Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Sep 1900, p. 11

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can no u `wm. - --_.. E They both remembered the` words. Ty'1`they- at-o-ond waftchim.g_ the boys until. ' they 'di:s:-1ppaa.redL behind the trees. 1 ` "'Tlvey will_ not so near th.e-'ri_ver,- I hope. said Lady St. Just. , ., ` ` _'fNo," Lfoplibod her lmsband. "Oswald g i hope." Lady T` .'fNo," lfoplieod In 9"` 9 ? "`9"`f7'_ And bheJi,- with the sun shining on {"th'en1, 'theA song of the birds in their ' ears. t-h sweet perfI5.xm~ of the flowers Ehrbnmd them. they re-entered the For saottaehou.r.s on that bright sun- li.t no one suspected any- thing wrong, Lord St. Just J.1'o`de ovurt'.h*e eetts/to-he-V had many little matters to atbemdv to; Lady St. Just had lebtens of 'mvitation to send out; the ae:w.-:uta.- were busy- No one. thought-of the absence 0! the two boys oxtraorcdinabry. n L -I-__`__L -___ .. .._ _...'- J-L...-n.In.J--P11` ' V A - - "Eco sirens . emiggw-_ I-HJ B 9&IaAI\lA.'una.qau-.uJ. , ` Indy St. Just was more thoughtful hhian u.s.u_a1' `lzhais mr;-rning--_for, as they entered. the he-ruse, `he,-r huosebrmd had told her the time was came when they rniglht safely; tell the young Sir Oa- `wald. his `h-istrotry. She was thinking dea_pl.y/onf all. that wm 1.ldA arise` from 'i.1_1qu'me_ if the .boys hand co-`me in. The,; pansacrn who snzspepte any- tbilpug wmnag was onset the garden.- `plcasoum. `boat oa.ting slowly up- aads down: _ HTewandrecl.t:o;h!im8el as tho `ivhht -it -maea1tt_an~d`-than:.went h_on.t and ears were missing, _ ' A _ro< no cmmqea.) it, or ath'e= nisx`btIh'aVe= found time to" arm, wbor, pass-ins Joy the rlvem aa_.w at, ;to me. pboat-house and fllnd both I A Inowhoy bad mm to `wheel man wt;-om `the country... the ready sue 3*-~a`u_1d. "of .t`.hFe ctity .c.hi:lI, was quite mpknown; to 1 =.. ~ ` : f hat : yum ' quened hp -QVTJVZV -l'v1IIu~vu-y -----r __ ____ __ sohzxod hwt 9. tut time5I.em'uiano&!8i Gv|tu'gn;- " VI` 1-.- 0!-. lays mm smsm -2--| Altsefujl lowlealzue. iltdiust-I.:VeepisrsA (mi! ' %c:srs-~.t1;um cmuna a -ram Dimple mamectien "their my Restore costly .Gn r|npcIns.. ` -To watsnmcesaftilly wmr spots and; .s1:ai:ns one needs}; simple `armament 1 and a little k-nobwledge. _x- q u now To nsmovfinnn wmiour r % mmmr 'ro1-`mamas. ~ ms tlssoma part at the it~i'mwledge;'-I l`r11i't stains of everyesort will tie no` harm to things washabletf they are .Wat hrdugh and through wrtthaloo-' fhol before going in the wash. 'V*ary" stains. `as those of wine upon ; table] I eh, will come put-it they are ` ._.._| .. bup1.u,LLue%l,_ W111 conw put: 11 tney are ;_.-rat v'etew1.t. sold `water`anv.r1' then have a stream-of watelj pdlired tsh:rou.gh_ them for two or three min- V-utes. Stai-ns- pon` am: or stuff, or La fancy trocsk beyond laundry possi- 9 bilibioa. may be got rid of thus; Fold! '9. cheesecloth `square thiekly and lay it smooth upoxrthe board. over that stretch the stainadetutt smoothly, rig.h't"a'ide down. If there is a lin- 1IIi.' rilplt so as to get at the under s~1':de_. But first `brus:h?, not only the stain, bull: this whole garment, thor- oughly so as to remove all the 4i1nvis- 1 iblevdust and prevent the cleansing; from leaving an ugly circle, `worse than the spot itself. "Pour a ntu alcohol through `the eapot, and dab the place lhlarrd with a soft, clean rag.` `lI._AA ` -v-vv uauu.-u vvu;uu. a. auLI., usual-I 195-; Shift the spot over a fzjesh placebon } the cheese cloth`, and ,poru.'r on 'more% a lco1h`orl,_ using just enough to drench 1 tih'>' spot itself without` spreading. ` Do tthlias two or thre times, then look on the ri1gh1ts'iid_e. _-_._- _..v-. -- -`pow-`re Greasy an-di resinous spots, as those of machine oil, wagon grease, tar, pine and foedar resins, `ought to be also cleaned rl;g`h't side down on the folded cloth`. Wet them first with the alcohol, next very plentlfully with turpentine, and. last of all benzine. Between each! wetting Shift the spots over a clean place.` Pour every; tmingiin a very small, but steady `stream, so it shall go right through the spot, but not much outside it. After wetting rub hfard a. minute .w'it1ha soft rag`. When the cloth ttnderneatah shows white, turn the spot over `and wipe the right side quickly with a clean rag wet in alw- oohol; , Dry quickly, in the sun if. possible; let" the garment air for six ho1irs,_t.hen cover the spots, upon the wrong side, with a damp, not a. wet cloth, and press with a very hot iron. If the spots want stiffening `dvip a tooth! brush lighltly in the gum arabic,_~hIo1-:1 it six inches above `the wrong side of the cloth, and pass the finger across. it, so as to spatter the gum in fine spray where it will do" most good, than let the garment lie`! a few minutes` before ironing. ' :V-A~n acn-1stsain':h'as most likely taken out the color. Most times _it may be hbrougehrtivi baoak by supong-Eng the right side very delioatetly `with? ammonia` spirit. `But it is well to try the am`- rponia first on` a scrap of this stuff, as it may clh~:m.g:e the uns-potted sur- face, and tlhls do more harm than goeod. Greens in wash` stuff .n`1.ay be renewed Wistlh weak al-um. water,j but there, as with the ammonia, tryj it first upon 9. scrap. 9 % fl 7 1 . Gyeeae Spots, para and simple, up- on dqlicately colored silks are best hjoateud with either Frnch chalk or corn starohi. Pow-(tor the chalk fins: and till two little cheese cloth bags -loosely with it. Lay one1ba`g ..a..._ LII..- I___..__J. _ L --u--v vnauvuv \lL\lU hm" f1I.5s.i` {mo one bag `upon the bound", stretch the grease spot, right side down over it, and cov- ; er the spot with the second; bag, pat-`. it oust" at. 'I`:he`chaLk ought` to be only as quarter of an inch otahiok. . Set a hemry hot iron upon top of the upper bag, and leave it hero for several m:1nutes-of course, ta.-kaiug__are.~ tlhat. it does not scdrdh` tlha uncovered silk. ' Remove` the Iron and. um chalk bags, than if the spot ha": not. wholly dj.s`appgared,`.sh ake up tlhic bags, so` as to bring fresh chalk to they suqfaoe, and repeat the whoIe 3 ptoeess usntai`1_`t`h'o.last speck of gi'ea sev For soot smears and the marks of ._ d'u .st`, {me up a -hlan-dfuf of absorbent `cotton in a cheese cloth sq'ua,re., and `gdirp t'h'Q swab so formed in powdered ?qorn starch or French chalk, then. mb ovor the wh'ol surface of the '3-a1'm~e11"t., making long: steady strokes, always in one d`-irect..ion. Never mind "tibia white streaks left-a good s4haVk -, Eng will end tthm. If the swab gets d1i'r`ty,-t1'1`row away the clothan put on another. Mixing a lit'tl_e orris. `toot: ha` tpowdser throu3g h the `chalk `gives to Adelibate -f`r'eah!n'ess to thy garment. In tolada,or gathers where sw*a'b`voam not go; sprxlnfesthia o _ 1- gpakly, Ernst ha:tt f_az`ts' A la.tzr. rs: Ioe.5;oram'*stain`s,v wmrch 5% -`am:-V mymzosame mama, can of; taken &ur1n.g:~a:Iersha1 tnafoutgh tron: o 'll:"9:isy"`i_`ms 1n_`1.`k if ` ifi3f*`3oi! 'f: ` t - V ; Keeip g`ras8Ast`ai'.1i;I wet wwth` arcane; %tL3`-` -Raff an Sim by inirfins. on. `ii .345} a 1A:1e'o1ju ;aAt.{:4__;3__pI4'_`; if I ? V . % mar TT%r~ of-`than. I rqvlinkly. - water, white `soap and a m1iall.,"st4, brush. Firnt wot thh brush and rI;bit` haul: &lIId,gf0rtsl1 ;. with a.` 391:1: uraooaping motion, then rinse the briltlb well and rub on . a little-; sogp; Brunt: h`ard for a minuato, then turn the stain wrpnag. side up and brush`, using clear water plentdrully, but lceeping the stain prepsed down. in the tolded o1ot.h`,_so `the {water will not Illraad. ,__!I1-_I 4-1; . When wine or ink is spilled never try to": stmit up with: -9. my cloth; use one. wrung out jhiard instead. A. dry cloth will sxmir and, spread it. thej ioxom emnir and? the `Wet one sneak it up. Boiling water poured tmrdugh takes fresh ink (mt of cloth. Frorn. paper they are best dissolved wtlh alcohol, laying. the` stained leaf over many thick- masses of blotti.ng_ paper. Alcohol further takw ink stems off the fin- gore, also berry stains and those made by vpeelinzg fruit in quantity. Vinegar has miunh the same property. So has the peel of 9. sour apple or tag half of a green tom.a'to.-. _ A .1 L,_._ Fr -'l'uo ` `book didn't know much. Cats don't. Little Nettie .was learning to read, and part ot_ her lesson ran thus; The cat has a rat. "Ah!" sha ex- clainled, "the .maxi. who Wrote this" - _ \ have rats; they have kittens." 1 Llgtlrt party? tracks, as tarletane, lorgazndie, mull, may` have their wauth renewed by careful brushing, particularly in (the 1rms_ my p1_.1ozke1"s; apraying. wisthi dissolved gum and pressing` with moderately hot irons. For dank. tlhrin frocks or blak. lace use, in place of:t'h'e_gum, stele `beer. Dusty, rusty black lace may be dip- ped in it, Iaved; but not equeezed, sh1akern"orut, and clapped and..pulled until almost dry. Press with warm, not -hot ir_ons.`nnd hang to air for t,welvo hours. The beer restores the color and gives just teherigh-t stiff- ness for lace. Silk may be sponged 1 with it, but should be sponged after- war-d with clear water. and smoothed by rolling up when almost dry in place of ironing. Either undiluted `beer or pressing with irons makes it .hard and `papery. Hoaxe-"Does adrssrnaker sew seams 9" Jtrtx--'A'It. seems so." '"Ma'n. span-ds twenty years of his life in sleep." "You. are mistaken. I 1 He 'slpeW.1s at least five of the twenty 9 years iii battling with his women. re- `latuivves who want to make him get; up]! - . man tn his open-hearted way, I shail wolaoune yawaaa sovn-in_~law." "Alas!" returned `the young man dejectediy, my last hops is gone. If` I had your .oppousition I might hope to win her, but withmxt it there is_'n.o chance." '~ .My dear sir," said! the old gen.tIa- T'I1ere s one thing I must admjt`,"; said the Empemr of Ohvbna gloomily, as he: loosked over his `scrapbook. What is th.:it,f" For a man. who has been reported killed as often as I have, this is a very poor collectivon of e-pdt.aphs." ' ` ... - Hewit~t-"\V=hy are` you letting your boearld grow T Jewi=t:t-"Well, I don't mind telling you. My wife `has. bought me some willow patte1~n neck- tise5`.."' ; ` Thiere wash fool who rocked the boat, And now his friends must weep, For he's. at present roc'kri.n.g 'u`1 Thl cr"a:dleA of` the deep. `That man you sent up td clean th:e"ho"u;se is awfully stylish, Harry`."~ "Does he ' wear 9. silk hat 7" - No, 3 .but he beats the, carpet with a golf- stic-k.'.' "l v,e'g~ot a bright idea, Gorge `~zv...`.1..`.'.......!..u.... .......!.1.- 1.4:- i ~a;smoNo3fr e, vPd;INQUITY. . "1't rt"s_g btiifd `and grbom og'r';u.v` "at that oiiher .tabYo> _; _ `hhgw d you:lIno't..lf."- I ,. n. :.oIn;.' --A_u .1I`m;.->"I _..... _}:'|..;_1'" IJ . Train up the chifd of to-day, in the way 14;, :,qhsoaul-d go-amI away it goes. .I. R: U'l. it I.-n.I.5u'I. Luca, IIUULQU, V . Exclztimed t.h- m.=1ide.n.- fair tha yanng man by her sixfe. . As the arnsbieusms [ms-yd her hair`. U111` tires. ""No doubt," sttizf he; "and I'm. sure`, L It you would consent to go With we and fafcjs the minister, ` l"d ban a brighf-eyea dear, When aman gate in the swim he elm-ul~dm't splttsh too much at his joy ` <$~I_t peaopfte on`_ fI1eb`n_1l ;. ! I.gimm__anc:e iaSl't. a man: " mm mm-_ mark ism-the worm be orazlmsae- bf his-4 i.1nb'ri E=.`y` to `write his :' "Wife-"I_ Mr. Gri:gg*9o-n. x good `sory-teller 3" Httib.-1m _ He ;-as beam married Aight yetaxfs, and? iliis} wife b`3l`x`e_'ves_ everytimgl hie says I Morfahbr--"I am afr a-id Mr. Criss- _is not serious "mV.whisintentbns.- ,I)a5Ia$*l:-tar-".H". ia_ awlully hashtul, yaarlcuonw; |xI%- he dfteztingahimslf gt? `take a};._" "pi-ec1nrienx1._` I.`a`.t night he Wanted % "W" W av ---~-- , _ _ ~1 hazm hima sky tIi_&__t' hef _WouId o r`- 1 gm`; Ka`nsag* cdfn,- sag `fyj o` both ; "c..6f!.4f.I9t-605* '* ~ * A S`ERfdLi.`.E.'M'1`E:R. '1 *9` L%%waew12%%9avce:2raiu% e&n'% *sea` 9 Jake. ` & V'thleT dv;3sp_3 at .w atr ' Ponnrezei `ultra the mil-E M`1`.kB.ut6h'% mixl-km.a'.n.'s daugter ' D'naa3Ah2arse=I in silk. MERRY MOMENTS. [BUGLE no-ms ow THE WAR '%11?im .01-` .INT-1:3;-EST max 'r1'm. 4 % W B._fI`TLEFIELD. %r '11. ' ach- om 3:-Q but--. D----- 7 . .. E )2: .:,-:`i'(?" - A-gnu -` " '-'}i : 9`: I`. Bits-.01 mrornnaglont -Isnuu.-I.-ed _l*ruug' Ill! fetch! Journals--Gnll_uuu-y of `HIM?! M 'IlIeI-`Rm!--illtferant luwuls of Fire. Soldiers water--bot.le.'a are said to i be too small. . "An earthwork a yard'de'op' is `P1001 `against bullets. ` g A Night izvizirches `usually tak an hour for each mile. ' The Black Watch did not wear. the kilt.in_ Ashanti. 1874. Instantaneouatuse burns at a bun- dred met 9. second. A field battery in lino hasnaarly _z,1Th~undred yards frontage. - . M The first -military balloon ever used by the British was hired. V `Twenty different knots are uaqd in military ehgineering. Warren, like Kitchener, first saw- foreign service in Palestine. Rec-l is said tti be the best color to {be wqrn during night attacks. `ill! soft 063' The` line of an enemy : retreat it usually taken by the advancing fbrce. The steam-plo-ugh entrencher excaih hates to a depth and width of thirty inches. i Promotion throughout. all ranks in now moF rafrid than in any previoua campaign. ` There} are usually ten infantrymen and one pavalryman as guard to every 100 pri_soners. 1 Crossing the Tugela 09:1 be olaimad as the greatgst river feat since the iPenin su1ar War. ` This is the only War in which` the whole British force` has worn the same coloured uniform. ' , A \.l\Il.\J usvu \AA.nA|.'\rp -....u ` Several of those who took part in -the last Boer campaign are now Chel- sea pensioners. ';{:;.{g o?t1'Z11c-eis carried by azi offic- er whose bugler sounds whilst riding towards the enemy. . ' 111- _o `I'3ar5r;)-;1-s-t_s-,.i1`1V1`in;g* a charge. are usu- ally lowered t1bo'i1t a hundred and fifty yards from the foe. ' ,.O.. L! . i-|.,!L u--v._ .._ -..__ ._.V _.v. It is over forty geafs since the Brit- lishv bayonet was used so much as against the Boers. ` . -- . .-I . I~ -an-, ' "s'e}'g;;.{s'oE1' through a course both of artijlety and engineering. - 1,.` II ...- ,1 ;1amlos6 `grave; of the` tank and file in South Africa lie more scat_ter;- ed than on [any other battlefield. ' IOA:l'(_1;'ismitUh, so commanded all found. is doub1`-.Ie.9s the worst stratezgetio posi- tion ever defended. \ VA11s7tZr'aliz0 pays 120,000 per annuxh towards the maintenance of an auxi- liary fleet in her vvater's._ T Calonial officers. non-obmmissidned = officers and men, when not on parade, `usually meet upon equal terms. a ..- ` T Thgcat with 11118 tails. is not, hap- `pily _at the front, but the khaki-cola ` outed` kitten of the Artillery is there; An inantryman with fixed bayonet has at leat an equal chance against a cavalry soldier with lance-' or :_sword, When the Transvaal and Orangd Free State are surveyed. it will doubt-a ; Ions be eafried out by the Colonial Gov ernment. v;(;unded officer carried from the `tire! tone at Magersfontevin, by- a` ` gallant Grenadier weighs ovtr ixteei i stcfme. 1 There` are me differen-t kinds of * rifle fire-frontal, oblique, nfiladef re.'. verse, direct, indirect, high angle, grazing and plunging- 1 I I`! H86. 1 to any ; Thisci s"t'i1;:;i`1tst:UB'r`iItish war in which `every ravnk, grade, profession and nag tional sport have been represented at- the front. `The 17th Lana;-,rs_, despite their mot- to of Death or Glory," have been (164- barred in this war of finding either * grave or immortality.` V _ , Tim sxnnfrv on active service- unlilm AlthouFg1'1`serving abroad during the Crimea, at Gibraltar and .Malta, the ` Militia have not previously seen active serviceVsin`ce Waterioo. -44.. ___._ _ I .l`he,sentry on active service, uhlike the sentinel in peace, who paces on his ` post, remains motionless, unless need- e ing to_move for observation." ...- u . ` _ `. , a ,` xuu uanau -u.-v..--v. j Sir C1131-vl;s'War feu._i`n addition to- being` a`br:xve anti clever soldeir, is an ,a dm'rab1`e- administrator, most inter - `esting -author, and effective 1e'ctur?er. .. . . . .. .. VI 4 add; . r - ._ .' ,j-_ I_,-- , y \/tavnunc u-.-~..v-, ...--.._ .,----._ - _ _ ____ Whgu on bivoniac each cavalfyuian 's1`oe-ps in front of his own home. whim the men sl un'tber in' the order they .stand in the` ranks. O'fficer's"srIce`p* Q)? the reverse zitift. ` .92. _._.. .0}.-.,' Luv Jpvuuuu = Royal Nz1V'a'lTRer;Ve- a`t` fizie ; hardy feff`ows', and w`o"uI'd 176'}: uasft . , a-zfdfticn-f'to' {B25 rbrce fn South` Afi*i'c;, 9. pfrr,Cic`ula'r1T' iin` tfi. fine` 01 co111m.unil' lcation, wirer the handy` man is do i us! -ftrl. ' _.-__.=. ....a 4..`._ -.,- ...' _. min. .. ` lLK'I.\|lI `When! artillery isFin"moi'on {e gunners are .m-we the mark-. of the . arIi'1'F* tli`49 warer1er' snourd be brought" --down, whilst the men bringmgfu-p am-' `T-hi: fans` sr`rou1`d be tired art" by the oppos-V irfgf force-, but when` un1'tmb'ered tho` are first bra-u*ghi* trder rs: _ READ T-HIS AIpUD . It ; grqbably at lint:-Io` ta1=thm'_ snow. - Sohwartakopjiesfontein to'- ` ELdo;pf.9`t1fo.xn is from 'ht;'f6i_Qj;: , -1, 4. ___- 3. .L.:; .nn...'_-L;.&:ve`.` .\IU.I-grLDavu.- uuu--s av .... .....,__ -__-.., Fiangfpehsu: or uglxhiibheng to qrj from; Gmsimas toy via .GI_m'm~ 'A4b!*'J1e.f"'jil'1z' ~ ": woven; ` 1. M ~ . can t in- ouk- vate: and ad` at 01110` ' not the an A E`-_it +1 tly-II 1 Lcur WUuu "pm `P8,sl'uuler." ` The \wxl~.i will :~_.:Y `l'1t'tle about the M. n1a1.n:.1{;e-:1 as [I shall manage. There will be :1 little W"md[9r j' `He tztlkuw t1::i11`:1II W-t befor.` `PIL Of u2i4?~- thingj 1'0 may rest., ed. \'ivien-~1he world will I!"" Ittrilmte t-u ynu any 511131173 in the es."s&1e amwerd. T T en," ivunt on Lovrd St. Just, V be is at King's Rest. and free all Sof.`1h'()()l re.s'trai:n.t, We'ca;1, chhlm, Wecan talk to-him, We give him some valuable lessons, um teach him the respect and`: mace Hm ia dun .to the" name .\'esl'u;v:1n. when he is quite im- i\\'f`.I1m1r -`iserxtiuients, we can fall i the mm." ` A ` 3 55W mmh =-=.h:.~H you tell h"LID.:7'% ~iVivi;~=n. ' `i kilitile. _}1~s p rmible," replied Lord i M. I sfmll write to his nmther. : in. L,, ..--... air gun... -.-.-v-v-g ' her L1():.:1)1.:;x' b:)y h .t9 been re- A1 to us by Lhe people who stole leadbmg nexvwp-apns' that `the was stu-lea. not drowned. and `he-is now re.~;tn.m.d to his rela- ` fha affnr will excite coun- .n-onluubt; but it will only be a d3Y9 _.w'oonder, and than it will Way. ' -- ' 1511.11 L-aenxi :1 statement to all ml-`W V 7 - ,m study the boy for a time, what he in like before placing mgnriiicgnn`-_` 21 fortune in his mary (J1-lzly in rrmkring `him "1ledvL0vrd_SL. Jlht, "i!sVthis. W6 going to King's Rest: lt us as}; spend. we will say, the summer zion. Do you agree to that `I_" ` I10't Lh.'lL thefe should be. any. gr of- L.`1!"C",\`/O01], but th`at it"? mu be well to note his tastes-3 habits, so '.1_s to know better how % ~31 wizh him; What I propose." 9 as your', to go "with as-` r Yivrien, (`here is 9. `.q;uast`mn- : l we 1`. u11pvormnce still. _ W-LL`*%i:V. F .<=`-rm Incest: bu . nus. 1[?. _)llSJCl.C1B to Vaon'l?.fT; W b"" lways ri-shit. =Mi!.'J;iIt. "~.-. he` `a 9-1` hunks fall-'Lng u""T'~1 -her fasi.-.c ` W to h%Lmsen.. "We made him vH\n.. A 1;." I I Shall ruftlsef ` to tell her . [do nut thliuk she will care? Of her Liltoret i:n- Lancewood` ed; .kh.~.- is the Com.~tess`et de 031- 1 ` L.I1 Je<:d, I believe she Will be $00 Sd to c m., he1ck again that she. I431! few qal.-.~;'-tin-n.~ s." I `(la " _y\'u any Dll..l-d.l`U I-ll LIJO `Rn; the f _ act that the res.ta1'.-:5 off y`` Sir 0s.Wuld depz-ives our. _ the _e-stat; will exonerat`e `you ` U18 m.inv:ls. of the most V-B118-' obegiu with." ha said, "it would \'i.3`2b1.", bafora ta.1r.i:ng any steps -M11 O,~4\.'.':.l4;i as hair at Lance- 4| would Inrever bgwheir 4 . ,1h'y.~; ohili for wh0m_`s1f4an.. such pmuJ hopes. V 9 had &zt.'L.'l the lit A _ V up'Lul`l1J [uce_ ..w:_;md With pi Am I going to die en; you _ J Uxglmpose 1' ` any one _', to (me ?,,sB.1t`_ xiu. . ,h...9Ik-_ ,den1` cI1ril!, Shle am?` ` . [bought 10 he=.1`;3`E1 aired; and. esgrea'terjLhan._ death Y9 Wera. p1I"te-(1 Lh,L3 Soft, B` " Z . I ./forehead. That an"? "8 our]; '0 Hubble S0 I ~ a lord and mastgr ~ havg T f gled fur, mned angught for, null be Lhzg may of th suffergq. azain, arm ;,-.4113, Wuld Qlzoilgl-5` A help" the my dux'l'm.g " She re , d. . {OI Lz11hct>\VQ.0d1 It was . . all H (same evunmg, AafteI`_ all their rghiid left ihexn, Lord St. Just. his-wife wh:-at he had decided i Valerie will want to know? _to urna from: tion FOVB W was settle-d mot. ="LMon~.`d1:.riu the M,` \ lg QVBI` : as \ `$1.3 3;`? hah|e N . I1 I; P` . rt . ` `N W1 M31; 11 V liq his`. Iiqih ` u ` k ~ Kit `N W` `N7 11; 3%.? ls ` Ls all WU ` % ,1 then _ nu-rnsi. ftumed to him and lilacedv he?" 3011 hi : Sl1u'L11l1el'- I own sun," she said; "0"" ~Pthur--wh'1't Shrall We `Say ta h`?m Wlsks you `Ln the fu`i`? ."b.u.t . Bk \ \ X . w not have fear/ell ran looked "up su'rpriag1_;;` 9,ntex`e lookillg ,_' Sh: dismissed .th_e` s'm~;.' mask "the ~j rousand tt Ohm roludod _ ,. 1 -. \\",1`Tl'1'--th'e world I". sLgh- 1 .Jus.n.. "I fear we shall not. : over, my darlm-8,." 48118 3VF; than} ' Wwisd cnow.;wit_h my little *bovy9,." alibi ..-oontinm1;._ 3. sima117`no gm 1'.$gt$:. gtheji I faintest` idea otthta t`1-nth at '9resyant,"" {me mad. V "Wh:em-th'a jtime*' o:o:n'ea3ror, ` young `-8ir'-bs'Vvald.9knovn,1 itthsern Ishall giv_ehim"an~ Aimtline `of the story, add hiantl to` `Hearsay. We cuaninot prevent tram knowing Y eaonmtetlxhnag or -it. but `he is. a gentle-_ man, and will um: vbetfay. ua."_ ,,, _n':V .. ,. _-T1`:;1 ae:;:1:-1d'a._a-u-L.<`:;~;1St.WJ:1tf1;stJ ed, "Henry" was delight- . ad bayomad measure at the lrgwitzition. -__.. -._...-- cow v-av -.-cu- m"{'s;i-11 yon;l:_at nma ride 1" Lcmzl St. Just. ."Myumnle taughtrmsev Wham. I was in America." "Yes, yo have a horsejvot your own," rep-lied this peer,Tk-indly, "an1d"" more than that, Harry," n., I "nnT{;'thIia {v'Js"m.m""J 25-1%pr:aeu at finding ms friend "Mrs. smacn" Lady `st. Just than at `ny.thving.<~> He` l-Caokied up into hifar -tabs w'i't`h 3. `frank, ' manly la'u:g'hf. A 1 "I -vnevez:-t'h'ro'unhrt you. looked ~ll_i:6` `o. Mnsa.JS}mIl:tLh,1:ise mm, bu.=t 1 did not thmik yotu.Vw~5ere Laodyt. Just. ' It I had, perhaps {I shntuld have been afradsd at -y ." ` - -A _ T Dr. Issuer bade him farowgll, and, full or delight at~__the pmspeot ot_"a gl~o-rxiorus holioday ,.t-be boy` womt down wzifuh them to Kim.g's Rout. ` l was a sl1l1:g'ula-:.tl1ing-:an`- Lord and Lady St. Just` talked on! it often in after-yeam1--bu.tTfrotIn. the livery msnt this young visiior evlnc-ad an al- most passionata love for little! Ar- tahrur. He never wearlad of taking the child out, and. talking to him, play- ing `witth him. telling him tales. Ho wworuld ratvhef romsp for an hour `with him than do a;nytlr'mg clue`. Onea- Laady St. Ju;"yd to him.-- ` ,_ "Do you not 1~isk\a Francis. Harry 1" Yes, he repiiad; "but I like this little fellow batter--fbetter, indeed. man all the world. If ever I grow to be a r'i:ch` man, I shall leave little Artihur all my money," u . an and wife ulookad at each other, strrumk with the words. . The `great at-fecttinyn of the child. for the grown boy, and 01 this boy for the c-hil-d, became Vat lastalmotst tite- some; they -clolllad not be separated. It was lovely weathor, and King : 'Rae-st looked-its fai.:ost._ ..'.l`he woodl were filled with deep green foliage. the flowers wore -their brigh1:es~t col- ors, and yostuig Oswald was unwant- Iedly happy. One day he heard Lord St. Just call wifoby -her Christian` naamae, and *h`a-`l:oIo.k`od up infwonder. " `Vivien, " be .repeated'----' "-Vivien! Why, I have heard, that it is .l'i1ke the other word, 'Lancewood. It; seems to wumad from afar oft. d.`Viv- nu-I `have called some one_by that name." He located with a long earn- est Lo-olk imzto the face of Lady `St. Just. T `-`Do, youkmow, he qontinued, "that I would fancy that I had called you Vi.v1ine_in_. My Vivign, if var I had one, had just. such a 'a.ce.V R-ely upon. one thing, said Lord St. J-ussut `to wife attor that..i we had not dwldod. on doing full justice to that boy, ha himself, in time,`would have demanded it. I am-quite certain that , his memory would grad-B811! have returonaad}- ,` 24 LL. ...- ...- "He is a ' ;bogy,'."aaid. .-Lord` St. 'Ju.'s{t, "hie 113' and oour- _ agoovuas; he" does not Ignoxy leap`: he `in . not o_v%r-obadie n, and glories in an_ V not at darzirng--bulf. he wi1I,b6 ea,sj.i'.Iy; m.a'na;gecI` ` f-I1jz~ocmgh"T hiss _a;teo-`t Bo.ns_,I an51_ , % `what is why, berm 1:e1Iikm'g`_I-;h;'m;tI1e'V ' mmr; I % -he iwlsvdved` 156 fdm Vivf6n ."di:id:"f6 . we gycovwu nun--- He a.nSIk|eIt1--;1;;!1'OKl8 day it the name` 0swal;d"V' was c-common in America. and the bony turned eagerly tolhm "H-o`w'sotra._mge,"j!Ue said. "that you _ 1' .'_...I sumorum .a.uslk~ ixme Eng; Ition. Lbzd. St. Just! My um-Te and I quamreled abo-ut that `very tmamze." -~-- - ' , , .1 an __1__`.: 1_:_ ,thimaga,- and then took them to be `to hjavve otxtgrown. .thr3'a.ul_ts ,o ._hisV 1. G14; quwuu -.u...., --...y. ..-_.__ , nut whiap ox: wh-3`re--I. umyd ta be crxlled Oswald, he xjeplied. "I of- toetmhe-ar vvouioas c~1.lli.'ng' (ma; Onswald OW.`-III in mymleep. I have dreamed of taut ever oimoa I `have dreamed at all; but Unaol-e Do/rman suiad t'hiat_ it was all nonsense, that I,'u_1od suacah . trun. I know, however, that at some Again Lord St. J mat ..laoked.- at his- Wife, and they agreed that ha. must be hold all soon. 4 Evidenjtlyjmemopy. was'ntiun.g gist wLthinvhim.%.Ho5g hlzm-d been there aaoduma hima, arndn-._ both. % ' Are pleased with `He semett % clhil-dho-od, he was no. 1on.g_er Ainsjncerg. but` rathiexjblum and frank; his fem- _. .. ......l..1` U:llU'I-LL I-gnu v-um, an---v. , "Why did you quarrel 9" askd his I lord.s:hi-p. A ' - ` -v `I , boutT as it dres- edAor {DUEL Luhnrux uxuun. u,L1u ...u....., .__.. -..,_ `per though "not perfect, was good. LVl:v61e{m mcnml see now that his faults -r~eeoulte:d vrathkar from fra.imii5n`.g than .from anything else. '_ He would not after all` nm'ke' so bb.d`zi masiter {di- -L:mn_ew`ood. A Her _hu`spb:uT-'n_d " 'agr;Ii" witgii her. `HI :u;.aam;- % % % L1 v_.v ----ow` jv-`vy`vvv$ti::-w --'..v-__ ..._ _.......-._.. "AI: Afdjms-ea bettr da'y}'s~fQr~ Lanna-" wo`o-d. V'ivi.=s n."` said Lord St`.=Just.{ "'0suwaLd will ` develmf into a. `good man;" I `am Vq1'1fLLt sure` Or! it. W6 must 'ad_vi.sse hIim to ncia.r1$y'ymmn. g:`a.nt1 if he, nmar1`iaeL' `well and Wixsly, `tahierve -will gobd times for th.~e_ Abbey, depend "said Vivien. me Vot%v1ri. reigning; at ` t;l1e'Abbey h.:uLa1mnet hdr;iven her mad. -r vi unv- J She l;6ooik)ed.u.p_ with a hr-iggnm smile on `her face than he ha-r'l_sae'enTthe_;'e for m stick ' "'7A_1.1&{an'.;' am" said, "it that should: acme` 1:o`pa`s s-it I shoum gaismpeace of mind, peaoebf soul, and see bright- efdays dawn 0-r Lanc~ewo6d-I nhall -be happy." ' And to heraslt she Cbomght "I am thf punish- ment of my sin." - _ L V oHA1=rEn`Li. V ' Lo.rd_an:d `Lady-St. Just wnardout in ' the -pleasant _grm_'z.nds '01 King : 'Rasat' walking under the /Ghd of a; aroma of chestnut-trees; the day was warm and beautiful; ma sky blue and c:lovu:dle=ss,` the birds were singing. gay ly,' the air waslleld with; the sweet breatih of flowers. In the distance, whsera the grounds `amped. ran a broad, clear, deep rive}; `this water. eItemevd'bo-l sfmg as it ran, yet it was a deep, dangersous stream, with swift- f]:o-wing currents and whirling ed-` ian. we" must have a new `pleasure-' ,-boat, I" find our present one mjt only lezuklso. but is unsafe. Ah`; here come 1 .the boys! ? t L "How beautihl: thb riv"or'loO1k's this `morning-!"A said Lord st. _J`u:st."Vi V-' _. 1 I Bu.t_th'ene'wero orniy two of them, yoou;n.gT Oswald and little Arthur, Master Francis having refused with great dignity to_leav_e his nurse- St. .J.usot at-and by laughing heartily- 'to um big bpy had put himslf in- `;:;tr'm1a'e;r,wga.n;ci` the" .1`i.'tt19 one was :d.r'ivim.g' him with the greatest glee,` laughing as the flourlished his little 1 _"Look at my horse, mamma 1" oriaekl ;litt_le Arthu.r-hi\s beautiful face was Itlushiad w1th_exercisd, his curls were t:ons.BAe-d by thelwhnd. < _ He looked so` beautiful th'atLady I St. c.aug'h}t him in: her! arms and "'1`a.k1e- care of him; Harry, . said Vtivsen; "ms is very little--mind he does not get into mwhief. What a noble boy the ins! she said, turning to _har husband.` And how strange it % iiroiulci be it. after all. Oswald leftl "Do not stop me, m1mm.-loo1k at my hlolrsie I" crisedfthe child.` ` i "Qs:wal}dg must Vmax-ry," deoidgdl; "LorId- St. .Just. V We Have Atortuna} auffio'iaen.t /for our ohil~dmn-w.e needi not want his." } with need ch is dres- skjn ' nail with

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