Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Jul 1900, p. 3

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LII (Ills; - Provincial nation, clog Pr6abyteriana-D. A. Patchell, T. Sharp, J as. Davenport. `ppm I wt-ac` Anglicgna--J. A. Lethe:-by, T. 1. Trnoman, V. Simpson. _ Ethics of the `Pen. A woman should keep in mind the follo wing rules for letter writing :- Buaihesa letters must beconoiae and clear because business people are; sup-' posed` to` be busy." ` In writing to solicit employment of any kind`, on not account should per- sonal perplexities or needs be mention ed. The world is full of unfortunate persons; sndto is stronger the troubles of one are no more than those of hosts of others. . .. No ietter is `complete without the ldate. - Elaboijately ornamented note paper, as well as highlypetfumede noted, are yulgar. ` T * Thst en smbigious sentence is likely to be miniaeerpreea. ; ' `l V Ths friendly words hover hsrm. . Thst s written word `of sympathy can sometimes domuch good." huvenise in Iu.%AnvAuc_.fil V `Letters of introducion ar left open whn infitten. i hen enesveting `letters relnember ; thetrwritten words stand as everlasting witnesses, says the Philadelphia Times. H That a letter written in 3 kindly- apirit should be answered in the same way, even though the meshes is dis likod- A Q That one should V acknowledge any _frio_ndly or of hospitality, even` `thoogh it ;be `not, by .BootoVn.H`ot_'ald.o ` Thatvbnsinesa -letter; `uni ihyietiona must be answered at once. ' President-_- Robb. Mcracken. Vice-President--_J. A. Lethe:-by.` K '.|3 rea.aurer--Jan. Davenport. ' The foilowing icera wefe appoint- . Iva gu- vuluniu llllllullly QUIHWQLGI VII vvvuuswuu ; Juli`; th. by the Rev. Geo e 1A:-nold. B.A. . Borlandto Miss Hzfqu Brechin. of Cold- I ,.Mr.H., at [DC YCIICCIICC 01. `HO DTICCS parents. 0!! ` VV SCI` ncsdav. lune aoth, x b the Rev. T. Legato. M;-. John Collins to $3 ... nis_e scheu. both of the townline. , y v\vgvu--...--_- _-_-_-.---- A . 1.. is . 0 u 0 UIBYV 1.40118, QIIIIIIIO months and 1'3 davu rt can A. .u_- on-.. Bonn; - All. kinds of Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound at reasonable rates. Magazines and Music bound in splendid style and cheaper than city prices. `T V V - V `Let us quote prices on your work before sending it out of town. cofhs and Gaskofiiog all kinds in stock or madd to order. Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by -Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. "G. 0. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. Steam Works and Show Room, Gollior-31., Bamo - R 0I E.`A%I?I`ItL1Ys.:HA RVEST T0OLS.4 .` MWN M:0-W`E%R8; RUBTB'ER` HOSE, SPRINKLERS,` W L % % TV A TREE PRUNERS. PARIS GREEN`, LAWN RAK3 { L FISHING TACKLE, BLUEFLAMECOAL OIL STOVES, HAMMOCKS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, PAINTS, ` " T .OIL, GLASS, E'rc., AT SCott s ,Bookstore. ABARRIE `UWAl.L PAPERS faonthly late. fmonthlf tate Rs LTIVATING AND &EED- T VATORS, (fitted with SPIKE TOOTH HAR- AKES (friction and . `Wee 6180 [manufacture the best and most com bketv line 0! ING` IMPLEMENTS on Earth, comprising SPRIkG TOOTH grain and" mass. sowing attachments if -le-sired) SPRING A OWS, DI ` HA-RROWS, GRAIN DRILLS (all kintlb), HORS | Infnhhhf !1I1I'\\I`\\ ' ntn nl'n LOU IV L) JIILWKI LLILLVLUV I ratc11'et'dnnz1).` etc . etc. `:19:-nu Ilnlxll uncut`: nuvuuvu uuluyp. CIIU UIIU- ' 1 . If youneed anytlung in our line send for our 1900 Illustrated You will nd 1c very much to your interest to do so. gain. mcDONALn,Aggm#,. In! 5 Supplied ohly when specially Brdered. The Oxford clipper,` . Frnt aim Rea? Out Ask our Agent to show you the New Mowsa.-`cs - -`BOOK 5: 9` -o t , tsh,`acndewci'1i' },ts per won-Lit`. ` nnnnhnl .. V With Roller an_d Ball Peayings. Serrated Ledger Plates if desired. Patented` `Ball `Bearing Knife Clip. %@|5LYMouTH BINDER .\r-, xna---.-no-ma, q-a`.\.u, -La .?HENDERs0N s ROBT. CRISTOE, as Reasonable THENOXONI 00., Limited, lngersoll, We lso manufacture mosf conlu 'lll'I\I"la|n`I'lI\TIlu'\ `la nI\1xl V _ a A j fqr you to wear your fur cost when the tV}.I8Al`.lI_!_(V)V!I_l_El;.l'f registers `90 `as to load your ustomaphu with a heavy, heat produc- fg_xApeVttoteel:(:bomfoi'tab1e. A A ` (3.. SMITH, MOLINA w H E AT Am.` SIZES. BARR| E AN D STROU D. fig 1:; ,gga`onai:1 Breakfat Food, sold in bu1k by all giocers. Are conceded by all who see them the "best 5. 8 and` 10" cent Papers with Ceilings and Bo1`d-."-4 ; sortment ever shown. Notwithstanding thpi V crease in prices we have wonderful values -m.`;`: ers to match. Will be pleased to show samples. Na. 5 mm? sI..`mP noun. PROPRIETOR. BIN DE RY Erst page such. bud. property Es, etc.. etc., ,5 . .....,x ...:w 'l`HE TILLSON <'3o Y, (Lxmited) TILSONBU1 .(_}, O1s"r_. Eaynelu sxreearria. New Vlctorla Binder. ` egue, (sent tied). E30, 4/ n?`i>;::vo:.j of insertion; `son, EH08. LPITAL,| {ch The Lon- !` BS1!` Sauna. I in: In every pal baton. _ in) mm roronto. Owcm u-ly brtgages. .A_c SMITH; 5 Combil l tuav ""1 " - mm the licenses.-Planet. . . .There 1 mamonster demonstration in Cold- sale!` on Dominion Day, _t sham battle, `ports, OW. H - - .BEETON-On Wednesday night. of .1; week the members of the house- hold of Mr. Walter Evans retired shortly after ten o olock,_'_leaving__ the door unlocked so that the hired man might get in. During the night some person entered the house and spread himself a good meal on the table. He had cakes and a variety of other eat- sblsa piled up, evidently with the intention of carrying them away, but hemusth-ave been disturbed and left without them. He had taken a -long` iron rod frsmbehind the stove and it was lound on the table. -No doubt his intention was to use the rod if molest- ed while gorging himself at Mr. Evans expense. Nothing was missed from the house. No doubt the marauder was some wandering tramp who evi- dently kuew the proper house to strike fora square meal. . . . On Monday even- ingbetween 6 and 7 o'clock, the shingle mill of Mr. T. Tackaberry, in the 13th concession of Tecumseth; was destroyed by re. Avery large quantity of shingles and lumber also went up in smoke. The re is supposed to have started `from the engine in` the mill. 1Mr'. Tackaberry's loss is estimated at `i6A500,and unfortunately he had no iusurance.-World. ' E`rilNETAnuU`~_.\ 'f`Yamanage;~ of.` .. 0o. s uptgie ,1` back Of 1]} :. %'-`'* sbv a Guide `mud ....;., - ring he found his ';]`ndiui%4gg |wol|en. `since the and i::' the wounded mgnile ha` S _ I M1DLAND-..At 1 her in.`;i'_aI:i'./1?` b ..Sonsof Temneranc an `.316et,ih infgf.` of oicezs, The fth0re"w~`g.~.~Ll9Vf:` were elected for the ollowing w.P., Robt, TM Suing qu_%Fmhe:;:* Wulker; Rs. W_lP30u3 W..A Lncy Mozriao. `ti Nlsong "'A`.sll'ah suns Tress. Jami .Sa Johg Th'11P8one Blah - "O; A'0': Etta ooh. M5 13 M ' "A I-illig Maa; 0. S Joh J '1 Hawk % v'.'\_F;e Preas. C0LDWATER_\,1`h e `gab _ ` Pile]; . ? hm. "8 bmmi8 80 thick as to be d "5I'ed Hmince. scar - what there arg t eel? 8 day `GBDDM 8om5thibw or thfeepgaaea but ` fmiaance. su askagab done to a town` 110% b9 Well W a8ks`:11:30ribe`rbIWEB la. e ext; 70% `1ld th memo y1` door to prod . .11- ` `n `~-L .._ `L` . D Q` N -`CUHIW "" I " "piano We ramps the Police Com_mi s- ' rs could get a bylaw played "so: that they could reap a. little rdvonue 4 111...... lIIL>____ 0RILLIA-While clearing a fellow `W0 Years ago, Mr. W. H. Reed, of North Orillia, was struck by a falling tree and received injuries that conned bun to the house for several weeks. HB'3dUBlly recovered, but has never been right well since. While digging 'ar a few weeks ago, he felt at re- turn of the old trouble. Medical atten- IW W88 procured and everything , poi? M9. done, but he died on Monday "` '"8 after suffering greet pain. The funeral took place on Wednesday and Ian I,.._,,_| . . - ,-_-- .. .............., .._._. ;'* lareely attended, Court onnia, -0-F- of _w1ich Mr. Reed was I_ upon.- lu... .. :`Phne; 3rd, John Stephens. Mixed` 3"; `"s 3rd. Ed. am. ...a sqoxaoingtzi in 0_ _l`- Men e ddouble, "ReIiii j "3 2n` be? uttended in a body. He leeveeil `WOW a_nd three children . . . . The fol _ 1'i8 are the results of the Canoe Club races on Friday of last week :--r "W8 Tandem, let, P. Wade and Jno_., s*Ph9ns; 2nd, J. E. G. Curran and Webter; 3rd, R. .Aren'e and Geo. Suucmr. Indiana, single.-let, Elijah Y"h9ad 5 2nd, John AnderI0.!- MW "8109--1at, E. Curran, `Zdd; F... 2'dm~~-1et, Miss Tait and P. M Miss Webber and E. G"0urt i|ll'~'3`; 3rd. Miss H. Game and G. Miller. - Ups let. Geo. Sinclair and nd, Ed. Eaton and J nn...-1.., Yellowhid. -udl[d. 01. Wade ei1d."*v'Wf;71e_N'l`:'sV t9i|`.$.i ms ca. 881`. . t f I -.`~> omit; I-` ` 0 last .ooupls`eof.:%y5esrs~1hsthis-5 .A.Eo;e;r; n Wm g;xda.dem;.dp gs the foifitidn `fbr a dliinnir~f residenos`_' forMr-nGmaenderwn.whiohii-1 be- ing on`*the. shore just `east of- Yiotoria `Park, they` 'n`nesrth_ed` a s_lfele_-" ton, in af`?_.f,r }state_}of presergation. ` Many curious` people viewed: the silent reminder of the. end of `all a things human, -and many theories were ad.- `yanoed as-to its presence in this_ont-.of- the-way spot. One whispered mys- teriously of murder, another spoke of the bones of a Jesuit Father, but the majority` decided it was the remains of anlndisn brsveof, perhaps, a hundred years ago . . . . Messrs. Msodonell, Mo- Msster & Geary, the solicitors of the Cramp Ontario Steel Co.,` have notied the corporation that all the interests of Chas. D. Cramp and J. A. Onrriein the $115,000 bonus has been transferred to their Company absolntely.-Jnterprise- Messenger. Remedies for `rent caterpillars. ' T110 lteliersl remedies for tent cater- pillars are, first, the collection. of the eggs in `the winter-of course I. speak now of ..orcha_rd practice. Therevis "no practical remedy" for the trees in forests where you could not get at .the...egg;` laid high up on large trees, but In orch- ards, in the case of most fruit growers, the collection of the eggs -during the winter when the trees are being pruned is a remedy of great practical use. All these insects have denite habits, and when you know `these you know, in many instances, how to ght them to the greatest advantage. The rings ct eggs from which the tent `caterpillars. hatch containtsbout 200 eggs and will be found a few inches from the ends of the small twigs. After nding half a dozen nests or so any one will learn to recognize them easily, and at a glance willbe able to tell whether there are any egg clusters on a tree. " Boys and children who, as a rule, have very sharp eyes will be `found of as- sistance in nding these eggs. I would not recommend this remedy for those who spray their trees regularly, for by sprayingesrlyl all this `labor is rendered unnecessary. But as there is unfortu- nately not one in half a dozen who does spray as -a regular practice, the collection of the eggs in winter will be found very useful for. most people.- After the_ eggs are hatched, spraying with Paris green is the best remedy. If neglected they soon grow large and strip whole trees of their leaves; they then leave the trees to look for-_ more food. When the caterpillars crawl down or drop -from the trees they crawl along fences or paths and 69911,! $0 50 particularly fond. of walking `along. I031?" nu_:._ _---....a.. Inn Man PD! IIVIIIWLJI ova-um v- n -____._c way tracks. This accounts for the stories of trains being stopped, which stories are quite true but it does not take much to stop a-train. Trains have been occasionally at: pped by weeds and insects, and for the same reason,.a few- tent caterpillars crawling along the rails will be enough to prevent the- wheels from gripping, but the accounts of the great depth of tent caterpillars along the trscksiby which trains have been stopped are probably enormously exaggerated. I can quite` understand that a comparatively` small nurnber of `tent caterpillars `walking close together u- c -- 4-- -.....a....n.. .1... I wuu vuw: you-nu vv ....._.._ ___,, , _ along the rails, when crushed by the wheel-, would speedily prevent 9; train` making good Iprogreas. When these caterpillars wonder they are in search of food, and that in a` practical point for ue to knoiv about them._ If you have taken the pmpegpiegne to _ Zkep hem W. 'imnst?;*~kl The;-e;t6ic, .._..v, with-foliage-in wood : H , M .eo'7i: yonp pterloo. Ont. Berlin. `Ont.- ranpe Oom- camal. mo.- The `races _were all won in etlznight. heats, but were keenly contested, the`. -free-for-ell_ being the beat race ever witneeeed on .the track. J. D. Banting, _V. 8., noted he starter and Wm. Booth, Allieton, S. |Paeem_ore, Orillie, and W. J. Bell, Beeton, were judges. The fol- lowing is the summary of the events 3 . I\ o.;.:.. ...;t; .,;;;em."f" ` Birdie -J., H. Hulse, Bradford. 1 1 1 Peaoogk, E. Williams, Owen } ---1 _ Torbnhooneoono c o c J u Q o cov .0C OODlI0O 0IIoCC.O|oo Oe Motion 0;, J. Forbes Toronto. 4 4 ATime--2.34}, 228, 230. T 2.40 oleea--pnrae $7 5. ' Bobble Mack, McBride Broe. , I I Viola, A. Hervey, Turonto.... 3 `2 Dnnkerron Boy, A. Ferguson, Sohom berg.,.,. . . . . . 3 2 3 ' _'.l.`jn|e- -2.491, 2.49}, 2;49i-. ' 3 minute trot-pm-so 875. V L Archie B., A. Band, Meeford. I I 1 Minnie 8.", W. Smith. Wood- Kettlecourt. J. Clay, Torozito. . . . Albert 8., E. Williams, Owetn iJu1y"Laa1es" Home Journal. The Girl Who Fought in the Reve- lutiion is the story, told in the July number of the Ladies Home -Journal, of a young woman who battled for the cause of liberty on the eld and made innumerable conquests of female hearts. She enlisted as a man and were u the uniform of a ..soldier.` A contribution tothe `_ July Journal that will nd a universal welcome is. _ Ernest __Seton- Thompson s dramatization of "Wild Auimalsl Have Known, r in which the author's friends of forest and plain are -impersonated .by children. Edward Bolt writes of The American Man and" the Country. Is a College. Educa- tion -the Best for Our Girls 1" "Letting Ohildrenk-nst in. Summer, A A Mis f e'.l`he're` was ah attendance of about 300 at the `Cookatown races last Wed nesdey. The lacrosse match did net _ma&e'r'ia1i:e,~ iAlla'n'da1e defaulting. A ijoekeyi was thrown from his horse in the running race, but was not injured. IIQLA ______ _A_ II - - " ` _ -[sma',.. ; . 'j.".T."I .'.'.' if Decorator J r., Alliston Home ~ in Sou_nd.'....... Billy smith, G; _Smit'l1.,;:k;t:.<>.v;:.n Time-$1.433, 1.40. b:idge.'....;.....f....... Frederick. J.,' J. Shields, Oreo- sionary in the 4,Great West, `.`The Autobiography of a Girl, The Voice in the Choir ? and The Story the Doctor Told are all interesting, fea- -tures. Howard` Chandler Christy's drawing` shows The American Girl ater Sports." There, are num- erous other pictorial features. The practical, helpful articles of the July Journal are tiniely. By the Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia. Onedollar a_ year ; ten cents a copy. 4 lssnsouss-w fwit`l`i4-fsoiiie _v'1iee'ii- ' material; such as` 3 mixture ofoaetor oil endreein. These heie been ` need with good e`eot, for when-{the eeterpillm tench this jband lpaintd 05` eardboard or paper, they `either get oanght in `the viaoid mixture for will not crawl over ib.-Repont of `D. Fletcher, Dominion Entomologist. A Tiu_1e-3.04, 2.59;, 2.59}. Open run-, mile--purse $50. Luci . Lee, G., Timmina, Bond" William : Luck. . A oontemporary tells a good sory of a nun called William who is engaged as a windo-cleaner at a" certain hig hotel in London. One morning Wil-. liam, instead of doing his work, was amusing himself by reading the paper, and, as bad luck `would have it, the managor . .- ... .. u -:1 -I11:'n2_'__ '""a' '"-",a'v --'- .. So poor William went to the oioe, drew the` money which was owing to him, and-than wont up-stairs` and put on-his Sunday o1_`othao.- A Coming down, he went may ` -by? to some of ohe.othe1j Iolfvouto, and` shore he hop `peoed toron not-ooo` the,mIu;a_ger, who did notorooo_i1hiago;h_im'_io`hi1=:'bat om. `-I_VV" ---L-VJ L`; ` "V" """'a.-'-.' -4-- ,-~ -~- v _Do you want A9. job 3' asked the- mmgger..- . >v I J_ .Yes,;ir,`s_ajV1 William. _. ~ (}n ' you cloth V windows '1" _ [V-9ye.,.a:." ` " % *`1:C"`l;;t::-1=i1in";; lie said. William was dumbfounded. '" Pack up your things nudge, said the manger. 4-... L- LL- -E-- oooutz} Ra: 333 f,N'rs- ` ac, 322 M1 Y. M. C. A. Ora.nized in Midland. Last '.I.'hursduy evening, "at 3 meeting held in the haeement of the Preeby terian church, [the Young .Men'e Christian Aaeocintion of Midland was formally orgdnized.` Mr. W. H. Sy- monds, of Toronto, Provincial secre itary, had come 1 up to assist` in the organizing. There were quite a num- ber of those interested present. BRYCE-STEWART--On the 27th June at the residence of the bride's nte, by the ev. `Mr. Roach, Honevwood. r. Robert J. Bryce, to Miss Emma Lou` daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, all of ottawaeaga. ' DIED. HUBBERT-At Allanchle, on June 57:1, 1900, Rgbert Hubbert. agedg years, 2 month; and 2 aye. - - - ` LANGLEY-In Alliston, on Shndgy, June 24. 1900 Mrs. Simon C. Langley, aged 44 years. " ELLARD-In Adiala. on the xqth June, Elizabeth Florence, daughter of John Ellard, jr.. aged ve- weeks. 1vlGUU1Vu'!-At Muuana. June 15m, ur. 1-. nuc- Conaghy, aged 33 years. GILPIN-At Orillia. une n. Thus. R.. infant son of Mr. and Mn. hop. R. Gilpin. 'WA'l'SON-At Huntsville. on Wednesday, June :3. Cecelia, beloved wife of C. A.` Watson, Dan ,A. I'J_.._I._L-.__ 1 .... __ u:.|.__.I AII2- `D-.. nun-AI: nawutone. Hllle ao. Klcnata Aunt nae. infant child of Richard A. Roe. aged 14 days, SCOTT-In Midland, on Manda , une 3.'Char|ea Clifford Scott. son of, Chas. kt. ag 6 wecka. ROBER l`S-In Midland. on Monday June 25th. Matv Lena, `daughter of J. A. R9 _. aged 2 month: and 1': davmv A committee was appointed to nomi- nate a Board of twelve Directors, to be chosen from each of the evangelical churches of the town in equal numbers. The committee reported, and their re- port was approved of by the meeting. The following are the names of `those elected to the Board :- vono UVIV IIIII-IF! CUNNING HAMeMURTAUGH-At St. Patrick : Smynenby` Rev. Father Duff , on _June 8731. Mr. Richard Cunningham. `of 3 ver Cntv. Idaho. to Mme Ellen Murtaugh. of R Cashtown. McGILI_.-BERRV-At the residence of the bride. Collnngwood. on June 27th. by Rev. Dr. McRae, Mr. Iohn MC iill, of the firm of M_cGill & Dar- rock, to Miss Elizabeth Vickers Berry. RITCI-IIE-McARDLE-At the residence of the bride`: father. Midland. on Monday. June 25th. bv the Rev. J. Elliott. Mr. Harvie Ritchie, of Elmvale. to us Mildred McArdle. of Mndland. BORLAND-BRECHIN-At the residence of the ~ bride : mother, Coldwater`, on Wednesday, June . by Geoe Arnold. B.A., Mr. H- Borlnnd to Miss H en Bxechin. both BR'5QsTnwAnT-on 57:1. the renidemvn nl- an I'u`:n'n narentn- luv the av- Mr. Rn1':'1;-X: Ardtrea. June 25, w. in} Reed. `axed-36 vaars. Y_8|'3v MGCONAGI-lY-At Midland. June ma, 1)}. F. Me'- Conanvl-IIL signed an wean. vvvuua, UVJVVUUI VVIIU III III (30 IV -UDvuu ROE-At Hawkatone. lune kichani Luna. Roe , infant nll nf Dining:-A A Dan: an-pd :1 dawn. u-uuuuu sun: I`, uayur `w1 LsoN-Ac the Toronto General Hospital, on Tuesday. une 26th, R. Wilson. of the Wilson House, aubaunhene. IISEIOUNT`-on 2hd`.uYt.. at`VSt:onA'.s Cigri. f;Mra.Samael;Yodnz.,it` , ma . the wife of Mr. John Mount.>of 3 ion. LfUMSDEN-At Collin on` Monday; June ":8. - I the wife of t. homas Lumaden. Of` ptagge, a daughter. MILLSAP-Onjune aznd,to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Millsap. Nottawaxaga. a 309. umnnmli A VWIGGINS-b-'M0OR.E--At Om Staltion, on funeua, ` b ch R .H;V.,Th pson_ .M' Margareth. ` Wgi geinoftxf Oro Stat19:1..and M`: Goo. Moore. 0 - -4w.kstone. . LITTLE - MAHOOD-At the residence of the ' bride : parents, Muskola Township, on Tuesday, Ilgne 12`. by the Rev. J. A. Dow. Mr. Charles ltttle. of West Gravenhqrst. to Miss Catharlne U--I-guess nu Aux. awn. evnaauouuu-g v- --n-; ---- coL`L1Ns-scu1:LL--on the townline, Sta ne at the residence of the bride : parents. on ed- nesdav. lune oath. mm. In: the T. Legato. ABap| .iatn-R'obt. McCracken, W. D. 0:-a'i'g,~ O; A. Goodfellow. , 1 Methodists-_-_-R. J. Timmina, `I. N. ? Kdufman, D.` W. Aokex-man. ' 1 ed: .vo- A-`avuu A'DAMSl-McEACHERN---In Toionto. on the 26th June, by the Rev._.Dr. McTavish, Mr. John Adams. of Tomato. to Miss Jenny McBachem, daughter of Mr. Alex. McEachem. of Stayner. n! I lxvo or-urn-nr 9 I` .L_ .-_-..I!__ 65--.---

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