ The tax collector reports money plentiful. I Mr. John . Disjardine has lately planned out 9. large number "of small fruit frees. ' '11 'I\ IN` I an 11` I 1 _ " fm;;;;;. `mag. Lt {Tm.;. splat pm of the hunting season with Mr. T. Hartlott. ` In taking over the business of the late rm we re- ggecttullv solicit the` Yatrqnage of the people` of this mmunit . _We wd carry one. general up-to-data Banking usmess. ` - . .4 . Nnh-.1: will ha muihed at Inna or nhnrf dates. at ns . IUFHIIIEI I_\v I-751:`-nu-\ - A large amount of private funds for inveatmont on -Mortgage Iocurity at lowest curtent racgs. ~ 4, _ 4o-._:A3 ` 3 t , A W. AULT, Barnater,*Barna. H VRichat-d Anderson called `on Mr. Alf; Caracaddenhatweels. I j Z Theiine-wee;h'e1:i;i1fie`iee6 week ins: enabl- ed the farmers to nish up their plowing. Mark `Hunter has left for ;he klumber camp. We wish him a safe return home again. ' ` . V Mr. Joseph Elsmore. _of.Cra.ighuret pur- chased a. good lamb from Mr. Ali. Conced- 'den e ne ock, last: week. Mr John Coates, Sr , died on Friday morning last, after a. briefillneu. A large number of friends were present at the funeral which took place tothe Guthrie cemetery on Sunday. T Mr. Coatee was 3 herd-working man and a. good neighbor and he will be greatly missed from among us. Thomas Hodge has gone`, north for th e winter. T . % T 7Ml'.HJ-oa. Gra.'ha.m h'a'.u' re`nm-nod from Fort William, where he has been working with his uncle for some months past. `f\!__L-I_ _._!A I, , , 1 I '3` `--I-Ivriit I U'|I_I,'-III U VI , T".`$&I' b The N. ; lot ;o,` `in the saw. c&.=:vf:{e,;chaumgi TY-abnutgo acrs?c|e,a_rLal;E3_UiIf\.',J `tin-j '4 23439 3'93 l.;a . Diplitlulrla '11:: again appearell berg. Rev. Ne|lCa. mpbell s little girl and Mr. S. Cor-. bett s youngest child are down with its. Ow- ing to this Mr. Campbell was not able to ll his pulpit on Sunday. ' ALLANDALE. . Lots 2, 3 and 4. West Baldwin Street. North Cumberland Street. Lots :7 and 18. Jacob's Terrace, Lots x, 2, 3, 4, 5 and ,1. t I ne VV 2 {DC IO In 71'. CO. I.lVn . The Nnrtherly part of lot 66. Northside Collier reet. `Barrie (Orange Hall propertv). arts ov lots 2 and 3. West of Andrew stree . 'a (Brick Dwelling and Frame Woodshed an 7&2 I9). East Mary Street, Lot 54. _ The N lot 22 in` nth con; Innism. The S lot 25 in 4th con. Essa. The W J; lot 9 in :31: con. Sunnidale; The S E} lot as in x~t con. Tmv. "l'L.. Q III 1 l..a. -_ 2.. _AL ...... T3-.. ! ne VV Q I0! 9] I3! COIL ounmual The S W } lot in 7th con. Tinv. The Nnrtherlv nan nf Int 66. Num- V,Barri. Ianuarv. ggoo. _ ~ i . MONEYTO LOAN._ _j5 8.1| dfs%*per` cgxmon Mongggg, b- . UNT MLOUNT 00 D...

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