Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Apr 1900, p. 1

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} sv nu.--- I7-:7-P mug: V 1V7-18-p In IIIULI 26-Iv _:_-.:- Dr. Ryerson V Writes Officially Concom- ing What is Needed. Dr. Hodgett bee received a letter from Dr. -Rvereon. which is of special intereethto all Red Cross workers. and throws consider- able light on the, workgng of the Society and its needs. The Doctor Ipentiono the follow- ....... ..,,........ tau, wunsgng or me society and The mentions ins: as among the stores found useful for the soldiers`.:-jellies, jams, biscuits, patent foods, lime juice, hooks, soap, pyjamas, socks, pillows, towels. lamps bandages. surgical dressings,-combs, hair and" tooth brushes, beef extracts, sponges, fans, mos- quito netting, etc. He says the condi- tion at the sick and wounded would be sad indeed ` if the articles so plied by the society are withdrawn. t will set at rest the minds of the donors to know that Dr. Ryerson states that :--"The money cabled to me I will expend directly for the use of the Canadian sick and wounded and for the hospitals, as before stated. Our people can thus be assured that the money will be `properly applied. There is, much needeof help, 3,000 sick and wounded have been taken to the base hospitals at Wynd- herg and Rondesbosch. I; view of` this-there will be a meeting of the workers of the Red Cross Society in the Mechanics Institute on Tuesday next, at 3- o clock, to which all are invited. to consider whether the society shall forward the cash now on hand or whether thev shall send supplies as before. ` - --Up to the present no clue has been se- cured as to the motives of the dynamiters who attempted `to destroy the Welland Canal. Provincial Detective Murray op- poses the theory that it was the work of Fnngnnu nu vunim, II.-nan`: yucca LIIU vuuuly mun Fenians or pro-Boers. .IN BARRIE. . .. Her Qualications are as follows ; PIANO-.Teacher s Certicate with first-class hon- ors in all subjects. from the Conservatory of Music, Alma College, St. Thomas. I 7I\fI A I A , `L? I ! I I0 1' Into Lessons in Music. Voca|arii`ll%"ic9ir'it'i"i.essonsI ----u-, _-. --....- m{f-(-)( 3AL-A pu.;ii 'o Eva N. Roblin, as Mam. (Italy) Conservatory of Music. I ,II ",0 ,1 _ . , I irnAI.l__ 1'_._.n- \_._-,, 7------ ...---_, V- ...... -. Miss Campbell will also teach Vlolln Music.- and give lessons in" Water colors. Q_-_.-l _LL_._A.!A._ A- .1 .... 1.-.! L- LL- l1I..;a--'I Special attention is directed to the Choral Clans. which Miss. Campbell conducts every F riday afternoon at 4.30 at the address given below. t is . I t` ,.I , , , .0, ,_ _ ,__|__ ,__,_-_ _-||__ For terms an'd further particulars appl;"1_)`:'rsonally or by letter to ` Miss Carnpbell -EXCHANGE BLOCK, 5" DUNLOP ST., BARBIE. In View of leaving their present premises the Barrie '1anning Company. (Limited) will offer the Buildings, Lands. etc . now occupied as a Tannery. for sale `by tender up to and including the 1 th of April, inst. The property has a frontage of 4-1 feet, with drainage privileges and right of way across the railway. TM. nrnnnrtv is verv suitable for Factory, Elevator VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY This property is very suitable Factory, or Summer Hotel. Address tenders to V ou cannot ay less you - a consider- most: eco- omin-ion of The BarVr i'e 1l:E'l_I_l_!l_i|`Ig Company, Licenod Auconm. Ap raiser. Credit Sale: of Farm tock van promptly attended to; Fame sold ' Fnmminsion. GET MY TERMS A1 Dronlpuy ' an-In Commissxon. OTS% ruuuwa, thereon. Highca Policaat, t cash price in` reliable Annlv \ ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POL|C|E_S HR. Douglas,` r 500: _ ALLANDALE. Lots 2,3 and 4. West Baldwin Street. North Cumberland Street. Lets :7 and :8. Jacob's Terrace, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. South Caroline Street. Lot A. `A 36-tt r watches are One reason why" so many not realize that tolerated is that their owners 0 1 1 real good ones may be had for such little 3 money. 5 It is a fact. furnish you with a thoroufhl piece in gold, silver or go d.- than one-hal years ago.` first-class time- lled case for less nevertheless. that we can to-day ; f the gure that prevailed afew : East Mary Street. Log: 542 West Mary Street, Lot 2.. Apply at V ' -1-H 57:-2V.y.__,_ _ ormcn 34 BAYEIELD V ' R.` WATCH A FAGT8. uuss cAiPaE|.|. FOR SALE av TENDER BED UROS8 SOCIETY. Iotliing -:--I u-IV H FOR SALE. DUNLOP STREET. has decided to give :BA:.=:.i:->2T.:i::E:- 12 Page? (LIMITED) of Gmxcm BARRIE. 'a. class fprvoxce cuuum I_ at 48 Msryjtreat; Eran A DVANCE." , THE INTERESTS OF . STREET, BARRIE. T116 P60ble or .- Barrie to Buy `I'll:-wry E6-An], , __ _._..--v ----- vv .qaIun `Pill nary There has been shown `no desire on the part of the capitalist! o_f Barrie to monopol- ize. the stock ofthe Barrie Tanning Com- pany. According to agreement with,th'e ` town and Board of Trade, the stock lists 4 have been open for nearly three weeks at the ? banks, and leading citizens have been up-_ in th fI`\lI.f.fAI`, Val-. an `nil nu mo ` --u-nu, nuu JUBLIIIIK cnuzena nave oeen 3 preached in the matter. Yet, so far aewe can learn, comparatively little stock has been subscribed. We understand that the lists will remain open for a few days longer, after which they will be thrown open to out- _aide buvers. rnI_-..-L__I, , II . . .. no . nnuv UILVUKBJ ' There has been a rumor aoat to. the e'ect thatpreferred stock is being issued. This report is emphatically` contradicted. All the ls{tock which is being issuedis common stoc . BARBIE, OF SIMCQE, ONTARIO, APRIL 26, 1900. uand: and Mrs. J. Ford hare removed to_ Bugalo. . . l'\ T . CID I ' A r Personal News _ Mr. D. Ward was in Barrie on Monday. Captain Whih returned to town on Sat; % urday. III! IJCIIIO P. 0. inspector Hnderson was in town i last week. ` ` "IT N. Lloyd spent his vacation at Newmarket. ' r ` ']`1urd `is {riaiting her mother on. Rosa street. L ` T i'i;\il;`es, of Midland, was in town at- tending the St. George : dinner. 112. AIn,,,,; Miss Bertie itogli leVf't;"1;`:);vfI:"e1;_vS:o:fL'turday I for New York, _ where she will spend the summer- _ _ _` 1 , IQ` O (1 0 III` .___._v` . AI.eightenT M.P.. attended the annual dinner ot St George : Society. "l'l':__ 1'),,,L!,- 111,, ,1 I 1-. . , 1 9|-IIJIIIIULI ' Mr. Elmir Spring, of Toronto, was visit-- 1 "ins: friends in town and vicinity durimz the past. week. , `.0 I1` `I? II I I I Mr. Alber Spears, who is teaching at! Dnndalk, was in town on Friday. 1 `I _S_,I,. , `ll rt .1 in 1-: . Q 1 .1 *1 5 pring , [Mine `Fioronce Nellea. who has been the gueatjof her cousins in Thorpton, returned home on Saturday. Misses blnne ionnaon and Minnie Buck, of 1 Georgetown, were the guests of Mr. James I J ohnaon last week. ' 3 "gs h-a.sVre-tZorned home after spending Easter with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Sohrieber, Toronto J unction. 'Tv'1`-_l1_;VfiV-t:m-o f- inns been disAsolv- ed, Mr T. W. Shaw goes to Carman, Man., and his brother Geo. will remove to the farm. ` T v_i'as Corz a. Clarke, who has been for some time with her sister, Mrs. Minna. Mulcaster M street. left for home in `Wellington on Sat- urday. s. -n 1: 11 ,.,_. 1 L. __2_,2.__1 -:u__ Mr. M. P. -McMaeter, late principal of the Niagara Falls Public School, has been appointed ` as teacher for the West Ward. He will be in charge of Miss Wi1kie s class until midsummer. vMamie Paton. New Lowll. ` ' im;;`;;;i;i`1;;ton has returned home i` after spending Easter "with her cousin, Miss ' The friends of Miss Estelle Tavlor gave her a. farewell party at the home of Miss Gertie Butler, ` and presented her` with a handsome volume of poems prior to her de- parture for Winnipeg. I-2 `n-_ u _____ -- --.. .1: 11.. 1.... ,-- _--_- no Mr. Geo. Scroggie. son of Mr. Jas. Scroggie. has resigned his position as ad- vertising msnager of the Toronto News. and has accepted the position of an American advertising` firm, with headquarters in Buffalo. Prior to his `departure the News presented Mr. Scroggie with a. handsome gold watch. T To onto or Prevent. chapped Hands and Face use Winner : Gucerlne and , Almond Jelly, 15c. tube. Wlsmer`-'9 } Drug Store, Barrie. Ont`, . A . ` I In An Enthusiastic .1-dddence Greets the l Famous Contralto and Her Company. Tnelovers of good music who went to the Grand. on-Friday night were amply repaid in the musical feast with which they were regaled. Of course, as is always sure to be the case, there were some who went away disappointed. Some people are never satis- `ed anyway. But it was generally regretted that so little of the -programme was render- ed in English. No doubtvit is low` to admit it, but most people prefer in their hearts to understand the language of the singer. The "following is the programme :- 1).....a.'I `I l..\ Rm-nnmm lh\ Pnlkn tin ln.I OIIOWIIIIK 15 But: prvalnuxluc Part I -l (a) Berceuse, (b) Polka de la Reine, Caprice Brilliant. Chev. Lo Verde. 2 Dio Poasente (Faust). Signor Frances- ohetti. 3 Polonaise (Mignon), -Mme.-~De Pasquali. 4 Aria (Lombardi), Signor De Pasquali; 5 Che faro senza Euridice (Ur- .phens), Mme. Scalohi. 6 Quartette (Rica- letto), Mme. Scalohi, Mme, De Pasquali, Si De, Paaquali, Sig. Francesohetti. `7 everie, Chev. Lo Verde. . Part II. -The fourth act of Verdi s grand Opera, Il Trovatore, with the following cast :-Leonora. Mme. De Paaquali; Man- rioo,_ Signor De Paequali; Count di Luna, Signor Franceachetti; Azuoena, Mme. Scal- ..|.a '_ JII-I chi. Ulllo Mme. Soalehi possesses a rich. powerful 1 voice, which shows little or no trace of de- cline. She was heard to best advantage in her number from Gluek, Che Faro, which was well suited to her voice. and was in- terpretedwith splendid s irit. Her role as Azucena, the Gypsy, in erdi s ll Trava- .t'ore, , received much well-merited ap` lause. Mme. D_e`Pa_squali has a rather Ii} 1; thin .4. 2_- LI- tore. received much wen-menwu up usuuu. De Pasquali rather lig thin voice, which however, was in admirable c--ntrol. Her singin was mechanical and lacked naturalness o expression. She did her best work in her more ornate passages, particularly `in the lament of Leonora be"- fore the dungeon tower. , As an encore she sang The Last Rose of Summer, which was |_scarcely- suited to .her style, and was con- siderably over done. \ Signor De Pasquali has a sweet, clear tenor voice, and his work was much appre- ciated. The baritone Signor Franceschetti, sustained his part fairly well ;. but in the quartettes he was drowned bv the tenor, who sang - at times too loud for. all- the other are-an cw..- ._ _, At this time of the spring is would be well to see then the tents of the caterpillars are dent;-oyed,; no that up and will be put to before they ejodape from their ` _ i lemon o` thefrnit t_reea._~. parts. _' Chev. Lo Verde, the Bianiat, won for himeelf hearty encore: v his splendid technique andnmaeterly interpretation. THEY DID T svnscnnsm. ` BARRIE. THE COUNTY OF TEE SCALCHI CONCERT. arm` s a.n-.`Iose 8da.le.. :_ SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION: I becoming so common and so necessary that you cannot aord to neglect it. It is a notable fact that the multiplicity of insect and other destructive pests appears to keep pace with the development of human pro`- gr_ess, so that there is constant warfare be- tween the two. No doubt the destruction of the forest has caused a great many insects and parasites to turn their attention to our. orchards and gardens. - ' `ea!-Ami I'\` `hang =u|lvnl'n|\ :3 fii QR va nu ll UH uuu gutucuu. The latest of these invaders is the San Jose Scale. The Ontario Department of Agriculture has recently issued. an interest- ing pamphlet entitled "The San. Jose and Other Scale Insects, which will prove worthy of careful perusal. _ The work is by Prof. Loohhead,l of Guelph `Agricultural College.`and treats of the cherry. Putnam. English walnut, and New York plum scales and several kinds of plant lice`, as well as of flan A-un..-1...! Q-.. 1...... nlan`n V uuu. BCVUKDI BILILII UL lllllll II the dreaded-Sa.n Jose scale. ST, GEORGE AND OASTELL HOPKINS Twenty-Fifth Annual Dinner of the F01- d lowers of St. George. The Englishmen celebrated their twenty- fth annual dinner in roval style at the Queen s Hotel on Monday evening About . seventy-ve guests did ample justice to the occasion in `the dining room, which was suitably decorated for the occasion. IIII 1" 0 . II I`! I'u,1s,,_ ____-!_._j The President, Mr. Geo. Raikes. presided Secretary Taylor read letters from Messrs Thompson. Little, Tyrwhitt and Bennett, regretting their unavoidable absence. The usual toasts were duly proposed and honored, with appropriate songs by W. A. `Boys, 11. E Giles, Dr. Arnall, W. Kelcey, G. G. Smith and E. S. Meeking. run. Anus: 1 Iats is not half In calling upon Col. O'Brien to respond on behalf of the Senate, the chairman took occasion to say that wears looking forward to the time when the worthy Colonel will re- present us in the upper chamber. Col. O'Brien replied in a few happy remarks He deprecated the proposed hpnor. Speak- ing of British institutions. he said we outdo the Parliament at Westminster in two things, namely, long-winded speeches, and the tendency to impute improper motives to our political opponents. He made a strong plea for Imperial unity, the next` step after Confederation. There were difficulties, but the occasion always brings the remedy. He claimed that we owe Kruger much for the binding together `of the Empire, and said we ought to drink his health. He closed with aprotest against blind partisanship, and a defence of the Senate. Mr. Leighton McCarthy, M.P.,.made a military speech. We are Canadians, he said; and ought to be proud of it. He defended the sending of the Canadian con- tingentsand justied Preferential Trade and Imperial Federation. Turning `to the at [tempt to blow up the Welland canal, Mr. McCarthy dwelt on the need of our Being ready to defend our country. He indulged in a little patriotic jingo such as: We are all ready to ght and die for our country, if ` necessary. Joined with the other_colon- ies and England, we can defy the world_, and closed by quoting Kipling s line, But we, we are first in battle, `says Our Lady` of ' the Snows. skeaker of the evening. His 3 subject was, Imperial Unity. At the outset he paid a tribute to thememory of D Alton McCarthy, who had done much for the cause of imperial unity. Mr. Hopkins said he was not here as a politician, but as an ardent exponent of the cause which he was advocating. He be- lieved` in societies such as St. George s. They kept alive the spirit of loyalty and sentiment for the mother land. All Scotch- men were proud to claim Sir John A. Mac- donald, Geo. Brown and Alexander Mc- Kenzie. Irishmen gloried in the names of Darcy McGee, the Blakes and that man of wit and wisdom, Nicholas Flood Davin. Even more were Englishmen proud of their household names, of Wolfe, who won for us Canada; of Carleton and Brock who saved us from, the grasp of the Americans; of Lord Durhamawho gave us political freedom ; and Lord Svdenham, the founder of our Responsible Government. I! 0.: JCaItell Hopkins. of Toronto, was the P A` 1 Speaking of.the strong opposition of the Manchester School- of politicians to the principal of colonial expansion, he said that the present war is one of the results of that mistaken policy. Fortunately that policy has been consigned to the waste basket long ago. and there remains to-day but a few fossilized exponents of the idea, of whom Prof. Goldwin Smith is one. Beaconseld was the man who shattered the idol of free trade, and inaugurated the olicy of colonial development; `He made ndia a partsof the Empire and paved the way for our Egyptian nation. Had he lived he would have prevented the present `Boer war, and the recent Armenian IIISSBSCPBB-.~ We are not doing enough, oontended Mr. Hopkins, to organize and strengthen our militia. We are outdone in this bv New Zealand and by Australia. When the war is over the colonies will be invited to help draft a constitution for the new addition to British domains. . That far-sighted statesman, Sir John Macdonald, had told the speaker that, though he would notflive to see the day, "yet so surely as the sun shone that day would come when Imperial Federation would be realized. ` As steps in gaining the desired federation, it was suggested that Queen Victoria as- sume the title of Queen of Canada and Aus- tralia. and also that there be appointed sev- eral non-political Imperial ministers, to have charge in all the Empire of matters pertain- i_ng'_to defence, commerce, etc. ' T pl.-R _wv -up-wu-wv, Vwuc--cf--:-, ---- The speaker was strongly in favor of the extension of the principle of inter-Imperial trade. What England needs primarily is the the support `of the strong arms of her colonies, and what they _most need is English protection and English ca ital in to develop more extensively. their atent re- IOIITOOI. R The K3519-Slocan Development Company 1' j...lL-.I 1' 1-1.!`-bqlgn I men? LEO LlBDL\l'LiIVuu aav v \IO\!roAnIr-v gov...-.._, -,Lim1ted L1ab111t1ee.| The recent advance in the price of Kaslo- Slooan Development Co. stock shows gains to Orillia investors of amount: ranging from $40 to $7 20 each, one- inves_tor s gains amounting to no less than 312.300, and the shareholders are condently anticipating still greater advances during the coming summer; - We would advise. any of our 4 readers who are looking for 'investments.ot_ 1 ' , camorau and Photoxra hlc Sn` lpneu _atv.1jF1nj,n_|9r |Drn8torp. _ L e,_gn_. i |The Latest News Many Raadabla Paragraphs of ` Local {Interast. J Fresh Field {and Garden seed: arriv- lug 8_t B0'fIIWEI4L S. I 1 -r\ v, ('\_I_ 2- 2.. l__1I __2__ ';:A'-S`;);(..`.-i;l'-;.";-:;SvB-le is in full ziwing at J. C. Irwin's cash store. Read ad. on 4th page. -_ u-____- __.| 11-4l_ Q_l_. 0) Iv w... ....l....... .._.._..._-- _ -,_,.___,_' , -The lasfof the ice disappeared in the buy on Mopdav, ve days earlier than last year, but somewhat. later than is ueuai. q u .'n- 1-1 1-.` 'n_,,,--__ --Mr. H. .ITVI._o[\_v_ei:t;i1VaZt7:;vur( re chief of Meaford. ' ..... ,...,_... Winner : Horse and cattle Since, 3 lb. Package for 25. WIImer | Drug Store. Barrie, Ont. 2 1n2.n-,.J I.-- L--_ 5131!: 11 arts: aw, `V-n-v --F;ed S. Guise of Midland. has been appointed District Agent for Simcoe County by the Imperial Tnaurance Company. an i Q .n 9 J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___`| :_ ..|__ ' di- -16 is reported that Mr. H. E. Bywater. of Beomsville, has purchased the Mesford Monitor plsnmpand will take possession in the fall. V W1-mar : Emulsion. largest. reshent, best, 81 bottle lor 50c. Wlsmerh Drug storg Blrrlg 0IIto I I, ,_,,_.'I-J A`,- _-__. vva Ia, ---u- n...` v-w- -Mr. Freek has been awarded the con- tract for supplying the Charlton Company. of (iollingwood, with a large quantity of bric `a. - ` -Six hun_di'ed Galicians passed through Montreal last week, on their way west. There are now eight thousand of these people In Canada. It I`! `I9, 9. I___EIJ!#._ _ 1-....- .1_._L`- --Mr. Gallie is building 9. large double brick house on Mary street: ; and Mr. Robt. Black is having an addition to his residence on,Worsley street. ' .p. A11! 1.. 111".- of England attended Trinity church in 9. body on Sunday last, where Rev. Canon Rainer preached in special ser- mon forthe occasion. -According to 9. recent: ofcial circular, in the future, issuers of marriage licenses must have a blank lled up no show where and by whom the contracting parties are to be married. V --The open seasonfor speckled trout is now from May 2nd to Sept. 14th, inclusive. No distinction is made by the authorities between brook trout, river trout, and sneckled frout. \ _..--.__-_VVV, - -Farmers from all over the country are bringing in very favorable reports on the promise of the wheat: crop. Fall wheat has come through the winter in splendid shape, and the prospectsiere for a good yield. ` -1--n--r In- __.I- n._...... _...`I -..---n `.1- lair -. --. it .-a---- an > -The members of Barrie Lodge, No. 63, I. 0. 0 R, will meet at the Lodge room at ten o clock on Sunday morning and proceed to Allandale'Method2st_. church, where Rev M J 03. Young will preach a special anniversary sermon. V `Sugar. ;nd `Syrup at noruwnnms. an c\ o -r 1 1? An -In the Owen Sound police court, the other day, the magistrate ned two young men $4 each and costs, $7 50 in all. for dis- orderly conduct: on the streets. It was a heavy sentence, he said, but rowdyism must; lbe stamped out. ~ I -2 n,_ 4,.._1__.- 1___-1_-n V nan:--nus _... _.._. ' -At in meeting of the Antelope baseball club. held on Thursday evening, 19th inst., `the following oicera were elected :-Hon. President, G. B. Simmons; President, H. Cochrane; Vice-President, W. Kennedv ; Captain, Sydney Fletcher; Secy.-TreaLs.- Ben Black. ' Care a Cold in a day, Wlsmel 9; Bro- mide Qnlnine Tablea. 50 Tablets for 25c. Wlsmevs Drug Sgore, Barrlv, Ont. .I__ L_-__ @000 VI nnsnnnvn w an; `-3 s--v- V, -Another industrv has recently been added to those already established, in the shape of the manufacture for wholesale and retail trade, of all kinds of mattresses and springs by the rm ot W. H Bunker & Co. Such an enterprise deserves the support of the community at large. In A. l\ , , _._--__LI__ A__L-.. uuv \a\llIl||IInscnvJ -- -..-a_. --Mr. G. A, Owens was recently taken into `the employ of the town of Meaford, an a. yearly salary of $300. ' All he has to do to earn his large salary is to act as town cons- table, sanitary -inspector, truancy oicer, inspector of black knot, caretaker of town and re hell, and a few more odds and ends. 1` _-1- 1 ___._V ru-..-q _-- .--.-, -._.. _ _- 'ABsoL'U'r1=:LY _Fm:E.--A beautiful pair l of $2. 50 Corsets will be given to one person only in Barrie and two or three pairs will be distributed among small villages in vicinitv. No money or security required, Apply quick, enclosing stamp for reply. CANADA nnnpnn l`.RRF. I` lln. , Avlmer (Westl UIS, uuuluulug and-Iup nun. lUplJ- \Jcna.1 uuu t(l3l(l.;UPON CORSET 00.. Aylmer (West) I Ontarin. - - .. 1-. cu VII-iv! - he public schools and the Collegiate Institute all reopened for the summer term, on Monday morning There was a good at- tendance. and all the teachers who were ill or absent at the close of last term. were in their places. The onlv change is the coming of Mr. McMaster to take Miss Wilkie sV place in the West Ward. 1Ir4_...-_I-,`ll..-.InnI 4 Ibnnuwnlnu-Q- union in runnvv ._ cu. - . -.. .___ Wtsmer9o lleadaeb e [Powder-3. inure to cure. Wlumel-9n_ Drug Store, Barrie, Ont. use .0 . . 1 _9 __ `Ill CI -The Education Department has given notice that the Government grants to the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes of the County for the year ending June 30th, 1900. are as follows :-Barrie Collegiate Institute, $1,079.30 ; Collingwood Collegiate Institute, $897.28 ; Orillia High School, $903.05 ; Bradford High School, $589 .99. ,l L'__ -In_ his reply to the presentation of the Grand Jury at the recent assizes here, Chief Justice Sir Wm. Meredith spoke at some len th. fully endorsing all the Grand Jury he said aboutthe claims of the Royal Victoria Hospital to the liberal support of the citizens. It was also a great advantage to have trained nurses always within reach Buy your Rubber Goods at Wlamex-9: Drug Store. 2 Quart Fountain syringe -65. 4 Quart not Water Bottle 85c. . ,p A_I__ -__:__ _ _...a..L.... -8 IIUVI Tllulvauvu vv-cw- --v-..- ---- -At the last of the series of matches of the Gun Club on Friday, Mr. Shanacv made a score of .14 thereby becoming the winner of the trophy. The score for Friday, the 13th inst, was :-Shanacy 14, Shrubsole 12.. Haight 9. _Williams 9, Willis 6, Brown 3. Ac thenai shoot last,Friday score stood :- Shanacy l_4. Williams 12, Shrubsole :10, Haight 8, Willis 4. _7AAL!_ 1 --._..- -2 11.11:... ..;.......s. as-nan-v V . . --- -The Epworth League of Collier streeet Methodist church spent 9. very enjoyable literary evening on Monday last. The principal` feature was a debate on the sub- ject, Resolved that reading is a. better educatorthan travel. The affirmative con-` mention was taken by Mr. W. K. Fouear, LB.A , and Miss Sherin. and the Vnegetive `aide iwne [supported by Mr. F. T. Grafton ,gn_d-`Mine Cl_aVre ,;Ki'ng. . The argument: pro zooneeiwaqee-b13n;i!ndb V orb-native` M dealt. Briefly Told. I2 Pages. i..}`;= :.*;;.':.*`;i:.`.';';..';;.;',; ;i ;; of max. syrup offering at $1 per ga.1., and mplc sugar at 20. per lb. nnnnnnninann .......l.. cu-A-us -u`1uuIuO::QC` unn. Ulilllll .' III KIIJIIIIJH CI-1|` IVUUuwC Several barrels of apples were oered It $2 per barrel, but they were scarcely of rli quality. Dnabnna nun Anni-no` n`nn1`Qo nb :1: sun Qnn |i;|;t::t..oea are quoted steady at 250 to 300. per bag. Thorn :1: Ann 1:04-`A r1l\:v|tU I-u`d-Ln nuA.n i There was not as large an attendance II usual at the market on Saturday morning. and there seemed to be a larger number of sellers than buyer: in moat. commoditlol. "FL. {...I!...... ..._S..... ......... I-.. L.-.g-_ 11- AA AstrOn8._ including time. 8] H0 V reliable` xty first-cl acations. Write r BUIIUIB IJICII Kl`-I,UI` Ill IIIUUU UUUIIIIUUIUIXO The ruling prices were for butter 140. I0 160., and for eggs 10c. per dozen. mhnwnlunnn n l:nn:0-A1` any-uruo A` -nnOA` ,.... .. . Tbege is very little doing in`tho grtln market this week. The movement in seed grain is about over, and the farmers are buy preparing for putting in their crop. Price: are unchanged. ' . rm... 1.-.. 1...-.. .. ..1:..i... .... .._.: .....a._.... M evidence decided that the armativo speakers had established their contention. UIIEQI CU EU\iu PVI III- Greenzrcet-'s goods were plentiful, par- } ticularly in young onions and lettuce. Quanta` `\FI` A` canning Inn:-n nnu-A Ah IV Illlillallgcu There has been a slight upward tendenoz; ` in the hog market. The top price paid 1.11 x week in $5 87 for medium heavy, with thi usna} deduction for light and extra. fat and heavv. --Chas. Dedrickson, a former editor` of 1 The Gazette, died at the Toronto Genersl Hospital last Monday. __--r---- --_- -- -_--" . --The annual meeting of the Board of Trade will be held in the Council Chamber on Tnesdav. May 1st, at 8 o clock. -_r-urn-1-r1~r1rII -rs-rs an: I -.o , A __`sWE'131'r E'A'_e `choic variation mixed ; 10 etc. per ounce. post paid. ' T. N. Hob1ev,V:I`ea5 and Coffee Merchant, Barrie. _ 1--.-v' __.. _._.. V._... _._..v.._._., -.._--_ -M1:e: Betas. late of London, Eng., died last Thursday morning at the residence of Mrs. Devine, Toronto street. where she bud been visiting. `D-.. Q Ql....`l.I.. en]... 3. .~2..3nn an lulu uuuu vuuuug. -Rev. S. Sheldon, who is giving up hi! pastorate of the Baptist church here, to go to ll a. Montreal pu1pit,_wi1l preach fan- well sermons to the members of his eon gregation next Sabbath. .9,,II._ -- ..--__ -7.... .,_....._.v... -The war situation remains practically unchanged. The Boers -are manifesting considerable, activity and fertility of re- source. Lord Roberts continues to completb arrangements for the general advance. All the Canadian forces are now in the thick of the ght, and` much is expected of the Strathcona Horse. -Midland has formed a baseball team with the followint! oicers :-Hon. President, D `L. White; President. Max Neil; Man- ager, W._ Lethbridge; Secretary. Johli Hewis Committeel-O. King. S. McCar- dale, P.'Grise. John McElrov. An eort ll being made to -organize a league of Pena- tang, Waverley, Coldwater, Wauhauehene and Midland. , LL- _.-_LL-_.:'__.. A.-___.. L--- ` auu LY] lulauu. -Several of the neighboring towns have been complaining of late of the disorderly element in their midst. Barrie is not by any means free from the like. Only afew days ago two young ladies, whose names we withhold, were greeted with most grossly Insulting and indecent remarks from a num- ber of miserable excuses for young men. as they were passing along the Allandale road. Such cases should receive` swift and sure punishment. ' ' 1',._ __, n_.__._J__ _:_I__ `ll . A..-L ' l I."'_""""""' ` -Late on Saturday night Mr. Arch.- Longhurst, of 3ochrane s butcher shop, met with what might have been.a very serious accident. While crossing the Allandale road. opposite his residence, he paused to - "allow a heavy wagon to pass. .Some rattl- ing boards prevented his hearing another rig which approached from behind, and passed at a furious pace. The horses struck Longhurst heavily. and knocked him down. and one of the wheels struck his thigh and leg, bruising them. He is off work as a result. Numerous complaints of fast driv- ` ing on the Allandale road, are being made, and the matter deserves attention. The driver in this case never paused to find out whether or not Longhurst was seriously in~ jured. A o ,. WA .2 L:_.J un- __L:-I_.:4 _,...-.-. . . -An amusing story of bird life, whichil sure , to interest `all young people, is told in the April number of Cassell s Little Folks. It is entitled The Swan and the Cons- table :-Some children were one day play- ing at ball in Waterloo Park, Highgate, when the ball was accidentlv ung into the ornamental pond. Seeing how vexed the bairns were, one of the park constables kindly got into the punt and paddled after the ball. But he had reckoned withonta swan, which became very angry at the lug vasion of his kingdom, and went for the man in great rage. Several times the furious bird nearly upset the boat, the constable almost over-balancing it in his eorts to save his legs from the swan s beak. Even after the man had recovered the ball. the bird followed the punt ashore. keeping up its vicious intentions to the last. vnv-v-.- .-.v_..__.. .. __.- -, -A small but very appreciative audience greeted Miss Myrtel Telleson Cooke, of Chicago, at the Collier street Methodist church on Tuesday evening. Miss Cooke possesses a very pleasing personalitv and held her audience well. Like -Miss Jessie Alexander, she appears to best advantage in her lighter numbersmeer voice and individual- itv not being alto `ther suited to heavy work. Her most popular selections were Kipling s, "The Native Born, and the Flower Scene from Ingomar. The musical part of the programme was supplied by Miss Eva Knight. of Toronto. She was well received and was called back several times. Her style aimed too much at the ornamental, and she sang somewhat an- evenly. Mrs. Laidman also contributed a solo and encore. It was telt that the work of Miss Cooke in particular deserved a much` better house. The Board of License Commissioners [for Centre Simcoe met in Inspector Lyon's ooe at one'o clock on Saturday last. The mem- bers were all present. A II 51.1; -1.-I Ihua-gang nnnvn nnnntnnrl 1:13!` flan N Del`! WUIIU II EIKUBUI-Ilu All the old licenses were renewed with the exception of that of J. 0. Reid,_ of New Lowell, which was laid over for further eon- Iideration. '_ * UIUUKG IIIUI-I e The application of Geo. Waters for a shop license for the town of Barrie was taken up- snd discussed. Mr. Waters was present to urge his. claim. The Commissioners were not strongly. in favor of granting the license. holding that the issuing of such 3 license was ' not called forggnd not in the public interest; However, Waters stated that _ell the,.teIu_- ._-.-4......` -`AA-\`n nu` nlnnnuvnnnn In `On:-In Ci LLUWUVVI, V` ulnuu nvuuvu until; all I.uw ,vv|u- {nuance peo la and clergyman in town word a favor of `is receiving the license . Hit" -_-_..._.. ......-...::_...|.. 1..:.a ......- -...a` u- UUIMUL ...___ iswellughqlding its chara `mg Wnthm the past ']`c,r(E'I'um6:ritorious tra Y with the demlfns it h`; n 8 made fo r be}: unable to compl Few college` In say more th an gm" its graduates. "' `"3" 35 " h- ` It Pavs to attend a. 3 00} in t. 26.`; ltu. ll99` : Ill LQVUI `II. I-Il LCUUIVIII` VII? IIUWLICVQ LII case was accordingly laid over, and Mr. Waters was invited to bring evidence to substantiate his claim as bathe above Iup~ porn. These deferred cases will be disposed" Qfi&,Q&'JIpe0i:I1 meeting of the~_Boerd on ~vt*`28. as we o oIoo $1.00 ER ANNUM IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES FIVE CBNT8. License Commissioners Meet. THE MARKET. CA OY WANTED . Milk Wagon ; n VANAGH. our money. `r the best price fora daughter. gvua -. __, relict of the late Eredericl aged 64 years. AMS-At Lefroy on April 1 aged 19 years and 7 mom hs. < AD ICYCLES FOR SALE-Ladv's and` Gent's. '3 "Dominion," good as new. Apply to BOX 285, Barrie Post Ofce. 17- 18 . A I u---. _ From pm;-u: from July 3rd in the sauna? BUSINESS course, TORONTO. . mane. f93b]f_'5fh?l: with Spltfqdid equipment ,,. nc tvnewntmg machineg, iravellers _ Lenarsof Credit Anyportion of the amount can be drawn without identication or delay of any kind, in nearly 400 Im- pomnt places throughout the world, including where cheques mav be cashed either S on the Exhibition Grounds or in the citV;. ' vrin`3*'15.`3`*5s in SOUTH AFRICA. 1,-24 THE CANADIAN BANK MCOMMERCEN A%Af and all the principal towhs i I7-24 Notice of Application to the Ontario legislature. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of Ontano at the present session thereof for an Act to revive the Act incorpor- ating the Pacic and Atlantic Railwa Company pgssed bv the Legislature `of Ontario in t e 49th year 0! Her Maiestv's reign andchaptered 76 and to ex- tend the time for commencing and comyleting the railway therein mentioned. . ` ' h,.\u '1. The moist comfortable brick residence in Bar- ngon Dunlop street, overlooking the Bay and Inhiu gminutes walk (if the Post Oice. A cool _ ure in summer and warm in w3nter. .All modern "`Pf0\'em.ents ; hot water heating ; electric lighting. "0: nearly half an acre of land; garden. lawn. orchard,ctc. v at House and 2 lots on` Mary street. 2} storys; Eh Cast ; front; ge 132` feet. - 3- x 1 10 acres on North Blake street and South gmberlapd s_trcet. One of the most desirable lldmg sues m town. Apply to r\ 1-.` II 1 1x111 AII'\;'l\ --...._y um: \.Iu uIL.u|.Iuul;u. Dated this zxst day of `March, 1960. `V 111 ~r\r\ and that lh _----~' mer- N that the P3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE ship herctof d . Geo. 1433 an as:,":`::: James B. 088' C3"'3""g 0 of Bar? "nag the manuvacturers in the Tow}? sheen dissolve mm. Danggof G1eo.fHhoett.' cfmfg B_ HO8't3'hi;h;:te b9 wit rawa o t e sax _ - . m , I: said busmess wevllfgo will settle ti`? nrricd on by G0- H0332. ' Fabisities m e ` c Wed W neen msso , .,. nuns 0` "U' as wxthdrawal of the Said James H088 there - H115 493 the W1 {mm .11 eztle the Hgg' wwlxuotzl allsdebw due of the said gm a1dd to _ O V - a . `'* ::e::;:se:o:d day gggagg `mag. Witness ' 5_l7`hAMES_ B. HOG . ,2" . how hell dc`-5 , ,ent * boa!` . . des" `Q to13 ny cm?-""5 or who W9 summI'_m Will 3 for the kindly can t the 0" was their rat85- 3"` accommodate- :49 . Bard . . r the .. . t8"-` Mash pa - the 59 1, of communicate \\;nt'}J1efO`e the 1st Board of Trade 0 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP V nooms for ' f 1. $eu`f'{ rE1`?be Avplv to - ofcegs. in Ross Blocko NO. 97- ":`:5 . ied it 9'1? ext- vggolztadntogust of "1 n A...-6 . x. N . WHO ` VOL xmsnmuni wnsnni. Praprietclaf No. 3"`} _ 7- Q`W" Barristers, Barrie. , Opposite R. R. Stltlollo . d, I heifer '9t 1'3`: rdIears and xenuzgle ?n?1"" lathe! 01:1 hzeR `V f0 .Midhu:-st. [I6-I7 ` remilel` Mcgwtlaq of same w 8|'"I'. froin Lanai}. . _l___a_'.__' .' ~ 0 RENT--M`d (SE Tm J. 1). ROGoEf2r. at Rogers 85 Conveniences. :7-:8-p II I th' mergesi "t0 the S miner Agrril 17f erm rom srdi '1 the . f ' `mi un reerr : m_ tagrn . -r{AiLY. u4Coll1ef 9" ' v Z EGGS F0 Rocks R SALE---'3'`d P` '`' ` . not! (004. R. f)otE"Y.r do: 9` `I;-13 L FARM FOR SALE- Gart `Ell gaunt`. `JAIL WAN 1 ILU-n nun-1.. `:1, and a General Servant. 1'.`l _ v NEW ADVERTISEMENT. ppl)' [0 J. U. nuuuz Factory, Bayeld Street. . L_______ T0 RENT on LEASE 3 {Or n`C.._'_ - - :. January. ---L. on Mortgage. LOUNT & LOUNT, ble'SCh00I, WXLII aynuuuun u\`\1-r-u-w..- 'rst-class typewriting machines. d members are admitted FOR SALE. NOTIGE. FOR SALE. gag-__ 1 Churchill: at the resid_ence of her` rs E. H. blogn. on Apnl :9. Mary, Eredenck Edwards, Barrie, hing :e,`for spring pfantin ; 2 to .5feet loz.. $10 per 100. F. . MOR'.l ON, 1'7-IO DIED. ISSUED BY ___.___-___-_._._ ) at the Barrie Dairy, for the ;must be able to mnlk. Apply P. 17-I7-p 7 ~;C$RN. N02111:. uu Jun... .0. _,_,7' __V_ H M, of a son. V1, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyons, 3 _A t t Dinin Room 3c.,...,".'.'.'p :2. to 3 RRIE -- no but - 0!! Mortgage. T R. `I r\1v\vn`\ 3l'LlL|-Ila: on H . S H AW , PRINCIPAL. .... ..{.., .7--. N. \V. ROWELL. ENTS .- - Acton mm- , on Dec. 25; 1399: the Wife . an-\ ___., I `for Applicants. '"b."F. MACWATT, D {\ nnv elm Servant Girl, froin the mum: hnvn u-nfnranca; ._ :8. Robt D; Adams, etent ApplytoB RRIE I`!-I !-D C. H. ROSS. LVll`\\.4VVl`lL 1., | P. 0. Box 576;. . Sarnia, nt.

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