Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 1 Feb 1900, p. 9

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uv-- cu ----`w___- __.. . The first of a series of parlor sooials was given by Mrs. Dyer and Miss Malay at the residence of Mr. 5. Dyer on Thursday eve. ` of last week. Al- though the weather was unfavorable it. was a decided suoceas, $12.60 ' being realized. The proceeds will" go to aid AL _ _ ._ .L.__.I. 1.-....` ll`l... .....,a. A4` 4,}... l UIl|IU|lo -LII!) III vuvvuu vv In. the new. church fund, `The ngt :1` :33 series will be given by Mrs. A. Eden lend Mrs. J. Shrigleyao the home of the. ester. ' . I A . ' Guthi-ie. ? Advance Correspondence; Mrs; Joe. Johnston has returned home from Orillin. .-xv; Mr`. Mur'l:imIhnter has recovered from his recent illness. ` Mr. Tecvkviihee retureed home from Lindsay where he was attending the funeral of his mother. We wonlii inks to have 9. good black- smith come to our shop ale 3 lot of our farmers want. their lgoraea shod. ' :1`: vv vwuu nvw -----v-_ Advance Correspondence. Hazleconrc, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buycroft, `was the scene of another brilliant gathering on Tuesday `of last week. V V A nutnberf "of young folks spent a very enjuyable time one night last week nu Alf. Cu-ecadden'e. and Mrs. Roht. Brown. of Mid- land, are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. W. F. Oarscadden, Guthrie. Mrs. James Brown is progressing favorably in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, where she has bee undergoing an operation. ` -"D71-r::n_i"D?l-IVsTo7 Stanley spent Sunday with I. Joe. Edwards, Dalston. Wallwin spent last week in l Beeton where he attended she marriage of his sister to Mr. R. Lilly, of Dauphin. lw Atelephone reached this village on Thursday lest. Mr. R. Obantler and Mr. W. Bayorofo are also hevmg it connected wnh their residences. 1 ll Dr. Wm. Savage, of Guelph, occu- pied the Methodist pulpit loot. Sabbath morning. Although In his 83rd year he in still 0. forcible speaker end is well known in this neighborhood as the brother of apformer pastor here. A number of friends of Joseph Giiroy and his mother, Mrs. Gilroy. me: at their home on Monday night and presented` them with a gold watch end on easy chair respectfully, prior to their leaving" the neighborhood. An oyster supper was one of the events of the evening. ` ` Thornton. Advauch Conupoildence. Mr. J. McLeab, of Dauphin, Mn., `in spending; few weeks with trianda I.--- here. -"_A" alelgh load of young people went to Barrio on the carnival on Monday night, Masher J '. Stewart. winning the two mile race. - Owing to the quarterly services tor the circuit being held in Cookafown neit Sunday at 10.30 a.m., there will < be no eervioe in the Methodist church here in the morning. `Missionary ner- 3 vioein the evening. ` ' - As s sleigh load of Thornton boys were going to the osrnivel in Allandsle on Thursday night of has `week, In going down a hill south of Allandale the sleigh slid to one `side on the ice and Mentor Ed. Ayerst, thinking it vise going to upset, jumped out : he fell on the tee thus breaking his knee cup. The boys. drove to Barrie to have `the leg nl'.:ended'lto. V 7 Mr. Thou. Parr, of Allendale, has moved to Oolwell to the house {ox-m`erlv_ occupied by Mr. Wm. Qlooghley. . . .A ' Mr. Kenna. of Suult. S18. Mane 18 visiting his aunt, Mrs.` 01" -`ughley, and other friends he:e...+. .`While Mr; E. `Worisnop. Wes, -watering his cumlu on F_1-idaly `last, he. fell on the ioereoeiving `ef_evered.`c_n' ooji the temple `which _ rejoder'eVd: j bin)` t penlhible `for IV hhorb ' fJiiIiieIp' and; {son = new`, V Advise: Correspondence. Newton Robinson Dyment & 00.. of Barrie . . . .In school section No. 7, Grenfel, the west end ratepayers, promoters of the scheme to movepthe school house from the present site, showed their-loyalty by every man voting at the poll held at the `said place on Monday, Jan. 29 ; only two of the opposite pm-ty voted, as the motion they voted on was not as the one advertised. It now goes before arbitrators Montgomery, of Barrie, for the west ends and T. Young, of Dalston, for the opposite party. V i Wyebrldge. Advance Correspondence. A deputation from theounty Coun- cil in session at Barrie, visited us Tues- day in the matter of a new bridge across river Wye. .The community was shocked "on learning of Mr. Hor- rell s sudden demise in Barrie. _ A number -from here attended the funeral on Sunduv....Miss Tweed, of Elm vale is visiting Miss Hollister. . . .Mr.` and Mrs. F. H.` Tower and Master D. Crossman, of Wilson, '_N.Y., are guests at N. McRae s. . . .Mr. Mel-Iouell is still in the Hospital .in Toronto. Recent reports say he is improving. . . . Miss Nellie McHouell went to Toron to on Saturday to intend college. . . . Mr. Robins is busy stocking up with l logs and shlnile bolts. ` Wyevele. Advance Correspondence. Our friend, Mrs. Parr, has been spending as few days under the parental roof . . . . Misses Fleming and McDonald visited. the latter s sister at Orr Luke last Thursday . . . .On Tuesday, 23rd, at , number of our young people spent a most enjovable time at the homedof Mr. and Mrs. Gaston . . . . A number of our young people, were entertained last Saturday, evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott. .The Preshy-' terisns are holding a week of prover, services `conducted lby the pastor, Mr." Eddington . .Mr. John Hsrnnnxhss returned from-Manitoba . . . .The pupils of ` our school sent'MrI _ "Fisher, th~~ir former teacher a `peirwof for gauntlet. -Mr. Fisher in `now in MB:-soebridge. Advanee`Conespt::ndence. Geo Moofe sold his team of horses to Mr.` Dymene A_1aat"`week.....Miaa Hunt", `of Beeton vicinity, is main- " E.0Wal`d 8.... 0 o 0 0 MI`. Alvin Jqhnaton, ; 9f Mineoing visited Mr} ,yI]a6n' _ldat wek. . ...Mr. and -- " ' 41:; .__I 11;. 1')....l.. Lll.l'. If IIIIUII u:-cu wv .. ...... Mrs. T. Part and Mr. `and `R-ask," of Allandule, visited Mr. Jon. Hock- 7'ridge, .rec;dntly.; Mr. Hock:-idge A re- .un-ne_d_ Hf ;-orrn _l:3 v_'im- near Walkertou. , I ,2_.._--_ _...._.I._ 41.] cltruru IKIQIIJ IIIU Vllznv uvwn . ; . . Robb. Dobsou'a sixteen [baby was buriedin who cometary hero ` , .las,t Thursglsy. . . . _r.- Mnhull V .5 %`TL_`. .""%'f1.`PY%" %'},.s%":'% 3`-"!**'- ' W": >1-.5 DIG on rlcu. ti true.w . Anticipatingthe advaricee in all lines, oods, we bought largely at an early date and are thus enabled to give to our c'us the closest possibleprices, in many insta c e everything in nd Dry Goods at lower than the wholesale houses are / asking to-day. |n*1por1:edC-oods for Spring Dress Tweeds. ` These goods cannot possibly be duplicated, so do not delay until the best` are gone. VAIR, VICKERS & c9., Plaids -A an. _' .. : specials` : AllW3lSe1fge; Black and Navy, worth 450., only 350. Self Stripe, worth 60c., only 45c. Fine and Wiry, only 50c. 1|, II II Succssws to Geo. Reedy. 2 First Shiprhent of coun- It is an old adage `V"1"o be forwarnedis to be forearmed, but nevertheless BIITTINE PRIIJES iere is the Biggc Danford Roche & Cofs hams Gash. llecti 4 0f Plaids. Best Quality and Choicest 1y 50 c ts. 1 PHONE '74.-- EVERYTHING MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES- for easy "tations..- f0l'k. They hvn to the. Lune above, hd acro=g 9d,; ffhey xterest in4 new ideas. Having _ just nished Ting stq :. To SQE MONEY.. . . . VVJJU Jon- is louding_ ve. :1 few; Direct Importers. 56 Dunlop Street. ..AT.... lloxl lloono Barrio"L|lolel. gd doll; s, and to do $30 T. DISCOUNT ...-_,_- squared red, one is formed 1 as heap is ndephants 1 he `oi her :yfget,the feat even-; `9-3--Inn ernment tl y satisf: Vite! e ,n1ost_e`n- -L 011 a long ; hntclllucnco ' mght V ' ii A '8 31 ~L':vv ju(lge pt Tovi nu .aJLa\.au_ 1resh_ 1`ot._`_ Isa-J has |'_. __ IN Men s and Boys Warm Felt Boof Here is a chanceto secure good seasonable ffoo.tweari at greatly reduced prices. We have no other reason for making these special prices than to make a quicksale of every pair in this list The Lumbermen s `Rubbers are the "Maltese.Cross brand, guaranteed rst quality and at the prices, they discount the best values ever shown in Rubbers. 1 a ' l Men s $1.65 2-buckle Black F311; Beets, leather faxed,` sizes 6 to 11, special - - p - -r Men s pure gum, 1-buckle Ankle Rubbers, high cut, Maltese Cross brand, regular list price $1.85, %spec l Men s heavy !-buckle Rubbers, low cut, regular list price $1 35, special - - - ; - M'en s heavy Knit Stockings,_ sizes 6. to 12.} only - Men s pure gum 2-buckle Rubbers. MalteseCross brand a . , . _-1J-_.-....-".`..`-- Q`) in n n A A I n m u I an % mules *6-qui red 10 7 jsmall mulgf ` tough and ; than tag? i to disease, untry have hzve not; seem." to"? xrouble in! e :Jh.pvmentj lMen s Long Felt Boots, half foxed, warm and com#- T 1 fortable. sizes 6 to`12, regularprice $2, special - SI 80 Boys heavy Guin Rubbers, 1-buckle, Maltese Cross brand, extra heavy sole, sizes 2 to 6.`regular list price $1.15, special - c - p -, p -, Boys extra heavy Knit Stockings, sold allseasone for 50c,- special , - - -T - . - Boys 0. 1 quality Oil '1`an Lace Moccasins, special pr1ce_ - .. y - ,- i - _. g y - Boys 1-buckle Heavy Rubber, sold regularly for 75c., sizes 2 to 5, special - - - `- `;o7a`r;g;i;ri,"e;,'r'fiai;,;;,;:;i;;.:;.;g : : Men s Oil Tan Laces Moccasins, warranted very best quality, sizes 6' to 12 . - v - - _ - New Lowell. Advance Correspondence. Mr. Joseph `Lawrence, of Manit6ba,. a spending a few weeks with his broth- r Harry. ' We invite you to see these values. If you do, yeu re sure to buy. . The quantities in these lines are limited. so come early before sizes are broken. - ' M. J. FRAWLEY, ears has represented the Maxwell 00., f St. Mary s, Ont-., in our village has - een promoted to the position of gener 1 agent for the eastern district and as taken up his abode in Hamilton. bile we are glad to know of tMr. r Laughlin s success we are ell sorry` 0 be forced to part with him end.Mrs. uughlin. We` all join in wislaiugl Mr. Thos. Laughlin who for several` hem both every success in their new Line. ' ' It is our sad duty to report the eath of an old and respected resident 1' Sunnidule, Mr. George Fernie. Mr ernie has lived in Sunnidele for the set thirty-ve years, but owing tore- erse circumstances was `forced to go to he House of Refuge_;'_.t lleetcn about hree months ago. The event of `hrs, eutb is all the shore sad onacoonnt of re. Ferni'e u sickness who is now an nbste of the Collingwood Hospital. yyvs L`a\Ioav I-lsnv CID`! '7 V-I "" ;.'- ' . . ' "l R u .. u 1: ' nv may all =nrendme~vmh= E315. ena ro`9"oi'i'I-"Brew 19oo;oata1ocne- __-~-._..* --`g:-bun: ~4 ve invite lhe closest inspectien of our farm Imoleihcnts and-. Maciiggty which V ` t ' . '. __` 3 ' .. = ` 1,:=ac.`1,?`;no$, 173%: above we .ca._Il special attention t_o our N07; pper Front-cut Mower, also gal : pa_tev5I>,rIn md `Pike 99' . "W9 . V mp Rake ~, will amplv Intcnl-`P|'h'|,!" ` `'9' `'-`"`'* hi. _'~P`.. , ._ pm. Sand for our New 1900 `O&1'o81OCU.9.` e A . V ". . ;. Ex have had} I.-,y packed the vessel; .1 tion of thof Another lot 2 1 as tlmy uer died or number` 01 11.6 and in. f which they bu h..ayiest_ 1.1, which] 1' mules ati: de for the. ot escaped.` A an son` xii xhe nni.r hare, alter`. -_y-une days _: s P E c: If A L sAL E `**-'U$?`Z- uoxou New uumw I-min Au. mu. me: u `rE0. and Lumbermen s Rubbers. *1 `* Noxou No.13 szcuoual. smuc 709701 cuLfIVAtoQ BARRIE S LARGEST SHOE STORE. JV UW Lvvu unwuv v THE N<,>xoI"~i'_ 'oo,.L'tq;.dungerson. A t; BOYS DEPARTMENT. American t to South 0 Texcepn. went to" (ion of re. 1. it offer-. getic and found the- d no pros. ok advan-' l.heTBrit- Eight back animously j My treated ~ `.i.:ient andj jug worked 3' | {.`.nnnrnJ Deceased was interred in the Preaby-, terian Cemeteryhere on _ Friday 3 the funeral services were obnduoted by Rev. J. Leiehman. I _ Mr. Will _Selw_ood; of To;-ontio, was visiting his sister, Mrs. J ohnston, last week. ` Mr. Duff an elder of Presbyterian church, Uookotowh, Otfcupied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday. _ l E. T.` MoCouke_v has taken `up a` big concmct for cutting `wood for Mr.` R. H. Webb, of Barrie. ' ' v K V number of friends of Mr. Sam. Brainy gathered at his residence on '1`uesdey night and spent a very enjoy able evening. . . f\.I "IL is-being circulated by 8th tLine people, praying that .; `echool house be granted by the Council to be `erected at corner of eiuhth Line and Peneteng Road.` We think it is agein- et the interest of our school to have one erected, however it ie inconvenient uoxou nlse maowl u.~1- mathe- y to count ml oft any I` ndalay, in` forests of vernment The only Disc Hun-ow that has adiustable pressureaprinus. This feature is invalu able on hard or uneven rgrouncl ' New sectional `s.;.;.:1.` 1-imm. LUIIIVHIUL . (tted with grain andargmss {sowing attachments if with reversible points, eleo thistle cutters if ordered. 2 - ` . kfha lightest draft. bet workin and most easily operated cultivator manu actured. n, _.__I. .1:_._-n-_ .._.`I.... LI... ....l.. ....I oxonhw-ills ' $1121: . Drills gre `so wen ' "that they speak for L a now over 60.000 in The Universal Favorite `e".Zt1"JS1}'a};'ci}'En{i;; >xZ1(1-:l(ei anti `thin the wheel line. V V ` V ' Nuxon Ieul. CVO- . finished hey never .'1Auired for sigh it in _ tkuo New Burma; hid, Advance correspondence. _ CELEBRATED (OUT-THROW.) Cultivator. srmmn noosmn , and _ Spring TPresaureV A27 ' o. 14 Oxford `mg and Ratchet - Andnnn AIL` 53 `T- theit re. uri ias, but _ rrp |`Jl\rv\4| I- O0 40 I EOI In Ina IKCKCIICI E3; orders `also;-M 90 40! 50 us: us), Ll\ly_ of some tea 18 now, h.: inlexiot, render it_ American slhpped to.` the BriLi;-sh: A__-_.l_ I`,;. ..i..a sm~ `ism? lion" homo; _ _ T ` gum: nan --_vg-u- V, Nq Yeti, sud `MM M; Joliuat6n,' of 'Toronto,"hnv'o `been visiting their brothr, Mr. E. B. Johnston here. v -u--v.y-' -v-v- 7 Mxfllsrtin idvhauling brick` to ma Vhonle. M`r`.Ohantler's brick are going Toomilpg in I single dy._ . out rapidly as many as twenty teams I A Q`! ,2_.L-_. '71:; vllsptist. Mihister of Orillis and Rev. Mr. Ding`Ins.n ex- changed pulpits on lsnndsy. Mrs. Dinamsli gave a. solo in faultless style on Sunday night in the Baptist church. Mina AIWBJI: .;.~'6;.;.;.{. Hill, iuhe i guest. of Miss M. Malay. ' 3 S- __.A`._2;_.. ` Mr. James Lougigea in auering from an attack of thofgbip. _.. _ .. ._>7` --Vii: I_{:wi1-Ic'Q_ua-y' i: ;pending a few days with her aunt,` Mina Brooks." W `Mr. and Mrs. J.'"Oline were renew- ing acquaintances here last week. . an 'I\ I..Il _*__ I` I`---- w.L{i'u`;"C*3:-I'{:::vl;iin"and Min: 0 Green- wood, of Barrie, visited M. Dyer lust` week. - Mr. Herbert` Fieldhouae, of the Crow : Neat Branch of the 0. P. R , is visiting with`Mra. A.` West. - wunsuu ,-L* i Govern: 3 pence _ for,-_-L; 1 Amerlcan . '1 hem. ' T`

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