Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Oct 1900, p. 2

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nune. ` Money in sums V61 $a.oooVa.nd upwards, to loan at 5 I rer cent. V.'ium.t.A. for ice cream. for instqne; Burma Pownn. for cakes. :Q.Q `Qua: A: --~--' ` ETRATHY & ESTEN -....._.____.._.__._..___....._..; If L. B.RERE'l`0N, Dentist. omcbver Hendersons hardware store. Entrance Owen `eat. ~- -- ` NOX, ARDAGH. COWAN & BROWN. 1 V Barrier-nu-~ - _\`n'I~Grnu-n 'nl\-.2n:.... .....L..o.. -5 [CCARTI-iY, BOYS 8; MURCHISON. ;Barris- tars; Solicitors. Cnllvnvannnrc nr K...-.--.,._ ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY T."ARNA1`.L-, M,D.C.M., bice `in 13oume11's I ABlock. Allandale. ?n me premises at night. I ' 43- Y ' `s. BROAD. M. D. c. M., F. 'r. M. c., 1.. . P. (3,. Iain I-neurlnnr DLl1c:h:n- -....l C.......... Biiiizioa-s ii 'n`A1.zRu:. L551 repeat,` I make this charge with a 1 = _H' coneoiouenees of its eeriouaueea, ibd `of the personal responsibility I as- `time in {making it; but; I make-it, be- ievihg abet, aeone whose efforts, how- ver feeble and humble they may have been, were exerted, four years ago, to Wards putting these `men in the japoeiiona they occupy _| and have tidielgtaoed, I can only escape from sher- if.,'!ng'.f their guilt by thus` publiclyde mouneing and repudiatiug them; W. PLAXTON, Barrister, solicitor, Notary Conveyancer. etc. Moncv to Loan- P:-iv: n- Lmstrahon and gua rdganshi f._Q,i'ces,`Ross' Block, p, col ecning accounts, Barrie. Money to Loan. , MICELLANEOU8. gvuu at-ug am; Drugs. MONEY TO LOAN. nn `gran n..-A....L J l1,!_,-. _1V`IAN ACTURE8. .. , uuuuxng a_na manufacturing` of 5 inds. Mouldmgs. etc. Planin of `promptly and satisfactorily. ot .1: Dxstrict agency for grained lum- Bayeld Street`. Ban-;.-__ nnnr:wD= ZFJNANCIAL. % HQ. H. Cook, ex-M-`.R.. ll 3 _ knoyfn to need any inrodueciolp` ndeljof this paper. Hie lifelong L oy lot Liberal principles makes ` o.mI'1c-nu. MONEY TO LOAN. PHYSlClAN S. D. C. Mvncmson. specications promptly pre- ll's Block, . Dunlop Street. u-if K`. `if I! A first:------- - uxucxc, . 4s-ly- I I-1! C. MACPHERSON. _..__...._...._.___.__._..___.- `A. E. H. Czuzswxcgcs. I nu \.uLV1r.`\LV 1- - manufacturing "5: CtC. Planhur R` J. C. Bxoxovsm. G. Esnx. gr:-uueu lum- I_ RODGERS accunng 0 t .. .':.*.t*'".9f II {II UK 1 14-1) 1\;.hI.a 1-ly 'ss'_-4'7" CUL rimii'ELL s [lrcuttin and `Shaving arlor `OE!-j .O81'l_`l nzuu-`cu: HOTEL. '` . , lH._l. Hughes &Bro. the Party leaets vith being False%toA and ecreanttu the cause of True liberalism `as j Advocated by McKenzie, Blake and Brown.+V Wo' jhavc urchased and reopened the 337"` Stan Laun . X0 DURIQ strcctg:l`: th; 1;1;`5" odema` `noes ta caeseso ~ , onus`! A noun mnusnur. and ha" our ri our door. IIPINXIA In 0RDEBs ~nm_.:v'ln':'i': n nu: sum nu`. '8TEAM LAUNDRY ---_---u -v--u-551 1 nnallagrx. .ATLAS.OO _AS$URANCE COMPANY 4 Per` Cent. Interest Paid on In-pqnnlrs The Security for Depositorc in a. Loan T Company is undoubted. Ross new Block. south side Dunlop arrcct out of the Post Utce. S-IV The security to depositors in a Loan Cc/y is un- doubted. There is no instance on record whcrci qieposmor has ever -made a loss bv a Loan C dv. p _. ~rrrA- - -~- Canadian Branch Office. Head Ot};c. MONTREAL. LONDON, ax ~.1...\.\'b y M. C. I-IINSHAW, .-AM. J. P1PtKl.\', `BI"lnch*~Managex' Managcr. 3' VAPI11"-neg BARBIE [MN & SAVINGS CD. ' INCORPORATED 1881 . ,sUBscR1BE_13' CAI- I f.*.L, ' `0FFICE.--_Next door to Bank of 'I'oror:.~. OM: Street. Barrie. 1 x-1_\ Agent Standard Life. London (mm an- Ice and Accident Co . Provincial Building and Loan A2-sot-ialinn. cu-. '- \J\lII||"I'\lIl hvinlv 354300.000. Foundogd 1.9.5 -Applicationfo f `ha a . ~ dby anon%'p} .'.i`%T"n.? A 3}:-`q~` `C And tine Sunv Loan and savings Co`.1:pP.z:y _of Ontario; ' Privatefunds to loan on first nxortgngc .\c counts collected. &c. cc over Hendcrson,s Hardware Smru, Barrie ! Ont. UTE ' Ont. PROVINCIAL emmma Aibuim ASSOCIATION. _ ,, __---.-v----sa, vuw. REPRESENT THE I-`ox.Lo'w1.\'o Fun-; P. . .. _ CoMPA.\'n=.s: The Mercantile, nov atliatcd uiz}: '1` `c 1.9:: _don & Lancashue of Englanci. x--. r nty, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mu`.'ual, of `Wr'.ter1oc-. 0:1: Tothl assets, $334,083. "The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. On: Total assets. $303,078. ' Also L1ovd's Plate Glass Insurance Con; -pany, of New York. Cash capital, | 000. Cuts fol` adverlinenurnts lll'.ln[ 5;. (.w,-,- , case be mounledon solid mczul |)uu-u. ,, ,_ .._-_ --., . ...u;n.n..u1..\; Condensed .advert"1s(=ment.' on fir.-;f as wants of all kinds, last; and fmzxezi for sale or to rent, snccic :11-ti;1-s, must be acoanpaniul with the -null, be inserted--tu'st; insertion 2 cmm each subsequent: insertion ] -.~:~.t _(names,` addresses and tigurcs .1" words); "but a `reduction of mm -.m: will btimade "when the 1111m}m' oi" ofthe same matter exceed fuur. John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. an; II III '0 12 changes of A(1V8Illi(`l;;cnI.x_:xll year." It more are required, cowl.-i=. will be charged. Advertisus will not be allmml 1.. space for advertismc: anything our:..* own regular business. Should llll transient rates will be charged fur vertisements. . . Advertisers will please bear in 1 notice of intention to change a'.'e= must. be handed into the oice not '2 Satuulay at 10 o'clock, and the col change must be. in 'l'1n: AnvA:~:,+:' later than 12 o'clock (10011 on Max: week, otherwise the advertiscr s an: may not be made public until [En- lowing. 10 ..l.......... II: A. 3-.--.- .7".-u ;v tau: noun. uuucu. 'li'Preferred positions in the }uW- \-,{ -sold Ant `an advance of one-thixd on rates. This rule will be strict ly Cur1':wl - '""`" _:: * or one month--the three with 15 per cent. added. I *,Wnr I-urn up... 4-1.... LL - .1 I c 3 n o n - u a o o u o u a o n 3% inches . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 inches, K column. . . . no inches, $4 column. . so inches, 1 column. . . . L` vvuau. LU lac: ccuu. uuucu. 3 *Fnr two months--the three with 10 per cent. added. `wprnfnrrnal'...... 1. -I 3;? :99 SALE- A immediately south 0' ` ahkk MIC WV. ..u...,,. ?'-ml-IDU_lll\Jll :2 cents P81` H116`. . i7"Rei:`din;'z' hotices, 10 cents per 1im- {;,1- jjsrxidn ;' ,5vcents per line for each M1}. .;-insertio1i. of the same matter. All ; He` 1` 5 lin'es,- of this character, Sm` t: m.: - L'lx::1'g+_-.1 ._ " _ , 7 f -':.I_.._egal, `01c1a1 and Government imentu will be charged at above rates. _ _ CONTBAG'1'ADVE1'.TIsI.\`G. _ Vcotract advertisements will be mk..A_ "the f'ollow1ng_rates! w_h1ch are druttr-cl on . .1-_ec_t commercial prmcxples and will 1:: _xt_z_;. iadheredeto. There wall be only om: lpri ._. a1l.., [ - U`s'+ ` % RTHVERN . vs-`-v..`.__-', Tstlccnssoxs To 1:. s. LALLY. AUTHOII_Z!:3D CAPITAL. S5, canon xorms tarnished and rates quoted D)` GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. , Barrie Ont. Ofcein BothweIl's Block Number of inches arcane INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. SCROGGIE cl SMITH. BA_RF?|E "co:fDm AD\'E1<'1'1.~3v.:.: ;: 1 1 ` CONTRACT CHANG ES. mu-Es; r in mind acivertise nut .'!:1tmi e co1>_v.-11'): A-K-,.L. ,4}: I mo2_xt11`:y A ....... .wa.m, um: 01 men supporters, in 0 letter addreued- to the L1beral"`Aa- sooiation of bid Vconotitueucy, brazenly told them in e'eot-that should tl;_ay`ge- nominate him he would, ifre look upon-his lost` in Parliamen_f;j:;|`|_;._j9 [tapping-Itonb to on oioo of emohi?` moat, only stipulating this the oilioe ohould curry. _ with it `on ndquutpi. salary. sunny` Mr. Mnlook was pro - photio when he told thowthe oleotoo up, noaaag than chin;-,g;e oomlgr *0 the hialwih rm 'Fl"*Y% F" Prrw , . ."' ~ X I in. . - J :w.'=.1. V " I Sovgreat was the indecenthaste cf. - the present Premier to give the lie to 3 his previous professions and to stultify his party on this principle of the inde- pendence cf Parliament, that, on the 8th July, 1896, he wrote to Mr. Fran- cois Langelier, the member for Quebec, I" these shameless words :-`This is what ` I propose :-i--'1`he position of Lieuten- I ant-Governor will be at our disposi- t tion at the end of 1897, and if from i now tillthat timeyou are not appoint- % ed judge, I propoe to place the Lieu- 1 tenant-Governorship at your disposal. Later, he wrote to Mr. Langelier's . brother, asking him to `tell Francois that I do not -wish there should be any i `misunderstanding 3 I_ wish that my i promise may- he" considered sacred. Mr. Langelier sat and voted in Parlia- ment for two sessions with this pro- mise V in - his pocket, `a mere parasite upon; the Administration, lmovinq about -among his colleagues, a corrupt- ing agency within their {own ranks, to use the forcefully descriptive language of Mr. Mulock. At the -end of that time Sir Wilfrid s_ `sacred- promise ]fwas_ tuvliilled and fl3[r;` Langelier because-a` 1 judge` with a salary ot,$5, 0400 per" year.;. .. So.-debuingyhas _the.Gorernment's: attitude and -`example `in 'this' :matter{ that `recently; one of .their'supporterfs,=`iii 5 Igbaa... "..I.I;...-_.4. . .-.' -; . During the fouryears the-present Government has been in powef, thir-I teen, members have been no eppointed to oioea, ' with salariee taggregeting` 839,0_00.per year. H _ TRAFFIC 1`N`oFrA1hEs. _ _ ~ During the many" yiea-rs` that the Conservative party 'was_in power, and up to the time when Mr; Mulook in- troduced his measure, H up to the time when he and others made their acreag- ly-condvemnatoryspeechea,: 1'__7 __'n 1embe_r'a of Prlia{m'ent `had been-. -appoinnted to oice. V e ' ' ` at front rtheirg }5i.n, ii5. ?Qii'l`iament.4-and i - i put cthenr`ggi#fii9iFi6ns` ei'i.`i?`cmluw93`; gt _Speal:'ing generally! at. 'y`iciousness' as` yet the pi-actice""he-: ceneerrihegi; ad to .e i put an and rorwrhichrlgtis tneesore met 9 V _designed, Mnlock-said-g-See Hans-] ar,d,i 1896. page 2_,375g:--.-`If, r t'he"Go_v` ernmentg cane djangle pnblic-oices be-`A fore their .t_'ollowers.and_ induce a few, perhaps an increasi,ng number, to aa- pire to these `positions instead of re-' presenting their constituents here," and exercisingian unbiased judgement and awholesomez inuence upon the Ada. "r'ni_nistration of T the day; they `become mere parasites upon _the Administra- tion, add cease to voice the opinion of V their constituents; not only _ that,;hut moving 7among their colleagues, they become corrupting agencies within their to `be -disgraceful, and calculated to` lower the tone or public life, and toilli it with ofce-seekers and place hunters. All the Liberal leaders andrnembers supported .Mr.__ Mu`lock;` and strong speeches were made in advocacy of his measure. This was aeitahould have ' been, for the measure was an embodi- ment ofvone of the most cherished principles of Liberalism. It was one of the `principles to which the party was pledged, which the people had a right to expect us to stand by; and to carry out. which they entrusted us 1 with the reigns of government. How` have our leaders fullled this promise to the electorate? ' '. `}'Vvv'Pd|uuug '" W W . ` 1 -mg, ~':; ,, ,-_...-_---- ` vvuuw VIIIIl' ` voI1dA%to huts report vhin -_lnvq'ItigtionW iaooinplao, be `able: ';;);.:1:;;luunt din- oovorieu, n_uo_h rem-icuionund diioultiea impolodmion-him and upon thoo fjihfdmnght Abe mlloql ilpop to give ovi` `that ` 0 gam- .` .'*-I I';.1 ~..'- ' L ;;uL_: A. if to make certain um m. this` not izufriendly inveusiggtor should not h L- --A' W7-.." --- we-uuacu VII UIIU `_of"'.'t_`lnei:- e_eI:le,.ih'f. employee of the ijepertment he was linetznoted to inviee-' and 1` "relative merrieie -of the Miieter, ldunl independence. among mem- ?of Parliament that the Govern- :9f_ the day should be allowed to on promue oioes of emolumento `bers, either an a rewardlor cop'- ;:i'-liqmenb the present `Pelt-` gun in me very last or ,'.l, `r-* `rel; with trio [n Ipp*~ 05 V `three of. the port; inthe .-.- I """" "1" ' And. this, although the member who brought the charge offered to abide by the result of V the investsgaiion, and, in the event of his failure to substan- tiate his charges, to forfeit` his right to sit in Parliament. or to hold any oice `id theegift` of the crwn. More, and perhaps worse, thanthia, notwithstand- ing` the solemn condemnation of rho` repraotioa of. [referring charges against Ministers to` Royal:Conrrnissions created _upon_ the advice of 5 the accused; '* , ---v -vwIIIiU\I0 . `-_'v".l`Ahe ,Gove1:-nvlnentv entrusted the duty of inveaxif ting the chgrgeq to one at-" nmx- '..a:..;.a.. .-:.v -- - ` . `.`OAx_1 th; conrafy, vhgaccusd Minis- ter backed by his colleagues, positively Aiefused to grant a iudical enquiry. uA.'..1 4.L:.. -14 f -' - -- --`1----V II-D `to: . . . all charges mxsconduc in oce against Ministers of the Crown? t1I'\ .,l.-_--v-- '._[`hiewae thedeclared belief of the Libe:'a1 patty then. I believe it to be th`e.be1ief'of all the uue Liberals am. The m_aking_ ofusueh 'aV declaration im. plied a promieevto the people, which. as a pa_rby,: we cannot ignore, much less repudia, without; being chargeable with falsehood and diahonour. How have our party leaders dealt with that promise `I ' "".l.`_ha:t _1s':.-the ancient and un- doubted. right `of the House 0! Com- ` monsfto` enquire into all the matters not `public expenciiture, and into all charges ters of the `Crown , land the reference of such" matters` to Royal Commissions created upon the advice of the accused irariance with due responsibility of Miniatersto the House of Commons, and tends to weaken the authority of the House, overthei Executive_Gov- erntnent, and- this convention airms that the powers of the people's repre- sentejivee in this regard should on all tting occasions be upheld. H1! of` misconduct in oice against Minis-' scmznulna smron. _ ' `'A;meng the solemn deelaretione of principle inade `by the National A Liberal convention at? Ottawa, in June, 1893. was the following hearing nplon the principle ef the independence of Par- liament :- tel . < 4 %3Bt1iiisii.innm`*% ..igeing! ~sd yo't.i_n"g 1' wish Awash fnj:ds#ips ma other emcee A vVi'1z.'i4h_ Thisieharge. may'*not be ewe11n.eo`qnded; __I_t.:is_ so be hoped can in ie" not. But; isj-i`cVn`ot humiliat- ing te reeobvthab the coud uoc:af`our lenders has been - "such that a. charge 'like this, ~- involving inetfable disgrace to our parl5y,x~' can be made with an evidently condent `expectation that 11; will be believed`! V ei-"" nf1`1.lnBere gnu \ 1'j:b1is:ii~%;;i`d rdraggea `ig id: gii giiir. `heat :`Iv}Ered hf of" nearly 838,000,000, except the fact that we are burdened down With debt", and _ with oicesholdeae, grew and email " - A V The controllable nhpuele expenditure dlufing the lat four of Conserve-V ve Adminintguiipn an fallen :- , 1,893..).a;...;.'..86,811:,02 ,. ': . .j{}n.t .`_'37,5.8,0g5_ `,5 i 7-1`s.95 -- -f3 .` . e _ `itfhmnnifeeite ohnie ~ I; _ __'.l,`h'ere_~ienet at syllable in ' hie" the V (Grit leaders, .eei_I ` '79} _` Here ie what `Mr. Cooke] -. _ nR_oKEN: mien wrfra run Phone. I" _then,_`with a full sense of my V ~ Q31 responsibility and with "a deep ieneneee of [the gravity of the I am` about to` make, 3t-hat`];. ' -it as` my deliberately formed` V =that~the`pree.ent- leaders of the rel party, Sir Wilfrid Lanrierend colleagues in the Cabinet ' (or "Vet. seneh of them as were membereof niberal party. when in Opposition). . (Hive betrayed, the principles . of A psm, been false to. their pledges,` e dj-7'bre):en faith with the people `of j shade. " "Hon. Wm. Mulock inn `equally `emphatic: `There -is nothnug to war `AIR. ' g- _.'..`_.._'_A --sir Richard Cartwright md.--1` my that it is a disgrace and ad ena_me to Government `that have been entrusted inch our affairs that. they come down to us and aeuki for. up expenditgre gt s3s,poo,`ooo Ta` yeti sen: 'Feder`a~_l',"pni-.\ nnnnn` Q5. 31... .I.:._.... 1- ` Hon William Paterson said :-l`We are taking $6,1l5.000` more in taxes ant of. the. people. than we. should, % and ya spend` $7,571,000 more-than we should, ` ' `_'Hon. David `Mills deelired that he had no doubt that the ecienoy of the public service might . be increased, and the expenditure` redhead by almost one- half::. T T V | and defined the ' premise made by the Liberal party :-"l'he Liberal, party ir Louis Davies thus understood` says that several millions may belop-V ped off the present expenditure wuhout injury to the-pu__bl1c eervieet `I\ "Sir Wilfrid Lanrner said :-`If we get into power we will follow the ex- ample of ~Mr. Mackenzie, andl will say that although we znaylnot be able to bring the expenditure to what itlwas under him, we can reduce the amount two, yes, three millions of dollars per year. 140.2. 'I',. 9 1-,\ "Not to speak of statements madel by otherprominent and leading men of the party, for whose utterances we could hardly escape responsibility. I will give a few extracts from speeches made in amplication cf this promise by inembers of the present Government" prior tothe last general election :- 1lV' `I7-In - 9 - `.`We cannot but View with alarm -the large increase of the public debt,* and of the controllabe annual expendi- ture of the Dominion. and -the conee quent undue taxation of the people under the Governments thuthave been continuously in power since 187 8, `and we demand the strictest economv in the administration of the government of the country. 1`? ' and them, have falsied the pledge E given t.o'tl1e people to preserve and maintain the independence of Parlia- ment ! V INCREASED THE EXPENDITURE THEY- WERE, TO REDUCE. "Perhaps the most. deniie and posi `tive promise made by our. party to `the electorate was that the public debt should be at any `rate-nos increased, and chat] Ehe annual expenditure of the Do minicn should be materially reduced. . Thiewae efdistinct: promise; not.some- phinq which might be inlerretl, but; pbsilively and denitely made by the ' convention that dened our party pol- icy.end reesserted over and overegain by bheleaders. Here is the promise as made by the convenoiou :--+- no Beoatise they positively cure all dis- h cases brought on by impoverished blood,` such as` heart u-ouble, nerv- ousness, rheumatism, dyspepsia, etc.,i Because they induce sonnd, healthy I sleep, and restore VIM, VIGOUR. and VITALI'I'Y to the body. V system to successfully` resist attacks 1 of colds and the inseparable re- ` sults, viz., lung and kidney troubles, a fact of especial importance at this season of the year. 50 cents per box. u bouI82.00. All druuku. C BuaW11llunl80os. 1'01-onto. Ont. D{rA.e Ward's-+--~ e " Blood and Nerve Pills ` No" remedy ever introduced in Canada has gained so many words of praisefrom suerers all oventhe coun- try as' these thoroughly effective pills; A 13.0!!! - . ~ --- ------- V-'\ Sir, _t_h.e thing um-rly` no- 1."! sum" .1 _ ..... sun" `In I u `J. 1.- ROBINSON. ..-- V V , ,____ _-_.. ....uuouuu:.1 X UEBARRIE .1 have for ad tion._in good of bgight yoyng anadnan children, bo Parties desinng them are asked to. communicate with the, Secretary. REV. E. M. C. BOTTERILL, _ 3.,_,;.',_\ i._I.. . THE CHILDRE nf N_'S A_ID SOCIETY OFBARRIE pave adogtnon. m ____J`, z9gd_ Homes. a number nohb .-........ , _, .._..,.v so unsvwalirlu Contractors, Builders, Manufacturers. &c. Doors, Sash, Blinds, l\Io_ulding. &c. . Planing and Dressing of every desnpuon. Hot All` Drying Kiln. lasti- matsturnished _free of charge on all kir.d~ of wood work and buildm, material. Handle all kinds of work promptly an satisfactorily. See our work and get our prices. 7 Factory, Bayeld street, north of the Fonndry. V .14-lv 1 i Robinson 8. Macpheriin, CIVII', luau:-._- _. ' l""'J' jg"; Neither can theyfail to know that- :-`nc honest effort has been made to full the pledges and promises made by `__-gese` men when asking the support of fthe electorate. But I feel that the f;;:i'{g`ravity of the charge I make. and the gpprsonal responeibilityattaching to one nndertakesto publicly make such. upqharge, requires that I edduce-proofs convinced that I ought to do this, "Fuse one of the members of the rihinet has recently had the temerity ':.j;g1im, publicly, that every pledge ' ifpromiee made by them prior to the` "' `: ;_,`*general election has been redeem-if _ ...u- ...... are mu omen--SPICES oni i kinda. of 1', etc. {Ida .Thes;e5tR%l?aTl; 5-:ut'dr_ugs in at a DRUG . kn ht-hem mu her peopgnfc own `more about Dn::r`| .Ior_e. Cgm and ask us .`. . 1 nun D3114]; KLANINU IWILL C( 1. Carpeaterin Building a_nd manu Doors, Sash. B all kinds "done promptly satisfacw Blast Drying Kiln. g ber. Factory-_-BayVeld Street, Barrie. _J & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. _.____________.______._} -...--.u: I VW Uh` One is a drug. of course ; t . Ind lhlh non -t3II -1 ->-;_-_ , HE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY- Carpeatering, and manufacturing` 01 nm... \`-...l- I2 :-1- -- JAS. -EDVVARDS CONVEYANCER; At his nmrn nnl p -.'.-... . ... I_:_ _,,-, vvuv B YHlVUl.'.H At his office until 5 p'.m.; at his private residence. 68 Mary street. after that hqur. u-ly .___.__ vr-uvuvvllg cwu-. ENGfN'E_ER s. common -AN D- ONTARIO LAND suavayons. -jg In the l?(itcl"'a'-fen. . ` -R. T. BANTING, Clerk County of Simcoe, will be at his oice. at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturdav; Residence and R0. Cookstown. > - mugs and chemicals naummes, plans and specimth aared. Ofc -Bothwelfs Bmuus. ONT. ' .5 y w..s_. . _ . . - uxungages. mcL;AK'1'HY. SON. Dunloo Street. Barrie. IIIUIIE I I U I-UNI`. We have a, large amount of Private Funds to lead at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. McCARTHY. BOYS 8; MURCHL Street. Barrie. 7s76,Uoo ::2::o.;*::;*:=.:1':;;:;17.,Twe:: =d rate of interest. Nolfrincipal money required until end of the term. H. STRAIHY. Solicitor, Etc., Barrie. \ `- .._. ._..._.__...:__.._.__- .__.______._.._ ____. --.---- - I O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissountcd. Collections maduin any art of the County. Real estate boughtand sold. cave) - imcing in all its branches.` Marriage Licenses issued. 0'1ce-Ross Bloclk, Dunlop street Barrie. ,- ~ AC V. R. J. ARTHUR R055, L.R.C.P. & S , Edin- burgh; M.F.l . &`S., Glasgow, member of _British Upthalmological Society. Speclall.V.- Diseases of Eye, Eur, '1`nrou,l. andoae. OFF 1CE.-78 Dunlop-Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Oice and Railway station. Phone 54. P. O.` Box 96. V 7-ly DR. W. A. -ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. R.C.S. Edi_n,. L.R C.P.. London. Olces and night tesidence`--l$`rown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. M _ "I might. leavethe subject hereand. 9) ak my fellow Liberals to `consider the `"e_herge I have made and weigh it` egeinash their own knowledge of .the political hiatory of the Dominion since the [Liberal leaders assumed oice. They are intelligent_men' and reeding Amen, and cannot fail to know that. not one principle for which the party stood under the leadership of Brown, Mao- kenzie, and Blake is now guiding the j `_ present leaders of the party. ` AA\'P_LI, - - DR. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S.. Ont., (late of Drs. Harvje & Smith, Orillia.) Oice and residence --corner of Owen andVColher streets, Barrie. 23-ly MARRIAGE LICENSE AISSUER. 3. HKUAU. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C. . . P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon or Toronto General Hospital, with special attention to diseases of women, and nose and throat work. also `for some time surgeon xn charge of Emergcncv :1 os- pita]; Toronto. Office and night residence -.upstairs In McC4rlhv Bock. 2x Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. turmture \Va.rerooms- near Five Points. zcrly L R..J. F. `Falling, Graduate of Trinity Umversity .Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the Co.lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Onta`.rio.* ` Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. M. CAMPBELL. Barrister, Solicito:-, otary, etc. Moxie to loan. Oices-Barrie ark! _Sta.yuer. Barne Bank of Toronto Buxldmg, Owen street. . , 5-ly xan\41LLLz 3 DQLDLV. ` . _ _ . Barristers, _ bohcxtors m H1gh_Court of J ustices, Notaries Publxc, Conveyancers. Uices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. - I Hxwsouz xc is this 4;her a chemicnl"; -and than are still other:-`SHOES of all cream tartar`. etc HEWSON & CRESWICKE, ban-iste_rs, Solici- tors ofvlhe Su reme Court of Judicature of Dntatio. Proctors. glotaries, Couveyanccrs, etc. Moneyto loan. Oices-Ross Block, Barrie. (`ELI ...... -- """ G A. RADENI-IURST, Barrister, Attomey,. O ' Solicitor! in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. OIce-Firs door Owen street. over Bank of Com- ma;-ce._Barne. ' A 49-48. yuan 1. n x ,_Du-1 3 an M uxcuruaun. ',l:ia.rris- I ters; Sollcxtors, Conveyancers. etc. Success- ors to` McCarthy. Pepler & McCarthy. (`$1-5+ !\IIn(`n-sL.. l)l....|- ls..._.-_ c._._. 19, - 7.-- - -nova. nu . -. vyu-o In uautuax uly. ] 0`i'ce -j-McCatthy Block, Uunlop Street, Barrie. J. A. MCCARTHY, i - W. A. Boys, T` I" H/fun:-nu.-.- 1 W. 1 LA)'1'0N, Barrister, solicitor, (J. Conveyancer. Moncv to Loan. Private company. at lowest rates. Office in Bothwelfs Block, opposite Railway Depot. 27-53 :_.._... _ . g.m:uu;-L, AKDAGH, COWAN & BROWN. Solicitors for `obtaining probate of Awmizllhfdianshib and administration, and General o|icil_:ors,VNota,tieS, Convey anccrs, etc. HAUGHTON Lxmxox, . `Auzx. Cowm,` 'B.__I,-louronn ARDAGH, G. E. I. Bxown, L.L.B A_ : Hinds` Blo.k, No. 6, Dunlop street. Bar- ne. M . - V Branch 0ices--Lennox 8: Ardagh. Gravenhursl; Lennox. Ardagh, Cowan & Brown, Creemore and- 'Aill8ton.- 3 5-ly MDMDV 'I"r\ I nnxr 'R9SS. `&r.~ BROKOVSKI. Barristers, Solicitors . `V ` gjothes, gonvcyancers, etc. "Offices Bank 0 Zlfdronio Buildi`ng.~_-Barne`. Branch Office, Cold` water, Money `to Loan. - r\..-.`.-.. n. -_ _- _ - A -- _v-,. a-uvuv sv an-I-' Domw Ross-, LL.s. :AUVL51`-Barriste;.ASolicitor, Proctor, Notary. * I Coggzeyancer, etc. Sptcial attention in. dgawmgVai:'dTprqbat:ng wils, obtaining letters or adgriinistration and rdianehip, ccling I etc. Roan Block. Ran-n-_ Mnnuu r.` I nan n H. H. S'mA'r1_nr. _g.c. .I take this means of -doing what I `I `onsider my duty -because "it a_'orda me ...,u_he.:opportunity to ask my fellow Lib- jgheraljae whether they can reconolle ya ::%fu"rther support of; men who have be- Itrayed them and deceived `the country `with their own convictions bf what is iduehto the principles of Liberalltm ?.

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