Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Sep 1900, p. 1

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king pla<'3e' e choicest CICHJCU, DBIIIDCB B|'BDUII'| lIl1'IDBl'; SO11. llC3Vy C18. loam; rst:class wheat arm. Theo acres area under cultavatnon and can be seen under crop. .Where necessary _itis'tile drained. Frame House. frame barn and log barn; good water etc. Apw on the gremisei or by letter to EGERTON ff`!-`NYC N M:nnc:na P. (1, ' 0&9` Noyrtih-Vwasvtvhiaffi of VL7o7t737, hon`. ;Vs Tra; Govacres. * cleared, balance standin timber: aoi . heavy cla. ` Innm 9 Grnhrlann whoa`! Ann. Thain am-an annual Lot 28, Con. 1:. Township of Essa, zoo acres. :00 cleared and under cultivation. Frame house, fram barn. 4oxxoa with stone bank stable full size of ham. 2 wells. one acre of bearing orchard. first class farm- Lot` ga, Con. 1:. Township of Innisl, A1 0 acres- about 150 acres cleared and under cu tivationo Large brick dwelling. 3 large barns and other build. ings, 2 wells. 2} acres of orchard choice. fruit- Apply to . . ALEX. ` GIBSON , I"AII-_ I` 3 Private funds to loan at 5 per cent. on farm pro- pertv. Terms to suit borrowers. No connection wnth any loan company. Apply personally or by letter to V HARRY MARR, 5-ly BARRIE. - Highest cash price aidfor Endowment Insurance Policies, in relia.ble' ompanies or money loaned thereon. Apply V O. H. LYON. --,l.. 1:-.. ..-.. n.....`.:- I .---. w--, ac-`-v.----, vw vv .--v no -a-uw u `6 39 ' Solicitors for`David Bovma'x; `Estate.- Dated at Barrie this. 5th dav of September, A.D xgoo. 'E'arm.ers Attention.` property VIZ. :- ` `Lot Number ei hteeh and the north half, of lot number seventeen elineated en the map or plan and survey of the Village of Victoria` laid out on lot. num- ber 16.. in the 1001 Concession of the Township of lnnisl. in the County of Simcoe. v part}:-,|I'nrc and form: can kn nhl-nnnrI nnnofzuu- PIICEIKIOXI I'D (FIB DDIICIICOTS 01' Ialu estate. ' Sealed Tenders will bereceived by these Solicitors up to 4 o'clock on Saturday. the 29th day of September, A. D a 1900. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. I II\1\Yf\\I A`l'`l\Al`II l`f\II7A\1 Q. I)I'Il!\Y The Executor of'the Estate of David Bowman. deceased. offers for sale by Tender, the following property viz. :- 'Lnt Nnnmher piahfpa-`n and Han nnri-In I-ml? nf Inl- W 68 I`. i.'i'1~3iv6'5&,"Xn713XE;'fi. Y:6av"AEG'EEgown, ,,'lI\,_,, 3,; eccunues ux any) new Dy tnem. ` And further take notice that after such last men- tioned date the said administratrix will proceed todis- . tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto havin regard only to the claims of which she shall then Eave had notice, and she will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by he: `at the time of such distribution. . u- \nl\l-Q-1 vvgunuoy Solicitors fa: McCarthy, Administratiix. Dated the 19th day of September A. D. xgoo. '38-4o ` mmsm. m the county or anmcoe. . 7 Particu?ars and terms can be obtained upon_a.p- plication to the Solicitors of said estate. Sealed Tnndnrg wl ha-fr:-1-pivot! luv Hanna Sal}:-ifnrg ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES moa, are requested on or betore the nun (18! or October, 1900. to send b ost; prepaid, or" de- liver to Messrs. ewart andy gtewart, of the said Town of Barrie. olicitors for Mar E. McCarthy. the administratrix. their names ad` resses and des- criptions, the full particulars ofvtheir claims. the 1 statement of their accounts andethe nature of the V securities (if any) held by them. take notnce that after such last man- Village Lot For Sale. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Revised ' Statutes of Oritarzo Chapter 129, Section 18. and `amending acts. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Andrew W. McCarthy, who [died on or about the ,1 day of June; 1003. reauested on or before the II` III alnvnf In the Estate of Andrew W. McCarthy, Late `of the Town of Barrie. Hotel- Keever, Decea.sed._ _.-.....- vwu--v vs uununn anuunvw IV. I lV\/7I7i:i('3"a._rtT1r)", Tvc-I-id abolxthe June. moo, requested before the l` lh day of I ` Octohsr- I90"- O-n nan!` hu nnsiivo no-ana:rI n-(AA. V Boot, ,very endid ` inl...$-1v. ~30 '.l0|INSTON & 1 It is the best kindlinfor coal-nresy that can be got. Try it. ' MONEY _TO LOAN. 5 a.nd5% per.cent. on Mortgage. . LOUNT 5; LOUNT. ` ` .- " Barriauem. Barrie. CHARCOAL V Barrie. Ian'1uarv.A xoo. '1-own Lows Aron sALI-:. } _ ALLANDALE. T Late 2, 3 and 4. West Baldwin Street. _ 7 North Cumberland Street. Lots :7 and :8. . Jacob's Terraee. Lets 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7.! South Caroline Street. Lot A. . ' East; Jlry Stuck. Lot 54. West Mary Stret, Lot 2. `Apply at lnlili 22-IV _71._O_0'IbCR FARM roa SALE. ,- 15 l\,_ , , A_____. O. __. 1oo Acn;-: FARM FOR SALE. Notice To Creditors. V Novv Stock. TO RENT_OFI LEASE FOR SALE-OR HI-:N'_r. FARMS To? TRENT. .i`.`._; MONEY TO LOAN. BEST. Hmowoojbf L-IV 35~tI "S":rEWART 8; STEWART. wanna I2 Pages. `SAMUEL BoGsHAw_,V . . _ Hawkeatone P. 0. i BARRIE. THE ADVANCE." snnmut. n av J. HENDERSON. -I&I" Box 303 Barbie. 1 1 . THE INTERESTS or utton eavy orth 73-tf. BARBIE, COUNTY 01+` SIMCOE, `ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 27,1900. 5337" I" Z B'"as"ZuT"E:'oz'aI `2s',"sf"`g."-'a'..'.1"I:". goof . ii l_Lot aa Con. h8. N. corner of 25. n. ' 1 tozct er` a. ut nin 1: acres filear Oynn igplace is: {am 4ox71;Ist;ing un- _er;. so barn ax an orse sta e. orsevcn horses, with hay lgfthed. hen house, length 88 feet, width 26' feet. Frame__hou'he 332m, wxth cellar, spring water._ is . forced u to the house by a. _bu_eh,' heavilv timberod with hemlock; cedar. pine. bqllwood. mopl_e_an(l Balance slash. soil. I;!a.rl,ca_v.; ht; one from school and 'j'ch`urch-- 58 pulse froni=:8l_1_hy1 'Loh-13;. con. hydraulic ram. thenoetoj eta le. About 8o acrcsjof V " `9 *o1,h'-Collingwoodzh nailed 2` gooq cnane- _Ia.w-mm. mm 1.401: a . won. ; 7; x oacres Vcln.v~.5oVlnght1a.nd 4} acres c ,'ed;A ogt y cedar slgoh. All that; pl'a,ces are well water- IIUIUIIUUII JJQV UL y I Michael Loftus was the first witness called and his conduct in the box was almost as un- satisfactory as on the previous occasion. Thoughhe had previously told Mr. Cotter that he had a drink at Lavery's, he now de- nied it and admitted that he was lying be- fore. After some profound cogitation he evidently hit upon the plan of the ancient oracle by saying that he did have a drink, but it was at the hotel pump. Whether the liquid he imbibed was water or not he was unable to say; Mr. Cotter pronounced him champion liar of Flos, and promised him a jacknife. 2 - J. Hayes was at Lavery s on the` day in question. but swore that he did not have a `drink. Patrick Moran wasnext called. He was in the outsidefbuilding at Lavery s, where drinks are sometimes served, onthe day in question; When askedvwhom he saw, his memory seemedto fail him. . He couldn't be very sure. `L After equivocatint till Cotter threatened to commit him he nally stated that he reeo ized Andrew McTagne. D--vn-A 1|l`.nn-ant! can: rent. Sn Dhnininn bull! MU Lvuuaulnvu nuunwvv uJ:\y.l.u5uv. Bernard Mccarney `was not in Phelpston on the day in question. Bernard is an in- genuous youth. He stated that hexwashat home `where he ought to be, and oered to swear-it on forty Bibles. - ; Auuvl-nun lIln'I`nnnn any-uni` that. ha hat` ":1 DWVCK IF U {UL II Illlllvc -_ Andrew Mc1`ague aware that he had `a drink of ginger ale at,Lsv.ery u on the Sun; The adjourned case against Mr. Lavery, of Phelpston, who was charged by Inspector Lyon with infraction of license law by sell- ing liquor on Sunday Sept. 9th,, was resumed inthe Police Court on Monday, at two `o'clock. -The chief feature of the trial was the hedging of the witnesses and their re- luctance to testify. Crown Attorney Cotter appeared for the prosecution and Mr..Haver-- son. of Toronto. retained counsel of the Licened Victuallers Association, of Ontario, defended Laverv. ' - lial...-sd T .34.... an... L1... 63-..; ...h._..... 4.1!.) , In.Tov`vxishi _of 17103 . County Simcoe, being com- ?` `sod of N. ,`Lot a6,.Con. 7. N.T6 acres, of Si} nos. :1 S; -nl-a6 an Cnn. 8. S. I "And E. Eurchase of any of the props For. particulars apply to G. R. For ' III III-`Z995 I Also farm 1, Vespra, Pen in meadow, bala of timber.- valuab on. the premises. barn. 40:60, stablin of stock, a brick clad: in owing well of excel A never-failing stream ru of the farm. Very little money down r 35 to 140 acres, lot 8..con. ng road, about half seeded pasture. 25 or 30 acres for building purposes ere is a new bank or about fortv head so in good order, be whole length ired for the gure and on . easy terms. before Oct. 15th. Reason for se Ford is in ill healthvand wishes to Winnipeg and reside with her s-In u if inn In!-inn in knv DIR Ilnunu-In water at door. III? II II IVUUVIQ UV II\I& SLIJ IJDIIIVJ Also for sale one upright Dominion p o in ret-`class order. Will be sold cheapoon time or otherwise. V tf. _ VI FCIUIUKICIQ V`, `II I-`I I-" l\l F16 ; if bv letter. to box 215, Barrie. Linn `An 11:11:: nun 11-\|nn'ki} nnnn:n=nu I WlImer9 I at reasonable price. purchaser. ts, en block A `an `anti: A ruce Cottage. the residence of G. R. . orner Rosa. Wellington, and Thomp- near Kidd's Creek, and also house adjoining, will be sold in -aeparete parcels. to suit vuuuu vvluu vsuausounu UVCI." Messrs. Sarjaut. & Smi are laying special stress on their silks a dress goods and mantles. Theshelves art repletewith the choicest goods while a trip to their fine, large mantle ro and dress- making parlors upstairs sho , much to please and impress the most fas V ious. Vlllla lP{>perty tor Sale at a Bargadnqin Barrie. caught with ornaments over~ V Another was 9. medium g off the face, covered in fol panne velvet, trimmed `v the front with handsome ted rosette of ribbon, big ' `zed -hat, turned of myrtle green broad across . n crown and Im. ' Manama nu-:An-u 9. Q-an: nets and knoc- V with rim mad_- of fame ming, trimmed with thr falling over front, the with black velvet, and can-nan`;- I933, sfort `VJ ICU E 5 use was J..llDlIlpl0ll_ were good enough how an ADVANCE reporter the correct th gs in millinery. Some of the most pop shades for fall hats, they tell us", are old ose, all soft tints in pink, blueshades in oyal, wedwood and tur- quoise, reens ' sapphire, myrtle and re- 'seda`, a 0 we brown, bright red and `caster. L 2 _ 4 ;__ __ . [ 'I T__,_- I , I I ' e 21`: 'S;';{e'Sfd .';;f;' `.."3:e"'in`Z-.'Zi i.k', reena re soda`, 0 '5 wings, quill and breaetn used, also fur in great mink and chinchilla. -.u_.. -.. .___._- -_-I__,A. quantities, both mhn ununna I uwu uuuvu uulau `1 D The newest [ fancy chenille, i uuuls uuu uumuulua. 7- mmg as panne velvet, . all, colors and epingle. Leather is usedi aking both .toqu_es and large hats. . The :,`_'_ ular lace is the coarse cluny and ' -5....-. .des`lgns. Verv' large buckles in gold. at I and jet and brilliants Q- are used. The larg .- que and picture hats- are still in vogue. . W1: unavu: aka-new-u "Al" IDIU UUIII Ill VUBIIVO We were _ehown ,in reeeda. green pan made of tucked velve high left side, niehe or breast, caught wi The crown is of mink. _ There was also a be tiful large gioture L_4. ..__.1_ 2.. LI- -1- _._1, . urge haneome toque .ve1vet. The rim is eoftlv draped. very ith handsome feath- _cut eteel buckles. u - --n -vawvu naments. A ., , AI, , , `u'J`.:hVe.z:'emvTv; va:l;;`:"b;e` large picture hat made in black vel ,' turnedvoif face, r}!-H I|:IVI rntinl. A` `nun kl:-Ala anal- 5-3.. The beautifnl__weather `attracted a large "crowd of interested ladies-to the fall milli- nery o enin at Sarj`eant& Smith's yester- day. ' he 11 dsoine show room was artisti- cally decorat with palms, ferns and ow- ers. and prose bed a very dainty and pleas- in appearanc ' . I... 1'a"....-.. -_.1 1t:__ mu, , _A_1Iii:s- l)IIME0Of'l`. aid. V ` ' `WILL `_ PLEASE RE: WEDNEBDAY,` o.c'r. MENT BEFORE rrnair -r ~. ,--~-- .--v-~ --_- - vv- 7 ------v.1 --\~ I- """' n apmaranci is: Frase and Miss Thompson rere P00!` annnah I` hail! an 'A'n1rAwnn: Uunmnnbnn F ARM FOR SALE. Saxjeant & sin1tn's Display. BARRIEp THE COUNTY` OF SIMCOE . AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. Lavery Goes Free. A. &J.vL1"r'rL1_:." V Va_n-Vlack. II, IIMILIULL ' Ull. LOU? ' black zacale trim.- handsome plumes, wn draped softly ught: with jet or- ,.-ca? on article 1. Central Ottawa, Ottawa. .Sept. 14-22 N. York, Newmarket. . . .Sept.` 18-20 Central, Guelph . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 18 20 Gt-. Northern,CoIlingwood.Sept.. 18-21 BARBIE . . . . . . . . . . . - . .. . .Sept. 26, 27, 28 Cookstown...... Oct. 2-3 East York, Markham.` . '.0ob. 3 5 Benton . . . . ..'.......`.....Oct. 9-10. N. Simcoe- Stnyner. . . . ..Oct. ; 910 King, Schomberg... . . .; . .Oct. 11-12 Alliaton . . . . . . . .._..........0ct. _ . ` 4-5 `Owen Sound... . . ._; '. . . . .Oct, . `I6-18 Bradford . . . . .. . . . .Oct. 22, 23, 24 Elmvale.-.v . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0ot. 2, 3,~'4'_ Wednesday, 006. > 3; 1900.--Ou lot 13, con. 13, .VeAspra.; horses, cattlo..Iboep, pigs, implements. poultry, hay,- tux-n_i'ps. "eta." Sine ' at 1 o'clock sharp. JohhC. `Hirons, props. Geo. ~McDono`.ld, anotioneev. " . A >,'nn,__1'1_ l\,; ilinlch; . Lu 1 `c J...` ` ";.}..i;%d{1Rf'ib66:ZbI'.; 1.4525, con. 1 0:0 ; milch cows, heifers e'and:=ntna"rs, ` ;ew ea and lambs. Sale hm 2 vo cloc_kp-L-a l_>1_arp.v :ThL!a am? vie; _ G- R. Ftd%49` Miss Annie Partridge has been appointed to the responsible gosition of matron of the Whitby Ladies Co loge, and leaves in a. few days to assume her new duties. MiesA1 ar_t- ridge will be much missed bv her many `friends here.` Mr. W. Weir, who has been in Dr. Richardson : oice for the summer, leaves to-day to continue his dental course in Chicago. ` ~ 4 u as n`. u - - - Mr; (;1"8r0V.ViS:i.'7gVi`8','f0r some time Jocal agent for Harper & Jory at Bo.-.'a.verton_, has 3a.k_en up eld work in this Vdistricc for Mr. ory. ` run you n . . .. _ - N aflilvd A`.V|'Bovyi|.s;e1;;~a: f;v.v'n;t;.vTs in the city last week, returning on Saturday i \ ' V I 1- up u-. ..-... - iiigs Jean M. W\ice. of Stroud, [is spend- int: a vacation of a. few weeks with `Toronto { friends. - ` i Will R.lKing, accompained by Miss I Thompson returned on Saturday from a visit with iriends in Ottawa. 1\iissTFreZal(:z,(;);'1giVc;hmond Bill, is visiting her brother Mr. Wm. Freak. Miss i.Mo(;`oi1`neilWis- `visiting her sister, Miss Spears, Mulcsster street. -V _ Mrs. Buck, of Georgetown, is visiting Mrs. James Johnston, Owen street. , M I Mr. H. Marks, `of Toronto, is the guest of L Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, Sanford street. `I `I5 I`! I i Personal News. T Miss Clara N ash is visiting at Buffalo. 1 Miss Verna -Morris is on` probationaryg ` duty at the hospital. ' i Mr. R.` d5I;':3C:-1',` `iv;a;'-gaytziuq with. Mr. and_Mrs. W, Curtis last week. j to great advantage. IIIIA Uul VD: In accompaniment wit , ress goods is a ` very ne lot of dress an blouse silks in 1 plaids, stripes, and fanc` shades, which add greatly to the beautifu display. Rib- 1 bone, laces and small ware were in great profusion, and one could 1: `fall to notice the elegance and magnitude the stock of ne,'handkerchiefs whi were shown * Thn GI-In non... ilruo-unplug-" ` Inn -1.. .. v snowy uuvnuon V. The rm express themselves?` well pleas- ed with the prospect of an extig. large fall trade. . - A`;-5 uuuuvvceu uucy snow D V, of dress goods from t [goods to the very nes season vary not avlittle, I. ' which are grey, fawn, miTxtures. `y uzuuusnve range medium priced The `colors this most popular of V we and heather ` vv vsu vvcu uuun on HIV Many others dema.n' admiration. In keeping withthe lendour bf ladies headwear they show 3 v y extensive range 9:. a full iehare of (If (`PERI annn `n!!! 9 rI\nr1=nI-n I-nn:nn4-1 . A black velvet toq was greatly admirred pigeon wings - and v panne velvet under ri A -.-.I...... .. .L.... -L3..__3: ruslllv vnnvwv uuutn ll v Another ; attractive Voque was made of % bright red velvet. tri ed with black birds and bows of ribbon v`et-. This is to be worn well back of the cf. V II_.._`. _;_'I__-,,' 1 , II II n 3' y department is again ini Brownlow who has achieved ; high success i her selection of New York and Parisian velties. Her chief assistant 1 is Miss Neil), fToronto, who isa very clever designs and proved herself master of the intrica. s of the art of trimming; she is also assis d by a staff of competent trimmers. ' ' `lithe oi-i-;|-il'x;1i_li.ih-e;`Y,' goods and silks w magnicient and fully main- tained the re utstion this rm 'na.s.for high class goods. ' t ` . As uau 1. the establishment of iaeam.` Vair, Vi ere & Co. was a-. centre of attraction ednesday, 26th inst.. when in conjunction -with the other dry goods houses they held t it semi-annual opening. VIVL- .I:__I_ ,2 2,1: , one ,, , 1 , 1 7-cauuuv VA vuv Jnljlo . ` An -information was then laid against O'Neil, and in the box he told` his story, He had been at church and put his horses in Lavery s shed. He waited till nearly three o clock, to see Dr. `Murphy and get some quinineicapanles for his daughter. While there Lavery asked him to have something to drink, remarking that he looked dry. He asked for ginger beer and porter ; could notewear what he got. He did not pay for theidrigk. . IIIIV III III 10 Mr. Levery was then called. He swore 1 that he gave O'Neil only ginger beer having no porter in the b_er.V The Counsel summed \ up the case,` and P. M, ` Ross then dismissed l I the action._ uau. uuu unuu Wltll lllllln . - ' Henry 0 Neil'refnsed point blank to ans- wer ae to whether or not he had been at La.very a and obtained a drink, on the ground that he might incriminte himself. He ` `started to tell _a story of a. pig deal in which 3 Dansweeney. whom he pointed out as that _` coon there, figured; but unfortunately he was-withmnch difficulty choked o` in the middle of the yarn. ' All 11`:-uinvvsnd-`pun. Quinn LL-.. 1-2) -.._!___.L da7y"in.qi1esti_onv. He saw only ,M6ru who 3 did not drink with him ' ` ` i 'D ..__.. r\9\'r_:r__-r..'-- 1 ' - V ' ' Vickers 8:` Co. s Opening. Auction Sales. . ...._..v--, r.vr..vvvnn .-a-_'I'lh-eVo.lrr1`r'1u:t-l_`-rx1-a'etin5g of the members of the Royal Victoria Hos ital will` beheld on `Tuesday. Oct. `9, at .30 p.m. All who have contributed 83 and over toward the hospital in the year. 1900 are entitled to vote at the annual meeting. The meeting is open tojall, and the Board is` desirous than: all who are interested in` the hospital will ',ng;lI;end at the Public; Library Hall on the ` , _..l> `IA _ :-The very favorablelweathler has prmib l_td` work on the new `tanneryl to be pushed forwafd fapidlv`, andthe walls are already Pip; th'ei ih`Teixtlit` of: 116 Atsbtorby. 2 Vast" -_jq`uafn.tiI:.leI` of"briok. will be !'equil."od.'o1j the _bIf3ildiI`:"g', `and Mr.` V _i_a busy` delivering, llibgl-ideI:,llA19rs lhi1imeiiti~ *5$29'9A#rrivins latest : Chri Sheet mugi a. V ' `Ice. A `fa; ;f6;h`a Brawn," On tire Plains of A ~ well. by Ner_ner J. K ts` at 25c. Give us a near `Five Pain . A. E. Garrett, proprieor. . FIWL- -_.y..._I '._.__-s --At a meeting of the members of the 35th band on Monday night Mr. John Scott was appointed treasurer in place of Mr. J. N. Hobley. resigned. Bandmsster Henderson expressed his intention of resigning at the end of the veer, but it is to be. hoped that in the meantime he may be induced to re- consider his decision. . M` music line to the end of eatly educed prices. Now is , V piano or- or an. Sheet music . few of the latest ' ' Brown, of Csrnell. nlnlisr ale` ORA -There was some pretty sloppy acting in Quo Vadis at the Opera House on Wednes- day night, especially on the part of the females. The attendance was slim. Uncle Josh drew a large house on Friday night, but the `company was not a particularly strong one. - --A1: a large and enthusiastic convention I at Orillia on Tuesdav, Mr. W. H. Bennett, } M P., was again made thennanimous choice ` of East Simcoe Conservatives for the Com- "mons. Hugh John Macdonald was present V and made a capital speech, as did also Mr. Bennett in accepting the nomination. `L- W, AA 7 I `H- V--. V- .1-u`ao--vaava --Rev. Jonathan Goforth, who has just returned from Honan, China, will deliver an address at the evening session of the fth annual convention of the Presbyterial Y. P. S. C. E. , which convenes in the Presbyterian church, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. 5th. For 0110 Family Flour and all Kinds 01` Fee to WukInson9s. All -Mr. F.- J. Robinson, our popn young civil engineer, left town this week to assume a position as assistant engineer in connec- tion with the construction of that part of the Trent Valley canal adjoining Lake Sim- coe. _The work will occupy at least two years. . - ' , mknuun o-onn an`-.4- -_--1--- -`----- - - " laid beyond the bridge. -The work of laying the water mains for the waterworks extension to Allnndale is being pushed forward. Foreman Hines expects to have his gang of ten men rem- forced in a. day or two. The pipes are now IW___L 11, I ` - -__- .._-..v. -Capt. Uowen has returned to the Supt. of Stores, Toronto, the Snider ries and knapsack equipment of his company, in ac- cordance with recent militia orders, they having been replaced by the modern Lee- Eueld rie and Oliver equipment. 1).... 'I'-__LI___. l`1_ .1 I u b(r~---v --------- -v-v---- avsillclio I '-At an exhibition tennis match played at Toronto at the Victoria tournament on Fri- day last, Messrs. Boys and Choppin, repre- senting Barrie. beat; Patterson and Meldtum of Toronto, the score being 6-4, 5-7. `7-5- . ` ,,_ __- _.-__--..- ---v- l --Upon the complaint of his mother, Mrs. Nol).`.e Haughton, of Tiny, Police Magishate Bewson of Penetang sens William Samuel Duin, a 13-year-old lad, to the Industrial at Mimico until he attains the age of 16 years. 'l`hn bnlnnnhlh r1nI.....:--..- ---n-L - - -- ___.--_ _. -----._-u on; 3-EV vb .|.V JFGIG. ' 'l`ln-o(7`,`<; an ZlI.heriun'p- wnn self instruction 2.50 each at the V Barrie Music Store. _ rren. vlvn -Mr. John Powell has assumed the man- `agership of the Grand Opera House. Mr. `Powell tells us he has already secured some [good things for the people of Barrie. par- ! ticularly in the musical line. T? -I -Mr. Wm. Calvort; who works in Rod- gets & GaIlie s factory, had the misfortune, I on S_a.turd_ny last, to lose a nger and thumb through getting his hand caught in an edger. ' ` _ he Tottenham raees take place today and tomorrow. Nearly six hundred dollars will be distributed in Drize money. We thank the directors for a complimentary ticket. TI -\ ... ~ | J -I """" 1 6 --Mr. Anderson, a promising young qtudent of Knox College, occupied the pul- pit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday, owing to Rev. Mr. McLeod : indisposition. Wlnnn , A m for mu. freckles and chaps, 1 c. ---Mr. Gross has sold the Clarkson House to Mr. Goodwin, of Toronto, late `of Isling- ton. Mr. Goodwin takes `possession on Monday. A Domestic V Imported Vinegars. s eciul bran knng at BOTH- \ amps; ~ . E _.For refusing to obey `the oaptain s orders `sailor Jas. Humphries, of the Monkshaven. was sentenced as Midland to spend 15 days in Barrie jail. ~ - 13' uni.-I :~| 6.... .1...... drlnnn _sn 1; , .- II-I JJICI I IV Gllg an no ; ,3, ten days 31600 will Hey the Crockshank trees. Five houses, lot. from street to star . ' eatment. Apply to J. H. Bennett. . ._ _----__.._-- .. .`n1uvwvv `A--A mi [account next week of the Anglican "Conference held at Trinity church, Barrie, on Tuesday and Wednesday last. Pure who ound Spices and pickling Oondlme walla. ' -`Mr. Leighton McCarthy, M.P., was nominated at? the McCarthy convention at Stayner on Tuesday, to again contest North Simcoe. .` ' V- -. :. .-v-.-vuvu -Ba.rrie Fair opened yesterday under most favorable conditions. The exhibits are ahead of last year, and the Fair promises to be the best in many years. 'II__ I 1 ' ` -Thursd;.'siOctc;ber 18th has been pro- claimed Tbwksgiving Day. ` rm_- _-._-LA., -- . .n uvo ,-..._,.a-..-a .-rUIJO ' -'1`hZe;n`gul9.r monthly meeting of thenW. C. T. U. will be held at 3 o'clock on Mon- day. A full attendance is requested. A (II ----___L - ~ I ` 0 I --Barrie Fair to-day. "wnsmerss s ed. -Mr. Lewis took possession of the Bar- rie Hotel last_week. ]The Latest News Many Readable Paragraphs of Local Interest. H II ' unuuu IILIU 00 A 1 reduced pri is * or; ; music - . few `7Chri Briey ToId.l -_._ -.v- - v--w- '--~--- The gymnasium was a great attraction for tha large number of new boys. The trapez- ium is such I}. delight: to them that three or four will be found tryiug,to,poxf9rng; an it at a time, It would be bettex-~ in .2137; more 8 lisncel to anblhluthd . '`" 'u`u .""`Y' _ The fourth` form promises to a well lled room this year. Already there are -more students taking up senior leaving work ;thm `there hevebeen -for several years. ~ ..g..._ s_-'..' -5: . T a. native. of Craighutst _-.vrmL'w'ill visit every This week a new 1; "l rm has been founded in town, Mr. ald Ross having taken Mr. J. C. Brolfov i as a partner. Mr. Brokovski is well ,and favorably known` in town and the surrq`und ` g country. being having spent: several years in tow as his call to the Bar r. Br ovski has prac- ticed in Goldwater and dland and has ' ea able law- e o bere- yer, The rm will'_ tcfore occupied by Toronto building, - oiee at Goldwater student. Since tact with Tr , who miuea no op ,_, v___._. No merri comedv drama has ever been presented t the fun-loving public than Cowelip Far which will be given at e Grand Opera use on Tuesday. Oct. d. The events of ' Melinda Jane Bag from Juniperv' e. Ver- mont, and Trix, a onng girl twelve- years, who as a wa was pi ed up by a wealthy New Yorkfam y. T astonishment of Aunt Melinda when ed from her village horn a New York mansion" V , wonderment of Tr` when he first sees Aunt Melinda. agine how anyone can be 0 green. Ann Melinda : peace of mind oes when she co in con- to torment and worry the old lady. Jane Bogge in the capable hands of E ard Warren, and Trix in the hand; of Marguer- ite Hammond. are two characters admirably impereonated. Wilmer : e mm or with abuo ntely unadultrut U593! The carpet and cnrta also beautifully draped, fection 5. very handsome everywhere throughout the tire store each department seemed replete . ith the richest and best of its kind and __ most critical inspection, 1: mantle: and dress goods being particular] elegant. - Refnrn nlnnina Inn rnnnf -an only 4-L-L ---4 open to the usuco `UULIB Uillllg Before closing we must re more the windows of this star ' miration of the town and w worthy of it. put uculuu ' vuullll nu Ltuuu wuu 80` A1100 0! VBIVCE. A very pretty child at, in poke bonnet style was made in cor white felt trim- med with soft rosettes 0 white silk, edged with gold braid and n ed with soft silk 9:... new ns-uvaus Iytv plulull .' .` made of a sequin -`_, - black velvet, trimm broidered lace and :7 A very. charming w some gured velvet castor shades with mink band around own, the only trim- ming being a handso gold sequin wing caught in front with so, knot of velvet. 1- l I113!` Eh Il\` $t\nA`Onn A C-`:4-A -:"- -j--- " with handsome em- ` ich aigrette. DIJU VI V959 Our spo:ce is t limited so mention in de- tail many of t hats all of which were very charming d reect great credit on Miss Wright an" her bright and capable assistants. in . c - . - u-aunt: vwuvun A handsome Po padour hat was made of black silk, upper im appliqued with black velvet, large blac velvet crown caught at back with buckle f black diamonds, soft under-brim of vel t edged with feather trimming. while nt was finished with graceful lyre plume A nnina. I..--4. -1- ..- BALI- L- uu L :1 UL CDC B3. A handsom novelties was of military pl _ balls, in all co ` .case`conta.ining New York ointed out to us, consisting es, lyre feathers, marabouc 3, many handsome buckles of great size '_ gilt. steel and jet, elegant velvet roses, d these with many other charming nave `es formed a very eective show case. ` I'\ ,_, , \.lUUV`IllIi\L I I ULIU UU| Miss Wrht spared us a few minutes in order to igivv us some pointers regarding the correct thin W in millinery. Many lar = hats are shown, particulaalv in black veg. et, but as usual for winter wear the t of_- will again be quite popular. Both toques '_?- hats, as a general rule, are to be worn ,3 the face, and in shape are rather large `n apparently flat. but when once on the ; ead the at look quite dis- appears, the `_ olling brim in front forming sufcient hei t- In trimmings, feathers are very popxr: fur is also used to quite an extent, aigrettes. birds and pheas- ant s breasts. . A I 3 New Toot . wly Imported from France. Pr c . 160., 25019 35009 5000 WiHm0I U dru ` 0 noon, av sluul 00 [Ill UVUUII. POL: pair. Potatoes and apples remain unchanged in price. 11'. :m nab Axn-:....u :-. a...-. ....__L2A... 00 It was Ppening day at Frawiey & i)evlin a yeaterda " and it goes without: saying the result wa ' crowd of interested" visitors all day long their spacious and `elegant mil- linerv sbo room which was handsomely r the occasion. Il'__.__ I'I'7_ I A F `TI-II-9| P950 KIUQUIIO Chickens were more. plentiful than last week, at from 35 to 50cta. per. pair. Pnlinfnnn and any-Jan rnmnin nnnlnnnnn In II no yuan uvu no auuuv hue Lullug PIIIUU. i There was a. large quantity of grain on the 1 market.` Penna were most in evidence, sell- ing at 58cts. for small, and 7octa. for large. F 9y\l\ll$lIJ "I119?! Butter sold in small lots at from 20am. to 7 21cm. per. pound. Eggs advanced to 13 and % l4cts. per. dozen. (VL3..I--.... _-_- ...-..- ..I__-2._`I AL-.- 17-1. 7 There was a. fair attendance at Saturdav s market, with a. very large delivery of grain, `especially pease. nlafnh CAIA :n annnil IA`-n cut `-4-... 00.5. L. "]`I:y in not offering in any quantity. $8 to 39 per. ton in about the ruling price. Thnrn WA: A huvan nnnnf:fn A3 nnn:n An 6115 --The W.C.T.U. held a successful Press meeting at the home of Mrs. Gibson, Peel street, last Thursday evening. The resi- dent, Mrs. McKee, presided. Many uter- esting questions concerning the various phases of press work were taken up. Rev. Mr. Bartley and Mr. Minus joining in the discussion. During the evening vocal and instrumental music was rendered by Mrs. Ilzaidman and Misses King, Irvine and Mo- ee. . ` n from Orillia and Stayner. The cost of the building will be in the neighborhood of 320-000- s...o T SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS. -- collegiate astitune Notes.` Frawley & Dev1in s Opening. Cowslip Farm. THE MAzKE'1?. II-I IILIIIILI-la`, e 'et, `e d (1 at. ` r: _ hate- tpe Bank of _ ave a branch nu runlu vuuur Juniperv an I. about alvays. To 0 our! `re T 1? - -' we'"l:ni:fa_ctur at th_:_TOLI;ENDAL A rs: giant m t ualxtxes. forvreadnnd Putty. Flour willfnot make` bread-Flour mil notfm n't .4r,,?,_make,anjv5w`9.: ;__ gt, Tigsxg thgaa ' es of To S,Mah_agcmnt of. W. `A , . . _,ut1ons. Merrv Wittjcisn Wuh an all star sunnm-mm! Tpssnh, 4 oer. and. The Comedy evz} -arce (`f t . WARn u ,:J~1'w19' we season. rlrst appear- character comedians. ED-. MARGUERITE HAM- qtoral novelty `by Arthur C_.owsLii=\FARM. '| Notice is here Exrsuantto the ( onqur, the Jun Countv of Simco} the 91]: day 0 (-l'o(-k. nan. Cnmnl..:.... `` Vof%ig:R3TIsf coukr. -- "--'--.-v u an J. L VlVL UuIV|l I-UL WIUIUI The N F; lot 22" : nth con. Innisl.` The S The W Stable). -0rilia(Br`ick D 2 and 3' 4th con`. st con. con. t Welling and ` Essa. Sunnidale. Tmy. con. Tinv. 66. Northside Collier ropertv)- - at of Andrew street, ' ame Woodshed and Dated 25th September, __... M1E&*I1H%TI1W}`1 Propepyjes for Sale. Thn\' 1 I:\O .....`. "' -:1 -4 LUW3, wagon ana sleigh. rt] Partxculars apply to P. CAVANAGH o or J. F. CA\'Al\'AGH; Bayeld street, next < 39'39 Vespra House. >-1?'-*`:- .. n j ; ` FARM A -EUSINESS FOR nz;1<.b'1` about Aug colour. '1" he own prppertyancl pa)ing wxllbe sold, - YEl').-'Into Lot 13.-Con- 2, Oro. 24th, a yearling stcar: roan can have same on proving enses. otherwise the animal A. W. BELL. T `H __ --n. 19'4o . , together` tho great Fashion b , our dis things-- how you .1 _vc:.rling Steer. Owner can paying expenses. 0. S. ROWE. Colwell. V .,_;n ...._ I-. vu- a Li \I|IIrIQIIlIll.s UCUUWI-3 `J. admxmsgration and ua tnuggwounts, etc. Othccs, Ross lock..Bame. , onev to Loan." Q I r\r\_l From the pr the L Com. 4. Innisl. 3 spr ' red. Any information co thankfulvlv received by F _ -. _. . ...- .. rnvuinuohlvwcl on the 25th Sept.. 1900, a.V son to Mr. and Mrs. James G. Keenan. METCALF-Af Niagara Falls. N. Y..' on Snday.` September 23rd. 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Met- mlfason, stillborn. ' -' _.__..-. . . . I- . . _. (Elli 31 HUI], bllll DUI. I.\'GRA.\I--At Royal Victoria Hospital 'Ba{rrie.A on Sep. usz. to Rev..~and Mrs. A. T, Ingram, Mincsing. _:1 daughter. ~ . -v_IIAb'!`I'.`n A.Iv., I _ D . 1 1 -' ._.,..B......... \IO ........-. V 7 PHII.LPOTTS--CAMERON-At St. Geo:-`gs Dnrcnnndn arr-ha luv RIIIV, W R Wnn-up .`TER-TREMEER--;At Randolph _spt. u w`1,,- Rev. Chas. T. Cockmg. Maybell `Alice. eldes dam hter of I_`homas Tremeer. to Fred. Foster. at owmapvllle. - AlGHEAD--ROBlNS--At _ Wyebridge. , Sept. CR), by Rev. W. R. ohnston. John Craighead. of Midland. to Mary aster, daughter of Thomas Robins. _ Ro3ERTS-REYN0I1DS-At Penetang. Sept. :9. by Rev. C. T. Cockmg. Jog. Roberts, Penetang. to Priscilla Reynolds, of Tmy. COLUMBUS--O'CONNELL_-At Penetang. Sept. ,9,'by Rev. Father Labourtau. Se t. :9. Hour! I: Arthur Columbus to Catherine O onnell. 130 of Penetang. 1 7. PEACOCK-MORLEY-In Toronto. on Wednes. dav. Sept. m, 1900. by the Rev. J. Speer. Mr. Geo. E. Peacock, of the G.T.R . Lindsay, to. Miss Violct Blanche Morley, of Barrie. ' BELL - LONGHURST -- In Barrie. Satuxfday, Sept. 15.. 1900. by the Rev. T. E, Bartley. Mr. John Bell, of Collmgwood. to Miss Goldie Longhurst. of Barrxe. . ......unnnvrc nuunnnxi A. nu n_--, u . \ f ' STEERM &ED.-'Into Lot :3. Con. 2l)nI1Yf\no' I agtln 4: nan-13..-- 3.4-... ever rt 89- } have ich as kgs in ` 1 || Term Begins Tuesda ,% `Fa Septemhear;lv41h, I900. y Esselsior Business college, Barrio, ..... vdetail is an up-to-date inatitutian. `fl Enterargy time. Ten chxnes. 'Unexc 394 "P ._.. .-._.-._ !:I\PI-.v.\"S';II2I{'-At Utopia on Sept. sand. a daugh- 1er.z.u.\Ir. and Mrs. Samuel McMaster. nvwnvnnv .. I\ WSW _91oen. SQ-41 p :\.,D.U., nccmr, Ullaflt 1'1. rnmpqms nsq. {V0 2 Compan) R. C. "R. I. Wolsely Barracks. London Out., to Miss Mary Cameron daughter of the- latc Angus Cmneron. Vespra. . |_Uentrs1 Business Uollega, %Toronto,s I _. HILLYLII 13"`./I"llVIG1\\JLV"'{ D`: Parsonage Barrxe bv Rev. W. S. Westney `E .x._s.o., Rem, Charles H. Phillpqtts Esq. N {`nmn:m\ R. C. `R. I. \VnlSpIv Ran-nnlzm `Inn: largo- AUULUOV` " "" " SJ I V ""' 1",, every detail u -ta-date} inatitutian. Capable instructors, per ect equipment. sa.tis- . {wary results. Send for our descriptive and imeregng catalogue. It wxll convmce you. _. tr ,, l\_..!--_ "f_---.I . Ix, N ., .WHOI-E No. ,8 .. VOL xLSAMU:L :3/usnsy, Proprigtoj.` N Ew Q; DVER'l`IsE1VIEN'l`S. FALL TERM IN THE rtime. Ten Teacher_s: _Sixtv VTyp9w;riI:' `es, Unexcelled_facIlmes for assnstmg 0 positions. Wnte for Calendar. ' . w. H. SHAVN, _Pgmcu=AL. Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto :uu at me Sal time 3.0 I 9, September 26th, 19oo.v . E. DON Clerk of the Municipaliti of _s_TRA_vEo OUR IMBJ MARRIED Eiven that a Court will be held. n-In \7.-so...-n T 3.5- Anb I. ll}. BORN. IIICV \IUUHly QUUIL U.` V In our: House, Barne, on `I0 at near an termine the several and om s in the Voters` 1900. e Court are ` ;he said time an . % Lember xgoo. DON `the season. Fifst appear- lcharacter cnmediann. ED. 26-IV u--:1 ` tlie undersigned, lot $. N. Ives. one roan and two ' g same will be GILMFE nte. Ludricous nun 6; C... `an- wclvn, Ch hill P.O. ' r;:v:iii11_ Inger.` g 39`Sarri- 2 undersigned . me bv elk .3 -3919 Brick House, with Stable and Coacli House; on corner of James and Berczy streets. The house has all modern improvements. and about halfan acre of L land laid out in lawns, with shmbbery `and fruit trees. The location is one of the most convenient, and `desirable in town. Apvly to 1 Iris-u1\1:Incn'\v ATTLE ESTRAY.--Strayed i'nto N A Lot 4.0, Can. 1. Ora. ,2 red spotted` steers 2 Vygars old, 3 white steer a year-u_o|d. V: red Hereford heaferza years 433-894 xjwihtte I;--3,103 013- " ***.;!'$' 9 magma on**piaoV__ tpjropa Ayan , n expenses. w:ll,be`_-naldrq _CA$BY,_. I>}"'E}'ae""x7eKa"iea"3r B'y"'1'et'ti JOHNS N, Minesing P.` O.- 2 Rooms for oices. in Ross Black. No. 97. Dunlop Street. Fire roof vault ;, occupied at X1-eaent by Dr. Wells. ill be vacant `on :st'of pril next. Apply to V '12..-.4. Ilihll. unnn c.H.-Ross.` ~ East} Lot :9. Can. 8, Oro, zoo acres: 85 acres cleared, and under cultivatxon.` Balance in rewood, good clay loam, comfortable buildin , orchard, good water etc., convenient `to churc es, school. post oice and market. Terms'to suitable pur- chaser. Apply to - '5 A ninur nnrgcu Aur V ce

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