Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Jul 1900, p. 3

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` onTfit';tm E1d.tound.p:1 rxfticles etc. .he_pai1, an` ill aity' `studexit, and Miss. Stevenson. Thornbnry. The party was bond up the lake for a cruise, but the dirty weather induced themto `run in here over Sunday.--Free Press. L Story. of a. Pie. Some of our girls are fairly good pas- try cooks, but to others the art seems to be 6 lost one. ' ' V A story is being told of an Orillia young lady who became suddenly am bitious to help her mother in thekitohem She would bake a pie with her own sofa little hands and, when George came around in the evening, he should be treated to a piece of her own baking. The idea was perfectly lovely. ` A ` --'f`!:'<; iingaded wind the pie got into `shape and put in the oven. -rt-r In ,.!._1`_- 3 ' Ii ` ' a smile as` serene .aelf-aatisfac- ; tion -the young lady retired again to the parlor to allow her effort to mature.- ` rs . 1 - n.,, 2.. :.L-,:_ But somehow in putting in the in- gredients she mistook the bottle of gly. cerine for thelemon extract, and when the explosion occured and they picked the pie oil` the ceiling and gathered up the fragments of the stove from the yard her father decided that she had better have a kitchen out in the suburbs in the middle of a ten-acre eld, where she conldn. t doany damage except to blow a" piece out of the town limits. An Exciting Runway. On Tuesday afternoon a most excit- ing runaway took plnoe from the G.T.R. N station. 1 Mr. L Phillips, of Sharon had his team which was attached to a demo crat, tied at the freight sheds.` A freight train which was starting` south frightened the team and they broke loose and took down the track at full gallop.` The train followed them- Those who saw the affair expected to see a collapse when the horses reached, the bridge over the creek; but strange to say, the team was on the T full run -and they never missed a tie. The bridge is. about 50 feet long. They kept the track till they reached Water S'.., where they left it andturned down Second St. and continued their course three miles further. They were caught at Hartman's Comets, having run three miles and a half. The horses were none the worse and the carriage was very littlehurt`. The seat, which was mov- able, fell o` when they started and the reach was slightly injured. ' Had their feet slipped in between the_ ties in crossing the railway bridge, they would undoubtedly have broken their legs.- Newmarket Express. . ` Current History. Current History for July constitutes another link in the chain of a complete history of our times, covered by this valuable `periodical since 1890. It con- nes itself to the facts of history in South Africa, the Orient, in fact the _wide world over,-is written by schol- ars and pervaded by a spirit of judici- ousness and impartiality rarely seen in the emissions of the press inthese days- (Boston: Current History Co. 81.50 a year. Three months trial subscrip- L.`.__ (SK --_ L_. -JV tion '23 oe?.Y.')' V These Tablets are .the latest` production of medern medical science. They are innitely superior to all pills and similar. preparations, for the cure of Indigestion `and all disee.ses_ of the Stomach. Bowels`, Liver and Kidneys. ' For Nervous Proetretion and general weak-' nness they `have no equal. To nervous and delicate women these Tablets will prove` a positive blessing. :. ' nu'|n,'r\~rl- |n_, V Price, soc. 9.; box. % said by D. H. Mac- Laren, Dmggist, sole agent for Barrie. ` j V HAVE YOU TRIED aoLuon a Parfact Haadaoh_0}1ra. VA;sz`1fe` and Ainstantanedus cnrg for Heaidache and 1`.I`en r;aIgia._, Gqamnteed tp cure, * 0- M~onw%L# CL DU.WI-M-ER I folks well and Lfqlks from lacing \ 5 `JV ' ARE N01" A PATENT MEDICINE . .- . j'onEm1s'r AND DRUGGIST.`-5% *` 1 ~ j A BARBIE; T ,--v vuwu, Ill cents per 1 cent per res count no cent `per ber of) TOOLS, ` A , .,i;.LAWN'*AMOWERS,`RUBBER HOSE, JSPRINKLERS, TREE ZPRUNERS. PARIS GREEN, LAWN RAKES, "FISH'ING '1`AOKLE,BLUEFLAME COAL OIL STOVES, HAMMOCKS,` BUILDERS HARDWARE, PAINTS, ' A - A OIL, GLASS, E'rc., AT ll WALL PAPERS Scotfs _ %Bookstore. . Gofhs and 0a8kO'l8'of all kinds in stock or made tb order. Robes, Urape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by Telegraph orotherwise promptly attended to. F " . G. DOLMLAGE, Manager, Stroud. isteam Vl'Woiri(sVaiI}dTSh6w Boom; Ghllier-sl., Barrio UNDE|_=\_ TAK_E R, All kinds` of Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound at reasonable rates. Magazines and Music bound in splendid style and cheaper than city prices. Let us quote prices on your work before sending it out of town. BARRIE Ask our Agent to show` you the New Patented Ball Bearing Knife Clip. Supplied pnly when specially A-ordered. We also manufacture the best and most cem lete line of C '-Vs. IVATING AND SEED- -ING IMPLEMENTS on Earth, comprising? SPRI G TOOTH 0 -VATORS, (ttedwith s PIKE TOOTH HAR- niin and grass` sowinarattechments if desired) ` SPRING A (N If '1 .' .. riotinn nn nma -nmn1.IAnnn Q r1u~nNr nI2II.I..c1 /on `I.-{man I-InR.Q um} nil the I%*ii1-;;1:l*Er;s;fVsB{vin%vattac1{mentifdsired) TOOTH I ows, DISCHARRO s, GRAIN DRILLS (all kinds), HORS AKES (friction and -nlntunb Jun-\-.\\\ nbn nlrn LUV VT! Jllklv J-L1J.ULD\l I194, \J&ULL luJ.I .:J.I.Iu.:4L.uu \unn an:.u\..-ul, Q5\r.-vvv- ratchetfdump). etc . etc, ` L If you need anything in our line send for our l900VI1lustrated, . talogue, (sent iree). You will and 1t very much to your interest to do so. DER TWINE, pm. McDNAlll, Agent. '-%AHENDERs0N9s. A Bond Beard. %+%AgL`%nTs_zauL5;;LL.;:[matd, lngersollxntario. 2 SMITH, Indian has been seenthls - range for four months. in as he talked over the the ride with the colonel, and `sea erfectly safe. I will detail` mpisgom my own company, but "Only for appez1rance's sake." will be safe, and May wm = n th 1 1 ed` M the gallop, sald e co one . an aid about lt. ore $38611 were ready to set forth. her horse six of the men of A me mung up under command 1 Haynes. Theyohalted 30 9;; start of surprise, and a ush Zeaa her face. Next moment W went white, and she gasped ks bee ked for breath. The corpo- me Harkins whispered to Private ,.And:d1d ye see that, Jim? By .l ..... w nnr cornoral and the m stood on ~the veranda. wait . add as she looked them over ` dslowly llfted, and his head 4 vered for an instant, and Prl-T - ' The best possible tribute the people can pay to the excellence of an article in by using it. We are glad to any thet during the m four months of thin year, as compared with correc- pending)" period lest-year, the sales of, NA R0 L L E D w H E AT ; A. .. . 1` , . _ A have nearly doubled. .;p`pgyQ_the p:e9'pl9VtAo buy the beatiand it pays nuito make it the but - ; . , V THE TILLSQN.GO'Y,(L1mited)_- ' V - ' = V _ . Tn.soNnu'-no, 0x'r. - BARRIE AND STROUD. 4 `Are conceded by all who see them the best as- sortment ever shown. Notwithstanding the in- crease in prices We have wonderful values in `~ and 10 cent Papers with Ceilings and Bord-, t ers to match`. ` Will be pleased to show samples._ No. 5 DllNlUP ST.. TUP FLOUR. PROPRIETOR. BINDERY lifayfield Banio. Red with The i England J hasnrs as. .9. 1 LI: of Toronto.` ` ll rnents a1_lqw . composmo VA'L/. $531 r Waterloo] or Berlin. | I must In e I meulbn: l on Do ms in a: hint` , }'Insuran_ce Lcash capatal. SMI1 But 110" W 0 It! e 1300? u, lJ\- o u-no..--- w _-'-- ow can the grass grow, ye. thick I? Don't we call Haynes the `Gen- man Corporal? Isn't it agreed in at he has the education and f nnv officer from I West Ath _-nm A mop}; tum. Lu: uua uuu y......-...... w-- mm of any officer from" West, Mm and that he's seen the day when pualned with the tiptoppers?" ..._. 4.1..-.'u mnv have lnved?" mused rieni ' nd did woke, but If ourvcorporal -the My; daughter {haven't met before Wdon't know a jack rabbit from a drink of whisky! ..n..ohnw mm it be?" asked O'Brien; ygtrallleu WILLA Luv ~r&"'VL t"""' ma they may have loved?" mused UBr1en. .....-... u 5.1+ H-'u all nvnr now. ma Ubrleu. wrhafg it, but it's all over now, me` M. It me own sister was married to mesecond lootenant, I'd not dare to as much as wink me eye at her. `It's :1 W1: 'twIxt oicer and` man, and it ' woman tries to bridge it he gets drop- - pedto the bottom. See the girl walk- mgto and fro? She's doing some think- mnd don't ye forget It." AH-.1 o'\A any-nnv-nl icn1 f `Q h`f' nndv `VI ybuuu Ir J I-v-av- "And the corporal isn t `a bit easy In Msmind. added the other. Itall took place in a minute, and then Captain Cline rode up, followed by the girl's horse. She called out a good morning and announced that she usready. and w'nen the captain ral- e led her on being a-"bit nervous she forced a laugh and charged him with king four long minutes behind the hour agreed. As she was, lifted lhto the saddle she caught one more glance ofthe corporal. and the watchful Pri- ntearkins again whisperedeto his` chum: 7 ` c. B. LeW.l|- o ovY"`t' 1900' by 0 oooo 6 '$"` ; o 0 V . , . 0.0.900. T 1d 1 to make 9. r e_ : Were gEdngack-Captaln i0ll_ne`.;. 5 daughter. That mean_tj__ miles. It was straight the` stage road for; ten doW cross scrub and plain tor. `hen; mt the natural curiosity` ti; has seen this ` e months" 9t_t,1:.`:.,r1i1l;I1]gas o_ve1f_ ag "Jim, we've got a mystery here or Fm an old woman. Theglrl is ushing trio. Who knows but what we may haven marriage between our `Gentle- manCorporal' and the colonel s daugh- ter? . "Remember the gum" growled UBrlen. .... val 1 `Ta nd a way to y over It it I was in love. The two riders went galloping away. i followed at a distance of 100 yards by the escort. It was a beautiful morning lnsummer, with the blue haze lying thick over the distant mountains and Inexhilaration in the air to make the 5100601 both horse and man tingle. -iowaud then the pace was slackened lawn a bit to breathe the horses,` but hhait was made until the Devil's :11! was reached. Close -up against! $19. and in this dip, or basin, We 2 base or Fire mountain was a. natu- R AAIIA` -.~- L1-- J` $1035. There was also a circular M`: which steamed and bubbled, and Wand then from the crevices of the mgilt the west end of the basin M fwas forced out, with the notes Msgg horn. The escort halted 40, W Pom the riders, and the men sat Whoa the rocks and ate the break- mokedefhhad brought with them and me C 91? pipes and gossiped. `Mean- Orporal Haynes climbed to the ecoutrreat bowlder and surveyed has g? about with his keen eyes. gm he ``%-quarters of an hour be- my miuddenly started and looked . M were the north beyond the basin -mug d three or four minutes game. hugm W11 the rock -and said to the, 8 troopers: - imgolfee t0 your arms and lie close. emu`-1 D to report to the captain." rmer Cline and the colonel ! WM rwere breakfasting on a at.` mleiheilick overlooking the basin, ` near Eorses were fastened to a l M. a 5 -. They saw Corporal -h We : p"Ch1n8. and the`-captain: ecamotlced that the girl ushed my and 9 nervous. He was a. single" Merv though not exactly in ran; .a spark or jealousy blazednp, hi . .te.'n.l.).'f't-_` The corporal : but was " " "' \vlW U51), U8 IJC`II-I "V W W 8 dozen spouting hot hut?!` Do! I I I 4 um - -- v- ;couVI.lB]_ Iuuzscu-uy jnmiegeirt corporal : past was gm as?! to his troop commander-A. 1% ` Q is comrades. He had be9n._ duorpom b8ll8e of hi! nttan-I" K` momtii . his soldlerly carriage `__and_ 1 4 in ex nuence an educatedo. 2 mm "ts. and the -capta.ln._ 1`ra1`er mud or m- V 5 will N` _ _we been sonitlns .3112. " "1 the:past.*anI! . ma 125:1? h1m- '4 ' you? 11 ~ 'Dra1 came t?) Ea"? iwuffr 11:1:wULca`1V1ui,;:Di;:2 5" _ , ..... H11: m-nssx crow. ve. thick iitmgu eogvoan1,%* The corporal had lo6ked1 strp;ight'.at, his ofcere and seemed_'fun'awa_re_ or-the presence of the girl. She was ushing and paling alternately, and as he `stood there twirling the cap he had doled in `silent recognition she protested: "Bl1t_ nnnfoln It .n.--- A- .... uvu, one uvvpI:l.',~B qqxeuy 8310'} ' Men. I havebeen up to -the captain to report that there ls_.a band out at least 50" Indians: skulking down this way from Red Bird pass. They have seen us and are arterus. The captain j doesn't believe me, and you will get ready for a ght. They'll be here within half an `hour. Softly now. Just overhaul your carbines and cartridges _and make no display to frighten the girl. The reds have got to ank the basin on this side, and they will have to strike us rst. _We ve got good cow- er. and we can, stand `em of! for the T (int: " -__ .... ... ...,...5..._u_.5u sue protested: "But, captain,a1t there Indians, there is danger. It thisithis soldier saw Indians--# ` .' - u1-\n`.1-,n`- '- .. . ....-gnu:-aw ' - "`;Dl`dn'}t `you hear me?"_ houn captain atlvthe `lingering corporal. The am-nm-nl a.n..+...a 4..--_L'._-.. , may-.unu sun one uugerlng colfporl. I": . V The corporal saluted, turned;-on {hie heel h and ret11'rne_( his. -men. ~The gulf between oicer and man did not permit him to explain in the race of that blunt command, but when he had 1 reached the troopers he quietly said Men. I Hnvn hnnn an L." ;.1.- --w - ' t mortgage; dwaro Store.I LMITH. 1 GANIHI UN. % . day." . . _ . , . ' A "But when night comes? asked one of the men. though without a tremor in his tones. ' -- "Get quietly ready," was the reply. : Meanwhile there was an argument ` between the captain` and the coionei s 1 daughter. He sought to assure her that nothing `had been seen and that there was not the slightest danger; but, in his nnnnnannn $1..` ........r--,: 1.. L- u --u o-vv vuv sutgutlitn \.I1l-1561.3 uub. to his annoyance, she persisted inhe- lievingp that there" must be good grounds for the corpora.l' This annoyance made him delay matters,. and nearly halt an hour had passed and it was very. much against the` grain when he.shouted for the _soldier_ to approach and sneeringly asked: 'N"I7nII tlluoowuauunnu` l__)4. IL .`I.-__A. A.l_.-_ -vs-v-o vu-cu val-AwvcaI6IJ JIUILCIIQ ' ell. corporal, 1sn t .lt about time. your Indians showedup? - TXTA aka I......_ 1..-... A.\_-_. 1.. A-_ j--u-wv 1 runs curtain And"the;;vIll have rab.blts'Tearson % their heads; You -have sticks lniythr eyes. ' - e urn _. _. .... 4-3 ___ `___u A; -,,` ' w -- --u-anon--u woav vv \v\o lay I We shall hear from thm In ten minutes," was the reply. 451...: 4.`.-- 1.-_- _-I_I_nL..n' -___` -_ "If we mounted now and rode fest, ` we would and the way open," said the corporal, with downcast eyes. ` 1111..-`- _--- l..____-.1-..;. _- ._-I___:nn vv-`.--..-' --pa unv --you-uv sag var: Back. "you hhpudent yagabond!V thundered the captain, with outstretch- ed arm.- I'll break you _tor this the `minute weget back!" I "IL- `-_._-..-I A.--._._'_.I I_l... ._-_._ -.. AL- --------v vvw `Cw u-u-v The corporal turned his gaze on the girl for a few eeting seconds. There were anger, entreaty. love and humilia- tion in his eyes, while he was pale to v the lips. For a second he seemed about? to speak; then his head and- shoulders dropped in "a helpless way. and he saw luted his officer and retired. -. ---u vu--v v--- --v-- V-v -"`;)`h, Captai; Cline, what makes you`: so harsh with him? cried~the- girl as the soldier turned away. Ti! danger did not menace us, Robert _wouldn t-V ' And `so you two have met before?" he asked as she checked herself. * A__ 3 AI. __- "si;"EEd"}1ZB 'tT1'{z'-':c.7e't',"zIE1 there were tears in her eyes. She might have replied, but at that minute three rie shots tollowedeach other in quick i succession, and the oicer. who was Just rising, received a bulletin his shoulder and sank down again. ` L-.. ..IlI __-..L LI.` -"- Eerso isuranca. IJ\JIIIK%`I XIII? 3&3!-I \l\I Iva. Hurt-:3 Bang, bang, bang!" went `the our-. blues of the troopers, and the corporal came running up` the hill to seize and- drag his olcer under shelter and to say to the girl: ' A417--- ....--..1. -...-....I..` .3...---u Lana. nut` non- DID EV _|&IIJ $1550 You must crouch` down here and re- main quiet. They can t get at you till they have killed the last one of us." 111...`: 1.. IL 'l'...ll..ouu')" nglpn ngnfgfn lrl-H3] uuvv nuawu BAIB nuns v-u v. u... And is It Indians? asked Captain Cline as he tried to sit up; ' - ' # -A -4 1-... ...I_ __.I .-n nnnnng \JLlllU 65 I-59 Ina-av-.5 sv any so.- Fully 50 ot em, air, a `d our escape V is cut 01!. What are the orders?" ' 1-- _..l..... - `AA`vl|l1` ID GUI UH-0 V1 Ill!-In any sun vguwcuuu If you'd been keeping a- lookout, this could not have happe'ne_d1" growl- 1 ed the captain between his teeth.` "I'll have you court martialed It we ever \ get back. Get back to your .post!"% '; 'I-.-. gonna nnvntnv fnlv 4-`ha lflllking `CC UULo ucu IJGIUA I.v gvun `away. A There was cover for the skulking Indians to within a stone's throw of the bowlders, and it wasn't ten minutes before two of the troopers were killed. After the rst shock of pain the cap- tain made his way down to the men,` but there were no orders to give. -Ev-_ ez y horse had been killed as he. stood by that time, and a- third trooper had been nfortaily wounded. The dullest soldier could have told that there -was no escape._ In his rage and pain the. captain cursed loud and deep, and- there were cursesoni his_lips_as' he halt rose to shitthis position, and a bullet E reached his heart.- Crouching behind a E bowlder and1.peeri_ng out now and then ` with staringeyes, and again covering her face with her hands and rocking i -~ ~:I--` L.` -...I (non fhb nnlnnel s t dsqgnoer guspeu uuu aupuw ...... ....-- ; ed. By` and by she missed the reports of the carblnes,-and the sound or foot- steps echoed in her ears.` _ . . , un-.....m ....1A' -H-In nm-nnrnl 8.8 [19 lifted I her race Wltn net uuuuu uuu ........._, her body to and fro. .the colonel : daughter gasped and sobbed and wait- ed. Br` by steps echoed 1n ner ears. Oomel". said the corporal as lifted her up. -., . _ nI\I.- `nghn-6 ant` 1111753 Y0 beaten` her `.`0h,* Robert, an d "have you beaten _ she exclaimed. - 11 dead. and the them oil?" she excluuuuu. No: my men are an dead. and Indians will rush us In a minute." i And we--we"- - ~ ` He put his arm around her waist and assisted her to therock on which were the remains of her breakfast The steaming. heasjing. mysterious lake was soteet beneath the . 4 A "Better this` than .that.". he said as he pointed'trom*- the lake to a_ecore of; Indians advancing. T. . Yes. better this.-" `she as-, she took me hold ,ot,~-himand put up: her dtacewtohbew-kissed. and the uses. stopped .adve_1I,, and . Q` eked i --n ---m'im'...1:-`-i'vdiIanDoin`t!hent. ` stopped in tneug IuVunuu ...... .....--_-- and scre"amed`_ their; diuappolntment. _By ind by they advanceqfand looked g!ow,n Into thoglake. but it w_3ad,no;story n_un' 3 v COW}! `ll_ , nawssunm. ago}: has fully" a renovated pgfrom his silly `infatuation and `V is now back atthe old stand. The home com_4 ing of. the prodigal was conducted with p-as_`little eciat as possible, so far as the 1 prodigal himself was concerned. He even tool:`the'preoaution to get of the `train at '1`ioga.and do the rest of the trip on foot in his anxiety to avoid dis- play and give his family a pleasant little surprise. But the enterprising young` men of Everett soon learned of his presence andin a very short time the penitent prodigal was surrounded by a howling mob, armed with various instruments that are always on hand at ._ _L I 9 -In `Va eha'rivnri..' ; For nights the boys of the vill_ege`have been serenad- ing the prodigal end at last accounts the village sensation ehoived no signs of abnting. --.Herald. Bna'1'oN- Daniel Walkinshaw . was .:oomu_iit_ted from Angus to the House of Refuge aifew days ago. He is a young `man, but was struck in the chest by lightning about a year ago and has since been unable to earn his own liv- ing. . . .At the end of the. present license year, we "learn that the attention of the aut_horities is to be called to the -fact. that the population will not justify the issuing of any. more than two hotel licenses in Beeton, and measures will be taken to out o` one of the existing hotels. . . .Mr., Jake Reynolds, of Essa, had his shoulder broken a short time ago by a colt while putting a collar on the animal. . . .Master Campbell Mc- Keown, who was badly out about the ankle by a reaper last week, was ta-ken to Grace Hospital, Toronto, on Thurs day `last. His wounds are of a very serious nature and it is hoped the care of his sister, who is a nurse in the hos- pital, and the attendance of the skilled physicians, will enable him to _-again have the use of the injured member.-5-A , World. 0mr.r.1A--August2nd will be civic _h_oliday here. . . .'[`ho annual meeting of the Board of`1`rade was held last week. The treaaurer e book showed a -balance on handiof $269.51. The fol- lowing ` officers were elected for the ensuing vear':-President, R. R. Slaven 5 Vice-President, Joseph Dunn ; Secretary, H. Hale ;' Treasurer, E. A. Doolittle ; 0ounoil-Dr. A. R. Ar- dagh, `A. B. Thompson, J. P. Seoord, G. H. White, J as. Haw, E. O. Roper, T. B. Mitchell, J. F. Morris, R. O. Smith, B-. ___H-3'.` J H. Grant, Geo. H. Clark. Board of Arbitration--H. . T. Blackstone, J. R. Eaton, C`. J. Mil- ._ler, J. `J. Hatley, G. T. McMad- den, A. B. Perry, T. H. World, J. Haw, D. I. Grant, E. A. Doo- little, W. S. Frost, A. Anderson. . . . .The Government have lost no time after promising Capt. Mclnnes that they would place buoys on the shoals of. Lakes Couchiching and Simcoe, and alrsadyposters are out asking for tend- ers for same. Unfortunately, however, ; they are only half doing the work, as ; only two buoys are to be placed in Couchiching, and those just between the point and Herring Island. There are some fourteen for Lake Simcoe. C Tenders for thecleaning oi the channel have not yet been asked tor.--News- M_IDLAND -Mr. W. J. Stephens has I sold, out his cat-tags business to his brother, Mr. R. J. Stephens.. . .The tender of the Confederation Life `As- _sociation__ot' $4,552_has been accepted for the $4,900 5 cent. debentures .:o`ered by the town forthe `purpose of `enlarging the.we_st ward school. . . . Mid-A 1...: has "had a ag incident lately. one A nip;-..;:.g 1aa.ewsek "Mr. R. F. White, ` Ueitsdltirm `!'1" A8F" `P * ` A. Wakeeld, ef:Qrillia, airntaa.:.s.aaz+-bre -1:-t`*9d. snipe-- 7abT-l~. 11'? .Wh*9.`?'9a `W8? Is` `t J'..a `V A '":`-' 9sit`.a=.-Wt l..'.`h;.7` ` a 19" V_`u` 5"`! "'`""-"-v_--- - . . with his wife daughter, K{ithl`een -;V'Re'v;.J. D.`;Fitzp:trbiqk,` Io: " "'?`

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