Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Oct 1900, p. 4

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D(oCarthy s second ; Vote was oxi %;_. Qoh; _'w.hen' Sir Charled, Tapper *9 V"? P=9"?**'in 9` ."-h.[ Yum qiy,7 with the .Liberai party; ti resolution providing for the_ . aw TM-; A argain Store Rarest. in Bar- "1`%ha` Cub Man. i 0 :.'.".3""1 " ' n Barri . Eu -e 81 per Ammm 1'/n Avd/va/nae." and four sAMu:L. WESLEY, ;P'IdPnI:'roaT war}; Tam H turn ` A 12 Page `I2 Column. NewIpuper,- T ll "Published from the Oice, :23 Dunlop Street . Barrie. in the County of Simcoc, the Pto- vince of Ontario. Canada. `every Thursday Morning, by _ie\\'ar1 iners N THE NORTHERN Aovnnca: W93 __ A'da iouo. Mro I miles broad. and one oi the prettiest bays in Canada; summer resorts -and parks. '1'he population of B3,. A tricitv. The waterworks una sewerage systems are a prompt foetal collection and delivery throughout the . o Barrie is beautifully situated on. arlpicturesque 1 . overlooking Kempenleldt bay, an `arm of e Simcoe, nine miles long and from one to three In summer boats ply daily to and train neighboring rle is 7.000. Streets and sidewalks are tirst class and hapdsonie residences are numerous. `Streets, public buildings and dwellings are lighted with gas, or elec- very elcicnt and provide spring water. good drain. age and reliable fire protection in every art of the town. Barrie is at railwav centre for entral and Northern Ontario. jlhirteen assenger trains arrive and depart daily. 1he pasta service is all that can be desired; thirteen mails arrive daily; there is wi_i. here are eight schools `one Separate). eni- ploying thirty-one teachers; twe ve churches, three weeltly newspapers, one commerciahcollege, every dad; I! market day, machine shops. planing mills. grist in I, saw mills, marble cutters. bicycle works, boat builders, tannery, breweries, ten butcher shops, sever- Il rst-class hotels with reasonable rates, threeliveries, three laundries. one creamery and all other modern conveniences. Stores are numerous and carry full lines of all kinds of first-class goods. competition is been and prices are as low as in a city. felegra and day and night. telephone systems connect t e town with all places near and distant. Barrie is fast becoming a favorite resort with summer tourists. ; don- E.:.*?:L'.:::3`1&::::::s:::;';`:%.iYA R`~~ in-lI... All _sL.._ 4.43.... 1\_! ,, , ,,,v ..__--w-vg ., V 34-mun 1'0 u;LAum\Ln. . . k [ 1.3: u.m., 7.56 'a.m., 9.37 a.m.. 11.15 3.211.. x2.5: "pm" 5933 p.m., 5028 P-muv 8-00 Puma - A ALLANDALB 'ro auuun. 1.gon.m.. u.xo a.m.. 11.25 a.m.`, 3305 p.m., loll Emu 7-55 P-m" 9'5 P-"V ' .._..__._.._...:._____._..._._'________ uwv-v -u-w -ouu-us o-ovvn-'u:BI-IFU IIIUIILIQIV. 7 "Dailv. All other trains Daily except Suqnddy. &.."..%. }'aaas;5:"" ....,...% L [gym Ex real. 7.58 pan. -. p.m. ail. 11.13 man. If [Mn ` ltlantic & Pacic Ex. {.08 pan. The evening Exp:-cu leave: Toronto at 5.20, ' HAMILTON. ' . l..m. Exm-nun. ll IIQ -I In, HAVl "PnuI::`I8b'i.'f gtgdurh t:.rf:g'::vo {thus the ___ --4_._.- 11.15 mm. O 00 l1{lMlL'.l'UN. _ pun`: _ ` In. Ion`: VKGRAVENHURST 8: NORTH BAY.* Wj pun. *Atlantic 8; Pacic Ex. 11.56 pm. 10 ." North Bay Mixed. ` - 7.30 mm. Gnvenhunt mixed (south only) 9.85 COLLINGWOOD & MEAFORD. ' 11.15 s.m. Mail. 5 27 M. 8.00 pan. _ PEI ? 3;g:s,.un[ - "(.55 mm. "A . mm. 8:: recs. 9. pan.` EMail. . .m. X rllu g g | ' V P PENETANG. V ' `m 1.15 3.31:. Aceommodatjon. 5.97 gun. I 90 pan. Accommodatnon-. 7.55 mm. AALLANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. -.1-u-.--. -_ . . __.__ %|_Anm: aAu.wv -GUIDE. THE Tdvsfiii or BAR-R181. Tums ov Susscnurrxou. I _.__.._`..-_u uUuvVIllUBU Parliament. On this occasion he ihai: _'he asked by the Laorier ;,',in ,3 straight party 'v:ote ranged Government for $10,000 Iethe priceof V % belt with the Lam-ier Goverm nt.- 9. oenotonhip , It , was oondeo 3.5.7 Undoubtedly thev moat prfnihent feature in Cangdihn politics today in he're_oent stzmling manifesto by that: old-time Libero}, Mr. H. E. (Book, ex- `CH5 Mr. H. H. Cook s letter. is oatisinq; considerable uneasiness to local Liberals. ` Many of them are; of course, trying to make light of it, and saying` that these little family jars. are bound to ocean`, in every party. But at the sameitimfe: they admit that it is -likely to have a consider- able e'eot on the independ_ent`element in the party.-News ' .. -' T 7 They (the Liberals) are intelligent ; men and reading men, and cainnot fail to know that not one principle for which the party stood under the leadership of Brown, McKenzie and'Bluke is now guiding the present leaders cf the party.--FriomV H.` H. Cook's manifesto. The fact alleged by the,Libera1q that H. H. Cookie apo1itical"aore headdoea not in the least weaken the truth of ghe charges he so ably and forcibly proves. againet thepreaent Government. ' Recent` revelations go. to show that with the present. administrations. long purse is as much a requisite as a gray head in 1;. candidate for the Senate. . ` EDITORLAL Norms. , A new use has been found for that machine. Drop $l0,000'in the slot, give it a. hug, and `out. comes" a sena-' `torahip. ` .On the twenty-four. divisions, many of them on questions of the very gravest import, Mr. `McCarthy l failed to use the vote entrusted to him by his con-V stituents. ' While, of. the seven votes cast, several of them were upon ques- tions of s comparatively triing char-_ acter. And yet Mr. `McCarthy poses as a. faithful, independent and eicient representative in the House of Com- mons for the electors of the vNor th `Riding of Simone . . Summing up these `results we nd that instead .of voting three times against the-Liberal party, as he would have us believe. - Mr. McCarthy in reality supported the Grit party and. its leaders on six votes, andon the seventh, which- was noupartizan; he voted as much for the party as against it. i i N `voted ggoinl the G_ov:`m-nmont in chit Mr. McCarthy's nextwvxate was on July 6th, when "he. sided with the Liberals in opposition to Mr. Oasey s amendment to Railway Bill, No. 132. On the same date he also voted with the Government against another amend- ment to the same `Bill, proposed by Mr. McMillan. V "On the same day the House divicied. on` the atnendment of `Mr. .Douglas, _ which provided for theenlurgement and perfection of the soope.~of~th`e` Canada _ Temperance Act. This was in no sense a party measure. `Sixty-ve` I members voted for .it, and sixty-four opposed, the number of Conservatives. and Liberals being about equally di- vided. "Note beinga vpnarty issue it could not be fairly olaimeil,that Mr. McCarthy opposed the Goverhment be- causehe happened to be found on the side opposite to Sir Wilfsid. _ ' urns: ;nbo`if 23 `per .oent"of;.f];o gegmai-gar: `ply prononnoed to justify the expeot.ation._ _on.hI:r. lP.+aj.t 4 mgsame .c the r t1?1gb1iiiiiipl;3;i1s9 e,i onmorup of the .Donniiion `Voted 6;-.s prohibition,"eto.,` ' _A ' *9" ' `n that than results `show: amine is use cu active prohibition sentitnent suioient-`_. that a prohibition, law "could be snoe oessfully '-enforced; therefore in the opinion of this House` such a pro hibitory law should not be enact- ed at present." In `this Iglaringly: apparentparty whitewash 'Mr. Mc- Carthy assisted, though several Liberals refused to be placed on record as the shameless apologists of such a perfidious transaction. c wvx, V1` .334 'ggbaqquent_ atttetpentl Council "met .Oct. 3rd, pursuant to adjournment.` All the members pres ent; The" reeve in the chair. The minutes of _ the last meeting were read and conrmed. ` _ I . ' Communications from A. E. Plum- met 85 Cr, general brokers, Tor; nto, Strathy &~Esten, -barristers, re taxes A lot 13. con 9, John Watson, re state of the ditches on townline between Ves pm and Innisl, D. Lamb. chairman of Committee on works, Toronto, re the advisability of _ constructing radical _ railroads , secretary of the Orillia Board wt.` and read: A of trade, askingthe Council to `send a representative to the Novenrber meet- ing of the County Conncilito advocate the `making of good roads, Joseph McBride, tendering his resignation as overseer of highways, and a_ number of accounts were-, -laid before the `Council ..--- uuvuovv ; `Account; from__Mr.` Gavillbtf Town- ghip Einginvear and Thou-Walwin4 were I _d"bV,9r until nex Ameetinc of Gounhil. . fh.%.saa*%--9" 'th`3* ' f:i'l`o`v:i:;z. p`a`yu:::n to were orderd to be made`,:-Jamea Tnrpv, $103 and Wm. Oonghland $38.96 for work on Swalev creek drainage; nxeoutnr of M.- Johnson : estate," 86 50; W. H. Pnrcidge $4.38, Horan White 83 35 and John Greaves. 83.25, for gravel ; Johnston & Sargeant, $5.25 for sewer pipes ;` Alex. Findlay, $5 00 ; Wm*Po_t- te!'o:$7.35 ; and J J. Thompson, $7.80 . for .planka*and timber for, roads ;`W. J.- Wilson;-91.50 ; Thomna McKinnen,$20. J&`meIMc_Crack`on, $200 , Joseph Mo Bride. 810 0O ;rGgan. `Q`an)ntz`. '$.1.`.`5 ; 303- Chapel], 810,90 .;,Wu3. Jones, 8f 3 _WIn.- Dempat_ai'.,$V2 l..0Q ;` ,E.'o,I_u5I.rd, ~$1.'58 : Aura. :: 34.87 :.$'mni- .6`-1, (3"Pi2:"29.- 99f"P"d ..._hn ;W"- ;.rG9'-9- ,9.`-09 owl .' _.---.v, _-yyunuvvu all 0111817 1113 PUICB. I Primrose--Wood- Ordered that the Clerk ascertain from Mr. C. F. Wattie his price for right of way over his land to sideline between lots 5 and 6. T ` Primrose --Lewis--Ordered that the County Council be asked to give a .gra'nt'of- $300 to help to open the 5th line across Wil'ow creek at Midhnrst. ` Wpod--Cisldwell+-Ordered that no action be taken by thiee Council re communioationoof `the secretary of the Orillia_Bnnrd of Trade. * ' L T m..- z_u__ g ` As Mr.-McCurthy stated, he voted fan seven occasions, being presumably absent on the other twenty-four, as his Livote is not recorded. But it would mquireanl the skill of u Hindoo jnggler make `it appear that three of his ii-jeven votes were against the Govern- 5:; uent. Let us take them one by one as J" v '3` gfpcords of Parliament. stand recorded in the authentic On motion of Primrose and Lewe- 9 "Ordered that the resignation of Joe. McBride, overseer of V highways, be acceptedpnd that John Muir be and is herebyappointed to take hlsplace. ' Primrn:n__'Tnn'.-I I\...J-....J LL -L Al - ";.I`.`l;emE}ouncil `accepted the bonds ` tendered by'H. Burdge as collector of rates and . passed a -by-law conrming his appointment. f\_____A_, n-r\- `-- _-_-,.... .-.. all 1.; W ID '1 BIJU 3 " No party everstarted out with better ' prospects or had a better chance to * carry out"'its promises than the Liberal party did ' in 1896. They had a big ' majority in the House and the country was on the eve of the brightest commercial period in its history. The leaders appeared to go mad with de- light upon assuming cice and forgot entirely the professed principles upon which they were elected. The men who elected them have not forgotten those principles, and-they `still stand by those principles. `No wonder` the . Gleaner or any other honest Liberal paper or supporter would feel disgusted and disappointed with the failure of the leaders to act honestly, as they were elected or expected to do. The Review aspen independent Liberal newspaper, has repeatedly protested against the me takes of the leaders. We do so again, and in this we are not alone in this con. stituency. - During the past month. scores or `old-time. Liberals here have stated positively that they would use neither their inuence nor their votes to return their party to power with its `present false leaders. _ - me-1. fllichael who ll"-""lt9l.'),1v'l,i 1 at the : 'l'.hlind AI -'Ke`ll"y. viva"! called l tum ji'oi-. a_- speech, - and *'in- ' response explainedlwhyv he hadleft the Liberal psi-ty after follotving" flt'hl'OIl8lI the `long and drearvperiod of Oppositione. .Referrin_g tothe National Policy, Mr. Kelly said thatif it was a bad thing (as the Liberals so long contended), they should have repealed it, and f`it' it was a good thing the people who had introduced it had 9. right to all the hon. or " It wssfor this reason he was attend inga Conservative convention, and he was glad "to meet some as fellow-delegates who had been comrades-in-arms with him in the other party, this time on the right side. There is, says the Times, "scarcely a school district in the province that does not contain. its con verts to Conservatism. s The Va fanklek Hill Rewiew says: - -_'._._ _.L _ Vespra. Council. , IDIGI (ion. ,.. ...c umuuu cum. une soon Jearnsjust what size the parts pr bane; of a 6-week- old calt `ought~ to; be.V-iElln Morris .Wo_man`g : imam- -: 1 I , Mr. McO.srthv at Minesing gave his "bearers to understand that he had Yvioted in last session four times with e`-he Government andthree times sghin- 't it. We shall see whether or not 'he records bear out snob an assumption.- An examination of the Votes and Pro- ceedings of the House" of Commons hows that in all the House divided .__.thirty-one times during the session. . A `:1 '1: nu . `CW .-"I V `lo Veal is good only from the time -the call is 4 weeks old till it begins` to eat solid food-in fact. only while it is'strict- ly "milk veal." [As soon as solid food _ls taken: the. gissue becomes stringy and- touh. Milk yea] may be _recognized by ` ltscolor. a pinkish',gray_.- ` Ifit ls'or'u `blu_is_l1_; texture. it is` young `to be I wholesom_e.,. Another .wuy`t9__ judge the _; s g__,eotfVienli is yby;the sizeot its _bon,si add I '-E;-;io\Ia1c`. `Cl-I-.|ll.l'ISl1UIe I'.lEg['ee>e`ven con. gum Mr}? fodgggzsiignd thirst. It all hbe true. he has sheds for, his method 5 ml aid in directing the _Jl0n a wonder- A of man.-Argon, . m .``d, energies Hypnotizlng; the Will. ` Charles Godfrey Leland in his book gives a hint that brain workers general- ly may prot by." Taking the familiar fact that if one lies down to sleep de-7 tex-mined to get up. say. at 6 o'clock, he will probably awake at that hour. Mr. Leland has carried the idea further and made a_ practical application of it in will suggestion. In other-`words . Mr. Leland airms, backed by his own experience, that it one `on lying down to sleep: at night will resolutely x `in his mind what he will do thenext day he will be great- i \ hypnotized. so to speak, and proceeds to lypaided in the doing of it. The will. is [act upon the suggestion. ~Mr.v Leland. yeven asserts a man can cure himse`ltgoti the habit of profanity. of intemperanc ---.,--vu. I-FJ uuua Av: KIGVUI. The Council adjounfed subject to the call of the Reeve. D. Wood a balance in` his, hands from I Swaley Creek drainage funds ,nnd Councilman Caldwell handed in $6.10 -received by him for gavel. l 3 In... n.........1 -..:.-,..,.v-1- - - - - A- THE '-'ADVANCE., V " r 7 BARRIE, J ` TEA, cos-`I-'5}: AND SPICE H { MERCHANTS. f 1 g: $'VVVV'VVVV'VV*V AAAAAA;.AAAA +-------- ------a 1' nr\r\ + .1! I-1 Hobley Bros '9 V We Have MALT, WHITE WINE, CIDER, GRAPE AND TABLE. Sour Vinegar Vinegaks. If you want vour Home Made Pickles to equal Crosse`& Black- well : Use our Guaranteed Pure, not made from acids, Dress Goo t Homespun: Stiiting, i - world WW1 . . the H We shades, is the_ latest addition to our fine Stand alone he Dress Goods `World, };1#n<:i`I3-V" hperiority oyg and nish is not at- Vjtbained any 0 % makeLweAkn0,Vf_Fg%`0 urs Is the only store in Barrie that carries a completest`ock_ o ADVERTISE. IN ' Good /Veal. GEO. SNEATH, MCCARTHY span: VOTER, 1` _ Two weeks ago we spokaof the rec- _0rd of Mr. McCarthy as 9. debateron = thd. oor of Pg-rliamenc. Let us now bonaider for a moments his record` as-a -"Voter, with a. View to discovering in .;how far he has proved himselfwa faith-_ `fill and trusty repreaentauive of the Aljeotors of North Simcoe whp sent to Ottawa. V Clerk. 9 !c_nit. 7 u 1. e e I ithet they represent a saving of i7 r*`store gures. If you d ha `.4, 'fy`R_k;'iwhilechoice is widest. S1101 MERIQ MENTION.d... `e)'e,.-g _ut le 0' nnents them- ".". A :1 Il\` \_\|iJ\-VII OLE` l1l1lS&`atl()I .W1ll catch the .' ` . V .. .1 I . i I .~ ` selvesmust be. seen to be-appreclateid. " N`0"t"w a1ike-that/S 0,n.e%po1-nt in favor ofour stock. T T y re sampl that, .. h , gai*n1e21ts- ~ , L3 fmot 9? pomt. There absolut correct st. `es-La third 'u\n:n- :1. L. -4 . - , __ ` .` ! poifxtv.` .`"A1%v%jc`tj._%i:t1 style,~ come and chose from our stock. we ?_have 5111! in1m'ensg. ortmen, including the best of the *_ newest styles. .311 ' % V % superior and prices no more than they 2;, ,to and We are told cheaper ` 'than7y'o u canget ' ' Hf-1 V If you `Want td m ake su :1, = that your Mantle is C01`- I-uuv w-nu uuv unvuv, Aw yulluo -Subscribers now in arrears for three mntlu and -0!!! will be charged $!. per annum JACKETS. ~- rI\J.lllIlO 11613 'I"I'1:v%price isieasy to pay--poi t N 0. A 98 only,7Samp_le J acket._s_.:. Rdies wear, `ly well made and tr` E1:1:'t},~._`n black navy, scarlet, brown, g y, etc., some a lined. Prices from.$li) to $15.00. . values in Ladies" J ackets\;:ver offered me. . 3 ll1z`le V 5.`: e`G_6l'!i1aI_l_ `pea, sealette and cloth, " hii-_Vy 'mbroidery, and` beani- ~al1ke. 5*;The very. pick of the xo'm$1.9o to $13. Blair Athole. ` ' ays nd this store `has it. keep a1ne.:::~:t.ot the fasl1ionQ 1t s the policy of this st01'e`_t(_) cater "upno-V date, as tlfp" phrase goes. F it xstance in the fall and vlnter "acket% and capes. ..... :11--- .- ' -H A 1 LL- ` . `No new name will be added to the Subscription. it until the money is paid. .-I._-_!I_-_- ,. _ -, r .- .. -

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