ybuggy or harness. The-"})bI:l6.I. STAYNER -Mr. -P. Mcsherry , uh: riving to Oolling"wood_wlth". hi! lib c nd children on Tuesday .III3rning, aid got out of the rig to attend `pond-' 1-hing which had gone wro'ug,fsbotit' un-manageable, and he .wg%% along the road and 'budl_7=.`I.iIrtg _% conned to his'bed.-4S't;1 h." ff}: `I _ .s..g,'-` 08 `20 UVli'IS39-ll1 XftII._i-_9II J: _ 1:4: Iv -'_I`U|l.'.V|,lVv,lFI|1~.Ill|0 SPR3_-;-4 : S`:."lgtm`us. Bab; "oo.:a. Ion to ~.Mnl', Vaudf `G--u .K'IKI"'.K I- I ICBII. '40..-3 _vv \0`Uf_I_ _ mn..n.w.~,n;:f_. ` . .M-. j ` " I D O *H2.z.?.,9~. :.w:_.-.........- 1*-=.:.:, ...., 2. 3 -' Mn. JIll8I`5.0IlX ,'Ig:Il!lK.I-l!f ' ` I ' _ t` ' Gn.Ls6N-1n can * out [on sub. .n. the "*5 of Geo. Uillson,a ughter. ` s. LOVERING-.-At Lnwson,~Feb- x6.a son to Mr 4 . 'n_nd Mu. Geo`.`Lo\_(eting, or. ' - ' ' _ __._ 1 - 'Wl'I-_IIg vv__.v_n`.,gpt.v. `rt-1 ouPso' N`-`.A"AI.1l:nne-po`," '5 AIi5.`i6.!ir}7"andV: Mn. W. `I. Tlmtiiiilolt. ]arra,tt's. .3 son. ' 'xousE-A`c Mitchell square. Fe! -9.1.0 W 504 ll:-up lamp: Hnnnn,.n,da'|lI`(hIlI'. Father Moyha. Mr. amen, Miller `and. Miss L Katie Carroll, both of orth ocms._. |ORMSBY-VICK-At `v`InR1ab:-ooh," on-min. on F . . . . D.Du A3398 tInen`u aIuaOn aIIlR-cvinlgn MI`. mt l:u1LLER-cAR1ioLL9oa Fh. to. by the Ru? _ WIS! ?RAMSAY-In Tecumteth. on_ eb. 3.1, William Ram-Iy.ased14 ye-r-~ ' ' ` SULLIVAN-ln On). Feb. x5.'May Sullivan. xed -1 `mar: And a mhnthg [Hindi-.` fa. of Goa-_bel of pm Park, Toronto, was in town .1333 Wednesday representing _the Toronto Pottery Co. ' ncy guretl Blous Silks . . . . .. .q in. Black Glacee Silk. . . ; , . ., ' in. ne quality Black Satin-. . ._ ,_;,: ncy Plaid Blouse Silks, (Blouse. I....'..:.L...\ 7".'if;3y&$ne has been enccea . member of the Bogutd; of` Managemqnt pf the Ontario Lumbexmufa Associa- Mina LaFa-unier ivho has, been visit.- ing in Allendele for the past number of weeks, returned to her home in Grevenhurst on Monday lest. l\|l'P\-.-(`II-`l\V\Il_IVVQW, on ten. x_3,_l vyuu ;- nu- -zedmyeanl - ` PERRY4At Tcrranova. on the :40: int, Mrs. Peta. fclict of the late Wm. Petty. 8363 86 % aliaiai Partridge has been visiting friends at Waverley. I ` A -s --s 1 . ! 'n1md-xnvmn. _ V Personal News. Mia: Edith Moore of Orillut is visi"- ing friegda in town." ' `- '"_:EBV. Walter Whitten, %pastor_ of Christ. church, Ban-i, has bgen Inp- ` ` lIE.I .1.I{.;;;a 'o;$;ryV Chaplain of the 3'5:-h Battalion. ' _ .~ T V C V IIIIIIICIIUO uA"u Y--At Totteuham, Feb. ' aoth, Pi-tacit J. McGarrity. aed..75 yoga. . ,3,`.9.`!n.'3 M`.`m.-. _ . McCall's Magazine for March hast photo engraving of Miss _Mary Man- nering, the beautiful English actress; on the front cover. This number con- tains_ three coloredtplates, the first one a handsome walking costume also -the usual array of fine illustrations` of patterns of A artistic designs, with timely . articles, on Early Spring Fashions, N ew Materials for the Com- ing Season. .'l`he McCall Company, "138 to 146 West 14th street, New} smncos coum % NEWS BUDGET. ` for]: City. -Rev. J. Lawrence, Missionary at I g Rims Reserve has been awarded $60 and costs from Orillie through injuries sustained from a defective sidewalk. -North York Conservatives will hold a convention in N ewmnrket on Monday, March 5th, to select underd- jbearere in the next Dominion end 1 Provincial elections. ' IU3B'-t Kclu aqlllws `go -Mn. James 301380, !-.d'IlKhW5 II-ni"\s~r 1,- 1I-n9___._- _.l -.. `I7. ""~ - :m.t3.,.':- ::;...'*;..,.`;.:m;.< ink- > ` `lalal Vl`|KIII \JI'U; 1'3! 7 you: and 9 mbnths. .l\AI!IIllI\I! AL lI\_A.4_A Solid for ~ Tillson s. e ve Sold an in! use qa3tYAee0f;80038L sinceestaitisge '_`?V '9 V.6,i`7!l Vlotgto segll fyet ind pend upon selling `on goods at`fCOS'1`_.an\d`some_ thin`g3%"eaway` b`e1`oVvf;C;0S'._[.` PRICE=toc1ear t the stock. This your chance to'layiin7.your spring,;supphfe's gs emhanyeare doinfg, :-Eve;-ye. ingjust as advertise % come andeee. -No trouble tofshow youetheegoods. 7 V - nu: nusuu comm. (Limited) . " .- TILLQONBURG, om. . % ` Ann MAONOLIA uaarrr II:`I`AL. 5 j 5 SPIALESH. V " `snovELs,% GARDEN TOOLS, ELOUGHS1 f - `1>u11~1Ts,, REP V PAINTS, on.s, A % BUILDERS HARDWARE, ETC., ETC. A A .:~,vDr*ossin.g.Casos, Wting Folios, Purses Leather. 5 A-`:5 for olrl sud young. ( Cames and Toys in endless variety.. I Beautiftilly bound .Ehglish Church Prayers and Hymns, Roman Catholic Prgyers, Methodist Hymn Books and Presbyterian Book of Praise. CALENDARS AND CHRISTMAS CARDS. ' comm and caskets of all kind; in stock or made to order. Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by Telgraph or otherwise promptly attended to. `G. o.% DoL.1p4GE,_Mwnger, smud. SCOTT S. [Steam VlW6r|'xVsaI'IiV8hcki\v'lloom; Ghllior-_si., Barri: [Extra Bargains In. `oduvooilif S o_rfnet%hing to Suit Everybody. - All kinds of Blank Books "ruled to- any. pst.tern_ and bound at reasonable . , Magazines and Music: bound in splendid style and cheaper thsn city prxoes. _Le.\\:s quote on your work before sending it out of town. U N DE F_T AK E R, 4;----1-nj _where. Send for 0 We invite the clesest in of our farm Implements and Machinery which we are manufacturing for the coming season. -I . - T _In addition to the also `we call special attention to our New Victoria Bmder and No. 14 Oxford Clipper Front-cut wer. also our patent Spring and spike Tooth Barrow: and fiction and Ratchet v repay all intending purchaser: to nee our line: before placing their orders else- Dump Raine. It will 3 _ _ ew 1909 Catalogue. HE NOXON 00., L td., lngersoll, Ont. IGEO/MCDONALD T-Eon 3 so N is . R031`. - CRISTOE, %%"Lettar Heads, Fuwvm % -A WUUI - o u o o 0 n n I I o o u u u - - - u v v u iin. Black Fancy Figured`4Dres ` Goods, all wool`, stylish 'de8ig`n.I in. Skirting Tweeds in check_ and plaids, choice patterns in_ skirt lengths........V...., . . . . ; 0 44 inch Fancy Tweed [4 Goods, all "wool, good pa.ttems_ 75C.and . . - . . o . . . . . ..oo'oo.'o` -` i in. Fancy Check Dress Goods,` all wool, choice pabternscforj waisi-81` ----'- ~ some utwtaumm enact nu. mu use owumn 15 V . NOXON N8 13 SICTQNAI. 3PRlIQ 700??! SULTIVATOR an PRICES SMITH, FINEPRINTINII. ox` om: BARBIE AND STROUD. no. 5`uuuLnP $1.. TOP noun. llseful and lppropriaiei Presents; Bageza street; Bame. SANFORD ,-FQOCHE8< co., `PROPRIETOR. BINDERY The Advance, %. . ---- ...u.~.__ H `The vary but prlotiog in none too good log tho live, up-to-dot : business man. {Woo have a. reputation for turning out at rluonohln prion. A123 ;DUNgI.O_P %s'r. . (fitted with n and grass sowing attachments if ' desired) witindrev xble points, also thistle cutters If 0 e hteat draft. best working and most y operated cultivator manufactured. teeth work directly under the axle and `thin the wheel line.- uoxou also Iminow A The `only Disc Havrow t has adjustable pressure springs. s feature is invn1u~ able on hard or an ground. to -44- in.` Cashnieres, mediun'1' anid dark shades, all wool, fine qual y L to 52 in. extra ne ,qua.lity Black Cashmere-.8 and Henrietta, ll o o u I - Q 060. I . 9. . in ' 1:: ,,_ ,1 -'t\_____ New sgougni _ % THE CELEBRATED s-mm. noosma . I lloxon llnlls s,,,,,,,a;;ae38u,e_ Our old reliable Hoosmn Drills are so well and favorably known that they speak for themselves. There are now over 60,000 in _ use among the farmers of this country. fee the New snrlng Lift. The Universal Favprite Svrlht Iyfnn Noxon (OUT-THROV Cultivator. REPAIIS,_ Agepp. aI,'Ass, `DJ \Jl\IUIIB \-A\l\Jl' LI\IlI-I I.lOC\t I101` s 50 snaps In Small Wares; C`oL1.1NGwoon--The off have elected the foll_Mv ingl*-'M_ ET L. President, _'J. AWillloI~I ;.`jYi " ~ W. A. Copeland; Slean; Treasurer. ,- Council of the. - . W. A . '_ 1` eilfoy 19, J ama Blg K; LICUIL .l.Jl IJDD \a uvvua, wan ice patterns for K75 ~ Special In snks. GIVING UP Bosmzss IN *=BARRIE._ on` cut a no s . Regular price. $1.00` Regulaf ' Sale price. price. $1.00 in. Tab1e Linen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A . . 'nen Table Cloths, ne patterns.._._ 'nen.Table Mats, nicely worked..;"`.. ish Linen Table Napkins, new pat terns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . rge ne Huckaback Linen Towels. 7 inch extra quality ne `Table Linen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . xcy Fringed" Turkey Red Table Cloths . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . .. le Napkins, fine quality Linen... . ow Shams, fancy centres . . . . . . .. 1 en Tray Cloths, deep hem ne pat- | . u o n o 0 - y a o o u a c u 1 n o o O o u I - _ $1.25 $1.25 *RguI'a".r ` S919 K price.` . pnce. 31,50 Regular ' `Sale I price. price. 30 T 22 $1 . _ 95 $1.25 1% $1.75 40 $1.25 j 9o { $2.50 $1.25 75 75 $1.00 their appreciation of his daughter : services as organist during the past eight years. A well-lled purse was presented to Miss Dutoher. "5 AI C .-.v.-._.- V`...-v---v~.-V- - _._.._ v_._.. V... -- v Case . . . . . . . . ..; . . . . . . . doz. Toilet or Plush Handba.gs..-. adies Fancy Jet. Elastic Belts. . , . . ill: Garter Elastic, in pink,Twhite, old . -.-`I J Deoeneed won` in his 813%. year. was ! born in Essex, England, and come to this country some years ago, taking up his residence in `Son:-boro` Tovwnehip. Sixteen years ago he: moved to vqthie town, where he has since held " the? position of ooileotor end He leaves a widow ma * ve children, ltwof. eons end three `dnuglitere--'.l`. J. .GIedi-f` stone `of Toronto; Barty: of ' spugga. three donnhterejeuding at home. He also leaves; brother, -1ylI_o]:j?uiden here, _ .'_l`. B. J. o1.du_un'.i . .MIOLAND--Mr. Morgen R. Glad-; stone, a prominent citizen of this town, died on Feb. 20th, after n month : illness, which resulted from 3 fall. `TossonoN'r1o-Detective Greer,` who he been in Tosaorontioe for some time, ostensibly working on the `cattle nte_nl- ' in; one, in now said` have "been de voting oonaideinble who to clearing up n old` fmyntery connected yith _t_he_ ldinnpnent-nnoe 7 of go 130? ftroln he 2 ueighbo:ho9dee%oo Aimgj _"'gb`on qneqee yo-in -.36-_ 11,` Mrennto we nwwn-hip W 1%; one '66 30. 25 -$135 29 ` .65 $1.75 ' 95 z.1'ge Bottle. English Lavendeii Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' itdieis Combination Purse and Card Shle` price. 75 .65 99 za 59 38 '70 50 49% 95 34c 20 goid.... . . . . rochet Cot-ton`, ' .(.}0ttQn, CV21l-- 56 70 I5 ocu-cu-vvu :vvdV\-Q. uu --wuuww -h'1;ow:le;V;_' .'. .% ....... ..;. %. . . .. Ladies Solid Leather. Purse, bl ` k ...' _,-- 11-4;'I- `I'H__-.. -1. l`C_'I-..__- unnvo- up Egnch Cologne . . . . vuowv, vcv-vs. q Brown Tweed, 'iTE*ia'.{e&*; .'.`"ss'.oo.... $3-959 `Fiwn Ladies Cloth". . . .- . . . . . . . . . $15.00 for $9.00 ' New Shade. Blue Cloth . . . . . . . $9.00 for $5.95 Light Grey La`dies. .7Gloth . . .' . . . . . . 314.7 5 for 810 00 Fawn Ladies 'Clo,th-,)silk.1ined . . . . -$10.00 for $6 95 ' 9 Ladies Jackets. Ladies Black Cloth Lined Coa.t.... $3.50 for $2.45` Eadies Black Beaver`Coat. . . . $5.00 for $3 35 Fawh Navy or Blue}: Coat. . . . . . $6.00 for $3.95 , ;Our regular $7.50, `$7.7 5 and $8.00 Jackets....................... 0for` $5.00 ur regular $9.50, $9.75-and $10 00 ' Jacket....`....................-... for $685 Brown Tweed, iT1':"ii':{e{i%';'.' .-. :1`. Fiwn Cloth" . . . . .. Blue . . . . . Light Grey Ladies. Cloth . . Fawn 'Cloth-, silk lined . Men` Blac~k Worsted coats and `Vf's;ikofi:t'.': .;t'.'".'::.`:. :.'::`:'. ancy Belt and. Neck Ribbons. . .; .* _scoch and Beehive Fingerihg Yarns. "Berlin and Zxpher.Wo9l_s, all shades, -.4... --... _ `per -oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . .' Beld-ing Fancy Wash Silk on spools". Violgti lferfumed Talcun s Toilet ' Choice Patterns Heavy Whie Lace cu:-taim, Fancy` Figured Window, 54 in. Madras Window D `7 2 in. White or Grey GL....A.:._.. dgs.... I _uslin.... I C Anon V odor`: vn. IJIUVJ Sheeting. . . . Ann-vow V vv -Fancy Flannel Shir(li.ngs`l..:: 9 ' . . H Extra Fine Heavy Red Flinn . . . . Fine all wool, Grey Flannel. . . English Ceylon `Flannel, wide. . . . . Fringed Chenille Table Clot}is'..?. Bleached and Unbleached -4 Can go up ocw-v-v-vu ` wv-occur` . 4 "Mv]:`.lVa`;\n;l;`. ..... .. . . . . 10 Floor Oilcloths, '1,` 1; and'_2 yds wide . 25 -u-w-. -v w----cw - `.- V-uccwavvi iats..'... .T .... . ....s1s.5o 313.50 Heavy Li Racoon Goat... .. $40.00 $30.00 Bargal ln`8tapIo Dept. c|ot_I'1Ing _DoparIn_1oIgt. . . . . . ` -10 l Black 50 I, Erqnch .T . .. 50 Ladlu Ooitumco. . $5,K|RT AND JACKET-.) LII All D, E MooNs'ro_NE-About twenty of `the `unday school scholars gathered at. the-. Eume of Mr. Hill, one evening'1eat_- fheek, and presented Mr. Hill and Mr._ Elobertson each with 1 ne Begatere bible. for faithful service during ner." years. " OEILLIA -Shortly before noon on Monday residents "of the West Word were horried to hear that a little girl had been almost done to death by her clothing taking` p re while standing warming" herself near 3 hot stove. The child is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Woods, who lives on Albert street .11 few doors south of Miesissegs, and is shout six years old; The family eon- sists of Mrs. Woods and four children. The mother wssont washing, the elder ' girl at home and the younger ones st school. At recess the little one return- ed. -complaining of -being cold, and `_wsrrning` herself `st; the stove; ,Eer'olothin' took re, end the dress of `_the_ elder hiltwu F-ha ignited in her .s's_vs,;her:'sister.'v Rushing out n ifh_er scream drew ..the_ ettention of the mun:-.~noprompe1x =l04'dI'1hi is . bit?- tb 1 Wee thior r t tnurde;-T_ trial may be thg -riesuli.-- } Hergld. Regular} P1100. ' 10 Regula-r price. $1.25 25 _` 18 $1.00. Sale ` price 95 15 1 la; 60 $6.50 $0.00 3900 86.75 87.50 589 00 80.00 83.75 $5.00 75 -v -c-v-. price.` Iv-Y-Mr. John Elliott and" falmilye very narrowly and fortunately amped R general poisoning one day last week. Through some mis`tnke or other Va; deadly drug stood in too conspicuous 3. place, and a quantity became with some of the enteblee. Dehfnthh inn Biecovered in the pot before nny eerionnf damage was done.-'-World. ` V J 38 20 25 $2.50 $5.00 $4.50 $6.50 $4.75 $5.00 $6.75 $3.95.. $3.00 $3.75 P?- 19 17 28` 16 12 $1.75 Sa_le IJUJ .Luuu u a v u u V ~ . - nu, \.--w-....- lengths)...` . . . . . . . . . .75 -.1i.n`Colored Silks, fine nish . . . . . . _5._0V 'ne Black Tricotine Silk. . . . . . . .` ' $1 00 ncy`Broche Silks, blqus lengths... $1.50