Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Jun 1900, p. 9

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"9 Come Near Capturing $119 -Chief of Staff. '. t din8 to- a Cape Town 50!- Genera1Km.1mer himsol! bade, mane from capture in `.55 ; V Eement at Leeuw apruit Q11 -7339." 5 Was sleeping ii: the repair twin.- `W19 latter was "attacked and ngineors captured. I tchenerhs sleeping ca)` Itation, when the Boo ri,_|i1n-"~ et, suddenlsr opened .m. Kitchener managqd, one and galloped _t9~ two miles dia'tantg4'1'llQ J FOUR DAYS ARMSITICB "Baths Wanted 1; ivfade General, But `The itandaVrd's .Pret_orie e"corres- pondent states that Gen. Louis Botha, after his retreat .from- Diamond hill, requested_an_ armistice. Gen. Roberts `agreed to suspend hostilities north and `west of Pretoria, but Gen. Botha de- !manded a cessation of all military imovements. Gen. Roberts replied that lit was impossible to stop the machin- fery of his army; several columns that !were moving about the country with ;only limited supplies could` not be halt- ed. Gen. Botha then withdrew. his re- Equest. Nevertheless, a practical arm- istice north and west of Pretoria was observed for four days. v v v___.:`.-.- E A Frenh` officer, who ha: arrived {here from Tien-Tsin, vwhih he left `June `20, reports that fgr three days, gthe city has beenbombarded by the `Chinese, and that the troops of the Tforeign Kdetachment, were short of j. ammunition. i . The German cruiser Irene has ar- rived here with 240 marines, who, with 380 English and 1,500 Russians, proceeded to Tien-Tsin. The railway is workingfrom Taku-to'with`ir'n 15 kil- ometres o_f Tie'n-Tsin. ' EACOMMANDO SURRENDERS De V1l11e_r s 220 Men Give Themselves ` Up to `Gen. Warren. a A despatch. from London, Monday, says :-,-There is little news from South Africa beyond that oontained 3 In the official despatches. `No furth- lerimportant moyement is reported. E A telegram from Cape Town states that DeVivllier'_s commando, number- ing 220 men, with 280 horses, 18 wag- Ngone, 260 rifles, and.l0,000 rounds of fammunition, has surrendered to Gen- _eral`. Warren at Blikfontein.~ Com- man'dant [De Villier himself did not "surrender. ' SHORT o1= AMMUNITION. `Ldrd Iothuen Rout: j Colunni Under DeWet. A `Ldewpatch. from London, says:-q _ '.l`h.e_ War Office has received the 08` lowing` despatch from Lord Rberts:-an co- - 1-q_,_;____,_ `j__ vu--r--vu-nu wt`. vvvvvv -u | "Me7bhuen-, who was scorting 3 lat`; convoy to Heilbron, Tuesday routedi force under Christlan De Wet. who e deavoured to prevent him from outer: ingthe little town. Methuen had onlg three oaeualuas. V , - -. .. v 9;, _..A. JUVVILA5 IIXFQLUII LLVI-ll lJ|ll\D I-""""' "' "' "Pretona, Wednesda.y.-Huanters ad! vance column occupied ' Krngerador without opposition. " ' ;' ` .11; . ,,,-,;_1_.__-I.._.. V35 V9 snow Isis- uovvo "Baden-Powgll left this city ad` Wednesday, on his return to `Rustenl' `burg. ,T.he country is quletxng do |in that direction. ' V " n ,An-__.4`, tall I! I50: UV young- This satisfactory state of attain? will: be materially assisted by thecsqi ture between here and Rustenbur; on Tuesday, of two guns, by Hutton ! mounted infantry, from abody of tle enemy under Commandant Dupleesl I-"8 VI , _- 2 L-l_ ..__-.nI. 4.;-nu-an-vunI1"r\llIQ'A | l:erI-lble Disaster on 3 Quebec Lake` Squall Upset the Boat. I A despatch from Cedar Hall, Que,- says :-A dreadful, catastrophe ocoumi.` red here on'Wednesday afternoon, r _sulting inpthe drowning of a fish -4'.` iang - party of six person' The dead are :- '- James King, the well-known lum- ber merchant of Quebec, and ex-M.Pp' P. for Megantic; Mrs. Nolin, wife 0! Mr. R. Nolin, manager of Messrs. King Brothers saw mill here; J. Nolin, son of R. Nolin; Joseph St._ Pierre; Alt- fred Desohamplain, Joseph Fournier. `The. party were fishing in Lake Metapedia, about 4 o'clock, when Ii sudden gale sprang up and upset their. saiIboat,;throwing all into the water: . The lake. is very deep, and has many eddies. -_ . ., V J `__ _ Qugygggl unaugvn `r v---_.- .-. -- Railway and telegraph commumold t1on.w1th Cape Town is now oompletll lyv restored. 1 `I, ,_'_...`I -d- Taknnnnj A nvuuwnvvuu All is quiet hex-e"ana at Johannoll burg. The shops are open, and` thu market is daily becoming more orqwth` ed and businesslike." _, | Uuunuuc The accident was witnessed from` the shore, but there being no boats available, no assistance could be ren-; dered. It was fully an hour later when a boat was produced and search made for the bodies, but up to a. late hour the only one recovered was `that of Mr. King. Mrs. Nolin leavei a husband and child, three years ol_ds St. Pierre, DesChamp1ain, and Fournc ier were all about 20, years of_ age and unmarried. mof News Causes the Most, Acute Suspense. A ' mgpatch frem London, Saturday-, . 'deepatch to the Times tromg uahai, says there is acute suspense ya concerning Pekm. 0'h*ang-I-! D315 sending more troops for the mention at the La'h"uan hue, and al- ,to the Province of H-upet. ldespatch forwarded by one ofhe nsuls at Chefoo Friday quotes an. gent. message that was sent by the iush Consul at Txenoo-Tsm Wednes- Hbya special runner to Tong-Kn. says:- V 4 j 'Reinforcements are most urgently needed. The casualties have been hsuffxclent. M-cmne or field guns uerequlred. Beware of an ambus-V udenear Tien-I`.sin,. Rumour states lhatLie.ut. White has been severely unded. The Russxans at the rail- road station are hard pressed. "Th-e` Chinese troops mnntain an incessant` rewith large guns on the conced- faffbn CAPTURES GUNS; Eight Omcers `Killed in a Sorfie` . From Kumassi. A d'esp itch from Accra, says :-Sir Frederick Hodgson, Governor of thy Gold Coast Colony, according to re- ports from Kumassi, was wounded in the shoulder during a recent sortie from the fort. It is also rumored that eight officers were killed. _ . - - -1- l7cuunaut\l'I('1I awn gnu-png_ GOVERNOR WAS WOUNDED. IJIDI-Iv v.._... ._ of relief. Provisions at Kumassi are scarce. and there are many wounded. The in- vest_ment is complete...No one is ablof to leave. Great privations are an- dured by the native population. Day, byoday the position is becoming more precarious, and there are no prospeqts . i The coldest inhabited country ap- pears to be the'provi.nce`of 'Weroho- jansk, in Oriental Siberia. The daily_ mean temperature of the entire you: is 2.74 degrees belbw zero. SIX PEOPLE DROWNED. The Daily Express` says:-"We un- rstand that Mr. A. Tower, secretary ultbeB1-iush Embassy 111 Washing- to succeed Sir Claude Macdon- Ild, add that the `reason 01 -Sir nude's recall is xhe breakdown of llshealth." Sheng, director-general of `tele- 'neseLegat1'on ln Europe that the Men Legauonsvaz Pekm are safe. I59XDecte(l the Government will dat once 11,000 men to China, and ibly. according to some of the Iornlng paper.~3,A10,0()(J of the regulars phs, wires from Shanghal to the. Rosponsiblllty or Chinese Govern- ment for the Trouble Proven. -T Hespatch from Berlin says:-'-"The Wnsibility of the Chinese Govern- ment for recent events,` said a hlgh W1 of the Foreign Office on Wed- `dha"'iS now clearly ,p-irovd. It Innnn..... . _ ,, __,, ..., ..- a. ' uiw LIV"-11-Y p"Uve ' .. Chine lubeen ascertdlni that 10 000 , - . ' rs 013 `he. Mao under the .dU3t "do `emotion lnese Governmzaxxt. The P . .v tor10|15 tothehighggt posmons of no `Ianti-Euro` ` . 3 in- Chma again; all f"'3ne: ndw I|udit1E Germans, and the P01 mkly no go head V,gmously, qul . outcome may be-" I Who VVH ,. xers. "Ds who deserted W U B0 . . - . Qwr ' "Hhesame dlrecuon. T1115 15 th ' . :1: the resolutely-, H Dat W whl ` 6 Berl'Lner V'l'\`|8`3bl3`tt sayssg)-|T11'. Ivato denpatrh from 517` -Peter 9C09 one that Ru/sin has landed. ves . 1 not E31303` thmse '_< ` Elder the comnynd Of Adm"l-. yy ` r. but will act indepen d". H - t,and Gen. Broadvmods. _ .me involved rather 3e:;:_g_'9'l`1e: cing'between_hi T . us y_ 3 k'Dja` ummn eaurprised by R 01 msnipers in `:1 mealiosfgglgwss-tirq 5 _;-unding kop_je,g_ The n I, apd on sincreased rapidly, and timber 0! caused much damage amailr riflq * B the 'lIery horse. the Boers advanced 0 T n ` on's division adva he ` `mt the Boers in their 1;- Atmosr soar KITCHENER- `ANXIETY AS TO PEKIN. `dad, W " , vet and the B091`-5 artillery 8mm - .5 ad tmia1:t:`:1nGen- B13d` ' rat! from Pretoria, says :1-on;:1 fldwgt there was very Vha,1_-Q`? 9 gm both flanks of the M d their centre was a_Imo_s't f gable. Gejm, French went_ to ntered a section of th as unsuitable tor; cav,L'] A manoeuvres. His force was sur.-. WM and sustained a heavy_cros1_.-' I'_. .- made a splendid `tight; Wn can su June Reduc the season _l_9West. J I In u.--- V involved .178thr ll:eadvanin8'bt'n' the ised . .155 ,_- :... an rrmnua go lllfpr arrow EswPe% 0" Forces From %% . . for J . nap` gym d 53 ti, ` /___, norle 3:5 diigttzn mm, tW mnmn. adv d 900 ch` nd . :.. :?nu:,1::;e bufnod obuino ` 7" ' n. 1. ` . V . . jut bo9 r|:th:traiI1- Moo [Gen B t ho H `uegod no . and $9 1 no ), _.-... , stained heavy crank 16 fight:- e r_etreated _ju`gf_ ammunition Vwag egg 3'9 3-V-Oyn 9 ----- I....._1 I the gr'ou`nd..-_f($; 500 o`r yards: b,utv kwere c-heckedby artillery 1156. Then the 12th Lancexfa onA.t,h`eI`right made a., (rental ,cha,rge,V .wh1e the Household Cavalry went to the right and c-le'ar- ed the mealie field. ' " 4 | Iuwaafm thiqfight `t-hat the :Earl or A1rl1e was killed`. Attef _it`was over. hh lung `Au. _ .`I __-2J- L T ...._ ._---..... s._..u:u. 9 was 0781'] `he was found with.iibu11et through his heizft. Obi.` Egertori Gi`een ` "-was [ wopnded in the thigh, and taken pi-is-"` oner. He has been heard of smce as doing well}. Thais were very ltew. casualties among the "B-ritxsh. 00`_i1-, sidering the`8hort`range at whnch thei fightmg took place. -vr_i-n ` " No Tr`anav aal ers Eook: part 1 n"t`h)e en- .gpge.m`e-nt. Theontire "force that op- ' posed the British was made up of'Hol- landors who have settled`in.the' Trans- vaal, colonial rebels. and foreign mer- oenanes: During the engagement two at the British/` guns were firing to-~ wards the trout and two,oth'rs to`- wards the rear. _ ` T Fofelg-n 69.1-rison,a.t 'l`l en-'l`sln` Kpt. Busy,` Says our Admiral. T A` Taku. Via Chetoo, 1`hursday.T-`-No communications jirorn commander-im chief in seven days,` and from ,_Tien-_ rain in five days. '.l,`he allies. hold the Taku torts and_VTon`g-Kn, securely and they will advance to the -relief of Tien-Tsing when in sufficient strength. Troops `are. expected . trom Hong Kong to-morrogw, and 300 . from Wei-Hai- Wei the totlowing day. It is believed that fighting is constantly proceeding around Tien-Tsin._ Our garrison` there should be abou-t three thousand men. 1 A deapaytoh from. -Lon.d9n,aays_:- '1`h Admiralty has_ reooi\'fed_the fol- Qlowin-g dapa.toh`_i{om Baal`-Admiral 'Bruce:--" - . '77 E71}; "ioI13v';};";r'ocin'a.':3 f'w'Js S agreed to this morning, to be issued! fovthlwith-:- " _ ' `A ' V 1 " ' '.l"h-e admiral; and `Laenior naval officers `of the allied powers in China desire to make knowh to all Viceroy: X and authox_'itie.sf' along t_he coasts and; rivers andiin the cities and provinces] of China that they intend to use -ar.n- . ed force only -against the Boxers ang -people that oppose then -on their; march to Pekin for the reseue of their I fellow-countrymen." L T V ' 1 I, _I____ .I-.._...L-`L* -- -Aavlu Jvuutl QD. eris to com % ' _____,k____] T area for. it RDERED T0 Jam BDXERS 1`. needs, R0spon`sib111ty`of Chinese Heavy Russian Lossess in the Taku 4 Bombardment. n A deepatch from St. Petersburg eaysA:-Vice-Admiral Alexejeff, from Port Arthur, reporting the capture of the Taku forts,.eays the bombarding eet was commanded .,by the Russian, Captain Dobrowolski, as senior officer present. _ The Russian losses were two" lieutenants killed, one severely, and one slightly wounded, `and 16 men" kill-. . ed and 67 wounded. The gunboat Gi1- jak was seriously damagediby aehell, below the water line, and must be` docked for repairs. The gunboat K0-V, `rejez was made to leak iniix Vplacee, ; and had her cabin destroyed. The gunboat Bob: was undamaged. _Be-E sides the above, Admiral Alexejettg says the'-`Fren eh- warship Lion, the` Britieh.A1gerine, and the German` gunboat Iltris-participated in the en-`_- _n - guuuvu. on- gagemeut. I-Ullklvv 'vvunqvo J --V-. _ -The dattthat the above despatch: was sent off from Talgu is not given. I CONSTANT FIGHTIIQ3: 18 KILLER 39 WOUNDED. :3: Fency, .En:glish` and'g}rq1n -con'ce:'v.ionsL, a mud wall. `The PVei-!-Io ,,,;'53;:;,:::'.::;`?.`;:,,`?`.,2'.t.:f..?;fZs,`-3353:*:`;;f..?:':`::..'2`;:`s.;f`:?`::.::`5::35:`:*' `,'"'-*"%*'V=`* .' W 9` *" P?`- R*v=r is guarded by mud mm _. . up to; `.Pek"in. A various villages, camps` and rogds 3 t_ ll lulu vac. .. 9" 71:`;-5i'T5`iN (AND %'D|STR4ICT.i s%How|Na RAII;RoADs AND TAKU Pom ~ svnnxsrnom miwunisi OIN G. ,I,tp;ma% About Ourselves and `N,Bi'ghbor_g-Something {of . % Interesj; From Every Quar- V tar ofth'e_G1obe. * f 826: ,__- _,___ __.. --- was Q-nun:-J cane--U | Six? officers 8.;-`1'_18`1:xA1`en_'o the 3rd |,Dragoona. at `Kingston, are serving I . in South Africa. A ."_ |` , A nei} *;{n;1;;.;;, 'c3Eing about |$35.000. has-been purchased` in Mont- lreal by the Minister of Militia. A- A..- - n ' " v V . . 1 % -Lieut.-Col.` Tyrwihiztt-, M.]?.,_ died at {vhis homein Bradford on Friday night. Q:_ -319, 1 ..n- . LV Thor;-w-;l_l- -1`): a_.,_ u;p1\;s of $100,000 {inthe operations of the Intercolonial i_Rail-way for the past year. A .._-_- _!A1 _. - 7. -1-A--L ; ova; 2e;aoK:am"`o;f;;;s1;`;;me) the-zen s.hipped*r`om Halifax tor Havre. |'1:he shipment isworth $250,000, I-Ion. Mr. Mulocli,'aoting Minister of Public Works, has A mada arrange- ments cnr`- con.str`ucting,~a cable` to Belle Isle. ` uoyoa-u -nu-saw `The Credceot, ulndefafigabl. Tri- une, Psycle, and Quail. ot_ the North- Amgrioan squadron, y-n1_l `shortly visit Mon.treal.'- _ Theeniagistrate at Hamilton has or.- dered 9. husband to pay his` wife, from: whom he has separated after sixty years-of wedded life, 33 a week. - -_-__- .._.I.--....I a\:Inn:"_ VVGIE ~ o Mr. Laoro-ix. the musing civic offi- cial of Montreal, has" been located in Mexico, and an effort will be made to bring him back to answer charges. 1': nnn H11 4.-.... 1.: ...-.3;-p'|-1+ -wages. Jvuaslu vn. `vvvuuv\._ guy, 7. .-,_, Japanese: who were ,refu-sed7 admit-I tanne to the United Statesare ock-' ing into British Columbia and -hiring out to farmers at `ridiculously low \ ' - It, _-:_-2___ ..:..:.. ..n:_ OLGA VI. d.IJ.\.IAa.uA\n--o, -.-- ._-_v- _- -av vaav IJLILDGII LJI/uruvttv made; John Adam Mitchell, a'ged 79, is] bring anSW6l"0h31'885- seeking a divorce from his wnfe, agedf Duzri-ng May 3.730.711 ton-905 friht 1 72. at U-niolntown, Pa . . ! passed through the canal at Sault; Every window on one aide ofa Bur-5 S'te..Marie" on the United States Sids lington train near Kansas City was against` 361,626 tension the Canadian `broken by haiLstones.. `W ' ;;1;{ _: s`s'1,6-2J*a T ; aide. - ` ' BJVI-U1 Some fifteen or twenty applica-f .tiOns have been sent to the Militia `De-partments for appointments in the`. `,Niger Constabulary. The names will be,transmitted.`to His Excellency for ['approIv'al.. ` --'~'I--A-----A u-vnn+ limo (11111. .v .,v-r 1 Up to the present 8585,000 haa been `=1-e`auzea from Rudyard Kipling : 'fAb- `Tant-Minded Beggag-_, - LI. _ 'l\-- I _~- Al 2 e GREAT BRITAIN, | ! '1`heVQueen has" returned to Windeorl from Scotland. _ . . I I Elihu Smallman; one of England's` '5 noted -mining engineers, is dead.` B_'aron Loch, former Governor of ` Cape Colony, is dead at London, aged E 73 years. ' ' e ' - A V . A-n- Ann '1 , , g EANADA. '_ ` I '1`_1`;'i_qtic:fund now totals $305.- On I Bl..II."ala.u.|uvu ..ruB-._ . Prgctially all of the. Duke 0!; and` Smallpox has liifoken out in the! fthickly and. poorly settled district. of gfhe East End, London. Sevrlbasesl `have been reported already. . , "A1 .3...- l:1:1`8")`.,io La"'`Lestate;' V r_o`al. `aha! perbngl, `wag left to the Marquis '6! Lorne. V 'l'I..2__,___ -I\ '-` E. -` Princess . Ridziwill, ,of Russig, was`. robbed at ijevellry worth $50,000 at: 9. London, Enga, hotel as she was? `qboilt to start for Paris.) { V LHIIQIO UNITED STATES. 3 It is said that 6,000 Indian,s.are' starving-in Arizona because of fail- ure ofcropss. ' ` 1- . A A` 1,1 , t!-,-|`- |IA`znira1Fairtax. _ _ . 1 ` .` _Ad1nj1.'a1 Lord_Charls Scot,t ,brothe'r _' 04`; the Duke of Buccleuch, has been appointed Naval Commander-in-Chief, at Plymouth, in Quccession to the} late i I n_o'tice`: in the London -Gazeltte 1- etetes that her Majesty has consent-`A ed to the,.marriage between Princess -Marie of Brunswick and Prince Maxi- milian, nephew of the Grand Duke `of Baden. The Princess Marie is the eldest child of the {Duke of Gumber-. land and was born at Gmunden in 1879. '1-\-vvvn-Ia an`! A rlI'l'.\1 exports for the fiscli `year will `be 10.000.000 grgater `than gver before. -L V {The City Council of-`Bath has placed a tablet _in the house usedjast the -English .;honxe of the -unfortunate Major_Andre, the young Britishrvoffi-I car, who, by the order -at `General Washington, was hanged as .9. spy in_ William has `promised to visit the St.,L9uis,' Mo., proppped ex- position, it possible, T lIVI_A._, I. - 1 L. Thefe a large; i in the export of bzgnanaa from Jamaica to the United States. % - C _ __ Ivncileased postal facilities between -[the United States and England are talked of. ' - ~ g nary rQofi;'ciughter.o;,a non.` `uniqn conductor, was thrown intola pond by St. Louis strikers. if Mdsfv disapprove.` of forcible Christianization of China, `favoured by [Bishop C :-anaton. ` | The post-ofti at St. claimme, Ohio, was robbedof $600. Theburg-., ; missed a strong box containing` `$50,000. . _ A 2 " A.n.e_lectic 1in_e- with cigar-shazped. `cars, which will make-tho trip from `New York to Chicago in five hours, its talked of. . . T : I The average annual agricultural `im-ports tux-"the past. ten ye arsin `the United States amount to 8887,- 000,000. The total imports of allkinds aeraged $750,000,000. ` 9 -l . ,,_ ,_. . , i Wives ot farmers in the dnstrictg of Wabash, Ind., are - organizmg to: [advance the welfare of `the women? [of their country. . ' . 5 CC'7"II -u -. I Miss Barb_'er,n teacher of geography! lin'Chicago Institute, returned from] Ia. trip around the world, says the lBOxer uprising isfanned. by famine. |China, if naticinalized, she holiovagl, Icould conquer theworlda I F vwiinamr tter a twenty-year? {search}, has found his son in And_e.r-- |son,, Ind. A citizen there had adopt- ged the son w'he-n- an ipfaht. . g ~ v~~-~,;---v - vvvnaw ' ` Peter C. beaming, former United States army officer, .has` been taken Itrom San Francisco to the p;-1son' at` |Fort Monroe. He uybezzled" funds of: the Government, and has Anaow:been put in close` connement an (icon- vict._ I IA. ' GENERAL, The` insurrection in Bulg-arm is "spreading. Fifty peasants wens kill-`i-1 Iednlby the fhilitary at ADura.n;-Lekah. A ; that the Secretary at State for the; - Colonies has ordered a military "con- :!'_:1`-ipiiziionfhti St. 'Kitts and Nevis, by iwh-ich _every male between 17 and `40 , ndhit f %sniory.? ti; .;;;;t }$p;3SzIezit {Of the French. in West Africa, ladead E at L bx`ei7ifIe, where he was transport-, i|ed$after capture in 1898. Martial law has been proclaimed at ' ;Mac_1r.i_d,'refractory~ taxpayers are td be `jailed, and opposition newspapers .wnvressed:e~ A 4 "Fore1gn Troops at Tlen-Tsln Fought ; Hard for Three Days. 9 A'from Berlin says :-The 'comma.ndetr of the German squadron at"Taku (has w1re_d as follows to the. ; G.over'nmenl_t : --' Uy us!-w.L_ gnu uuguusu nu .LcDt!. . L Jamaica is _excited over the report tia liable to compulsory military ser-` `vige. ' i General Sir Robert" B1ddulph,_ Gov-' E ernrjr, end .Commandeu'-`in-(jjmef of the `forces. at Gibraltar, while riding in `Spanish. territory recently.` was ston- ;ed; alnd hisVaidde-oampe, Major Mor- gain, was severely cut in the face by a flying rock. ' The offenders were .ca.p-tvured and will be court-ma;m'anea.| _ ' Roberts Rafused. A despatch from London, Saturday, ee.ys:-Th-e news from South Africa, so far as`_the development of the mili- tary situation is concerned, is oover- ed the official despaitches. Gen. Roberts and Buller have practically joined hands, completely severing the northern and southern bodies of the Boers. vStrathcona s`Horse, 500 "strong, have joined Gen. Buller. They will con.- .siderably increase his mobility.-

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