A:am}e"co;;Qa.na . Mr. alam"es.Sit.t.le waned friends gnd relatives near Tebayater lately. VIBIIJIUJ Mm. 'w.u.... smug, who has been ill for `several weeks, is not improving very rapidly. I)... (f... `DALI. A-unuunn`:n` Ila. IYITUIVYT XVI-I LYYYVVIUT nivvw-'u Miss Alice Bennett of Fain-view near Midlsnd, is visiting friends in this vicinity. - ll..- 1~xr..eu.._ maul- ...l.... I... 1...... an A large gathering in honor of Miss Rowney and Mice O Shea, of Midland, was held last.` Friday night as Mr. and Mrs. McDougald e. The occasion was also a house warming, the dwelling` having recently been enlarged and very much improved. The evening was pleasantly opens in game: of various kinds and pleaaant intercourse. ) 'v.ev.vG;<;. Reiti, evangelist, held re- vival services in Allenwood [Methodist church recently. V I The townspeople received up terrible dhodk last Wednesday by the sudden death of Dr. J. H. Corbett, one of the oldest and most highly respected resi- dents of Orillio. He was returning from a visit `to the Indian reservation uteme, and had reached the town after` driving across Lake Couohiohing, when he_ was "token faint. Atu:nuon- wee ottreoted to his condition by `the nimlen movement: of his-_; house," and he who at ones takento the oioe of a `brother. practitioner. He` - expired, however; "almost immediately. `Dr, Oorbit war _th,sjaen_i0r Phviicitn 69 I5? : 0`lMnc1.i,hI.d~1 .liv6d- Efrem early. ' msaneev . _ Anticipating the advance in Ccttcn, Goods, we bought} largcly at an early date, and are now in a position to supply the` demands of our `customers at the"lowest possible prices. Special .1`-V-A`dla.rge assoftment of Sheetings "and Cottons, including a 2 case lot cf Mill Ends, bought at -,,L rt, ,, 9,, mt - ____._-______ L- ..-;. 1_'L_ L__,-1u d L a Bergain. V` The customers to get the benet. gpectal 2-`-9A` lot of Prints, Muslius, Ginghams, regulargprioe l0c.- to 25c . all to go at 10c. A Bargain. ` Don t "miss it; 1_'able .l'/Vl'6.8-V-A great range oi'\patterns and prices. Bleached, half-bleached and unbleachrd, 25c. to _ $1.'35~per yard. ` .Pr int8-A_lready we `show a, large and well assorted range of Prints, including the best English and - American makes.` V "Light'and:d_ark colors, allfai-st` dye. Prices 5c., 6c., 8c., 10c, 12-.`,-c. E'mt'ra_--Only 25 pieces Americgm Indigo, fast dye, 6c. Those wanting a good wearing and washing Print ` g at a. low gure should not fail to secure it now, the manufacturers prices are just higher ',. to-day. SlIe_ctings_,_ t_o hi.1I_L: ou must * Successors to Geo. Reedy. Our Ladies is superb, all made of the best materials, in` the newest and most approved styles and Wlziteear n?shunexcelled. A sample may be seen in our west window, but don t stop at that, see the stock. All we ask is the privilege of showing the geods and quoting prices. Death of 131;. 3. H. Corbett. Lvalrvlew. Advance Correspondence. Advaneg FEBRUARY OPENING VA|R,V|CKERS &.%<:<.>., V .C_.CQ;OOIOtOOOOOOuOO v ' Nothing more important for the Ladies than to have their spring sewing completed this month. During the month of February we shall devote the whole attention to the sale of 's'mrtIng_s_,__ ililow Goftons, Leigh ' e spelling; whose ` ` was M! V mmonplace J He mar` years of the: blank- at letter vf GIVING up BUSINESS PHQNE 74.- Gt Price to save expense and trouble of removing. Llnoqs, _ 6ttons,: . Direct Importers. 56 Dunlop Street. ' ` j, crcivwsrrlti lay ed bedti- ace. ha9.!ainA% IN BARRIE and Ladle White Wear. i_Morni%ng paw`) llq 1 b U1 thiat ;c,ome thud. lalike re(~,g'3' Iy they `dig e officersvd L-mmieg" an in love_':-T , who ik'.d his when hey`! e the idoi. lfre'(_1 dz ' ;e1-)-l `W enses, anal an y -'muaa ;;;:; vat A'1`.OC_BA en s ?ure Gum Rhbbers,_ high ankle, lbuckle, style Maltese Cross brand, regul list price, ` "$ .4 4 . ,_' { brand, sizes 9, I, - ,`_}9'E:ia1. en s 1-Buckle Arctic vershoe, GooAdyea..r "brand, regixlar price $1.50, special . . . . .. 3 9 A Dalston ' / F Advance Correspondence r. V. A. Hart, of the S00, visit- his parents an their home during latter part of last week. On Sun- he took his usual place in th ir, and sang tenor in good style, also handled the organ during the daring of two pieces. `He starts _ _--l_ 1.`-.. 'l3_..I-.._.l _.L...... "L. -.:H uvsnua vs I!V'\l '1 vvvv an o... ---- -- s week for England where "he will nd the greater part of the year in ther study and work of his" sen profession. His triends of Sims ' wish him the success that he do `s, and deserves. Dr. F. J. Hart lbe very busy atthe `S 0, during brother's absence . . . .Dr. Thomas dwell vislted the neighborhood` ently, and he looked prosperous . .Miss Livingston, of Minesing. ited_t_he_Misiee Cannons and wus| Ivvu Wuv -sauna `VII nu: \auaIa u~-vu with them on Sunday . . . . Mr. '1`. Young has not yet decided to move in Dalston. Reports which are ily started and are untrue travel y fasc....Rev.J. H. Teney gave untensely interesting lecture "st ighurst on Wednesday last. H18 ject. was `-The War in South Africa. ..Rev. M. Kelly continues to inter- the young people of Dalston. H18 ursduy evening work is good and pfol, as is also his Sunday evening mon. " u Advance Coh-rrespondence. A Ir. Chris. H. Braok, Principal of arson public schools was buried in , Presbyterian Cemetery in the town- p on Tuesday ot last week at the of thirty-one years. The deceased s a native of N ottswssags. township, ' son of Mr. John Buck, and was csted in Nottswe school and Collins; od Institute. He then studied for e time in Toronto University be `e accepting the position at . Emerson, n'., nearly three years ego. His. th was caused by typhoid fever. 0 years ago last August, Mr. Brook tried Miss Sarah Moljesn, -daughter Mr. Dougsld McLean, then of N ot- assgs, now of Toronto; ishe sur` es her husband without family, gnnd; the sympathy of 0 large oirole` of nds among whom the deceased wee, Mr. John Brown, onerpof the n in these parts, wasbuvried,;`;in`-sithg: Aion Cemetery on A_J'sn.__4_26'th'i '}S..c'i.23'{h' '1'i'p:3-agve"_-;f ';;;;.y;g; rs, and almost to the Just H:-oft_ in_9jcl. _ LI- _L`- . v---I tall`-A II IJIIWV UV l-ll U-V robust health of his early days,` 11 his eyesight remeinedetrong, thug, ing him freedom from epeqteoleg` jg. ing that few old meu.eujgy. E9}. a. native of ',v"A y. _ ,._-`r,~ A L W. .5. . .1 .- INN .,; The qualnzvtitiesin many cases are limited, and We do not promise to repeat these values, so you had `best come early if you" want Vrst choice. The qualiti are reliable, 9. fact, beig here is suici_ent proof. These lines must be cleared outfhis Week." It 1i)eads a. 1688: to us',,but we prefer the money instead of `the gbods bu this ocasion `L Regd this list carefully : - J -` F RAW LEY-%. BIG SNAP FOR MEN S DEPT. BARRIE S LAI{'GEsT SHOE STORE. Haw RUbherS and llvershoes 1 O ...At Ha.1f Price... foot of the mountain for over forty years, his wife preeeding him to bright- er worlds several years ego, his daught- l er Elizabeth being buried from the same room and at the same place as { her mother. -Rev.`Mr._Borland, Pres- * byterian minister conducted the funeral ` services. His sons are Capt. `Alex. l Brown, Owen Sound end -John end p Charles, and daughters Mrs. Gilchrist. ` I Owen Sound and Mrs. Wright, Hemil- l K A ` Boys Pure Gum b-1 Buekle-Rub- bers, heavy sole and heel, regu- lar price $1.10, sizes 2 .to 6, Specia.l.'.'....e..-.' . . . . . Youths Pure Gum 1 Buckie Rub- V bers, regular price $1.00, sizes lOto13,only'..... . . . . . . . .. A dva.nce Correspondence. HMi'ap` Mary Miscampbell is visiting I relatives in Torgnto and Maple. V 1 Wm. Mat-chews anti ; daughter are visiting relatives here. 2'1 1' I` I_ _AA__A4__] I ALe_n::ox has returned from Kentueky to take up residence M1\nlir.. Robt. Allen is talking about going to Alberta next week with the intention of starting ranching. " Churchill and Lefroy hockey clubs had a friendly match on the rink. here > on Thursday evening last. The waiting ; team were eesy victors. gd do away ; yV discuga],_}_ -nks with} together 3: subject i'g_. no dis'cus y ; themsetyf be consld eceiving - an; point that ; hm them thy. A A large number from here attended the quarterly service at Bell Ewart last Sabbath to listen to one of their iiormer pastors, Rev. Wm. Thornley. `There will special services it; the English church here having particular reference to the war in South Africa. The collection will be given .tc..the -Ueusdisu Patriotic Fund. i Among the recent visitors in our village were :-Shern' Clement, ' Bien- 'don`. Mam; Mr. Waiter Wilson, Loo. Angelee. 09.1.; Mrs. T. B. Reid, Mark-., ham; Mr. T. I. Truemen and _MIee Trueman`, Midland; Mr. H. Wilson,` Buhlo, N Y-.; Mr. H.` Weon, A,nror'a._ The Presbyterians held their anni- versary services on Sunday last. The Rev , Robt. Atkinson, of Toronto, preached morning and evening to large eongregatione.- On Monday evening they held a tea meeting. Tea" was served in the basement of the church,- after which aj good grogrsinme was given in the -church; ` 0 , _I_-_.. __-._L'1'_-__ L_.__ i Two rinks of, curlers went from here to Peterboro last week to play o` the -Onumo Tankard competition. Churchill wu`r`st drawn against.` the Pete:-boro Granites and defouted them. '1`ha_-second come againstfresh players was too much, for them` undhey v_`g`ore% beaten. The "folloI_Vvi_ng.; oongpo_u"ed.;.tha~_ tvo tinka "irony .Oh_urohi1l:o-I-Wm;L` Allan, 'GiImoI_n' ' _:Bei,d. D; rLon`inoxf,o Jhn=*ANu--=kip`o`J- `L-`: 31h{;EvHi ,3.lo1'_1`,:-_l_:%_.` Sloop; oR;;.;G:'o-rRaid4-ukp::~ l A1 LADIES -DEPT. t '5 " aterpfoof Button Over- _oeAsizes 2% :to 7, regular " `.; Felt Congress` Slipplars and Felt Lace Shoes, special... '. 75 `$1.70, speclal ........ . .31 15 BOYS % DEPT. 75 70 `III .5` unt J . . Mine Henderson of Toronto who has been visiting at Mrs. Thus. .Lennox a for yonne time, received a telegram on Monday lest eeying her father was dying.` ~He has since died. 'I`l.`_ ._-A..._._ l.--I___. -...-L-L L-L_..sna. ""'.'iri3'yJJ 7.'3p13b`n1'5}E3'-Lpeno a very enjoyable social evening at the reeidenoeof Mr. and Mrs. W. Beelby The return hockey match between Allandale and Thornton was played on Thorntonrink on Friday evening last. Score, Allandale 4, Thornton 3. The gonad.` although fast and hotly con- tested: on - both. sides, was free from roughness. The absence of two of Thornton a best players and also the decisions of the goal umpire are re-N nponaible for Thornton losing the game. I)-.. II- :_..__-_---_.l.._L.`.'I .1... ....u.. 1 UFUIIBIVIV IIID llvllnvvnl station, vuv -.uI|na\n Rev. Mr. Sinnpsoncondncted the mis sionary service here on Sunday even- ing. After reading the local report and explaining that" only `two cents out V `of every dollar was paid in salary the other 98c. going direct to missions, he preached at very eloquent and patriotic sermon.` ` The missionary collectors for jlnniel side for 1900 are Misses Henry and Blaokstock ; for Essa side, Misses Thompson" and Boake. . _ ` `Mrs. Bake`:-, _of Cookatown, has been staying afewdaya with Mra.- A. F. _Garre'tt. . lvitu-'. Bra_I..!'ley aHhnitobn'fia spam!- ing I few with his daughter,` Levi Mayan. " j I T Mine Many Pratt tie spending a couple of weeks with friends in Barrie and Holly, - ~ . O U15. au- that lo: etest thins e love get;-' it T with a pi "sally %a;;g ved G91-9101 chiid inll` astute-ll; came Thus .it 321 ssful or 3 L -- urn~ A large number of young people gathered at the residence of Mr. Thos. Bernard qn Wednesday evening last to celebrate Miss Rosa's birthday. " A most. `enjoyable time was spent by all present. " At the annual school meeting inl December last Mr. Inkley was the re- tiring trustee. He was nominated for re election, his contestant being Mr. Knapp, the latter being elected by a majority of 1, after an exciting poll vote. Hie election wasafterwards pro- testedvby Mr. Inkley on the ground of illegal voting. Inspector Morgan was appealed` to and gave Mr Knapp a choice of two procedures.` (I) New Election or" (2) Investigation. Mr. Kuappchose. the former. The date of 3 the new election has not yet been xed b [by the Inspector. _ 4 The ddmueical caruieel on' `Tuesday night list was enjoyed by 300 people. a . V Miss Roxy N Ixonhee been spending a. few days with Newton Rebineon friegde, 1 II IIIll\lvI Messrs. W. Perry and .1; T. "Suther- la_ nd of Bradford -spent Saturday sud Sunday with Mr. W. J. Mcleau. 'L. _.A..--. -Agn_`nu 4` 'I 'g--L;u- .--an-5. ` for: 9.11 day! hit week; - L " I b:.AAKo;.n[ 5...; ` 1... ..;.L spauamg u feI._v"w'ov- kn with hilfuthor-in-law, W . McKnight, returned _t6 his home in Muoaimin, N W.'l`., on 23rd 111%., cc- "oo'mpanied by hia_ youngest aisher--in- law, Miss Lulu McKnight. Mina Christie, _of B:-srrie, is visiting [ with Mrs. Aulex. Wilson. ~ i - e . Newton Robinson . . i Advance Correspondence. Mr. "and Mrs. Isaac Rogers, of Methueu, M.an.,* returned home on Tuesday slter a six weeks visit with friends here. Mr. W. Aitcheson and Miss L. Crouan who have been living in this neighborhood for some time went west with them. . . .Mr._ H. W. Nixon, ct Shelburne, and Miss Roxie Nixon, of. Thornton , spent part of this week at Mr. Jae. Nixon's. . . . Mr. W. J. Merrick, of Barrie, is visiting at his home here . . . .Quarterly services were conducted in Band Head by the pastor last Sabbath. Mr. E. Bennett, of Deerhurst, occupied the pulpit hereon Sunday evening. . . .Rev. J. Wallace Stewart, of Maple, will conduct an- niversarv services here next `Sabbath morning and evening. . . .Mrs. T. V. McNauht is visiting .in Flos township. . . . .Miss A. ,Woclford, ct Orillia, _is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Uoburn. VDCIVYX IIIIIXZC IDIIDII Ixv l1-u-`.-vy Miss Minnie McKeown returned to Thornton last week aftez; 9. {hurt visit under the parental roof. `I - "ALL-..:n-nnhgg 4` `IA nu`-mnu 5' Mr. Jao.'i.3'.:d' EISESBI1} ill. Mr. and Miss Jennett of Baxter visited friends here has Sunday. 9, I. 'I'7__, _._;,______, L_ River ' tho an Inllllvl ulvwuua -w ` Mr. 'ii7i1'i Hetherintg-Vt'on of Mulmur! i was renewing old acquaintances, in this ' 1 neighborhood has week. :| T -__;. I`I7_.`I..--.I-.. -_-........ - ..I-:_.L2_..4I 3l:;a:'W`t'e(`i`t-)e;i;y "a`,1'V`\\a.I-1'ing. 3 sleighing party from Glencairn occupied the` house of Mn. A.`Holme'a and spent a | \_'ery enjoya.ble evening. , . in: E0117. 7 ._ Advauco Coruigpondence. i Pints, of Anton Mills, is `visit- Irfmiaa Gibson % O ' ~ :1... -1` 17-2 :.; _.-:.:._.. 1...`. .1.;....n.;.-.. `l'3-1;-x'i):m iaperioualy ill god is attended by `of Thornton pliyaio-. with vwnvno -u--was `savanna-I .Mrs. `J. N oil! is waiting her daughter 1 `Mrs. Miles, 6!` Outawu. `l'!_, A ., ,_ I'Il__',I. ._ 1,. -__,_2-,; -,l.. SI! ian , WA pmor nooia`1'wiil.l:b; h e1d_at Mr. J no. V .SIfig ley s reqideupp to mo:-row j mg. s..}InI,".r` ] been vi-i~ihs% in. I M . Advan e X C; . ` Anton mm Advance Correspondence. - Q-wc xvvn-u Advance t ww--um ` Advance Correspondence. -wv wvnn yvrypuvuuvvu .ot' Th`-utuonry; whb has i:`:_;,:8.ts99d; fund in Mr.` #7 .,'%t`?*99 home.T. . .Miaa S. Blevins is the guest of Mr. Chas. H|cklin....Mr. Geo. `Munro has gone to the lumber camp with Mr. J. Pratt, while Mr. G. Pratt has had to return from ill-healhh. % Mrs. Geo. Bennett is visiting friends at _V_V auyaushgnq. (av 11 wwwwwww v-vv Mr. Jae. Hook returned from the camp last week. `I -1. (1.... ``.u-...`-.`` Lana :.nL qnlacugnal M'}.'?ie."nZLraha11haa just returned fro_n3 a short wait in Toronto. -ru-v `Q . p "Univ? i'5'."1?1Ifd '3{SL2EIi'i'ng . few days with Mr. E. Shaw on `his return from the camp. 7 "_.._ I3 f`I__L `_`L `-1.1-gs 1P..A.u-p `An IIVIII uuv UBI-IIEIO Mrs. E. Clark left here Friday for Virginia to join her husband who went there a few weeks ago and auocoededjn getting a position as band now ler. ENIUS. _+ `practised V y -their -n_1_