Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Apr 1900, p. 8

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sustains its reputation. for carrying the latest Novelties, as also the greatest variety of popular priced Hats all of ` which go to make the most complete stockof its kind to be found in any Carpet Room in Ontario` The qualities of `these goods are unsurpassed, while the quotations are admittedly the lowest possible, we invite comparison of qualities and pfices with best city goods. `yard. A y A Special Line of Brussels Carpet at 85c. yard. Imported Tapestry Carpets, 25, 35, 50, 7 5c. yard. Heavy Reversible Unions. 25, 30, 40, 500. yard. - Super All Wool Reversible Carpets, 65c., 75c. and 85c. yard. ;Best English Brusels Carpet, 90c., $1 and $1.25 Dress Geode, Wash Geeds,Prlnts, Ginghams end Muslins. Ready-to-wear Dress Skirts and Shlri waists. Gloves and I-leslery, corsets and Whlte Wear. Kld Gloves from Most Reliable Makers. IN GENERAL DRY Goons New cgrpets,"Ghlna Malngs, Oll cloths, Llnoleums, curtalns and Draperies, FRAWLEY & DEVLIN, SEAsNABLE- -..STORE NEWS Z`-Wltlroiiwilliam Ellis wasdown to Toronto` this week to visit his daughter, who has" been in Grace Hospital undergoing a very , dangerous operation, having had a tumor; [removed from her side. `Mr. Ellis has re- 5 turned home and reports that the operation ; Twas, successfully performed and his daugh- i "for is gettinc along as well as can be expeot- 2 ed under the circumstances. Her friends 5 ' inAAllandale wish her 9. speedy recovery and a safe return to our midst. . .....OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT..... Removed to our new premises opposite Post Oice and G;T.R. Station. We are more than ustially well stocked, having bought largely in ariticipation of the advances 4 -in price which have occurred. ` ' would announce to residents of Barrie and vicinity, that _we have this season opened {Exclusive CARPET ROOM, devoted wholly to the display of with artistic merit. We can meet every possible demand with ntisfaction to the buyer. "13: , 7Iz"owELL, n 6-! `. for Applicants. Front Street, Ba rrie. lvvhat about our Group ? LET US G0 AND SEE uuuav pvv V n nu`-vie I On Thursday evenin of last week the; 7 members of the Allanda e Band met Mr.` A. g May at Mr. Graham's hoteland presented : ; him with a beautiful clarionet previous to ' [his departure for Calgary, N. W. 1`. It. gwesv ultea surprise to Mr, May. as theg `boys ad kept the secret to themselves. I _ He thanked . the boys in a few well ohosen i _j-words for the handsome gift. Three young ; {`:men also presented Mr. May with a beauti- {tut pipe and tobacco just before getting on igithetrain. - IIIIJIVEI I U I-URI`. Private funds to loin at 5 per cent. on farm pro- pettv. Terms to suit borrowers. No connection mttlafttny `loan company. Apply `personally or by . o 1 5 - ' SHAW BROS. GATHERING IN THE HOME. s-Ir. A SEASONABIE SUGGESTION : Each `Garment MONEY 1'o_T.'oAg~|. Inuuln 5.. I--- -4 - A-A A - _BARR[E, om`. :7 and enthusiastic meeting of those-' Jlntdrested in laeroese was held in Mr.`W. v B. Webb's store on Friday, when the follow- Ag oicer s were elected for the ensuing arr:--Honorary President. E. A. Little. ,,_ P.P.; President, E. T. Arnall, M. D.; II 1 Flee-President. W. B. Webb; 2nd Vice- - ` dent, W.- Budgeon : Secretary, Charles h r; Treasurer, W. J. Young ; Cap- 'J. Stephens ;'Mana er, Ed. Shear. Commlttee- -N. olleltv. Dalton J jRlddle, 13'. Heard. in. ,Levi.. 'lttee-J. Rutherford, W. Plrie, Soplee. W. Lewr. The club ..~to oln 0hG.':o-I_s._A.3i f. p._ suitable i - _I`-l'ARFlY< MARI`-I, JEIIIII` THE MEN T Oil _Cloths and Linoleums, oral and block dcsigng, " .all widths from 1 to 4 yards wide, at 25 to 50c_ square yard. Japanese Mattings--a new shipment of latest Orien- tal designs, at 20, 25, 35 and 50c. yard, A Large Assortment of Lace Curtains, our own cu, rect importations, at fast selling prices, Lent Fully Guaranteed. - Your Money Back; if Not S(fi.~`fI't I? You are asked a moderate, fair price. You Cannot } getmore by paying more, but if you 1_ f1." 1933 F0 ? will certainly get less. Quality and ~p1'.ice consider- ed together, the Clothing we sell is the moss eco- I I I 1 . . I. nomtcal wearing apparel in the wholc. Dom1u10I10 Canada. What we GIVE for 9. Suit of Clothes is not 1::df so important as What you GET for _V0u1'I1lQ1;v_\'. It is far cheaper to pay a fair price for the iges: quality than to pay `a LITTLE lower p1'iccfo1'a MUCH lower qui11ity._ IN BUYING . Our Ready-to-put-on Glothing Giving andiig A large assortment of , Sm TRUNKS, VALISES, 5'3 L` ,6`; Punsns, HAND BAGS Lug` . ' CASES. RUG STRA1`5.TAGsH Vammv or OTHER _LT GOODS at the Lowest Prim` Those goods are all now, no shop worn 611 ' goodrin the place- odav _ _..v. . w- --.u A. Brown. of Cookstown, spent vll`he professor obtained, as he writes the Easter holidays with her parents. Mr. at length, the following results: (1); and Mrs. Chas. Ti0ke11- _ We dream throughout the whole of our ; Rev. E. D. Cameron was suddenly called sleep, even in that deepest sleep Which` "to Woodville on Monday last, owing to the we imagine to be -odreamlessgr (2)! - of practice on the grass plot next to Meek- I . inz s store on Friday afternoon. T I 3"i' 111%? f hi ``1- There is an intimate connection be- } Our lacrosse and baseball sports. had a bit tween the depth of our sleep and the character of our -dreams The deeper i th 1 th `f th ` Mr.Ed. Shear has leased one of Mr. H. I e 8 eep e up er `back travels the , . retrospect into the past experiences of I 331::51 m`;:';phl: `::ai?l:ng;:);`i aV1B':`' J life and also the more remote are the 3 , . o . i contents of the dream from reality. In : ..fs.Mi.'s.?;?i.;.`.$s:.:i::f":,:2;."; - not on me am home on Fdav night, one a few weeks . ject of the dream relates to the expe- _vi,;t_ . iriences and excitements oi. the day At the Epwonh League `meeting `on and has a character of probability. (3) Monday night, the Rev. Joseph Young In` in comatose sleep the professor . ave an -address on _the "Life and Labors of . thinks there may perhaps be no dream- ohn Wesley. - ing. (4) Persons who assert that they ` Conductor `James Overs, of the O.'P. S. ` do not dream are the victims of phys- and 1 - Railwav.` Depot Harbor. has been ` ical delusion. (5) Dreams of a moder- renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity { ate character remain longest in ` the _d\"iD8 *9 P3 Wk- A memory. The wilder the dream the The W38 quite 3 bike deal With 0119 0f sooner it is i'orgotten.-London_ News. - our merchants and in Barrie butcher the! l We YwIii"S-l"31'-4.i;`_-(`.3-if-IE`1&~I;"7z1ll our line9N LADIES , GENTS AND CHILDRE BOOTSAND SHOES. S-M.Lawren THE -KLUNDIKE We carry a full line of LADIES , GENTS AND CHILD 6 FINE Runnnns, GEMS` Flt} Gnovns mp Mums, Acton 10" ' ans-`"5 FOR MEN. T110 looydgnk Shoe House In ' Dunlop st:-et.`onpo1te the 1 * ;._.;.. the Station- For the next month. before - v--V uunnvanaeu We are carrying a good line of G1u: SHOES -....a _.. Minni: WhitleY.. of Toronto, was pmofor Easter. . IS the place to get your Spring a large and stock-takina. 1 TOWN James Brunton has been. visiting `(friends in London, Ont., during the past ; .-wgek. . and ali the npndpal town V7-14 TI; lluu -. o'x:L. ___________. BOY WAN Milk Va VANAG H. `BICYCLE "Domini_o 2 ny _ ortion` dent: cation 0 rtant places THETC OF CO |P?AnIs, Intice- V.VI-eVe'.h-Zottzig gave a missionary ad- dress in the Methodist church, Allieton. on Sunday evening. - ,I,, I?f,,,,fI Notice is h made to the session thereo ating the Pa passed bv the of Her Ma i es' tepdthe time. radway th_erci Y\ .., 1 .1 - 1. The mo, ti on Dunlo lithin 5 minu `House in sum .__uunJ Dll_\rICIl1 Hated this 2x_ if iB;:'_aE-"Snyder and Harry Gunner. of._To1-onto: apent Good Friday with friend: in this vicinity. llw _D|S$GLl Wm %n1fmBEn am. jUUou . Ap I)` t 'z!lie's` acto N0 TICE I ho!-0 sands Ullmo and 19 y `on. .,:7}L hi M.%`is`iei{'.%`$ a<.;.:.,.;.;.; .1. out` if,-Enter with Mr. and VMII. W. W. um- i I E . `On Sunday V morning, 29th inst., the j members of Barrie Lodge, No. 63, I. O. O. F., -g will attend divine service in a body at the Burton Avenue Methodist church, when the Rev. Joseph'Young will preach a. ser : mon to them. AllOddfellows are invited to v . Ero;h Aprnl Te "raw ":3-18 ' Bame Jab :v H S. Plats and son; of Bradford, ipent ' the Enter holidays with her brother, Mr. fJ,ohn Busby. 5 554'; ed Veeections in_ the Methodist church on Sunday were in the educational interests {ef the church. ` Mia; Tc.;;;1.;;;;}.; `.g,;.;a=..;g her Eaaserxm. `5--`cation with friends in Galt and Guelph. \ jg,-3 south-Western Division. with _ to Pl'ea.sant Streets. its Taetv Dwell- LI-head People wxn Enmce Settlement `-+-A'Week1v Record of its Doings, ` Arnold spent. Easter in Toronto, , `Mr._A. Miller returned to Parry Sound 1: Monday last. ` `Ill! 1 n o 1-1: 0.! 3 III ., A,,__ 3188'. its Pretty Churches. and its Go-A -2153 ViJ7i;sl`.;era. "v\3ic"e' 9;}; 7aiiz{g rfirzietide` London, 0nt.. during the past week. % Frame, of Tdronto, ~wu - rfhpnje for the Easter holidays. " IR - _9Igor,John F. Jobbitt. lost. his life at , lggt 1, VVjodnieIda.y. night. PrI;_'_9I F ' hldiaro ` ` ` ' ken--loose Auden .3 ,_ 3A1LWAi CENTRE or THE A _FU'rURE'crrY.' _ Notes.- ` `-'l1II'.Ii?~!"$ J.nhbltti1ost " :5. ` H. D. Cameron preached two able sermons in the Presbvterian church on ` Easter Sunday, dealing in the morning with proofs of the Resurrection of Christ, and in the evening with the Results of the Resurrection. Suitable hymns were sung for the` occasion. ` ; wu-av V--a. -v--u nun-n\1\tIpnna When` you see the bright.. smooth running traveling palaces of the rail iway president trailing along behind the long string of passenger coaches, L I you can be safe-in the opinion that the ` `occupant has not the sottestsnap on g earth`. You can also rest assured that 1 it he is a success in his sphere he is g not traveling for tun.-Omaha World- ierald. . _ ' ' A Question In History. Some strangers, apparently hailing from the far west. were looking at the statue of Robert Fulton. the `inventor of the steamboat Said onevof them: So this is the man who got up the steamboat, eh? Well. it only goes to show how a. teller can be mistaken. Now. out in Punkin Ridge we always: thought Si Jones fixed up the `first steamboat ever run. in the year. 1876. The whole county was out to see the Nancy Ann pass A the Ridge. and every-. body about there said as how Si had -surely made himsel.f.famous;by_ bniidin tnerm-st. boat ' ever . known to , _r'un."- Doesn't Travel For Fun. | Far from being the great autocrat, ? the arbiter of things of magnitude. the : president of a railway system, be it 1 great or small. is a dealer in tritles, 7 with `a consideration for everything. E Every accident, large or small; every , occurrence by which the road is to lose -a dollar or to make a dollar; comes to 1 the notice of_the president. The,suc- [ cessful head of a railroad is the} one ` who considers the details. He _i the a man who makes the prots. and e is } the man who has to face the music at the directors meeting. 1 1'I7I...... _-.- ...-_ 4.1.- I...:..I_A. .._.--4c_ down gfade at the itation if imuhed intb the front cars. inatuitly killing Jobbitt. Tina (1 D D, n nvlhflt-. ah Q`-In DnII:- moans`. i cupine to be slain and the mother to be restored to her desolate nest. Night tell, and the sleeping world had forgot- ten the emperor s kindly deed, but with the early dawn a great serpent glided into the palace, up the steps` and .into The emperor gave ordere for the por- the royal chamber and `laid upon each` of the emperor's cloed eyelids a gleam- ing topaz. When Emperor Theodoslus awoke. he found he was no longer blind, {or the'mother snake had paid her debtot gratitude.- -Exchange. '-~.- v- xyvvuuon 11 vote vvuulnsvuo One` day a great snake crept up -to the gate and struck the- brazen gong with _her coils, and Theodoslus gave or-- ders that no one should molest the creature and bade her, tell him her wish. The snake bent her crest lowly ln homage and straightaway told the following tale: ` - ?Y-_.__-,a __._-A an I n.- `e; 'n.2=st-:s-r;1's at the base of the gate- Waytower, and while she had gone to ` nd food for her young brood a strange beast covered with sharp needles had invaded her home, killed the nestllngs and now held possession of the little dwelling. Would Caesar grant her jus- tice? ` IIIIV IIVIIU UQI-U. IIIDKIIUI, BIIIlIl5,UUUIJIUllO The C.P RX: exhibit at the Paris `Exposi- tion will be the largest. sphericsl illuminated map ever produced in the world. ' . 'l`I-In mnnrnu IunIun'I1`-mnfnn An than (1 W` D, JVKIU LII` IV`-IVI T VVCIV VCIJ `W59: ` In is reported in Winnipeg that Mr. J. F. Lee, general agent of the 0 RR passenger department in Chicago`. will be named" as Mr. L. A. Hamilton s successor as C.P.R. land commissioner. ':ri; service at the Methodist `church on Sundav morning was well at- tended. The pastor took for his subject `the Death a"nd Resurrection of Christ. - and gave an excellent discourse. The choir rendered some choice singing. Some beatttiful plants decorated the altar of the church. ---- __-- `nu --.--o nnvvoavuuv The blind Emperor Theodosius used to hang a brazen gong before his `pal- ace gates and sit beside it on certain days, hearing and putting to rights the [grievances of any of his subjects. Those 'who wished for his advice and help had but -to sound the gong,oand immediately admission into the pres- ence of Caesar was obtained, U P UVUII IJKUIIIIUDIL III IIIIU WU` j l:l`ha Easter rsilwsyrsfo 2: the G.T. was something out of the ordinary this year. The receipts we're; very large. Ir :3 ionnnrnrl III |K/ nnnn an that Ila I W stone derives this attribute: An on Roman Legeina That _ l`rea.tI `_ ` ot the Topaz. ' A The topaz is called the stone of grat- itude, and the old "Roman books record the followingdlegend from which the VIII- - l.I2__-.1 I-1, THE STONE or GRATITUDE. llesnlts o1 I `Series `of Experiments by a` German. Proteuor. Sleep is not the brother or dea_th,", as the poets have said from Homer to Shelley; but, on the-contrary, sleep is the brother of life. So Professor Baschide asserts, {who, in an` article in the Uaturwissenschaftliche Runds- chau, gives anaccount of his experi- ments `upon 36 dreamers, His sub- jects were of various ages. from 1 year to 80 years. . '- -_.`____ __..__ I_l_ ,1____A-4n,-_ ., H, ,,',_ vv -av In some cases his observations were i continued during thejhole night and in others for a great part of the night. He . i watched `and ' recorded every 1 change or physiognomy, every move- ment or the limbs and every speech or sound uttered by the unconscious ; dreamers. The depth of the sleep was `also carefully measured, `while: from 1 time to time the dreamers were awak- ened,- but without their own percep- tion that the awakening was inten- tional. -Y vvavau 58. U 3 _ vuq 1&1 ULV'.lll HA1. {'Take"I;axav.i ve Brotno Puinino Ta.blet's,' All dru ' no refund _heVmon vi '3 G79???` ' ..on uchboz. V: it failuto cure, ggc. _ mm rexuna the mono if it fails to c V`. G>mvg_ ;s signature each box. 3'9 cumin com 11: oNn5Y.' l? n'E'4-$3.9; ha): n.......' .. l\--_:.. _-`-107.1,: V. . : science 5:5 DREAMS; The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church held its regular monthly meeting at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. Shear on Tuesday evening of last week. After the usual routine business `had been disposed of an excellent musical and literary program 7. was rendered, after which refreshments were served. `Henry 80.. Toronto. has been spending Easter with her aunt, Mrp. `Lone, Charlotte St. ' Miss Lsidman,~_')'f Hamilton, ;pnt Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Laidman. eel street, on her way to North Albertq. D I` '1;i:V;s..VI:)h_x:_u<->i1V,VlV;ti.i,: n;iri.ce: of Bruce- bridge, visited` his parengs here, Mr.` and I Mrs. Mu'tin.JohI;I9n, for Enter. 1:. Us us on u 5.1 out - R. ford` oQn- ;l_feH,l;fis(lZtL'ab Tuesday 1 for Sguthern Alberta, whet-6 they will spend %hel~sl:unme_r for ' the good` of Mrs. Ford : - C: Frank Jackson was in Toronto over Sunday. - T Carson went to Toronto on Mon- day to take a position with the Orompton _Coroet Co: 1 L ' I V MaaterJat:nieaon Dam of Cooksbown. is visiting his aunt, Mrs. James McBride, M_ulcaater sweet. _' - V; Vfollowin were out of town on Eister : 4--Miss J.` Wi kesat her sisters, Graven- -hurst; Mrs. John Wilson, at Toronto. and Mr. end Mrs. Grafton, who visited at Brampton. , ` . ` ` ' , I .,.,,nAI CHI` unuu nu ueu'uu were Luv IUIIUVVIIIK :-7 null 101! Lewis, the -Mine: Kennedy. Mine L. `King. Min L. Rankin end Mien H. Craig : and Mam -u._n_I4`. Clu{ke,'_ Ewen, Wyndham Bell D" Mam ' d I` he1}d'onv._~_< - `- V` Rev,` E. J. Ure, of Stratbroy. wa in town for Easter. . - concerts under the auspices of H the Allandale Band on Monday and Tuesday oflast week, were not as well attendedas the performances merited. The band has always been very liberal with their music, but when it asks for a little assistance it seldom or never gets it. It is hard to keep a. hand without funds, v but/apparently the members of our bandchave to furnish the funds themselves. * Mr. Gedrigvalle spent Good Friday at his home in Aurora. - . . Mrs; Dr. Hiixciliiy, of Guelpil, is visiting Mrs. Thomas. V Mr. Chgaf and` wife, of Midland are at the Queen s. o no .` -Clerk Dghnell and Mrs. Donnell spent Sunday at Bradford. I`. `Is 1 .'IC Q 1 Mr.'a.1ici Mrs; Reedy spent" Sunday with friends in Barrie. T L`. Moore. of Toronto, spent Easter with her sister, Mrs. D. Judson, MoDona.l3 lstreet. ` ' " Mrs`. Morley, of Btantfortbif spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. McLeod._ ...- --.r u-_, . ' Amn those who spent their Easter \"ece- 7 tion. in. _ in were the following :- Min Ida. . ..r.A@Il ` Eh Mi-'nnn Ynnnnad ` Ian `I . -7'8..- Mrs. Sweet,` of Edgar, is spending a few weeks with Miss Liatef. . ~ ~h/`Ia.ster:Er(n:iTo: visiting friends in Crown Hill for. week. V - There the ` other day, but before 24 hours had elapsed ' the seller had his bike back and 9. dollar to the good. I`! I 1 I II 111 Mr. A. Atliinozz1,V of Creemore public school, was in town last week. ` ` T Mm} Et1i1T15ih$g/15$: a.~;.;.;..... in visiting `at Dr. Patterson : this week. J. `c. :u.;.g.f.; Ti.']t.{.ii;;g the Ontario Teacher's Convention in Toronto. V `nh-L. i&{.' Jr 6}i1Ti,}iki iii; Maw, of Toronto, spent the holidays at hom. 'ia- 111, `I1 1 ',_,, , `D? `ill/lrs. Rose, of. Orillia,` apen'Easter with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Hunter, Kempenfeldt stret. A. D. H. MacLAEEN, -:-_4_2zz'. 3.4:- . ` i1}." H~e;v`s;on:m<>'f eife '"i>Z;I;.{{.i2i.Z.e \ gerald, gave Tm: Anvaxcm anal! on Tues- ; `av. . - . w -. -5 n 1-` gain . I-rs . . 3 V `M; .In;i`1ieEs."i. `L;}e'n'c;,' .{iLvhence . -Fair, are visiting friends in Orangdville. C19 tiiii.-;"1'>.t'vE`*',./fibig, t3s'ii$"b1i;1}.m Banner, spent Easter at the parental home. it: 1-9 ,_ T Mr. R. McDonald, of Cliifood, spent Good Friday at his parental home. I l\ IIIO I `I0 `I I Win. Little, representing the ' ABrAother-hood of Railway Conductors, and: . ardman Sid Perry, representing the ed the funeral. of the late J. F. Jobbett, 1 funeral: W rotherhood of Railway Trainman, attend- ' who was killed at Goldwater last week. at } Lindsay last Friday. The deceased was a ~ member of Uxbridge `Lodge I.0.0.F., and was buried by that society, there being; nearly 200 members in attendance at the! The Prices` Ruling in the ' Toronto Ma.rkets.Durin,tho Week. ' . *n'Amun mum mun. . Scientifi Opticia:u;,- _ MncLAREN`S DRUG STORE. L HARRIE; Personal News. `*1-"Hm MARK};-rs".J Baluun. 'A PRiL :8, xgoo. nun4..oooa._o$ 64 _ 6` ' -Q . ,mnxcn% Thirty mg-5 Ago. ' From Tm: Non-mnnn Anwmcx April an, 1810. The ratepayers of Om V have again rejected the By-law in aid of the T. S. & M. Railway, by a majority of 35. . At the Spring Aseizes at Barrie, on April 18th, the following Grand Jurors . were called and sworn in :-T-Geo. Mo- Manua, foreman ; J no. Bell, William 0o.tt_en. Peter 0ookbnrn,_ J as. Dupdale, J L hn` Fisher. B. B. Hannah, John Hine- well, John Richie, ;Thop_. Band. John` Essay, W .R'Jamieaog}kJohn _Murmy,;V --v~~- Bella--Yes, and he proposed to her by mail in this fashion: "I can place in a few good papers or guaranteed circu- lation at a minimum cost the follow.- ing notice (pure reading, top column): `Engaged-Miss Birdie Pechis to Mr. Howlett Boomer: If this proposition meets your -approval, kindly sign and return` by rst mail." -Philadelphia DI-can ` 7.~ih{is}1i.}sL Baa}; ;{i"1if; iicEu;}{{ of the R. E. Hospital. Philadelphia, arrived A visit. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of Ontano at the present session thereof for an Act to revive the Act incorpor- ating the Pacic and Atlantic Railway Company passed bv the Legislature of Ontario in the 49th year of Her Maiestv's reign and chaptered 76 and to ex- tend the time for commencing and completing the railway therein mentioned. Dated this 21_st day of March, 1906. `Y `I7 I\l\II1I5fY "Notice of Application in the Ontario legislature. Licensed Auctioneer. Ap raiser. Valuator, etc.;, Credit Sales of Farm toe]: and Implements promptly attended to; Farms sold and bou ht on Commission. GET MY TER MS AND RA ES. IVIONI TO LOAN. uypgnub rvnnavu -1-vyvgn Va`, (A: usuvv v ery has been made that this` Warm lake is literally alive with carp, some of `which are more than one foot long. All oorts to catch them with a. hook and line hav failed, and they wlllnot touch the most tempting bait. , A few of them have beenshot, and, contrary to. the general suppo- sittign, the nah was hard and palm- ta. 0. ' Too Bunlneuulllie. Stel1a-Why on earth did Miss Pe- chis reject Mr. Boomer? He's making lots of money in the advertising busi- ness. - - Fish That Live in Hot Water. There is a. pond at Golconda which is fed by. the Waters from the hot \springs.. This pond has an area. of ` two or three acres, and the temper- \ature of the water is about 75 de- "grece, and in some places where the hot water bubbles up from the bot- ` tom the temperature is almost up to ;a. boiling point. Recently a. discov- `-_-- Ln... krsnvn vv\tht-`A $1..-`L J-1.3.-' -gr-.. GEO. MCDONALDI OFFICE 34 BAYF`IEI.D STREET, BARRIE. V 8.1 :3-18 - -Mr. Barlow Cumberland, of Toronto, Supreme Grand President of the Sons of England, paid a visit to Kempenteldt Lodge, 153, S. O. E., Allandale. He gave a short address and complimented the members on ` I the success of the Lodge. A .-

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