Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Aug 1900, p. 1

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LANE. 35-lv Barrie. IIIVO IIWU DY paying UK` N - . . . 3?;-ota. "_' ,EsgOu;LI'h7"s|`'Tu '% mtg I\I\I FIHTIE I'l'Il'1lII I'II tructu North-west half of Lot 3, Con. 8. Vecpra; 60 acres cleared, balance etandio timber; coil. heavy clay loam; rut-clan wheat rm. The Goccreeare all under cultivation and can be seen under . crop. Where necessary it in tile dr'ained.l Fnme House, frame Burn and log Barn : i good Water etc. Asgon the premi|ee:or`by letter to BGBRTdN H. J STON. Minecing P.O. I . . 23-35 ` a Room ;:r-oicosV Blbck, No. 97. Dmilop Strut. Fire roof vault :_ gtxreunt n. w.n._ nu. vnannt .n;.-1. : nest n` I : VVUIII U . | Apglv to A CHOICE xoo ACRE FARM FOR SALE in the most fertile district of Ontario, situated x mile from Nottawanga. river on Con x, lot 29, Flee. Soil clay, all cleared` and in fine state of cultivation ; . ood water, I acrerof orchard. comfortable dwelling. Earn 43x7o. Zetoneetabling beneath. cement oor. implement house. has pen. open `shed. convenient to church. vchool, cheese factory and cream . For nan-Mnulnvn lilllllllll I113 nrnminal or . IIIIPIUIIIUIIL lluulwo uvg yin, vywu wuvug Villnvvuunvuuu creune Fe; fa:-ticulare applyeon the premises or `TI-IO . ROB- NSON. Rueeelton P. O. e4-36-p. HALF ISOOIIII I0! Oltlvulo Ill nuns DI ' nu. yyg uuua p I U F` I It: It :1: n.-. w.n.`fv8uu.':.c.. .`?.';`..""`..'.";& ..'$'a'..~. A 4-` no. in Sraavnn into the premier of the uudmigned. , Lot,7.C`on. 3. Mgbnb. on or ubout :51}: July, xwhlupim hm --mo: by pa ex-A ~-~of xi tho. The public are hereb notied that there is no legal firm of the name o Hood. Jacks and Fraser in exnstencr. and that no person has authoritv to use this rm's name in connection with anv`legal'com- mercfal or professional business or transactions of any kind. V .. _ Datedht Tottenham the 7th" Au .. moo. * 32-35 EAMES FRASER. Privgte funds to loan at 5 per cent. on farm pro- pertv. Terms to quit borrowers. No connection- with any loan _ company. Apply personally or by letter to _ p HARRY" MARI`-I, RADDTII 72E'arn1.ers Attention. Thomas McMurra.y Dead. Word has been received of the death ` of Mr. Thoe. MoMurray, the founder` and "former proprietor of The North Star, and at one time Crown Lands Agent for this District. Mr, Mc- Murray started the rst. Axewepaperl A Dead Beat. _ .V - Says the Beeton World :--A "man giving his name as J. H. 'Dsncey, of Brighton, Ont._, after spending ve days at the Oommercial hotel, sudden- ly decamped on Wednesday morning of last week without` paying his board bill. He sold sheet music, wore glasses. and is said to have been an opium ester, While here he received a. tele- gram from Besverton addressed to Dr. Dancey. Our contemporaries, no doubt, will protect thegeneral public by pas- sing this item around. . paid}! N in Canadian hank bills, but befo.r ; eeving Kincardine he. exohang.~ ed it for gold. American gold pieces, twenty in number, had been wrapped in some Brown paper, and duly labelled. On arriving at Walkerton he had fallen in with the late G . `G. Bobier, and had shared a.` iug of whiskey with him in the cellar of the house; On sobering up the money was gone.- As El: found the money on a beam in the cellar of the house, and there was. just $400 in American eagles in the package he naturally econ- cludes that he has found the righttul owner. ' lffbo '99 ._..` ~- The Walkerton Telescope has this item: Two or three `weeks ago Mr. Perry Ell. put an advertisement inthe local newspapers stating that he had found a large sum of `money. No particulars were given, but avday or two ago he received a_ letter from one Snodgrass, of Chicago, giving the ~particulara of some money which he had lost here about eighteen years ago. Th inll! nfnfnn Jlsnb LA 1----I L--- F-room for I K ( ..-..,.-_y.-.uwo: tavulvy V ' . Perhaps no more enjcyable_event has taken place this season than the outing of the ex-Staynerites at Island `Park last Saturday afternoon. . The company met about 3 pm. and the friendships of many years ago were very pleasantly renewed. Tea was served in the pavillion at. 6 p.m., when it was as- certained that about_l25 persons wear- ing the blue ribbon" as evidence of a former residence in Stayner were present, while several; letters of regret. were in possession of the committee. Expressions of approval of such a reunion were very general. and great credit is due Dr. Wylie, Rev. S. S. Craig, Mrs. R. J. Cole and Miss L. Andrews, who composed the com mittee,/. for the `indefatigable efforts to make the event such a success. It is quite prob- able this will become an annual affair. A nrnnvu I\I;nb.-..- -5 Al ....-.. -rvvvnuv IDI_ DIIIIUII uuulr. A picture of the company was taken on the grounds by cue of the city. phot.ograph'era.--Globe. 100 Acm-: r-`ARM Eon SALE. I-_;l_ _.--; I.-ll.' -1 `I -4 A. l`__' G - `igp-an 0 `. an 5-ly . JEWELLER. `DIAMOND:-IALL. 1'0 RENT, on LEASE MONEY TO LOAN, V Ex-Astaynprits P1n1.v After!/Ia.ny Days. NOTICE. I2 Pages i _-4---. - . THE INTERESTS OF BARRIE. } FIIIII BARRIE. `.`{'ig.`?.`i"}P!.';? .;;;"'...;f.;.u:';;;.;i;m. % unooogdod ca_p_tnrin thin great I for } the at time. 0 may well fee ud of it; manufacturers Ind ` L` VAV QUVIHU Ill-UIIUIIDIIIQ ID. eld `;";i`.";3.:"- ?;':':th V 10691 * -acht 9!. em-% Dompspy ""`;!brA ' % Bunle` " nd iurrouhding 3. my-.qi|nnvn*I!Iu&- un1uiu'W~"niv|i!|\I . The faotqrerl vutorl, dish, a Prize, thy highest. V old .m`9dul,_ it being t dqu, mowerl, drills. culti- on Company, of lngteubll; `mum-' . '. . awarded the Grand 6}ZzI's'o.i1}} {II I . Bradford ............ . . Elmvulb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` .1 11 Ufbll nd $1.00 Industrial, Torento . . . . ..Aug. 27 Sept. 6 Western Fair, London. . . .Sept. ` 2 6-15 ' Central Ottawa, Ottawa. .Sept. 14-22 N. York, N ewmarket. . . .Sept. 18-20 Central, Guelph . . . . . . . . . . Sept. . 18-20 Gt. Northermollingwood.Sept. . 18-21 BARBIE. . . . . . . . . .Sept. 26, 27, 28 Cook|to`wn......_ .. .,.0ct. - 2-3 East Y ork, Markham... . .0012. V ' -3~5 Beeton...1....'...........,Oet. 9-10 N. Simcoe. _Sta` _. 9-10 King, Sohomberg. ..,. .. . .0ct._ `1l-12 A"lIiIton..,. .0ot. . .14-15 0WOnVs0Il_d1..`.A:....,o....;oCt."' ' - 1 Brad_ford..-....`.`....'...;.Qct.A _ 22, 23,124 The new sore. Barrio. T BARRIE, COUNTY on SIMCOE, ONTARIO. AUGUST 30, 1900. ' New Law Firm. _The professional card of Lennox, Ardagh, Ccwan 85 Brown appears in another column ofthis week s issue. Mr.` Brown has been a member of Mr. Lennox s`r'm for several years. Mr. Alexanpdl .- an, until now a member of the r : 65 Comm, is well known in the county, a - has gained for himself a reputation as - astute and ainstakiug lawyer and an = %e is one of ' the many able bored to the county bar by e Township of `Innisl Mr. B. Holford - dagh,* a Barrie Ardagh of this to "engaged in his profession boy`, is the eldest ~ ` - is Honor Judge ' . Ardaghhas been some -years at Gravenhurst, where he ha built up a suc- cessful practice and ear ed an enviable repu- sound, up-to-date law r, and his successes _in court vaive promis bet he will s eedily become a prominent unsel. For t e pre- sent the Gravenhurst oice will necessarily engross most of Mr. Ardagh s attention. He will, however, .be permanently in the Barrie oice within a few months" and his tation. He is a reli le business man, a manv friends in Barrie will be glad to haul himvhsre again, Charles J. Drury, of Peel street, Barrie, after a short illness of two weeks with: typhoid fever, passed quietly away at the l Royal Victoria Hospital, in his 41st year. `on `Tuesday morning. August 21st. De-` ceased was the eldest son of Mrs. Ed. Drury, Barrie, and by his death a bright and use- ful member of the community has been out off. He was a loving and devoted husband and` father, and the sympathy of the entire community goes out to a `wife and four children,,who are left in sad bereavement. Many oral designs were placed on the casket in token of the esteem in which he. was held, among them was a wreath from his fellow laborers of the brick-yard. De- ceased was a member of the 35th Regiment at the time of the North-West rebellion. In religion he was a Free Methodist. The remains were interred in the Union Ceme- tery and despite the very busy season, a good; many followed the hearse in which he was home to his last resting place. Rev. D. D. McKinley conducted the service. The pall-bearers were made up of two brothers and the rest brothers-in~law :- Messrs. Thos. Drury, Geo- Drury, Jos. Williams, John Orr, Frank Perkins, and |Thos. McCreight T Gilpin . . . .. quay IJU CA puuwu. The teams were :- Barrie. R. H. E Smith . . . . .. Gray. . . . . ; Treadgold. . Gilohristi; . . Caldwell. .4..v Merry. Tuck... . . . . Youug..... F 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 I By innings- Barrie. . . . . . 4 Bloomers . . . . . . . .1 0 Umpire-C. Hinds. x-15 1 _ 1400105 0000005 6 Thelnine ybunjvmen who represent the Barrie Baseball uh, did a most ungallant act on Friday afternoon, when they admin- istered such a crushing defeat to the Boston -Bloomers ` ladies baseball club. The girls `played a clean ladylike game of ball, especi- ally-their pitcher and rst base man or woman, who are wonders, and richly dis- served theapplause which was showered up- on them; The questicniOan a woman throw straight? has been decided for. all time to come as the spectators and players can testify, many of the Home team being vic- tims of the Bloomer s` unerring aim. The `Barrie boys played their usual star game and will he in first class shape for their game with Sutton on Labor Day. As these two teams are recognized as two of the fastest amateurteams in the country a battle royal may be expected. Than l-ans-an --um... - __-..-,.,....u-Bu auao uavusurruy IUFUTHBQ to Perry Sonnd,. wee mode Crown Lands Agent, `and in` 1874. began the publication of The North Star. On leaving here Mr. McMurre.y went into the eld as e temperance lecturer, where he achieved some renown.- Parry Sound Star. A the Northern Advocate, published in Parry Sound in 1869,` before thevillage was `large enough to V be even called `II hamlet. The paper was transferred to Braoebridge in 1870, where it after- wards merged into the Free Grant Gazette. After selling his paper in Braeehridge Mr. MoMnn-ay returned tn PAPFD gnu-ant` IIIAIII --- -1` t` " published in Muskoka and 1>$,E.7.{.IIf / 'I'he Bloomers Va.nqu1shed.T GIL`- Honors .31: the Paris Expoaitigp. Charles J. Dmry Dead. .THE CQUNTY OP SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. --r - mt Winner : Drug kg - Bloomers R. Gyps?I?.7 Maud. . .. Lucy. . . . Sheppard Julia... Gertie . . . Florence. 0 2 1 _1 Duggan. . 1 . 0 1 0 Emma . . . 0 Bessie Vanderwilly-, daughter of Capt. Vanderwill, aged five yearn, was drowned at Midland. on Sunday. -The `child. `wan playing on the wharf, and it is supposed accidentally fell in. The body was recover- ed `on Monday _by Mr". Canon. ` and taken to Buffalo for burial,` ` -' . , . lodd' The Experimental Farm, es Guelph, has recommended the following mixture to keep "away iee from osthle:-`-1-'ek`e -ehloll end cerbolnq sold in the proportione of one gel- Ann of "oil to twoetebleepoonlllle oh. eetholio ` __ 9 `d. `apply twioee week with e eponige; e,l`;e]__19.!3'=' ._ . 4 _ .6 _ * ? < . V vucyro `guunpuu 110301008 Iron} Un he-c'l;`(;i. their `rig. ' They escaped going `under the wheels of the train, but McFar- ren was knocked unconscious. Dodds was injured; internsliy, and .lsnded with his head within three inches of the rails. The horse escaped nnhurt, but the rig was re- duced to mntchwood. K , ..n, Struck 13;} a. Train. T Orana, ville, Aug. 24.-Presenee of mind saved . McFarren and J. `Dodds. of this town, from instant death yesterday, but they were nevertheless, seriously injured. The two men. were driving across the Canadian Pacic tracks, when they heard an approach- ing train. Looking up, they foundthe ex- press was hearing down upon them, and seeing there was no time to urge their horse forward. they. jumped headlong from the back their _'rig._` _!_[`hey( going Du . VI VII uuuu 3 . The celebration ended with cheers Callighen, the Queen, and the boys still the front. . %-v------ I Wis 9 . an auto II no imitation. Try It. ' tamer : Drug Store. Barrie. WU IQII `I15 I `Veteran Joseph `Armstrong was the last speaker. He indulged in no attery in ex- tending a hearty soldier's welcome to the hero of the occasion. He was not rich, save in patriotism of mind. He would pat all. the soldiers on the back on their return and say, Well done! i TL ....I-L..._;2_,, 1 ~. a.. . - M... Iuvilv aunynunluucu uuu 8l0qI18nl5 aaaresa- es. Callighen, he said, might not beable to speak well,`but he could do better, he could Ight well. The speaker deprecated too great; leniency to the Boers, and paid a naaaiug tribute to Sir John Macdonald. Though we might not live to see it, the British ag would brave for a.notherthqus- and years the battle and the breeze: e WAI inf-all:-uni-A11 `Inn -.-..I.....--4 -I------~ ~ ....... Juana uuu uncut: uuu `H16 (H8828. 118 was interrupted by prolonged cheering in his closing -recitation in honor of the (um- adian og. v'Vnc-m`... T.n.....I. A .__.- -A._ - -- Ar - - ` ` un... yvuuuu no upprucusbeu very much. Mr. Donald Ross thought he might fairly be supposed to represent the younger element. He had been struck with the part played in the war by the young colonies and the young men. He was reminded by the scene of the return of the ancient Roman warriors after one of their successful ex- peditions. There was this difference, how- ever, that in `those days only the successful general enjoyed the triumph, while the com- mon soldier was ignored. (lull: u'm-A ......a.. c... mt- tr_.....I-2-L n- usuu uuuuur was ignored. Calls viere made for Mr. Hezekiah Ed- wards, and that veteran orator made one of his most impassioned and eloquent address- as. Calliahnn in: mm maul. ....a 1... ..LI.. ulnuun A halt was nally made in front of the Wellington hotel, and speeches were made from the balcony. In the absence ofithe Mayor. Alderman McLean was master of ceremonies. In a few words he introduced Mr. Haughton Lennox. Mr. Lennox spoke of the greatness ot the British Empire, of the. pride we have innit and in our young men who went to help defend it. Thev had done nobly, and their acts had behoved much to draw the colonies nearer to the mother land. . In welcoming Callighen we must not forget the other Barrie boys at the front. A `sailighen tvas then called upon. Without attempting to say more, he simply thanked those present for their kind reception of him. which he appreciated very much. Ml`. Donald Rnnn fhnnnhl-_ kn nu}.-ho Ina-In IIIIIUU II > front. I`, II` uvLnuuJ GPPVGL Gl..IUUo When the train pulled `in all eyes were turned to the rear coaches. and it was a minute before the crowd caught sight of his khaki uniform as Callighen stepped from the front coach. Then the cry went up. There he is !" and-a mad. rush was made. He was seized upon every side by the mob, who hastily wrapped the Union Jack around him and bore him of on their shoulders to the cab that was in waiting. A procession was formed, headed by the veterans and the band. ' A I,,!. n In - R V U CVIJUIIO They throng before the Hotel called him, and he nally made his way to the balcony, where he was roundly cheered. After making a few remarks he called upon Mr. W. H. Bennett M. P. who was present, to say a few words in his behalf. ._Mr. Bennett made a short and appropriate `address, in which he paid a tribute to the acheivements of the Canadian boys in the tented eld of battle. He made a feeling reference to the brave young soldier from Barrie who had been left upon the battle eld of Pardeburg among the slain-Pte. Findlay. rlnnn hi: I-ho gone}-.. 4.. 4...|.`.. Ll... ouv :uuuu-'J. uu. uluulyo Upon his returnto the station to take the train for Orillia he was placed in a hack and drawn by dozens of willing hands in his triumphal progress down the street. At Orillia he was met by theband and a large number of citzens who awarded him a most hearty welcome. Than nnnnn [`n`II:.-L.... .. 1..--.. 'I`\-__-!n A` uvuu I! W suvuulwu Then came Celligherfa turn. Despite the great heat on Tuesday afternoon` a large crowd assembled to meet him at the three -o clock train from Toronto. Flags were ying everywhere and the town had on its holiday appearance. ' (NI-mn tl-un ....:.. ....ll...'l :.. ..n ___-- .__- The oiowd was doomed to a partial dis- appointment however,as when the train drew up Private Percy MoCosh, of Orillia, stepped to the platform" without Calligheny He was at once made the hero of the hour. - He was escorted to the`Queen s Hotel and feted and gazed at and had his hand shaken till it must have aohed. V 'I'.._ ..I____.._l._,_,. .1 , 11 . I an c I u The town was all agog on Monday after- noon when it was" rumored that Pte. Callighen`, who was known to have reached Toronto, would come up on the evening train. An immense crowd of people gathered at the station, where the Regimental band was stationed to receive the returning soldier with becoming martialstrains of music; f'I'1I_- -___m,_,1 Privates Gallighen and Mollnsh _.A.ra Royally Welcomed Home; They FoughtFor % Queen and Country. nmwneaz mauina. '."6r iiea (attle. for at I -Work on the new tannery is progress- ing favorably. The excavating has been about completed, and worl: has commenced in the foundations. Arrangements have been completed for securing supplies of brick | from Steyner, Beaverton. Orillio; and stone from Longiord. Johnsondt Sarjeant will supply the cement end lime. The men at work on the well have reached as depth of about eighty feet, and the whole work will be -pshed along is fut as circumstances will I OW`. --At the recent meeting of _ the Hi In Court. I.0 F., st Owen Sound, Mr. W. . Sanders. P.H C R.. of Stayner. was called forwinrd. and, after the Supreme Chief Ranger hodoommented in -enitehle terms upon `the distinction of hein made Chevalier "oLthe'Gnnd of Met. t. we: informed ntlillv `he hurl been choeen fortthe gi_ietinouon.. , . T .._-mm r!ii.t'9;onfeIn0t:ie- h.o.`w_&_- invest `:51 vb!th;`chet_ _f(3l"0II`<'!'.f.>1VIr,i9,..`-T *it_~`nft`9li t.h9;9.... mid. 1 `ti? " ' `A :-It V - -"Er 2 -Severa1 citizens have recently been mak- ing inquiries as to when the town water tank was last cleaned. There seems to be a feel- ing that with the splendid new ow of wat- er just obtained it would be an opportune time to thoroughlvvolean the reservoir, par- ticularly that the time for typhoid is here -and the purity of our water supply counts for much, _The authorities would do well `to considerethe matter.` direction of Miss Ellis ---The town council of Burk s Falls have agreed to loan Knight Bros. the sum of $20,- 000 to develop the water power and build and equip a mill and factory to employ at least one hundred hands. 1_`he promoters are to be exempt from taxes for ten years ; and in return they will furnish the town free of charge for the same time with power for waterworks and fire protection. _ he Misses Chesnut Private and Kin , rden school. corner of Mulcaster and W0 ' 0 treets will reopen on Tuesday, September . As only a limited num- ber of pupils admitted, application should be made at Music under the Reformed Episcoplian chu organ methods same as used Toronto. in Co F 337 Father Laboureau. of Penetanguiehene, ha.s m'a.d _ ments. with the Railway in connectio 55` _` icnic, for excursion rates from Barrie an " - to Penetanguishene going - - _ _ ll 15. Returning by special leavin tangnishene at 7 o clock. --'.l`be Liberals of East Simcoe meet in convention at Orillia to-day to select a candidate to oppose W. H. Bennett. M. P., % atthe approaching Dominion `general elect- 1 ions. Messrs. Harvey, Playfair and Mayor \ Tudhbps are among the most probable nom- inees.` navy ' -Mr. Harry Ellis has rented the premises on the north side of Dunlop street. recently occupied by Caahman 81. Perry. and W111 move into the new stand ina couple of weeks. `Mr. J. F. Craig will open a tailor- } ing establishment in .the premises vacated 1 by Mr. Ellis. -._.1- . iueea.` VJac 77 _--_ ..__- -....-......_,. '-The Public Schools and Collegiate Insti- tute re-open on Tuesday next. The only changes in staff is the transfer of Mr. Airth to the West Ward and the appointment of Mr. Fred. McKee to the East Ward School. Domestic}. 11 Imported Vinegars. I er-in] bra B01`!!- \ EIJJS. ' V ` tZ:jThe Str. Enterprise will run trips to "` ` int as follows .-Fridav, Aug- 'e at 9.30 am.; Sat- ust 21st, urdav, Sept. lst, e dav. Sept. 3, baseball excursion. 9.30 a. m. -The annual meeting of the W. C. T.,U. will be held in their parlors on Monday after- noon next at three o'clock. A full . attend- ance is urgently requested, as among other business there will be held the annual elec- I tione of oicers. ._..v v. _v-v,--v-u svvu awn -Art:ivth`e meeting of the Barrie Cheese Board on Thursday um . there. were 423 cheese boarded, all `of which were sold at logc. no Mic. per lb. The nexbmeeting of the Board will be held next Thursday. 7111.- I\-LIS, (V I I 1:1 I! -- -For the rst time in several years West -Algoma. will have an exhibit at Toronto Industrial Fair. Mr. Robb _McKenzie, of Oliver township, exhibits 148 different. kinds of grasses. ` T delivered quantity. Please leave 1' the Mllllomee or Telephone No. III. 4.1.- ___-.,- A .- -In the list of honor metriculants, pub- liebed on Saturday, the name of Miss Hallett appears, she having taken second class hon- orsin English, French, German and Mathe- manics. _,, ---`-_ --.-- -..v- autumn: --The man, named Lurcbe, sent down from Midland on a charge of indecent ex- posure was sentenced by Judge Ardagh to six months in the Central Prison. --LfeS8l'B.VlV1"0!l & McFadden have moAv- ed their barber shop from the Boaanko block "to the Five Points. _ J ,, _,___-.. ,_ _'--- -u-v-up -non-av: ~-Conffegational chm-ch-Pastor Botterill will speak next Lord : Dav, morning subject, A Royal Hunt. Evening lecture, A Man or 9. Sheep, which is the Better. iv- r10", -.-The Barrie Dietrich Epworth League will hold its fth annual -convention in C01- lier street Methodist church on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept 11th and 12011. "-;--'l'?i1`-e-c-i;i'z-e -1;`:--5-D-ll-i-dland' hav petition-. ed the Government to have that town made a port of entry. Inca Au. ,u. u men: `has remove ' \ building to 127 Dun 0 Queen : Hqpel. `*"**=":r'-guru Wumevp rug 1 ,._ ' _ _ _ fur.-o w pickling Con ! V-On F:-id_ay ch; Liberals of North `onu- ` ario renominated Mr. Duncan Graham for has their candidate at the approaching elections. D. O'Neill. the custom tailor, tn 1`)? n..- A .2L_ 4'` , tom the Bosank ` few days ago didn b come as far east as Bar- - PIA ----'i`b: ; d at Calgary 3' 'Many Readable Paragraphs of ` Local Interest. The Latest News _.._ __ - r- vvvvv-v-u ' . Mieaes `B1-iva [id rclen corner of M nd on '1 leptember limit: er hould_ madeat irection Miss Eie apt ul M17 ' Briefly Told. round soles: and jun.-n.|I9.._ I2 Pagg ' all kinds Mr Edourd D Uize, well remembered in Berrieigr his fine performance of Shylook" -;n the _ enchant of Venice as given by` e 5-mpany last winter, in starring` : a 1 d dramatic play, Rlche- V . 3 1' gives Mr. D 0iu every ecope toexercr.-.1 great dremetlo. I talents. and stamps him ` _f of America/"I beetxactou. When we co _ , V that.-Mr. D'Oize is not yet tnirtv years of - - vv neterredln each parts an Hamlet, :'8h3 r,lock, Devid GII`li`:k.I;2 A " Jieu wep ' ctegreet ntnre, ,"_f,,`, J)Iti( 5Ill f-mn`_.n.=~ ' He '3": Use Wang:-9; Glycorlne and Almond Jol I: tor Illa`-' _ hands. 15. taboo Winner : Dru V in ` G. R._ Ford returned to town on Monday. after an extended visit in the North.Weat. Her many friends will regret to learn that she is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism. Mre. Joseph Nellee, Sandford street, re- turned home on Friday after a three weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. Metoalf, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and relativee in `To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ackland and Mill Cora Cpnklin, of Columbus, Ohio, who have been reaorting in Barrie during the month of August, "have returned to their homes. Miss K. J ohnson, who has been the guest of Mr. James Johnson. Owen street. and Miss S. Morris .the guest of Mr. T. R. Parker, have returned to Toronto. .?o`25% 1"" '""-".' "' *""""" Miss Wright, head milliner for Frawley and Devlin. left on Tuesday for New York. oity to attend the millinery openings, and make purchases for the fall season`. Mr. Wm. Lila, a. former resident and pupil of the Collegiate Institute, is home on a visit from Jackson, Mich,, where he has charge of a. large drug store. `ll':._ 17 1_t_,,_,, , I V J.(J. i.}irr>-1is.ii.`_liis`(ia_1'1ghter. Csmilla. and Mrs. (Judge) O'Brien Atkinson, Port Huron, Mic_h.. are visiting Mrs. Thos. `Cronan, Bayeld street, North. L I Master Holmes Crosby, of Richmond Hill, who has been spending a fortnight in `Barrie, returned last week. accompanied by Master Marshall Freak. `Mr. T. F. Webb. Secretary of McMaster estate, Toronto, and Mrs. Webb have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Patterson for the put week. --_-Mr. W. A. Bow . who recently sold his residence on Baveld street. has purchased the Mccerthv estate, occupied at present by ` Mr Grasett. Miss (:(}.Sing, of Port Hope, sister of F Miss 'E. E. Sing. of the Central school emf, has been appointed assistant in the Anqill Public school. ' -Dr. E. E. Brereton, of'Schomberg, whose card appears in another column. has opened a dental oice over Henderson s hardware | store. ' Mr; 'e&--Stevenson, of Chicago. is home on his annual holiday. He is accompanied by Mr. John Bloom from the Windy City. Mr. Wni. L. Kidd, gn old B 0.1. atudent, who has been teaching at Duntroon, will ` take charge of Woodbridge school this fall. 1 ._ __-_ _------l. MrZa.i);n_iel re'tu_`rned on Satutdav to her bome in Montreal after an enjoyable vilit with Mr. and Mrs. Minna. --Private Brunton, of Newmarket, was among the recent arrival of invalided soldiers. ,, ._,,..r.. Mr. Harold King spent a. few days in town this week on his return from his mission ` eld in Muskoka. .Mrs. l_5'laei:_t-1':-1:1 her son, Mr. T. R., were visiting friends in Newmarket, Queens- ville and Toronto_ recently. ' `If_._ 1\, ,' I ` `if.-0888. r;f Midland, and Mr. J. T. Whaley, of Huntsville, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H T. Whaley. II ..- I`l7,,, 1| `hire. Thos. Smith, of Utopia. is spending a. few weeks with her mother in Rochester, `NY. ` , _____ .. `ix... nu gvnvutvn A`: tephens and Dr. Morten are spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. W. W. -McIntyre, of Bradford, Pa... is spending a few days in town. Miss Tompkins, of Brockville. is the guest of Mrs. J. J. Wier. Blake street. Miss Tuthill, Toronto, and Miss Follil, ; of Aurora, are guests of Mrs. Weir, Blsko street. V Mr. W. Webb, of the American hotel, left on Saturday evening for a. trip of several months in Europe. ' II T? I I 1* . - - Mr.~ Russel Stewart TiTt7;Tli1r;1;;e for his hou- davs. Mrs. Frank Bemrose is visiting friends in Barrie. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reedy have returned to Toronto. Mr. Bert Smith has returned from vviaiting friends in Sturgeon Falls. 'I`!,, `I 'C Miss Msi'y'Mors.n will attend the N ormai school in Toronto this fall. Mr. Swithin King. a former resident of Barrie, was in town this week. Miss Lightfoot and Miss Allie Lightfoot are spending a week in Toronto. it '\ - _,-____...----- _-- . -. `ur- -\duch enjoyment was introduced into the service at the Five Points on Sunday Int 1 by the many voices that sans: the Gospel of . God's Wonderful Love. Pastor Botterlll spoke from A AMan who sold himself for Naught. ' --Pte. A. F. Edwards. of Imzersoll, Ont. one of the invalided Canadians, who muru- ' ed from South Africa on Saturday. brln with himnewe of the fate of `Walker,t I fox-terrier which 0. Company tool: `away with them as their mascot from Toronto. He died gloriously at Paardeberg' Drift,- shot by the Boers about ten minutes after his master, Pte. Findlay, had fallen, with a bullet through his head. ` Edward Hill is visiting his mother in town. ' Miss Bella McManus, of Lawrence ! F air, has returned after a two week : out- 0 In" .--The Barrie baseball club will hold an exclirsion per Str.- Enterprise on Labor Dly to Jackson's Point, where they will plly Sutton for a handsome silver cup. \n..-L ___-__,,,,,, - I `~4- The next meeting of the High Court will b6 held at Orillia. {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCI SINGLE COPIES FIVE CIN'l'Io Personal News. Richelieu. I like 0-50 1 mer Mil? Iknguaxizy. ENDOWMENTW SURANCE POLIGIES. at Mary Street .1, W5` at_ Street, I mm, AKUAUH. COWAN & BROWN. Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of guardianship and administration, and General rs. Notqcjes, Conveyancers, etc. 4 Auzx. Cowzuv, G. E. 1. BROWN, L.L.B. 3rInch0ices--Lennox 8: agh. Gravenhurat: , Creemore and rted bo bv a. strong cas rate Scenery. Beauti A Prices popular. PLAN AT WISMER'S DRUG E and P. . :1 sale `at conomical VOPERA HOUSE SEPT. 5th in-- ~t . < W f if:,hH:b",:IE:id for _Endowment Insurance. Pply "Imam or mpnuy V 11.1, 0- H. won, \ --.n.... .<.. -~'..`....~ .* . LVNQX. ARDAGH. COWAN & BROWN. start Qnlh-Ion.-= 4`... ,.k4..:...!..... ......L..s.. -1.` malt? and x mlheir outlay, and a loboot. Applylo a good solid investment can block corner of Front and (Eat will pay.them inta- d substantial vearly '3 Y IIVIS RAL SERVANT WANTED about tlge we of September. Must `boa good plam MR5, A_ULT. No. 1 Pee] btrcet-.--.,35-35p m[.D_-_.\ln I Can put vou in `the way of se- ' ` `ition if. ready to begun work ' or mv services. o C. ' 9 35-351 F! V l'\ I |.. V V I ' B: cssie Ross w'll . v " ' r.S{PT. 5th. 4; Cor1?i'rp?r:Z1t'" WEDNES. \_. \\.`34-as as , : .. 1]AN-At Fleming, Assa.. on A h Monkma_n. rpother of Mr. Geo. Mggktaru: gisx. Barne. m 1161?; 81st year. ~ V m,Int},\; Royal _Vktoria. Hospital. Barrie, Wu; J. Drurv. aged 50 years. { F. La Hendersons ha uSH-In A who, Eva-May lain English. Us .At0ro szaciori. Aug- 23. a daughter to '1 Mrs. Jas. Marlin. , mMS.-.<"` '%'%$?:.m:::;.;';.`*' *. ,-ln Barrie, Aug. 22, a son to Mr. and hos. N. Hobley. ` ` nT'.'H ;,Ag.. I909` U N-gqdetail is an wble mstructors, pa results. Send: W Mtalozue. `::'_.- W A,,{f{;"1#z`f'fisEMENTs. _ uced FOR SALE. _\l-"ARMS TO RENT. yum-~ success ghau 3". into busmes with a of its studex youxig pgqple 11 s `posmons \ ogen tea`che UC g`i`n"WT'1i tih v._4 W. SHAW. Pamcumn. ., ' Yongc and Gerrard Sts., Toronto ....._---------.._____ pEaT/Fm: SCHOOL. 1 _ '_ D--. J rn-f\nnn avhnn`, 1H--In Allandgle; on Friday, August 2 th v'E\~3~MayEng|nsh. eldest daughter of r. ,. aged 17 years. gmonths and :5 as Uullage, Barrie, my Basins : :. an up-to-date instituting. ca?! . `V MONEY TO LOAN. LXL IX. SAM V ` No. 35 E um. Vvrisusv, WHOLE 9 "" 3 ' f th t the excellent work 0 e u , fbosmoso Iiollogo, Toronto, __ ..'c :9: students and gradu- HALLANDALE, in I `W Veil Screened. Careful Delivery, - AT__ nd Street, Lots 17 afid 18- Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7- itrcet. Lot A. BARRIE. t, Lot, 54.` at. Lot 2. Lw,_,_,_ ` . . . ' 'ts students gradu- c succes:)u`:fg`people have gone from '3 3o'}e55'?poSitiL`n8 within the cast utfhbusm doien teachers. aixtv "first- .w"h achiiies. splendid equipment tm mgest Courses of training avail- `dgs mogtieective work. _.. nuI.'.`KYQ SEPT. nth. Vest Baldwin Street. b1 '95 sAimnt's. NOTICE. u`u""". ""c.z*; . up-to-date institution. rtors. nerfectequlpmgnt. satis- Send for ou_r descrI_ptive and dogue. :It wxll convmce you. :3ORi1. DIED. THE ADVANCE." 26-IV ug f 15 eople. Costumes. an-\..I.... ` ALEX. GIBSON; I'1_II,, 1 . .'_l`)entist. Ofce over ce Owen "66'47. I Fr_is=e- Ta1l;; ' WHOLE N04 343:- 3rn1irieI .Ol'. I 'RE_ L

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