Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 May 1900, p. 1

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en; he 1: the % neect 32-If. muss FAMEBELI. oyal Victoria. H_osp1t'a.l. II III renal :2. Apply _ IU Hal`: wu .. -_ a for offices. in Ron Block, No. 97. Dunlop Fire `grout vault; occupied at Xresent by ullu. ill be vacant on at of mi! next. 0 . f c. H. Ross. Goff. x x-IV ETIER` TERM . .21 ...m. merges in_tq thg Summer FOR SALE. DUNLOP STREET. {uPgf 7 has decided tb give BARRIE. O.` I , Raw an I THE A'Dv4NcE."` l for Endowment` Insurance. --.-`lg: luv n-innav `can IE LU! he 'A9P1YtoFR.BD 1` VA 9615. A numbewot la '1l1E4 Business Uollega, Barrip, an c*:a::s::=.:2..m.:1':.=%'.`p:*:~,= mt -..- - VTHE INTERESTS OF HUN IIIUIIU nuts or money U. lVl_l'L4` .138-:9:-p > In _ 5 {'1 ON, 0nIy,$l000 That is the Aim ef~tl1e committee. * Iseme of the Aldermen Want a General Assessment Appeal. At the regular-meeting` of` the 1`own Cohncil on Monday . evening all the mem- bers were present. _The minutes of the pre- vioue meeting were adopted. ' ` COMMUNICATIONS The following communications were re- ceived and laid before the meeting :- wnnln jun Qnunnnrn n1\Iv|C\In=-n:-nan that `Clan UOIVUUI Gilli IIII IJCIUIU IIIIU IIIUUIIIIIR '-' From Jae. Scroggie, complaining that `the _. waterway in front of his house. 121 Collier street, is lled up so that the water oods his property to its `great detriment, and ask- ! ing that the matter be attended to at once. amnucnm NG TO THE FRIINT ATHE " ii.` 1{a1}fJ." the Eo'u..cE1 to keep "her husband for a. `month at the Hospital. as ehe is not `able to keep him. A petition from twentv piominent resi- ` dents on or in the vicinity of Toronto street praying for better sidewalks and electric light on above street. wnnsn Q--....-l nlnlrn`anv nfnl-=01:-I hnf. `IA IIHIIU III-I BUUVU HUIUUIL From Samuel Blakeley, stating that he `had -been laid _up for 30 days, and was likely to be off work much longer,i because of breaking his ribs in a fall due to the bad condition of the sidewalk on M.organ s `hill, , owing to the poor way inwhieh the snow | plou hing had been done, and asking a what ` the ouncil would do in the matter. * : ~m__'__ mu.__ 1 ____ _-|_:._._ r-.. u.|.- ..-..--I ` BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, MAY 10, 1900. IJIIU \l_| |II-IUII VVUHILI UU Ill LIIU unusual.- From Thos. Lowe, asking tor the repeal of the by-law preventing the sale of fresh meat in what were wards 2 and 3. so as to a permit of the opening of a high class meat shop on; Dunlop street, as in other large towns and cities ` V-From J. Tvuuzh. Johnson, asking for 1 a_dditiona.l per `month for tending eletric Iannrn n'nn Witt lnlnnir nnlrtnnnrllnaina ugnts. , _ . From Hon. Wm Mulock. acknowledging receipt of copy of resolution of corporation of town of Barrie, favoring the acquisition of telegraph and telephone systems and operating the same-with postal system. ` CURRENT ACCOUNTS. Chairman McLean. of the Finance and . Assessment Committee presented reportNo. l7._setting_ forth current accounts accrued to the "amount of $2112.40, of this the larg- est item was for $1,000 to the Collegiate Institute. Much of the remainder was in small sums for street repairs, etc. The re- port was_ adopted, and the items were ordered to be paid. Thomas Campbell offered to water the I streets of Allandale. Ward 6, according to specications for $95 for the summer. His offer was accepted, it being below the tend- er of Parker who did-the work -last year. 2 MARKETS AND PARKS. "Chairman Cundle `recommended that the fountains be painted, at a cost not to exceed $8.-Report adopted. _ P ` STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Chairman Powell, of the Public Works Committee reported :--'That as a `result from an inspection by your committee we beg to submit for your approval the follow- ing improvements : - s ` -is s,g,,.. --`_.._L-- ...A._.....L 2 3..-].-- .-.4. A the Dunlop street crossing; estimated cos_t, `jab ....r-v - -,.---_.-.. . 1. Raising Mulcaster streets 6 inches `at 38 i ' `Don-Inna ah-not-. arnn and wnfarhnhln `I LVUKIIJW cleaned, $12 0 IV-lI:.-nuc- ` 01651180 , @111 3. Collingwood street graded and water_ table cleaned, $20. T A D.-.....a. ..o-.u:.a4-- nmulm-1 ant` lnnlunv-f 1.1:. well ughqld WIth_m _ inq its s the pa 4._...`.\ E3016 cluuauuu, qpau. I ` V4. Puget street-V graded and culvert ` ; .st'.raightex_1ed, `$20. `I\....... .'.o......I- n-aria.-I and numb-nrfnhin 4sm;lgI!)l:.:rl;:ut"1P';`e gr;g.ded and watertable cleaned, $25. ` A Dl.....I. nnnnn=nn nn nmnn }I`AA". in J, R, cleaned, qpzu. , 6. Plank crossing on Owen street to J. R. _Cotter s residence, $10. In [)..-.:..'I.l -s......t, NI :-n-I-I-s hrnxynlnr` and _L}0UI':el"3 TGBIUULIUU, VJU. 7. Baveld street. North graveled and graded, $20. . . _ 9 Jnlm an-nah omded from Wellington graaeu, ipzu. v i 8. John street graded from Wellmgton{ ` to Dalton, $5. n ' 11.45.... an-ant. tn-nn from Rn.I:Hn\d tn to U_&lB0ll, qpo. _ 9- Dalton street graded from Bayheld to -I Toronto, $5. . 1n D..l.iI.n:n nfranvnrnnrl and nnlvert i:`l'oll'(f)).nD1(3)4;.li< street V graded, and culvert acros Essa road, $40. ` 11 n-_..... ..a...-..a- n-mml an.-I `Inn !-nvnr` l maaa rouu, qp-w. _ . ll. Gowan street graded and improved, $16. _ 10 'I`i`In a hnlnn in streets :11 No. 6 ward. $20. . . - 13. Repairing wharf No. 6 ward, $16 14. Leveling sidewalk * on Bradford street between W. Ross and _N. John street, Ann l $80 ` .15. Renewing sidewalk on Toronto street between Wellington to Ross streets, $30. Io m........c'.. no--not Wnllinafnn tn nnltnn_ IFD-. . . On motion of Ald. Bennett the Council went into Committee of the whole to con- sider the items of this report seriatim. As a result clause 7 was increased to $25, and clauses 14 and 15 were allowed to stand over for further consideration, as there was some difference of opinion as to the best method of improvement that could be adopt- ed. Chairman Boys of the Light, Water and Sewers Committee, was asked what had been done in the way of extending the waterworks and electric light, pirticularlv` in ward 6. He `said that the matter had not been neglected. but they found that in the waterworks nothing could be done till lateer in the season, owing to the _faot that till the dry season came, water lled the trenches `as fast as they were excavated. The work would be pushed as soon as it `could be done properly; ,, _`___.I!-_A.:-.... LI-n Lap. knnn , cuuiu uu uuuv rnvrv--1-q Speaking of the applications that had been : received for street lights, Ald. Boys wished all parties desiring the same to petition the Council. Several petitions had already been received. The electric power at present will not support more than about `8 or 9 more llights Therefore they wish to` know all who think themselves entitled to lights, so that they may consider all the claims and place the 8 lights where they are most needed. In the matter of incandescent lights. he saidthat he had looked into the matter and found three 32 c.p. incandescent lights were about equal to one are light. There seemed to be an impression abroad that onsvaro was equal in cost to nearly a dozen `incandescent ones. _ . nonoxs. ' t Mc.'nesn-Benn,ett -That -`Aid. Mchean. ,_Benn_ett.-1l yrer.. _ Boys ands Powell be Court of'Revisionf veer. on aspeals-`from _. ` 5`-l;a_udE.thatVi'F,r)i_ may the=;1st' x `.3 um, v- V __- Uonrtu .' _ ` .. P9well-Oun`dlq-Thst parties who hdvq bhItIuc_l9I;~ _ 0;; Block ntr,po_tg 1Wa_rd 3 V_ `V.`\ l ..`>.. l oi Rodney street graded and waterlzable ` l-.......I 110 10. . T 12. Filling holes in street: in No. 6 ward. 1 on . eween VV Blllllghuu nu unvuu uuuuvu, vuv. 16. Torpnto street, Wellington to Dalton, - BARBIE, THE] COUNTY OF SIIICOE AND ,'.l`HB DOMINION OF CANADA. OUR CRITERION. For Public Works 36, be ordered _to remove some forthwith. I Am n....__.4. ...-.._ _-....... .: ........:.... 4.. 2 U, UV Us UB1 cu _I.U IUIBUVU auuu: IUS nu W alou- Ald. Bennett gave notice of motion that he will introduce a By-law to repeal By-law -or Bylaws No -,- regarding. the sale of |meat. Q - T - In speaking of the expenditure on public works, Alderman McLean stated that it was the intention of the Committee to limit the amount this year laid out for public works to about one thousand dollars. . Four hundred dollars have already been expend- l...l - LL- ....--....a. 12-4. -...oh. Anna 1-I-n-an hnn. luunurau UOIIBITB IIIIVU ultuuuy uwvu wagon`:- led ; the present list made over three hun- dred more, leaving less than three hundred still to be expended. n 71:` dnnnuninn hn nnliff hf RViiO- IIIII. U0 U0 Bxpcnuuu. V In discussing the Court of Revision, Ald- Bennett wanted to know if a general appeal could be made` against the assessment. He ' thought it might be well, because then anv errors could be rectied that were discovered.` He knew cases where twophouses of equal value were very dierently assessed. The _ Mayor thought if the Finance Committee [found any mistakes some one could be got 1 to appeal. Ald. McLean said they would ihave tonotify every ratepaver, stating the cause of - appeal. It had been tried in` |Orillia, But it would tend to equalize the lassessrnent of the town. TSUUUIIIUIIU III U29 VII VI an- I Explanatory of his notice of motion to have the By-law against a meat shop in Wards two and three repealed, Ald. Ben- nett stated that a, large rm of dealers and shippers had intimated to the Board of Trade that they would establish their head- ` quarters in Barrie if they were allowed to ` open a rat-class shop on Dunlop street. I To Cure or Preventchappod Hand: ' and Face use W1nmer s Glycol-lne and Almond Jelly, 150. tube. Wumel-95 `Ilrnu Qtnrn- Ilnn-|-In. (Int. . AJIIIOIICI J61)! 1017. I-III Drug Store, Barrio. Ont. One of the -oldest, best-known citizens of Barrie passed to rest last a Thursday in the person of Mr. Martin Johnson. After a short illness of cancer of the stomach he died at his residence at 11 o clock,ion Thurs- day, May 3rd. ` The funeral took place, from the house, on Saturday at 2.30, to the Union Cemetery. A large number of relatives and friends followed the remains to the grave. The pallbearers were : Messrs. J. Sissons. Robt. King, Sen., James Pue, E. J. Donnell, Geo. H `Ball, and Sheriff Drury. __ -1- _.__- ._...- uuunnnno-=n1 An old Resident of Barrie Passes Away. DUI], uuu uuvanu Adnuaoiu, ` On Sunday evening there was a memorial service at Collier street Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Bartley took for his subject the words of St. Paul, -I have fought a good kept the faith. The pastor spoke of the practical piety of deceased, and the strong interest he always took in the `welfare of `the church. Just before he died he was greatly pleased to know that the mortgage had at last been lifted from the `church. We would miss himsorely the speaker said. but our loss was his gain. The choir sang, God Shall Wipe Away All Tears From Their Eyes, and Miss Emma King sangas a solo, ght. I have nished my course, I have` Thy Will be Done. ` ~ - ---L2--- -\7....| .Lll_y 11 Ill uv aavp--n Martin Johnston was a native of York-` shire, England. Emigrating to Canada in 1844, he lived for a time at Port Hope and Toronto prior to coming to Barrie, where he has ever since made his home . Of \ ful, industrious habits, he amassed consider- able property in and about town, including the brick kiln at Fisherman's Point. 11. __-._._:_.1 1.1:... ul:.... 0-...-.-n n nintnr nf the brick Run an rlsnerman a runny. He married Miss Eliza. Somera, a sister of Mr. Geo Somers. She and six of their twelve children survive him. The children living are-George, liying at home ; Thomas, of Bracebridge ; Mrs Geo. Reedy, Toronto; and Misses Lizzie, Thurza. and Emma. 1'3-.. _---......| uo\A\-n Mn ,1;-`Luann van n_ Bll Lulaauu J.JI'l4'l4IU, Lllulncl nuu .uuu..... For several years Mr. Johnson was a school trustee and a member" of the town couhcil, as well as an oicial of the Collier streeb Methodist church, in all or which po aitions his sound, practical iudgmeno was E much appreciated. Winnipeg, May 6.-'Mr. B. H Joy, man- ager of the Mcrchants Bank at Uarberrv. died in the hospital at Portage la Prairie yesterday. Death resulted from an attack of meningitis. "Deceased was 29 years of nnn an-`A I-nu-I |'\Af| nnnnnnfn with the M81`- OI lllllgllil. UBUBBSUII wan AU ycwsu vn nge, and had been connected with the Mer- Vchanta Bank for 12 years. 'T`Lp. `A nnnn ant` inns nnn A` I-Mn nnnrv I VCDBDIB DEDK IO!` 1'4 yearn. The `deceased was son of the late Henry Joy, Es .. for many years a resident of Barrie. (`The funeral took place on Tuesday, on the arrival of the U. P. R. train from the West, to Trinity church, thence to the Union cemetery. The Rev. Canon Murphy, of Innistil, and Rev. Canon Greene, of 0ril- lia, ofciated at the ceremony._'The--pall bearers were Dr. ' A. E Ardagh, F. G. Evans, J. Stephens, F. Stephens, W. Arens, Orillia, and E. Morton. Barrie. The following new bodlia ht-wedbeen added to the Public.Library :- T 1836-Sophia . . . . . . . Stanley J. Weyman 1837-Joan of the Sword Hand . S.R.CrooketI: l838-Red Postage. .T . . . . . . . .Cholmondelev T F. A. - 460'--The Green Flagl. . . . . . . .Conan Doyle o 451--From Powder :1 ey to-Admiral._. . `X? W {I `(inn-uni-an At the regular meeting on Monday even- ing of the Y.P.S.C.E , Presbyterian church. the presentation of a Bible accompanied by an `address was madejto Miss Brodie Mac- watt Miss Macwatt has always been an energetic and faithful member of the Christian Endeavor Society. and will be much missed by her co-endeavorers This function was attended b a very full meet- ting and the memories 0 the pleasant even- ing will long` be cherished by `both those who remainato carry} on the work and, by Miss Maowattlin her new home. . Received on behalf of the India Famine Fund from the following public schools :- No. 2, Adjala, E. J. Baaaard, teacher, $1.- 10 ; No. 6; Essa, W. H. M901-acken. teach- er, $255; `No 9, Essa, Mine Ida Lewis, teacher, $1.50; No 9, Inniul, J. A A. Cor- bett, `teacher, 32 ;`No. 12, Inniel, H. S. ` 1Sriglev, teacher, 8,1-50 ; ' _St.rcn'd P, 8,, ` :cl;u_"._D_eering,-teaeher, $116.25. . -_ V 433--`Alfred the Gtfzat, Chapters on His ` Lite and Times. _ THE LATE MARTIN JOHNSON. $0139 I Bar;-io, May 75:, 1900. Presentation to Macwatt. ` D1s_oUssIoN. F';tm1na Fund. B. H. Joy Dead. Public Lib;-arv. .ARMSTRONG-At Angus. on Frida, bMaK 4. 0 t. rm. Ann Aynnstrong. rehct of the late strong m her xo8Lh vear, M CASKILL-At 11 C tv - ? A C Sm. Jas. McCask]l, 3:; 6a,";!,,Ef""- " May NE _ late Captain New. ]OY-0n May 4. at Portage la Pr ` ' _` M ' Joy, Manager of the h1ercha:tl':eBa::3fB H. ada at Carberry. Manitoba eldest s an- I3? He-1")` 10$ . 0! Bcechurs:t," Barrieon of `he GO0DF_`ELLOW-Ai Nant- . I ' - - Apnl. 1900. John Goodfeorw, ta1;l:dl.;5r;.et:fs2a9: I 1.... \\'-At Stvoud, May 7, Mrs. New. widow of `thg UV '3\IIIIII III 0 '"v'v. H. G. Kingacxi Thetatefst News 1 Briy Told. lany Readable Paragraphs of I ` ` Local Interest. --Calgary is how an incorporated city. - The population of Orillia. is now 4667. V--Snow_fell in Londay, Ont , last Friday night. T, T - .15 1' u 1.1151, ---`F"ra.nk.BrownTe his purchased the Rob- inson `fargn at Shanty.'Bay. - 1\-_.._.__-. __..l I'|n._....._._..l.I- G...-.-`II-- Cameias and P;0l0E`l'I hlc Supplies at WlImer s Drug Store, rrle, out. --%One hundred and ten tons of bay. have been shipped from Tara, 0nt., to South Africa. ' WTW our dry split. Tamarack and Shingle Blocks. Mickle, Dyment & Go. Phone 87. - ' - ' cw. . --The steamer Mnry Louise was humor] to the wa.ter a edge at Lindsay on Saturday morning. -_n1 1 1-, "L _7___,_`_ A__. -The examination for entrance to High Schools and Collegiate Institutes will begin on June 27. -Queeu Victoria. never removes from her. hand the three rings connected with her courtship and marriage. `I _ J, _ 13..-- 13..--.. liilc Ilvu-I _,_-_, GOODFELLOWL ApdL1qoo.Joh davs I n and v--- v--.`- -_- ..---__-=v- .- -e-A writer to the London Free Press states that another Separate school inspector will be sppomzed for Ontario. [Cure :1 Cold in a day, WIsmor9o Bro- mide Qulnine 'l`ubIe.s. 50 Tablou for | 251:. Winner : Drug Store, Barrie, ont. -II I II !A__ l ~+ The.Lord a Day Aliiance will hold its reoular meeting in W.C.T.U. pa.r1ors`6n Thursday, May 17th. A large attendance is requested. - ,1 1-1,, ___-_|_I-- J.--` ..t aw . --1-.----_.. .-The score card ot the weekly shoot of the Barrie gun club for last Fridav read, Williams, 11; Height, 10; Lemon, 6; Shrubsole, 3. _ u 1 1 an . ,_j,_1_1 1:1_A rungs II -ruv-V. vs -The Antelope baseball team would like to arrange a game with any outside team, average age 14, Midland, Penetang or 0ril- lia preferred. `Apply Box 218, Barrie. 1 rn.___-1_ 13--...- `D... """ """' "' '*r'r'I -"' ***a `--Congregational Bot- terill speaks next. Lord s Day. Morning subject-Living an Floodtide Evening lecture-` `The Sanctity of t.heHuma.n Bodv. -- ,,_ __-n I-n_-I.. 11...... 4.... I...4.I.-gnu -vvuuuu .--V ------__-J -_ --_- Plymouth" Rock Eggs I:rmBi1tchix;;g. 500. per setting at BOTWELL,S. -The re brigade was called out again on Saturday evening. Some boys had set re to 9. sh-house down by the dock. Before the remen arrived they` had tumbled the shack into the water. -Up to May let the African war has cost Canada the lives of 60. soldiers. Of these 21 died from disease, the remainder eiuher being killed in action or dying of wounds received on the battle tield. nvvv-wuss v-. -..v '.....V .._-__ -Mr. J as. Vair is eff to Montreal to buy oranges and lemons direct from on board the steamer Jucona. which has just arrived at the dock from the Mediterranean. In this way be will be able to save to his customers I the middlemen s prots. I II , n1\(III I ...-- l --Leslie J. Morton, of Bu'a.lo, who was recently arrested by P. O. Inspector Hende:- son on 9. charge of fraudulent: use of Her Majesty : mails. was `tried as Wellandnnd sentenced to six months imprisonment or a ne of $50 with costs. , 4-.____1\ -ua____ 4-.. -__4..I._ a.-n.-v Va qyvv -- --.. w----V. Illlnorca. (Bose Comb) Eggs lor hatch- -ing, $1.00 per petting at B0'l`lIWELI. S. -,__ I,_ t-.. ..L... - ' ANTED -At once a nurse girl, not over 14 or 15 years old-; must be competen_t. Apply No. i mum STREET. -19-19 mung vaovv pug g=u.awv;-- `luv u... _.._ -_ __._ _- -Mr. N. Dyment a horses left. for th Woodbine on Saturday evening- The four platere are in first-class condition, and ought to be heard Irom. Flying Bees and Mara- tana were never in better form. They will be sure to make 3 very creditable showing on the turf. ` -In "recognition of the faithful and suc- cessful services of the pastor, during the past -year. the Quarterly Board of Collier street Methodist church .on Tuesday night presented Rev. Mr. Bartley with a. purse of $100 and a unanimous invitation to remain with them next year. 2 -I-LL:`_._ _L- _v.- v---.. _-___ J _ -A large cage of clothing, etc.', was shipped on Monday to the sufferers of the Hull-Ottawa re. The express company very kindly convey all such packages free. Though there is nnt so much need of cloth- ing as of money vet the Relief Committee report all as very acceptable. Further parcels will be received during the week at John Rogereon e oice, and a list published next week of all contributors. I --Rev Mr Bartley preached an able edu- cational sermon in Collier street on Sunday morning from the text, `fBuy the Truth and` "sell it not. During the course of his re- marksshe paid a high tribute to the faithful work of. our public, school teachers. and strongly condemned the false policy by which teachers are paid such- miserable salaries that many -of them are driven from the profession. If he had his way their salaries would be doubled. wills-suvw vvvunvu vv yaw----_. . Buy your Rubber Good: at WIImer9I Drug Store`. 2Quart Fountain Syringe 65. 4 Quart Hot Water Bottle 85c. ,, -,`-r-.___-| -: 1...-n:_._.. VDIJO Ivqunltanvu vw -ova ---.-..v V... - i _--The Peru Evening'Jonrnal, `of Indiana, prints the following :-Robert Tinck, dis- trict supreme chief ranger of the Independ- ent Order of Foresters, has been here from Barrie, Ontario, for twoweeks, working for the interests of the organization here and last night be aided in taking in a class of forty members. High Secretary Wilson. of Logansport, was present and assisted.` After the ceremonies the Companions of Foresters served` a banquet, which was a ne feature of the occasion. --'lhat grand old drama, Faust, which has so long been as popular favorite, will be presented on a magnicient scale at the Grand Opera House" on Tuesday evening, May 15, when Porter J. White will present his mammoth production of Goethe's im- mortal play. Mr. White brings in his own special Pullman, his `entire Com- pany, inclndinz a cast of -23 people and over 4 tons of splendid scenerv This being the only house between here and Ottawa where 'the stage is large enough to accommodate the heavy stage settings, we may be assured of a first-class production in every-sense of the word. It is to be hoped that thcsewho were disappointed with the so-calledliorrison Faust thatappesred here last.-fall will not consider they have seen Faust at its best, but will take advantage of A I. 3.. .._'L.`.` 8`- L lillull an Inn -ova _t.hia rare treat. Before Judge Boys on Tuesday last Jae. Donaldson, who was recently` com- mined for trial on several charges ot petw `thefy. was n_ontenoed_to two `year; in_ the In- `;-1 _ _ < m `..,~4.`I` ` ` V. 7 '7 - _' Twp Years for -Yrong Dohaldson. ABYCARRIAGE FOR SALE. with shade and ' runner attachments. in good condition Apply at this oice. I2%Pages. There is absolutely no change in the ` market: this week Farmers continue bun? with their spring work, and the mnrket _-on Saturday was very small. Butter wu worth 13. to 150., and eggs 10c. ` Tknnn -an-in on In; an nnnnlvan nu1i\I|`Q9 A. `AC LUU PICIUU I3 Ulgllll, LU [IILIU UUIIDFB. The price of livehoga is unohanaod It 35 87. T wurul IOU. [IV 1011., uuu Us! LUV. V There seems to be a greater supply of be than usual. N_o doubt those holding hue nun IIDAIII Banning- `vs nnnb An ha. BIIBIII IIBIIII. LVU LIOUUB CIIQIU Ilulllllls UIUI are now bringing in their stock on hand. The price is eight to nine dollars. Tho nn=nn II` Va. Hang in unnhnnhl` If an vvn ogun vva-.- --~v-v-yju- -ow, _-v---v- ed By His . ` John McCaskill died in the gaol on Satnr ; day morning. The old man was brought to the gaol from Coldwater on Dec. 26, last, charged with being insane. He was sent to the House of Refuge on Jan. 4th. but VII returned to the gaol as insane and trouble- some, about February 6th. 5 From that time he grew weaker and weaker until the time of his death. Poor Old John McCask1l1D1ee, Neglect-` 1 _ 771- 1EI-_-'_ An inquest was held at the gaol on Satur- day afternoon, before Coroner Wells. Go-vol nor Sisaons testified that deceased was rlt gaceived from Goldwater about Dec. 2:61:36. ...-L IUUUIVCQ IIUIII \J\JI\.I"II|lCl KIUUI-IU JJWUn EU ICCVI He was examined and pronounced not insane, and on Jan. 4 P. M Ross committed him to the House of Refuge. About Feb. _ 6th complaint was made at Beeton that McCaskill was troublesome, and he was sent back to Barrie gaol. Another examini- tion was made and this time he was pro- nounced insane Returns were duly made to the authorities but the old man was not removed to the asylum, He had received all possible care. , Turnkey Caldwell oer- roborated the evidence` of the Governor. new -___.I __!.I `TUUUTBEUU (U UVIHUUUU UL LHU KIUVUIIIUFQ ` Dr. Oliver. who attended the deceased. aid that death was due to natural decay. David Taylor, prisoner, bad tended M0- Caakill and had faithfully carried out All orders given to him. _._-------:-------- 1' ENDERS will be received bv the undersigned for the erection of a Brick Building 25x30 for a, Methodist?_Parsonage in the Village of Chapleau. Plans and specications to be seen at this oice. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.- Tenders clove May 22. moo. MCN. AUSIIN, Sec. for Board of Trustees. 19-2o v--v_- F.-. v- wv ------ After hearing the evicience and viewing the body the jury gave the following ver- dict z--- W "'V`Ve. the jury empaneled to enquire into the death of John McCaskil1, a priaont .. ......G..,-.A :. LI... l"..A...ou non` in tho tnnvn IIJIAI UIIU UVCIUAI U1 uuuu JJ1\J\I6lBllIll, In reunions ` er conned in the Coimty Gaol. in the town of Barrie, nd that he came to his death on the 5th of May, 1900. That the said Tohn McCaskill, to the best of our knowledge A and belief, from the evidence produced, died, at the countv ga.olV,.Barrie, on the morning of Saturday, May 5, at about 10.15 o clock. from natural causes, described bv the attending physician as senile decay. And we believe that the deceased received every care and attention that was `possible under the circumstances." J as. Parker. a Chatam negro, after spend- ` ing 4 .years in the Reformatorv. was dis- charged on March last, and was given a ticket for Chicago, where he claims to have staid 15 days. . About 10 days ago he sud- denlv re-appeared in Penetang, having in his possession a bicycle and there watches. He next burgarlized Beck s store, having ei- fected an entrance by the back door. He was brought before P. M. Hewson, and got 23 months in the Central, after which he was landed in Barrie jail by Constable Mo- Laughliurawaixing removal to the Central. o0n Saturday he expressed a strong yearning to be taken to the Central, hinting at trouble if this were not done. In the afternoon he proceeded to amuse himself by breaking some dozen windows at the jail by throwing stones through them. - He is a tough-looking specimen, and looks as if he might well be corraled for life in a jail-yard. Exchanged It For a. Lady's Gold Fined Watch--The Gun Was Mr. Le1'roy a. Detective Beardsley on Mondav last suc- ` ceeded in recovering the double-barreled shotgun stolen from Mr. Lefroy s cottage at ; the time of the Ross robberies. The `detec- tive traced the gun to Nipissing Junction. and recovered it from J. W. Tremayne; jeweller, of that place. Tremayne says he traded a lady s gold-lled watch for It to a person supposed to be Robt Harmon. Upon receipt of this intelligence Detective Bearde- lev proceeded at once to the Harmon house and succeeded in recovering what is pre- sumably the missing watch from Gertrude Harmon, sister of Robert. be having made her a present of it. rs `I\ -1 17-1 1 ,, ,, 4 __:L____ _g `L- ; nova --It----v-- -- --. 1 'One David Kidd was a witness of the trade between Tremayne and the man sup- posed to have been Harmon. This will likely be used `against the prisonerst his trial in June. if it can be proved that he was the man who traded the tzun to Mr. Tre- ixiaiyne. In. racxage nor zn } Snore. Barrie, Ont. Private or Company, in large or small amounts. on productnje farm. Town and Village ropertv, on straight loan plan, or. payable in month V, quarterly or half-yez1rl_\ instalments. Terms-and rates most favorable. Callor\vrite.C. W PLAXTON. Solicitor. Dunlap street, Appraiser 09 the Canada Permanent and Wcslern Canada Mortgage Corporation. :9-lv _ Wlnmer9d Horse and Cattle Since, 8 lb. Package for 25. WlImor I Dru: Run-A- Ilnn-rle. Onl. sporting` Nots. We" have been asked to publish the fol- lowing letters from Toronto :-The Stand- ards of the Toronto Junior League would~ like to arrange a base-ball game with either Barrie or Allandale. Barrie preferred. Average about 16 to 18 vears. Address, . CHIC GORDON, Manager Standard. Toronto World. The Bantam Baseball Club. at the To`- ronto Intermediate League. would liketo arrange for a game of baseball to be played in or around Barrie on May` 24th. ` Address, E. Nnnnnanr, ` 238 Perth Ave., _ Toronto. 3 ' Winner : Emulsion. 13 est. Iroaheotg ` beat, 81 bottle 101- 50c. inner : Drug l Inn-Q. llnrrle. 0nI. ` v -v---.., . Mrs Standen left on Tuesday for her new home in the West. IIOII9 $1 DIJIIIU not 0 store, Barrie. om. ' `Personal News. \ Rev. Mr. Hudson preached in Collingwood ; last Sunday; ' - A I D. III I , Q , I , ,,__ LIUIIIU Ill tuu vv cum Mrs. McLean has been visiting h'er daugh- 'm-,. Mrs. E. B. Reid. % Mrs. Albert D `1_r;;x_:t:, of Theualon, in vh- ising as Rowan nuts. -2,, rhL_..-_ nL.:_I_-._ __.1 l-...:l_ |_.'_. .. ml-l-l:`.'i`hc;2-1;a's and family have re- movod to town from Lisle. , ~ -"ll'l;'.-a'r;d' Wilson, `of Brampton, no viuiting with Mr. F. '1`.;Grafton. . ' 110- ,. Ii,II, .1 ul__._;._. `I'D-.. 9- A..- ._..--L `I SEALED TEN DERS addressed to the undersign- ed, marked "Tender," will be received up to noon on Monday. 21:4 imit., for the purchase of the three brick-veneered Dwelling Houses on Wellington Street. Barrie. Reedy property. etther singly or on block. Particulars on application. No tender neces- sarily accepted. I H RENNFTT; '"iii.'I 15.ii{, ;2"s.;.;..;; 3315,"-.2 `.5. guest of Mn Iaa_dlay,_7h, Vegprs. ` j THE MAN` BEHIND THE GUN. DIED AT THE GAOL. ER ANNUM IN Anvxncl SINGLE COPIRB FIVE CENTS- THE MARKET. J ail N otes. 1 id iME %l FOR SALE. 4 _,. Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Barrie, May 8th. 1900. - ' 19-so , |L[lNGDISTANGE TELEPHONE LINES LIX. No. :9 - WHOLE N: . ` WI X SAMUEL Wnsun, Proprietor. 0 ts} T to6a.m. The minimum Night Rate is 250- except ouI\\ MJ`. t b`Kl"ECT.-Half Rates from 5 P-mu Iwhere the Day Rate is less. `9'lV &_ Municjpality at Innisfil ; RTER-At C LQYE lgogbyv Rev. VV. :!o'f Tottenham. 1at'0 via to Percv WEI?` Eiesfson of M!`- `V ..-...nmur`.._McKINN OTICCE is hereby gfiycn that tis, sitt_in'g` 9f the ism h(:dRa:t\'1sIon fqr the Mumclpaht) of ALLANDALE-~Ma}y.26th. 1900. H It ll 31st at I ' , , ` 91ock am ,to hear and determme the several mblalnfu A" .._.._,_ u u o o .1 A __--- ...'_,_ {R1E-1n Allandale, on $a.tm_-day, Mav 5, 3 son to Mr. and Mrs. James Pme, jl`. - MARRIED '.0YD-P0 _ `25,h_ 1900. by Phglp, Muss Maud Port. er, of Tottqnham. late of Danford Roche 8: Co.'s tore Bame, Llox d, of Grand Rapids, `Much; eldest son of Mr. Charles Llpyd, Ba,-,.;e_ RMSTRONG-McKINNO_N-At Med t , May 2, I\1ns_s Sarah_I_V1cKmnon. daughg: Sf N101? and MIs_]ohn Mckmnon, to Mr. J. Armstrong. of Minesxng. ` A DIED. Grand Rapids, on AP,-n` -upralnts of errors am ent Roll for rgoo. ' All persons who have I re request:-d to attend :1 Yorder ot the Court. IVIIA` 106 Between MONTREAL. TORONTO. ' " HAMILTON. BUFFALO, `LONUON and DETROIT. SERVICE PERFECT.-I-lalf Rates from 6 \ a.m. Th.-m:..:m..... N:..:.. 12.... :. ...-.- mm-_nt It to o'clock ajn` . to Wmblaints of and omissions in the A9599 F`e_n_t for lnnn /uuncalion or dela >"`f""-- -_-- --: -..-.... .._.. ml 3' 0 an [and up near! .40 nt places throughout` t e wo;ld, includgng I DIR win... ..L..-..__ ._.__ L- -_-L_.| - bitant Will a . she numm pasta? . h to [ak er month, 0, who win ycomm ' the ,_ . dc" rates and thg nume|' 'b. !4-19,, mmo ate. . Q ' hmt hell` . o to rent ` ny citizens Wh deg . ' i - 1, SecI'"" g Mn? '": .I':3l~.c::1e (?l'lt:)`e`f0:O 619 `5th 0 7 7- an in - . ' kz:!n of the amount can be drawn without omntplf: ' day of am kind, in nearly .4`ooim- n . _ e" World. includuuz A nau ED BY FHE CANADIAN BANK or COMMERCE. A} I$.A.ZR2RIZE3'._ V l W um.-at..- Iravellers Letters of Bredil _ and al.l-th_ ` mncipal towns 1 :7-24 _+______ AN'1'ED~G-neral Servant. good wages. Ap- ly GRAHAIWS HOTEL. Allandale. :9-to-p 7__------------- Between V ,-. -, . . '00 ACRE FARM FOR SALE-'-P party oft! K 1"` MIN Gartley South Half of!Lot-_II,'o P of Innisl ; all under ..cull:ivatio_n res of good hardwood buIhie:,`i"O.O4f xi; `mt! : two acre;`beu(ipg<;isf ' ' -9 \ I NEW ADVEI{ l`IElVlEN'l`S. atentg .s; be do expiration of the or parti Riven about. "" ' ' ' ` , : `art. coimr oyr REVISION AND APPEAL. WSNEY T0 LOAN. . May gnjd. :9 L0- Du11.lU|)D VIII-AUDI. ._.._.___, ling character for mentonous train- past 'l_`W0 IVIONTIIS it has to comply With the demands made for _ Few colleges can say more than this, much. It pavs to attend a good institu- . 26-lv The New Metallic` ?`} 1t. :J'}1a\'e business at the said Court ` o at the same time and place- : CHARLES PALLING. C`Dl"f nf Olen nah` MI|n:0:n`itV. NOTICE. - BORN. _ISSUED BY ruuu.r.a l ALLl1VU,_ . _ ` Clerk of the said Mumcupahty. ~ 0: n ' ICE J. H. BENNETT; nun; _ . :4-I9 Rob. Hendersqn Wr1tes;or His Experi- ___..-. '- _ encestin Bloemfontein: Mr. Henderson has received another let- ter from his eon, Rob, dated at Bloemfon- tein, March 26 Be says.--"The health all through no not very good; I. have kept ex- tra well. We have had a lot of rain-, and as we have no tent it irxather disagree- able) A Of Bloemfontein he sa,ys,-"'1`his is a `very pretty place- -in `fact an up-to-date town, populated mostly by English-speaking peo- ple. ` We may be left here on glprrison duty, in but we do not know. He thi s the Orange Free Statera realize the mistake they made in opposing the British. - v A- Of their camp-life` he writes,-We are drilled very hard. Calli hen and I have been together all along. e is a. tme bov and a good soldier. Black keeps well. Bingham has not joined ue yet. I" suppose you were. all glad to hear that Majuba. had been remembered. and I tell you 1 felt proud to think I had done mv little in help- ing it along. ` ` 1lI?Y I ` - ` .1- 7`We Z1(:e(.veno hand, one of the regiments has a few inatrumentyand it is ne to hear a band once more. It reminds us of Niagara buglea ; and the commands sound quite na- tural. W1smer9I lioadac I e Powders. sure to `cure. Wlnmeta Drug Store, Barrie, I`-`Q ' The following donations have been re oeiv-' ed at the hospital --Mrs.' Dvment and Miss Duncan, cake; Reformed .church (social) cake ; Ladies Auxiliary of Brotherhood of Railway Trainman, cake; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers, $6 ; Bryson Bros . 35: Mrs. Gowan, $3 ; Mr. Barry Palk, Shanty Bay, one cord of wood ; ladies Auxiliary R." V. H., one doz. . knives, one doz. dessert forks, one doz. dessert spoons, one-half doz tea- spoons; Trinity church Junior Auxiliary,` a screen; Mr. and Mrs. Haughton Lennox, oranges; Mrs Simon Dyment, Easter lily; Miss Lally, Ladies Home Journal for one year; Public `schoolipupils, Urown,- Hill,` wild owers; Mr. Roqerson, vegetables. Ia`-.. k..I:I3nu Cu-u-I ._T:nu-I (Inns-lusn lnnrn. .Lan\. wuu LLUWUID ` Ills. Lvvgclnuu, vcsvuu-Ju; For nuildig fund ,:--Lord Uverbon,` Bum- barton, Scotland, 5 ; - John McCa.llum, Eqn Glasgow. 5 : `Mrs. Royce, Allandale, cu lessons in Music. [Vocal a:i"d'|5i"iIi6%Lessons| .. . .IN BARRIE. . . . ` Her Qualications are as follows : PIANO--Teacher's Certicate with rst-class hon- ors in all subjects, from the Conservatory of Music, Alma College. St. Thomas. "Ar... . __._:c...:: 17...`. `M 'n..1..I:.. nc Mun-. lla vuucgc. DI LIIUIIIGSQ VOCAL-A pupil `of Eva _N. Roblin, of Milan, (Italy) Conservatory of Music. - 112-- n-._..:.-n ...:n .|.n 9.-M1. Vlnlln Music. and give lessons III II! claw: \JIIlvAIuu Special attention is directed to the Choial Claus. which.Miss Campbell `conducts every Friday afternoon at 4.30 at the address given below. 1 t___;_L __ .._'_A.!-..In-a an-`hr sun-cnnnv utaw) DUHBDFVGLUI Ul LVAUBl\n Miss Campbellwill also teach Vlolln Mullcg and give lessons in Water Colors. V 0 _ __2_I _..-...:.... :- A:....o.A in Hue Choral anernoon at 4.30 at uni: nuunsau 5"`... av..." . For terms and further pafrticulars apply personally or by letter to V . E Miss Campbell EXCHANGE BLOCK, 5" DUNLOF ST., BARBIE. 'I%'ow1\T Lows Highest cub price Exzid End Policnee, in _ reliable _ mpaniee 5|----n-L Annlv _ 2 Rooms f:>r-oices. Re Street. roof vault `Dr. Wells. vac: ENDOWMENT V INSURANCE VPOILICIESJ R . A: Douglas, ---V V V 1 FORSALE. V No A s f 1. r ;; z;.._ r 1353- ';'.". Lo p".?'a z...2`L"3'5o. `H15. M om`o' ndo P.'0_. - _ . A I7-I9`. I-Iu3:Vl` III .----.. .._, MRS, MAM-IE Moon: am of Rum City?) is desirous of` forming a clan for voice culture. Thou doairinginforn_u\tion.'ctll*at.48 Marv street, 5a-t_f _. __._ _ --n nan uA\|-*'],_\'>`, One reason why so many soar watches are tolerated is that their owners 0 not realize that real good ones may 'be had for such little 1: monev. - - -A , .L_. _.- ._.. a... A... H%Em::h~ 1-. O I ' `- mun 1,.-use: ` ' H ALLANDALE. Lots 2, 3 and 4. West Baldwin Street; ` No:-jth Cumberland Street. Lots 1'7 and :8. Jacob : Terrace. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5 and 7. South Carolineistreet, Lot A. Ivlnnu vu-. .- seats ago. East .\/{My Street. Lot 54.. - West Mary-__S_treet. Lot 2. Apply at. 35-ti umrrmn FROM THE FRON'1'.; wmn rams. VMQIVEJ It ------- 5 and 5% per cgnt; on Mcrtgaga. ' LOUNT &. LOUNT, V ' ' Barristers. Barrie. 3a-:1 . . Opposite R.` R. Station, I P iable school, es into the ril 17th. merg _ y 3rd m t e Term from Jul l BUSINESS `TORONTO. tYPW| itIa' ` machines. members are admitted ars. rst-class 'ons. and for particu! W. H. S _ comes, with spleqdid equ;,,,3,,,,, H AW , PRucu=AL. `

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