Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Sep 1900, p. 8

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A large am: gage sec` u'iU3`LlIll `may be ex Bv order 0 M ter at_ay 1 achmc (65 IO The Women's Auxiliary of the W. F.M.S. at the Presbyterian church will hold a meeting tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, in the church. A full at- tendence is requested.` BRANW 5. . lxcelsmr < UA ~AD famil '. i RU Iv _V VA `cg pic.` h wi llc 5-ly N elli_e Steqglss hss rota`:-qed `b.m" s`pen(_1ing'some weeks in Toronto.` Mrs. '-(.Re'v.) Hearn, of Indiana, * U.S., is visiting her father, Rev. Dr. ._ Taylor. I 1 s G3 `W, }. Iv` p4 Mun. ` . Mincsnng, onlv dang _..uvIct\ '55" A hravnoxm-n Va hcto fyf tin Y"? inzeres Special `mee-tinge will be held in Bothwell a Hall here, commencing on `Friday evening; Sept. 28th, at 8 p.m. Meetings Saturday and Sunday at L 10' a.m., 2.30 and 7 p.m. ` . A. an -- - g ` 4 --u:v , uvvv v -- The Y. P. *8`. of Pr ll bnyterianl Church, Allandale, intend hol ingtheir Annual Studentfe Social on Monday evening Oct. 131:, at 8 o'clock. A good programs is being prepared.` Light re- freshments will be served. Admission 15 cents. V ' Mr. and, Mrs. MoAteer, who hsve been spending the summerin Toronto, have dec1ded to take up their residence permanently in Allendale. The Burton Ave. Methodist choir will give the musical part of the -`pro gramme at the harvest; `home ten held at Grentel next Monday evening. 1! 11-7 9 . ov- -- .- -..v -,-.--v-.- -1- : via! Rev. Canon Whittakeriend sister, who were visiting their 'eiater, Mrs. Haughton Lennox, have ieturuedto their home in England. . Mrs. J. W. Mo0leary;returned home on Saturday evening from a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in To- ronto. T T For `Cl: 01 mily Flour and all kinds of Fee uklnlowmk All` order: dblivere In any uanut . Please leave 3' den at t e`IVI1l olce or Telephone 0.28. ` Ti1`eV'VRev. J on. Young will prea`cl.1_`an anniversary sermon in the Grenfel Methodist nhuroh next Sunday morn- ing. -I u-I-but run . -`-' Mr. Tar Bush and _'family__left last week for Sturgeon .FallB, where they will reside. ' rs. Pearsonond `Miss fPearaon,1 of Toronto, were visiting Mrs. Geo. Cum! mingavlaat. week. . _ Mr. Wm. Hill let! on Tuesday for Toronto, where he has secured 9. good situation. ' Conducboi Dunnett has moved into one of Mr. H."Dollery4's_ houses on Bar- `ton Avenue." __ ' - T Mr. W. Storey Vhaa_ Hzoved. intoithe Vhouse` recently vacated `by MraI R. Hubbub. ` .V A ` Mr. S. Bcughton left on Monddy to jtftend the British American College, .f"%Toronto. L ' . ' h ' Mr. :lohi: Gave; hhhhrnhh` -oh Satur- day night to his home in Meaford. % Mr. ma Mrs. Jae. Pirie are` viaing _frionds in Stratford. - lTh'e B. of R. 1'. held their regulai meeting` on Sunday azernoon. ~_ V a % `Mr; and Mi; more .3... visiting %fr_ienda in Toronto. - . V !"'U'l'URl!!`O7I'1`Y.A W "'a3Ee';g bmktaae man were um. tqltyzdmsedinjwhiceg;;_2 % LL; `;.A-._'_A_!_-_ ____A_-I--`A_ >`---'->r- `Ill 73! LIIIIN V9335} The ..-w"'edding presents were both numeropd dud beautiful, amonat than ; being a mqrblo,.;.l66k frdxp the"truaogaf_5 of the -'1`ho`Arnt,ou_ 1Mqtl;odiat'9h.1r9h',$. a_ Q`i1V9f.`t9$V;3r?i?=*!9m4 *h: : i`5'Fs% .-"lnrs6*%ilvr[aconwsizitowj*r:Eb!V 1a'_ -- I...-u Dr. 0. J. Bailey, of Oreemore, sup- ported the groom, and Messrs. Wyburn Edmonds, of Alliaton, slid Truemgn Baaley, of Riosemont, were kind. and attentive ushers. .After the wedding procasbiqn `had departed to the 'etraina of the wedding much, the lo.rgeA an. aemblage repaired tqthe reai.d_enoe= of the" bride's fpurents, -whre treqetion` : _aa, held and" 9. choice 'dVaj'euner_._,pu1~. 6 _ IV ohes `were made :~'jn_- propoihg pud =ra_spQnihfg' $9 the vario}1I_50Iiats;'Vv4V .' . Mr.s.3o ` ingnd1i;;thet~:` um. 'VvIII _ nnl.III:IIllVIlI9l~- f- 1 . A -vvu-`trail: Ion rnlnlh til CUIVII I Mrs. (Dr.) D. `B... Hen;y, of 'S:}'uth Lyon, Michigan, U_.S.,' presided at the organ and. rendered ani3b1_ u1`t_1aio_.V _ _ The bridegroom?e gift to the bride was up opal and diamond r1ng,`to. goal: of the bridesmaids [a pin eet with pearls, and to the`organiat,a brilliant pm. ` ' ` - , `l\._ :1 1 1-5-2:; ,1: A .-_, Q -VCUIIIIDIIU Va rs-an VUIDIOIHUIVIIVO I, he bride entered the church accom- panied by her father and attended by Miss Laura Ball, of Orillia, cousin of the bride, Miss E. Sherlock," of, To- ronto, and Miss Edith Ball, sister of the bride, who were pretty gown": of white vorzandie, trimmed with chiffon and lace and each partied 3 beautiful bouquet of pink oernutioua. ` mt..- /n_\n` u 11-.___ -1-in_`__.1; v nu -u-n---a oruoou Va -I-vlll '.' '.i`he lovely and }quthtul Vliiiiie was` attired `in an exquiaitegown of white ducheaae `satin, trimmed with chiffon and baby ribbon,'__ and she wore a mag- nicent veil, and carried a_ beautiful bouquet of pink carnation. rm.. :...:.1. ....`..;..:| .L- `.I_....-1_ ---___ ...-..,. _ The ceremony was performed [by e the Rev. A. `B, Dobaon, M.-A., of 3 Fordwioh, assisted by the Reverend: J '. A. Trollope, M.A., of Roeement, and J. J. Spa:-ling, B.A., of Fennelle. ' VIVL- I-__`l._ -_.1 _.-._-I_L__| L-_2_1-__,_, .-----.J, -- v u The spacious church, ` beautifully decorated with owers; was, crowded with eager lockers-on, who were gather- ed long before the time for the core- mony. L - m'|.- --..-...-.._ ._-;. ._-_.n-,._--_I `- vi; . 'n?rB'zt}'Ja1fm,'i.i1I'$`33m}'sIn`z`3 yards -all through V that district are filled with cars for this great increase .in the traic. For the past two months the dealers have turned in fey orders. owing to the belief that lumber. would drop in. price ; now.'that there is no in- dication of any changein .the scale of prices, orders are coming in verylfast, and the mills will be taxed to their out-` most to ll the demand for export lam. her. 4 . ` One of the prettiest 1 . most fashionable weddings of the season, took place in the Townline Presby tetisnh church on Wednesday afternoon,` the 12th inst, whenMiss Eie A. C. Bell, second Vdsughten. of Mr. `snd- Henry Bsll, was married to Mr. Lawrence Bailey, D. V. ' s n_`_ ____________ _|_u_A_,1 |__, non #- ` `Goueralr Division ' Frei'girt Agent White, of the Grand Trunk`, has return- ed from a trip to North Bay. V He re- portaau enormous increaaeiin the ac tiviby in". lumber, particularly for'ex- I \Aun` u-n:n' `.';;-I--- 'L -- ----- ---~`~ On September: 5th a special train was run it-om Allandele to>'Norih Bay, a. distance of 164 miles, ine3 hours and 33 minutes. Twelve minutes of this time was spent in steps.` This is cbn eidoreda--an ~ exceptionally. fast - run. It will be of interesno train men to note that Conductor Anderson with Engi- neer McLe_od of ` engine N o. 466 was in charge.--Gravenhm-at Banner. . ll . i9iiths=`.'qr$t1g.;nurish 1 as a separate`.p_a_rish;?{rom. '91 and of : .the >A vis peopntanae thjem. eiis;ten'i:e h laying of tlie'6ori!reitone 03, 399$.` ~22; A 1892.?"And'.h`e said": that as.thaj`.;two * funds were not separate,` viz,` -the measure by Building Fund andcurrent expenses-is this w_as- at-he,5titfne,g when the Presby- terian: and Methodist denominations were providingifer theremoralof their church debts by subscribing` liberally towards their s20`t_hl '.oentngry .funds,`.. for the Church of England -people .bsfoi`e. theclose of the present century to put their Building Fund on a 'sube_tanti`all basis. At the evening `service which was thanksgiving, the AVRev. Mr. Bagg- `Scott preached, and took for. his- sub- ject the Good Samaritan, which be fully explainsd,jand tin the-course of his remarks spoke of the duty. of ' God's people, giving at" least as much as a Jew was enjoined` by God s word to give, a tenth; The church was. most tastefully decorated for the occasion. The singing was good towards which, Miss Kirku _ contributed in no small V gauging as a solo with most. pleasing ebct Abide with me. The thank offering was the largest by $10 ever taken up on such an occasion. Raway Notee. _ The following brakemen from this place are running on the Midland D1vision:-`A. Lavalle, Alex. Parker, Charles Dixon and J. Orr. ` V Marriage Chimes.` - _Among the guests from a distance were: Mrs. Bailey, mother of the bridegroom, Rev. J. A. Trollope, -Truemsn Bailev, and Dr. J. A . Bailey, Rosemont 3, the Misses. Sherlock and Mir. F.rewe11,, Toronto`; Miss Gunning- hsni; R. j Ognningham, Creigh. 7 ton;-.; Rev; 3B; "IDobson', Fordwiohe 3 r-the ,lMisse"7Bill and Mr. Bell, Orillia; WBl'iMi`h9ll1Llsandi Dr. G.-J- Bailey. B-*1 Hem..soue Lyon - `,- Rev; .:lh1(lf:Mt.'_ J; .1; :,s;p`ar1-= good wishes from _a hqatof friends; A___'.... `LL- ..._._A._ 5...... Q 1 THE ~"ADVANCE. -'r}1&'3v"F}`:i"$f5;3';1ve. . 1 We adjust them so that they are i perfectly adapted to the features. The can be made up ivith either solid `gol 5 old lled (warranted 10 years), or ni elr trimmings.` ThAvr nuns and` .....-...-8... All the Wonders end Pleasures oi 0 e Iligh-Priasd `lallnin -. sciuine. When accompanied b a hecorder this -Gmpi;c :I>hone can be use to make Ru -.01-ds. Price th Recorder. 87 50, Reprodu.-es all thestandard Records. 8nd order and money to our nearest ooe. cowmsu PHONOGRAPH co. neon so `WWII! VIIDV o.- -._ 15..-_.|__-__ . Not invisible but nearly so. 1119' with solid an-A1 ` non`; AA I.--4-au\cn`A:' [3 engines` N0 .9IH?R- FEUCH FUN-I 0- H-.-!!4.eeEABEN- IGRARHOPHONEI uzucnuu, 88 Wabash Ave. 81.`. LOUIS, gm 2: Olive St. WAS I GTON, C5119 Pennsylvania Ail. PHILADELPHIA, 1032 estnut St. j BALTIMORE, :08. suumoresc. BUFFALO 3: Main 5:. - ' sAfu-` NCISCO :2 ceuyst. . I PARIS, 34 Boulevard des ital ens. - . ERLIN. 55-Kronenstnue. vroivui-OI I IIVIVYYITII II 3? W Yew:-;~:e;=a ;:": ....' LOUIS. no-72.2 Oliv: S`: A -S.cien`tlfl i>;tici:{,- Mucl.A.REN's onus STORE. RAflRlE. . r) w J-_.>V,,\'NNm: rn `ant"8tre6ta.W=1%a:~%%!raatv;nwa1I:% !{11I'3- `$5 1"?.`i"`Y. .P1`1`1.`-5-.D`1`; 1?` -in-head Paople `wan _mntioe*8ett_1emont I .aA .Week1v _Reporc}.' _ fl` `, Mrs. 0: Lewis Via visit?:in ielitiveb ;Gravenht_x_rat-.` f . 1 _` ._ " ` Mr.` E; TLavia,%of Depot _ Hdrb9r, is `hqme`ona:viit._.-..-. 1 _A V ad nomevlra aes mmens. ER LIN. 55 -Kron_enstruse. * Aovl-:n1'Is: IN A REAL :5-50-`ox . k'Va1iS;s;% % A ;i%.%T195" 3-M-WRIMR1 Boots and Shoes % VERY CH-I.`-IAPJ. ` - %` hue" s. 0. E. { W h$,"j.i:er1y - -IAI_1eetinVg:laat night (Wa_dneedav) f ;,'. Mrs, John Wilson, of Stroud, was '7.`vgi;_ti!'Ig' Mn. Lot Webb last week. I%%FRAwLEY&%DEvLI N, mnumgp my-59. dppslte 1n':'_e'Eajti_ Vntranca 13116 ` ,_. 47_-1 Our goods are ail` fresh ahd_ good. You will nd this the Che.pes_t ' `pvlaceLin _town t_o.1buby. . For this month we will sell V our lines of V aovs- aoors. V At 8l._50_--'Men s Fine Dongola Kid and ' A-meripsm Calf Lace or Congress, . 011' ]tl 1e1a.teal; ghapes, extension to"10, very easy style. 8}`3 .>j4 .'!_Q- -`-V"-l_[e'x1.. 8 Choice Box Calf Lace i - ap,'extenion Baltimore 7, a splen'd_,'boo ` daywear, easy 'Your Fall Footwear. Fraw|ey s Shoe s:m|;;$4 h Mr. T. R. noagl, t- cleveiana, Ohio,` 2nd Vice Grand Master of the Brother- hood of Railway Treinmen, paid an oioial "visit to Lake Simcoe Lodge, no. 377, 13; of R. T. of this place, on .j.-hood `held a special meeti'nginf the evening, e'nd4e'fter" the regular routine: hneineda of the Lodge" bad i been gone . 3 ':th,ro,u'gh. with,` the Grand cdeterggove` Wednesday of last week. The Brother- ngaehortv ,ed_dre?ee, `*oomp1imen_tlog `the, b,t8k.df"_~Luk6`.f55?0'?.`L039fit)- . i5ii =6t%!!diiIs*nd" " A man - d.:P1]- A` A-Visit to our store will easily satisfy your judg1nent,t o_.1.1'0-Iinworthy qualities enter our stock, none but up to date styles ;kPt_1n'h'3-Dd. 8!1d_no_extravagance prevails in our prices. Th we solicit a fair share of your patronage. That is why 'y;_0u_;-to Buy your shoe weer here. . Another reason, the asso } ;mnf Ii` .d0l_lb;1`h6'anywhe1-e else, hence better choice, better ml 2 W._3h0`b!_I1 the {prices for your conside1`:1tion_.:` Wh1`, t'0b1_1y the betconcerns every man, woman and child v A-visit I 4-,BoY.s' BOOTS. ,9.Q'~`-`-j-Boys Boston Calf toe cap. peg, whole f0X . to 5, sold usually $1.10. VL "1 Iiace Boots, toe cap, pegs '_ted "to wear well, sizes ` :_75c} - `t [S,`i'r.`P1V'_.I4:na'BE1z 27 % In luuuus hursdgy. 1 _e With ! The nuisance of boys hanging around in groups underneath the store veran- dahs and trying to be smart with their tricks and insulting language, is becom- ing unbearable. Parents, do take a little interest in your boys welfare, and see to it that they are kept out of mis- chief. Give them something that will attract them to their homes. It will pay you in the long run. By the way, it would not he amissto say a word to young girls going to school. Very frequently the large school girls are seen on the streets nearly-every night, when they should be at home. studying their lessons. Some" of them go. "to school morning after morning and don t know the first thing about` their .work for the day. Of `course when] ex- aminations come aronnd`_ thdy naturally * _fail in nearly al'l`subj90l.8 and jthengthe'*' ?.h1ame`,is' put on theteacher. - It}_.-isgnote f,_`ji_|_;hefteaoher's`fault,' it is >.the.%.pup,ils gfault for. not doing ethei r.rlu[ty. -~:;<`. r"';"f . ":'."I|nI III -I\ nu ` ' .4 mini: ha` "`u,"5`4`&.>. .9`

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