%_;A .'l`_lA[o'_wide-tired vphiole-not on}; an J vtbjp i`._, Th_o wide 1n.v`rr:_l`!or, .y`vl_Iiol_:.jV ` % 9! `Min -,M;@w FOE AGAINST r_ul_ among.,ll;e now` go V;-l___wyr' than at _o.t}her stores. Atlirouglhv this store--newness that `hot easily denable, but yet is app, is not stilfgad stilted. but soft, gei ` ciable toT_t',l:1_a_`_' 8110,`-pel'._ This newne tle, pleasiilgf and prsuasive. ls l L and `clean naumz `V `our gengrous stock. You will noti.` __it oh e1itori\ng; you feel it wliile her! . ; _a`ndgyonl ll carry away pleasurable in `pt-leasions of it. 11! . J; H. McInnis, who has for sc,` yesrs been representing the Excelsion. Insurance Company in Simcoe Countv,i N been given charge also of Grey. Wellingt: Bruce and Huron counties. This promc:i- I will necessitate his residing at Owen Sam fwhither he will move shortly with: family. I Mr. and Mrs. R Lawrence are in Loud: | Mr. Lawrence : father was buried near: f city on Saturday last. _ .v...__. 9; ff_1'By.: -their amt onvthe battleeld or; Africa with their faces tothe foe those ;: ; (twenty-eight Cttnndianl have done more Ctot;oen:on;t the union of the colony with :th_e`-nictherlsnd than sll lcysl orsticns 7s_nd`pref_srentisi tsriifse to date. They 7did not stand thoussndsof miles from hnttleeld and theorize on how `bottles coclli he won and the` enemy overcome ; they went direct to the eld f of`wsr, fought and died, that friends tend critics st home might continue to ` ;, enjoy the blessings pertaining to British citizenship, and by silencing the hsnd . .39! the oppretsor in South Africa er ` tend thdi-6 blmings to their oppressed. 1 brethren in that far sway lend. III. .I, _ 5 Mrs. -B. Grant has returned to town reside at her home on Mary street. 'E..P. Crowley, Toronto, sodnt Satur, in town`. E 'S.`Griith, Toronto, was in town Sptut-day. - Mrs. D. Jamieson in: the guest of E1; friends _last yeek. ' 1671, or loss than 51 per cent. of in j' vote on. the by law was therefore large proportion than that at the municipal, tionn. 38 Dunlop street. cheapest Pomona! News. In Barrie. ,_. needs must go to stop" the program of _ fthe ueurper. With Sir Richard Gren- 7 Vville hie last words might well have _.been,":-- - I have fought, for Queen `end feiclxnlllkee valiant menlund true ; - I hove only done my duty no and le bound to do; Wists: joyful spirit I. Sir Richard Grenville. 0': - V e . And he fe_ll.upon`the dedlu. end he died; Cape '1' HG) -x fend mo Lord I fcom m i.-:5 il . I, Tljoy Val .i8 withi "1:t._ein. am ;il`r0s;vN`1, _(_!0n1ma1n --uvuu V A To them tlzen twouciiity came, with i trumpet voice,` end especially to each 9 ltion-professional eoldierc on Private J. H. Findlay, whose. ability and etteino Vmentc` ehsured for` him a brilliant and .aucceuf_ul `future in the commercial or prcieuicnel walks of life. "1_`he_Empire hi hi: Queen was in` danger `and he .__-_I.. _.A.__- 7 - The Hui! que/.. dz A"IL is L Lg'her: I `Free 51' Ttraiixng -Of I3l()'{`I[ I Gov-rmn V Gen. \ xurduy u .,a, huling ed umu.` and Lim issm-I in era! Um mg in L hat axnc I30ers `V IIni(1L `Gates .1 thallzxu tetrvut. `lOSt A13 .repr- mu 4(N) [U ; Il'ili`.1 kin,-.; .\i2. Thirlv 3| No es! _b_81`S, hu ' from In ~h`a.vo lm , Vish, (`.\i(' V BInith_ I 7.`), to .';:U,m that HM The :3 7: the [Jul l .niI1mm-.2 fence. _].gOI'(l ( v___ - ---u cc jjji '1APe!iioine a home 1..., wrehgle .3. ,*o.;vrhoee`v breut ewelle our inner. viph .;.'- ?`lAIoelissi.r, hm: iris not known whether ` A_l'_Iey `ewell tlm way at all or rioyuntilv " they -here Ihoyn their loyalty by some pereonel eecnoee, fee great if decep- reery `II that which those Canadian : i lleve-made who have gone to thelront _iu;dei'enoe if their oountry like true soldier! of the Queen. . The \'u' Ini(J:n_:" n and he yet. '1 have no his res plenty < n1UlIili(> a.bandn T!!.bun(lun cvvna net" -av . .- Al?h0Unw' ` _1v(\.n Li -laconh pare po Iadvunvc from I: i. `If is < BOOYS ll 0L'l1.\'i\I: V "I`Iustm `W0 Ftfp {Law ml red ' Gen. Lontio a'.;'::.".;;'.";;*;.,"*'*` **"'-'~"""'*` *9 .`::..:::- "W "9? Eaac _nl'1iux`| {inn avlmq "J gull!` Booxl HOV :xm;'s msr rmnpm or moon. ' da- DUI and mam. 171-Hopnizroli W Lu. N`oI=rrH:aN?.:ADvANc:% `PHOTOGRAPHER; "fun or. Svlignunnu. 3 5 Q03 i|.iI.h 0` ""9 271 s0iii8%% , 3'$- '.'i;'e2;3."'2;"`Iii ` sworn him .- ftdl ; ihe]; 5 Yomiz -menyho -would in the "Slit-.!I I.I1bt.flIiV0. can I. } s-zvm% .aicno1aIeif%?T-?h9n% y _ ~._.._., V--- u- vv :3 vunwv III-IIU UIUUQ He` `placed Goliath cod his" o my one one tide of the scale and God Almighty _ on the other, nod the giant weaves -_u e ?feuther.f'-9 `-7Hie_ brothers hnd ,he`e. piecing`-Goliejzh.'on h ooe slide dud nochln ' on the ,` other, end the Tgfem, appeared e mighty mouger. . wan to it. young. met, this yon'e-halve -oorreeb views of G_od,'1_eid Mr. Bu-:4 lay. "and ifeeeeszosih do 1001'. on .dn*!; mu 'mek_`o9.`;el[ flihe`-i;dibIf0.O in"L_he-- An htdnnd "'--7.I 1L.-Agni ..._.a>--%n`_l;'_3-2."/. V` _ 1 It or9:_tel__in. him dhdduntd douno.' `N?hl' `I164 : I009 9.5: biIfv%oldar;brs s;h Q2 14:. - ` _t'. n .`L{?I { (LC. ; ' Erna story of David and dolhth is` . also 5 striking proof of the posvei of 3' sound theology. Some ` young ~men_ maintain it doe: not Ineke much dif- ference an to. iheir belief provided they stand in hell with society but inn-nde ellthe dierenoe to Devid an it also does to young ._.u_:en -of to day. nag. theology gave hiin . _o_o1-reot vierof _ `God and his own duty. _ The -moment`` he -heard the great hluphemer, David ,eaid_"God in notin that egg ; `e_id e.". _ If.` `.`_1-'.'.'.a n _i':_.L-<= On Sunday evening Rev. T. E. ` Bartley, of Collier streeet Methodist , church gave a practical discourse tram the words: For he was but a youth. (1 Sam., 42). V Af.ter"tall:ing over the story of David and Goliath as presented` in that chapter he went" on c to say that God placed much stress on individual responsibility.` God. could have won the battle through the Hebrew army bnt_he chose: David who l was,bnt` a youth for the formidable task. .'.l.`here was . too much desire among young men of the present day to do` what everybody else d4 es ; better ask God": `What is my-individual responsibility '3" Poverty need not prevent- this 3 Abraham Lincoln i was a poor boy, chopped. wood,'esrned aliv. ing. and rose to be a much loved man ;' General Grant by _m'ainta1ning _ his `individuality rose step by step to the Presidency; David Livingstone," a Christian explorer, worked in a cotton , factory at theaae of tenyesrs ;,more f . than il00 years ago in Oxt`ord,_;E'ngland. 1 there lived a lad `aof-. poor that he bla_ck# ` ed boots of the stndentsghe maintained his individuality, Jbecpi-ed an education, and 3 became one of` the `grandest preachers England ever produced, he was the `founder of "the! Methodist 4 Episcopal ?.church_ and his was 1 Georgeawhiteeld. Young men-iahoqld 3; never be discouraged by their surround-' 4 ings. _ ._~.._l escape. the derieien ef the . men from abroad who lovkl open his thorough`- . fares ip April; ;.;Weg6n, horses, was and tax payer will all be the bettex: off, and Mr. Fox should have unabimoue support for. his eoinmon eenee measure. . .. vv uuvrl 5 two cmggu, un arlouetowu ; rte Quinn. R 0.11 I; . , Thirty one other: were wounded, but none come from this county. Conndionn killed in 28, two wounded having died {since Sunday week, . In thelinnl engagement trith Cronie eight Canadians were killed, viz.:-Corlp. B Wlthev. F. 00.; Pte ~Pege.,Gov. Gen Body Guard, Toronto; Pte Ormond. `Cumberland Battalion; PteJohneou, Lnmhton or Winnipeg; Pte Scott. Lunbton or Uumberlnud; Pte Withers ; Pte Rigge, Ch nrlottetowu Pte`Qulnn. R C.-R ` came county; The total list of 28, two hnvinnr dial! mm. n.....a.... ......:. tnkon"l)v`t'roops from your Colony. ..-nu uuu uvcl` w ulu uenlrll oommonulugials Upe Town . ' l`h"e,-prilonon, who number about 3,000, will be furmedointo ooinmnndoea under our % own oioera. They will also leave here to dav, renchin when they will be railed to Cape Town in detachment; " . MILNE8} SEN-DS CONGRATULATIONS. _ . Sir Allud Mllporxlovemor of Cape Colony, oobled tho Governor-General no "follow : CAPE TOWN. Foo 27.-.-Cropje nurrenderod at daylight. Congmtulnte onnoblo-share - - (Signed,) p MILNER." lVA\`rA nrn-vrn "vs. .-..;V g who Modder River tomorrow,` wuu uvpur rulpuuli Ill] l'0lllo9. - file will stars this afternoon `under charve of hand him over to the Gendral commsndiuglt Cape " l`he.-nriuoneu. who numbar nhnnt. 2 mm ...m s ~' H w -_ , .. "T8`,TORY,,OF THE SURRENDER - , I _ , Londcn..Fed '27. 5.02 pm -.-.-s'.l`he.War Oi`c e haarecsived the following despatchfrom Lord Roberts: - `i1 a_srdeherg,p AlIjo 0l)0l.l. Tuesdaytmofning e 1|)-om information furnished daily to me bythe "inrelligencedenartment ,itbecsme> ap ent that Gen Oronje s force Vas becoming more depressed;-andrthat the discontent of t `e troops and the discord among the leaders-were rapidly . increasing This fee ingjw'_as doubtless accentuated by the disap _. pointment caused w.hen,the Boer reinforcements which tried to relieve Gen. Urooje were defeated our troopson Feb 23._-`. l 4 - _ y . p ` ` -ii`! resolv'ed.i therefo_re..'to bring pressune tolbear on the enemy Each night the trenches were pushed forward towards the enemy's lancer so as to gradually contract his position, and at the samoglime I bombarded it heavily with artillery. which was yesterday B,:t;risl,l y aidedby the ar_r_iva_l- of four six inch howitzers, which I had ordered up from ar. . * - ~ " ' ` -- "`.'In carryiu g*`ont these measures a captive balloon`gave great assistance by keeping us informed `of. the dispositions` and movements of the enemy Then follows paragraphs on Page 1 referring to the Canadians. and' Lord Robert adds :-=_-In my; reply I`f.0ll'l Gen. Cronje he must present himself at m.y camp and that his force must come out of their laager after laying down their arms. is , " In thecourse of conversation he asked for kind treatment at our hands and also that his wife. graudson.:.Private Secretary. Adjutant and servants might accompany him where ever he might be sent. s V ' ` . - g ` y _ I reassured him, and told him his request would be complied with. g I informed him that a general oicer'wculd be sent with him to Cape Tovvn to ensure his being treated with proper respect en route. ~ " as will Ilnh ole}- -Ga-.._--.. .--_..s__ u . -. . ._ - -- % :(:31e`onje ilias siirregdred L-8trengthja`ot'T-his force ewille-~be comfmugnicated later. I hope ,Hera:::Maje8ty.'8a Gqvernment a will i _.gcon side1*` this Jevkant satis- fac|:0ry,o`(:curx'ing`o;s it does on'_.the anniversary `of Majuba. ` -_A:BOUT`FOUR THOUSAND PRISONERS.? . . . Lm1ou.'1'.1. 27. 6 25 p m.--1: in new anhuenced um Lord Roberts has notied the War=:0iefe I:h'at7t.h_e number of Beer prisoners approximate four thousand. of which aboub 1.150 areoiciaena of Orange Free State. The remainder are citizens of the Transvaal. luvnniiuv nun .-...... .-_._.___..._.__ ?'I1neotiiii,t`ienaIly~. : :Crbnje:`is`~nfoIw._afprisonexfin mycamp. ` The. London, cm lbwin'g;des]paT1:ch from Lord` Roberts" :- CANADIANS KILLED. :has%rece;vd the fol- Major-General Preftyman, who will Mint Cane Tmnm ' ' ':3*The wagon tire on is is you made is ;_the moi: ebonve instrument imagini- V-eb.le.;for tearing up -good `macadem, '.v,jM_afth.`e ooqple ot'._t_o_ne in the._box your i_1`';".A-'V1;v,nygon _vthe'ele'. is` _a\ wedge thee agivog itself into the mam with" ~force_ than the heaviest Iteem ' our pet that road toget.her.,_ The in the burlesque of roedweye `9'y:`_e;'. yhloh we 11! travel. in vehioli dim-gu. `Ii: 3' {av week: the `.ver:* ego highway `will look be _though e eoetinjens `of earthquakes hed jolt M098 to . the temporAry,., es! other tnio._ The: "appear-_ be accounted for pnttlfhy h"_.eet`eoneruction, but tug; `ihioedgwill come h_eh_ve?=VIh'o_l`Ie3'- |ee[`I hIe`h h? " upset, if the hire`. 4 fhly drive a!pi;k r...a.a; .,A hi ._9!!'8Y tb-W `-3 ii ` ' `ma ."*!l`h98*'I-L` f,eeWo; 1 mt-et;e ~ "I \ uuvuuu, lllgllfo, VHO fol- I elected :---`President. `lowing oietl ' w T_ .`-`.A't tho'rgul:u;' mtihg or Collier atrleertn `M Epwoaftb Lapguoj on Monday night. the fol- ] m k J :u hloooad :-4-'Pr euidom:.` .3.-V n-L----~ " ` . _ __ ...,.. uuyuuu Ill UIIU IIIOIIUII II I VGl'y are oqadrre1:c_e. Tlhre were two in Janu- ary. `and therq will be two in March.` A _--Last. Wednesday p.fter.noonVw was ve? _ `kn. The grass sympathy felt for Mr; Findlsyfovfqmily and the .'exoi:enonc{ -over she now! of 4 H91 % Vof %L- `costld only-' b`_wor:ko`d"o` by; uiutchhig lour` `deep .>%d_6\ui tovya . aim - ichhoh -Chou?-n j_ for ;jj:_lx"a' ..._Q.ao o,a_a and for the: ratio! `of L-dyumith. were -ave! dvgthnfbit 0a;- 1 Next dty thohov-. ;;f'!_I,*_e'toqui.to" d_i6q)poinAIGd=ho-"nd7 their S-.-'!'." |.'-` ` 3'5 . `gLI__ `l 4 1'? hard fol-che Collegiate` boy: wkeep at their" boo g On_nEuvn'nv.-Wm. J, Rack, of Rusk-= . `view, took sick on Friday, 9th inat., _ with inummatioof the Iuhggandodied on the following -Tuesday. His death looms `as 1. shock to many of his friends. `whohad not heard of his illnods. Hi: remain wore interred i at. '.Honeywood on, Thursday _le':at._f Hi; vidow and. ffoor young%.ohildronhavo the sympathy iof theiipomuiguhiey.-4-Star, Anton Mills. ` Advance Correspondence. Atvthe Trustee bye-elecuien on Tues- day .of lens week Meerg. Tlnkley and `Knapp yore egegn the . candidates. `illegal voqifgg. Inkley wee eleed by`: mejotity of eleven vofea. the victory .wee cele- brated by eopg bed dance. - The elect-` ion `bee been preteeted Ion thegtound ' of I liberty and Boerism, and depend upon i . it, the `result will be that Englandswill ` ' tnaintain her liberty or the Boers will make slaves of the South {African natives. gW_,,e mourn the loss of our I fairest sons in pondeotion with the present war, and are grieved that one of._Barrie s bravest young men` is amongthe slain.. Would to God that this wasgall we had to mournvover. We pray and sympathize _. with the sor-- l rowing ones of to day on this account, but do we think suiciently of _the parents whomourn at this hour be cause of the sons who have gone down under the stroke of the Goliath of intempersnce; Ten times` as many flail from intemperance` as meet death on the hattleeld. Then we have Sabbath desecration and gambling in a young men must take aesaaud. In going into this conflict we shouldllike l David use. weapons `we understand. It David had gone with Saul s armor, he -would most likely have lost the day.'_ Some people say if we could from the public plattorm denounce thesesins we would do our part; but let us remember that the ballot box counts for a great deal. along this line.` Let us copy the example of David and = be true to God `in secret as well as in public. ,Djavidf was jcet as faithful yhena shepherd boy as when he rose ` ll Q J __-A-- , ._-_ .- ----V.-vnu UV I izo 3 position of power. --'1 v'o`n'ov'v`mobni 'i`n'on`emo ` E ' 'I!l'6 odml'n-ems; Thu. us-.- .._.l: i..,,`uv rs? u. mun:--uuuuru; rreuyman, wno `Will Town formedinto o_ .......M...- -1-- M--mu D=---- -- -------- M `' 8i`\i\ M \__ ` =` ` 3 ` '. ` `~"`,; , A-., . ,-.-.... nu : \llIl'll' `mu*~`oxuminn:ionI,` by C_hairmq.n Ward and` ;Tructe?ou~. Oownn Qnd Mpe as the Public School Board.. -Short `tdd1paf:nA~'were given? by - these entleu`ien; "axho1{_ti I`1gi their A ydziug, [heurgn to di|igo_ kin` ]t,heir.; pgtndiug, -Thin ood drdg andf tigiv 7 spp`e,ajr}-; I9.01.*h V`ti`9'1i'; 3!!'a.`!!i'1 I*IK!.3 ;"}'..I.1".`!' ' I .-Lm many` arm-*u$u=%=paa: ticogeu. item p;uenc_ed-.- tab that ;.hd`Ceutral Sohbol wbd paced ` _.muzbnmimiuo, by T;T__rn:ofen~.. 0owpn;_`ng1:.An4gIgg.J` of fselv HAVE YOUERIED. ` lIacLaran s Perfect %Headacha mm A safe an<.iin; m41s }cure fo 1_-. ] and Neuralgia. Guarhntged to ptire. ,_ _.--.. aouuuv: I)- For Nervous Prostration and `general weak- /-ness they have no equal. To nervous` and -delicate women these Tablets will prove ' a `positive blessing. ' Price, 50c. peg" box. Sold.b_v 1). H. Mac. Laren, Druggislf, solo_.-_age_nt.fo;jrBa rrie._ ' These Tablets are the latest production of modern medical science. They are innitely superior to all pills and ,similar preparations. f0I"thB cure of Indigestion and all diseasx-s"of the Stomach. Bowels,' Liver` ari'd Kidneys. 11 C E svsVrunu TOWARD. Am.-: NOT A PATENT MEDICINE . . . T CHEMIST AN!) DRUGGIST, . L A-_`B`4ARRIE.. i to` Tzhoce`..pnpila"i_n paused lbs (}hri'I-`- hiirliinn 1`,---| --'5'` ; ,Heaaache% with the Cheap Stock. J Store {With Superior Stock. -r.~.~ ._atnong_, t_he newigoods-I5 to The number bf freeholdere on the list is ` `about 970. hence nearly 56 per cent. of the vote` was polled, or considerably over half of it At the municipal election`: the total I vote was 845 out of a total on the lists of A The Ontario Legislature will now be asked for the necessary legislation permitting the loan. |\I loa Major-it tan: Ward}... . . . . The By-Law to loan 830,000 to the Barrie Taunmg Company for the erection of a new up-to date tannery that will employ at least. 50 men regularly, was` carried on Monday by a majority of 476 votes Considering the inclemenoy of the weather the total vote was reasonably large. The vote: in the variant wargla was as follows : ' I `V'PP`_|'." v` `from ho'O_co,_M us. Dunlap [8tnu1: '; Inlthn comm? dfslugoo. cw?- " i_1a_I-.ao 12*oommn n'o 4 v"" , 7 The Vote on the `By-Law. Total . . . . . . . for the By- 476 171' . 'w'IDn_:r11t1_as AND coon 30493. i 1 __ The Litidahy Wet-der says that the .'member for West Victoria will soon ' introduce a bill into the Legislature "providing for a standard width of dragon ' tires`. That is sensible, but not ao'.pre- ' iominently sensible that" it should not "haveghen thought of and introduced " _bO:{0l'.i To the preaont, the public haa` f-'l)e on` engaged on `the. oonatruotion and eidootruotion of ` roads, 7 Now it looka an, though oonatrnotion and preserva- Eitfiotts0ill.bo-attompted. ' \