Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Oct 1900, p. 8

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Tdrbnto J:'o.2'znez-3' Marketa. ` ' tyonom-0. OCT. :6. 1900. uihitnu` Q 4- `A ` Adyuuog .lV0j`I. POI` lune-no O. by " unav- NA :9 .. 4 .65o.... ~6d thenupper. Quite a numberpf young -paopla at- tended the Harvstome t_ Wyevale` onV`1"nes"ddy if last. week. A Much` credit, `should he givenv the ladies who prepar- `T Mr. N. Mcihe has rented hid farm your Wyevale. for}; term of yaara. _ . T .Ju; 'Ru'Inell has returned home his parents. after spending I you in Kansas with The dedication of the new Methodist church at Holly took place last Sabbath. The agitation for the building of a new church in the neighborhood commenced about a year ago, and the congregation heartily co-operating with their. pastor, Rev. Joseph Young, `saw their eiforta reach a happy and successful culmina-V _tion on Sabbath last. ` The corner stone V was laid by Mrs. Jarne'e'L . Burton on "June 28th. The contract was letbto Mr.-Wm. B` Taylor, of Allandale. and .'he has faithfully and conscientiously _;:ipgrformed his work and ehownhiniaeif ' condence. The church!` i'ai.a. model .of 9`c`m ` D `.5l`v"`\ `I *i~I,nrorkman.o-and .contr;actcrT` yorthy of h_eauty`=a`nd' convenience. with[ `a fine h`I`I__eA'lnent.i .',It the 12th ,'linjg*;of. e,hisl. cabin-t, owe-its the H9l1`viiep0101 fidedhd .:b:""'$ito iii I.v0I_| - f9@iti,1.: ly ill btit is again able to be out`; 1? Cl` 'I\ Miss Hattie `Copeland last week, visiting Miss Annie Woods. Wy_evo.le.' ' ` V -- - ' - `lira Geo. ' Mcwatrp, of Midlpnd, visited` with her parents` Mr. aid; Mrs. 1886 week. I I A A0onaery'ative meetiqg-jwaaf hold Vhfegta.` last Friday ,evan'ing':`in; Mr. Lair- fex`-yl's. hall; the ;oa`ndido_.ce; M1-.mO.s`naer on,L Shim: mu. . eeotive ='.dli,\fet,d"-:- zby. . i;Messr. * V A 0e~w:qke%[ %%a=;nm; 4-1 Mr. 7J'ehu- M0061-nin-r left 1 laet1'.i"ees- duyfor Graveixhuret, 1yhere.he intends 96 pmiT;=1iewinter; . V _ _ Pneipaton. . A Can-espondenoe %, 14.. M, w.1.1., or Elmvale. m em; 1 guqatv of. L. ' McKoIfvn.' recently, L '.n.p 4.. FRAWLEY & DEVLI N Is supplying the mqstprominent needs. These are, quality, variety, style, ' nish, and moderately priced, Range of prices, $2.50, $3.75, $5.00, S6,()0, $6.50,7$8.50, $10.00, up to $18.50, 0 ' oun cnnrsr oar-vr. OUR MANTLE DEBT. . These M the}se`;purehases%avre now on ourocountets at positively OLD PRICE3 ' `d prices can only hold good while present stock lasts. bases 00003 spsclns; _ _.___.V-, _-.=- v. V a number from the eixth ward attended the Grand Opera Home lut- Wedneeday night, when the lay, "A Lion ; Heart was presented. e attendance was not very large. but that in the way always, when a good show comes along -it receives a poor house, and a poor show get: the crowd. . The Breezy Time on Friday night wee all right-and wee well patronized. Andallgoods-possibletQ p11rchas'in advance, where special up-t ' V % ideas werehot "a buying factor. LG-j jg-Lj: om PRIGES. a.l1 _I Goods in` all Departments of our store 7of`.{ies`fal1;7;season s`trade in full eat-"nest. Owing` to the quit`, advaiicsin prices` of all classes of Dry Goods, we took adv Qfthefpositionj may (in heavy stocks of staple lines, such as `(I I1- FA WL E Y Gnmns,Flan%ne|s. flannelettes, a {_,.% 5 % Shinings, Tweeds, Sheetings, Bottonades, Blankets, Quilts, % f Woullells. curtains. carllets. on cloths, Clothing. The miost*sextens'i_ve of its kind in tlieprovince, combines these important requisites; good quality and low prices. See our nurnbegs of Union and All W%ools at 25c., 35e., 40c., `50c.` and 75c. lcyoknomicalbuyelrs of Dz-e ss_ Gokodsjshould see our special offerings at 23; ];5c.A, 25c_., 35c. and 50c. ' Our New Prerrses, Opp.%the P. O. and G.T. R. Station. FRONT STREET. BARRIE. Lately; the window: _ in the'B_urton Ave- `nue Methodist church have been broken to such an extent thatwire netting had` to be placed in front of each window. It is a disgrace to a civilized community that each- a state of aifaira` should exist, where boys- ehould knew better than" to break windowe inany building, let alone it acted edice. It coats money to replace the windowainthe above named church. at it is not the ordin- ary glass. It is to be hoped theguilty any or parties will get the benet of the aw sooner or later. i . . ' `DOUBLE%STOREL SEASON, 1900. . . 1 ` In manufactured at the TOLLENDAL MILLS. 5 We make it in two qualies. for BI-cad and Pastry. I ,A rsbclass pastry Flour will not make good bread, age! 1 n-at-clan bread Flour WI not make pa_utry_,_ and,we don't care to make any go no. ` ggr has` not got it, insisf on having it Yqufll .Find%it the Best, and the Best is mine `too (loud for r :j ' You. 1 j mm- %R-.M-WA~Ts0N- Ladies $1.75 Fine Boot, light or heavy _ very stylish street wear. 69;. apecial.._ . . . . . . . Ladies Fine `Box Calf - . special . . . . . . . . . . . . -Ladies Glove Grain vu-yv vi; --Luau |_ uru uuuUl':l1JVV- f`;A:ll;:;1'i;3;h?ts Ansustum nu wtitryour .{ ,Q,;,' *,f, , HY?!-WE $9? -.`.f!3.~.7t,1 : . ~ 5 ,- f'-9.- ` .\`.y (iold Medal .;' [_,_::.::;_ `Love : Help. _ V t A Be,!lnda. if `my raised we `,`arried"tomon-row.* ?" A Q` ._.;~ A.._.'_...-___ . . V V 'l`l_IeVIoy Way. There are 400 miles or icebergs. oat- lngice. plsiins of > ice and all other sorts ._,a`t j arcti<; obstructions `to traverse be- `tweenb the nearest'disc0ve1_'y'to the pole `iund *the` pole itself. ` Perhaps some means or 'ove`rcoming"these' diiculties may pro - E as `$9 ->.s _entthe1mselveI withinwthe next hundred. %;*r`ea&:a;%i ~'i9*1t==%86%.9n%- in%%it8 Marcea- " i)"n`l?riday morning last while working on a bridge at Longford, Mr. William Ruak had the misfortune to have his right ahould- er badly aprained. Hie overall: caught on a bolt and tripped him, causing himto. fall heavily on the right shoulder. This is the - ret accident Mr. Rualx` has happened with since he has been on the road. He arrived home on Friday night. ` ` .. Ouitn A nnmlmr fr-nm Hm -lvth an-A FLOUR ' a'.ni:4ox,t_nV6mienlz for this Vsro,b9un_igto k,eop up 0!`, `list. Read the data`: ;-I for youtfaelf, % is to beacon. sa v_\AIleyW s `Shoe Store. sow AG_EN'i.' EQRTHE SLATER snow FOR MEN. *0, a-e;'v to2,only .. `..v._.....$l 35 V200 I : One of our local sports, not being eatlnedl with the result of one of the races during the lair. has challenged the other gentlemen A for another race. As a result. we shall future. have another three-cornered race in the near M VOW Moore such offerings as these. Vs $96 are amyonr service to show you ` Lg . lied `68f;1gBrr.b9g* `5 than ' "' ..-. 1 Md neighbor k the hood ed 0, special . . . . . . . .3 } ' ,8; sizes 2 0 11, were worth $2, _ -` good wear, sizes 6:0 10, 3 -,apecin.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 `Men's IN . 1 Long Boot, heavy sole. le er counter. warranted equal _ note : A` t9 an .00 Boot, special. .4 . . . . . .. E geliring F rum Business. EAP Ps s cw u; BLTEKKFAST "GRAV-`IfEB:UL' CO`MF`ORi`Il\`G '\ -4 ...__ An. _. Pan What must have been the matter with `the G.T.R. reman who failed te recognize "his own bike and rode o' with that of a Barrie merchant, thereby occaeion'ing7 the latter a hurried trip to the Iouth ward? -I-ll-'\.J.-.z vv;v;;u;.y--- . Distinguished everywhere fo Delicacy of Flavour Superior uality. and highl Nutritive parties. Speciay Rratetul ind comforting to the nervous and dsspeptic. Sold onl In 1-4-lb. _t1ns, labelled JA ES EPPS & 00., Ltd.. Homoeo- tgic Chemists, London. Ens- -to-date fashion SUPPER .>LLf.rp.l A iunion 7'71`h7anVE;gii;g/ Ia};-Vic; 7:1} be held in the Presbyterian church` this (Thursday) morning at 11 o olook. when the DA! Jan vacuum 1:" I-nunnnk n "`Iuun|o--In iDQ $3. \.I.u|uIuuy; unusual` all II. I! UIVUI. WIIUII IIIIU Rev. Jon. Young will preach a Thanklglv-V Ting sermon. Collection in aid of the poor. ,.'_`-1-' ---_-.__ _v--. T On Tuesday evening 6! last week 3 `very enthusiastic meetin of our citizens was held in the Orange: all for the purpose of * tendering a. reception to Mr. Athol Marshall on his return from Souty Africa. IIIIIUII IIUIIVIE Q . uanllt . Please Maw 3 (5 M1] (mice or Teleph URI` Ladies Aid of the `Presbyterian church was held yesterday (Wednesday) eveninglto ar- flange for the cominganniveraary in (Nem- er. . Our postmaster has received notice to keep the post` office open Saturday nights for the .tre.neection of money order bueiueu only. It comes into effect next Saturday night, October 20th. ` TV services will be held in the Burton Avenue Methodist church next Sun-, day. 2131: inst. Rev..Thomea Edwardeand , Rev. Joseph Wilson will preach. _ 2 . .%uanIIt|y. lo: 1 1: `Din! ll Ice Family Flour and all to Wuklnlonh. All ptly In any 1' ordoegl at kinds 0 orders dellv nn nv 'I`nInnIn W` Owihg to thetiediceiion of the new `Meth- godiet church as Holly. there weeno service, in the Burton Avenue Methodist church on Sunday morning. ' T vv 0 will `u no I .1 '` W J. A. Brown, of Cooketown, `spent 3' `few -dayleleeu week with her parenu Mr. h and Mrs. Charles g Tiokell, Cumberland street. - Several dogein this vicinity Vheve `been. oieoned during the past week. but one 'MI'. 8. Penny : "Jack) succumbed to the (foes he received. V Mr; Alex. Bailey, of Ridghtown. form's:-ly ..9t the G. T. 1%., here, was renewing old no- 1 ffqliuinanqes in the 6th ward last week. J 7 n Mi. Wm. Hnrker 1. in. Philadelphia at- ` .t.endi_ng the International Conference of the . Railroad Department of the Y. M. C. A. `Mu. `(Cap-coin) Foster, of Engl$ud wads *7 visiting her sister, Mrs. P. J. O'Donnell, "Int weelnaud let: on Monday for Graven- ` hu_r_u . was in .`!.6_th ward; couple of days : last week. . . A.I I.o _ I` ihnline Cummings gave 5 party no a , number of. her friends on Tuesday evening. -very` enjoyable time was spent. '}7i&}f7ii`T"s.;n3$ifme from Gravevn-`I gut, and is on the sick list. . . ` ca moi` nan... . u i}$'iAu"1L:Tco"i]-s "i;;1..'"i&;;;.;"1;.,; it! not arrive here till about 8; o clock on stlirduy night. V ' 5 "$11,? is `*1 5- : . `Pldasant 'Streets.;ij; !l'aa_W`DwQl_l- its Pretty Churches. a.nq.,`;1ta6 _L Weeklv Record ofits.Do111;g [ jrdman John Blevins A is nder the ms`; _ _ Lu .-_ ' _ .__ - syxeiif People w111'Ent1ca Settlement 0; 432 meet: to-Am'ght ('l'?hu1v'a_hy.)% 1 ... . ...\ fa}, 1&ai="i.}.ii13; m*umea=n-om her visit jab Manda in Cohpconk. 9 % V vv`1a:1}r3:?ia:nn Fc_>n*iL 5f*:5m5i; % I-lolly Church Dedicatldn. Mr. Gay Kirkpatii'ok'viuit.ed"`Mr." G; P, Smith vton` S_`un ue`... %:* ierviea !i!1%;lb&[V Lhld in, se; Andrlnv"s omen ruurggayx at_._vJV,l _ a. i n'. ` We must not forget the parlor social oh Friday evening to be held at Mr. David McCullough : for the benet of the Lefroy Presbyterian church. V This village has a special invitation to be there. Wonder if any young ladies are the attraction! ` ' V The meeting in the Presbyterian church under the auspices of W. F. M. 8., on Fridsv evening was in every way a success. Rev. Jonathon Goforth who was the ettrschtion of the evening, spoke of the nan.-ow` escspes he and other missionaries had," while making their escape from; China, `yet he says the Chinese. are good `material send worthy of_our greatest ettentiop. ; The address given by '- Mi; Goforth qwill, surely stir up more ambition inthe hearts of. all those .t who heard him-.* and site: the_ rebellion is quelled and peace, once more restored` and Mr. a eaotogth returns to his niissionsry~1v,;_(/ark, he may -. hsve our iinsncisll.i4help,,._snd lon`i:;.ing,'nj_yj_j! vrajvm: `c i , 1 am sorry L 39.99% sVt:hat o4wr5m we in" "1116" .B|rri` . Hhitsl H ';`-.- _.. __ - .' `__-.~. .7-.. -. A"' Mr,nd` `Mr: .s*o.upai:;.ssem. - rib, T * were? the, ,.`gu6n_ta_ of; `M: ` 1 5??f?.*i'i`_.~'?-:%?i IVV .; A V mic. m;aA ii; I1`ifbi3.'i: we5!::.% Mr-~-T F. 8%-s:It.*.8:aF Man 4. 53.. " 7 7 Measrau ZR; ~Bl;k: Potato 'iig.iog oommenoed [in earnest; a ne crop delights the farmers throughout the oountry. ` V ` A gouncing Boy In-ri;'ed 1. week to I gladden the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Sam`. '1`odd,- of the-seqond line. - The aconve-mu_ons `are now ilimsily exi- gaged puttind 0 foundution under Miss E. Canning : burn on the fth line. `Mr. and Mn Geo. .Walvlaoe `spent * Sunday at Bella Ewart the_ guests `at M rs. Robb, Sproule. T Mr. Harrison Lynn loet a valuable driver last week, inemetion being the cause of death. A ' - Mr. Hairy Gfode fox-merlyu of this plaoe spent several days under the par-. entol roof. M:-.'John Mowder. who hue been iii 3 Toronto since the spring, has returned home. > _V i - , ' - Mr. Jae. ivuia `Hi h7Jeh}}";;ent Sunday with friends on the tenth line. m;....a M's; f15uInfS 3., .,.u. ed npon_MrI. Jog. Reid has wick. - Tie fhmily 6f~ Mt'[.vA;-`t`l`1;11:'l"_>_i;ntoin have taken up their abode in Orillin. with'_hia sister, Mu. Jno. Allan. .-_---w- v. quv V-sulvu Lgvlll` U, `oil 0' p.lI_l. The sttendnnoe.-wes very large- but, all were bolintifully supplied, after; which t_he'psstor called the. meeting to order and addresses we delivered by Revs. H. D. `Cameron , B.A., and Thos. Bartley. The musical part of the programme was given by the choir of Burton Avenue Methodist ohuroh, Allsndsle, and Mrs. Henry Brown, of Holly. Rev. Mr. Bsrtley made an, appeal tothe friends to st once sub- scribe a suioient sum to provide for the debt still remaining. He skillfully performed his part and V the vconqregs-` tion responded nobly and with the proceeds of the supper amounting to` over $113 and the subscriptions Mon- day evening to about 8450, the debt _ is fully provided for. Mr. Jon.` 0ou1I:er |-apent'8nnd uy in Bgrrie. j . V ' . . Mm Edith wuuon in viewing 1.... fatheru Orangeville. ~ `I T` plruyur nu}! Wurllllp. - The fowl supper following the dedi- ` cation services, of the` "Holly Methodist` ohurchtook place last Monday evening` and was in every` way an unqualied euooesa. The eupper was served in the baeemegt of the church fgom 5 to 8 -v- v v--- In -WTII&UX&II I I * "The church-zvith fur7niehinga_ an`d counting all the ,l'abor`dorie gratuitously 1 will cost about $2,000.00.'; -The build- ing committee, composed `o 3Thompeon Oamphell, Wm'. J. Andrews and Alfred ; Dyer, tweaked-moat harmoniously with j the pastor,` and all the people had a.` mind to work, and _now their hearts are lled with joy and gratitude to Al- mighty God that they have such a beautiful and l comntodioue house` of prayer and worship. rm... '..."..I .... .... :..n._:.... ..L.` .1_..: town :-nu-o us: can.` vvcav lnIa-I\I -I. In` the .eveuingW Ref.-e Dr. lpreeohed to 3 ms audielioe fro.m_fPhi:l-.": 3111 chapter and 18th J_'8t_80, Enem iee. of the Crone of` Chria_t."' T The .eet-man ! was ene of great" powernnd depth. and the e`orte of -Rev. "7 Dr. Carmen during the day plainly `mark, him as a` very`; able and strong man intellectually. 1 TIVL- -L.-.._L -_:u_ A.L_ A-____2-l.:._.... -...1 l l `.=B`i3'V -'Th'V3.3 Bar2Itli%n*y;:weo M A risiif 116:aereecvMiblId5Ili71iiI'b- .` was selected" fiolh L 66h ch. -en":_l Verse, 'B'ea rv ye .b.ue 7itiolher el burdohf. and no full the lnwV;:o_f.,Chri8t.A 1 Rev., Mr. Beruley has 0.. nal pre86i10B 8013, pleasant: voice, and delivered `a good- pruccioal sermon, which must DPOVO helpful to all who hated it. -I-__ __ _A_ g_ _` l1_h____'__1 Mr..F-ank n:-oh} visitedlut week * `iOL`:n n3nb1nn an. 1'-. L.II-_ - I o~%s-non? V Advuyo Advance -Cortpspbndcnce. The members of L. O._L. No. 450 will celebrate the 5th in the Orange Hall. Dinner will be served from ve till seven and in the evenihg qconoert /will be given consistingof songs; read i`ngs'a_nd recitatious. _ ! " bgilingwmd, [nix renewing" o_ld_V__acqt_1ain(mioaa here.` ' -10- . `Anniversary and Thaukagtving ser- vices willbeheld in Cllristhchurch, on Sunday, Oct. 28. Rev. E 0. Duran," of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit morning and evening, and in the afternoon will deliver an address to the children of the Sabbath school. V V-So:he._ of ghe young`-poplle - h%oro,o.t tendedruhe reopening of _ che'1_1e,w~ Prea- byaanan chn'rch in Bavxer Snndgy`..; ~ j.nn__'_. "n._-`_..'n` % M..4%w%.%:.% Hq1ma,o3IA$}oin:}u thegdeac, of Mrs... Holm_ea {aAn&'ta.m- `-iAly`lqav_veek, % ' ` ` .., 7 theitfdepgpture >'la`3t ` j9ve_ek~ `fo:,_ th'e"Am- .` e`ri_ca'tij ' *i_3_o,~ "also. Maseru, 3 Mhii,{"`0. _. - j .. a . M . - 1 Mir. sand-~ Mrs. :John' Biron: too ` 4 L 3% r The church ma c`row Int; Suixdiv h and many had to stand -tlhrdughcut the morning service. Rev. A. Cumin, ' M A., D._D_., General Aupprintcndcgtg of tbc'Ma thbdisc Church, oiciated;.,;ixif' Iv =0 mornitmyaaavsted by Remcjchsrleu - : v Mr. and Mrs; Henry `Davin enter- teined a few of . their" friends `on Tues- day evening. A veryenjoyeble time weeep-.-nht. T .- .' Mis Liziag Man? in visiting 1.... sin` t_e,r,` Mrs. un,o1% Georgetown. ' `II?-Irv Mrs. Oantell rt.urt:`eVi gn Alia trig l`a at_' wbek, p1t9r}_qp9nding the imfmex ` in [the ?:9mploy , 'qf._M;-. g.I;mea} , .-v`.' " Mr.v;and Mrs. Roba;'mb;,-`]Elmvle, spent Suuduy at the-home of Mrs. Roberton a par ease. I. 91- ._ Mr} ..mfMr; iivlsman, of_ Bgyrrie, . vi itedigndu here on Saturday last. `IL. 117 -r rt. .- Ivy. A . Advance Correspondence. Miss E. Lenhox, of Melita,vI visiting friends in this v`ioinity.V `Mr. R Whiting is moving into one of M1-._ Arch. Rosa's houses. Mr..S. Corbett will move into the house va-. ousted by Mr. Whiting, Mr. Jae. John- ston will occupy the house which Mr. Corbett _will vacate, and Mr. Charles Lightfunt will move into the house which Mr. Johnston will vacate. A general change. ` jwqaiion; V 1'h?rZ:an be made up ith eithersolic` ::',.;.i;:'..`,?..;.`:.%;'*"*"* W- They are not expgriive. e * We ad u`st them so that they are perf y adapted to the features. Not invisible but nearly so. % _ `l'h?'V`:an be made with eithersolid EA` 1211-4! lu.a4nn`4nan`AA `Q IIQQ-\ [Are Fashionable I1 - _ ll H0. 2. .n n No.3, in J and Pelt8..'..... genome 00 Calfskin: perlb. ...... .............. Tallowperlb;............,.......... ORB Hair! lbiouogaonauu-octave` shep8kilI8-_uV.. uu-= 0-aocnnanoooou _ `umns. Cow or Steer. No;-x. per lb........~. H I: No. h. n _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ D- H- !Y.'.e9.!-.6f!EN- `K332'5i'S1Z}'1i;.'.'.'. II'ZZIITIZIII} 1blIIIClIIIIIIIlI`_I ;L8.l'd..peI'-`bu.........~.`-nu-nun _Eggs per doz..=.'............ ..'.... A255}:-7'p':'hl':`x'.IZZ'f.'.2'.I'.ZZ`ZZI2II Potntoes.- new, perbag Hay an-_ton. ......'.....'... ........ Woo.washedperlb;............V..; Wool..unwashed. pm-lb............. wOOd.2ft.. -ovcroonoi--on `Wood. 4;tt..percord......;........ Anthracite coal. per _ton...... . . .. ..' Rimless Glasses ht-beep` ' solontlc Optioiri. .mo|.An:u-s anus s-ron:.i BARBIE.

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