Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Apr 1900, p. 3

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mro QPVE. T 40 0 .N VI 96 0.9 3, regular New patterns Spring EPr;nta, good. value at e l2o. Our price l0c._ Halifax Tweed, wide and gobd weight, lat price_ 400. Our price 29c. Ladiea` Black Sabiizcln-Q ne straw, regular price $1. Our sale price 750. o A lot of match metal dress Buttons, regular- }- Iv sold at l2c. Your choice at 50. Sold all over Canade for 500., extra. strong, heavy well-made corsets. Our price 380. New York Plaida, nc quality, 50 inches wide, cheap at $1.00. Our price` 70c. ` Extra ne fringed Huekebaok towels. large size, regular price 400. Sale price 290. Men's Fina Cashmere Sx, fast blck, good I } value at 26c. Our price 19c. I A lot of Dress Goods, in fancy" twed, cashmeres, sergea, regular price 35. 40 and 50c. Ygur choice 250. ,Ladies Fancy Skirts, choice colors, i good patterns, regular price $5. Sale i price $3.75. - Fine all wool Frevnclr -Cashmere, electric blue, 42 in. wide, regular _ price 50c. N Sale price 34c. You will pay 75cj oocaido `of this store for 9. good strong corset, good value at 750. Our sale price 55c. i Fine English Percaline Linings. [black and colored, regular price 150. Sale price `In- : Ladies Sa.iIors,- fancy colored strw, silk band, regular price $1.25. Our price nun STORE TO RENT. I1`c 2 Fine grey_Flannel. 29 inches wide, light or dark grey. regularly sold at 25c. To . n`nnIonO- l W Ladies ready to wear, costume skirt and coat Broadcloths, fawn" or black, regular price $12.00. Sale price $9.00. % one of the city schools; (Too late for last week's issue.) Big Hotel for Muakoka. -Muskoka is to have the largest and prettiest hotel in Canada. > The site - is on Lakes Rosseau and Joseph, _ and the property consists of 131 acres of land with a water frontage of 3} miles. The direotorsof the; company are Samuel Barkeif, B, E. Charlton, P. D, Crerar, nn\ nun Barker, 15, unauwu, Lu .. ..---__, Herbert P. Homing (secretary) an `William Marshall, all of Hamilton. The preference stock -of the company is $175,000.~ Last Thursday a repre- sentative oi. the comfrany waited on the Medora. and Wood Council to come to an understanding as to the assessment, which, the Bracebridge Gazette says, the hotel company wants xed at $20,- 000 per year for ten years. ., ' ' -House of Refuse Notes. | Mr. Geo. Sutherland. a horse doctor from Elmvole,` was committed to the House "last week by Mt. Amos Train, of Flat: townohip. Sutherland ` is seventy years of age. ind formerly r_e- V aided in West Gyi1l'i_mbory; where he was `born. He Is, _"wel'l.-`koowne villus 10c. Ialauno 95c. Y s announcemen ;\.|.\UE 011100 Monday in in the week fol. utun 53? . as. clear at 17130. j$:_.3'_7.5 $9.oq 10 15 first pagesnch found, property icles, etc.. etc., cash, and will cents per word,` cent per word as counted a cent per word er of insertion: 19 l1 loc t, regu- "' 1 One piece pink Cashmere, regular price 60c. 44 inches wide. Selling out nrice 39c. Choice patterne a'pr'ing-Prints, fast colors, regular price 12:30. Our price 10c. or Berlin. I Children : Fancy iofh_Tams, good style, regular price 500. `Our sale price 25c. ` Men : Unlined Kid Glovns, blnck and tan, i regular price $1. To clear 75c. Ladies Trimmedijti. Vfa.x;cy`straw turban, ` regular price $3.00. Our price $2.00. ` 6'/4 Fringed Turkey` Bed Lieen'T-reble Clothe regular price 90c; Sale price 650. A Lot of Choice Flowers, new. this seasons ` regular price, 250. Our price, 150. Sold elsewhere for $1.00, Ema Heavy Fine Quglity Corsets, good style. Price 75c. ".v_v_ i Men's Tweed, Suits. Strong well~made, good V stvle, regularly sold at $5.00. To clear j.$3.5o. ` V Black Cashmere Serge, ne twill, 50 inches ~ wide, regular price 90c. Selling our price 65c. ` A I ` Ladiee Black and C'olo`rec'l Kid Gloves. latest . style, spring buttons, regular price, $1.25. Our price, 80c. Large bottle Mgr; class French Cologne or Lavender ater, regular price 35c. Our price 20c. Muss cu.| -'-___.. Silk Genadines, new patterns,` choice colors. 6 pieces to choose from, reoular price, $3.00. To 'iclea.r, $1.50. ;All{Sha.des of Berlixrand Zephyr Wools, regular price, 80. per oz. Selling out mic; nn .`r--'-- Ladies ready to wear Costume Skirt and Coat; German tailor-made, regular price, $6.50. Sale price, $4. 50. #--y Ladiea ready to wear Costume Skirt and Coat, Broadclotha. Fawn or Black, regular price, $10.00. Sale price, $7.00. _ New Factory at Otven Sound. .___; A? by-law to authorize the town to `loan $6,000 to the Parkhl Basket Company` for the establishment of a factory there will be submitted shortly. The proposed factory ivill employ 100 It is also expected that a steam laundry will soon be started. by a local . company with branches at the sur- rounding towns. 7 Report of S. S. No. 11. Innisl, for March. Senior IV.--Ha`rty Constable, G. Howie, R. Conateble, G. Gordon, 0. Neely. ` J uhior IV.-G'. Martin,` E. Black, E. Howie, H. Bit-nie,'A. Black. Third Class.--L. Gordon`, W. Constable, A. 0on.sta`ble,e R. Johnston. Second Clasa.-M. Constable, H.` Black, J ,. Spring. -First Clues.-,-D. Howie, W. ._-H. Glemea, of Port Pexjry. defeat. ed P. McMillan, of Beaverton, for the Prgaidenoy` of the C.L.A. by 81 votes to 61. 7 3 -'.l.`his coming season promises to'be 5 `very busy one in Penetanguishene. Every industry in the place will be _working st` full ospsoity and several iqnportsot business extensions will soon` must In every meal bun. price, 6c. A $2.90 A $3.50 $4.59 $I.5O $7.99 75 15 loc 65 80 20 .55 ""vwug;.9`1io' nu, `H has _ _ ` theigllrror 01 Hill, Wail. _ He was a business man making a nice `little sum every year for nest egg pur- poses besides extending his business and slowly but surely moving along toward Easy street. Yet he was not content, and in the hope of forcing the hand of For- tune was doing some trading in the stock market. His wife said it was gambling, pleading with him to stop. He insisted that it was perfectly legitimate and regu- lar and she nally admitted that he was I right and gave up the contest. mu I'II:`;\ J-{nut}; L:-an Una; Cc:-.6`-inn `voo\I1I'|`t\ anal-II; auu 5a.v: up uu: uvupcau. His wife gave him no further trouble A until one Sunday morning she appeared ready for church in v. handsome new cloak. He wanted to know where she got it, and she` told him that he -would learn by _and by. He went to church with her, feeling uncomfortable. He kept his peace, however, and said no more until the next Sunday, when "she appeared` in- a rich. black silk gown. He asked questions, but got no answers that were satisfying. All that week be worried so over that cloak .and the silk that he lost his grip on the market and fell short seriously. Sunday cameagain, and this time she had a pair of diamonds in her ears that fairly daz- zled his eyes. ' tr- I.....:...u - ........1. -0 .:....l........ :.-. la nu- mceT1:;ri ::.spark er jealous}? inhis na- ture, and he believed implicitly in his wife, but this was reallyitoo much. GI... --l...I._ 1...]. 4.... In. Anal; 1: InI- tn!` Wilt, uul. LUIS W113 Lcuug LUV LAAIJVI-In She calmly took from her desk :1 loi: of blanks with which he was quite familiar and handed them to him. un-u___. -_,_ L1.` _.---._.1.. -A .... A ..... A, auu LIGLIUCU LDC!-B LU LIIIA-In They are .the records of my transac- tions in stocks recently, she said, with an air of triumph. I borrowed $50 on the diamond ring you gave me when we were married and handed it over to Brother Charlie to invest for me. I told him you said it was all right, and he did as I told him to do. I didn't know a thing in the world about it, or course, but I was lucky, and I have made $1,500, and it the luck doesn't go against me I'll make an-` other thousand next week. It is too easy for anything, and you know, dear, you , showed me so clearly that there was \ nothing wrong in it. I have paid our ~ share of the preacher s salary, too, for the next year, and I'm thinking of organ- izing a Daughters of the Stock Market in the church. Won t it be lovely? ` 4113- ,, 1.--, 9! L- __:.`l ...'.I-.......I._ CH` 111 L1: cuutcu. VV U1-_l I; ll. ut: JUIVA; a V `,`Mary, my dear," he said solemnly, it I you'll quit, I" will," and Mary, after the manner or women, began to y, she was so glad that it turned out jus as it did.- Detroit Free Press. V - Two American Citizen: Who `Shook Band: with Grover Cleveland. One or the president's duties which has its painful side is the almost intermina- bl_e handshaking which accompanies ` I presidential reception. Besides the phys- iial elxertion rec11)uired, the monlotony bot t e t ing must e wearisome a most e- yond endurance, unless it is broken, -as no doubt it often is, by some amusing`inci- % dent. -1-n, an-_ ru__-I_._.'I ....... -5 fnldnn UBHL. When Mr. Cleveland was at Weldon, N. 0., during his first term, a great crowd shook hands 'th him. In the middle of the line was a long, lank countryman who took the greatest interest in the! scene. ' IL 1-- __1_L L- ...-....1.-.I LI... -\-1\nat`!tv\" ant` C8118. At length he reached the president and grasped him warmly by the hand. smrr..n n ....:A `rm an rrnn urn fhn nrngi. gruspeu mm w.u.u1_y uy uu: uuuu. Well, said he, so you are the presi- dent? u1'r__n `..-__I:...I ll - l`|In.-ndn-`A T non llelll. I Yes, `replied Mr. Cleveland, I am` the president. u1'.w...n H ..,...4-:...-.n.1 nu. Ala follnm dhnlr. U18 premucut. Well, continued the old fellow, shak- ing Mr. Clew*eland s hand like a pump handle, I ve voted for many a president in my time, but I never seed one before." He paused a moment,` and, looking the president up and down and from one side V to the other, he exclaimed: Well, you area Whopper! The president smiled, and the crowd laughed. AL .....\4-`lrun. +3-an Ila ("HA1-rnlan unit! rn. m.u5_ucu. At another time Mr. Cleveland was re- ; ceiving a delegation of teachers at the White House. u1\, 7,- -I___ -4 "I!A.A...L.-_._ H ....3.I `Inn in. Iucl no: :3 :6 gen 7" VV LHLU DU USU. `_`Dr. Lucky of Pittsburg, said the in- troducer, as a. gentleman stepped forward to shake hands. TL `L_J L--- l...A.._._.IA4: `-`\t\` `-`\n AI-1115:` LU Buunc uuuua. It had been intended that the other teachers should follow in turn, but some- how a dilapidated looking old tramp had slipped into line just behind Dr. Lucky. As he shufed up to the president there was a pause. Nobody knew his name, and even the tramp seemed to feel em- barrassed. ,.,!_1-._4. ..._..J-.I LL- .I:a:...lL.. uuL'1'u.aacu. The president mended the difficulty. He extended his hand and with more than his usual cordiality he said in an en- couraging tone: ((T,'I`...... ...... ..,... -v\1' c..I.m.-19 Vmno nomo cuuragxug Luuc. How are you, my friend? Your name is Dr. Unlucky, I presume. 0:11.. ,4: ;._.._....v.. 3-`..- ...-.1.-.-..I Sn!-A n I3 JJL`. uuxucny, L yxcauusco The "old tramp s face relaxed into a" smile.--Youth : Companion. Using` 111: Experience. L He dropped on one knee and took her hand. x1\,, _, __.- __1u I..- __.:_-un L- -_-I..!-no.3 uuuu. Say you will be mine! he exclaimed passionately. ` Gently she drew her hand away. I1; cannot be, h she answered. It grleves me deeply to give you pain, but I . cannot be your wife. I--I will be a sister to you, but- `E\......I-- I" `L. nnin -cl-nvgntrgno fn scum-rr A FEW smcxs TOO. l'1`} 1`1`i'eLl :`a.! he cried, "springing to his feet. ` What do you mean? she asked in as-A tonishment. _ In literature, he replied, I am a. realist; -To describe sensations I must have felt them, and the heroine of my new novel has just acquired a hero in. this way. Great Scott, but I was afraid you would accept me! -A...: .1... .......g4- no 11- man aha did nnf you wuuxu ucccpu. Luca `And the worst of it was she did not know whether he was lying or not.-`Chi cage Post. ' ' don Guam- - Provincial Ioclatlon, e All About (tide Sumo. What kind of a car is this?" asked the old lady as she boarded an avenue net. `'18 [ms lull xuuu yuu Vvuuacu . "`Well, it'll do as well as any, I s pose. | I've traveled by lectric, cable, horse, dy- namite, nitroglycerin and cold storage cars, and they've all managed to run over 'a cow or burst their boilers before they got anywhere.. Nuthin ain't sate no more, not even slidln down the cell door.-Washington Post. T V u?~. Lectric!" shoutd the conductor at her. Is this the kind you wanted? . ll1'I"P_II 5;!!! `.1. .. ...-lI kn ant! T a nnIo ` am. 31183! Ill llinananna--. T_he'world owes every man a living, it is said; hilt the world will not pay its debts except under compulsion. In other words, you have got to work for all you can get out or lt.,-Boston Transcript _ Owing tonthe old system ofdizging out diamonds Kimberley proper is built around ahole big enough to contain the entire white population of South Africa. The purest guard agaiust burglars is ,at black -and tan terrier inside the house-and a bull terrier `outside.-Memphis Scinl-. A__ FRESIDENTIAL RECEPTIONS. Qtnndn n -Deal of Dunning. .uan.c.u STEELYIIRE Panama AND uuououn anaarrr um'AI., `ToHU%Ru1'g,L ? VSAP BUCKETS, % s1>n.Es, SPADES, % SHOVELS, GARDEN TOOLS, ~PLOUGHS,_ POINTS, REP PAINTS, OILS, V BUILDERS HARDWARE, ETC., ETC., 0l|~RWAL|. PAPERS Gofllns nd Gaskets of all kinds in stock or made to order. Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. G. Q. DOLMAGE, Manageg, Stroud. I isleam Vidritsahd Shdwtoom; hlliar-s|., Barrio U NDERTAKER, _._._.______.-_ _-_.-j ;_-_-j-n-j BARRIE Let us quote prices on your work before sending it out of town. we HIVIIC Inc closes; Iuapcuuun un uut uuun g.---uu........... ...... ...-...------_ , .. "N, for the coming season. - ' ' 7 In addition to the above we call special attention to our New Victoria Bmder and NO. 14 Om Clipper Front-cut Mower. also our patent Spring and Spike Togth Harrows and fiction and R1 Dump Rakes. It will am 1 repay all intending purchasers to see our lxnes before placnng thear orders else- where. Send for our ew 1900 Catalogue. THE NOXON CO.,L tde., lngersoll, Ont. IGEO. MCDONALD, HENDE'RSON S3 ROBT. CRISTOE9 , IIOXOU IIIII. ONI-L I . We invite the closest inspection of our farm Imtements and Machinery wluch we _ate manufastunglg .91`- 011'!-|:n! nnnunn ` _ __ - - - ,,g. .,_n .11 kinds of Blank Books ruled `to any pattern and bound at reasonnble s._ Magazines and Music bound in splendid style and cheaper than oity_ NOXON NEW BUWALO PATENT ALI. STEEL DISC MARROW Latter Heads, Note Haads, Bill Heads, dlstatamonts, ~ Shipping Tags, Envelopes, ;,iW6isin Beam "'l "" uoxou N. u: szcnomu. smuc mom cumvuolt G-. G-. s1vn:-I-123:, GET PRICES FINE PRINTING. ott s Bookstore. ON BARRIE AND STROU D. .Are conceded bydall who see them the best as: sortment ever shown. , Notwithstanding the in- crease in prices We have wonderful Values in 5, 8 and 10 cent Papers with Ceilings and Bord- ers to match. ' - Will be pleased to show sanmples. No. 5 DIINLUPST-. TOP Flllll. PROPRIETOR. Bag/eld Stret; Barm'e._ BINDERY The Advance, ouuoooATIooono LSMITH. ENT5 The very beet printing in none too good for the live, up-to-date business men. We have a reputation for turning out good work at reasonable prices. 123 DUNLOP ST. nuxou msc mmnow v-___.___,. _.I The only Disc Harrow that has adjus;taBIc` ----4 pressure springs. This feature'nlu- able on hard or uneven ground. "`;pf.`:`;;`;:`L.. Cultivator, (tted with grain and grass sowing attachments if desired) with reversible points, also thistle utters if ordered. The lightest draft, best workin and most easily operated cultivator manu ctnred. The teeth work directly under the ax1e.and ....'LL.'... Ll... J-nun} l-:v\n .1116 Lccuu VVULA uu.c\.u1J uuuu within the wheel line. See the New Surng Lift. Noxon Drills Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills are so well and favorably known that they speak for themselves. There are now over 60.000 in use among the farmers of this country. The Universal Favorite Noxon with The Lon- ngland. Secur-T THE CELEBRATED (VOUT-THROW.) REPAIRS, STEEL BOOSIER and Spring Pressure. Agepjz. GL'A55o 5-cf }of Toronto. C u! ` I'`uu: Insmusa ` T F Dunlop tts allowed pg mposition rate nsuranpe Com tash, capxtal, $150, L9 354300.000. onthly rite dues Company] arson, Vaterloo. Qntl &Bru Deponuu llo. VIII S: These prices hold good every day in the week from 3 a,_m., unti16 p.m., and 10 p.m., Saturday night. Please read the list. te Linihgs, black. brown or old`, 10c. Our price Sc. Boys Navy Blue Sweaters, regular price `1 75c. Our price to clear 500. {_ ..l.. ,___._.____ Men a Oderless Waterproof Coats, sewn Seams`, regular price $7.50. Selling out ._..t... 4!: nn Large Linen ? Qraah Ba`th _Towe1s. fringed, regular pnce 60c. bellmg out price 38c. Ladies Black Cashmere Hose, fast black, plain or ribbed, regular price 25c. To AIAIIIV `Or- Extra heavy strong Cottonade, wide, in striped, regular price, 20c. Our clear- ing price 15c. , % 11 V 2 Silk or Satin Rxbhons. No. 9 width, a1lcol- ors, regularly sold at 10c. Selling out price_7c. One piece Brown Cashmere, ne qufI_1iW~ 3 wool, 52 in. wide, regular pnce 750. Our price 49c. ' Ladiea Trimn1ed Hat, fancy straw rim, net crown, very stvlish, regular price $4. Our price $2 75. ' `F ----: Ladies Fancy Scotch Tweed Skirts. new patterns late style.cregular price To clear $4.25. 1 3&3 0.58 niece fancy gured Dress Good. a3 wool, 44 in. wide, regular price 51- T0 ' clear 69c.V 2nd Line Larks. ' Advance Correspondence. Mr. N. Hart, of Barrie, spent Sun- ? in our midst. . ` Mien Appleby, of Hilledele, Viiwd Miss Adelaide Swan recently. Mr. J as. Gallagher, of Barrie, 1185 me up his residence among us. Mr. Frank Swan has returned after V6ek's sojourn in the Queens city. I T I am pleased to reprt that MES. Oh. Hodgaon, who has been serion sly mot inammatory rheumatism ill Aim- proving. ' K Killyleagh. Advaoce Correspondence. ti Mrs. Harry Pratt were PP? by the arrival of a , bub! Y 8t their home a few weoka ago. 11..-. - ` Ml`; an ha 1) gal? "W `ir G , ;a`` W O- I o `"5 W383 ham " nus Md abw 2.11. *', ,..s P Orillid since `8 awe hi9 t - 4 . D 1. to ..,.. tionm V9 and b0 inpidp Mm M` SW95 MW W sea 5" W 1; _ Mum. Telfer an reduced 1.3. ;., ~dvw== `Z 'ao To*'".% in: W" "7d met 3' uni Mr. and Mrs. tAtha V . of Toron_to pen `_ _.yith MO en a,ne all wool B` ' gular price`g(y)<(:.1e'1E$g`6 Eglggce _ v 0. col , ` ' Overcoats, latest style. an s;:1:f$?r'11ing out price $4.75. r///-~----- wed to use their g outside their ld they do so (1 for such ad. 5OIll-" 5 BF` M price $5.00. PIIIII-I VA .- clear 19c. `F 0` h G1 -` 3 Fingering Yarn, all colors, 3 10c. Our price 7c. (T60 late for last week's issue.) $:.OO_ sggiia 1900. nnelette. wide, fast color, 109. Our price So. lmumrs. 38 50 38 I9c 1c 19 69

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