A grant of $25 each was made to North, South and East Sgmcoe Teach- era Institutes. I No GRANT '_1`O VOLUNTEERS. The Finance Committee reported that they had considered the communi- cations received from Lt.-Col. Ward and Lieut. W. `J . _McManus asking for a grant of 25. per day to each private of the 35th and 36th Battalions from theOounty of Simcoe, and whilst _Yuur Committee believe.` that everything should be -done to keep the militia force up to a high standard, yet Your` Oom- _ We ievite thecloaeet :.i:uon oiV'.`<>u1:-Lfartn Imolemeuts and . Ma `new which we are manufnctur-ing- for the coming season. ` ` e In addition to the above we call special attention to our New V1 Binder and NO. 14: Oxford Cllppt Front-cut Mower. also our patent Spring` add ~pike Too Harrow: and fiction and Rntchet Dump Rake-. " It will amlqv repay all intendingvpurchaseru to see our lie before placing their `order: else- 8;en_d e tor `oug- _ 1900 Oata'1o_ue,_ V ~ .w .z. T WXON Nu IIIICTIORAL` IPIIID TOOYVI OULTIVATOI ;u..l.r...:...;...... mtoana the 5 Dominion ma rnnnicipalitiea mend the grant asked for. ought net to he asked to contrihnte_ to such a fund. Thin Council has also already made liberal grants for insur- ance of the llivea `of the members of the oontingentrto South Africa and under the circumstances cannot racem- __.-V-- _- Y___.- _ ._, 1 The Finsnce Committee r9oommendr_ ed that Howard Smith of Tiny be ap- pointed the County Student at Guelph Agricultural College forthe year oom- menoing sfter next mid-summer.- Adopted- V surrnss AND xurnovnusxrs, The County Property Committee re- commends that the Chairman of this Committee obtained estimstes by tender for ceiling lower hell with wood and also kslsomining upper and lower halls of Court, House, also a separate tender for ceiling and kslsomining '1`reasurer s oce and submit same to this Commit- tee in June. Your Committee further recommend that the Chairman instruct the Clerk to advertise in one or more of the local papers for food supplies and such other ` supplies as are usually advertised. for by` tender from April _ 1st,` .1900 to March 1, 1901, use that the Chair- man accept such tender which he thinks most in the interests of the County.- Adopted. GRANTS T0 ROAD$ AND BRIDGES. The following grants were made dur inc the session to Roads and Bridges : - $50, Ease. Innisl townline. ` $7 5, Bondiead Road, West Gwill- imhury. $50, Innisl, West .Gy., townline. $75. Peneta_ng'Road throtigh Innisl. $125, Essa, Tecumseth townline. $50, Oro, between Lots 10 and . 1], [Com 1 and 2. Tsioo, Lake Shore` Road, 2nd and Sub Lines, Nottawaiaga. A825, Mono, Adjaln townline. $50, '1`ecumaeth,A Tottenham town- line. $75, Beeton, Teoumseth townline. $125, Penetang Road, near Pene- . tang. ` 4...- an 1` C9 8550, Con. 6, Veapra, continuing El-zabeth Sh, Barrie. ' A ' ' $50, Brown's Hill, Penetang Road. 8125, Nottawasgga, Sunnidale town- lin. 350, Toasotontio, Sunnidale town- line. ` -M.unioent salaries: The Town- ship of Adyula pays its clerk $60 ; as- sessor, S55; treasurer, $6U, and col- lo-otor $75. 7 ' 37 5, Townline, Toy, Medonte near Coldwater. $29, Blasting rock in North River. ` pment LB rates, ISING. `ill be M dratted u will beg 1.. -__ - `Lot on Clapperton street immediately south of Baptist chu ch wit small brick house thereon. Apply to T; CREW. . $25, Suunidale,.Floa, N. townline. $25. Sunnidale, Flour, 8. townline. 1525 Can. 1 sad 2, Sunnidale. $65. Mineaing Road, Vespra. . $60. Elmvale, Wyevale Road. . 850, Lot 15, Can. 5 to Lot 10, `Con. 3; Adjala. "V A $7 5, 'l`ownline,A Collingwood, Nothi- Wilo ` New sectional ' ' I -.~....... Cultivator, (tted with grain and grass sowing attachments if desired) with reversible points, also thistle cutters if ordered. - The lightest draft. best-working and must easily operated cultivator manufactured. The teeth work_ directly under thetaxle amt K within the wheel line. The only Disc Harrow that has pdjntstable _ pressure sp imzs. This feature is invalu- able on ban or uneven ground - noxou mse mnowl urmmnggosmn Sprint N on Drills Our 01 rqliable noosnm D1-ill:saAre so well and orably known that they speak for -jthemse es. - There are now over 60,000 in ,the farmelfs of this _ country. The Universal Favorite on the New Sm-lug ma. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Noxon r in mind advertisemani not later e copy foriud ANCE 0icei..u Monday` in s announcem 1 f"nu Iuunan. `D : THE CEL_EB,RA"1`ED (Cont;-i'nued on 9380 4-) (OUT-THRO W.) 5 tf i imcxs % ~ ?j'.sI3E_I.AGJ(K, B`ELLS"' HORSli}"BI'.ANKETS` ` V nxnrnnns cm'r'La: cmuns" mm caorrmas ` Mmcnns j . STUFF-S WCROSS-OUT SAWS AXES . % HANDLES ELECTRIC STPPLIES, ETC., E'l`C._ ' - LUNDERTAKER Dressing Cases, Writing Folios, Purses in Leather. ._ i . Books for old and young. Cames and Toys in endless variety. -Beautifully bound English Church Prayers and Hymns, Roman Catholic- Prayers, Methodist Hymn Books and Presbyterian Book of Praise. CALENDARS AND CHRISTMAS CARDS. COTT ndon Guam .. Provlnoi soelauong-Q` Sornethingisa Suit Everybody. Coffins and Gjskefs of all kinds in stock or made to order. ,Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by-, Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. % G; O. DOLM'AGE,Mwnagor, Stroud. lsteam Vl6r|}}I'Iii6i'Boom; Gollier-si., Barrio ,BARRlE All kinds . of Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound at reasonable raifes. Magazines and Music bound in splendid style and cheaper than city Let us quote prices on your work before handing it-out of town. T-soon ROBT. CRISTOE, ON OUR Letter `Heads, Y Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Shipping Tags. ` Envelopes, s . Advertising Dodgers er lin 5 gene): ugh their Oats losothe avor, _ Half the satisfaction in eating Rolled Oats lies in the uutglike avor that you so seldom get. PAN-DRIED " FOR FLAVOR. can be distmgtiished from all other brands at once, by their Pan-Dried avor. Like rich,_r_ipe-nuts in their prite Ah, yes--a tastv dish and one" that you never tire at. Ask your grocer for them. V`_and:1:fecei_ve.8;3 Cash. _Mr, Ilgbl-eVy 115.3 been appointed 5 cashier in ` .. _. _'_ p}aqa of `Goo. Monkynan for {next 1 Casi; Coupons GET PRlC_E$ C}. C}. $1\aII'I'ZEI, The Tillsonburg 00., Limited, Tillsonburg, Ont. TILLSONS PAN-DRIED ROLLED OATS FINE PRINTING. _THOS,fH0BLEY S& Grioosav srqas. BARBIE "AND STROUD. No. 5 IJIINLDP 8T.. TOP F1008. Useful and Appropriate Presents. PROPRIETOR. BINDERY when it. is: 5119.; ,,,.,.ene at The Advance, ....._.A1..;..`. :1 first page ml found.` proper: icles, etc.. etc. cash, and vi] cents per wad cent per V015 res .. counted` i e cent per won er` of insertion The very best printing in none too good for the live, upto date business man. We have 0. xfepumtion for turning ont good work at reasonable prices. that you have your own time to ll your ' 123 DUNLOP ST. REMEMBER Coupon Book with There is only one tmcf way to obtain the rich, nut-like avor of ripe Oats and that is by PAN- % DRYING. Millers who steam ? mortgage`- d rates quvv! AGENT. ` n Bothwelf f:me:P:.'i.; `K7 nn-.-u'...I _., Waterloo, 1 u uuuvuuucnju 1 the week nts_ allowedf mposition rm suran_ce. ( ash capxtal, MITH. ' B AND U] *6 Damon I vuuu. Ull I by carried < EEMENTS wed to use tlid g outside thy` uld they do. ed for such '11? d with The] ngland. S of Berlin. P4 $5.ooo,ooo. 5 n on metal bun. E rson, `sQN_. F` of Toronto. 1 II Lly 01,19? GENTS `run:-...,. _ KNKIN & 1 SMITI-ll {ns Iivsun BAPITI '_' '?3 i _`_`1 vings Com]! month? monthly from this questions : u A V ....... -_ 1._ Are you iu'favor_-of the Legisla- ture granting power to" the County Council to assume leading highways. through the County for thopurpoue of - forming a system of leading C County Roads `I ow --__ 2. Are you in favor of the Legioln turn granting aid to counties that as- sume leading public roads by paying 5 proportion of the cost of c..nstruotion and maintenance? was an 1881`. 7 GOVERNMENT AID T0 noans.` ' The Committee on Correspondence eported as follows: "i I That after a careful consideration of 3 the communication from the Chairman of the Municipal Good-Roads Conven-' tion desiring an expression of opinion Ll- Your ,Committee of the .Whole` Council recommend that the a.nawera~ to the above questions be as follows: c..............;.... , wm. nbnnow 325 000.3.` " .3; _t The Fnnanoe Gominittoo recommend that this Council authorize the borrowing of such inn from the -Bank of Toronto, Bnrrie. Your Coun- -I - 51` LL.- forasaid. Your Cumnuttoo therefore 2. Yes, provided the name be grant! ed direct to the counties upon an equit- ' able basis to be expended by the County ` Councilia. I 'l|JIn van -v-v---- -mictee are of the opinion tbet if V the" everal municipalities pay an "their" rates it will not be necessary in borrow y sum until about May or J uue lat; $10 To 0. R. A. The Finance Committee recommend- ed that a grant of 310 be made to the Ontario Rie Association whose ob- . jects are believed to be for the general good.--Adopted. 9 MONEY DUE HIGH scHooLs. The Committee on E iucution report- ed that they hove had before them nancial statements duly audited from the Bradford High School e.nd Barrie` Uullvglatle Institute Boards, and Your. Committee after careful `examination: nd that the County is indebted to the ' Bradfordschool in the, sum of $224 42 and to the Barrie Collegiate Institute? $858.69, which amounts your Cum- i mittee recommend to be paid.---Adopt~ ` ed. ' ' ` ENTRANCE EXAMINATION CENTRES. l The Education Committee recom- mended that Entrance Examinations be . held in the following places Auuteide of High School Diutricts:--Totteuham; Beeton, Allieton, C-nokatown, Anglia,` Saayner. Creemore, Elmvale,' Pene-` tanguiahene, Midland, Weubaueheneg Hillsdale and Churchill.-Adopted. GRANTS To HOSPITALS. The Fmance Committee recommend- ed that $250 each be granted to C01- lingwood Marine Hospital and Royal Victoria Hospital, Bzsrrie.--V-Adopted-. ENDons1_NG DEBENTURE8 "The Fmunce Committee reported as follows : ' V That Your Committee have con-| sidered the resolution of this Council respecting the xing of a limit of the _ endorsement by this County of deben- tures of local municipalities and have _ concluded that itwould besafe for the Countv to guarantee the debentures of ' any town or township municipality in this County` to an amount not exceed-T 'ing 25 per cent of the assessecl value of the localfqssessment as ssme`appesrs on last revised assessment roll .- Adopted. ' con. T0 es wmennu Mr maxim`. A report of the County `Pgtoperty Committee read as follows : A " A T Thiaitithej haive V considered carefully the manner in which the coal has. in T the past been delivered ett-he Gaol end: :Regietry oice, the parties `delivering I` "the coal weighing the some on if`-hail?` at the market eoel_epTind" own ecelea. which Your Comittee` consider a loose way of doing Ibnliuely} as no voucher is produced to how tliltf the weight is correct, Your ' Commit 5 tea. in order to do tIIqrII,:Iyg, 1i,:1,_yld"' method of doing hueineie ` 3 '` gest that in future ail ticate [be Vobteihedflfhom V` iEll,Ie'idfrco ui itig -Ill, her} and farms --- an thnt pm... as, -6 .___ _ -,., County in Tonawer t'o the f noun: or names`. I`Irou'IA'rId.x. Dr. Hunt, Ohairinan of the` Home of Refugn Committee preoontad the following oomplote raport bearing on H-ma,e..of Refuge mutton: K 9: ~ T CAPITAL nxrnxnnunn. ' - `4 Stock, team dud implements" . . . .8105!) 98 i,Pe1-manent improvements. .. . .. . . . 683 83 Repairs to building ind furniturm`. 475 10' ` That since the November session of ~thie Council, Your Oummmee have nndited and certied for payment the oooonnce for the quarter ending `Dec. 3131:, 1899 fn ecntement of the nine may be `seen in` the Book `now laid on the table .`..a amVi1ad% aac...;m of which are on le and infuy, be `seen by any iotpnyer in the` Treasurer's ofoe. A A ' The total amount mditd-_nn,d certi- eil for payment by Your Cfolhmittoe for the year 1899 was $6775_.30,_olnsoi ed as follow: : - T I ooeeo-cu'oen`ooeo'o$2l59- I . ovnnxwr uxrnnnrrunn. 0 Provisions .and [clothing . . . . . . ,. . 31852. 78 Druge.............;...... . . . . 11820 Book: and stationery... 24 38 Incidental . . . . . . 483 08- Fuel.......... ..., . . . . . 118379 Sending iumstel to Home .0 . . . . . . . . - 32 41 Salaries . . . . . . . . 60000 Wage: and hired labor . . . . . . . . . .; 320 87 ` ' Your Committee after examining the Q-Treasurer : hooks found the original cost of the,Houee and farm to be $40 599.44, to this amount add :` $2159 81, making a total cost _ of 842. `,759 25, which is the proper amount ` chargeable to capital invested in Land, House and Farm. 1m1.., .... ...... ..s4en5 49 From the latter sum lledcct $830.16` being amount of fuel and climbing on hand on Dec. 3101:. 1899; which leaves a balance of $3785.33, which. repie- aents yhe hotel cur:-ens expenditure for the year. A. n . A Your Committee further beg` to re- port that your Inspector remitted `dur- ing the year to the Treasurer $93.36, -which sum was received from the sale of" farmyproducts, lenvrng'on' hand on Dec. 31st, 1899, tarm products valued at $668. The average number of in mates tor the year with the Keener, Matroneand hired help added is 53. i`The cost per inmate per week forfood, ' clothing. and fuel for the past year has `been 80- cents. You will hear in ; mind that the cost for salaries, ' fuel, incidental expenses, etc , would not be `materially ,increased if the average `number of inmates were doubled` or ` trebled, thus if the average number of inmates were 106, the total cost in. |cluding'mterest on capital-would _be ilessthan $1.15 per week.-Adopted. The following accounts were recom- mended `to be paid: W Bell Telephone Co . . . . . . . . . .3 1 65 H. Coleman, Oooketown. . 4 69 J. Edwards, Post Oioe. . 1 50 L V Ball Planing Mill Co` . . . . .. ll 00` l E. Sevigny . . . . . 155 v J. H. .NeelandI . . . . . . . . . .5534 C. E. Hewson, Postage. . . . . 5 00 Dr. Hunt, Telephone . . . . .. 1 25 A. w. Beardsley. .... .. 11 05 i ' Dr. Dunn..o.... . . . . . . . . . .. 6'00 Registrar ot Simcoe . . . . . . . . 12 25 The followingkpayments were order- s`. to be made for Committee work in connection Wllb Roads and Bridged! - ow -- `A A R. H. Jupp, $9 ; C. E. Wright, $3 ; R. Thorpe, 86; D. M. Hnufvie, 86; G. W. Biuce, $6 ; P Ronan. $6 3 W. J_. Leat.he1'.dale,$3 ; J.'Whitea1dea, $3 ; -R. Graham, $15 ; .D. Qunnlagn, $5. ` COUNCILLOR -QUINLAN WILL GO. ,1 ,. B:-uce1-'-l:lummell-_-ThaLt. D. .Qu1nlan, Chairman of `Roads and Council to the next P'rovmo'ia-IA Minn/ici-V I Bridges, be Auppointed delogv.tpe_ from thia'_` pal Good Roads Conveution.`-_-Curried. l Jamieeon--Ronun--_That Mr. Hew- l aon_be instructed to_ procure for the J u'ne Session a copy of the Statutes Of. 1900 tor each member of this Council, also copies for the Clerk and Trea- surer. ` ' V . WANT`8l1'A'1lUTE LABOR ABOLISHED. Russ-Harvie-That. this Council is of theiopinion that the time has now; come when the eystem of `improving our toads by Statute labor, has passed`: land should be abolished '_and a more; ipracticable system established, Thee who Clerk be insuructetl ' to ask eI.vhe`:__ l heads of the di'er`ent.' municipalities ifiuf lung roomy 0 ring `this .'u;1a`terV 1...; "info Wit r6iPeti?e 0unoi1!iil"fif thibif Leda, `ooa%ope.-mgufszslaue; lSeliien.f,;o ;`l7'.`l"" ../vi. fa ,. . I munrasienaueu atation`ery...........A. n o c o n ocpooo-ounce nteI,t'oHome.0........- 3241 hired 3 .3 Uookatowng, . oat MillUo- ia.........A...-5534 , Postage... 500 alephone 25 ley.-....' . . . . 1105 I00 imcoe........ to comm? we wlllingnniof uuouuaian people to and to` thofnllent of their powerund resonroeiin the war now pending in Sunth Africa. V % I _ V: ' v.'..vr r_s r ,.' ' :` r'1`hat-a~. copy` of" the foregoing _ resolu- tion `under ._.the Corporate aeal of the County and aigned by-the Warden` and Clerk` be Tbrthwith` foriarded to the Canadian Government. ' $150 enaxr nisoonrmnnn. a Hunt-Graham-V -That the grant of `$150 `per annum "given the Gaoler in lu-uof `residence be discontinued after the 3lat ofJanu;a_r_v l900_.-Cari-ied. _ COUNTY BOARD OF EXAIIINEBS. The Committee on Education report ed that they had conaidered the several applications for appointment on County Board of Examiners, and as Your Com`- mittee cannot agree, would recommend that we go into Committee of the Whole for the purpose of appointing said Examiners `and submit the accom- panying by-lawto carry out the wishes of ` the Committee of the Whole. Atier discussing the matter in com- mittee it was agreed on majority vote that the following gentlemen compose the Board :-Inepeotor` Morgan, Mc- Kee, Day and Mccaig. Geo. E. Rogers, Orillia, and T. E. Lanqford, Totuen-V ` Upon the report-being presented in Council it was moved . In amendment that the name of W. Sunrke of Allie ton be substituted for T. E. Lnngford. The amendment was lost on the follow- `T-_- l'!-..I...-n an.-- nanvln ham; IV-6 VUUU Yea.a--`Graham, Hevon, Harvla, L-mherdsle, -Murphy, vTho_rpe, White; aide.-7.` T uwlgayn;-Bruce, Hunt, .Hammell, J npp, Jnmieson, Quinlan, Ross, Wright. e No munan nus Ymm. The Roads snd Bridges Committee reported that s n wooden bridge over Wye River would cost $1,250 and 3 steel bridge with" stone abntments $2,200. As the present bridge with very little repairing will be suioient for at lesatsnother rear, the Commit- tee reoommended that no action be taken at the present sessron.-Adopted. T were appointed 9. committee to make enquiries and obtain estimates of the cost of building a new bridge over the North River, and of repairing the pre- sent swing bridge or of converting it into a new one. . ' Counoillor; Leatherdale and Ha-mirie` The Home of Refuge Committee are empowered to speed" 8150 in improving the ditches and water courses along the road in front of House of Refuge farm, thus disposing of is small. stream cross- ing the road. 4 Ann ware Store, 1