Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 29 Mar 1900, p. 1

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rom` able IVI&Iv:- - V Private -funds to loan at spar .-.... `farm: to unit bonjowgr WATBH FMJTS. SUNNIDALE AND TINY, ' Death arm`-. J. 3. Harrell, J. P. -' WIUIIEI uv -\ 5 and 556 per cent. on Mortgag . LOUNT R LOUNT, V V -L - Bun'istcrI.Burtico 3?:-ah. _, V _0_ppndteR.R._Stntion.A "ll, ` I H \ ' ',`.. "- 5-ly IN rm; bouwrv or smoon. Moutv 1'o"EoAN. : ,1- A- Inna Inf 1 Ilf Canto 0' I-`on sue. - IN THE TOWNSHIPS OF 3 name, age nnu plw Box 499. Toronto. DUNLOP STREET. I2 Pagf ":6 unit borrowers. no cnuw cqmpnny. Apply personally ~ 'h}-dwood bush r;_two acres begring man can be given about ; good ounc- - I-chard ; soil March. ` IOIII I I 5 PUD L Annlv n -nnnll. HARRY MARR, . BARR_[E.V BARRIE. -"ran ADVANCE." `alto WV vv ans`, Mortgages : Solicitor. A -- n..-.:. THE INTERESTS OF BARRI3. THE COUNTY OF SIMCOB AND THE DQIIINION OF CANADA CU` CRITERION. `:3-`rs UPI I V o . cent. on farm pro- ara. No connection I" DP !-Property of the I` -5 'I'.nl- on. Can, .- Spring V Barrie. 0 or by TCIIQ For -nA\ll( BARBIE, COUNTY or SIMCOE, ONTARIO, MARCH 29.1900. Ae we entered Frawley & Devlin : store on the occasion of their Millinery Opening, we fully realized that spring at laet must be here. This beautiful store seemed to` be in holiday attire` and everything looked bright and attractive. The various departments 1 were tastefully arranged and the moat ex- 1 uieite things in the newest goods of all eeoription were on exhibition throughout 1 the entire etore, which, large as it is, was 1 thronged all day t ' 1 II|`dnAnI!'t`AI\nIitrvunz'\6- human A` nnnran l vuavuuu ill ' _ The millinerydenartrneiit, was of course the main attraction of the day, and as we . entered the beautiful show room. plants of every kind with foliage and artificial owers (which we could scarcely `distinguish from the real) in abundance seemed to settle the question of weather and to carry us right into summer at once . The room is certain- ly a beautiful one. and although the millin- ery ditplayed there requires nothing to enhance its beauty. still the decorations and tasteful arrangement displayed in every detail are certainly additional strong proof of exquisite taste of the designers. Small tables containing plants and handsome jars of owers added greatly to the appearance of the room, while drapings of handsome tun-I-ulna (nun: inn!-. I-ha u-nnniahn nrtintin 3% EJ33.EI'"v3Ex1e`EF3i?g"Zs"i'..n"&L3`&I curtains eve just the requisite artistic touch of ark coloring. ` TBA I-unntlnnrnn aka:-n-nn~nnn mason :1". faith.` IIUIIUII UL IIDIB UUIIJIQIUSI ~ The handsome show-cases were all- taste- fullyldecorated with the newest novelties in mlllinery trimmings '-such as handsome buckles aigrettes, rare pieces of `expensive /*` lace. skeleton leaves in Lies and all neiv shades and handsomeowers of all descrip- tion of which roses and all large owers are the most: correct. ~ 112-- n1'_2_s.- .__l__ 1.... :.._s. ._-4......_...I ........ ` UIIU IIIUIII UUl'I'UUUo . _ Miss Wright.(who has iiuet returned from I trip to New York was quite prepared to give us the desired hints regarding the cor- rect thing ' 'l`m'.I...... 1-.` all -`manna All!` -319: AVA \."I"V I UV ll UIIIIIK Turhans of all shapes and sizes are very. much in evidence. Many of themheing worn well of the face and others pretty well tilted .over the eyes. Many of the large hats for spring wear, are also shown Ao the face. The newest shades are all pastel and seem to blend with everything, tuscan and earn are also correct. Grapes and fruit of all kinds are new features of the `season, while ohiffons and miles, nets and soft laces of all kinds will be favorite trim I mings. . `I .nnIp AC nnnnn nnmnnln nu kn nnlnnf. nnlv 8. Luci: of space compels no to select only a. few of the many baaubitul trimmed hats for apecinl mention. A human Klan`! hnf wmd COYHB ` HPUUIII uwuuluu. A large black hat which would come under the heading of Art Hats. is called the Sappho_ and is made in folds of black maliue with soft roll of folded maline on edge trimmed with one soft blak plume at left side. drooping from a mass of soft folds and nished at back with one long tie and jet buckles A nun-u hnnnnrnn lnahnrn WAR trimmed Jet oucams A very handsome leghorn was trimmed with soft green silk clouded with creamy renaissance lace nished in front with cluster of violets in three pastel-shades. khaki, lavender and pink. A -v---v n.iIn`l O-n-Jnknn IIIIII maria hf fidd Iavenner auu puns. A very swell turban was made of folded black net edged with tuscsn, straw. the only trimming being a soft chow of black ostrich feathers. out of which rose _a. black osprey, velvet bow nished back, the e'eot was simple elegance A mum nu-gum knnnn wnrn well off` the simple elegance A very pretty toque worn well off the face was made of Rose de Barry straw, it had `a handsome sequin crown and was trimmed with pastel foliage and natural looking grapes. iv. .....:...A mu-+.inn]m-Iv n verv nrettv Iootung grllgpuu. We noticed particularly a very pretty corner of children's hats and also another. {very taatefullv arranged table of charming bonneta. 1- _,2u L- ..-_.-...l.........I O`n:n `imam Innlr` their . bonnena. 7 It will be remembered this rm held their re1:Mil|inery Opening just one year ago and we are pleased to notice from the bril- liant opening of this year that the unsur- passed success which then attended their efforts is still theirs. ll_ `l3..-...I.... -.......I.n unhik no-An} nrirln nf ` efforts 1! Chill Delfl. Mr. Frawley speaks with great pride of their millinery and dwells particularly on the fact that the beautiful collection of trimmed hate on exhibition are all executed by their ownworkera, though many of them are exact duplicates of Parisian and New York` .patte_rna _ _.__-`- -sun:-`Au-annutllnvlli v__-v_ Messrs. Frawlev& Devlin have added a special carpet department to their store A beautiful room tcthe left of the stairway up stairs has been specially t! ed up after the style of the great Carpet Emporiums of the city. Suspended gracefully from the ceiling on" either side are lengths of~carpets of all kinds and Japanese mattings of new and pretty designs. mats, Japanese rugs, Brussels rug, oil cloths and linoleums. ~ This department is a handsome addition to the extensive store, There is also a full line of_ and, no doubt. will meet with liberal pat- 1 ronage. o:---j-QC-------: \l|hbavn.v -n---w-u After being published nine years as a quarterly,` Current History (Boston. Mass ) now makes its appearance as a monthly. The character. the scope. and the general editorial direction of the work undergo no change. The literary and historical stan- dard ie fully maintained: while the useful- ness of the,magazineae a aumniarv of con- temporary history in increased by a more abundant use of potraite, maps, and other illustration: and the greater trequenc of the inner gives an added ireehneee an in- - 7--L ml... u...-In ~ nnham-intion urine in ggljeat. $4.50. Mr. Peter. McIntosh, Barrie. has com- pleted a new wharf at Shanty Bay, which the people of that locality are paying for that they may have a good dock for exonr eion purpoeee. It is built of one solid crib, 138 feet long and 20 feet wide, and contains 55 toiee of atone The to`: has been lled in with email stone` and ater on, willbe nished with fine gravel, which will give a surface quite equal to. and much more durable than plank. The dock ie of the rengaaed. a moat aubetantlal and durable `kind, and re- ecte credit on the builder and all other: ` V .. > V > UOUU Q!-lwwo o-7.. ..._..-_, `_ x Impertinent questions are to be met with rm andydignied politeneee. Any queetion about enother e personal eifeire, about the price of'one e clothing, the amount of one : eerninge. the renone one. has for entire! private conduct, in impertinent Would enewer eueh ueetionet . Not at all Um- ully. by a. litt e hot, one on newer euch -queetionere. . If there is no other way, I eouneel e. loin but oourteoue sincerity-0. glmple ire ueet; to `tuner. _ One ,n;_ny iuet in .f~."P`Fl!!";"!196ev;e'f'P59`!`"WW? we we svrawmy `aha 'nevi1n's Millinery. I VI Inliwv uv - 1r- as : Pardon me.I New Whaugt Shmty Bay. NEW CARPET DEPARTMENT. me: give: tn auqeu lruluuuuu ...... ...- _The yoo.r1yIubsoription price? Current Hmtory Judgment is Given in the long-standing Suit, Priest vs. F1_oe '1`oWnehip..~ Thomas Hodgina,` Q 0.; oicial referee, has notied Heweon & Creawicke for the plaint.i',vPrieat, and W F W. Lent, for the ,_. |.I..C......I..-.5. I'M..- VI` nnnn an `MI-nnlb. hnuh-ta Itain}itf,71>iieiE,* and W ;he defendants, Floa Township, that hnvxng `Anal: 3-; than `An:AnnnA fhn [LA fA`I'I(`l'|}. IIUIUIIUHUCI. I'll)! LUVVIIIUIP, IIIIDII unvaua found in the `evidence that the defendant. municipality had not constructed the` drain outlined and described in the Engineer's re- port of 5th August, 1897, the result from that nding is that the municipality cannot claim the benefit oi the bv-law No. 298, and that the damagesdand costs in this case must be charged against the whole township and not the drainage area. - An:-I I-Inn:-an nian hmn that than llnhi HUI? IIIIU unuuugu DISCO: And having also found that the plaintiff s lands and crops have been damaged by the water which has been brought down by _MarlCreek in large quantities and greater speed owing to the work done to the said creek bv the ' defendant municipality, I assess the plaintiE e damages at`$200 and give him the costs of the proceedings. The elaborate preparations made by this popular house for their annual Spring Open- iug was juatied by the big crowds and the success in every way that attended the mil- linery event of lyesterdav _ Au..- nrIrn=II:ntl 9|-m hmmtifnlivairanned unary UVBIW UI. .yul|u's'utay . After admiring the beautifully-dressed _windows, a persons attention is next at- ` `acted to the main store which is literally sacked `with the finest and best lines of reuse goods and other dry-goods. Next comes the handsome millinery room with Miss Brownlow again in charge The patterns shown are exceedingly handsome and of great variety, suited to all customers. Foliage and owers, nets and chibns are used freely in trimming. the popular colors shapes the turban is one of the newest things. ' A .......u.. a.....Iu.-. .1-man mic-In tnnnnn straw being `pastel shades in all delicate tints. In` vuluga. A pretty turban shape with tnscan straw crown Is draped around the rim with soft sash with silk fringe, nished with immense rosette of tulle and ribbon velvet bows and jet ornaments. A 1 .1-unis: nhnnn in llllld Of f8.Wn Straw ` J6` 0l'UHlllUl.llUa A Louis XVI shape is made of fawn straw trimmed with large drape of chion and straw, with large rosettes of owers and chiffon ALIIIL _ 11-1.- 2.. - 1-....- L1nn`9 `.150 A` unlvnl` cmnon The Bobs is ejlerge black hat of tucked chion trimmed with three large plumes and large bow across the front, jet ornaments and b`nck ribbon velvet. ,` _ no-nu _ rn__A,..-In :- - .......A.a... ;......u. n. L-I:.-.. 2 of Gxaxoi anu D'BcK rluuon vclvuu. Q__` _ The Gener_a.l is a pretty toque inhalin- trope chiffon with clusters of violets, cream lace and paste! buckles ; collar to match made of violets lace and chiffon. T ` ,,_ _I____ _'_ .1... Q..:I.._ `Lint Inna Jn maae ox Vloleul IIIUU uuu umuuu. Anew shape in the Sailor Hat has dip brim front and back. The ready-to-wear hat and the sailor with low crown and flat rim sre also stylish and pretty. The regul er monthly meeting of the Board of Management was held in the Library Rooms on Monday evening Members pres- ent, Donald Ross, (lhairrnan ; Major Smith, R. l. Fletcher, Judge Bove. Mrs. Creswicke. W J. Hallett, J. M Bothwell. l'l\L- l-II.....:..u innnnnnta thorn nrrlnrn-:1 tn V7 U. l.l.u|u.avv' on 0'- .-.......---. The following `accounts were 1 he paid :- V H. Edwards, salary for March, . .. T. Brigham. cutting wood, .. Sundries, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 9 I E W ;L- T.`_.L KIHLIV-I I A U Q u u - u u - u - - - . . . - v V . . _ V . , , Mrs. Oreswicke for . the Entertainment Committee, reported the total receipts for the Mother Goose Fair held inthe Town Hall at $155 38 and that the net proceeds had been applied in reduction of the mort- gage. The report was adopted and on a motion of W. J Hsllett and J. M Both the thanks of the Board was extended to the ladies who had so generouslv assisted the committee in making the Entertainment a success. ` rn:__ `l.1:_-_-- lV.........:aa....-. u-Ana.-rn that success. . The Finance Committee reported that the nrincipal of the mortgage had been re- puced` from $2000 to $1800 and the rate of interest from 6; per cent to 5; per cent. `[1 m.I`.......A.. um. nnnnnnrl I'.hr-nrinn hv Interest Irom og put uuuu up ug um. vcuu. H. Edwards was engaged Librarian by the month 3:320 83 f'l1I_- _\_.._.....-n u-an Snnfunnfnta fn nnlifv me mourn arrwau oo The Secretary was instructed to notify the members in writing of the expiration of their subscription A nuurnknn A` null! hhnltl Ef HPARTHA to ' melt auuscnpuou I A number of new books were ordered to: ` be purchased immediately. L The Barrie branch of the _Red Cross So 1 ciety has now completed its work, at least I for the present . It was organized on Febru-, 4 ary 26th, and on March 13th it ended its 1 slabors. Thus in less than three weeks it 1 had raised the sum of $162.92, and had ready to he sent 03 a large bale of articles most useful for the sickand wounded I`his great expedition was due entirely to the - good will and energy of all that took part , in the work: that is, of the people of 1 1 1 Barrie. `Those that gave, gave quickly; those that worked, worked hard and um selshly. All were animated bv the re of sympathy. love and patriotism Verv path stic, very inspiring was it to receive oers of help from those who declared that since they could not give out of their slender means, they wished to give their time and work Asa matter of fact, everyone in Barrie was. represented in the Red Cross subscription list in the grant of $75 by the Town (`ouncil.- Then the Citizens Band generously gave all its share__ ($16 00) of the receipts from the last patriotic concert. The Ladies Coffee Room made some $70, and here mention` must be made ofxthe very great services rendered by $11. H. Otton, & Son and J. H. Neelands. It is, therefore, only simple justice` to say that the great success of our local branch of the Red Uross Society was due to the fact that all Barrie` was behind it. .We append an abstract of V the treasurer- s `statement : . ' Receipts-- : o o u s u o s o ..;..l. s o s o elthyenen , '1`own`Counoil.......'.c . . . . . . . . . 75 00. , Ladies ColfeegRoo_m.._ . . . . . . . . . `"70 42 PRIEST ems $900 Am) dosws. Exp;nf1inu- Dry Grooerien.......,.......'. VTotal...;.................t37?2 Belanoeon hand: . . . . . . 3 89 60 This balance will be at once nut to the central committee It 'l`o_ronte._' _ - = ` - Auction Sales. - On Tuegday, April 10th. Mr. G. R, Ford will 3911 his implements, . stock. household furniture, eto.. on his proper ,'oo:-nor, Ron, Welllngmn un<%1;~.'l!hompoon - mm, j_bot_t_er l*!"dd1 3-H o'clock: Vair, Vickers 85 Co.'s Opening." Barrie Public Library. Red Cross Society. . ordered to ....s2o 83 1 50 mm; a~.- __ 3, TM! [The Latest News Many B.aadahl`a Paragraphs of a Local ~Intarast. ` -."-QU Vi ZJZ& Ion ` -Mr.4 James Vair received a. carload of * salt. pork from Hamilton on Monday. r:n-u. 4\.-._I. ...... Gal:-nun, BAA- `Iln4I_ -SMnz?dav was a vkery: busy day ii: town. NEW Maple sugar and-syrup at, BOTBWELL9. ` -u . u 1 1 1 p ...... ..... -.-.-. .._-------_ ,_ -_, ` Fish. mam sea, saImou.}$65L Bath ` doc-Is. Herring, Smelu. otc., at B0 l`H- - an In 1\ I `I\ ,1," ` `V13;'Saturday Mrs. Fox Davis. Denlop street east, fell near her door and broke her arm. -Atwoocent subscription is to be taken M up in the BC I`. in aid of the Sick Child- ren : Hospital, Toronto. 13- . , . . .__1 __ -I.1 ..._ ..... ...:...I 8....-....-. awn: u A.-var`:-cc-- ..v- v--v. ` . --Fire destroyed an old unoccupied frame ` house on Elizabeth street, early Monday morning. ' | an I` .1J__I__ 1_J-. -.L-"!.-AA K lIIUII.I'I-I6- -Mrs. Garvey, an elderly lady whohved in town for many years, died last Thursday afternoon. M ains -Mr. R. H. Barker, of Sharon has _pnr- lchssiedv a. flour mill at Edgar and will take possession at once. is 1\ `n-.L_ _..__-I_-.. _....L Q....An.. lavuuvuunvon -u u.- V-- --Re_v. Dr Potts preaches next Sunday, 1 morning and evening. in Collier street] Methodist church. ` : uvvn-vunuw \ -. -- V--. -+The Collegiate Institute students are ! busy preparing for the Easter examinations | \ which begin next week. nu I , n,-...n_*l_- ...--;:_... .. 6|..- """"' "'5'" """ " ""' ` ` --The regular monthly meeting of - the 7 W G. ' T. U. will he held next Monday ufyernoon at. three o'clock. I - '2 |t-..._..:_ |\_-.. lvvuyv-on-v~ru- -- v..- -v --A ten cent. pavclggweyiof Magnetic Dyes I and very little work will make a new blouse: of your faded silk one. Try it. " 3 " our u-`wanna Al I ,,A_ ],_______L`__) I-nvvnuvvu -.-- w.'_.._ ' ___'.-_ --The ag on the C.-(`mart Hoxlel flbafed at ;half mast on Mondav, owing to the death of County Councillor Horrell of Midland. p r\ \l_l3___l ..-... V- I V * - - - ' - - - - - - v - ~- --. -~- ` ` --Hon. William Mulock was banquetted ` in Thornbury and Meaford last. Friday } afternoon and evening, respectively. A I vvuuv 1 \rvu.~-.---- -By the removal of Dr. McFa.ul from` Stavner, the presidency of North Simcoe` Relorm Association becomes vacant. Stay- ner will also have to elect another Mayor. lava III up-uv nu..- vv -._-~- -__---_ _, -;Mr. John Powell? is assishing in the post; oice this week in the absence of Deputy Postmaster Todd who has been_ obliged through sickness to go off duty for a week. - D --- - ..ovu -Jares McDonagh [went to Toronto last ` 1 Thursday and passed a successful exa.mina- \ tion for entrance to the Halifax garrison. He makes the sixth member from Barrie on that force. vuinv u -15 1 ` -E. A. Little, M.P P., has been suffering ` from In. grippe for three weeks. but with ditculty has attended to his Legisiative duties in Toronto. He is at present rapidly regaining his former health. `l 75' V l - 7-- I'fT-..-I .... -5-An nn ............,, ---_ , -Mrs Bingham. Worslev street, re- ceived n cablegram last Friday from London, England, saying that hereon Private Harrv Bingham had been removed from South Africa. to Netlev Hospital, Southampton, England. He is suffering from fever. ! In: I I I,A.2.,._ 2.. f\ .... __......L n..u--u::-Inna ` nugmuu. Inc In nuuvnaus uvu. Avvs-no * --The lobbying in Government corridors touching the selection at License Commis- sioners for East Simcoe was ended on Mon- day by the appointment of the following gentlemen to the Board :-John Mcnernuott... Waiter William Carter. Edward B. Alport. 'VlIlIu\4I vv lluiuuuun gr..- --_, __ --Aa William Jeremy, near Little Lake, was shooting crows last Wednesday after- noon, the breech blew out of his gun, de- stroying one of his eyes and badly lacerat- ing and disguring `his forehead Burnt" powder thoroughly blackened his face. He is recovering. -- , !.__'L:..__ ._ 1A.....l.... 6'--. -At the nominations on Monday for Public School Trustee, Ward 1. Messrs James Ball. J. .A. McCarthy and James Jamieson were nominated. Mr. McCarthy has retired. Mr. Ball : resignation was handed in on Wednesday morning. and was. also accepted. Jamieson is therefore elect- i ed by acclamation. _ -_ . ran an!!! A13 QDTTIPRT WVADT IAQ ID lvvvvun-nay l `WA, 1"I*JAl' U1` Dlhvmn .l.t\DlJ1`JD' and a choice program in which the best talent of Barrie will take part will celebrate the anniversary of the rebuilding of Eliza- beth street church on Tuesday evening. April 3rd. The feast will be served from 62 to 8 o clock. The proeram at eight. Tick- ets % cents. children 15 cents. V ~,__.A _L2_. 2.. CHI`! ll V9115. vs-nos-u-- -v '--.-V- -The total receipts of Essa. township` in 1899 were $l7290.86 and the expenditures 816170.04, leaving 9. balance of $1120 82. The tax account. for the yes; was $14435 71', all of which was collected exec-pting $14 54. $2l66 13 was spent in roads and bridges, $5953 66 in miscellaneous ways, $176 80 on indigents. $865 for salaries and $7008. 45 on schools . * `I l.,I___II-_. __j a\5II\I|II --Mr- Wm. Mann. 9. bookseller and etationer here for many years in Mann e book store, died in Toronto last Thursday after alingeringillneea. He lived moet of his life in Barrie and had many friends who were much grieved over his sickness and death The funeral took place on Friday afternoon to the Union Cemetery. He was forty-seven years of age and unmarried. I\,,,I_ -2 fI'V-___L- `D....-:.. `man an lIIIIp"S\iV\luc Jvw--- V. _.a. V, -The Bank of Toronto, Barrie has re- ceived from Mr. Thos. W. Lennox, Thorn- ton, $I50 being the proceed of a concert held at that place on the net. in aid of the National Patriotic Fu and the Red Cross Society which -`includes private sub- eciptione as` well 8100 of the amount has been forwarded to Ottawa for the National Fund and $50 tothe Red Cross. Thi make: $202 50 received no far`by the bank. ll"I___._A -_-_l.I an-nun Ck`. VOVB UV Lvvunvvu -av .w. ,4 -.._ _..___ K -In reply to Parent" would any thet the public echool by-lawn leave the matter". "of afternoon recess optional with the Prin- cipal. it being sent forth, however that there shall be two intervals of ve minutes each during the period for music or cnliethenios if outdoor recess of ten minutes is not `elven This is certainly no improvement on the old fashioned but sensible custom of giving `pupils ten or fifteen minutes every afternoon to romp and play in the open air, and, with u very rnre exception. irrespect- ive of the weather `in- (`I 11 AL gvuy-~- ~ ~ , 'xt T ewritin Twelve I"S":i.g::3?;:ent.S`.CgItu ngpmoro fos- .chin~5- 5P'"..';.. a small half-equipped 0h1~ course 1}" tarork runs ti ht along through July 9 vacations. wriw for Cata ogue. fyAugM w. H. SHA W , Paiuclpnn. __...A can IIIIF PIIIIT ` II` `II UIIU Vvvivoavn -Leec Saturday at noon Mr. C G. At- kinson : team, `attached to a cutter, became unmanageable on Dunlop street. and in then- mqul career ran into ex councillor John Pea.- oock a cutter, in'jurinq`Mr Peacock badly. com lately wrecking bhecutber and knock- ing. own thehorle. Mr. Atkinson : horses "still held!) f_the driver, rushed on, lane were dre.,'pl:,ey touched the Five Points n- Tani nv.-l `-.:tM1.ovl::v-2. by BH- ` 3M* Wi}b9: IA II TI-I\l'I~IIu|v-vnwrz ga, Fl_3AS'l` 0F S_EVEN TABLES; " *`-* -*-*~--- -- II -k:n`\ #5:: Han!- riefly Told. I2 Pages. A large crowd of farmers and gardeaeti and their wives attended the market on Saturday, and a large quantity of produce was o`ered for sale. Butter prices have I downward tendency. the prevailing price on Saturday being 24c . and on Tuesday 230.; the same may be said of eggs, only a little more so ; 14c. per dozen was the usual price on Saturday, while many were sold on Tuesday for 1250. and 13c. 'I"l.n I\l-IS`f!II! vnnn-`rob. :1: uni I-nnnk `II I: .|.uI-auay 101' lZU. auu IOU. The pohltrv market is not much in evi- ` dance these days. the pens having been pretty well cleared of fowl for market The few pairs of_ chickens oered being from 500. to 75c. per pair according to weight. An odd pair of ducks is sold at 700. each. Mann 'k`aumn'n' A` nr\v\`nn nrnwn undo` Alt uuu [1Ill'_U|` IIUUIH IE BUIU III) {U1}: UGUUO . Many barrelaof apples were sold on 8&- turday at fair prices. No spies were 0361`- ed Other varieties sold as follows :-Snovn SI 75 ; Red Pounds $2 ; Maiden blnlh, :{ 23 ; Rusaeta, $1.75 ; Tallman Swootlo .5 ` ' One farmer had a quantity of clover mud iwhioh he sold at $3.25 per half bushel. 'l"l.._s unnnuulvnlu `Au `:Ivn\ `manna Lag bnlrgn nu` IIIL. VVIIIUII IIC UI\I III. will`) PWI IIZII uunuua. The market for live hogs has taken an an- expected jump forward this week. through active demand. Mr James Shepard, buy- er, paid $5 60 per 100 lbs. for a iarge num- ber brought in yesterday by farmers in the vicinity. Had the price been more widely known there would have been 8 camera! rush. Theprospects are`ill rm Dreuod hogs sold on the mark on Tueeda at $6.50 per 100 lbs This will probab y bl the price for Saturday. - 14` n n m n nu Innutn nan 6.l9:nIo nalvnlufll g (D8 PFICG K01" oaturuay. . Farmers have been taking advantage of the'last of the sleiohing to bring in their sur- plus grain, potatoes and bay. The price! . in some cases for grain have been a cent or two higher. the grain being used for lead purposes. The prices paid on Tuesday were :-Wheat, 64.c; oats, 280.; peace. 610 Several loads of potatoes brought 980. to 30c. per bag. So great was the supply of bay on Saturday and Tuesday that there was scarcely room for the many loads on the part of the market set aside for that put-` pose. On Tuesday the highest price obtain- ed for good timothy was $8 25 per ton. while the most of it sold at $3.` taken to his daughter a in Allanaale. Hi! escape from instant death was a close on. .o 1 I , ,1 1:, _A__. I'.|_n.;-..!II comer, , fI\_--_...__L!___ uv-4- 3 -nv--n Ilauruu-not av---.. ----V. - '-v_- -Couqregat.ional churcb-Paator Botterill speaks next Lord ; Day. Morning sermon -The Days of His Flesh; evening leo- ture, That boy and the betting ring I;;-- -A mammoth saw-loz was brought to 5 _ mill in Dunedin, Nottawasaga, last week. It was 13 feet long, yet it contained 1700 feet of lumber. The whole tree contained something over 4000 feet. 1- rn - 9.-- _L--__I. -avnnnvv-u--5 vyu- -vvu --..-. -'I`he junior auxiliary of Trinitv church will hold an afternoon tea in the parochial school room on Friday, the 30th from 4 to |6o`clock. Admission 10 cents A ssle of candy and useful articles will be held At the same time. - E'The last of the series of the Popular Entertainment Course will take place on Fri- day, April 6th, when the famous Boston Ladies Symphony Orchestra with Master Eddie Dolan, boy singer, will be the attrac- tion. The Orchestra is a supberh organiza- tion, composed. of twenty young ladies all skilled musicians. who play selections from the works of the best masters. AA pramln~ ent feature is the solo work of seversl of the yourg ladies. Plan open to subscrip- tions at Wismer s Drug Store. on Monday. `April 2, following days to the general public. The Millinery department of Sarjeant & Smith, in charge or Miss Fraser,. was he- esieged yesterday by a host of ladies from town and vicinity, who came to look at and purchase the charming hats. bonnets, trini- mings. ribbons and other nery which 333- ~ peal to the hearts of womankind. The dis.-' plays rnade were excellent and varied. and the activity evinced by the salespeople in} I dicated a. lively trade ,_ - rm... k......o:..lIu ...A ..-eiuoinglln u-ought! ulczawu 5 uvuly hnauc , The beautifully and artistically dressed windows received much favorable comment. and gave visitors a foretaste of the superior goods to be found inside. The extensive display of dress materials, ribbons, para sols, etc , was a- tempting Invitation to visi- tors to inspect and buy The growing trade of this house is a testimonial to the relia- bility and good qualities of the goods. 'I`Inn lune-at-`nnrnn nnI1n:I':nC In-nnahf. hi Iu {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANO. smau corms nvn clnrrc. Ullluy uuu guuu quiultluu u: use vvue , The handsome noveities brought this sea- son make even the simplest hat. stylish and elegant. All kinds of fancy braids are used, chiffons, malinee, soft taffetas and liberty silks, also embroidered nets, crepe do chene in every shade, renaissance battenberge, ap~ plique and other fine laces. ll:-anon has-s-inn h-nilul nut` nwnf (If all ` pllqll anu OUUBF UIJU IHUQB. Grapes, berries, traits and owers of ell kinds will be used,. but roses take lead `of- them all. Ornaments are still in great de- mand. Among the novelties are the Me- dallioi: and buckles in the pastel shades f'I"I.n Inn.-I3-um .l..`..-1-. nun. mnnlntt Sarjeant 8; Smith s Millinery Opening. MPSON-0u Frid: Mr. and Mrs. Jose LDWELL--At "O on March 24th, a s ( aldwell. N NINGS--At Pent a... wife of I. 13 utuuun uuu UUUISIUG In uuu .puuu:| auuuuu The leading ah8dea_ are` khaki, cantor. watermelon. pink, pastel and _t.uscan, also all shades in blue. _, -L_ L_L_ _._a.2__.) -...._ .. --1.-no Lamp`- 8|] 8118098 I!) DIIIB. Among the hats noticed was a very hund- some leghorn hat, caught on artiationlly. at lefuside, crown draped with fancy tnacan straw. trimmed with two large white plumes. going towards back. wjacque roses and role- foliage extend from front. to back of bnndean. Alan mhil-n fnnnv `ml-nit` fnnnn, trimmed in. Iouage extenu I roln xruuu nu uuwn Ul. uuuuu-us. Also white fancy braid toque, trimmed in. white chiffon draped around crown; chiffon. almost entirely concealed by cream all-over lace ; handsome bow of blue taffeta in Al- satian effect across brim, and pink crushed: roses; bandean covered with leg-horn col. ored silk. I Al_. I.___ -..'. L-L .I..--_:_. Aswan oreu aux. . Also large art-hat, drooping over foce._ covered with black tacked chiffon, trimmed- with handsome black plumes, velvet ribbon; and pastel ornaments. - Mina Hodge who has been -visiting her- cousin, Mr. B. Lawrence, left on hen return trip to the Klondike on Tuesday IMLOXYIIOOII. The Globe of Tuesday sa s-.--It is a. marked compliment to. the ta ests of Miss Fransiska Heinrich, a pupil of Dr. Fisher. that so great interest is being shown in the complimentary benet concert that is to he tendered her by some of the most distin- uuished ladies in Toronto in Association Hall. Thursday evening next. The '_'s h-s soribgrs lists alreadv total into large _~ Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ford leave town on April 17, for Fiehburn, Southern Alberta. where they will spend the summer months with their son in-law, Mr. F. J. Thomas. Ml`8.\J!`. F. Crewiord will ecoompeny them as far as Winnipeg to join her luubnnd. Mine Bertha. Ford will spend the summer in New, York with her` enter, Mrs. . The ennounoenient of.` Mr. .1'.ord'e.s e|e THE MARKET. MING TOT THE ' Htraunw. AP|DlY C0 `:1 unable to com? W DUKSIIIUDD uuuvgvg -u......, H ho I n ` I u " Few colleges can say more than this, It pavs to attend a good institu- ' 26-Iv `graduates. mgny as much. meter for meritorious train-. 4% 0 waous Noihsgxbi - ' 9 vol, XL S` van {3rasun.. Proprietot. OUSE WANTED FOR SUMME Furnished or unfugjnished. on Lake `Simcoe homconvenient to tram .Apply "NATIONAL," DVANCE OFFICE. :3 :6 R MONTHSV harewonvennenz Lu mun .ny,.., ..... .- . .__.._____. ron SALE. on LEASE, '1 I10 ssessior Business 00119391 B3aITi8u 0 I 0 . onoua tram . u....smldnne'It` Ch3':". .c.t3.".'Ln"}E1"u':t-ruin :. 1...: lam Ivuu -w-.. -V_ _ or_ term cf years, a ne buck reaidehce, con. menttothe centre of the town. Apply at once to A., P. 0. Box xqs. `Barrie. ;3.,5 rruluu u w`. ---_._, 7 That ne farm known as the Keown Property. maining about zoo acres. 100 acres good arable dand I00 acres wvod and pastuug, being` W.L9t .Con. 8. and E). Lot 23. Con. 8. In the Township Essa, close t_o school and 0. `To clos_e an late this farm Is oera-d beluw us value Q!` W|"_ 56 nledlo good tenant on easy terms lmmedtate ssession will be given. Apglyo ANDROS I 0 O. 43.16 ' Port Hope. Tenders will be received by the unaenugneu olicitor for the Vendnrs for the purchase of S. 1} at no, C n. u, lnnisl, up to Saturday, 7th`April. . lhesarrc conditions of sales in were read tlhc Auction Sale. so far as those conditions are" pplicnble to sales by lender. Dated this 22nd March, 190'. r`. A D A n!4`\'HlH2"l`_ ,..-------::"""" __,___., % `sum. SE VANT WANTED.- 5`{, ,.,Gf`f`Mas. JOHN LAIRD, 72 Wonley L i - :3--3 Notice is hereby given that application will be ade to the Le-'gis|:-ture of Ontario at tltq prcenl ssion thcrerf for an Act to revive the Act lnCOl'p0l'- ting the Pacific and Atlantic Railwa COIDPBRY pm] in` the Legislature of Ontario in t e 491}! Y3" f Her Maie.~tv's reign and chaptered 76 any! to ex- pd the time for commencing and complcl|S' '9 lway therein mentioned. _..I.I- . 4-`. will be received by the uhderligned .1:.:.... 4).. .1... v....Am-. rm than mu-chase of S. I` Notice of Application to the E Umarin legislature. All persons wishing to offer for sale any..hdr!Io P1emen't-. harness, elc., at the above time and lace. should make their entry at 34 Bqyeld street. by D. l.`ll'LblV'll`42\ 1 B. HISKNEBB. bauuaay, April 7th, 1900 At 11=.M.% TOWN LOTS] Tenders Fnr Shirlow Farm. . FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. , II _______ n_`__. hm-d this us! day of March, 1900. \v 111 I1f\ HORSF S. IMPLEMENTS. HARNESS. ate. Lung 111110? 1'0", `I ttwclve 0' . T glv on clock noon. L0` "'b w estsjde of . - n 0? B``"i' Small street. I" `he 5:3. A rdmg to registered PW` um This valuable L urn rue! 0f I ot contains 009 9" at-03'" d their is erected ther" ` _w Brick-clad d If "'y' Dwelling 94* feet an . d W00" . . tchen - h name addition, _:....I>n4I Fanny e. The pronertv W " AUCTION SALE ~-OF---T ' gr':d" "*0 _P0Wers of sale confained in, a certain 3380 which wall be produced at the time of sale, "56 offered for sale I) Public Aucon It the u ' - . 0:`; o"l`1`;Il`Iown o{ Ban-Axe. bv Mfoljch` Wwsday. the Eighteenth nay of April A-D-p `I ttwche (\'('lm-l.~ uh... `I -. nI_--|_.; _.. 4.1.- Saturday, M'ai"*'cl%i Slsf. . a W,"' .. .....uc nuulllpv s"mme:lk:iI:\I::Cd . ed. Pro/yeft) is v` ` ` V I: Town Park. There will he a reserved bid. j TERM -Ten Per cent. of '9 P`I' mo _ paid do gg umhin wn at the tim ` f "'18" ha my days. Furl btainel from ha . n I of ab . a.b.e:`:;:::::r.!::2.,.::r::.`:'::::3'a.. .... ...e-aw 3 o :3-18 34 Bayfield Streei, Barrie. ---- me;.ao.::%.::`:?.:;t`"5:;a";?*;;:.': V u `I c. w. uacraagso ; NEW ADVER'l`lsE1VlEN'l`8 vIl|"lllcll '0' ` 1-av. [ M CARTHY, PEPLER& MccAl} . . C Mort8I' In . ` 13' ` he. March 26th. 1900. Brick `].3`idence| Iobinson iWM3Pe'sn' CIVIL calf OMINI A . :NG|NEE1"5' D [ 3, % "` UvV3 Wuo LN}/ 5 % V. 4 __._..___.._...._..__..._._.__.._.._._._..._..____.-_-:.... MOR'[GAGE SALE Tom}: c'>+3mBAnnI: nan..- _... ..... _-_. 961 County Louncmm. .-5. N ,....... In Brantford, _on_ Mag-ch n, 1900. of con- nption, Mr. Swnthln Km . fnqmerlv of Bar. A husband and two sma 1 children are left. LVQ 0 Fr7day. 24th inst.. a. daught t M , rsrjames Rands. Shanty Bay. .' 0 r N-0nFriday. 24th '"nst.. a clan Me: to Id Joseph Sampson. Shanty ay, A A ll.L-At "Overton Farm." K f) rfh 24th,a. son to Mr. and D7llI":'I`l`. 1:`; .`. 'a*;;::`;:.;;:'.:m25`Ls"t` `Bank, Penetangunshenc. of 3 son. _ - . v-ur\1 !'l\`I'\ vwv ii jU"IIII IN THE COUNTY OF MEXI- 'MXfi"1'i:i5I" f`-II...... OF A PR-lV;!TE -ORN . i1 aEi{[ IQ. G. A. RADENHURST. Barrie. P.O; IN THE 1343 nun uu. A\ |.owI N. w. RowELL,' . April and; a VI o |\\a vv -.4-, Solicitor for Applicants. Mr. J. B. Horrell.J.P .CountyCounoillor, died at hit home in Midland on Sunday last. after an illnese continuing with more or. less severity for several months following a -slight stroke of paralysis. the weakness therefrom, hein much ag ravated by the tragic death "of is son in t e Count Coun- oilOhambsr _in January. He was rn in Cornwall. England. in 1845 He came `to Canada in 1870, and be an business in Col- lingwood, subsequently nBarr|e, Wvebddge and Midland _In 1883 he was elected Reeve. and wasthe rst Mayor of Midland, which-oiee he held until his resignation. a p eriod of eight years He had always been a most prominent member of the Methodist Church, and astrong and consistent sup- porter of the Conservative party "9 hit!` bean in Buchanan In Midland 8...`. gnu vva us out vUuls:l`VlI&|VB PIITY ` He had been in business in Midland for many years. and had a branch. store as Vic~ toria Harbor.- He was one of Midland s most; active and progressive citizens and his death will be keenlv felt He leaves a wife formerlv Miss Isabella Hunter. and one son VMr. Digbv Harrell. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. A half- holidav was proclaimed and the schools were closed out. of res act for the deceased. All ags were as ha f-mast. The pail-bearers were Messrs. H 8 Ruby, A. Mokee, George Chew, Wm. McKnight. Wm. Peters and Time. Trueman. ` ` -0,,u Saturday nizht'Mr Pet. 0'Hearn slipped and fell on the ice on Elizabeth street badlv cutting his face. The water-from the road has ever run t.he' and freezing there has made it very dangerous. Farm_Jit9I1er'ies at is o'clocl. noon. bx Mr. George-lil`cDonald. Auc'- tioneer, in two parccil. the followingiliarm Proper- ties. viz.:~- . PARCEL x.-_Being composed of the West Half of l.ot_!\o 9. m.the xst Concession of the said Township of iurnidnle. containing zoo acres. more or less, 40 at res of whichnre said to be cleared and the balance timbero.-d_ with hatdwood and pine. The 80lil8 _lIld to be %'|clpIiiV sandy loam and there are said tn be 3 rame Hume, a. Sgable. a Hen Ho_use_and a good well of ' water on this parcel. which IS distant from Glencairn about a miles. from New Lowell about 3 miles, `and from Lisle about 4 miles. PARCEL a.-Being composed of the South West gunner of lot No. no. in the 7th Concession of t e said Township or Tiny. comaininp 50 acres. more or less. which is said to be wood- land. The soil of this parcel. which is not far from W) evale. is said to be sandy loam. There will be"reserved bids. . . TERMS.-Ten per cent of the purchase mom is to` be paid down at the time of sale. and the - ance within 36 days thereafter withoutinterest. w...-on.-.-l narticulars and conditions will be made Pursuant to Powers of Sale contained in certain Mortgages. on which default has been made. and which WI be produced at thr time of sale, there will beoffered for sale by Pubic Auction at the Barrie Hotel. in the Town of Barrie, on Q 411. I R I II A ?i5"3iiffi1'=@"v?'1"4t"!i"@l}!3If9?_1vri1- W days thereafter WithOul:"ntel'eBI'.. Further` rticulars and known at t e time of sale. or, in the meantime, on application to the undersigned ' ALEX. COWAN, Q -I!.!L-_ Dated 56th March. 1900. PHVIIG `Illnuu u. . pertv, Terms to with any loan can letter to ` I00 ACRE FARM FOR SA LE - Property or Inn late Mr. Gartlov. South Half of Lot 9-, Con. 5. 'l ownahip of Inniul 3 all under cultivation except about 10 acres of good hardwood bush; good build- :...... . good water : two ac:-gs Lrcliar-'3 Lil BIISII V |||| nu. - - V . . . _ -- .,- , r`:-clue 7 gieeeeuiion e expiration term: *3. 5 8! of the present lease. not, at t A __ and other pamculan spply ROBERTSON, Stroud P. 0. . \ VVQII IUOUI luluug nvn----_ _ - V ,> - X 1'0 RENT OR LEASE A 9 Rooms for offices. in Ross Block, No. en." Dunlap Street. Fire `goof vault; occupied st XI-eseut by Dr. Walla. ill be'vaca.nt on nt of pril next. A 1 - " V c. H. ROSS. Barrio. January. xgoo. 3-tf. V I . V K , It is a fact, nevertheless. that we can to-day furnish you with a. thoroufh? rst-class time-' piece in gold, silver or go d- lled case tor less than one-half the gure that prevailed a. few _ _-... no-A One reason why so many `cor watches are tolerated in that their owners qnotrealize that real good ones may be had` for such little IIIOIIOV. to-_-day :..-..:.|. mm mm. n thm-omzhlv time` inluranca an imperative. _ exporionqa. n M ORTGAGE SALE ..t....-, F , ` ? INSURANCE AGENT W_,AN'.l`ED-A prominent ~ Insurance Company hevinqnepecial advantage fot nte he: an excellent open 3 for good man as Diet ct Agent for Barrie and vlcinitv. Previo_ue ineuranee expenenee.lmportnnt but not neeeeennlv Addteee etatinfnnme. age and previoue imperntave. ---A.:nnnQ. III; Av 10 cu Ill-I4 ALLANDALE. Lot: 2, 3 and 4. West Baldwin Street. North Cumberland Street. Lou :7 and .3. Jacob`: Terrace. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. ' South Caroline Street. Lot A. ` East Mary Street.-Ldt West Mary` Street, Lot 2. _ Apply at . ' --1'1-1

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