Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Apr 1900, p. 9

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DOM! by the Ld8'u[D].IBll.I-"lJl}V'111I1U1-|'|.y- Qounoil out of au:y.mono 3 set apcrt by_ the Iagislatjjirja` tour. he purposes; are';;.o1:;tne moat. gloom cnarnuwr. T Lbrd Moth-nen in at` I at Zrwertkoy tontetn, 12 mailee out of Boshot, and In eendin ..small, swift colvumna through t_;he;ad acenh country. Lord Ghesham; commanding one of these, encountered a emall commando about ten miles aouthr-east of Zwartkopgtontexn. He found most of the farms occupied. by women and= children only. 1'.`l_..-l `l7-l.-...l..L uylun nnrnvvngntll` WOIIIQD auu' cnuureu uuxy. Colonel Kokewloh, who comniandod at.Ki_m~berIoy'. during the ale e of that Lanna -caucus nnunnlrysnilal of (If \Uh]P.h lUWu,__IlUW Uvususauun GU Javwuun lplnc ":3 strongly: garrisonpd. BOERS MAKING SHELLS} Large 0 uantlties Are Being Hanu `T faetured at Johannesburg. . London, Saturday,` April 14.-The Daily Mail publishes this despatch. dated Friday, April 19. from Lorenzo Marques. :- I"I"lu.. D-Anna 4: 16 nu: nnfn nf rill at.'lifz'11..~i;1:I-J;-."(l'*ix:1:i._I1'g Eh? gt; :3: `that i tow1lz,,_now commands at 1309 of, which _D..44 "an 4:1-cupiiun-nlvn` marquea.:-_- - ~ ' - "The Boots are- manufacturing; shells, `especially Vickersv-Mazxlm. In large" quantities at the Beghle four}- dry, '. J ohnannesburg. mm... A..+....I 11.... Indian in Hm and ury. . a_ Onuanuuauurg. A The Actual Boer losses to the and of Marcfh, i_noludin.g prisoners, are es- timated at 12,111). At present there are 7,000 Boots in Natal, and 37.000 in the Free State," . -. v LORD RoBBR'Fs' nesmrcn. Enemy : Movements South Have Been Checked, He says. 7 London, ApflV.fil"13.-'.l`Ha War Office has reootvegl. the following doapatch from General Roberts;-' i A n gnu a nut; unv-no v-v--v--- -_'..-._ "Bloe-mfontem, April 13, 1.80 pan.- The enemy's movements south have been checked. Wepener~`i.s still sur- rounded,` `but: the little garrison 13 holding out well, Troops `are being moved to: their assistance. u'fIlL..'I......lLI.- -1 4}"; +-nnnu: in nnn MAFExT~'s%~A.%RBurEP- IIIDVBU. DU] Luau` nuutabauuv. "'1\he haalth. of the troops in good, and thq climate -in pemftootion. liixnted infantry avo 1; Hana -_-_._ 11--.. I_.I_..._ILI. . IrreIy`nIstr|buced._ _ _ In a. deapatch* to the. War Office Lo;rd Roberts says the telegrams. books, clothing, `and luxuries are of money areigiven direct,` that `larger amounts 'aregiweneto the seommandatit'_~a,nd `that ..c,lot.hin ` b'_i"ng'V.i.s'u_ed to prisdners 33. need of 1:]: Shy`: (5l6't lil n.-nncl luxuries Age ` freely-'dL_stribute "to the Boer prris-V w-.,one;e-in-his,-1_mndse, tht small sums "Essa. 35353} L'&ir;m'it5f" " London; ngatmdam April 14.3--The Daily Telogra-xihl has the following from Elandslaagbo, dated April 13:- '1`ho Boers are changing their tac- twa, andj are moving. from Glencoo westward, with! a. view of threatening ouxiullinea of communication to Lady- m I J ' . 'nr\_ nL_-...1-... - -...a....;. -2 II-_I.._-.u.- Clllllnllo "On Tuesday a corps of Carbmeers and a number of '.l`horney;crqtt s Horse narrowly` escupedwoing out on owmg to the treachery of aKaff;r almana- L.'_-' _.-.'.I.. II MU lulu an vavu tive guide.". _ `t'hirj:`_ty Boers; ,wor',e `hiding `Thou 8io."'Dow`nq `hes `Who (`cue _ > V _o"_IIf"o . ` A V desputoh . dated Blaemsfontein, Boers has been loozited across the river at Donke'r's` book, where Dick- son's cavalry is qua__rte1,`ed.` There point near a farm `1!use;trom which on` whftejlag wastlyxnghlt is reported _ ` inthe farm house`, and that}: man ngmjgd `Richter, `who holds a_Br1ti~sh was one of d - . > flftiesday, says that a strong party of. has been ooi1sidera2:1e"'snipng. ' Two` British soldiers were shot from a "i 1*7s`R`,"`i 4'?? *!*9i"9t!?1 5'. iw-!i: I time. ALM0S"f`"CvAl5'-l`URED. 5 ; irtgw * Waiu-1:.:%1vL;(a.` FOR 301:1: Pn1soN3gs.. _'T;;11bio feared in uxwu 4 nuuvguuuqv _- _..___-.~, _,.,., n _ ... ;5`oa1oaio:n nu .roon_tly boon asserted that tho robel- lion in Oae, Colony was "completely ata!_nped out, but news from Capo T0.Wh hardly accords with those asser- tions. It in -said. thlat the'attitude of 1;,(Lon}1ai.;_`satd2d;y,7;;;i-u 14..-`-It mi. 7..-`. _ --v th`e-l5ut_evlN"tarmera-'1:1' the Juiiivlkstl era districts. of the `colony, notably -Swelleni1am and Caledon. causeagrave .appre_henslon.. A.promine1'n_; Dutch farmer there declares that a majority of the Dutch in the districts are onl awaiting the right moment-to rebe . He says that he alone has sufficient Mauser `ries and ammunition to arm M0 men. He adds that they will make the first move in Oalodon, where they will teeize the key: of the magistraoy. The district: are mountainous. 'I"I.- __-X..-I -l LL- ___I_-I`I2___.. __2_!L 1- ULUDIIUBC CI. I-Illfllllblllllv The revival of the rebellious spirit in doubtleu due to,the general belief of the members of the Afrikander Bond that the recent British mishaps in the Free State are the signal for Boer vio- toriee. The Dutch believe that the war will last for three years, owing: to the Boers `and the rebels adopting gnerllla tat-.tioe.~ .... .._---o-opus; A `lobar-to to rrouldput Iraq. A - London, April 16. -- A dospatch to a. news agency from Bloemfontein says that on April 12 Gen. Roberts cont g strong protest: to President Kruger about the treatment of the Colonial _ prisoners and the sick at '.Wp.tdrva_l. i 7. _B 0b`0rtl `demanded "tho rule! 301- Geneva. Convon-_' `1.':.-_.- 1.- _L,--,-_.__| - . .: `_ -. ;I`:__1s_IL'_;l.;9uq'{gt4 Vapour. ' 4 G-A1lwa,l`No_i-th-, April 18. -- It '13 omcully Lroported that ._thol British loises at Weponer` in four days ght-" ing were 18 men killed and 132 wounded. ` L9ndon,_ April 16. -- A special cl- spatch` from Bloomfontehi, dated April 14. says: "A patrol of Royal Irish, with whom we); Lord Rosalyn, j has been captured. Lord Rosalyn has been sent to Kroonstadt`. _ Ila Vlopol God Wlli Icon rat I stop to the Bloodshed. I Lorenzo Marquez. April 14. -- A correspondent had an interview to-1 day _with the wife. of President Ktuo 2 got in regard to the war. ` an Vnunounn nnu'rI : {kn} akg III. IBUGil'I IDEA OI` `I'll WAI Ll bK1IhA\I UV U 50:. A n-v_ vv In: a _ Mrs. Kruger said` that she hoped and trusted that God would soon put a. stay `to the present mercileuj. -blood- \ shed. `But , she added. the fndepon- deuce of the Republic would be vlgox- 1 ously defended; even ,1! Pretoria ` should finally be taken. 51.. _._.I.: '41.-` .-.. `L- .....-..-..L ` OlLL\I Iqunn Ian; J She said that up the present time 33 of her grandson, 4_ of her ions and '6 of her sons-in-law had gone to the front, in addition to ` numerous other relatives. Up "to the ; present time two ` of her grandsons! have been killed. . 1 lt Pretoria In Oaptu-o_d. London. April 16., - It appears from every indication that the Boers are `preparing in the event oi Pretor- ia. `being . captured. to make a last stand along a. line reaching from Leydonburg along the mountains in- to Swasiland. A traveler recently arrived at Bloemfontein says that the Boers areuenergetieally working to persuade the Swazis that the Brit- ish cause is lost and are seeking to ingratiate themselves, hoping to se-~ i cure a. foothold in Swixzilsnd peacv fully or to seize. holcl__of the country, JD ..-..-...-g...-. \ST- Received at Proton-In for IPIIIIH Prison- orl by U.` S. Consul lay. Pretoria, April 14.--United States Consul Hay has received six and a half tons oi presents for British mili- tary prisoners. mostly from England and the Cape, comprising luxuries, grocerie, cigars. cigarettes and beds` for the hospitals. It has also been admitted duty free to the Transvaal and every facility 'aiIorded, which has greatly gratied Mr. Hay. He re- cently visited the prisoners at Wat- erval and say: that he found every-. thing as well as could `be expected under the circumstances. Good Fri- day ywas observed as a holiday throughout the republic; All in re- vportiel quiet' the front. Nu Notice Taken of kiddos. K880. ` London. __Ap!-I1 '16.-- Mr. Cecil Rhodesia keeping very quiet. But itttle has been _ heard of his doings` since he arrived in England a. week Whore the Boa-rn Are Strong. The scouts on Saturday located the Boers in a. strong position eleven miles northeast of the British: ad- `vanced position at Blogxgydntein. scan tor the" Inn... Milan, April 16. -- The Boot Ponce" _,Cpmmissioners started for The"'Hague` on"Sat\`n'da_,y afternoon, Dr. Inyiis, the dipioxgajsic agent____o1 thq..j"I_`ra -r1sxiaal,' accoynpmfnying them .a far as Brus- _..I'- . of 'sove1s.1._ Bat- f>,_t3}1lgn~}Going tothleq Cgpe. _ , ' - London, 13.4-The -war on-ago VunI1_6uncoa"thi:'t-~4,`000-homes" will arrive it the Caps this week. It is well un- derstood that the animals are not fit for work until about ten days after; =he voyage." Two thousand more are dye at the Cape next week. . fI11.'.. \X. nm lling Inna nollnrl nhf fhn i llllb in. but: vupu uugo woun- `The War Office has called but the reserve companies of several infantry 'ba.tali0ns, which will sent to South A I-.:nn I`;-.ud> n'x1:I>`1 uu_._I.u:uu_.u,:u, vvguuu . trica forthwith. V Leen ("`3e.giret-,--a Paris clerk, has been oaaptured [by the "French Government. in the act of selling French military. see:-eta to Germany. He neglected to pla.c.e"suficlent,, pqstwge on oneof h-is lettersw ti:-t.'he..German officials and his. -coVnsp,irac' was discovered`. He says he eqld- tjniagny tales lxitermation. zfocesuwa V {1=<`> ,~EILL" iJP maps. Lord Bondy: 0` Prlconoy nd Drap -routs or rnlsmirs [momct s1tiuI*?sunnm' Rumof bf Gan; .BI'Ib,Il\!' I Q Regarded an Premature. All illloontoitolhbnuphtolsn I`:-Quito 0"-L _OIldout_ `tone-Baum ! " 0."_ lcodnl. Ouiudfun Coqtllgclt. 01-d`o`rod to Go to the North as Ilnborloy- 8ch\|Wol In ' '1':-onohoious-Brlliod 3 r cg _~.guII. 10 Curry 3 Lottor to Dutch Cititqif; ' " London.Aprn 16--(4.55 mv-.` War Oice had nothing to com.mu_nl- cute to thepublio yesterday. It mui be taken for granted that the rmnoi`. pl Gen.'s victory at Wepanb er, is premature. with the remainder o1_ his troop: he left Aliwal North Saturday for Rouxvme. and there I-__ -1.4. 14551.9 L-A-. `loan- `An en-A gin. V. ...., .... .A has gcercely been time for an en- gagement. There in practically no fresh nevwe. All the Bloemfontein des- patches. however, breath a. condent tone. There seems to be a heavy de- mand on the railway for so large an army leaves the populace hire of everything save the absolute neceeeio ties of life. ' I _ , ,..,.-_ LI- grggyuqq. `V. sunny --V. u--.- llIU CI -III`) o The despotches announce the ap- proach of winter. The x-at `pinch ol frost has been felt `it, Bloemfontein. .._I_-_.- _-..-:.'I-_-I.I_ __... L-.. D..1I-._ an you 1.5303 -uvunu nun U Iwv Au-vvu-av--vv-2 where considerable rain has fallen. Anoons-nod. Report that E0 in (live: - T` Boon a Crulliing Danni. - - London, April` 16.--The cape `rowa- cortqfopondent - ` of The "mph. .tolek`mphins (Sunday-. says : "An unconrmed ropoxft in in circu.-. latlqn hero that Gen. Brubant has inigited a crushing defeat `upon the Boers at Wopener, capturing guns and taking prisoners." Rolnforoomonto for the lnuny. The Bloemfontein corree"p0nd_ent of the Times, te1eg_ra.phing Sunday, says: "It is reported that (reinforcements _!oc the Boers, with 60 wagons, have arrived at Dowetsdorp, en route {or Wepener. This should prectpitnte an action. The statement that President Kruger has been south seems to con- rm the report that the Boss are getting disheartened. This continued exertion of his persona! influence ap-- pears now to have become a. noose- ...I '&.. I0 L Krugor Will Dolor: Frau Btntorn. ` London, April 16.--Tho Bloemfon- tein correspondent of the Daily News, telexraphing Saturday. says: "Prealdent Kruger [attended a con- ference of the Boer corxunandants at Brandlort on Thursday. It is be- lieved that a. decision was reached to withdraw the Transvaal forces" to the north of the Vet River, preparatory to a general retirement across the; Van! River, It hard pressed, loavlng the Free stators to their own ro- nources.'.' i r St. I-Ieiieiiva; 1p}i1"1?s'.'_c' "I31. Schiel `and two other Boer prisoners wero Ilaynded yesterday and sent to the cit- "adel in consequence 01 an gttanptto ` escape. It appearg that 001. Schiol bribed a boatman to take 9. letter to the Dutch cruiser, but the boatman by mistake took it to the British cruiser Niobe. A large knife wan found in possession of one of the three. Col. Schiel walked to the cits add. declining a carriage that Wu placed at his disposal. I :-ask smith In the land: of Bonn- Wa.11'eI1ton.. April 15..--Frank Smith. the well-known mine owner, fell intd the" hands of the Boers while driving from Barkley West towards the Frank Smith Diamond Mine. `thousand: G:-eotod 9.4. White on Illa Ar:-Ivnl at souu....:.. on Istnrdsy --TronendoI|e Enthusiasm Shown. London, April 16. --- As the etea.m- or Dunvegan Castle loomed up at Southampton Saturday with Gen. Whlto standing _ on the bridge. the enthusiasm of the waiting multi- tude broke loose, and a storm of cheering and singing and the sound- ing of sirens and whistle: intermingl- od, unfnterruptedly until Sir George landed at 2.30 p.m. A r-i|J|4\`:U|a- End. nnnn 4... L-..-l...__I -...J van on nwv `raun- --[;e greglng between husband and _wIfe being over, Gen. White had to` undorgo_ much handshaking and the receiving of congratulations from personal friends before` he reached the .:--I- ..|.-.... n.|_- ......_:~.`:_..1 _-_.u__AnA:__ V----uvvavnl vs v--v V: v nnxnuu. vv U: Luv .Durlng' the reading: nf the add:-cu. the enthusiasm broke out in all meth- o_f doxnqnstration. Gen. White wus"visfly moved a't. the warmth o_! his foception. ,,-,I 2 n -',. An II n `,1 -v-an-an 51 Ava;-n out `flock, whe tho munibipal aut.horltia presented h m with an elaborately ll- lunxfnatesl address of welcome, on- I-I\4l\ll9 [IV ICKVIIVTI `pressing profound admiration at his "noble and successful efforts to up-' hold and maintain the honor and, dignity. of tho Empire in.dista.nt Nae tal, which have won ad- miration of the civilized; world." 11---), .. Ll-" __.-.Ix_ 2 4|. -.l.I..__.. .- inIU:;;l (';1`<;'t`\:'.1edgihVjg;` the Aatidres; A referred with a:dmirat.ion_ to. his gal- lant garrison, every one of` whom, he said, '.'from Gen. Hunter to "the b'` trump't`er`,= had behaved maghf-"'~ cen1;ly,_ . ' IAI DBABANT WIIPPID III!!! ling-iingtbn,' v., Apx-`i1 1.6. -,-;A', ape. - ._cia, l from Wae_rhur.y. su._\=s__t.t_w.t John `D; -Farrar, teller of the? Waterbury ,N&ti`ona.l Bank, is missing,` .-and thast i there. is 11 defalcation of $25,000 0! Lthe bank's funds.` Tho, comnmnity in greatly. shotgked by the news, as `Far- lrar was considered a model young I ' Seialllf ilnniitba. A Montreal, April 16.---The Lake. of -the Woods Milling Co, received a, Adespatcli from their \\'il`mi[:(~.g house `on Saturday saying that seeding` in would `be three-qxizu-u_-rd -done by evgnixng, an(}"t2hat,_"th' /weathir L was)? ne. - 'I;ette>r-carriers wil hbreaff ritjg tree on the Streqt; cars _I._m1don. HERO OF LADYSMITH. `Ibo:-I $55,030 In ll ip , A ccolionutu. _ -4 A sollol In Tronnhoroua. " l by 3 . ma here he? was sleeping. T o: 0pen on was P-lews 5 roomAW may .1. I was suffocated at small re that startdd tam:*:;:*:::;. ;;a.rz:k::;'z::; "nt of prohibition becoming law. It said they have agreed to close all be leading hotels throughout U10 91'0- lnce. , - I M . .'-H.arr'Ls Company IIEVO Elfed t;1gesi3 x`untford aguthoritles tpat ntessadequate protect-Ion from sprung roahets is afforded they W111 consider _:..:'....L.:I:+.. .-J mnvlno to m Avr- AL. my Items Abo Uni ohbors..._ (+).x-fen Sound. _. per cent. of the seed ,o!.; next wheat crop is..under amod Tessiar, who clajimslthat all a cash was handed over to various dounon. The twonnew vessels for the Quebec, amilton and Fort William.` Naviga. lon Company, which are bolng built England, are 225 feet in length. and ill be ohristened Winona and Strut!- ona. One boat will bring aoargo of oria blocks from Middleboro,.Eng'., o Toronto. - Tho Cata*u.'.1ui- Mining and DOVGI ent Company establis ' "8 8300.000 smelting works at King- ton, where the city has offered them 4,000 a year for 15 years and partial oard of Trade hos asked! the council 0 loan _ lhe_ I_sZmgs_ton Locomotive 0 $70,000, wxthout interest. eliel from taxation. The Kingston. ' mo T ? 9 muntmon. I `van! in Kinjgt-on ` 9?; men MR! 1- uncing that the Welland Canal` V15 RIJUIVUUU LAID "AIL vvnnwnn-v-V the advisability of moving to some other citY- ' Anoither cuss of bbodhing comes` 1:0 1- LL :_ l`nv'\`v`t\.l)l rnnn1'I'|.il"An] GREAT BRITAIN. . The Duke: of Connnught may anoi- od the: late Sir William Lockhart as A in India. - The British North America` ,an}1_ eat Indies squadron is to be increas- d by a battleship, two cruisers and eveital torpedo boats. . ' The Prince of Wales, who-is visiti optgnhagen, is suffering from an 6 - ocgxon of. the throat and have been Bed to consult a specialist; - _E.'. u':n.- _ U `V ` V5-l53\Ill (Q DlC\/I155?" 7 -. Sxr William Ovorend Prieqtlo , mpm-` 0? 0f.Pa1`lmment.' tor the Uynwerdl` '98 01' Edhmpurgh and St. Adrqvrs nco 1890, and formerPresident of (tho baletrfml Society? of London, is dead; ' 1)? Jpseph Kc-mry, for many years ,n5Dl0u0u8 figure in the Irish Par- lite movement, is dead. He. wi-thi be late Mr. mggar, handled all the `"1033 of the onganiaation, and sat ill mmeni. for ten years, resigning`. bmome coroner of Dublin. V ` A -4_, - ... _ .-v--ya. wan. Jdtni-ILIIIV A strange Iutality seems tofollosm ho aervanls at the Mwrquis of Lon-. I1d*3rr_v. Last Friday tour went 09. 0 mu! nn !'~`Lrnngford loulgh. and on '`Q.\' `he boat was found uoturnod` var thaw ylrowned bodies of tho Whol V}'-TF'I\`c years ago six of London- %_rry`e s'erv:anI.~.4 were drowned In .3 all hoax in the same placeaf ' '1 The birthday of the Rev. William` '11. General of the Salvation A'1'mo.~ '11" was burn at Nottingham, E118" "do ;`\eWil ,10, 1829, was siagnalized ` d**) by lh-e-receipt_ of hundreds... f"8Fa1ulutions from all `.pai`s- . and {ha IIl`l|AiI`":t\"I E5. 11 of 82n0,0cK), as ttwresu "o;.'the`. \- -VII 1 "' -1`. , .md the preseutatlon of 0 ' . a we ;` 131e(\3!:$lSuf1l1u:1<(~leA frinjxat 0 11',.1"`."`.1.`3f` J; U`NI'1`1<)\D STATES-A The U. s. 01' ships Five tousztnd cignrmaker 93 I903 ; our in New York. g huilders in Chi_oa89 3" F37` ng non-union men. { Sltrikin aultl Navy is 1/e stll'38 3. L` "W wkpafiick 1tv:___m rdeau, .a well kn'ownf_:Qu;q' has disappearq d;.1`leaj-iluli 1 the neigjhborhbdd jd ntarno anu 9;.-,w., .. has arrived: in Win-re; .. "3 `vuanv, *\,llI7;U,SB'IIl3.It'l`-TIv'~ . an thgi h`o,-rb61V"% tugs on_ktl_;e_1_u1oa eh to;.dbri1i1`l'm'o;``3i)Ly,;In _Z.to1-t1 o_{`u`_ A, 1 is estima ' ' thnt`75,000 pno`$.;Lf1ayll,1'%a`atl. for Europe from the United States. [I401-d Gurioh, -Viceroy "of ,v. ..- v`..- wwvug--. vcuw wV1O".C_1 '-' plying to an Laddress at Bombay, eulo- gized thlev loyaltytm thq Sikh soldiers. V l _ . . ~ - 'l'\.'...!..._+ L`l.`_. _ , .In"3ia`, ."_;~_.T:-$5. --v- v1v DIJ'JIIlVIaJ `Va `U110! HVIQIVIU. Di1ridg thie prdgreas or an stainin- ation 01 his books, H`-.: H." Pimhir, an Oak_l'and,A (3al.; banker," blgw. out . his brama. . ' _ '1_`he ;Asistdn' Fdod Comniiaainer of. 01.119389 891.8 the` demand K for chea mnnn la `ow-ring]-n ..-.......__:L|- 2-.. -:__ foods buyingf kes lately? f Chicago demand to"1'_V'-<:.`I5e:f-A goods ,is_ largely responsible for ad teration. A , C The , House: -.91 . R esent.-aftivoa` `at Washington voted 2 to :15 in favor 01`. the` election of Senators by; a du-eat vote '0! the` people. - '- `It- 9-.. A v tun! VIEW Wftllu. | Major Arman, at` the United state.` Army, oourt-martialled e1evont_im,os. 'h_8-5 Written a; book charging persecut- tnon and corruption. ' ` "l1..__._-.n,__. -n'.- 79-: u 4.. . '.. scarce in the Southern. States,` and mills in` Georgia, South.` Carolina and Florida .,will run on_t'wo-third: time. _ -.. -uv v--gnaw v-nnnw S. 0A`c(;ordin-g `to a report sent. Vto Tthd Navy Department atwashingqton. tho in the Spanish war realized $600,000. - l\ v - - 27 prizes taken by American warships. % ---- --- -----v~--- - _ y. ` _Preaidont, McKinley will deliver an address bqforo the Protestant Eoutmer moat. Conference: on foreign` mission! '_o.tlfNew`. York. on Amlb 24. ` ` `Z. I `I I " 5A`. 0. H`ydea', aged 84 years, f_or 30 years superintendent `om poor at Mar- shall, Mich-;, ,1: hold 261' trial on `a charge at ateallngl16,000`tj'rom the Dgrarunent aigneguaf oontgaci-,1 .w,i:th thy Hotlangf .8`bmavmv; !1f9rmdoL Bo~:t%[co` .. ,9!i.f..9r. t.h6}a_d cg ;9_t'._thg:5" _. % _e_ ,- tjhf nafyr. I % -A. vgssel sailed from .,Phi1ade1f>hi9; bo`un'd" tot` "the "port `" `of 'Vladi'vof. stock, Russia, whiem she will land 9.? cargo of 81 locomotives and tenders, which are valued at $430,200. Gl.__:ll..! _|-___;_2 _>_ Is ~-*~- v--v ----V .'-V '|'OVVg-,V"' . Sherilta deputies and striking .work-'-` men: 0: the lug Oroton dam`-near New York am into oonliot: on Satusrdayzl sevoraluhotiu were exdhunged and two men wounded. T-roopa have been or- ~ At Naples a ianasiido tram San- nnaro Hill buried en artificial coal 1 actory. '1`-hie ' manager and seven iworkmen were killed, five others be- _ ;lin-g wounded. Heavy ro.i`na,oaused the `disaster. ' - .'n 4:. air`-3.54 CL... 3... .4. `*.`..... _ -...A. A... a..- .... Eli. . LFound. I Displays I Place. The Earl. of Warwick, Lord Herbert Vane Tempest and`. E._u)o 0. W`. Oak- ley, arrLved- pt New ..York on Wednek day, and. have chartered Perry Bol- mon`t s yacht, `th$e.Satanella_, and Will- tish` for tarpionm Peruvian waters. GENERAL.` Yellow fevr is epidemic in San Sal- vador. - Russia and Germany fear a coal famine. ' V ' T T ; Fremantlb. AWe ate1%-n, Auitrulm. ha a. case `of {bu1bonio"pla.gI}_o. LII ll, , TI. ,!_1,,____ ` ' giia [ I Vt}; a'1;mt.11'e:-i aris Exposu- l tton will be open Sundays. , I,,.. __l.- T -All the 51-1-11; `poz7ti{h'av been non- hsed -th-at. yellow. tever la. epidemic in San Salvador. 7 I - T 4/ W1; V:1s"}f`i;:;z'z1ly `announced Ehh 111 cases` and 38 deaths from bu onic vglagge 'hfayo_ occurred at Sydney. N- Owing tozan outbreak of smallpox on. the excursion steamer New Eng- `land, many American tourists were K abandoned at Naples by the steamer. _ L V5,...- In the Chamber at Deputies at Brus- sels the Premier read, 0. communica- tion from King Leopold, In which His Majestv presented to the nation the whole his real estate, Berlin papers express .ind1'g-na-tien at recent. English charges that the German. Government: favors baiting England and attacks upon the Queen and the Prince ot [Walsh The Politisohe Correspondonz says Ger-manyis now the third nation com- mercially withJ'a;pan, adding that in 1896 German viumpyorts were 20,000,000 yen, and in 1899 almbst 82,000,000 -ygn; `KT_'.__|L-_ ;.|.'..... .......u .0 tin: hnhnnln `Juli, uuu II-I J\lIIIl was-v--. ..._,v--,,-_ .,`-_ Ninety-three cases of the bubonlc plague and 29 deaths from the disease have occurred at Sydney, N. S. `W. Thursday" has been` appointed as a day, of intercession and prayer for relief 1..-... bk` -.'n1unA u; u;Q,u;\,ounsvIa nu R tram the p acne. III]. _ -V`--4u-l.lB"h A1 tram tno ptaguo. The strength of the Ruseian gaxjri-T son at Kushk. north of Herat, ,is_ about 8;000 men, and includes a mountain battery. Previous reports greatly _gx- aggemted the amount of the rain- torcemente sent from the Caucasus district. ,_ __.1I_:-.`L' ll. 2-. Iqnnn I-.nnn.vIrw UIDULIVUO By aplan-which it is hoped to carry into (affect at the International Ag:-1. cultural Oonferencoy-in Pgria, July 9 to 16, it is proposed to ask the lat-m_ers otthe world o,re'duca_ their wheat"ou1:`-3" put by 20 per cent; and not to sell a; bushel for less tjmn a dollar. , V ,_side;,'Wn.lcn _VV8B. l,uv|u:un,,...,.,_,,__,-_ _ Z bunting, while! the fortification ' and other pointsgof _van_t,ge were-Rthronged. % `with schaeermg .ono`wda` -we~vlI_I_'g'~'flug's.'<;. The .wa rs,hi|'is_.-__,inthe_ harbour were` - abla`zs*`_vvitlil bruntin, `and their crews-1 manned ships and cheered, again and again as, the Powerful entered. the] ' batbel of-` sounds caused. by the bands, 5 the cheering. and the shrieking ol the sirens being deafening. g -- The First Lord of the Admiralty. Mr. Geo. J. Gosohen: Admiral Sir Michael Oolme-Seymour. the commander-1_m -chist at PortsInuuth:` `A Lord Durham, `and others'.-`_ welcomed -Oeptsm Lamb`-" ' ton, his "otiosrs,snd forew._ ; V ,. .. sniy `enthusiastic . re- ` T `re-.da!'8 in _.n. . .-_ n........o....| `was merelfo `Olly HID II&l_IIrv--3. W- ` ' niIaly_ `enthusiastic ro- tion of the vPo'wertu `was morolyh Lwoloome from thuaoldkts, sailors, and mhqbitanta oi Portsmuuth. The atti- _olp.l givig reception` for "which elabor- atofi pggaparuuongf arofhol A . nude, hu hm no9tvd%t Avril % 4+ ,-:3 T L ` non mom %'ra%a%.wA.n.L 'f the fact that ms than a; y who enjoy!-_? g `theirjneighgg " .7" >51` `~ ` .. I ` X are Doing at"ro1-onto. :~."""`i.i'i..'I'.`-`i!`.Z-i;b.i.11`. `911.il3.1'`5`!'1.35f8'3`:"'.`.3" 7 `gm: ;gp13na1a.`;;usapac.s. `ed -j:*+`'**"!'.5.i'!'i A i a min. ecu morn s itgn/Ontario,` and-.a'x"fy?o_s pos- name, the tnl1__advantas orat1iey..aeayy , `ivlopment for the raw. material in tire; . province. 'rheI,1irstpthree qeotianggict the biildealt `with royalties iii various .to1.`!n_s-..Certain mining lands V-ho'd"heen' pstented in which there `was no rfoy-_; alty. Others had aroyalty charged mam them`, and certain lands. had ` `a different royalty. The proposition `was toabolish royaltieson everyclass. or mining? land: in On-tario; This would -= T'3Vo. cquali-ty_ln that respect at~.leaet; 5 in connection with all the mining . lends. In place at royalties it was - proposed by this bill to.ask the House to grant power, which could be put into operation by `proclamation of the Lieu-tenant-"Governor in`Counoil, to im- ` Pole 1 mining tax upon the various ores mined in this province. In an et- _ f0l`t.,.t0 establish refineries in the Plfwince there was no -desire to Ado- stroy present industries, -but the pow.-' ere conterred on the Lieutenant-Gov-_ yyerlnorein-Counci:l`would be used at the -prper time toward ~assis'ti"ng` refinin. }infer_esf1:s here, and_wou.~l_d be used.B'_189b" it i: thought y desirable at some-jratqre` _* tiixm, to impose proper taxation upon . min_eraIs.- '1`heHouse7 would also he -. asked to `confer discretionary power ' on the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Coum ._ oil to make modifications in favour , of the British Empire or any British :1 colony. um wauvca----.-_ ._u-n-u-ugv-onuvvv-n1 !!! `. i n.srr* ~:n..:o:~taxio..*rhI~:-i 7 |. `film. VISSUIING DEBEN. TUBES. MIr.aLucas.movAed the second readingi L of his `hill to enable municipalities to "issue annual interest-bearing deben-A turos tor less than 0100 where the in- terest; thereon brings the face value `Rolf t'hs debenture upto 3100, As the law at present stands, debentures-can- not be issued for less than 81(1), whinh.l withvthe interest coupon, brings the face value uzpto an odd amount. The -Attorney-General `appeared to favor tabs bill, and t5I118`86.8ted that it go to the Legal Committee. - 2 SECRETARY FOR LABOR. Mr. Latoh'fo`rd s Act respecting a_ la- bor ,.bureau tor the province has now been` fully drawn, and provides ' tor -the appointment of a secretary under the direction at the Minister of Pub- lic Works, who shall `collect and `sys-` teznatise information as to - wages. lwurs ct employment`, strikes, sani- tary conditions ot. working-men. and so `on. 'Ilhis~'seoretary is to issue an annual `report, and make-- recon'fmen- dations based on the information col-- I_-L-) 3333 VIIK Another industry which is bei de- ed in Ontario is the cultiv tion of frogs. In his annual report, Mr.- Baetedo. the Deputy Commissioner or Fisheries, calls attention to the in- creasing demand for t'h-is delicacy in ] the American market. A ccnsi.der- ' able number, of people in this , prov- ince, he says, havein View the,estah- ] llshing not froggeries. -Bullfrogse of good pedigreeare in demand. - AGRICULTDURAL ESTIMATES. \ The House; went into .Com.m.itte'e of 1 the Whole` on the agriowltural esti- 1 mates. The Minister of` Agrlouilture alluded to the,~aot that the estimate . for the administration of the San Jose Scale` Act! was reduced from $20,000 to $10,000. and that the grant for trullt spraying. which `wast $2,500 last year, had been` dropped `altogether lie! that the people had themselves taken the matter up with energy. _-REPRIEVES FOR INDUS'l.`;R_IAL ' ` PUPILS. _ I 7 .1`he Attorney-General emoved the tsecond reading of his -Act dealingwith Industrial schools. It provides that every` child in such an institution, shall after three years` confinement be given a chance -in the home of his parents or of; foster-parents. The Industnai School Board shall retain the office of gnzardian until he is eighteen yearspot .....'--to :+. fa Annmnd neces'sarv tor the The Spanish ' river` pulpw6od`conees.. .sion was ratified by the Legislature. Mt, Whitney movpd that the agree.-_ `pent b noti-ratifisd. The Premies. J"-a'mendmei;t":w3);s?1'tb the eteob, that ` .u_ntil `Gove'r~nm_ent. knows;.m"ore .ot 1 `?our. pulp ` it .is:~ amply sata- ~ -B!.1$l`!iI6d2-=bY{ fhewsraement rwih , ~t.h9.~: - c~ompan'y:,: sud 'Ia7dvo.cutes' t-his. 'pi'6inoti6n- ..g.vtml_alI_la0tu-tea-.1 .. y ~ ~ _ . _..-.;.-... _.A nae -pr:-lawn` - mtg --nvv-----v~- V soLIi=;1sBfs.: . 5 Atomn eGenera1; mama ieaag amendment 3 to bin; tu'1`~4.preservin g` the franchise or those on'se,rvice~_ in South` Africa so as to`includo ._ war corrbllondenta. _He.a.lso moved an . amnndmont V to his. bI.1l7t9 mthorizb municipal grants for the benefit of Canadians. in Soau1_:h Africa, to enable munioipglitiea to _1ssue debentures tbr` . I ' .. Ll.`..- .-an uwun , until V I5 `yvul-su_vn. ago. ` ` If it is deemed necos`sary`tor boy : welfare, he may. nits; a term of aux months,.{be browght. back,` to the suhooi and the schiool may exact am too I for his maintenance from his parents. ` -_ . v-\-rsvru am;-nr nnngmmn ering :10 pet cuts all over u---- t----..... I01` 111! ululuuvuauvv uns- TRADING STAMPS -BEBATED. ' Mr. Farewelrs bill to impose-.9. 11-0,e-nsa school, and. the school may exactatee 190 gm. trading stamp -and coupon on- ? terptmea of $2,000 in citiesA,o=vesr 30,000 pbpu-I-atlon. 81,000 in cities: 80,000 and under. $600 intowna at 8,000 and un- der wag dincuuod. . -- ' twbbii 4BLL PASSED. "."""""`~""E'|':" ` ' _ _ `.. amendments yrezfg can-ie_d.. r 1' 4P0LI0E'1`1_%.USTEEs.b , . ` Mr, ,l.olmea'mo,v9ed h.a` .ing_a[ hi; bill tojlelimit. unincorporat- -; ~- V 1; j H e t rt1stes:`It_ Paa.9ama(:,t?aaai.+E;tsunh t.rus`tee' l.UUL_,y'l.u.lUw sq. uuavcua ...g was also` ptrovided` that such _ tru st.`ees" a1hall=ooIIec_t the dog taV1_: monoysT for "the prqtcotloq qt. q_heep,41f nch" a_,_sy g.. teun`.]pbtainf8_1n the to]wn_shipH where j.vi1;1ge ~13 '{`uat f`d.` Hon; M:'~`;__ f`-B'IAILLFR0GS IN DEMAND. , . . ndrlii it! ff~iB0UN BY 0N;W<,1I-VB; V ~ ; -"1'.he Premier aroso-lution to incl`!-9: the `bounty on wolves tromi 810 to 315 per head was carried.- -uu--`- __..'.. . __ '.._ . ogunomnui emittee, and it went." .. Er. Carpentei-'8 blllto permit license - inspectors to allow theuse of counts: fire escape in hotels in lien: or the sent appliances was considered. ' _ r. Dryden `thought the iron staircases should` remain, -and it would be V01`! unwise to leave the. matter in the hands ot V inspectors. The Premier thought the bill should go to com- - _ CONSUMPTIVE SANATOBIA. ; Mr.,Stra1tton mov;edit~he_sec_ond- ` reading` 0! the bill to prcvide provlno i oial aid torthe establishment ot,sana-9 ; touria; for consumprtivesuflilne bill, . he said, was in accord with the G-overn- i 'ment s policy, of aiding suffering hu- manity to the fullest possible extent. It provided that the` Council of any ;90n.n:ty .m.-igfht. take the initiative, or. a. group of municipalities or counties joosnlrd unite for the purpose `of-erecting sa-natoria. The management and con- trol of theinstitutions were to be in the hands at trustees elected by the municipalities. `The Lieutenant-Gow ernor-in-Council could grant one-fifth of the sum expended-on the site, build- i~ng,fand equipment. but the sum for such a purpose this year shoulnd not exceed $4,000. The municipality would be obliged to pay $1.60 per week for each patient whose admission wasap- proved, and a similar sum might be by the Lieutenant-Gaon=ernor-in- l"AnunA:l nun` ll` nII U IIIIIIIQVI Fl-U so.m.; L _ aweek. '~ - `tiondoh, Saturday. April 14.-The 'Delegraph U comeepondent at Cape Town, predicts that the heel: pol- sible news willvbo received from Mate- kmg wnthin. nweek. but there in no- thing direct new that place. and I`!!- Lmoilrai concerning it in some quattlr aroiot. the moat gloom character. `I'i.....l n.r..n....-.. {a an I oi '7.m:g-rltIrnn-

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