Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Apr 1900, p. 6

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What in the drum In's' eyes _AI he lied and blinks in a mute surprile, `.=.'W1th- little wee hands that aimlessly go , -fithr _and thither and to and fro; ' ~? With little. wee feet that shall lead him? Fedgra Chrigtie Wh'{ce shi}i;s . . . .'I Ties...... IV UIl\'ID'\lllJ KIAAIL Linen Collars . . . We Pgy the Highest Price for ProdT1ce. Al5VER-TISE. IN Fisheries for 1899: THE FOLLOWING mnncnanrs awn casu coI'P0-"55 NEVER ATE FOREIGN MEAT. M. Frawley, sole local Agent. Prices are for single rolls. Borders are single yank V. cream, fawn, green, ' --A...I.. A Vs/all Pgpers. Gcpods. ing the process of manufacture. Every sky.- The ` `Slater Shoe is closely watched dc: undergoes a careful ex:-.n1ination.after1e:r : ing the hands of each operator. no a . II I A` _... -.._.A.`- ' manship-a stitch missed-a slip of the knife V The slightest flaw` in the leather or work only discernible to an` expert condemns the_ _shoe that started towzztil the S1a_t_er" Destiny Changed. Furnishings. VUIJIVII IIOIE I-IQIIU `'0 cu`. W: ------'v "Ah," he obusers:-ed. 1 wish that` my ` butcher In London would send me stuff like that. and yet he deals only in the best British meat. A_,1-._.1 $1.`- - _..`LA.._ Si` " d drab C010), buff blue? - NOW IS THE TIME TO START. C\LL AT T. N. HOBlEY'8 Grocery SIM AND GET A BOOK FREE. UTII1 I&$ :u------ AS H COUPONS ARE YOU COLECT|NG These ~ Tablets are the 1:1 madam ' med` - . anpew to al1c1alp(l:1ene- They are 1:. ` S and similar prepa." 12d all di` for. cure of . Ind'ge8tion a th Sto ' mach. B owe: Liver and Knln: . Id genen] To norm?` he the 3' h ~ . RVG no equal. g will clone` to wom 8 n these Tablet For Nervous Prostration : ness they `have equal- delicate women Tab? positive blessing. n-1, i"""`""`T ' { J row '` . A safe and mstantaneous cure um . 9nd N~~'~'si*~ P3*"`f.`2..n - Price, 50c. pe1f_ box. Laren, Dmggistfsole a 8-13' vi 4;f;;0"r4 f,,;, fiM 15 ' . / I 9 {or 1" / .'l`Vhe Bottle in ship Launches. Down to Charles ll's time it was cus- tomary to name and baptizea ship att- er she was launched. sometimes a week or two after. The old Tudor method used for men-of-war was still in use- Pepys Diary" shows that. The ship was safely got aoat. after which some high peronage went on board with 3 `special silver "standing cup. or ag- gon" of wine. out of which he drank, naming the ship and pouring a libation on the quarter deck. The cup was then V generally given to the dockyard*ship- % wrightas a memento. ` 1711.-.. ASA `I... __.._..-.L ccnnn-on AC no-um, d5n S. M La.w1ence.Bts5n rs. Shaw Bros.. Pnooetg-Egg: Geo. Monkman. Fncy Goodw- Mrsc. L. sxteph6nS- F roc ery. , , V R. H. Flem1n$- btner - _ _ - n If Eairms Cash of Produce. $93!! V ARE NOT A PATENT MEDICINE... 11] lauu law no IQ:I\al-l.l\r&-I.\Iu When did the present usage of nam- ing and haptizing a. ship before she is sent aoat come in? l trace the last explicit mention of the old method to 1664. when the Royal Katherine was launched (see Pepys). The rst men- tion of smashing a bottle of wine on the bows of an English man-of-war that l have found is in a contemporary , newspaper cutting of May, 1780. de-i `scribing the christening of H. M.`S. Magnaulme at Deptford, but nothing is . hinted that it was then a new custom. --Notes and Queries. 100 100 1 35 65 85 11A 135 nA 9 17 n 0 5 To Fly In Your Dreams. There is a pecuiiarityabout the ying ,. dream that seems tobe constant. 01' all those whom I asked about the mat- ter and who are conscious of the ying dream at all not one has evervknown himself to make any high ights in his ? dreams. One always ies low. with a skimming manner, slightly. but only slightly. above the heads of_ pedestrians. ` ._.a .....o.. Amid-Incl an-Inuin In a dream \ .-\LL ._\1' 10 10 In- vv 50 lelrul UV 4 O 85 Iusutlygauvvv |uJnI\) I-l\vIo\nnu V- r........-- And one s critical attitude in a aafxii toward one s "own performance is al- ways interesting to _ note. both in. re- } gard to this particular class of dream 1 and even more toward one of the other classes. It is an attitude that is well brought out in Alice In Wonderland. where Alice is made to exclaim or to V, think while she is falling. "How brave -they -will all think it of me at home not `_to`m Ind a great fall like thisl"--Long- 33 63 75 no 75 ;u 3.5 [stow-( The .\ barra V th Wit_ hill 1) [were .Cai>' that pecta out a the j 11 ; wbu Ea M ` Logical. What is a.turr1er._?l`ommy?" asked the teacher` of a. pupil in _the Juvenile- class. . -_ __I.. .I-_I.. I- Du.-null nnnIvA_ %.iAnglVy . love, vr5~ ~Show !`..`,. L` . zrman who deals In furs." answer- ed Tommy. ' ' 4un|_ _ ;v.. ..I ...I.A. I! an In` 6|`; `A nhgp \ ' and Q . You 2 me meni um: ness CU Lvlulugo , .That s right," said the teacher. "Now. Tommy, you may tell me what a cumer ls." __ ____I__ .I--I_ I-g nu-can I-Inn `HQ qIIKIlKI' In! 93! Tell me. he returned after listening to the epicure s remarks. in `what part- of London you reside. and I dare say I can give you the address oi` a retail butcher who will supply you with ex- i actly the same sort of `mutton as` that which you like so much. The major handed him his card. ,_4 ,,,;._ llLI__.__._. Il VIII Iltzl. IDI *"A man who deals In curs." was the" '%un e_xpected but logical reply.-0hlcago $1-1- R3}; ` The Coldest country. V The coldest inhabited country ap- pears -to be the province of, Wercho- `lansk. in oriental Siberia. `A Russian Iavant passed one entire year in the inhospitable region and kept a daily _record of the temperature. from "which -iltffappears that the daily mean or the- : year is 2.74 T degrees below zero. j The tlrst conetltutlonal convention in gohlo contained as delegates tlve men vrvgho _af_terward were elected governor f't,tbe.$tate and four who became Unlt-, ;, gtetes senators.` ;_ v V - 1n is the onLv fabric` W -* In ,;hg ngnutacture of clothing; II Elli: ureauu In my uuuy a sat`; -Tom Oordry in Minneapolis Meuenzc. IN THE BABY'S EYES. VIDC Jblululip Ifux. luvs cu... gnu... .-__ ....._-, ..- knows. {flint p prayer from `my heart like 1 benison goen. `_'=n!IdlO of helplessness. yonder he lies. 1 What in the dream in my baby`: eyes? smear comm mews Bunsen } OWEN % SoUN"n-- Ow_en ` 6ud. is to have an $181000 school. In PEN_s'rmG`-_-The Deminion Govern-`: ment surveyors and. engineers ~ have been busy with from eight to ten then during the past two weeks nding `out, all sbout the channel to the wharf tied esplansde, 9.nd~`estimsting the amounnt of work, cost, etc., to make it safe for the largest vessels on any of the lakes. It is intended to begin work as soon as the ice `leaves, and have it completed early ' in the season. ' This is expected to `be the busiest season the town has had in` the `memory of the oldest inhabitants. BEE'i`0N -Tlle citizens of this place propose holding a monster celebration` on the 24th-of. May. For this purpose they have elected the following oieers :-Pres., J. W. Boyle;fSec., G. P. Robinson ; Assistant Sec., Glee. Chry stal; Treasurer, G. T. Somers..._At a special meetingof the E. ID. Card- well .and Tecumseth pAgricultura-1: Sociew it was `decided to hold a spring fall` on April `24th W. J.` Funson, familiarly knownin Beeton as _Pete Fanson, has disposed of his paper, the Thornbury `Eerald, to Mr. Duncan Marshall, late provincial orga- % mzer tor the__Dominion Temperance l Alliance. Asion a self-cocking revolver. Sam. ater ' NEW LOWELL-'-Some ten days ago T Samuel Dawe, of Brentwood, came home from the lumber camps, and ` among other articles had in his posses- exohanging greetings with `his mother A and thearest of the family,. thought- lessl y placed the revolver on the kitchen a table. Curiosity `brought one of his sisters` to` the table toeiramine the . weapon. She picked it up, and, not A knowing it was loaded, playfully point- ed it at her mother, at the same time pulling the trigger, the result was that the revolver was discharged, the bullet striking her mother in the left breast, lodging in her `spine. Mrs. Dawe sue- oumbed to her injury at an early. hour the other morning. She leaves a hus- band and a large family to mourn her loss.- World. A BnADro1u>-The Conservative Asso- ciation of Bradford lield a very success ful political meetingin the Town Hall on Friday afternoon and evening of last week. President Scanlon pre sided. The speakers were, Messrs. Little, Curry, (the candidate), Mis- .:ampbell,lPowell. and Dr. Sproule. A" number of ladies were present and the hall was tastefully decorated. The pre- sent Government was severely er rsigned for_t_heir many misdeeds and broken pledges, and the ineeting broke up amid much enthusiasm." atruoted between Midland and Pene- ' of theline, and a aurvey will be "made 'MInLAND-It is reported that Fret- brook Bros, box manufacturers, of To . route, will erect a factoryat `Midland, ` to employ 150 handa.....Work upon , the Cameron & Playtair mill and that of Chew Bros. at Dollartown is being pushed forward rapidly and V in both cases the machinery in beinginatalled. The work .of constructing \ the large` burner to be used at the Iatter mill has been commenced and it is expected the concern will be ready for work by the opening of navigation.-...ThMere will not be a mill idle onGeorgian Bay this year, said _ex-Mayor Beck, "the Pene rarguiahene lumberman, to The News recently. `*They.,will have all they can do, and for a time will run. night and day. - When asked as to the probability` of a spur, line being con- canguiahene, he said he was a strong advocate of the work and;.in fact, both, towns are favorable to the line. A movement of a private nature is on` foot, lcokingl to the early construction`. at once. $7 I:w- v Onn.L1A-.-The` Public School Bocrdl has engaged Mics N. Damage, former A lyamember. of the staff. 110.611 the vacancy caused by the resignation of . M in Bell. The nlary in $300 A` `year . . , .The Collegiate Institute Board has decided to piovxde as thorough a. com- mercial education; on is aorded at commercial colleges." 1 This is a. -long ooop so the tight direction . . .At mo meeting of the ` License. Commissioners for En't'8ihicoe on`_ ti:eg23rd` iooo, o wot1i.oiood petition will to pgooooeoa L oPP'i?"o*?`\lt*'!?'"9 favoring th_evA.nctioT4 or}; ljcilhee to Mr W W- , Itobinsm : I,,=6!*` does he wonder and what does he know That we have forgotten so long, long ago? Bathedin the dawn light. what does he see That slow years have hidden from you and me? "Out of the yesterday sceth be yet (me things that in living he soon shall forget, All that is hidden beyond the blue skies. "What is the dream in my baby : eyes? "V Speak to me, little one. ere you forget D What is the thought that is lingeringwhere yet. Where is the land where the yesterdays meet, Waiting and waiting the rnorrows to greet? You wee, funny bundle. who only will blink, What doyou wonder, and what do you think? Brightu the noonlight `asleep in the skies. A What is the dream in my baby's eyes! ,,m...... n....A.. Cu uinnaannn Ila-umno, pales of fat cattle were not extensive. `Many `of the etiockern were shipped tweet byiMAr. McG-nmmon to -Minne- Iapolis. In the fat cattle John Harvie took first prize and Geo. Cunningham second. In is thought the fair will lie ; 1 great success, once esta.bliehed.... . 2 The _Con-ncilof the Board of Trade will memorialize the Dominion Government to take {tip the 9 master of technical schools ; likewise the Provincial Gov- J ornmentk Flor the better protection of? sh in Lake Simcoe. _ i i 0ooKs'row`N-Cookstown will hold at I spring show on Friday, April 20th . . . . 1 Alex. Lamont, a farm laborer, well` known in Cooksto-wn, committed sui cide, by drowning, at the 13th line, Tecumseth, on Wednesday of last week. Some children, on their way to school, H saw the deed and informed the teacher, ' `Mr. Kidd, but when he arrived Lamont was dead....Mr. John Galbraith, of Barrie, is in t vwn attending his son, who has been under the weather the V i past few days....M_r. James Me ' Kenna, who left here last harvest` tor treatment `in the General Hospital, Toronto, died at the institution. On Sunday his remains were interred in St..Michael s cemetery. Mr. McKenna was for a number of years. in the em- . play of Mrs James'S. Du'....We ' copy the following from the Galt Daily Reporter of "March 30th. The Miss * Fawcett referred to is a sister of Mr. Sauel Fawcett, of Innisl :-"'.l`h'e ' nurses of the Galt Hospital the other ' day presented Miss Fawcett, who re cently graduated and is leasing for her home in Toronto on Saturday, with a ' pretty goldring containing two small ' `opal stones, also a neatly worded and appreciative address. In the evening . a few from town were `entertained at * `_ the Nurses Oottage, spending a very l pleasant couple of houre."-World. _ _ Measures otepecity. '1`he`fo1|uwmg measures of capacity i may be found uaefinl to hang up in the kttcheh for easy reference : Four even`t;upo_ontnla liquid `equal has even tgblgopoouful. ` Three evven f.O:Ilp00nful8_ dry material equul_oue everi sublespoonful. _.Sox ean tab oapoonfula liquid equal 060 oupful. V _ ' _ _ _, n_-n_ .1..- __-;;_.:_I v-v --r--r-. Twelve tebleepoonfule dry materiel` equal .one cu;-ful. - fwo oupfuln equal one pint-. A Four oupfule equal one quart. A Four oupfula our equal one quart or one pound. ` ` ' L V 7 A A _ ~ _ A"__` A-- rt -v Eva cnpfuls grnulted sugar equal l.1_0 pound; '. -~ g .~ . .' `l Il...- _: p__`_ _ . '__,___jA_`__. --- r-..-. 1`ivo cuptula solid butter gqual one pound. ' A A L, -,, |; _j _______ ____ _1 " I"' "" V" . sn..;.T.;,%.1` onghau 'onpf1jla powdenfed Luv vvucnw 5 Vuu aye any no--. -- ..v u -- -We ll go and see him tomorrow, said the host. The visit was duly paid to the meat manger. who smiled when he heard the Londoner's eulogy and explanation. un\.n _. n 1.- ..-..-.........I -14.... IIm6no\'ntI A . purely. vegetable remedy, containing: the bestand most benecial properties: knovvm to` Nature, and entirely free from any-mineral ldrugior injurious stimulant. Sufferers in every part of the world have been`: cured, and willinglyitestify to its wonderful" merits. Every box of OUR NATIVE HERBS is stamped with registered number, %an7d. corr- tains a guarantee. r If directions are followed . and no cure is effected, we will refund: your money. There is 200 days treatment V in ~eachi box. A positive remedy. A certain preventive. If your `druggist does not keep it,we will mail `you a box on . receipt of $1.00. i , i M : - Tl-ll: Aionzo 6. 31.155 co.. 232, St. Paul 51.; Montreal, Can. on; we: suerer from Neuralgls and Sick Headache for 3 numbex-of years; NA IVE HERBS cured me after all other remedlee led. ; line. A. M. Tznnnre. Port wafe. N. S. I was amlcted with Belt Rheum for-22 yearn, and 003 NATIVE HERBS bu entirely cured me. I 3110 recommend. it as the best medicine Llnve ever used for stomach troubles. T Mn. Joenrn Hnumx. 28 Barker 52.. B._John.1V'. 3. rrelv. vegetable remedv. co%n-taining thc\ Also sold In powdered torn. sugar eqnnl one pound. One pint milk or water equals one pound. `I I T One dozen eggs should weigh one-and _one-half pounds. 1. I _ Skim milk is heavier than whole ' milk, and cream is lighter-than. either; while pure milk is 3 per cent. heavier lth-an water. ' IIGIIUISU Iulllll I-Qua wuanuu Ah." observed the importer. there's the very man: within two streets of yoiir house. We supply him with all his meat; H ere s his address, headd- ed, handing a slip of paper to the seek- er after succulent joints. _ 4-_:_4v_._-.s AL. _...I._ -4....4..A The following table of proportions is lame valuable. Use : One tablespoonful aodm~to- one cu-pful molasses. V One teaapoonful soda toaone pibtaour milk. i Three teaspoonfuls baking pbwder to rone quart our. ' ' A - - u 7 - V Oz;e-half cupful of. yeast. or one- quarter cake compressed yeast to one pint liquid. F. One-teaapoonful extract to one loaf {plain cake. Ono taaapoonful salt. to one quart coup. due scant cupful of liquid to two full cuptula of our fnt bread. ' Oneiscant cupful of liquid to ione full cupfnl of our ton batters.` One.scant cupful of liqnici to two full cupfuls of flour tor mutns. Four peppercorns, `foui ciove, ne teaapoonful mixed `herbs for eaclrquart of mate: for soup shook. ` -r. A - -- lt"Doean t.Pny to Be Too Sure Until ` ' _0ne Know: All, the Facts. , A certain. Major Brownjones, _ who made it his boast that he never allowed ` American or colonial-meat to be served ,at his table, recently visited an old comrade in Liverpool. One night at dinner a most delicious saiddle of (ap-' parently) Welsh mutton appeared. to . which the major did ample justice. _ 44:1. In L- _L,_.,__...I (`I -.!..I. 4-land -nu L `One quart of water to each pound of meat and bone for soup stock. ` `I1 - It isoften said of good cooks than ' they_never measure, they guess. N ot so. Long experience has taught .them to measure, and measure accurate! y, by means of that, same experience and judgment. This, however, is a moat risky experiment for beginners, Whose pinions are still insuiciently furnished with `plumage for independent aerial uavigation.-Ex. --'The number of deaths during Feb many in; Ontario was 1956 cempared with 2558 the same month last year. -'-The family of the late Mn `ask us to express thro our columns their grateful appreciation of the kind- neaa of friends in Barrie` and elsewhere during Mr. Harper's 'illneIe ' and since his death. ' A -The report of the Minister of Edn- cuion for the year 1899 shows that there are 5,587 Public schools in-On- |tario, an increase of 13 over last year, "and 345 Separate schools, an increase of 5. The salaries of Public school teachers is decreasing. The pveruge salary for 1899 was $321, and, for 1898 `$324; The profession is being mono- poiiaed women;_ Lsst year, of the 8.000 wadhsrs @0891 we W!-one an increase - 123'; Ind-.0-25,656 ` `V I One teabpoonful salt. to t_wo quarts ' We solicit your patronaae. The values re resented h "15 to 50 per'cent., and on your? purchases from 31:13 departufgtwil}czgcsving to `W . : I Will br than 10 percent. _ A e .\Ala I I Pa oars- W. '.E'm-bodsed Fancy Gilt, __-.1. ....:1:nna in mg DUDE I-ltobluu I--\.|.|uo Well," said his friend, tie a matter of fact youhave been eating New Zea- land mutton. But it's only fair to say `that I get it from a friend `who is a large wholesale importer." llI1_ 1"-_- -on... 43;`--96 any-o nnl A6, `Em-boasea rancy um, uxwm, ......-, _ with ceilings to match . . . . . . . 9 inch Border to match-.... . .Pla:in Gilt, cream, buff. fawn, pmk an 9` inch Border to match . . . . . . . . . . . . \ An. assortment of Plain Papers, oral 4 _.....d. A1 '71 an!` l0c_ ` '-il1ch Boider to match . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Plain ' ' ' ' ' ` " worth 6}, 75 and l0c. Remnants in lots of from 6 to 13 Single Rolls at Half Price. mun- ;........ fawn and brown. with oral patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . ` Remnants of from 6 to 1.: Dlugnu Lvuuo .. ....... - ..W, patterns . u o u - . . o u . o . . . . . . . _ . White, cream, fawn and brown, White. cream. fawn and brown . . . . . . Plain Gilt, cream, fawn, gre'v and buff colors, Plum Gilt, cream, fawn, grey and buff cclors, ioral . . . . . . . T ___ _ A L ?k A ` % Fancy Ginghams . . . . . . . . . . `. . Fancy Muslins . . . . . . . . . . . . ._. White Pique . . . . . .v . . . . . . . . . - ~ ~ . . . . n no Serge Dre ' Parisian Dress Goods, __-_.. ....-..:n`I a o o n o u n o o o a . u o o no I'8J'lH!Iiu JJICGD Uvvuu, -u--- -.._._ ,, _ _ very special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' Ladies Pircale and Organdv~Maslin Blouses, assorted colors. . . . .. `Ladies Striped Zephyr Waist: colors pink, mauve, light and dark blue yoke of white insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ , _ _ _. V ~ Ladies White Lawn Waists with tucking back and front and insertion do-I front, including Blouse Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Ladies Black Sateen Waists, trimmed with white insertion, incidixln ,B1ouse Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ Ladies?Corsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,_.-_....anuo-oono-oo-oi o - - . .. . . - . . . . , ,_ II ` ll u . ~ o o . - o o o o o . . . . . . . . . _ _ , , V , Fancy Moire Underskirting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ? 58 inch Half Bleach Table Linen ................................. " 72 inch F1111 u u u border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . I ' 58'inch ColoredTableCoverings.................. Ladies Kid Gloves, fancy backs, dome fastener. in white, black, b.'0wn .(1-41,. grey, Eight and dark tan . . .L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Novelties m Sash Buckles and Pins, Blouse Pin Sets, Cuff Links, Hair. b.1'.11'a.. ments and Fancy Combs. V Gents Gents Christie Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The BemroseBo., X555? '7 IIYIEEXIQ In-nagruru uwnv By Jove, you don t say so!" ex- `claimed the guest. "I wish he'd tell me where I can get the like in town." _- -._.1 _.__ I_l_. `4....-.....-.... M - nnaocvn A9? AVA 59770 The value of the sheries - for the Province in'l899 is estimated at $1,`- 590,477. The value "of trout was $747 000 ; white-sh, $264 000 3 pick- erel, $179,090`; and herring. $165,700. The largest yield gas in the Georgian Bay district," $399,558. --The Parry Sound Star says Andrew Mieoampbellf, the Conservative nomination `?for the Legislature in Parry Sound. A ' -'The London War Oice purposes to `land at 0.99 Town before the end of _Muy.20,000 horses. which will be con- vveyedv there in twenty-three steamers` seilqng frog New Orleans, Buenos Ayreeand Austrolian ports. lTI-\IE`v`_AD\lAANCE." \Jo At ralxluug \1I'0C8l',- S eant 8: 8m! h. Dry Goods, R. on 133, Jeweler, . [Do Bros., Furniture. C Hinds, Grocer, Thee. N.`Hoblev. Grocer, J amea Howe. Baker. 0. A. Perkins, Grocer, Sn!-{aunt 82 am! `h hm; (1. -' 7-I ' I ' I ' W" W" ":'"" to the ordmary, nameless, unwarranted army of footwear sold to whoever will buy them. ` The Slater Shoe is made in twelve shapes, all leathers,` colors, widths, sizes ~ and styles. Every pair Goodyear \Ve1t- ed, name and price stamped on the soles. $3.50 AND $5.00. Fancy Cat1'1'bri;:.}.1i.1'.te.3 ....................................... .' [White Shirts with Colored Fronts and Cuffs. . Navy Blue Neglige Shirts with Polka Dot. .. Work-a-day Shirts in Flannelette, Duck and ` T :vu4-\un r`nl`n9Ia V CI Ilutlvl Bu\\un\.uy Jvnnasuac The majorread; the major started. the major frowned. the major. truth to say. cried vengeance, and no wonder. for the address was that of his own butcher. who dealt only in home prod- uce.-London Sketch. T ` -

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