Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 May 1900, p. 8

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For two persons, 4 rounded teaspo005 I full of Co'ee', g of an egg, mix in "9 I with cold water, scald coee-pot`. the : add 3 cups full of boiling water and let boil 3-minutes. then add `.2 more cuP3' full boiling water, stir and boil 383"` 3 minutes, then serve instantlv. and | DON'T forget the cream. I 1 FWVV" vvvv VVVV/` __----""4 Tea. and; Coee Merchant, "1':-u: PYRAMIDS." BARN" Z) U'I`\Il corfi b6'11I7if3}g3E':Le'}3n}T T mos. N.HOBLEY.E and: Goiae 5-ly ARE YOU WAST|NG..., MONEY 'r6T.oAN. _ ___ .....-O (`I TRY THIS : i.Mr. John Clark, Essa. street. is represent- e -ing Lodge No 486 B. of L. E., Allandale. ` at the annual convention of railway engin- eers, in session at Milwaukee. Wisconsin. ` Mrs Clark is the representative to the 1 Ladies Auxiliary of the B. of L. E. They expect to be" absent for a. couple of months. 1 Pdfa lhaelj AND EL - Mr . EL . 31515: P U [J- `VH9- a.rdma.n, brakman on the waytreight b_etww_en Graveuhurst and North .-Bay, had his fingers badly pinched last week while couuliug cars. -I.!,Y\c IA? SIC CUI 'lazth 34:. Wm. Kirby left his position with _Mr. Graham for 9. similar one on the steamer Chippofwa, running between Toronto and Lewjston. - if Aengiueuiheuse here received a. coat of whitewash and paintlaat week. It makes 3 wonderful change in the looks of the . interior of the building. avg. 1 run Mrs. Skewes, of Sault Ste. Marie. who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Taylor for some time past. is visiting with friends in Elmvale. Rev Mr. Fish, of Hawkstone, will occupy. the pulpit of the Methodist church here on `Sunday next, preaching morning and even- ing. iv` 19': . . - ... A lurqo'nur_rib;z: of remen and brakemen from Lindsay and Toronto were here last >wek--undergoing their examinations. ' '( Ve;a'2.Mo'att And Mary Thompson have retutnd from a visit Wlth relatives and friends at-South River. - . '1\i`orra._y':o}"E}"t'a;.'\:'enhursn, has moved l `to the 6th Ward, and is occu ying the house vvaoated by Mr. Thomas An arson. ---j H rs`. Armstronw was Probably tho oxa- ` eat Woman in Canada. `iN'o9.t1y everybody in and` ground . Barrie ' ' :>.`Ailunda1e'- either knew or had heard of Robert Armutrong, who died last fay or Anguu in her 108:!) year. For yom ahereqided in Allandaie with ` ` f.`- Dr. _Armntrong.ond Mr.` William R7 `Vibe oidert woman `infvonodo. By many the has been re-. Mrs. Ei{.JiE V has returned from Durham, where she had been visiting her `mother, who has been ill. ' Edwards, of the North-West, ` iI visiting his sister, Mrs. Alf. Pavchell, _.Buz-ton Avenue. Our lnitcrhfsiah-`club are practising nightly ~. forhtheir match with the Cookatown club on the-24-'th of May. ' 5 F- Bvurton, of Torpnto, is visiting at `Sptin2bank. the residence of Mr. J. L. `-Burton, V iilVz::Rusk, -` mother of Mr. Wm; Rusk, 7 "has decided to leave for the North-Went in as short time. . V` easra. Elijah Levia. and Walter Kelcey `boys. left. on Monday for Depot Harbor. Success. -In l\ . - au- Ha;'k;1'"toco`l:t;'h; Figic at the Metho- Vdist League meet1ng`Monday evening. ' ' `ll- 'l-L__ Il_1\, I! o .__-J _v - ----gu Mr. Jgh has moved into one of Mr. Chee_aman s houses on the Allandale round 7 - "7V,"M1:.}d;ai;1-`h;.s'mo:d izito. the hous `Jfacated bv Mr. Wm. (Suite. Itaziztiv Kell has "potatoes two fihohoa above ground. ' V _'\n_ 1-: u Roooolph Bruntonlefb last week for Toronto and Cleveland. ` Charles Kelcey moved to Toronto- tljnl; week.j 1 ;;u; .I_.;:'e";:1_d Bobinebte Curtains Qt Vair, Viokera & Co. s. T . ;!ie's `South-Weetem Division.` with `its Pleasant streets. its Tasty Dwell- . a.-head People wxll Entlce Settlement --_A Weeklv Record of its Doings. ;_,uMr. Samuel Bradford is home from To- '_.iront_o. . Inga, its Pretty Churches, and its Go-. 7 V 1'. William Guite has mved to Centre i McALeer and fsmilyiare moving to` ,;"Torontotbis week." HRAAIIJWAIY 7cm1~i'rR3 on` - 'rHm_ 7 -' FUTURE CITY. T ovmn 107 7Yn*:Ans om. : On Monday evening last, the Brother- :-hood of Locomotive Firemen held a. concert Si in Bothwell s Hall which proved a success ; every sense of the word. Mr. A. C. ~`v`Wils'on, of Trenton, N. Y.. 2nd vice presid- ent oi_ the international B. L.Ii`;, presented ;`.=.;s`ome very interesting movable pictures and gstereonticon views V Locsl talent, consistin ifoi ' Misses Binghsm. Graham and Grose. an Messrs. Arnsll, Young, and the `Barrie .', Halter, and Mandolin Club. supplied the `Uly|:'Inlh\n" nus-I-. hf flan invnnsunrn Medicine Hat, N. W. T., Mav 5.-During the winter two little daughters of Mr. J. A. Gaff, of Ten Mile, south or Maple Creek, earned the bounty on killing, two large grey wolves. - These girls, Misses Myra and Polsa Gail`, aged l3'and 11 years, succeeded- in trapping two wolves, on dierent occa sions. '1`h_e rst one found trapped _thev shot. On the next occasion they trapped an old stager that had been a menace to the oattlemen for some time. When they found it in- the trap they had no means of killing it." so they threw a rope around its neck, enubbed it to the aaddle horn and dragged it to its death. LUUVO `V 9 L IIWIPO J.'he 'bride.wa.s married in a. very hand- some blue-grey suit. and carried a beautia ful bou net of white and pale `pink carna- tiona. he was attended-by Mien I. Parker, of Grand Rapids, who was attired similarly to the bride Mr. Lloyd : groomsman was Mr. W. Wilson, formerly of Tottenham. Mn ant] Mrs 'l.hnuI- 1:23 nnnlin (3..-anal MAI: `V IIDUII IUI IIIVLI, V5 LUIIUIIIIIIEIII: Mr. and Mrs` Lloydj will make Grand Rapids theirfuture home. Their many friends `in Barrie will wish them every happiness in their new relations. a On Wednesday, April 25, the residence of Mr. J. Calkine. Grand Rapids, Michigan, was the scene of a very pleasant gathering ' when ~ Miss Maude Porter, recently of Danford Roche, 8:. Co.. Barrie, was united in marriage with Mr. Percy Lloyd, of that place, eldest son of Mr. George Lloyd.. of Barrie. The ceremonywaa performed by Rev. W. Phelp. ' T ' "Ln 'l\n:(`n Inna uvunuundnta :n 1: names L--J Adv;-o_: Expect to hear wedding halls ahoaftly. -' ' . _ Mr: White nd family, of: Medford, have takennp their 1-eqsidence among an. 11" vs I\ -'1`heBoa.rd So Decides at Their Meeting l V onsaturday. The adjourned meeting of the Board of License Commissioners was held on Satur- day afternoon last. Among . those present to oppose the granting of the license were the Revs. McLeod, Bartley,- Whitten and Thornley. the two former gentlemen as a delegation appointed by the Ministerial Association to wait upon the Board. Aftnuu Inn!-nndnn I-3` olnn nuonnnnnneun e. LALI. aaunvvnuvnvu uv Vvulll uyuu uuc IJUDI-Uu After listening to the arguments _on both \ sides of the question, Commissioners held ` that the granting of 9. second `shop license \ was not called for and not in the best in- terests of the town. and they accordingly` refused to grant the same. - The British Empire is forty times largeri than the German Empire and sixteen times larger than all the French Dominions. The l ` English speakin- people number at present 116,000,000. while the French speaking people number 58,000,000, pr just half as.- i many as -the English. H On Thursday morning of last week Mr. "George Trunkeld, sectionman, had a close call for his life in the yard here. He was ; shoveling on the track when a train, which was being made ready for going out, backed `down on him, a box car striking him on the aback, knocked him over ; luckily he fell on -the outside of the rail. and` in falling his 4 left toot went against the rail and got fasten- `ed. when the ange of the car wheel passed over it, bruisino it very -badly. Had the ':train been moving very fast, he would, in fuel! probability, have been knocked under the -wheels and killed. The injured man was % `removed to `his home on Ellen street and fmedioal aid summoned. He is progressing -3-as favorably,as can be expected. Mr. John `Oven:-I rturnd .tr lf):pWot Harbor tiger. a pleasant. visit "with friends here. - . - 2 . ` Mine Ferguson`, of Midhui-st, has been visiting Mine Edythe Turner the pest week. V L ' . - I ____ -4 I M :-. Lawrnoe _McDev_itt has If-et.urm ed to Pittuburg, Pm, aftgr spending ._t_h9 wince;-ggtihopye. / . ua uuuuu ueuuwu to 06 a mystery. The family of Weldon appeared to he: anxious to have the old man sent: up for ` trial ; but as there was `no evidence of his guilt he was discharged with his son, in spite of the `lial endeavors ofshis children in his %behalf. .W_ei'e aihook-I . ' #9!` Geoto: 2" H - ~ w uuunlt VI. DIIU U"UWll. The postmortem examination showed that there was not the slightest sign of vio- lence to be found on the person of deceased.` Nor was there anything to indicate that she died as a; result of heart-failure. The cause of death seemed to be a mystery. ` frh A; sits-macs-in;-ii in `J .I"n'r:t'.; ;:i::~:1`;nmoned ' for an inquest to meet on Thursday evening. It was ad- journed. till 2o clock on Friday to allow Crown Attorney Cotter to be present on behelf of the crown. f-'1'__ __!__ H n .c u c unuu uvwu suuauuacu U ucl: uuuuuuua It was learned, later that Mrs. Weldon ; was the woman s name, and that her hus- .1 band, John Weldon, and her son Wm. were \ arrested on suspicion .of- having done the the deed. Weldon is an old British soldier, and has an unfortunate liking for the owing bowl, which tendency is inherited evident- ly by his children. .1nun-on Iivnuun a...-.......p._A.I S-.. -.. 2_...---L L- - -.___ ..._ . - .-..u~.-- vv voinvnay \Il .\I\lAl>lllB` "wood, are Acquitted. Early last Thursday morning word was received here of what was thought to be a case of murder at Oollingwood, the preced- ing evening. The report ran that a woman had been murdered by her husband. Tl-. was Inn:-nan-I Inc-an I-has In-. lIT..I.l.... John and William Weldon, of Collins!- I-Ivaap-` n-n A-.....ILA.-.I 1 `A smart aleck bicycle rider of this] `vicinity was making great speed on the _'.~Allandale read one evening last week, to 'meet a lady friend, when all of a sudden he gran against a. snag--a dog. The collision fwas quite unexpected; and the first thing "the bicyclist knew he and his bike were doing the double somersault act in great style. Somethingbn the machine was heard to. give way," but whether the bike was broken or not. frankly I have not heard. ICIIIIIJ O The death oftbis interesting old woman is commented upon by the press generally. and aphotograph of her, accompanied by a sketch of her career; will` appear in several leading newspapers. M:a.Armatrong was .9. women of more than average intelligence and ability. She. was-com aratively smart till the time of her death. _- hen about a hundred years old she received her second night, and hasnince I been able to read eqsilv with the help of glasses. She was for over` ninety years a. consistent member of the Methodist church, and had twice read the Bible through to her 'l`hn tannbk A`-6I.:n 3_d..`._..-.53.... -1.` _-_-_,_ . married `at 19 years of ageivto ` Mr Robert.Armsu-ong, who was a. cousin of b .Gen'ersl.Armstrong and Hon. Simon Arm- strong, of Holymount House, near Manor Hamilton, County Leicrim, Ireland. He died 48years s o. The family consisted of eight sons and vs daughters, ot whom one son and three` daughters are still living. They are Mr. `Wm. Armstrong, Allsndsle; . Mrs John Cripps, Angus: Mrs. Gugan. Boston ; and Mrs. Lougheed. of Manitoulin Isl'a_ni.. ~u Iain - -- .l3:;.. "grand-children number `eighty, her grass-grand-children eixtzy, and there are two gteat-grea.t-grand-children. ` II..- A_...__L.., ` . Mrs. Armstrong was a native of County` Leitrim, Ireland. and emigrated to this country with her parents in 1840, "With; the exception of about a year she has re- sided` ever since in Innisl and Essa, living 10 years in Essa and the remainder of the time in Innisl. ' ` e ` Won `Ave.neo:"f jMe_thodiet iahnreh, ate` the Union? Cemetery. .At; the church` the pastor. Rev. Joe. Young. reed ~ the 23rd`uea.lm, and in accordance with the. expressed wish of de ceased Rev. Mr. Taylor preached the funeral sermon, taking for his subject, The Resur- rection or the Dead. - . rn1_- _.-In___..__._ __._.__ nr,__, vs II: ., vr ' IFUUIVII Ill UIIV .lIUG\Io -_ _ The pallbearers were, Chan. Palling`, K MoLennan, ar., ---. Clnaon, Jan. Leslie," ` John O'Neil, Jaa.,Lougheed. .A ver.y large 1 number attended the funeral. ' ` ] N0 LICENSE -rfon `WATERS. - The - Brmah mp1re.V g:,yv__usunu,uuu auwuuvuu usuu. -uuyysscu uuu =:'= sum: part of the program. Mr. D - fasuieron lled the arduous: duties of chair- Vrman most acceptably. The hall presented very retcv appearance owing to the un- iriud shore of the remen, and great rnit -51 Jun them far Qho 1'-nunnnnnfnl. Inn!) rr WAS NOT MU1-"damn. Two_ Brave `Girls. 254 Line Lagka. Lloyd-Porter. It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs. Jane. '1`oner,`on Monday, April 30th, after a very brief illness of pneumonia together with heart disease. The funeral, which was largely attend- ed, took place from the family residence to the R. C. Church Phelpston, thence to Apto Cemetery. - Rev. Father Sheridan conducted the services. Mrs. Toner leaves 9. husband and ten child- ren to mourn the loss of a faithful wife and a kind and loving mother. The pallbearers were her six sons, three of whom came from Chicago to attend the funeral. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved husband and family. The Admission of Correspondence Does Not Necessarily Imply that we Hold the Opinion of the Writer. Bard Lines. . To whom this may concern :-After a residence of over half a century in the County of Simone, John McCaa- kill was allowed to spend the last few months of his life in Barrie Gaol, where he diedon Mayv5th. 1900. On complaint of he was committed by a magiatrat.e a court, held in Cold- water,` charged with insanity. On the i26th of last December he came to gaol. "After a further medical examination land a trial `before His Honor Judge Ardagh, it was decided that he was not a t subject for an asylum.` He was accordingly discharged with a recom- mendation thatle be aent to the House of Refuge On further examination before Police Magistrate Roaa he waa committed to the name, where he was re- moved on the 4th of ' January laat',._ `where he remained with the exception of two _da_ve,_vuntiI on" the 6th February omp_1aint_ was `again laid against Mc- `Caakill, when he was again` committed . `to rhgaolg ; fAnotb`er -examination` _.W8l` 769.? a fi.oou;rftr.,,d9t"etmin9'd - that! that. A home imam 6.n `waiadjusiado gli to _aylnm. The- paperafw a"re at Wm THE PEOPLE % Hm To an. Lmrrmns ADDRESSED TO THE morron . - THIS WEEK. V Ingram, of. Neepuwa, Men. `Mr. Ingram and tamilyewere former resi- dent: of this place, having moved to Manitoba just two years "ago. He leaves a wife and seven children. Quarterly services were held in the Bur- ton Avenue Methodist church last Sunday. In the morning Rev. Joseph Young preach- ed 5 very instructive sermon on The Lord s Supper. After the morning service the love feast and fellowship meeting was held, At the close of the evening service the `sacra- ment of the Lord _s Supper was administer- and 4 . . _ A '2'- 3.4!--- Not invisible but nearly so. ' The can be made up with either solid gol , old lled: (warranted 10 years), or nic el trimmings. They are not expensive. We adjust them so that they are I perfectly adapted to the features. Scientific Opti_ciar;,- _ MacLAREN S DRUG STORE. .-2AnnI|-:. _..---v-w-v-v, ----w ---w -----n ways: vi-V Ivv are arranging some baseball teams. Some of the boys want` to have a shooting match, but the members of the Union would prefer cricket or some such game, not wishing to encour- age shooting in any form. The Flower Mission has distributed 8 bouquets and 2 doz. eggs to the sick. Mrs. Ruther- ford wrote asking for subscriptions to the Woman s Journal. The delegates to attend the county convention at Alliston on the 31st of May and 1st and 2nd of J one are Mrs. Ross, Smith, Washington and Miss McKee. Mrs. -Thornley, of London, will be present and an excellent programme has been provided. [A circular on Purity Work and Mother s Meetings was read, asking that these two` subjects be grouped as one. Our superintendent` will take : charge of the two and a Mother sj Meeting" will beheld some time in the near future.- Re Water's application for shop `license the -members spoke of . their astonishment at seeing certain names on his` list, and can scarcely be- lieve it possible that menwith families growin `up would" sanction such an evil. - '9 know somemen will drift with the tide, when with `temperance people` they are ,._temperat_e, but they h.av6I._t tl,1f`e_`ofonrf-Ilse to say.-n0" to In evil. 'i!,it__,might'_ b.e_.,tbe maugroif turn- iua. .on.~fot tbeir.w-iv sin; `bus-if runs but had Lflgh on o` TO OUR]! A COLD IN. ONE DAY _Tnke Laxative Brpmo uinine Tablts. Alldru Wt: refundthcmon 7 it fnilsto cure, 35. __ From sickness and other causes the attendance at the Union on Monday afternoon was not quite as good as usual, but a protable two hour session was spent. A great many of the` superintendents of the diiferent depart- ments were absent. A Scientic Temper- ance Department reports that literature has been distributed in the schools; Narcotics, thatthe Anti-Cigarette boys nun nununan-u.nonpu an-noun `;--.L. L._._... place to spend his last 5 months in than either an asylum or a aaol, he was not taken away to the asylum, it being most easy to conclude thathe could be a trouble to othefs for but a short time. I never met the late John Mc0askill when himself, but must say he was a grand man. "I never heard him oom- plain. Surrounded, as he was, by some of not the most thoughtful, he went in` and out amongst them, always with `a pleasant word and smile. During the last weeks of his life (if this is any consolation to his friends) he was faith- fully nnrsed by one Taylor, to whom and myself he stated before conscious- ness left, I am going home; all is right. His body was kept until Mon- day`, when it was shipped to Toronto, there to be looked after. sake of their own boys they would not encourage more liquor selling. Report of-mlnesmg Public School, 8. S. ' No. 9. Veepra. The followinglia the report of Min- eaing Public school, S. S. N o. 9, Vea- pra, for month of April, based on the regular monthly examination, attend- ance- and general prociency :-V Glaas:-Wallace Stewart. IV Class, Sr.-Syduey.Jacoba, Fred. Tracy, Ruth Bremuer, Sadie Fralick, Tena Primrose. IV Class; J1-.-Herbert Fletcher, Fred. Foyeton, Evelyn Kerfoot. III Class, -Sr.-Suaan Tracey, John Maw, Harvey 5 Lennox, Bertha` Addison, Annie Johns- ton, Stella Downey, Katie Benson, Edna Degeer, George Stokes, Mabel Teasdale. III Class, J r.---Roy Ker Ifcot, Nellie,, Anah ,Wood, Fred. `Knapp, Stella Livingstone,` Roy `Keaton-, Irving Johnston, Susan Tene- dale, Scot Primrose. ' II Class, Sr.-,- `Earl Knapp, Willie May, Olive Gib- aon, Ethel Greenaidea, D_arcy Lennox. Bel-t"_ Foyaton, Ohaddie Bremner, Harvey Fletcher, Willie Young, John Fletcher.` F rank. Howard. ` Part II vOlaa__I--lfldvina J`_hckman,- NValte_i- Downey, T `Eva_,Fr5ll9k:. Frank, Foyatou. Arthur ' F.redv Channel Mar Middlato - .. Sf .;.l:3.Z`\" ., " 1.:-Knapp", -`Em - - '. In this store is to supply for immediate wear just such smart looking, correct, well made clething as an o1'de1' placed two or three weeks alread will buy from the best tailors. T'o attainjthis object, .we haveput in :1 well as- sorted stock of Ready Tailored Clothing which we guarantee to be correct in FIT,` STYLE and \VORI{- MANSHIPQ ` If this is thenclass of goods you want we shall Ire giad to see % 'KMiss l)laVia57- leaves this xjveek, } after spending 9. month's holidays at home, for her duties at the P. E. Hospital, Phila- dlphia Miss Nita McLennan will remain [home for a. `time, H:fU*NTEF? BROS. The Object of % Our Endeavor ....THE%MEN-FOR MEN.... 54 Dunlop Street. Barrie. at, your ea1'1iesi: convenience. shall be glad you Edith Th ' Elma Miami: Ifvillie Living `B3309. Rubin J:l 8 Cgbaotm `*":~_ Y _es) 90. K W~1il.Flac:;:E ER`_hanl Plow ` ' `ma Adams,F Annie} *" '*w. TO LOAN Private funds toloan at 5 per cent. on fa Pl tV-1 Teams." to suit borroviers, With any loan company. Apply pers letter to j +1; HARRY %MABF}u',;,E_ " "~23 onally 0 b No COBB, `. . E1on- IDIX` IZUIJIU VI VII? IIIWIIIWH, W `l UDII gejdit `in due them for the eucceeefulv way :1 . jvlnich the concert was managed.

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