Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Jul 1900, p. 2

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`4TRATHY & ESTEN v QLUVVVVII _ Lg "'i'EBO In-unsn --._ .` _.__ - I spocial ,7 and patties intendmg to have lacing their R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8; S., hllflfht M.F.p_ Rr, S Glnnanur n-noun )0NALD ROSS B.- A.-Ba1rrister. sonuggmr,-' Flynn: I` annnu A61! can-unt! tn Inn II , ULT 8:` COWAN. Baniatetu. Solicitors of the 5 K Vnquuunn (`Anti Do-nofnrn, Nnfnen, Cnnvev-I `H. LYON`. PRIVATE FUNDS TO Loan! nri Rn-nl Rnfatn at 'nuIAaO u-gag. I?-.....-...'. 'r. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oicc in Bothwelfs 5 Block, Allandale. `On the premises at night. 43- Y 1 ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY Dr. Sproule: An intimate acquaint- ance with Col. Tyrwhitt, extending over a period of thirty years, justiesl me in saying that by his early death this Parliament hasnot only lost one of its most honored and useful mem- bers, but that the country and the .Empire has lost ,one ofits best and truest citizens. I but feebly express thegratitnde of the relatives and con- stituents when I express their thanks for the kindly words `which ' have been spoken of the deceased .by_ the acting leader of the Opposition (Mr.'Foster), andby the'1ead`er_of the. _G~rov_ernment. ._Ool. Tyrwhitt was a 'man'_ who irastever: regarded, only as afn_se:_ful. member! of the party to which. he belonged, but ' as a `staunch `consistent and- iinldus-l_ .tr'i`ous'_ re'pre sentative of hem-t Whi-r*rlh" W36 Romans 5. noezns. MONEY TO LOAN : _ _ |_____ ________,A ,1` 11 0 . MISCELLANEOUS. THANUFACTUIIES. FOR INVESTMENT on good! freehold securitv at lnwent ran: n6" 3 D. C. Muncmsou- PHYSICIAN 8. FINANCIAL. OFFICIAL. LEGAL. Sir Wilfrid Laurier :_I can certainly re-echo everything which has been said by my. hon. 'friend from York (Mr. Fostor) in reference to our `departed colleague. Col. Tyrwhitt was for eighteen years a member of this House. iHe also associated" himself with the Conservative party, and he gave it s most honorable support-Ta support which his political opponents could nd no fault with. He had no enemies in this House, he had none but friends, and every one, political friends as po- litical opponents, appreciated `his gentle humor, his genial nature and his sound sense whenever he chose to give us his views upon any question before the House. Ool..'.l`yrwhitt was a type of man which is to be admired in this country. He held strong. views, very strong views, undoubtedly, but he al- ways placed them before the House in a manner not to `offend anyone, but, on the contrary, in a manner which secur- ed the respect of all who listened to him. .We who were his political op- ponents mourn his loss. It is quite natural that we should not have the same degree of feeling which must be experienced by those who were more closely associated with him, but I may freely say, speaking for my `friends about me on this side of the House, that we shall miss from the benches` of the Opposition his honest, manly. coun- tehance. A LXZKJ 9 45-11!- I rII`&h-II- : at his private residence, 68 ` mr. u-Iy ` ll'l.I \ C. W. MACPHERSON. . I -----------:-_-.V:__-_..._... . mister, Solligxlgzr, Igotari. I IlIhII in Pivf. A V9 ANGUS P. O. rrui 0| I I4-"IV ! Dlplllt cnurcn wnn `Apply to T. cxnw. `ocean! Launar} . modern aalian 3 B0l_VlZ A . nu- ..n. .4. -5 -.. .f business ofthe House Iiwish to re-_ refer to the common al-at-ion which we { are called upon to endure. Irefer to the death of our friendand "co worker, . 091. Tyrwhitt. Col. '.l`yrw`h_itt was . well known to members on both sides a of this H_ouse,- and no words of mine , are needed to voice thesorrow -we feel, and the loss we have to acknowledge at his last sudden departure from among us. He was not amen who forced himself to the front in discus- sion in this Parliannent, but he was a. . man whose sterling common sense made itself felt, both in the House and in the country. He was not what you might call a noisy partisan in any sense . `of the word, but he was a_ good. consist- ent party man, feeling that he could be so consistently with his best duty to hispcountry and to the body politic. Col. Tyrwhitt was a friend who was staunch and honorable in every respect. He was a liberal-minded vman and patriotic. He was agallant soldier as well, and served his countrv with honor in 1866 and in the trouble of , . Mr. Foster; Bel'ore'p'we..resume the who were "associated with him as political and party colleagues will, of course, feel his less more deeply than called from our midst. ' 1885. "We on this side of the House ` other members of the House, but I am 3 sure that all of us will realize that a y thorough man and gentleman has been l 1 V L Halrcutting and Shaw a --v vv---..' - J.oULVE12WELL 5. rlor so-Iv H;n;Hugnes&13ro.] 1 4 Per (Bent. Interest Paid on D9 I The Security for Depoairors in-8 3 I Company is undoubted- 7 V Roes"now Block. south side Dunlox - out of the Post Ulce. I an 1 _.... F4-C I ; Canadian Branch Otce. { MONTREAL. M. C. I-IINSHAW. . Branch Manager rI-Ji)\lI'Il'\lI\II- vV"' Capital. $,ooo. I Application forms furnished and ' mznmua DLAXTON. A( EM iduuusvj Rm`: I Vuumpuu; ID uuuvluv-Iv`-' `ref 5 side 131111109 58; M eastot . ' _ ' . '5 I15 } The secunty to gleposntors m a L03" c 5,15,: doubted. There 13 no instance on I d V 3 devoaitior has ever made a loss bv a L03iC`L {SUBSCRIBE-5- CAPITAL ; $250,000. UK` I` [Lain-1` | Street. Barrie. 9e8llt%;to tthj comm:-o e Itliit {free Id mission of eoon_denoe`won.:dnggnboeed;V I confession of weakness tapperent ` to its most enthueinetio followers. Frightened `Sir "Wilfrid Lanrier oer- tninly is to test the` teellngof the peoplo, for at this moment the chances of on election in the autumn are com`- parntively remote. A BA SAVlNGS cu. A INCORPORATED 1881. ; Agent Standard Life. London Gull ' F `Ga and Accident (`o-. Provlnclll I 5 Building and Loan ` . I . . " ' "f ' ' _ I REPRESENT `rm: FoLLow1.\'a Fm: I.\'sL'mcI * COMPANIES: ` .A The Mercantile, now ailiazed win: The Lon- } _don St Lancashire of England. Sem- nty, $,ooo. i The Waterloo Mutual. of Wa.terl0o,0::. ' Tothl assets, $334.08;-,. . ' The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. On; Total assets. $303,078. ; Also Llovd s Plate Glass Insuran_c9 Com- ! pany, Of New York. Cash capxtal, 525:; : An:11':-119 Sun Loan and savings Compozy i of Ontario. E Private funds to loan on first mortgages. A: counts collected. &c. ' man r\Ivno- I-lg.-.In-..-u. - L!-.-Au--sun Conn R21. P , I Cuts for advertisements mus! In every 5 r case be mounted on solid metal bum. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND ON ASSOCIATION. I Condensed advertisements on first page sag`; as wants of all kinds, lost and found, pr.~.,-,3 for sale or to rent, -specic articles, etc.. em, must be accompanied with the cash, and wi E be inserted--hrst insertion 2 cents per won`, I each subsequent; `insertion 1 cent per w:.':' (names, addresses and gures counted n words); but a reduction of one cent per word E will be made when the number of insertions j of the same matter exceed four. Scnoaenz & SMITH`, I IILLL LI`! ULLQI 6c`-`O Advertisers will not be allowed to use Sm ; space for advertismz anything outside mg. ;own regular business. Should they {transient rates will be charged for such hi. I vertisements. | . Tributes to the Late col.-T ifjrwhitt. The following tribut{ paigin the House of Commons to the memory of the late member for South Sim- ` CONTRACT CHAI~ GES. Advertisers will please bear in mind gm, [notice of intention to change advertisemw` must be handed into the office not lam ti: I Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy for an change must be in Tim ADVANCE ofpef I later than 12 o'clock noon on ' "I I week, otherwise the advertiser sannouncczm1 may not be made public until the wee}; lowing. I 12 changes of Advertisements allowed 1`. ~' year. It more are required, composition my; will be charged. 5 I Aunranra mm i'\I\`- 1.- ..n__ .. Monday in an" rvvnuu LU rvl. uculn KIUUCU. : _ 9'Preferred positions in th papg {sold at an advance of one-third -| rates. This rule will be strictly can 3 inch .... . . . . . . . . . . . ax inches .. . . . . . . . .. 5 inches, % column. . . :0 inches, )4 column. no inches, 1 column. . . *x . `For one `month--the three` `with 15 per cent. added, I _*For two months-_the three [ wnh 10 per cent. added. c`p!-afar-rot` v\4u..'L.'-._.. ' `lawn ;1..|UJ uulf *2 Cents per line. ' Mu mt ' Reading nonces, 10 cents . . . P9 1' 5 in80l'11n 3 5 0911 Per hne for r we f 5?! . 93 ' inserhon of the same matter, C 8t-lb'l'u:- derv 5_lines, of this chaxa n cter, chum as I ments will be charged at above rat:s.adW;* CONTRACT ADVERTISING, Contrac_t advertisements win be M the followmgyatesz whlch are drafted 0:4 at not commerczal pnnclples and win Y- ailzered to. There will be only onebe Wtlv a Prxce f',' JCACIR . gr noun-rnnn mm; "'-A1,... F _ A. l?0ll'l`Y con-13: `Rn Almost, if not quite. double that of : paper published in Ba,-he `"3 he grmvnnrxsnas snovm) no-m T ' I . . . . H H 13 lmes sohd agate make 1 inch -3 | TRANSIENT Avvnrxgmmm . First insertion 10 cents ' . . Per 1' qneut u_1sert1on 4 cents linne` M` subs, Reading notices. 10 cents M- .- OFFICE.-Next door to Bank of Torontcgf , . In pg.` 12'... ...:- John Rogerson, IOUIIIS OOIICCICC. KC. `Oice over Henderson; Hardware Szore.Bax. Inf I. B IND ch M Aw anager ' I Qnm. _'_ _ anager. OOQATLAS... -.:._' .\ * CE 0MPANv. Founded L The oicers and stsfvf sergeants of the Welsh Fusiliers are allowed to have what is called, a esh on the back of the neck of the costs. The regiment used to wear pig-tails till about the [year 1807, sndthe supposition is that, _~hsv_in retained them after other regiments , ihrd, discarded them, they were allowed to retain the ash. on the coat-.colle-r as a. mark of distinction. Number of inches noun:-A AUTI-l0RIiZITD APITAL.,oco A SU(5CRSSORS TO E. s. LALLY- I Fire and Life Kssurance. anon forms turmsnca an GEORGE PLAXTON5 n..-.:- n... nm.-on INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &C. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 1 I SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH. EX?-TRIS run Ont. -`The Ra}mnager_Boya is` the name` of the 14th Huasara, which in 1-848 defeaped th`e Sikh a1h'my` at Ramnager. [JULY 5, monthly m; monthly rate Depoulo 1- 3 Loan e ' . Blood in ms Eye. ,'l`wo men and a. gun-an old muzzle- loader as. heavy as a cannon--'gur'ed in wlzete might have been a tragedy ' in on `Saturday evening. At the recent sitting: of the {High `Court et;Bi1f9.o'.John 'MOrea1'-y, : at al,, sue-` waded iii; an Wioh of ej_e*!P9n 4sin=6f eIohu ewswtrd; wh.> we `.th_6. iione that t was a water hold." lortl door. tnigh perso hignae had ` . a'_blea - One regiment always wear white . plumes in their caps in memery of their" gallant;-y at St. Lucia. in 1778." The men plucked the_ white feathere from , the theta. of the Frenchmen and pnti them in their own. A \' vmivllo irpn_ ` was I A ex pen the was 5 _dentl `for a., `$6 '50! con ceq ahingl gmok atrt Mr. 3 '. The, B|i`s', . enjoy the privi_lee . of lmu-china through London" with drums beating. and colors -ying.-`-=Leglie g I Weekly. T ` ' ' `COIDBB intenq `he 9% intn edwt ineux-4 Queer Names of English soldiers `The Eighth .Hussars--the King s Royal Irish-preserve the memory of the brave deeds of their regiment by a peculiar mode of wearing the sword- belt. Instead of being worn about the waist, it is worn over the right shoulder. This .is in commemoration of the gallant conduct of the regiment at the battle of Saragossa, when the belts of the Spanish cavalry were `captured. The nickname of 0ross~belts will always stick to the regiment. witho The Orange Free Statere get all the worst of this war, for"theya have not j complied with the British proclamation and in consequence aomeof their homes Iare looted and ia many cases burned. The Canadian Mounted Ries i may ; not be expert in drill, but they are good shots and have lots of pluck. I have had some narrow escapes, but so far hove not been `injured. My health continues good, and we have little sick- ness in our troop. It is expected when we deliver a 1 crushing defeat to the Boers ht Kroon- 3 stadt, and as it is the last place in the 1 Free. State they can make a stand, that. l the O.'F. -Steters will not be willing to defend the Transvaal, but will leave the Tranavaalera to defend themselves, Trooper Anltfat one time attended the Collegiete Institute at Barrie, and will be remembered by many people here._ `>`In `allhthae engagements the Cana- dian Mounted` Ries have taken the in- itiative, and at no time did we number more than 1,200 men. At Kroonstadt `under Lord Roberta we expect to have 40,000 British to face the entrenched Boers; ` "Our next big -ght will be at Kroon- ; eatadt, where a large force of_ Boers is now` entrenched. We expect to have a. hard ght. `:Yeaterdey we egainetnrted for them but only a squadron faced them, and as they numbered three thousand and were supposed to have twenty guns: our men retired with slight lose. Iv Gen- eral Hutton to-day rode through our ; lines and `complimented us, especially \ third troop, on the good work done at Vetriver. iv" ~sigoir1a3e II had `(chance to write'7 I I we have been almost constantly on the _ma_rch and have fought `three engage- ments with the enemy. `Two ` weeks" ago last Sunday we for the first time- faoed the Boers, and after a slight skirmish they retired. Since then we again I encountered them three miles north ct: `Honten Bek. They occupied two kopjes and by eteady pom-pom and rie re we compelled them to retire. '._l`he_y took a `stand '-on a ridge about ten miles farther north and werode into a heavy shell re; but again we stood our ground` and drove them back. Again they stood their ground at the Vet river, and by grim work and by fording` the river up to our necks we succeeded in capturing their position and with slight loss. We captured one gun and they left '81 dead on the eld. 'l'ioopor A'. E Ault, of_?th'GiiIadiiq}3' _Moqn{d Riei, brother of Mtg. Au_lt;_ Peal BL, writes no folloivl` from the" scene of oonidt: - - A I In_bivoi1ao`abont miles north of .B!oemtontein. ' ` ' m zmmnm Lmmom A Beer` Custom. A When a Boer s children marry they settle within a short distance of the origihal family homestead, generally several hundred yards distant. . In` this way in` a few years a` small village is formed on the family. estate, which may _o5nsisI; of from 5.9Q0 toVl0,0v00 acres. of - V hhincloaed grszing ground.` I 'Every` son when `he marries*_i`is.',;entitled1_to` a a'!|!!`sf "30 .!F.*..-' ?.,l!i1i he .';..i! ,nP-L so so*.hizhaa1a his family, `T A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kent, on Wednesday last, when their daughter, Miss Lena, was married to Mr. Neill McKinnon, of Ore. Miss ` Maggie Craig acted as bridesmaid, while the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. John McKinnon. Rev.~ J as. Sirens, of Hillsdale, performed the ceremony in the presence of the inti-` mate friends of the bride and groom_ After the ceremony all adjourned to the dining room where a sumptuous repaet awaited them. When ample justice had been done to the good things, the ' bridal party and guests repaired to the drawing-room where "a pleasant time was spent in conversation `and `viewing ithe presents, which are numerous and icostly, showing the high esteem in which th_e_ bride "is held. The happy couple left for a short trip east previous to their settling onjtheirlfarm in 01-0. . . j . (Toolateforlastwesk'sissue)..; A Mr. and Mrs, John Turner left on Monday for Oberlend, Ohio; to attend the marriage of their niece, Miss Jennie =McIntoeh. Mine McIntosh is a former reeidentof thie place and here many friends wish her every happiness. ` __A__ _ _. ' Miss Nellie Mcbevitt is visiting in the Queen City. [ Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Brock spent'Snn- day in Oro Station. ' % Mrs. Moolung and mute: Eddie spent a couple of days last week with Midland friends. Ben. Smith,- of Barrie,` drove to the farm to evict Crawford and seize his chattels. Crawford was absent from home and Mr. Smith plaeed Mr. Thos. Hand, of Everett, in charge of the place. When Crawfordlreturned about 6 o clock_ in the eveninghe was in- clined to dispute the authority of Mr. Hand when told that he must vacate. theplace at once. When Hand under- took to seize upon several head of cat tle Crawford rushed into. the house and returned with a shot gun all ready for action. Mr. Hand was armed also,` but he noticed that Crawford had the drop on him and evaded the mortal combat that seemed imminent. On Monday morning, Mr. Hand swore out a warrant against Crawford. charging him with threatening to shoot and on Monday afternoon Constable Wilson arrested the militant Crawford and the shotgun. He was arraigned before Magistrates Wright and Sutherland, pleaded guilty and was committed to the county jail to await his trial before the county judge. He was taken, to Barrie on Tuesday morning.-A.lliston_ Herald. S "l_3;u:use they induce sound, healthy sleep, and restore VIM, VIGOUR, and VI'I`ALI'~I`Y to the body. Because their use enables the system to successfully resist attacks of colds and the inseparable re- sults, viz., lung and kidney troubles, a fact of especial importance at this season of the year. oenbperbox. aveboautzw. Allhdmullb. ulemwmlenltcu. Tomato. Ont. Because theypositively cure all dis- eases brought on by impoverished blood, such as heart "trouble, nerv- ousness, rheumatism, dyspepsia, etc. No remqdy ever infroduced ` in Canada has gained so many wo rds of praisefrom suerers an over the coun;-. try as these thoroughly effective pills. why? `% Dr. Ward s . Blood and NeIfve Pil_l Advance Correspondence. 2nd Luis La:-ks. uuucun nu nauas. ' ' 3v'0:-den -left 'lIt`4T1_lB Anvmc: ofoe will be !;tvtt.ended_to--~ - ` L. TEBO, ` ANCTTGD l'\ small to support the owner; he treks , another putt of the country, nudge- _I _3%e_ii{.-ei'fxon': tlaeeeate such `an amount v*eeW*:f Nevin A gdespatch from Victoria says:- Former-Governor McInnes opens a ten column explanation of his position in regard to the Semlin, Martin and Dunsmuir administrations with the words, `Having been oicially deposed by the Laurier government. Then he goes on in a lengthy address to the people of British Columbia to say that he is now free for therst time to say a word publicly in self defence against -the charges made against him. He de golares.-that theipeople of British 00- . lumbia have overwhelmingly ratied his 399101: in dismissing Mr. Srmlin. `He declares that he received instrnc tlons from the Secretary of State last Augnst in a condential letter, respect- ing the attitude which he should adopt in certain matters towards his . minis- ters and dees any member of the Do- minion Government or any one else to point to a single act of his _in cong attention with the dismissal of the Sem- V lin and Turner governments and the formation of the Martin government ` that cannot be upheld and justied by precedents established by the Liberals themselves from the time of Pitt, the great commoner, up to the present time." The friends of ex-Governor Mclnnes decided toloifer him the nomi- nation in opposition to ex Premier Turner Iwho isseeking re-electionas a. ; member of the Dnnsmuir cabinet; ' ca Will consult ti 1,, . l tales in his hands. Aw-n..1.... 1.4 . .. __..---::`j VALUATOH Jan `APPRAIASER. HANDLES `ALL xmns or AUCTION , . suns. _ , I-'-RM. 6:09- 5}-ESI . bgn -..._L.. . inn u-:u.u1usN'sAlD SOCIETY OFBARRIE ' .l_ have for ado tion. in good Homes. at number of bright young Indian children, boys and girls i Parties desiring them are askcd to communicate with the Secretary, REV. E. M. C. BOTTERILL, Barrie. . z-ly ' I . HE CHILDREN S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE ` adogtion. Homes. . II: n-------` ' `. . .- ` 1he Old Reliable Auctioneer -.-ax-ug VA` to F. I. ROBINSON. .---. JAS. EDVVARDS ' CONVEYANCEF{. A9 I-do Am..- nInL:| -.. ... . _. L2, , - Catpentering, Building and manufacturing of Doors, Sash. Blinds, Mouldings, etc. Planin of all` kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for grained lum- ber. Factory--Bayeld Street. Barrio Dnhanne * uontractors, builders, Manufacturers. &c. Doors, l Sash, Blinds, Moulding &c. _ Planing and` Dressing I of eve description. ot Air Dryinil Kiln. F.sti- l mates urniahed free of charge on all `oils of wood 1 work and buildin material. Handle all kinds of g work promptly an satisfactorily. See our work and I e: our prices. Factory, Ba)-eld street, north of the oundry. "It was touryyeare age the Tapper [Government was scattered, and jubi; lent Iliberels said good-bye` to Toryism - for fteen or twenty years. This pre- diotion was not in a reckless boast. Long veers of government hed made nrrogent `Ministers whe in the belief that they were . permanently settled as the governing power of , Canada, fairly. tempted the fates in the edmlnistretionl of their departments. - Let gns turn`. n then out and we n can keepvent` for a quarter of a century, .3314 gh; :Liberels. no, might` hgvgj had the `lnceeeding "g[ov eIf,lI'lll!]`0l_It!t bretovoet Ms eifeviezl 4) it A9 ? i`l>ijh` eherished ten oppesit the Einiquitiea; Ci ` V Robinson 8. Macpherson. ` cwu. ENGINEERS. common ` --AND- \ I .ONTARlO LAND sunvavons. 1 'r. BANTING. Clerk County of Simeoe, will '; be at his cice. at the Court House, Barrie. ] every Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. = Blast Drying Distct ag'et;:~y"f"c;;"g:|:'a..i.;1l:.i ! Factory--Bayeld Street, Barrie. RODGERS & GALLIE sucgessors to Geo. Ball. ~ - run uVvna1aVu`.1V'J.` good s 3 I freehold security at lowest rate of ' interest. Nodyrincipal money required until end of . gnu term. . H. STRATHY, Solicitor, Etc., ; me. OH I val` U E I III At his office until 5 p.m.; atl Mary street, after that hour. iBarrle Planing Mlll.i Contrac`toI-s, B uilders. Mouldin of everv dam-r:nt:nn cu --\QI-lln Manufacturers. . no AS. I1 Ivl\IIII-I l\l Iu_-\IPll`a We have a large amount ef Private Funds to lend at 4 and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. PEPLER .AN D Mc- CAR KHY. Dunlon St:-ant. Ra:-n i mungages. mcuius 1 n X . r'1`. k'J. I CAR u-xv. Dunlon sum. Barrie. _ `n. uxun. rxuvnus ruuua '1`U LUAN ; U. 0:! Ra! Estate at_ lowest rates. Farmers ? Notes Duaounted. Colletnons made 1:: any rt of ' nv the _County. Real estate bought and sold. ey- in all its branches. Marriage Licenses) inn O$ce-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. ! 4:-lv. are agitating tor extending an invita- ll tion to the Governor General and Lady 'Mlnto to visit that section. of the prov- . lnce. - The Collingwocd Enterprises g ` uys: --The Owen Sound Times suggests - that Parry Sound, Midland, Coiling- Sound join` in extending an invitation` {to His Excellency, the Governor Gen- _pleasnre of this section of the Province to welcome Governors-General, Lord Some of the towns in Georgian Bay- wood, Meuford, Wnarton, and Owen oral, , and Lady Minto, to visit the Georgian Bay district this summer, On only two occasions has it been the Elqin in 1859. and Lord Daerin in g late seventies, and we are convinced that all the others of Her Majesty's representatives have left Canada with little conception of the beauty of the scenery of the Georgian Bay, or the extensiveness of the trade and commerce of this important part of Canada. The suggestion is a good one, and the Conn- pjj or Board of Trade should take hold ' of ' the matter. $70,000 :'.`.E."`. 2`._ ".r= DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. Edin- E bur h; M.F.P. 8: 8., Glasgow, member of; British pthalmological Society. speclalw.- ; Diseases of Eye, Ear, Throat and Note. , 0FFICE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- ' rie. opposite Post Olce and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-ly 7 R. . c. SMITH, L.C.P.S.. 0nt., (late of Drs. E ' & Smith Orillia.) Oice and residence ' -cofnerVof Owen and Collner streets, Barrie. a3-ly. ` DR. w. A. Ross, Ph ician, Surgeon,Aetc., L. 1 R.C.S. Edin L.R .P.. London. Oces and ` n3.-Lo _..:4l-_n. -n.....'- BI....I. `l`I.._I-_ -s_..... n. W. :1. Avon, rn luau, ourgeou,.cw., ha I Edin,. cfi. , night residency-Brown : Block, Dunlop street, : Barrie. Telephone 77. I I U141` & UUWAN. uaxnuera. aoucxwrs ox tn: . Supreme Court. Procton. Notaries, Comer ancen. etc. Mon_ey to Loan. Oiccs--Rona' Bloc , ! nu nInn.nI>., _ Rn run, . M. M. `CAMPBELL, Barrister Solicitor. Notary, etc. ?Mone toloan. 0{ces-Batrie and Stayner. Bame Bank of Toronto_ Building, Owen street, A 5-ly : DR.TJ. F. Pam , Gm& ty niversit} oronto, F ow of Trinity Medxcal College, Member of the Coxlege of Physnczana and Surgeons . nf n.m.n'n_ open. and Renidn-_nm=._ .3 Owen street. I D _ ' ` , . Ban-istets, , ` Sohciton in High Court of Justices, Notaries Publnc, I Convpyancen. Oees oven the Bank of Toronto, Ra l'flA_ ULVJILIJ RUDD Do l'|o" D'KIIaI.Ul, uluunuuu, Convcsancer. etc.. money to loan. Oices, Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. Barrie. 48-ly I 1 member or me uouege or Lfnysnaans anu aux-geon of Ontario. Oice and Resndenoe, 18 Owen street. IFIUICFY VII IVIIII YII9 -QI\IDw. cwnsvw-' 2--uuvwq C. E. Hzwsox. A. E. H. Cuswxcxn. Mon;:y in sum: of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 ` per cent. V 4 H. H. Srumv, Q.C. G. H. Esnx. J. A. Mccu'z;;v, EWSON & CRESWICKE. barristers. Solici- tors of the Sn rcme_ Court of Judicature of Ontario. Proctors. otanes, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. O$ceo-Rou_ Block, Barrie. 11 II II_____-_- A `I? L! I` nnnn yr:-on VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance; BAKING Pownmz. for cakes. One is a drug`. of esune; the other a "chemical": * and there are nil! othera-SPICES of all ! kinds. cream of tartar, etc. _ } ll|l._ I, The peat. _.- v..--- `in -cnuulg VIA SToR%l?ceTE<; set dr_ug3 is at a DRUG rug t knows more about them than other peop e. ' `We keep a good drug store. Come and ask us , about Kitchen Drugs. v` G A.` RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. o . Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer etc. Oioo--Fint door O\'ven street. over Bank cg Com- _.-...\. Do...Z- `o_`8_ L our pn ;...hi.d f -9 Vs ojnoepareau Britain. We sire pblloalion. We pdaseu our own rmunxmnws DRUG STORE 92 DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. ` A.=z..:a:.*m.,`:.:`.:::.==~ 3, V .1 - oppuit`e Railway De , - - 3?sNNox' a: snows, Batmte , n....:.` Alnnn and Craemnm. Ste. Hwem-on Lnuox; Gno. E. J. Bxowx, :7'_'.Z-AiiArHif,L Edits '3; -MURCHISON. Barris- ' tern. Sollciton, Conve nears. `etc. Success- on to McCarthy. Pepler 8 cCatthy. Oice-McCarthy Block, Dunlop Street, Barrie. O A `:43 , _ ___, . II A Ann I .IJ~ 36. LIIIDX, uuu. D. ;. lFUW|~ Batrio, Allilton and Creemore. I . Bani: o$co-- No. 6 North side Dunlap-st. ~ 1' Money to, loanat lowest rates. % Drugs and chemicals In the Kitchen. [MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. :--1-1-: JIlllJUy'Blncp liblllvl Wnnxxaron Ann. _ Comm. I { `_____________________._._._ ENGINEERS AND SDRVEYOBS. ____________________.._._-} _'"es'tov l e the census '-neityear *:l_s?;:fsyetem,A those who _ are away from at the-rtime the census_is tttlten} counted, if their relatives fstate _n"'t`tl3is'.way a large number of Can- `(llaniwho reside in the United States counted by our census takers, and ;;_{t/he population of Canada is made to L` u no ' 7 Dominion Government ;th_s de jure system}. ..Undc.r %j;t'A_thsy are likely to return again; lnppear larger than it really is. I When-_ _t'lIe~. Liberals were in Opposition-, the lWeekly Sun truly observes, they ide- `nounoed this method of taking the leensus, and demanded that it be taken under the de facto system, that is, by counting only those actually residing here. Now, however, they want to make as good a showing as possible, and so adopt the system under which they can count the largest number.

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