Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Apr 1900, p. 5

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nM1nes1nc. Advance Correspondence. ' Our. new principal of the public school has arrived, in the person of Mr. A. F. J ohns, of Clinton . . . . Miss Annie Primrosehas returned after an extend- ed visit with friends in Ureighnrst, Goldwater and other places. . . .Several of the townspeople made a friendly call on come of the maple sugar makers the '---1 can-`Inn! Lavina `and Q \ On IDIDB .Ul. |I_l-H? ||'[ ``' ``'5." :""""' '_' other day, and report havmg had a very enjovable time . .'.l.`he members ofour Aoglere Club had an oyster :.3?'j3..f`.:.E`l.2:. 3?,`-, L`;2`;; I".".T"..`.; Ill Wu`, IIDII. UU u.I.\II-I!-nu} vvv..-_B. '1.`wo- members were initiated . . . .The Literery Society closed its meetings, until next fall, on Wednesday evening laet.. ..Miae M.-McLean` and Miss Jenn Standen spent Easter holidays at home. . ' - ' _ Thornton. ` ' ; - Advance Correspondence. ` Miss `Minnie Stewart is visiting friends in Toronto . . . . Mr. Albert Fos- ter left for Toronto on Thursday, where he intends staying for the summer. . . . .Mr. F. Cunningham left for Cole lingwood on Friday. . . .Mr. B. Oun- ninghsm has gone to the Soo for the summer. ...Mr. 'Ambroee Casein is visiting friends in the Queen City this week.._..Mr. V A. H. Lowe visited friends in New Lowell on Sunday . . . .. rm-_. and Mrs`. T. Lennox are visit- ing-."their?:`dsughter`,`M_rs.., Rev.) W. E. :1 Baker; of Snndridge. rs. Lowe is -A ` ' her ~ds`ughte__r, Mrs. Button, of I Hhfii `"959? ' fritar j501l- 85.1 Fergusonvale. Advance Correspondence. Master Bruce Richardson, of Apto, is holidaying with'Mr. Fred Richard- son. . . .DurIng the absence at Rev. Mr. -Skene. the pulpit was ably lled by the Rev. Mr. Coehrane, of Barrie; on Sunday evening last . . . . Mrs. H. Thur- low has retmjnpd after spending a. few v_veek_s with friends in Crown Hill and `I!,,__ A __n;. vnnm Qllfi. weeks Wlln Inuuun ru uun-.. ...... .._.. Barrie. . . . Miss Annie Kerr, Ssurin, was the quest of Miss J. A. Elriok one day last week . . Miss Aggie Hondun spent Sunday at home. . . .One of our old and highly respected residents passed away on.Thursdsy- last in the person of Mrs. Thos. Moran, 3rd line. Mrs, Moran has lived here for over forty years and was a. kind mother and good neighbor. She was-isid to rest in the R. C. Cemetery, Utopia, on Satur- day. She leaves two daughters and ' three sons to mourn her loss. Her husband` died shout thirteen months ago. . . .Rev. Mr. Edington, Wyevale, called on Mr. J no. Richardson this Miss M. Katina: yisited in Lefroy this week. . . .Mr. J as. Smith, Hamil- ton, spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. L. Smith.-.'..Mr. Wm. Morris left on Monday to spend the summer in Kilworthy . . . . Mrs. W S. ' Malay, Tow ronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jss. Sproule. . . .Mrs. R. Bell rettimed` on Monday after a. visit with friends in '.l`oronto.....Mrs. and Mrs. A. T. Arnold spent the Easter holidays with Mrs. Arnold s parents at Brighton . . . . H" A M... n..n:......~..I unnintlm ' P'l'UII|lU Jillafnvvuu u Mr. O. Tracey, Collingwood, was in villagefor a short time last week. I gdodtior have fin Council. A `Town Hm, April 9, 1900. . The fourth meeting of; Council was held this date. _ All the membere pre- | 8930. The Reeve read statement from Bank, of Toronto, Barrie, showing balance to credit of Treasurer on March 313%, whichwae found correct. ' ` Clerk read letter from Geo. Carney, making help, as he was in c ate! -ving. condizion. Councillor Malcolm . wee appointed to enquire into circumstances of Carney and aid him if the case re- quires it._ ` . . ml... at... nrnnnntnd tum tenders for \ qulrea In. The Clerk presented two tenders for teama on roadgrader, W. McDoqgall and W._ Gilchrist, at $3 each pOl'_ diy. Utopia. Advance Correspondence. IIVII 0 The Reeve also laid before the Coun- .cil request of Edward Thompson for a suit of clothes for his son David, as he was unable. to buy same. Laid` over for the present. 5-- D_....L..-J -untunltlu A-u-.I:na6:nn +t`\ IVA vuu rugvuu eGeo. Benstead made application to the Council to aid him by paying for a license for him to sell small wares in the County. Reeve authorized to pro- cure 6' months license for Mr. Ben- i stead and issue order on Treasurer for ' payment of same. 'I ..L..` M..1'\..A` nruuln nnnnnlninf. IIA Ann. I, I-IIIJIIU VA III- John McDn-ii'Vinade complaint. re con- dition of deviation road N. E. {Lot 6, Con. 7. Clark to write Mr. MoDu` i re Eye above. an up 17 `I, ,,,1!.-;2-_ L- ID IUD Iluvv `JO Dugald McKay made application to have a number of pine stumps pulled on crosaroad 5 and 6, Con. 7 and 8. Mr. `McKay to furnish Council with number (if stumps requiring to be pulld. ` '-L_ u-_L. ........uug6n.-I "nn` All lI|llIU\lI John Hunt: requested that hill on line between Gen. 9 and 10, opposite lot 7, be improved. Laid over. lieeve reported that. complaint had [ been made to him that ditch on Cross- road 25 and 26, Con. 1, east of Dalston had become so dep it was dangerous, and that water was washing into road. Clerk to write J. Brown, cverseer, to examine and protect dangerous places until repaired. f` -.._ -31`..- Fl- nnnucxun manna`-A1. -~-v-u.v'"l_ xpresly to; pot be turn V Illl IIIL lvpluun vun Councillor Cameron reported that fence on out side of concession line be- tween 8 and 9, opposite lot 11, was going to be moved to its proper place, and" Mr. Peter Gillespie offered to cut` down trees and pile up refuse if allowed for some on his Statute Labor. Not sruuuwuo Councillor Malcolm was authorized to sell some timber between the Ranges and Gen. 3. opposite Lots 23 and 24 `for which hpplication had been made. l ._,`I L`__L T . _____ __`_r_,_-__,, W 0;)u!`1cillor Pearuli reported that J. D. Brown wished to purchase timber on original Crossroad 10 and 11, Con. 7. __IV'_Io action takeh. ` ,1 l_,_ L_ _ L_____ G Uuvun vuuanvt I . Rgbzrtvarson a'aked `for two trees`- one 91: Can. 7 and the other on Con. 8. ` Not grpnted. ' `VIVL- l.n.`- unnn :uun5-nn`nc' V`-A `AQKQIA I J.` uv EIPIIUUIIQ The Clerk was instructed to forward the following to Co. 01erk:-In answer to your request as to our mode of im- | , proving our roads, and to suggest a more practicable method than by Stat- 4 ate Iahor, would any that the Statute. --..- -- v- V: -wav--o Complaintvwa;-made `that road op- npoaite W. 3;, Lot 11, Con. 11, Grosg- road 10 and 11, was too narrow on account of Andrew Horne s fence being on the road. Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Home to remove fence without delay. a t"C-.._ _:II-_. GL___ -.__2_ 1_._-_-._I_L ..._ Councillor Show again brought up the matter of road, C1-oaaroad_ 20 and 21, Con. 14, to Townline Oro _and *Orillia. Clerk instructed to write again ,to Mr. Adam, Toronto, as to con- tents of his dead. q 1 n.q I-cl V\4nn vs: vs at vavvuo i The Reeve and Councillor Shaw were appointed to meet at the Ole:-k e oice on May 4th to lay out route for road grader. TL- l.'.I`l-_!_.. ----._..L.. _-.... ....- The following accounts were pre- sented :-Treas., Medonte. balance due on Townline O. and M., 1899. $14 67 ; i A. Miller, goods for Smith children, $4.28; H. T. Blackstone, Times, Board of Health cards, $1.75; Geo. Wynes, repairing road in 1899, $1.90 ; J. W. Emma, damage for road, Turk and Emma, $2.7 5 3 F. Buchanan, cedar for Alberta & Co.,$60.3O ; Coun- cil services, date inolnded, $38. On moeilm of Malcolm 'a.d Shaw the .l$lIJI Next meeting at . the -call of the Rove. 11' `I lI`___ __-__ Vhasdecidedtogive ' ivocal and Piano Lessons o n o In.` -gap-`-u--. . Her Qualications are as -fo`llows : PIANO--Tcacher's Certicate with first-class hon- ors in all subjects. from the Conservatory of Music, Alma. College, St. Thomas. I urcstunv A ,,,,,!I -1: I)..- \Y D-LI!.. _f II!-I-..` lessons in Music. I Klllll JIIICSFQ Nllrc C IIVIIIIIOC VOCAL-A pupil of Eva N. Roblin, of Milan.` (Italy) Cohsetvatory of Music. 119,- II- .___I__II _.2|I _..4\ 5---`. `YIALII-5 _Inn.n- I \&Zly] Vvuuuu vuuvn an uncanny- Miss Campbell will also teach Vlolln Music, and give lessons in Water Colors. " c--_!-I _A;_._;:... 1. A:....A.-A L. I... lnnu-`I CIIII `IVY X33135 III `F IUVII `IV-VGIVC Special attention is directed .to the Choral Olsen. which Miss Campbell conducts every Friday afternoon. at 4.30 at the address given below. ~` _ _ _.n r___.|___ ___.:-._1_.. _..._s_. __...-._-u.. BUIIIUIJII b Qggv no sun uuunwao 6|` an uunvvvo For tetfns and further particulars apply personally or by letter to Miss Carnpbell l EXCHANGE BLOCK, sm DUNLOP s'r., BARBIE. E 2 Rooms for offices. in Ross Block. No. 9?]. Street. F` f It ' oocuped t I lb \X7aIIn!r\III|Av::t-n:It nn Int 11'` 1 Win vell known grown #9 V ` I I\\IIIIllD av: vu-uvvv up Qivww -anvvn. guys -7`. -auJoouVIr `Street. Fire roof vault; at resent by `Dr. Walla. ill be vacant on at of mi} next. A gain in Buric. Januarv. I900- mss ETIIPBELL TO RENT OR LEASE ....IN BARRIE.... H. J . Tunnorn, ' Clerk. Cc Ho Vt-` Into: IILES. {that p,1a.te.< 3 Am Edits : peas 0! VVMU {I [UH replied the , I ayng city- :1 songs, nful. chant. 1 loudly um - -uni: .nnI\ | author u you`.tl:'ink _ the _o V E; '51?` othnr` > again. . } gostmiatreu pstino comspg man. Hon `neighbor-won` gl sands-anylle avorit see` it - undeuhei fxcert bywnatul He `ontliuslq L a 1 cut` `it do; A tlzo math K$\IIl V UV 011; Voh: '- ca}: Lrvan` belng I`JHBbUl' u}-I v.vuu--U3---v- ~v- v`-v-- The choir rendered an appropriate Easter anthem in very excellentetyle. Miss Tillie Ostrander, who has been living in Barrie for the past two or three weeks, weebrought to her home 1 here on Wednesday, suffering from a." i very severe sore throat, which become, alarmingly worse at night. Dr. Heaslip, of Hilledele, was called and found the young lady suering V from 9. hralivgnsnt type of diptheria. The place has been quarantined and every precau- tion has been taken to prevent the spread of the disease. In the village there is considerable comment on Mien ` 1.9 _.Your name must nooompe T1 nwenr Cjeireoondencg " It is neces- e will not makeeany enoh name Om-ander ee `-being V ellewied leaye Iv." ndenb in h 'thecortIP _ . "- . V 'It`$:)w evelryzlggtyeroand one cent will be onicient postage. y. Do not 388 e - . paw . nurst. e V _ Advan(::a1C:" dne Bung where` she must haveoontz-acted M rim, school teacher, is the disease. V .t!-..K.. ` " . - . 91109 f Uralnhurst. Advance Correspondence. M, K,` Morrison, is . She; parents at Guthrie. of Toronto, is the guest of w, G.,C. Canton. ' Geo, Marshall is attending a confer-. rethren at Toronto. the B M, Rhyndress and two children, of B81-e, are. visiting at D. Boulton s, J amieson, Principal of the A Mi sy.` . . . 15 vxsltmg her parents at here) Bar,ri9- . Mm M ccann left here on Tues. y McC=mn Tues- her mother in the N orth- n and family ha_ve removed ' M... a farm, Oro, to this` ihero an than who Islam ..._|:..`.I LL- gvoning. T _- o . V M, J,Laing1a very poorly, having beeg(;0DI1edt0 his room tor the past two weeks. - . M13. K, McLean of the Conserva- .gory of Music, Toronto, is home. visit~ - her parents. - V - mg _.-.. nan ..'nn Viitnf--J. Of wgE:;e::t:<;nEi'on visitors-J. Firth Midland was the guest of. his cousin, J. L. Firth last week. ' The Rev, Mr. Cochrane, of ` Barrie, cmducted the service at the Presby-v mian church on Sunday. , I` L`- _ _.- ..-- -amnion`.-an Vdflllu VI-"""` "' " The oountenances of t1;e sugar makers me much brightened by the splendid M of_ gap on Friday and Saturday. ' Every available seat was lled at St. John s church on Sunday, the occasion being Easter and C_ommunion Service. - .1...a.. ... nAm~nd an anoronriatej I/--Cor'resp"ondenJts; Special Sale $3.00` $3.50 $4.00 aw .McIivride entertained a few [8 at 8. tag}: party on Monday -In um, ....,,_ N ` '"Bh.:`:h:e:*::"`:::;;,rW 1?$1?:;6?;:.?:::`;:?* .%; ::::::;' %:::if";:s::.:::tI;; This lot comprises over 100 pairs Congress genuine G00dYar Welt .8` from the choicest leathers in T31}. 0` '1ate,_Vici Kid,.Black, Box Calf 9fn_d English Enamel. s ' % an The Shapes, though a. little nar1;);vi:1-g F11 19 Present St3'1s' are very. easyd '11 kotting most stylish. If You areI.1tereste_' IrAlet.L()`s3 a $3.00 to $4.00 Shoe for $2.50 "19 ` . 4 ; Se %3i5P137%i` these bargains Is this Week 7 _e ` % % % " west window. nu laI.I.Iu._y llwvv -.,._-. Emm farm, Oro, tl;i; I-`O R__.-, rnom nun. rises 100 pairs, Lace and ine Goodyear Welt `soles, made est Ten, Calf, ChecO- Black, and Kid, and On Friday, while J. Higgins was assisting his father in omitting down a stub in the sugar bush, it fell in snoha way as to catch the young man's hand between it and another tree, A crushing the hand in a terrible manner. The sufferer was quickly` oonveyed to the surgery of Dr. Heaslip, at Hillsdale, where it was found to be necessary _ to remove a portion of the bone 1 to save `the hand. _ 'Advan9e.Correspo2':dence. Mrs. Edwards is still very low. Mr. J on. Edwards. of Barrie, hlled on friends Monday. ' . Moaara. Walter: land A'.l`l1omlaa Allan spent their holidays in Toronto.` ' - Mrs. `Wright, o't'7Mari:h':;1:1;-ilas been i visiting wlbh her father," . Mr. H. Sloan. _ V Jae. Oonlten, wo has been liv- fornome time at Port Robinson, has returned home. . ` T ' ' The hrave hunters huve made sever- al raids on a fox. den, but cannot get clone enough to the foxes. They wish they had Long Tom for an hour or two. V The following area number of. visi- tors in the village and neighborhood :- Miss Maggie Todd, of Toronto, with her brother ; Miss F. Truman, of Bar- rie, with her grandfather, r. H. Sloan; Messrs. Walter and allsce Rockwell and their sister Maud, of Toronto, with their parents; Mr. J. W.`Sloan, of Toronto, with Mr. R W. Sloan; Master Will gloan, of Calling- wood, with his paroutl. Mr. L. Eilli ;;a';o.; Spent Sdnday 9 with friends at Mitchell Square. r not jdhow iabb, ialigl Np;.I.B[ee: 'your {uni} .\\\\\\`I\\\ Mr. W. J. Goulter rec.eived a car load of Manitoba wheat last Friday. ` Mr. Ballard, who has been in- our midst for some time, left on `Monday. for Moncteal. T Mr.'1-1`c>`l;e-1_-ins and family, of Holiy, have moved into the village, having Pa1nsw'1ck. ' Advance Correspondence. PER PAIR. in M the Iatest % Eh. first: `I hadn't as u,hm-scnue.,e :%uIh`h'i,,of 'l';r ento,"l[r,. aha jllI"I.nE. once, of etsngnish 1-. C. Blsokmoren of hMon:-21, spent Easter with friends in the neighbor- hood. } Mr. J. 1'E;aTi:a:::$a.m 1. Wednesday. ' > [ V I V V Mr. Lou Guest is home from North B3? on a visit. - V Cong:-(etnlalv:i'ons are extended to Mr. iA. Purvie on the arrival of a young son. e t The eopmeohtng `departure of Rev. Mr. Dingmen for Toronto is regretted by :11. . ' ' "SevVeral- of our ybting men intend leaving shortly for Midland and the Nor_th-West. _ ~ - Mr. `end,-Mire; E." Cnnninghnm are spending their Easter holidays with friends in Toronto. Cherry Creek, Advance Lon-espondence. Miss Edith Wilson, - of Churchill, visited at Mr. -J. Misoampbelfs last week. ' - A T It is reported that Mr} Ftahk Roger- aon, `an, of the 3rd-. line is ill with pneumonia. V A ` 1 ' Mr.-Noaih` Gmlsovislted Toronto last week, paior to going to work for "Nor- mi gs` We uhdemtanci Mr. Blain; of .Gi1- ford, has bought out Gavin 'Allan?s otfeamery a_t Churchill. Ealrview. Advance Correspondence; ' Mrs. D. M. Clark is recovering from a severe illness. _ ' ` We are sorry to ledrn that izhe Ben- nett family are on" the sick list. 4 A Mr. Frgd McG1-ath took his depar- ture, for Duluth a few days ago. . ' Miss Geo;-g!Vns left for: Toronto onl Tuesday hat, where aha intends to re- moin for some time. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm: N`i"ghtingale spent Frjidy with Mr. J. Bateson. Anton Mills. , . L A Advance Cofrolpondence. Miss Amanda Carson returned to Toronto` last week. . . .Marshall Gib- son, of Elmvale, spent Sunday with- Mr. S. Pratt. . . .'Mr. John Wilson, of New York, spent Easter with his friends here. .Mr. D. Jacobs,_ of Barrie, spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Wilson. . . .Mr. Thos. Culford has` moved into Mr. Brown's house. Mr. Inklev will move onto the farm vacat- ed by Mr. Culford. .. .Mr. John Brown and family are removing to Mariposa this week. . . .Born, on Wednesday, April 4th, to Mr. and and Mrs. A. Smith, a son....Mrs. Brown, of Waverley, is `visiting her father, Mr. Wm. McDougall'. . Mr." A. Smith, of Toronto, is visiting friends here . . . .Patrick Donlan went to Gollingwood on Tuesday. . . .Miss Violet McMiohael, of Toronto. visited l her sister, Mrs. C. Wilson on Monday. m|.___....1-_ .........-.. 1...; ml ... HUI` BIQIUL, .J.II.swo \Ic vv ouluvnn V... ......_- .. . . .On Thursday evening last, A. Knapp p supporters in the last election held an oyster supper at his res1dence.f About -fty guests were present, among whom were Mr. W. A. Boys, of Barrie; Rev. .A. '1`. Ingram and Mrs. Ingram, of Minesing; and Mr. and -Mrs. Vollmer, of Elmvale. After enjoying the sumptuous repast provided by` the ladies, who. fall): sus- tained their reputation in this line, a splendid programme was rendered, con- sisting of speeches and songs by Mr. W. A. Boys, selections on the grapha phone by Mr. Garrett, etc. The evening's entertainment was brought to a close in the wee ems hours by the singing of "For he's a jolly good fellow, and God Save the Queen.

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