Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Mar 1900, p. 8

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G} H` g; 3; '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. `bCkin"ndPelt3cunoo-Voountloo CL` akin: ah. II: IACITIUIKIIIU Ina l.'cll8;.... 9 av OOUIII on Cdf . ` OOOOCIQIOQOIIIIODIOOO -r.u'.'.3`.?.."i'..`3 ........... ID. ooocoonoooulluooouon 'l::n oocIoIufntoo90oyto0OII:I lth "ah -4-: IL i;':.'..':"?.;`3 .:x...2;':r.'.'.'.'::::::::::::: Butter, '|`ub..pef:'lb......`........... WWlbiilO`lIIItI,lIlIllO>IIIC0090 E V 0300000-notion 0-000! ,_ ,., 1 , - vvv--g -up-p run vvunu noouooupuuocuc 0; f$fd.uu`o....-Va. Anthncntecoal. per ton...........V.V >`wowWlotuclonuontooooonoon-3:1 ` H`hwlbo|;OOO0nnnonunIto * Sheenglxinn . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . , Rimless Glasses '_Bf,`h ocl;oooooocoooaioon BQ|mPdqmo9oaao,oooI9o|ocoao _HO[l, lave weight pet1'aolbo...... q-gala o Q I I C I o o v I o u on` xpilivf-....v;....7....i.... Gasman-.. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ . _ -_ \'; -p unnoooc~no:o-4nna`ou- ano- II * -oouonoiiinouauv -noo- mfhy. f..___._--..__, ..-. Tu'ky.;>"[m`b.oouonQ3o'inoa;u 110900 " '.'....".'.I...I..`.` IW-.`b'......`..U'ICI nnffnr Tank, nab `k , ,` . ._ ._ -__V-_ `-_.__v V; `The Toronto Stet save :--``The names of M). W. E. Devin, general pueenger agent, no mentioned for the poeition of general ti-io niannget of the Grand Trunk, vnoeted ?:Mr...J...W. Lonchgenotel freight agent. and t _ r."Reevee. Other reports say the lece * .; _ V M 1; . H V BaItxu. Ii5l`Acn_*7. ;9qo. ' f`wm`.oo'ocooo->uvouoonvocicns.vonuos 6` oltl o ouUoq{o -Rn:-5-]-unt, _ gtuioholonnooo CIVIC. `SO10. 00 AUC'[_|__Q_l|___SALE Scientic Optician, Mnol.AREN S DRUG STORE. ' ' BARBIE. --xic ma.-- 'rowI'~IsHu=,ro_F mmsru. Vrorontb Farme rs :Lvia.1_-ketss. \ V H" loaozfro.` MARCH 6, I900. OF` VALUABLE` f `Br1fia- ;' I mlm nl>'`_.`| `. n-.- '- llessunsin Music. - securities, if _m_: , held by them. or in zed,` their chriarian an , surnames. addresses description. with full pa V `In ' at statement of their securitiu -and.the and that the wnll ptori benet ogithe. uidju meat _anv Iecunty Imto M Chamber: at the rt 1-! on the 26th gay of My-ch,,r99u.[tt n '_ iorenotgz, hem; the tu`ne.appoint'e!& for ddjudicntion u claims. . . ~ . V _ "Sized thiuothduy of-February. x'9ov.v' "- ' I-8-roman ".|_l`l H III ! I!!! `I W I? nuns-In-IIW, Mwenatd logs; % .hs-r FEIIi6e~%nd%suL ;ss;u.%......:..:. ' '.'i4-,"*Il'..;-.a-._.v|_1 MONEY 1'%"EoAu.:J;1 ' % p.'3Y`.i`&'.".' ". .;`s'2 `non-o` f" "m..' nu..."-" %.I `v:;$`_a:ny.1oau.eompuny.v 'APPW.P|lI|nY or. by 0 ' _ v. MONEY TO .5 udsivercent-on-M V L : * "}'n"*'-a. \-.-.1, vvuvvu vuwvlg Ill ulU3lIio Miss Campbell will also tech Vlolllizllllcg and give lessons in Water Colors. Special attention is [directed to the (Shore! OIAII. which Miss Campbell conducts everyfriday afternoonlat 4.30 at the address given below. An {A9-en- |-A `.._LL._ _-_4!__.l_ A- 7 A WI --vv--can vow gnaw III: tll GIIIIIUDU SIVUII "Claw; For terms and f\Il thBl_' particulars apply prsonally or by letter to ` Miss. Carnpbell sxcumaz amen, 1 s--o A DUNLOP s1'., BARBIE. ugqguvqu uu saw. u wuqug unupruulunw. _ 1 :.A;`nd~wo further. rdoommond -the payment 41!! tddltional 830` - when rope: evidgnoeT VvfQ5;JJ_`!):offora chit!` at In; pur.ch_ds"6(!' ,nnlwnA|i'r In: Ir .'l'4'n'-n` oh. :-In`4.p`n. 8...: .f;1`u_"uIIhodythe Town this 0' po`rublu'."v9'_ Jl`I`t:"o,_l9rmer|y'VIn the panic: 'ho'uno;wu. iro- ' J FOR sAI.:.2 ....IN manna. . .. Her Qualications are as follows : PIANO-'l`eacher n Certimte with rst-class hour on in all subjects. from the Conservatory of Magic, Alma College. St. Thomas. ' - Iiru-Av ; .. .- `.. -. _ ... - _--- vv-v.uq urns ouvunuao -V?-C_)CAI.--A pupil of Eva N. Roblin, of. Milan. (Ital?) Conservatory of Music. ` 112-- l`_..._L-II __!n _. - . -.- -- . ._ _ has decided to givei Vocal andPianu Lessons Rut Mary Street. Lot '54." Want Mary street. Lo: 2., ' Applyht ' .Jacob's Terrace; 1, 3,3,` 4; 5 god 7, South Catalina Strut} Lgt A`. . A % naiznxn, ` j . ALLANDALE. Lots 2, 3and`4. - North Cumberhnd stuns. Lots :7 mm. Terrace, Lot 1; 3,3,4`, said A ' bl) '!n F Jon: I the C TOIIIIO mend before tI\`o'l:nt pa _ d frbin thgcompsny by ;Town, the ~g_lqov,g9m . -'in`,t.he;I`nuntimo` hqving boond'ad'no`t-` ~f!'bl"I ?:;he account or 'slio'_Cqmpuny;.'uid; 1" ` Ihould ;th`o;;r(q`qirod qvideuq W-arbporu vs: adsnws mss_ Ei?n_PaELL `- eWhe are also showing an excellentevariety of the latest productions in eMen s,. Boys a`ndfYoAuths Hats` and Caps, ' ' ' Whiteeandolored `Shirts, ' M z ` L Ui1derwea1j and Hosiery, ` ` Collairs and Cus,' ` j` The Newest Ties, Etc., Everything in Men s and Boy s I style, box back. deep French n A li'_1iings,*nspl;endidly tailored, the price - -- $|o_5 MAnether~eline,;_:ef41ie"eier wei g4ht,n- good Canadian: Whipcord, made up in ?san 1e.etyle ether, two shades`,price < - r - - , - $|o_5 JM en s ne"Engli$1iSncqne:and Shooting Suits, fast colors these. full French. racings,:nbes;`:ca1iann cloth linings. wel1%nished,L price $10.00 and - $I2.5o M en _s eand.1You'f{hs`- newooi English and Canadian Tweed Saeque Suits, 4 with good flin-ings and ufimn1ings,* bestmaking - $5.00. and` $150 All Winter OvereOa,ts arennbeing offered at clearing up prices, $3.75, $5.00, $67.3 . T 'and-npwards. . L J eqterigryour heuse and requiring the most ii-armnaz: the `Men's and Bows Clothing. The more btt6r%_`p1ea8&_:are Wa Yoqgwiil then notice how careful we _are in tiiieiigreater pgrtien Qfyhich is made up specially form . This jg why`-014.. guch_,sat_isf,c.gi6n ; _why the style, the cut, the finish, and the ;workm:Aapig%hipiTeeplea,ses,>a;iid`whyi bur; customers usually CALL AGAIN. N=w%aonsB=c-==W=P THIS W=-'-52! "THE 'ADVAN(;E,'! "J? -,uv x._ Tn` - Mnr. 8`-no ` `rt -1 -v v jC'$-IQIZ Cbtd CY WV ` , (Continued from page 1.) . Qemmittee. presented the following report : 'Ye nr Standing Committee on Light, WAN!` and Sewer: beg to report that they hpve;tnlly considered the account rendered Wgthe Barrie Electric Light (Eouegeinet the ,n, and also the clnim of the Town muinet _ "Polnpeny, end recommend that pnyment Htlleiompeny of the sum of 3504 23. aiding -;Athe_-`Company reetore to. the Town ;pl1i1'l'leyI,h two iengtubo)! _ gt, anger: on _" to .& .ji . . J `grow the Midhuut Jplint end cot: ~Q;Ipen:&`Go;'I'teIting;inItrnmen'u. . fdn ..`...i.'... u...`...`.....`...`...'.`.I>aI.~'.:`....". ..h.".-.`.b v our%uow% Promlsos, The Double Store, Opposlfo Put Office and O. T. R. Station. About-20 Boys Suits,-size_s 22 to 26, at $1 00. womns ABOUT ""A'~VV_ FII`.y"$UU` uuvl-I, vvuII_v II: I!` IIIII lll|'o FIIYI `;:II`IgvL J lform the dnties.hiu1pelf. The century I Anvmnnsma rmm srowml u|._._'.._.| t..._ ._ _. . \ FRONT STREET. Newrmy uualm. Gingham, mgpos, 0110., for Blouses. `.N'e;iv,Pdmii_'xJ;and__Pqri3are.Cloths m Broade!oth, Silk, w Oh6n`ille (.`nrtaina'| fom 269. to $7.50 a pair. li3e_iotf_uie, '1'aceyAeI's:ct, worth $2.25 for 01.50. Niw a nd -dolomd; `New Cmtonnes. New 83 Statement We want more particularly axje gut per than ever before Hquse.e ~ The List. :-- _ .Luw `\Fo,-L av. WIII Ilpvuu vovvgvvv ulnng; .3; the coming your on improvements at Toroupo _~` and othgr points. ' .. `x 'llII,- III_.___., 1!.,_ .,_, AAIIII - JJEW ssnsuws SIIJFF -ftyempt y'o;w%tV<)'%%'b`{1;M(5 l;3J 1we;t.h/e2- goods are gomg Test statement. Bu` cheapest and` Cotton. ..::..- . V " eportof the Allandale Public School-for A gebmeq, 1900 :--Fourth O-ass. Sr.---C : Bothwell, M Moore, G. Hill. L. -Webb, E. V Storey. Fourth Claee..Jr -J_ Marshall, J. ,; Goring, A. Which, E `Campbell, A An- -drews. Third Glue. Sr.-A. Gilchrist M. .-'.l`homgol;....;F_. Boll. F. Dollar? 0. Heels. Thir. QlfcI c,1;Jr. -iJ,., Brunton, . Mocking. 0. _o`cfrc!. A..Petc1'1. B. Done . Second Cloud." Ir "-1. Johnson." J. An rewa, M. Nixoh, W. -Dgmnet, I-l. Archer. Second Clue. Jr --eA._ Steele. L. Dizon, G. Doraey, ,W. McFadden. M. Waldru`. Perl: Second, Olen, *8l`."-.-`A. Murry, E. McMillc B. V nk D Manta -' ta speak. P-1 the histof] .=>y Wear; "LuATo LES A specialty 'll con-suit is hands. _.I-__ I (A V T-In To ` aged I OMERY .........| M. 4 7 anu o Barne. n! lot all pro: _ I013 2 an 1 ..c I: 1 o`o.2a.:a;;;"`1; "'1e;;;;;"`u...... .a~..mon anger of the Grand Trunk Railway, .;rIe.etgled,;l'uu Thursday, after a` continuum geelfvioe of 110 years in the employ of the { oooInih:H.~_` The resignation in to take eeot Ayn`--Av . . . "will nereefter rui e in California. It has -5 u... L.... .I-. 8.I-.I ._L- I..- _._..'_-_..-_ _.!II 80 C`ItiI nobnble that Mr. Reeve 'fAt Barrie, ( e E. Go ULVII.`4K\ I . -nucl M _d 7: years. '!\V(` A` FoE'so>{ 7 un` Llgll E ADVAD gvyuu uvuvulvvt svnluv III vuluvrlllbo All III! 1%.; youbgen decided who ma uncoeuor will | DWEL Lmer Duck u up. nan-yn _ acres ; p told in one _ s. and t ter: } ac to FRE Indy 5'E1s':x.{ pie Stephe hrshall N. S ' 7 Fl!) SINGIN ` ' DIRECT! ship `of I _ acres of A -..-._ l~\|-'(>)\J w L__ I'll btcl, Barrie] fold I VIXI W`.r'--I IIIIIIVKY Q [mum, v. Boob, D. ,Mo;5.` ,..... , 0, where 1 E300 stude -I and :1 kiwi ` MAM! ` of for ' mtormat ea E.'.i`.%f.`1 R. For ' House garden. / CE CO p n`April ll _ |'ARlO IUIS 2 anu !.oFF.. I 28th Feb. ' to AUL V -'l`ho $A`-. T. `R . his oomtnehcod the qrection `of H3 new ataticfn at_A_uro_1'-u. ' [ONDX :HXLlX. SAM E58: is being] M 10`/4 w On Thursday afternoon last the G T. R. and our cltizene celebrated the relief of Lady- emitb by the ying of ags and blowing ol whlltlee. Ordermvere given by the G. T. R. to commence the celebration at 3 30 p m. by the blowing of whistles, and each a noise the made, at good many of the resulente me e their way to the gates and enquired where the re was, as they werenot aware of any celebration. Some of our'etorekeep- erlrefueed to close up their place`: of buei mllll, - ' of our citizens ooulplain very ` much of the'mieera.ble walking on the aide - walk from Allnndele to Barrie. The plow would come around before the snow gets packed and there would be no ridges; If ' themen wouldn't sit on the plow handle: so much and let the plow get deeper -into the now we would have better walks. ,,_...--. -- --v -vv-v v--B---- My - '1`. Gempbbellh wood vard one day last week. he threw a nick over the pile. which attack Mr. Dave Thompaumwho was working on the other side, over the right eve. and made on V A 7"\irhiI e. man was unloading wood in`Mr.' -ngly gush. Mr. Thompson was ineeneiblev ` for tome` time. 05 Zlllritl-ervlrrnorning ah` l.l~rhe old horrne- 'steedof" the Davis fsmil , Florence street. was destroyed bv re. he Barrie re bri~ .gsde vwss on hand, but was of very little service. ss the building, which was a. log one, soon burned down. It is supposed the lbuildlng was set on re. V 'A jhchwmeeting of L. O. L. No. b will held next. Thursday evening. 15th 7 pyyjtgrigq of the sbve degree. .i:i_ st Sfi buiaidhtea will be put through tlfe 4|`1|_:|_ - _._-_ _.,- ,_ - -- _?---_.-. -.wq --run`-Bvvu-v Q. `Mia: ho: retained `fl-omAo .nA r-`extended visit with friends in Toronto. 1",] , Mr. John Peacock has rented theofarm in _:`.l'OlIfGl recently occupied by -Mr. George ` core. A . - .- Deerlng, vfdrinclpel Z: L Strond V public public school. was the guesrof Mr. inndvrs. Ed. Whltebreed over Sunday. Lsdies Aid Society of the Presby- nroh will meet at Mrs. McPhniI's y_ on Friday evening at 7 30 p.ll_I. . ` interesting letter was received here .the other dey from Mr. Athol Marshall, is member of the rs: Canadian continuous, from South Alrlea. ' H Iloixznia, of Enox Cclle, Toronto, ruched two excellent commons the Pros- % yterinn church last Sunday. - A an -- - I; Mr `W. B. Taylor has uecurilftlie obn~ `inch for building the new Methodist church` I _A -Holly. \I_.' II,, 1 ttvcu n no ... ` - 517;.`-'Ivobn Warren wuoalled to liiI.h6Ii1e. Vin, Collingwood last week by the sari- dun jllneu bl. father. -- ---- vs. V vuwnnunuv AV F. Biucoe-.-c->1 Cobou, and Mrs. R.` Donaldson. of Orillia, are visiting their _ pnrentn, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sheets. _ Wilson. of Hamilton; `ll Ipd- ing a. few weeks with relatives in this" % fZi;'I;.3;>;:`t;`Clark. Em meao`, `is vuiing ;;frio'nda in Pet.e`rbor9ngh' _ ` ; , '. .T\....._.. IV_..._-._-._. _l_Q___ , s ` iii-'-".1 Cgtcher i.''g' heir uismmis. -`Thoma Learning. In Toronto. * ".~ 113-- I1n-2- tI-__,I,1 %dii 3i:;2i"1iiT"'Z;E3;'nIzI'o}"13Z.'.'m...., 1. Gviglting harsister, `Mrs. _B. R. Budgeon, III... I -....- n-..I__ L-_ _ `Em. G..1"R. will spend ssoo,ooo a..-an, ha nnlhlhn war (In Imnrnvnmnnrn an 'I"nu-nuoa. fi)}.-Q? (:.{.}{J.i IE:"p.;ea mf of : mu x__froz_u this station has waek.__ ` , , ' '_ `T Ellie Cowle `hm rebumqd from in ex? tended visit with friends in Torontg ,ln..- u!` n m__.c_n_1 .; - `- FW"`I'I'~" , _Mr; nu};-y `wn-on, of Haxitcgn; 3.; Q zturnqdpome. * . 7 % 1 tqfimeuant Streets. its Dwbll-, Q -head` Peoplewnl `Enc'1ooEsattlementV _ I-A Weelglv Record of its Doings. .'_,_l[r. `Wm. Harker in on thrsick lfpt. . "ifj.'Mr'. 8. Montgomery" in my in with is 1ta.Pratty V Railway N0t68. % Mrs-R Rebeca: VM-odonsld. T:-n old tqsident of * Buigie, 5 Lrojiqt rof ' the late 301101 3.59vh6nn,jMidniid. d.id4d% '!9l`1i*dn. `J 142` #09? B99 rip, on l7af;1 ,gL19og;;.:,m illness of i'* : 4f_`:`*y*kf ..":(`1d.uMr.`i)o.r ` the resident. `We have been taking up U _IIJ.IEVllJ Ill IIIIV WVl'Ie `A inn of work for the year wee read by nearly all lines excepting Moth`ere Meet- inge, code number of the indie: think we ought to take up thin department as e good work could be done along thoeeiinee. It {jig he considered at the next tneetingof the n on. - ~ ' The foiloyin `fl en`extreet'f1-cm nonh- liehed letter of r. H T. Bertie. the Y.M.' C. A. Secretary eent with the Genedien con- tingent. Dr. Barrie : preieee have been loudly sung. by the men in their home iet-. ten. Writing from the deck of the Serdin in on the outward voyage; heeeye :-"I "think" it in one of the meet crying ehemee thetonr `Chrigtien public it tending inen on eneh e eoiemn errand-_ end has loaded down the chip` with toheccn;s_1ud"etrong liquors which'ere"free:to the ? . " `_ _._t-the diecretioo oi, the oicere. On 'Atfe'r_":iither hand. `therein, not I`:'_{I9,. 'iemnerenej_e;,rlnk -to beehnd; For . inetenee fthe oeere :gn1eeIt:nt every ineel `therfe; ere, deeenterii of liquor on, the ;'te`ble': iree tojnil; nithvu Annoy, cigar: end cigar-:; nettee _ee none-e'oen-u;noke i:}:1ut 1_vhen(.e_jiew i-`oi 0- Wmd,tdr|nk e!%?IdI)vetr center -`per 2 ..hottl_e?. llenyf nu_s[n= ` hi-_ sir-wink he;-do : Howeyfer,` 7.~einoe We. : e at ` ue&e'%?~ vs nun v av: _llDl uvpnl ltlulla A letter was read from Mt. Barker, Al-' landsle.` expressing tenet that he could not attend the odor meeting where the lumber work was isouueii an hewae deeply inter-' ted in the work. He sent a, large parcel of excellent literature with his but wiehee and- eympothyiu the work. e V" A nhnn A` email: `an L|i1r -g-_' -_- ---3 I--- rs waves}. ' ' Mrs Scott. for lumber work, desiresto tender her heartv thanks to all who have sent hersnob very suitable literature, and is thereby emboldened to ask others to follow the `examplest by these Barrie and Allan- sdale friends.` She has sent one large parcel and hopes to send another as soon ss the -su lies comein. lse Rogersdn has sent out five bouquets Evangelistic. - Mrs. Stevenson reports three females in gaol. She supplies litera- ture,,eto. . .. ~ h ' vul U , ulna. ' ' `Narcotics.-,M're. Bowen wants more lit.- eretnre father department. , A `altar! Inna nal` `rain I]- 'II _..I.-.. AI Regular Meeting O. '1`. U. `there were not aimauy members out` at the regular monthly meeting of the Union on Monday as usual, but a very pleaeant and profitable afternoon was 3 ens. ' -A 'Ar.tnIu,un.'n iunna` fun. on .-....a. TI? IV in 71' ya vuwluev an un uuvu W0! ll 0 A lettertwui read from ronto W.C.T. U. urging the Union to devise some plan'where- by the travelling public may be better and cheaper entertained at Allandale than at present`. ' "'11.. dance J..- l.a...I...'.. ...-..|_ _1__2_-_ . `nu; UIUIII VIII-IIUII `Alderman Tyrer gave notice that at next ' meeting he will move to reduce the Batch- ere license from $25 to $15. BY~LAW PASSED.` h_ The By~law to loan $30,000 to the Barrie Tanning Company. which was carried by a large majority on Feb 26th, was read a third time and passed. The company will new approach the Legislature for the necessary legislation ratifying the By law. v nsusvw nu` IGUUIIAIIIUII VI. UUIIIIUIBIIUU 3 That this Council on behalf of thecitizens of Barrie desire to tender their deepest sym- pathy to the.Rev. A. and. Mrs. `Findlay in the loss of`*tlI Rant` son; who` fell in battle at Modder iver on 18th Feb. last. `and we trust that the knowledge-that he fell in defence of the Empire and the rights and liberties of British citizens `and that his name will for all time be enshrined in the hearts of his fellow citizens will be some consolation to his sorrbwing relatives. and we earnestly pray that consolation will be shed on them from aihigher source than human sympathy can impart. -. Affair I-nrnnnlns I-nu anon.-nl Ahlnsuunn I-nu... Tyror-Candle -- rm {1}: Chairmgu of Fire and l_ .olioe Committee procure 10 cords of hardwood,` beach and maple in equal pro- portion: --Carrled Alannovuhn mu--- mg... _.L:._ LL..L `L __._A.' uunuuu D ulpuuuy UIII uupnru. After remarks by several Aldermen hear- ing on the war the resolution was" adopted by standing vote. . The year 'l89 were 359.2832!) including n bank overdraft of $4 590 73 The expenditure was therefore. $59,282.29. _ lmzsonunon or coxnoumcn. Aldermen Mobeon and Boys moved following resolution of condolence: Thur [lulu f`.nn'-ma 4... Lnhnll -l aI.--!a.2- _-.__._-- --wvv--- c -rug over: 3 I V U aapital Account re Electric Light shown a balance credit of $4,241.71. while the running account shown an overdraft of `$1,370 54, with uncollected light eccouute Dec 31, 1899 of $1505.43 - ~ .vu. nos 1 u. c _ The debenture debt of the town in $220,- 941 99 ; heeidee this there in the Allendele School Debentnre for 8256 35 maturing thin your An_Jul) lei. `next I Collegiate `Insti- tute debenvure for $3,600 will -mature. the renewal of _which is authorized. The.-Slnk~ in}; Fund account in Bankrof ronto show: each sieving: of $1,182.03. an Flog deben- tures on hnndof $525.15. Out of the pro- ceeds of Waterworks (lebeusures sold there is an unexpendedbelence of $9,063 44. The Waterworks running l.G_00llI rlh0Wl a credit of $1,177.34 We had that Plant account is debtor to running account 8350 45 and in steed of the above balances the proper amount: are :-Plenc (or "Capital Account) 88,712 99 Running Account, $1,527.59. ML- I`I__!-_I A -_, The Auai;';'1i;;J:-i 1-1:15;: on n..'. 8131:. 1899. the following taxes were `out- atandiug: - V I90`! 4."! 8--.. . _ _ _ .___ .1 Ad! no aann ' - _. `slaw ' .`.htii.Iiti_uit 0;} cold `ren'oli"o&t'7for o} esuug._m-L; "kind, and hthero` no ronsonithnt. `Ponotnn9 anishsneor flnv `othorgplnooi .:_his-,;pdr,t of Ontario should have V, the preforenono `Bur-V rie in the tourist trnds; Aldermen Bennett said thoieynotoin dnnh "advertising should be that Barrie is the hnbotthis north coun- try, nnd"tong_ot at any` town. .np"this way` it was absolutely neosssnry, to reach` it through Barrie. The motionvwu carried. Aldermen` McLean and Boys being n ooInniittoe to represent the town` on the'Bor.rd of `Trade in the expenditure of the money. It is proposed-to purchase a few in the [Guide referred to. and by means of illustra- tions and descriptive matter plnoe Barr-ie s advantages trotn a tourist standpoint well, to the front. truly under 'o'f;thb G.T;;~R.`, % 'ingIeaninthe`bb'tiihichhdinccrncdto Midland, Poneunigliaiphqng, Uriuf1;`Uollihg.A .wond7>nmd mhnr min... ' AI.I.`.`....... um... . Which um: 1898 and former yearn. 1899, 5021102 . T _AU DITOE 8 nionr. OTHER Monoxs.` J : . '?ns#i%h --. --yv- van AUPU at the hour-0'! one o'cl;c-:`in the `iffctaoon in one .p .7` ~ ` i ' ~TheN rthhalfofLotuum_beronnintheEl v th " , of the Township of Iunisl in the County of Simone gonmning too acres gum: or less, gboqt .10 acres cleared no she. tn Orchard of one sun; 9. ...;.'::;m .':. :;':`::.z;.":3a.':..-?.;."*.':1':..f.1.';`%.: I1` a%:::7Sh$?5dK&"?:.?n$: Bo`.1:'..T':'_n,st`M' ,_ -_--u , _-v~ hour of nuut , ' '77, of March; F I gen-eevvinil ?r'L"n$;d11'i'c gggnsil; r...oructio. ' _n`.ru "3 in th6.Town of Bu-no ' 0:, R ` `ween. new ' decealet clyfi-vi-39:: Saturday, mun day of March, 19uu,_ :':`1.`%`.:.?:`.:`'z.I'.22'.`:`.!3..`}& atthe o'clock 1.. tn...-.`c.'....._ ,._ 4 _'.!'|'i!iI-if .9_ny.h!d1>"rth- Y % mognonoa sue FAR PROPERTY _ ___I\Y `FIJI! ` .. . nu... .. vuv\pnp'uvvug sum. vuuaulu 1'8"!!! rroper- Iy bein mposed of the South Half of Lot ho. to in the laventh Concession of the Township of lia- nisl. containing zoo acres. more or Ian. . not us covereu wan a valuable hard wood bush. ` There is a oommodiouedwellin house and a good `frame hero on said premium. a so a frame stable. The soil ie for the most rt; a clav loam, and the farm is well watered. in distant about 5 miles from the Town of Barrie. `I`ERMS_0F.SALE-xo pet cent. down and the A as in one month. T.` f .n V nu _vuu Iuvllbll I `I-`-4;-:";'urther `pnrticulan apgy to Messrs. Hewson 8: Creswiclte, Bnrt-intern. V an-io: Donald - Ross. gamrgigter. Barrie; or to the undeuigned Vendor : s_ Ital . > D0|lCII'.OI'o Dated this 18th day of February, A.D., tgoo. ' G. A. RADENHURST. _ T Solicitor `for the Vendor. 8.11 ' ' n ' In me uwventn concession of the Town: containing acres, more at less. , 4 About am tn - H: conga at n.:- ....|..-|.|- mam. containing About 70` teen acres of this val cleared and t for cultivation-the t lot is coveted (vith less. uahle farm ate emninder of{the- valuable hard woodbush. There ii A cnlnlnndinnn dwolna Inn... .....I .. ...-.--I Saturday, the 17thAMait1:{} 1990 t T I ' ll. , h . ; ?y 1:3 : v:o?I::'Igcwd ":?:%.ts3:'1';l1 }a'L'71 l;". .'o In the lmrenth Coma-ninn of oh. '1'........|.:. .: `I ;. Pursuant foithe trusts under . the will of the lite. [Alexander Shin-low. there will be offered fofsale by Publiv Auction, bv G R. Ford. Auctioueergat the Barrie Hotel. at the `Town of Barrie, on . D. H._ M__aqLAREN, Not invisible but nearly so; s The can be made up with either solid gol , old lled (warranted to years), or ni el trimmings. They are not expensive. e . We adjust them so that they are perfectly adaptedto the features. 8-n Are Fashionable .%`.:".'.'. .f.`a.`:`.'.! ..".`.'_f:'.'.:t::: gonono ooulotuonuo; ApPl',f.h".l"uoooI`oIIn-uncoonooi `Pom-nth`-xoooknooncoonoooon H m (iooovoooncoooocuu h `bICIIIUIIIIII.l.I Wool. |mviasiIad.pelb. ..... w00`.2&o. wrcodflcstoocnloocid `Oo:I.Aft.'.nnv-au-(I _ _ . _ _; , . , , ,_ _ cow 6' NO, 1. PCI' lboouloo-.. IV - VII No.2. 19 ......... II n ' No. 3, u .. Llrnhnkinn and Palm; - _ _- - g

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